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Numerical sex chromosome abnormalities were analyzed in sperm from four fathers of Turner syndrome patients of paternal origin to determine whether there was an increased frequency of sex chromosome aneuploidy and to elucidate whether meiotic malsegregation mechanisms could be involved in the origin of Turner syndrome. Determination of the parental origin of the single X chromosome (maternal in all four cases) and exclusion of X and Y mosaicism were carried out by polymerase chain reaction amplification of five X chromosome polymorphisms and three Y chromosome segments. A total of 45,299 sperm nuclei from Turner fathers and 85,423 sperm nuclei from eight control donors was analyzed by three-color fluorescence in situ hybridization. The four patients showed a significant increase in the percentages of XY sperm (mean 0.22%; range 0.20% to 0.22%) compared with control donors (mean 0.11%; range 0.06% to 0.18%). These results suggest that the four individuals have an increased frequency of nondisjunctional errors in meiosis I, resulting in the production of an increased proportion of XY spermatozoa and of sperm lacking a sex chromosome. Received: 24 November 1998 / Accepted: 2 February 1999  相似文献   

Acrocentric chromosome associations in man.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Heterogeneity among chromosomes was found to be a highly significant source of variation for association proportions, while culture, slide, and observer were negligible sources of variation for association proportions although important for numbers of associations. The consequences of these results for tests of group differences are discussed. It seems evident that each pair of acrocentric chromosomes has its own characteristic probability of entering into association. This is presumably a combination of the probability for each individual member of the pair, a proposition easily tested utilizing acrocentric chromosomes carrying polymorphisms which allow each member of the pair to be individually recognized. A mathematical theory for pairwise satellite association was developed and shown to fit observations on banded chromosomes. While we found very significant heterogeneity among individuals in the frequency with which different chromosomes entered into associations, there was no significant evidence for preferential association between any particular chromosomes, either heterologous or homologous. This finding in our material of apparently random associations between different chromosomes is contrary to claims made by other investigators and should be tested on other material. No correlation was found between the phenotype of the chromosome, as judged by cytogenetic polymorphisms, and its probability of association.  相似文献   

Different chromosome Y abnormalities in Turner syndrome.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 17-year-old phenotypically female girl was referred for evaluation because of short stature and primary amenorrhea. Cytogenetic analysis showed a mosaic 46,XY/45,X/47,XYY/46,X,idic(Yq)/47,XY,idic(Yq)/48,XXY,idic(Yq)/46,X,t(C;Y) karyotype. Conventional cytogenetic results were supplemented with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques to ensure a better characterization of abnormalities. By using FISH, a supernumerary marker chromosome derived from chromosome Y which could not be detected by conventional cytogenetics was revealed. Furthermore, additional abnormalities and their frequencies were highlighted by the application of DNA probes specific for X and Y chromosomes. Thus, FISH proved useful in determining low frequency cell lines which would need analysis of a large number of good quality metaphase spreads by conventional cytogenetic techniques: it helped in identifying the nature and the origin of unknown markers and rearrangements which have important implication in sexual differentiation and development of gonadal tumours.  相似文献   

Between April 1991 and December 1994, epidemiological studies detected a population with a high prevalence of Down syndrome in El Vallès, Spain. Parallel double studies were carried out to determine the parental and the meiotic origins of the trisomy 21, by use of DNA polymorphisms, and to establish the incidence of disomy 21 in the spermatozoa of the fathers of affected children, by use of multicolor FISH. Results show that the overall incidence of chromosome 21 disomy in the fathers of affected children was not significantly different from that in the control population (0.31% vs. 0.37%). However, analysis of individual data demonstrates that two cases (DP-4 and DP-5) with significant increases of disomy 21 (0. 75% and 0.78% vs. 0.37%) correspond to the fathers of the two individuals with Down syndrome of paternal origin. DP-5 also had a significant increase of sex-chromosome disomies (0.69% vs. 0.37%) and of diploid spermatozoa (1.13% vs. 0.24%).  相似文献   

In this report we describe and comment the high incidence of mental subnormality in a series of 21 Turner syndrome patients with ring chromosome X, diagnosed in Leuven in the period 1965-1989. In 7 of the 21 (one third) a varying degree of mental retardation, from borderline intelligence to severe mental retardation was found. In 4 of them (18.5%) mental retardation was moderate to severe.  相似文献   

Turner syndrome females (45,X) do not have mental retardation (MR), whereas some mosaic ring X Turner syndrome females, with 45,X/46,X,r(X), have severe MR. The MR is believed to be caused by a failure of X chromosome inactivation (XCI) of the small ring X chromosome, which leads to functional X disomy (FXD), To explore this hypothesis, we examined the proportion of FXD cells in the peripheral blood of four ring X Turner syndrome females with various levels of MR, using two newly developed XCI assays based on DNA methylation of X-linked genes. As a result, the two patients with extremely severe MR showed complete FXD patterns, whereas the remaining two patients with relatively milder MR showed partial FXD patterns. These results indicate that the proportion of FXD cells may be associated with the severity of MR in mosaic ring X Turner syndrome females, although this association should be confirmed by examining brain cells during development. One of the cases with severe MR and a complete FXD pattern neither lacked the XIST gene nor had uniparental X isodisomy, and we discuss the mechanism of the failure of XCI in this case.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from patients with Turner syndrome were irradiated with X-rays (200 rad) to determine the chromosomal aberration frequency in first-division metaphases. Five patients with 45,X karyotype; three 45,X/46,Xi(X)q mosaics; one 45,X/47,XXX mosaic and 9 female controls were studied. Patients with a 45,X karyotype exhibited a radioinduced chromosomal aberration frequency similar to controls (38.6 +/- 6.37 and 36.2 +/- 5.11 respectively; p = 0.42). In the mosaics, 45,X cells had a mean frequency of 38.75 +/- 2.16; 46,Xi(X)q cells a mean of 38 +/- 2.16 and the control group a rate of 36.25 +/- 4.32. No differences were observed between 45,X and 46,Xi(X)q cells (p = 0.50), 45,X and normal cells (p = 0.24) or 46,Xi(X)q and normal cells (p = 0.35). Apparently neither the X monosomy nor the Xq isochromosome influences the 'in vitro' X-ray-induced chromosomal damage in Turner syndrome lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Summary H-Y antigen was examined in six patients exhibiting the characteristic features of Turner syndrome. Five of the patients were of the karyotype 45,X, and one was a mosaic 45,X/46,Xi(Xq). H-Y antigen was detected in all of them, however, compared to male controls, their antigen titer was reduced. Within the intermediate range between female and male controls, considerable interindividual variation was detected among the patients which could be due at least in part to biological variation. The findings permit the inference that the H-Y structural gene is not Y-linked, and support the assumptions of an X-linked gene escaping inactivation and of it controlling the expression of the H-Y structural gene. It is probable that the structural gene itself is autosomal. The results also suggest that male gonadal differentiation is dependent on a threshold level of H-Y antigen concentration.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 46)  相似文献   

To study the possible role of cryptic mosaicism in phenotypical variations of 45,X Turner syndrome, we analyzed low-level mosaicism by methods based on the polymerase chain reaction. For the detection of Y-chromosome-derived fragments, we used three Y-specific primer pairs representing the centromere, Yp11.3, and Yq12. None of the 18 patients with 45,X had Y-derived chromosomes. For the detection of X chromosome mosaicism, we employed a novel modified HUMARA (human androgen receptor) assay, which proved to be a sensitive method with a detection limit as low as 1 in 960 cells. Using this assay, we detected low frequency cryptic X chromosome mosaicism in 2 of 18 cytogenetically 45,X patients. Received: 24 April 1996 / Revised: 19 August 1996  相似文献   

Genetic imprinting has been implicated in the etiology of two clinically distinct but cytogenetically indistinguishable disorders--Angelman syndrome (AS) and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). This hypothesis is derived from two lines of evidence. First, while the molecular extents of de novo cytogenetic deletions of chromosome 15q11q13 in AS and PWS patients are the same, the deletions originate from different parental chromosomes. In AS, the deletion occurs in the maternally inherited chromosome 15, while in PWS the deletion is found in the paternally inherited chromosome 15. The second line of evidence comes from the deletion of an abnormal parental contribution of 15q11q13 in PWS patients without a cytogenetic and molecular deletion. These patients have two maternal copies and no paternal copy of 15q11q13 (maternal uniparental disomy) instead of one copy from each parent. By qualitative hybridization with chromosome 15q11q13 specific DNA markers, we have now examined DNA samples from 10 AS patients (at least seven of which are familial cases) with no cytogenetic or molecular deletion of chromosome 15q11q13. Inheritance of one maternal copy and one paternal copy of 15q11q13 was observed in each family, suggesting that paternal uniparental disomy of 15q11q13 is not responsible for expression of the AS phenotype in these patients.  相似文献   

Uniparental disomy for chromosome 16 in humans.   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
The association between chromosomal mosaicism observed on chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and poor pregnancy outcome has been well documented. CVS mosaicism usually represents abnormal cell lines confined to the placenta and often involves chromosomal trisomy. Such confined placental mosaicism (CPM) may occur when there is complete dichotomy between a trisomic karyotype in the placenta and a normal diploid fetus or when both diploid and trisomic components are present within the placenta. Gestations involving pure or significant trisomy in placental lineages associated with a diploid fetal karyotype probably result from a trisomic zygote which has lost one copy of the trisomic chromosome in the embryonic progenitor cells during cleavage. Uniparental disomy would be expected to occur in one-third of such cases. Trisomy of chromosome 7, 9, 15, or 16 is most common among the gestations with these dichotomic CPMs. Nine pregnancies with trisomy 16 confined to the placenta were prenatally diagnosed. Pregnancy outcome, levels of trisomic cells in term placentas, and fetal uniparental disomy were studied. Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), low birthweight, or fetal death was observed in six of these pregnancies and correlated with high levels of trisomic cells in the term placentas. Four of the five cases of IUGR or fetal death showed fetal uniparental disomy for chromosome 16. One of the infants with maternal uniparental disomy 16 had a significant malformation (imperforate anus). All infants with normal intrauterine growth showed term placentas with low levels of trisomic cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Turner syndrome is a common genetic disorder associated with abnormalities of the X chromosome and occurs in about 50 per 100,000 liveborn girls. It is associated with reduced adult height, gonadal dysgenesis and thus insufficient circulating levels of female sex steroids and infertility. Morbidity and mortality are increased throughout the lifespan. The average intellectual performance is within the normal range. A number of recent clinical studies have given new insight particularly into the adult phase of Turner syndrome. Treatment with growth hormone during childhood and adolescence enables a considerable gain in adult height. In most cases puberty has to be induced and female sex hormone replacement therapy is given during adulthood. Type 2 diabetes is often seen, and hypertension and associated cardiovascular disorders are frequent. The proper treatments of these disorders have not been firmly established. Since the risk of cardiovascular and endocrinological disease is clearly elevated, proper care during adulthood is crucial. Cognition and social functioning are altered in Turner syndrome.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven 45 X Turner syndrome patients with confirmed peripheral blood lymphocyte karyotype were initially selected to determine the origin of the retained X chromosome and to correlate it with their parents' stature. Blood samples were available in 25 families. The parental origin of the X chromosome was determined in 24 informative families through the analysis of the exon 1-CAG repeat variation of the androgen receptor gene. In 70.8% of the cases, the retained X chromosome was maternal in origin and 29.2% was paternal. When we classified the patients according to maternal (Xm) or paternal (Xp) X chromosome, there was a positive correlation between patients' and maternal heights only in the Xm group. There was no correlation with paternal height in either group, and a significant correlation with target height was only observed in the Xm group. In conclusion, maternal height is the best variable correlating with the height of 45 X Turner syndrome patients who retain the maternal X chromosome, suggesting a strong influence of genes located on the maternal X chromosome on stature.  相似文献   

Summary In a patient with Shwachman syndrome, a high incidence of chromosome breakage was found. Chromosome studies done on three occasions on the patient's PHA-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes showed elevated frequencies of spontaneous chromosome aberrations compared with those in normal individuals. The patient's lymphocytes did not show increased sensitivity to mitomycin C.  相似文献   

Mice inheriting both copies of MMU12 either maternally or paternally demonstrate imprinting effects. Whereas maternal uniparental disomy 12 (matUPD12) fetuses are growth retarded and die perinatally, paternal UPD12 (patUPD12) fetuses die during late gestation and exhibit placentomegaly and skeletal muscle maturation defects. To examine further the developmental consequences of UPD12, we intercrossed mouse stocks heterozygous for Robertsonian translocation chromosomes (8.12) and (10.12). We report that at 13.5-14.5 dg patUPD12 hearts exhibit increased ventricular diameter, thinner, less compact myocardium, and deep intertrabecular recesses when compared to controls. These data provide evidence for cardiac failure, a lethal condition, and suggest a role for an imprinted gene(s) in normal heart development.  相似文献   

Summary Studying the blood picture of 11 patients with Martin-Bell syndrome, we found the erythrocytes relatively hyperchromic when compared to the data from 171 matched controls living in the same institution. Because mean corpuscular hemoglobin is increased also in patients with folic acid deficiency states, we feel that our data provide further evidence that Martin-Bell syndrome is an inherited disease of folate metabolism.The data were first presented at the 18th Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Anthropologie und Humangenetik, Münster/Westf., October 5–8, 1983  相似文献   

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