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The beta-VLDL receptor pathway of murine P388D1 macrophages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Very low density lipoproteins Sf 100-400 (VLDL1) from hypertriglyceridemic (HTG) subjects and chylomicrons cause receptor-mediated lipid engorgement in unstimulated macrophages in vitro via the beta-VLDL receptor pathway. We now report that the murine macrophage P388D1 cell line possesses the characteristics of the beta-VLDL receptor pathway observed previously in freshly isolated resident murine peritoneal macrophages or human monocyte-macrophages. HTG-VLDL1 isolated from the plasma of subjects with hypertriglyceridemia types 3, 4, and 5 interact with P388D1 macrophages in a high-affinity, curvilinear manner. beta-VLDL, HTG-VLDL1, chylomicrons, and thrombin-treated HTG-VLDL1 (which do not bind to the LDL receptor) compete efficiently and similarly for the uptake and degradation of HTG-VLDL1. LDL and acetyl LDL do not compete, indicating that uptake of HTG-VLDL1 is via neither the LDL receptor nor the acetyl LDL receptor. Binding of thrombin-treated HTG-VLDL1 to the beta-VLDL receptor indicates that the thrombin-accessible apoE, which is absolutely required for interaction of HTG-VLDL Sf greater than 60 with the LDL receptor, is not required for binding to the beta-VLDL receptor. The uptake and degradation of 125I-labeled HTG-VLDL1 is suppressed up to 80-90% by preincubation of the cells with sterols, acetyl LDL, or beta-VLDL, indicating that this process is not via the irrepressible chylomicron remnant (apoE) receptor. Chylomicrons, HTG-VLDL1, and thrombin-treated HTG-VLDL1-but not normal VLDL1, beta-VLDL, LDL, or acetyl LDL-produce massive triglyceride accumulation (10-20-fold mass increases in 4 hr) in P388D1 macrophages.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF) binding and metabolism by eight murine and human cell lines was analyzed. Only the murine P388D1 macrophage line had specific, high affinity PAF binding sites. PAF binding reached saturation within 10 min at room temperature and was irreversible. Minimal PAF metabolism was observed at the time binding saturation was achieved. Scatchard analysis of PAF binding revealed a single class of PAF receptors (7872 +/- 1310/cell) which had a dissociation constant of 0.08 +/- 0.01 nM (mean +/- SEM, eta = 6). The dissociation constant was confirmed independently by quantifying the kinetics of initial specific PAF binding. PAF binding was stereospecific, required an sn-2 acetyl substituent, and was inhibited by structurally diverse PAF antagonists including kadsurenone, BN 52021, triazolam, and CV3988. The fact that the receptors are functionally active was shown by the observation that 1 to 100 pM PAF increased free intracellular calcium in P388D1 cells in a dose-related manner. These studies demonstrate that P388D1 macrophages have functional PAF receptors whose affinity and structural specificities are similar to PAF receptors in other cells. The availability of a stable cell line that binds but does not metabolize PAF will greatly facilitate studies of the PAF receptor.  相似文献   

Silica particles are toxic to primary cultures of macrophages or the P388D1 cell line in vitro. Loss of viability in these model systems is accompanied by depletion of ATP content within 3 to 6 hours. The mechanisms responsible for ATP depletion will be explored in this paper. After prelabeling for 1 hour with 3H-adenine, silica-treated cells released 60-80% of their labeled acid-soluble pool into the culture medium. This release did not occur after phagocytosis of nontoxic titanium dioxide particles and was specific for purines. ATP depletion was accompanied by purine catabolism: inosine, hypoxanthine, xanthine, and uric acid were detected in the culture medium using thin layer or high-performance liquid chromatography. The final xanthine oxidase step in purine catabolism generates reactive oxygen metabolites. Silica toxicity was not prevented by the xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol nor exogenous purines. It is concluded that adenine nucleotide depletion and purine catabolism are not solely responsible for irreversible injury in silica toxicity. It is hypothesized that purine catabolism and release from injured macrophages may lead to generation of reactive oxygen species, injury to surrounding tissue, and fibrosis.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death in Western societies. Atherosclerosis is a major cardiovascular related disorder that is responsible for 50% of all mortality in the United States. Several epidemiological studies suggest that consumption of a plant-based diet is associated with a decreased incidence of cardiovascular abnormalities. Phytosterols, especially beta-sitosterol, are plant sterols that have been shown to exert protective effects against cardiovascular diseases as well as many types of cancer. Monocyte/macrophage cells are involved with the inflammatory process. Accumulation of these cells in arteries is one of the initial events leading to atherosclerosis. Macrophages are capable of supplying the atherosclerotic vessel with substantial amounts of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins have been shown by numerous studies to play a key role in the atherosclerosis process. They can affect platelet aggregation, vasodilation or constriction of blood vessels, and the adherence of monocytes to the vessel walls. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of phytosterols on the release of PGE(2) and PGI(2) from lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated P388D(1)/MAB macrophage cells. P388D(1)/MAB cells were supplemented with 16 microM cholesterol, beta-sitosterol or campesterol using cyclodextrin as a vehicle. Phytosterol supplementation led to a significant decrease in cellular growth at various time points throughout a 7-day treatment period, especially after 3 days of treatment. Macrophages incorporated the supplemented phytosterols into their membranes which accounted for 26% of total membrane sterols. Cholesterol supplementation at 16 microM however, had no effect on membrane sterols. Supplementation with 16 microM concentration of beta-sitosterol or campesterol resulted in a significant inhibition of PGE(2) and PGI(2) release from macrophage cells as compared to the vehicle control. Of the two phytosterols, beta-sitosterol supplementation exhibited a greater inhibitory effect. PGE(2) release was decreased 68% by beta-sitosterol and 55% by campesterol, while cholesterol supplementation was not as effective, as it led to a 37% decrease. Similarly, release of PGI(2) from macrophages was inhibited 67% by beta-sitosterol and 52% by campesterol treatment, while enrichment of the cells with cholesterol, led to a 35% decrease in PGI(2) release. The decrease in prostaglandin release was not due to alteration in the expression of cPLA(2) and COX-2 enzymes which suggests that alterations in the activities of these enzymes may be responsible for the observed changes in prostaglandin release. It was concluded that phytosterol incorporation into macrophages may offer protection from atherosclerosis by reducing their prostaglandin release and thus slowing down the atheroma development.  相似文献   

Treatment of P388D1, a macrophage-like cell line, with staurosporine triggered apoptosis through the activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3. Unexpected effects of staurosporine on the induction of apoptosis were the activation of caspase-8, and an increase of the levels of TNF-α. The increased TNF-α levels led to activation of caspase-8 by an autocrine effect via the TNF receptor expressed by the P388D1 macrophages. In contrast, P388D1 macrophages that either had been exposed to UV light or treated with dexamethasone did not undergo apoptosis.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of zinc depletion on the susceptibility of Wistar rat low-density lipoproteins (LDL) to peroxidation and their uptake by macrophages, before and after in vitro oxidation. The rats were fed for 7 wk a Zn-adequate diet (100 ppm) ad libitum (AL), a Zn-deficient diet (0.2 ppm) ad libitum (ZD), or a Zn-adequate diet according to the pair-feeding method (PF). Zinc status was determined and, for each group, blood was pooled, and LDL were isolated and labeled with125Iodine. An aliquot of each LDL sample was oxidized using FeII 10 μM/ascorbate 250 μM. Oxidized and nonoxidized (native) LDL were incubated with P 388 D1 macrophages, and their rates of uptake and degradation by macrophages were measured. Before oxidation, LDL uptake and degradation were not modified by the diet, suggesting that Zn deficiency did not modify rat LDL in vivo. After oxidation, both LDL uptake and degradation were significantly enhanced in the three groups. Nevertheless, we did not observe a significant effect of Zn deficiency. This observation suggests that, in our experimental conditions, Zn deficiency did not modify LDL catabolism.  相似文献   

We have found that chitosan, a polysaccharide present in fungal cell walls, is able to activate macrophages for enhanced mobilization of arachidonic acid in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Studies aimed at identifying the intracellular effector(s) implicated in chitosan-induced arachidonate release revealed the involvement of the cytosolic Group IV phospholipase A2 (PLA2), as judged by the inhibitory effect of methyl arachidonoyl fluorophosphonate but not of bromoenol lactone. Interestingly, priming of the macrophages with lipopolysaccharide renders the cells more sensitive to a subsequent stimulation with chitosan, and this enhancement is totally blocked by the secretory PLA2 inhibitor 3-(3-acetamide)-1-benzyl-2-ethylindolyl-5-oxy-propanesulfonic acid (LY311727). Collectively, the results of this work establish chitosan as a novel macrophage-activating factor that elicits AA mobilization in P388D1 macrophages by a mechanism involving the participation of two distinct phospholipases A2.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester laden foam cells in atherosclerotic lesions derive, in part, from macrophages. Mobilization of stored cholesteryl esters involves hydrolysis by a neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolase. Incubation of intact P388D1 macrophages with dibutyryl cAMP in the presence of 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine resulted in a dose-dependent increase in neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolase activity of up to 50% (ED50 = 0.1 mM). Incubation with prostaglandin E1 in the presence of 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine also increased neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase activity by about 50%. In cell-free preparation, cAMP-dependent protein kinase caused about a 2-fold activation of the neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolase. Activation was blocked by protein kinase inhibitor. These data suggest that the P388D1 macrophage may be a useful model for studying the hormonal regulation of cholesteryl ester mobilization in macrophage-derived foam cells.  相似文献   

Murine P388D(1) macrophages exhibit a delayed prostaglandin biosynthetic response when exposed to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for prolonged periods of time that is dependent on induction of the genes coding for Group V secretory phospholipase A(2) and cyclooxygenase-2. We herein report that LPS-induced arachidonic acid (AA) metabolite release in P388D(1) macrophages is strongly attenuated by the P2X(7) purinergic receptor antagonists periodate-oxidized ATP and pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2', 4'-disulfonic acid, and this is accompanied by suppression of the expression of both Group V secretory phospholipase A(2) and cyclooxygenase-2. The effect appears to be specific for LPS, because the P2 purinergic receptor antagonists do not affect P388D(1) cell stimulation by other stimuli such as platelet-activating factor or the Ca(2+) ionophore A23187. Moreover, extracellular nucleotides are found to stimulate macrophage AA mobilization with a pharmacological profile that implicates the participation of the P2X(7) receptor and that is inhibited by periodate-oxidized ATP. Collectively these results demonstrate coupling of the P2X(7) receptor to the AA cascade in P388D(1) macrophages and implicate the participation of this type of receptor in LPS-induced AA mobilization.  相似文献   

Phorbol myristic acetate markedly stimulated LAF production by the murine macrophage cell line, P388D1. This effect was both time and concentration dependent. Other analogs, such as phorbol didecanoate and to a lesser extent, phorbol dibenzoate also enhanced LAF production, but the parent compound, phorbol, was inactive. The PMA induced supernatant LAF had a molecular weight of 16,000 daltons and exhibited charge heterogenity on DEAE cellulose. Since PMA is a small compound of defined structure which induces the production of large amounts of LAF it should be a useful tool with which to probe the biology and biochemistry of LAF.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet irradiation (UV) exposure may lead to the development of multiple immunologic defects. One such defect is a dysfunction of normal antigen-presenting cell (APC) activation of T lymphocytes after whole body or in vitro UV. Although the mechanism of this interaction is not clearly defined, several possibilities have been suggested. One proposal is that UV may inhibit or abrogate the APC IL 1 signal and thus prevent normal T cell activation. To investigate this possibility further, we examined the functional consequences of UV on murine peritoneal adherent cell (PAC) activation of a cloned antigen-specific T cell hybridoma (A2.2.E10). In agreement with previous reports, we found a marked UV-induced inhibition of PAC activation of A2.2.E10 after sublethal UV. To correlate this UV-APC dysfunction with UV alterations of IL 1 production, both the IL 1-producing murine macrophage cell line P388D1 and normal murine PAC were exposed to various amounts of in vitro UV and the 24-hr post-UV IL 1 activity production of these cells was determined. The results surprisingly indicated that certain amounts of sublethal UV may actually augment the production of IL 1 activity, by using a dose range that clearly inhibits antigen presentation. This UV-induced activity was cycloheximide-sensitive, suggesting that de novo protein synthesis rather than release from cells was responsible for the increased IL 1 activity. In addition, the UV-induced IL 1 activity had a m.w. of 14K, consistent with previous reports, and demonstrated pyrogen activity when tested in the rabbit pyrogen assay. Thus UV clearly inhibits normal APC function; however, this may not be due to abrogation of IL 1 production, but rather the result of UV toxicity for other complex events involved in antigen presentation.  相似文献   

P388D(1) macrophages prelabeled with [(3)H]arachidonic acid (AA) respond to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by mobilizing AA in a process that takes several hours and is mediated by the concerted actions of the group IV cytosolic phospholipase A(2) and the group V secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)). Here we show that when the LPS-activated cells are prelabeled with [(3)H]oleic acid (OA), they also mobilize and release OA to the extracellular medium. The time and concentration dependence of the LPS effect on OA release fully resemble those of the AA release. Experiments in which both AA and OA release are measured simultaneously indicate that AA is released 3 times more efficiently than OA. Importantly, LPS-stimulated OA release is strongly inhibited by the selective sPLA(2) inhibitors 3-(3-acetamide-1-benzyl-2-ethylindolyl-5-oxy)propane sulfonic acid and carboxymethylcellulose-linked phosphatidylethanolamine. The addition of exogenous recombinant sPLA(2) to the cells also triggers OA release. These data implicate a functionally active sPLA(2) as being essential for the cells to release OA upon stimulation with LPS. OA release is also inhibited by methyl arachidonyl fluorophosphonate but not by bromoenol lactone, indicating that the group IV cytosolic phospholipase A(2) is also involved in the process. Together, these data reveal that OA release occurs during stimulation of the P388D(1) macrophages by LPS and that the regulatory features of the OA release are strikingly similar to those previously found for the AA release.  相似文献   

Summary In a previous study glucocorticoids have been shown to depress the rate of fluid-phase endocytosis in a macrophage cell line, P388D1. This effect was observed when either fluorescein-labeled dextran or horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to measure endocytosis. In this report the relationship between cholesterol synthesis and endocytosis was examined in light of the ability of glucocorticoids to inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis. Two known inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis, ML-236B and 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OH), were compared with dexamethasone (dex) for the ability to suppress endocytosis in cells grown in media supplemented with either 10% whole or delipidized neonatal bovine serum (NBS). In 10% whole serum all inhibitors reduced the uptake of HRP after 12 h incubation. Dexamethasone (1 μM) suppressed endocytosis by 30% whereas 25-OH (2.5 μM) and ML-236B (11.6 μM) inhibited by 38 and 52%, respectively. Supplementation of the growth medium with mevalonolactone (3.4 mM) prevented the inhibition of endocytosis by ML-236B. In contrast, mevalonolactone supplementation did not prevent either dex or 25-OH from suppressing endocytosis. The same pattern of results was obtained when cultures were grown in delipidized NBS. After 4 h all inhibitors caused a decrease in amount of [14C]acetate incorporated into both nonsaponifiable lipids and digitonin precipitable sterols. Although dex inhibited cholesterol biosynthesis, total cellular cholesterol was unaffected by dex treatment after 24 h incubation. It is suggested that in addition to suppressing mevalonate synthesis, 25-OH, and by analogy dex, may act at some metabolic site(s) distal to the formation of mevalonate. This investigation was supported, in part, by a Public Health Service Research grant (CA-08315) from the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Phospholipase activities of the P388D1 macrophage-like cell line   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The murine macrophage (M phi) cell line, P388D1, was employed as a source of M phi phospholipases in order to characterize the enzymatic properties and subcellular localization of these enzymes because of their importance for prostaglandin biosynthesis. Phospholipase activity was assessed with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) as substrate. Phospholipases were characterized with respect to divalent cation dependence, pH optima, and localization in subcellular compartments using linear sucrose gradients. By these criteria a number of different phospholipases were identified. Most importantly, a single Ca2+-dependent activity with a pH optimum of 8.8 was identified in membrane-rich fractions (plasma membrane, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum) and could be clearly separated from the remaining activities, which are Ca2+ independent and exhibit pH optima of 7.5, 5.1, and 4.2. The phospholipases with acidic pH optima may be associated with subcellular components containing lysosomal enzymes and both phospholipase A1 and phospholipase A2 activities are observed. In contrast, the phospholipase activity with a pH optimum of 7.5 sediments with the cytosolic proteins and is inhibited by 5 mM Ca2+. No significant phospholipase C activity was detected in assays performed with or without added Ca2+ at pH's 4.2, 5.1, 7.5, or 8.8 using DPPC as substrate. However, the P388D1 cells do contain a lysophospholipase that is at least 20 times more active than the phospholipase A activities identified. Its presence must be taken into account in evaluating the positional specificities and properties of the macrophage phospholipases.  相似文献   

5-Aminosalicylate, which is considered to be the active moiety of sulfasalazine, is one of the most widely used agents for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. However, its mechanism of action is unclear. In this report, we provide evidence that the phospholipase D pathway is a target for this drug in macrophages. Activation of phospholipase D leads to the generation of important second messengers such as phosphatidic acid, lysophosphatidic acid and diacylglycerol, all of which can regulate cellular responses involved in inflammation. Murine peritoneal macrophages were labeled with [(3)H]myristate, incubated with various drugs, agonists, or inhibitors, and phospholipase D activity was assayed. 5-Aminosalicylate or sulfasalazine stimulated phospholipase D in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Chelation of extracellular Ca(2+) inhibited phospholipase D activation by either of these drugs whereas pretreatment of macrophages with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein had no effect. Downregulation of protein kinase C by prolonged incubation with phorbol ester completely blocked the activation of phospholipase D. Pertussis toxin decreased the activation of phospholipase D. The levels of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate increased by 260% after treatment of macrophages with 5-aminosalicylate. A phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C inhibitor U73122 blocked phospholipase D activation completely. Interestingly, long-term preincubation of the macrophages with a relatively low concentration of 5-aminosalicylate that did not stimulate phospholipase D activity by itself, potentiated the effect of phorbol ester-induced activation of phospholipase D. Taken together, these results show that 5-aminosalicylate activates phospholipase D via a pathway involving inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate generation, calcium fluxes, and Gi/Go. Although the mechanisms by which phospholipase D activation by 5-aminosalicylate or sulfasalazine might attenuate inflammatory responses in the intestine remain to be defined, these results highlight a novel potential mechanism of action for these drugs.  相似文献   

The nature of signals transmitted by two types of Fc gamma receptors (one specific for IgG2b and the other for IgG2a) present on the surface of a murine macrophage cell line (P388D1) was investigated. Specific binding of IgG2b (presented as EA2b) to cell surface Fc gamma 2br triggered the release of 3H-arachidonic acid and 3H-prostaglandins (PG) from P388D1 cells that were prelabeled with 3H-arachidonate. The release of 3H-arachidonic acid, which increased in a dose-dependent manner, was enhanced by exogenous Ca++ (1.25 mM) and was completely blocked by ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) (4 mM) or a phospholipase A2 inhibitor, p-bromophenacylbromide (7 microgram/ml). A cyclooxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin (9 microgram/ml), reduced the 3H-arachidonic acid release and completely blocked the conversion of arachidonate into PG. Cytochalasin D (1 microgram/ml), which inhibited the phagocytosis of immune complexes by 90% of P388D1 cells, did not affect the Fc gamma 2bR-triggered release of arachidonic acid. Specific binding of IgG2a (presented as EA2a) to cell surface Fc gamma 2aR did not trigger the release of either 3H-arachidonic acid or 3H-PG from P388D1 cells. Our data demonstrate a signal for the activation of the arachidonic acid metabolic cascade is transmitted by Fc gamma 2bR, but not by Fc gamma 2aR, on the surface of P388D1 cells, probably through the initial activation of the phospholipase A2 activity associated with Fc gamma 2bR.  相似文献   

Specific binding sites for (3H)-leukotriene D4 (LTD4) were identified on guinea-pig alveolar macrophages (GPAMs) using high specific activity (3H)-LTD4, in the presence or absence of unlabelled LTD4. The time required for (3H)-LTD4 binding to reach equilibrium was approximately 15 min at 0 degrees C. The binding was saturable, reversible and specific. The dissociation constant (Kd) and site density (Bmax) were found to be 2.33 +/- 0.38 nM and 560 +/- 48 fmol/10(6) cells, respectively, as determined from Scatchard analysis. In competition studies for the displacement of (3H)-LTD4 from binding sites, leukotrienes B4, C4, D4 and E4, and the peptidoleukotriene antagonist FPL-55712 revealed an order of potency of LTD4 (Ki 3.9 nM) greater than LTE4 (Ki 243.9 nM) greater than LTC4 (Ki 796.9 nM) greater than FPL-55712 (Ki 17.6 microM). Concentrations of LTB4 up to 10 microM did not displace the (3H)-LTD4 binding. Bioconversion of LTD4 by GPAMs, as determined by Reverse-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC), was less than 3% in 30 min incubation periods. It is concluded that these binding sites may be receptors for LTD4 on GPAMs. Since LTD4 is produced by GPAMs, it is postulated that endogenous LTD4 may modulate thromboxane synthesis and lung constriction.  相似文献   

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