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Human telomeres contain single-stranded 3' G-overhangs that function in telomere end protection and telomerase action. Previously we have demonstrated that multiple steps involving C-strand end resection, telomerase elongation and C-strand fill-in contribute to G-overhang generation in telomerase-positive cancer cells. However, how G-overhangs are generated in telomerase-negative human somatic cells is unknown. Here, we report that C-strand fill-in is present at lagging-strand telomeres in telomerase-negative human cells but not at leading-strand telomeres, suggesting that C-strand fill-in is independent of telomerase extension of G-strand. We further show that while cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) positively regulates C-strand fill-in, CDK1 unlikely regulates G-overhang generation at leading-strand telomeres. In addition, DNA polymerase α (Polα) association with telomeres is not altered upon CDK1 inhibition, suggesting that CDK1 does not control the loading of Polα to telomeres during fill-in. In summary, our results reveal that G-overhang generation at leading- and lagging-strand telomeres are regulated by distinct mechanisms in human cells.  相似文献   

Human telomeres contain single-stranded 3'' G-overhangs that function in telomere end protection and telomerase action. Previously we have demonstrated that multiple steps involving C-strand end resection, telomerase elongation and C-strand fill-in contribute to G-overhang generation in telomerase-positive cancer cells. However, how G-overhangs are generated in telomerase-negative human somatic cells is unknown. Here, we report that C-strand fill-in is present at lagging-strand telomeres in telomerase-negative human cells but not at leading-strand telomeres, suggesting that C-strand fill-in is independent of telomerase extension of G-strand. We further show that while cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) positively regulates C-strand fill-in, CDK1 unlikely regulates G-overhang generation at leading-strand telomeres. In addition, DNA polymerase α (Polα) association with telomeres is not altered upon CDK1 inhibition, suggesting that CDK1 does not control the loading of Polα to telomeres during fill-in. In summary, our results reveal that G-overhang generation at leading- and lagging-strand telomeres are regulated by distinct mechanisms in human cells.  相似文献   

Immortalized human cells are able to maintain their telomeres by telomerase or by a recombination-mediated DNA replication mechanism known as alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT). We showed previously that overexpression of Sp100 protein can suppress ALT and that this was associated with sequestration of the MRE11/RAD50/NBS1 (MRN) recombination protein complex by Sp100. In the present study, we determined whether MRN proteins are required for ALT activity. ALT cells were depleted of MRN proteins by small hairpin RNA-mediated knockdown, which was maintained for up to 100 population doublings. Knockdown of NBS1 had no effect on the level of RAD50 or MRE11, but knockdown of RAD50 also depleted cells of NBS1, and knockdown of MRE11 depleted cells of all three MRN proteins. Depletion of NBS1, with or without depletion of other members of the complex, resulted in inhibition of ALT-mediated telomere maintenance, as evidenced by decreased numbers of ALT-associated promyelocytic leukemia bodies and decreased telomere length. In some clones there was an initial period of rapid shortening followed by stabilization of telomere length, whereas in others there was continuous shortening at a rate within the reported range for normal human somatic cells lacking a telomere maintenance mechanism. In contrast, depletion of NBS1 in telomerase-positive cells did not result in telomere shortening. A recent study showed that NBS1 was required for the formation of extrachromosomal telomeric circles (Compton, S. A., Choi, J. H., Cesare, A. J., Ozgur, S., and Griffith, J. D. (2007) Cancer Res. 67, 1513-1519), also a marker for ALT. We conclude that the MRN complex, and especially NBS1, is required for the ALT mechanism.  相似文献   

Approximately 10% of cancers overall use alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) instead of telomerase to prevent telomere shortening, and ALT is especially common in astrocytomas and various types of sarcomas. The hallmarks of ALT in telomerase-negative cancer cells include a unique pattern of telomere length heterogeneity, rapid changes in individual telomere lengths, and the presence of ALT-associated promyelocytic leukemia bodies (APBs) containing telomeric DNA and proteins involved in telomere binding, DNA replication, and recombination. The ALT mechanism appears to involve recombination-mediated DNA replication, but the molecular details are largely unknown. In telomerase-null Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an analogous survivor mechanism is dependent on the RAD50 gene. We demonstrate here that overexpression of Sp100, a constituent of promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies, sequestered the MRE11, RAD50, and NBS1 recombination proteins away from APBs. This resulted in repression of the ALT mechanism, as evidenced by progressive telomere shortening at 121 bp per population doubling, a rate within the range found in telomerase-negative normal cells, suppression of rapid telomere length changes, and suppression of APB formation. Spontaneously generated C-terminally truncated Sp100 that did not sequester the MRE11, RAD50, and NBS1 proteins failed to inhibit ALT. These findings identify for the first time proteins that are required for the ALT mechanism.  相似文献   

Promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) comprise multiple regulatory factors and play crucial roles in the maintenance of cellular integrity, while unregulated activation of PML-NBs induces death and premature senescence. Hence, the function of PML-NBs must be directed properly; however, the mechanism that regulates PML-NBs remains unclear. In this paper, we show that PML-NBs are disintegrated by an AT-rich interaction domain family protein E2FBP1/hDril1 through specific desumoylation of promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) in vivo and in vitro. RNA interference-mediated downregulation of E2FBP1/hDril1 results in hyperplasis of PML-NBs and consequent commitment to PML-dependent premature senescence. Thus, the function of E2FBP1/hDril1 is required for maintenance of survival potential of the cells. Our data suggest a novel mechanism to govern cellular integrity through the modulation of nuclear depots.  相似文献   

In this study, the activity of nuclear phosphatidylinositol-specific phosholipase C (PI-PLC) was investigated in HL-60 cells blocked at G(2)/M phase by the addition of nocodazole, and released into medium as synchronously progressing cells. Two peaks of an increase in the nuclear PI-PLC activities were detected; an early peak reached a maximum at 1 h after release from the nocodazole block, and a second increase was detected at 8.5 h after the release. Immunoprecipitation studies indicated that the increase in the activity was due to the activation of the nuclear PI-PLC-beta(1). Western blot analysis demonstrated no changes in the level of both a and b splicing variants of PI-PLC-beta(1) in the nuclei of cells isolated at either 1 h or 8.5 h after the block. However, an increase in the serine-phosphorylation of PI-PLC-beta(1b) was detected in the nuclei of HL-60 cells isolated at 1 and 8.5 h after the block, and the presence of MEK-inhibitor PD98059 completely inhibited both the serine phosphorylation and the increase in the PI-PLC activities in vitro. The presence of PI-PLC inhibitor prevented the progression of HL-60 cells through the G(1) into S phase of the cell cycle. These results demonstrate that two peaks of nuclear PI-PLC activities, which are due to a PD98059-sensitive phosphorylation of nuclear PLC-beta(1b) on serine, occur at the G(2)/M and late G(1) phase and are necessary for the progression of the cells through the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Telomere maintenance is essential for continued cell proliferation. Although most cells accomplish this by activating telomerase, a subset of immortalized tumors and cell lines do so in a telomerase-independent manner, a process called alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT). DNA recombination has been shown to be involved in ALT, but the precise mechanisms remain unknown. A fraction of cells in a given ALT population contain a unique nuclear structure called APB (ALT-associated promyelocytic leukemia (PML) body), which is characterized by the presence of telomeric DNA in the PML body. Here we describe that hRad9, hHus1, and hRad1, which form a DNA clamp complex that is associated with DNA damage, as well as its clamp loader, hRad17, are constitutive components of APB. Phosphorylated histone H2AX (gamma-H2AX), a molecular marker of double-strand breaks (DSBs), also colocalizes with some APBs. The results suggest that telomeric DNAs at APBs are recognized as DSBs. PML staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses of mitotic ALT cells revealed that telomeric DNAs present at APBs are of both extrachromosomal and native telomere origins. Furthermore, we demonstrated that DNA synthesis occurs at APBs and is significantly inhibited by caffeine, an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinases. Taken together, we suggest that telomeric DNAs at APBs are recognized and processed as DSBs, leading to telomeric DNA synthesis and thereby contributing to telomere maintenance in ALT cells.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids inhibit cell proliferation by inducing cell cycle lengthening. In this report, we have analyzed, in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes, the involvement of p27Kip1 in this slowing of proliferation. Following dexamethasone (DXM) treatment, p27Kip1 expression and regulation varied differently with the level of lymphocyte stimulation. In quiescent cells, DXM inhibited p27Kip1 protein expression by decreasing its rate of synthesis, whereas its half-life and mRNA steady state remained constant. In contrast, in stimulated lymphocytes, DXM increased p27Kip1 expression by enhancing its mRNA steady state. This increase is not only a consequence of the DXM-induced interleukin 2 inhibition: we also found an increase in p27Kip1 mRNA stability that was not observed in quiescent lymphocytes. Cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) complexes immunoprecipitated with p27Kip1 are differentially modified by DXM addition: (a) G1 kinasic complexes (cyclin D/CDK4 or CDK6) associated with p27Kip1 are strongly decreased by DXM, (b) S-phase complexes (CDK2/cyclin E and A) remained stable or increased, and (c) the association of p27Kip1 with the phosphorylated forms of CDK1 is increased by DXM. In addition, CDK2 kinase activity was decreased in DXM-treated cells: we suggest that p27Kip1 might participate in inhibiting its catalytic activity. These results indicated that, in normal lymphoid cells, p27Kip1 may be involved in DXM antiproliferative effects. The increase of p27Kip1 expression and a decrease in G1 mitogenic factors, together with the redistribution of p27Kip1 to S/G2-M regulatory complexes, may explain the lengthening of G1 and S/G2 after DXM treatment in lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Expression of cyclins A, B1 and D1 in human breast cancer was analyzed using dual-parameter flow cytometry with simultaneous evaluation of the DNA content. The asynchronous MCF-7 breast adenocarcinoma cells were used to implement flow cytometry analysis and to analyze the cell cycle distribution of cyclins. The patterns of the cyclin expression were also analyzed in vivo in fresh tissue specimens of human breast carcinomas. The combined measurement of DNA and cyclins showed a higher cyclin expression in aneuploid (11.5 +/- 2.0%, 4.3 +/- 1.1%, and 19.5 +/- 3.4% positive cells for cyclins A, B, and D1, respectively) than in diploid carcinomas (3.9 +/- 1.2%, 1.1 +/- 0.4%, and 5.0 +/- 1.2% positive cells for cyclins A, B, and D1, respectively). A positive relationship was also found between cyclin A and D1 expression and H(3)-thymidine labeling index. In the in vitro model, the asynchronous growing MCF-7 cells showed a variable number of cells expressing cyclins in an unscheduled way, unrelated to the phase at which these cyclins are expressed in normal cells. A similar condition was also observed in tumors. In conclusion, the data showed a deregulated expression of cyclins in a transformed adenocarcinoma cell line and in breast tumors. Furthermore, overexpression of these proteins is related to the aneuploid and high proliferative activity of human mammary carcinomas.  相似文献   

DBcAMP reversibly arrests cultivated Cloudman melanoma cells in the late S and G2 phases of the cell cycle. This is supported by the measurement of DNA synthesis by autoradiography and measurement of cellular DNA by two methods--the diphenylamine reaction and microspectrophotometry of Feulgen stained cells. We also present evidence that (1) cell division is prevented if DBcAMP is added as late in the cycle as early S phase. (2) The inhibition of cell division does not appear to be caused by products of tyrosine oxidation. (3) The increase in cell size that occurs in the presence of DBcAMP reflects continued synthesis of protein in the absence of cell division.  相似文献   

Cells derived from patients with the human genetic disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) display many abnormalities, including telomere shortening, premature senescence, and defects in the activation of S phase and G(2)/M checkpoints in response to double-strand DNA breaks induced by ionizing radiation. We have previously demonstrated that one of the ATM substrates is Pin2/TRF1, a telomeric protein that binds the potent telomerase inhibitor PinX1, negatively regulates telomere elongation, and specifically affects mitotic progression. Following DNA damage, ATM phosphorylates Pin2/TRF1 and suppresses its ability to induce abortive mitosis and apoptosis (Kishi, S., Zhou, X. Z., Nakamura, N., Ziv, Y., Khoo, C., Hill, D. E., Shiloh, Y., and Lu, K. P. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 29282-29291). However, the functional importance of Pin2/TRF1 in mediating ATM-dependent regulation remains to be established. To address this question, we directly inhibited the function of endogenous Pin2/TRF1 in A-T cells by stable expression of two different dominant-negative Pin2/TRF1 mutants and then examined their effects on telomere length and DNA damage response. Both the Pin2/TRF1 mutants increased telomere length in A-T cells, as shown in other cells. Surprisingly, both the Pin2/TRF1 mutants reduced radiosensitivity and complemented the G(2)/M checkpoint defect without inhibiting Cdc2 activity in A-T cells. In contrast, neither of the Pin2/TRF1 mutants corrected the S phase checkpoint defect in the same cells. These results indicate that inhibition of Pin2/TRF1 in A-T cells is able to bypass the requirement for ATM in specifically restoring telomere shortening, the G(2)/M checkpoint defect, and radiosensitivity and demonstrate a critical role for Pin2/TRF1 in the ATM-dependent regulation of telomeres and DNA damage response.  相似文献   

I Gloger  G Arad    A Panet 《Journal of virology》1985,54(3):844-850
The replication of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MMuLV) in chronically infected mouse cells arrested at the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle by different procedures was investigated. MMuLV production was inhibited in glutamine- and isoleucine (Gln-Ile)-deprived G0/G1 cells. In contrast, butyric acid treatment, which efficiently arrested the cells at the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle, did not inhibit MMuLV production. Furthermore, the inhibition of MMuLV production caused by either Gln-Ile deprivation or by interferon (IFN) treatment was overcome by butyric acid treatment. Thus, the replication of MMuLV could be dissociated from cell proliferation. The inhibition of MMuLV production in Gln-Ile-deprived cell cultures was compared to the inhibitory effect of IFN, which is known to affect budding and release of the virus. Rates of MMuLV protein synthesis were not affected in both the IFN-treated and Gln-Ile-deprived cells. However, processing of the viral polyprotein Pre65gag into p30 was blocked in the Gln-Ile-deprived cells. Furthermore, whereas in IFN-treated cells, MMuLV accumulated on the cell surface and could be released upon treatment with trypsin, in Gln-Ile-deprived cells, no virions were released by such treatment. These results indicate that in cells arrested by Gln-Ile deprivation, MMuLV is inhibited at a posttranslation step. This step appears to precede the anti-MMuLV block induced by IFN.  相似文献   

In order to get a deeper understanding of the relationship between nucleolus structure and its function, the dynamic change and derivation of FC (fibrillar center) and DFC (dense fibrillar component) through interphase were investigated in HeLa cells synchronized at the ultrastructural level. The results showed that there was a process of FC and DFC derivation in the nucleolus of HeLa cells during interphase. In G1 phase there were a few big FCs in the nucleolus of the HeLa cell. In S phase DFC around the FC got thickened and the configuration of the DFC changed. A lot of tiny FCs were derived from parts of the thickened DFC. We called the FC and DFC formed in G1 phase as primary FC (pri-FC) and primary DFC (pri-DFC) and the FC and DFC derived from the thickened pri-DFC as secondary FC (sec-FC) and secondary DFC (sec-DFC). In G2 phase sec-FC and sec-DFC were gradually separated from pri-DFC and scattered evenly in the nucleolus. Few large pri-FCs coexisted with numerous tiny sec-FCs in the nucleolus of HeLa cells in G2 phase. Based on the results of our observation, we suggest here a model of the dynamic change and the process of derivation of FC and DFC through interphase.  相似文献   

A putative G1 cyclin gene, Antma;CycD1;1 (CycD1), from Antirrhinum majus is known to be expressed throughout the cell cycle in the meristem and other actively proliferating cells. To test its role in cell cycle progression, we examined the effect of CycD1 expression in the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cell suspension culture BY-2. Green fluorescent protein:CycD1 is located in the nucleus throughout interphase. Using epitope-tagged CycD1, we show that it interacts in vivo with CDKA, a cyclin dependent protein kinase that acts at both the G1/S and the G2/M boundaries. We examined the effect of induced expression at different stages of the cell cycle. Expression in G0 cells accelerated entry into both S-phase and mitosis, whereas expression during S-phase accelerated entry into mitosis. Consistent with acceleration of both transitions, the CycD1-associated cyclin dependent kinase can phosphorylate both histone H1 and Rb proteins. The expression of cyclinD1 led to the early activation of total CDK activity, consistent with accelerated cell cycle progression. Continuous expression of CycD1 led to moderate increases in growth rate. Therefore, in contrast with animal D cyclins, CycD1 can promote both G0/G1/S and S/G2/M progression. This indicates that D cyclin function may have diverged between plants and animals.  相似文献   

The major immediate-early (MIE) gene products of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) are nuclear phosphoproteins that are thought to play key roles in initiating lytic cycle gene regulation pathways. We have examined the intranuclear localization pattern of both the IE1 and IE2 proteins in virus-infected and DNA-transfected cells. When HCMV-infected human diploid fibroblast (HF) cells were stained with specific monoclonal antibodies, IE1 localized as a mixture of nuclear diffuse and punctate patterns at very early times (2 h) but changed to an exclusively nuclear diffuse pattern at later times. In contrast, IE2 was distributed predominantly in nuclear punctate structures continuously from 2 to at least 12 h after infection. These punctate structures resembled the preexisting PML-associated nuclear bodies (ND10 or PML oncogenic domains [PODs]) that are disrupted and dispersed by the IE110 protein as a very early event in herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. However, HCMV differed from HSV by leading instead to a change in both the PML and SP100 protein distribution from punctate bodies to uniform diffuse patterns, a process that was complete in 50% of the cells at 2 h and in 90% of the cells by 4 h after infection. Confocal double-label indirect immunofluorescence assay analysis confirmed that both IE1 and IE2 colocalized transiently with PML in punctate bodies at very early times after infection. In transient expression assays, introduction of IE1-encoding plasmid DNA alone into Vero or HF cells produced the typical total redistribution of PML into a uniform nuclear diffuse pattern together with the IE1 protein, whereas introduction of IE2-encoding plasmid DNA alone resulted in stable colocalization of the IE2 protein with PML in the PODs. A truncated mutant form of IE1 gave large nuclear aggregates and failed to redistribute PML, and similarly a deleted mutant form of IE2 failed to colocalize with the punctate PML bodies, confirming the specificity of these effects. Furthermore, both Vero and U373 cell lines constitutively expressing IE1 also showed total PML relocalization together with the IE1 protein into a nuclear diffuse pattern, although a very small percentage of the cells which failed to express IE1 reverted to a punctate PML pattern. Finally, the PML redistribution activity of IE1 and the direct association of IE2 with PML punctate bodies were both confirmed by infection with E1A-negative recombinant adenovirus vectors expressing either IE1 or IE2 alone. These results confirm that transient colocalization with and disruption of PML-associated nuclear bodies by IE1 and continuous targeting to PML-associated nuclear bodies by IE2 are intrinsic properties of these two MIE regulatory proteins, which we suggest may represent critical initial events for efficient lytic cycle infection by HCMV.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effects of polyamine starvation on cell cycle traverse of an arginase-deficient CHO cell variant (CHO-A7). These cells grow well in serum-free medium, provided that it contains ornithine or polyamines or both. In the absence of ornithine or polyamines or both, the CHO-A7 cells develop severe polyamine deficiency and, as a consequence, grow more slowly. When grown to a stationary phase in the presence of ornithine or putrescine or both, the CHO-A7 cells became arrested in G0/early G1. However, when starved for ornithine and polyamines, they accumulated in the S and G2 phases. Ornithine and polyamine starvation of CHO-A7 cells causes an increase in ornithine decarboxylase activity. When this increase was prevented by treatment with DL-alpha-difluoromethylornithine, an enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, growth was further suppressed, and a greater fraction of cells were found in the S and G2 phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

S Handeli  H Weintraub 《Cell》1992,71(4):599-611
The ts41 mutation of Chinese hamster cells was first isolated and characterized by Hirschberg and Marcus (1982) who showed that at nonpermissive temperature, cells accumulate up to 16C equivalents of DNA. Here we show that the mutation is recessive and at nonpermissive temperature, cells replicate their genome normally, but instead of going on into G2, M, and G1, they pass directly into a second S phase. Entry into a second S phase does not require serum nor is it inhibited by G2 checkpoints or mitotic inhibitors. Temperature-shift experiments suggest that the ts41 gene product participates in two functions in the cell cycle: entry into mitosis and inhibition of entry into S phase. The ts41 mutation seems to define a class of cell cycle mutant that couples the sequential events of DNA replication and mitosis.  相似文献   

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