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The plasma levels of fibronectin (Fn) have been measured in normal subjects and in patients with thyroid diseases. The mean plasma Fn levels in 62 normal adults was 32.0 +/- 6.0 mg/dl, whereas it was elevated to 62.6 +/- 16.1 mg/dl (mean +/- SD) in 25 patients with hyperthyroidism and decreased to 19.2 +/- 8.0 mg/dl in 9 patients with hypothyroidism. The 9 patients with simple goiter have normal values of 29.1 +/- 8.0 mg/dl. With the administration of anti-thyroid drugs, plasma Fn levels normalized, with a time lag, in parallel with normalization of the thyroid function. Positive correlation was obtained between Fn levels and serum levels of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The present findings indicate that measurement of plasma Fn both in the basal state and during treatment provides evidence of altered Fn metabolism in thyroid diseases and serves to follow up the effect of treatment.  相似文献   

Role of fibronectin in the migration of fibroblasts into plasma clots   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The adhesion and migration of human diploid fibroblasts on plasma clots were measured. The role of plasma fibronectin was examined by depleting plasma of fibronectin before clotting. Fibronectin was not essential for cell adhesion and spreading, although rates were slightly slower on depleted clots. Rates of migration on the surface of clots were unaffected by fibronectin depletion. In contrast, fibronectin was an absolute requirement for migration of cells into plasma clots. Cells migrated rapidly into control clots but completely failed to penetrate the surface of fibronectin-depleted clots. The effect of depletion could only be reversed by adding fibronectin to depleted plasma before clotting. Adsorption of fibronectin after clotting failed to reverse the effect of depletion, suggesting that fibronectin had to be cross-linked by transglutaminase during the clotting process.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of hepatocyte-stimulating factor (HSF) and a glucocorticoid (dexamethasone) on changes in the levels, in vivo and in vitro, of plasma fibronectin (Fn), a glycoprotein that is synthesized and secreted by hepatocytes. In turpentine-treated chickens, plasma levels of Fn, which peaked at 48 h (whereas fibrinogen levels were maximum at 72 h) rose 200-250% over basal levels, whereas albumin levels decreased by 20-40%. Corticosterone levels in serum samples taken between 5 and 48 h after injection revealed a 124% increase in hormone levels at 24 h in turpentine-treated chickens. We also showed that circulating HSF levels were maximal 8 to 12 h after injection and that HSF activity, as assessed by molecular-exclusion chromatography, was eluted in the 30-45 kDa range. Addition of either serum-derived HSF or dexamethasone (2 nM) to chick hepatocyte cultures resulted in a 130-150% increase in secreted Fn as well as in fibrinogen. When HSF and dexamethasone were added together, a 360-489% increase in the secreted levels of both proteins was found. Chicken mononuclear phagocytic cells treated with lipopolysaccharide secreted an HSF activity that was eluted in two peaks, a minor peak at approximately 70 kDa and a major peak in the 25-40 kDa range. Addition of mononuclear-cell-derived HSF resulted in a greater increase in Fn levels than did the addition of serum HSF. These findings indicate that Fn, like fibrinogen, is an acute-phase protein, the production of which, at least in chickens, is stimulated by HSF and glucocorticoids in an additive manner.  相似文献   

In ovariectomized rats treated with estradiol benzoate the ICV introduction of PGE1, 11-deoxy-13,14-didehydro-16S-methyl-PGE2, PGI2 or 6 H-PGI1 produces a marked increase of the plasma prolactin levels. These results suggest that the PGs play a role in the regulation of the prolactin secretion.  相似文献   

In vivo studies with normal and adjuvant-induced arthritic rats were undertaken in order to measure the effects of glucocorticoids on paw inflammation and plasma fibronectin (Fn) levels. Dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, and corticosterone all enhanced plasma Fn levels in normal animals. All drugs also significantly decreased inflammation in arthritic rats as measured by paw swelling. Of the three glucocorticoids, only corticosterone did not significantly enhance Fn levels in arthritic rats, possibly due to its lesser potency and narrow therapeutic window.  相似文献   

Peptides containing fewer than 50 amino acids show little ordered structure under physiological conditions. In this paper it is shown that in the receptor environment, secondary structure could be induced in small peptides that involves 87% of all the amino acid residues. The statistical methods of Chou and Fasman are used to predict the conformation of 41 peptide hormones or neuromodulators in the proteinaceous environment of the receptor, and four distinct conformational groupings are elucidated. beta-bend, beta-structure and alpha-helical conformation are possible for distinct groups of linear peptides, and disulfide bridge containing peptides show a common beta-bend beta-structure conformation at the receptor. In the predicted receptor conformation, the peptides show hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains that must reflect the distribution of corresponding regions in the ligand-binding site of the receptor. The predicted ligand conformation should allow a more rational approach to interpreting existing structure activity studies and the design of new analogs of pharmacological interest.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to assess the influence of prostaglandins (viz. PGE1, PGE2 and PGF) on plasma concentrations of FSH and LH in the female rhesus monkey. Monkeys were ovariectomized and treated with estradiol benzoate to suppress endogenous gonadotropin levels prior to these experiments. Femoral venous blood was taken at intervals following a single carotid arterial injection of the PG in anesthetized monkeys. FSH and LH concentrations, determined by radioimmunoassay, were not significantly altered in 4 control animals receiving saline (2) or ethanol-saline (2), the vehicles for PGF and for the E series PGs, respectively. PGE1 (5mg) effected dramatic elevations of LH within 5 min in 3 animals and the high plasma concentrations were maintained at least for 60 min. Similarly, 5.0 mg of PGE2 effected rapid elevation of LH concentrations, from 2- to 7-fold pre-injection levels in 3 animals. In contrast, FSH levels were not so markedly altered by PGE1 and PGE2, but in general, appeared to be somewhat decreased by these treatments. PGF had no effect on plasma FSH and LH concentrations. These data demonstrate the ability of PGs of the E series to elevate plasma LH concentrations in the rhesus monkey and support studies in other species suggesting a modulating role for PGs on gonadotropin secretion or release.  相似文献   

One function of prostaglandins in semen may be suppression of an anti-sperm immune response.  相似文献   

Curli fibers of Escherichia coli mediate internalization of bacteria by eukaryotic cells. As curli fibers bind fibronectin with high affinity, the role of fibronectin in the uptake process was studied. The experiments presented here support the involvement of fibronectin in internalization of bacteria. Furthermore, a peptide containing the RGD motif, responsible for interaction of fibronectin with cellular integrins, can strongly inhibit curli-mediated internalization. The ability of curli fibers to bind fibronectin can therefore be linked to virulence.  相似文献   

Two factors must be present for primary avian tendon cells to commit 50% of their total protein production to procollagen: ascorbate and high cell density. Scorbutic primary avian tendon cells at high cell density (greater than 4 X 10(4) cells per cm2) responded to the addition of ascorbate by a sixfold increase in the rate of procollagen synthesis. The kinetics were biphasic, showing a slow increase during the first 12 h followed by a more rapid rise to a maximum after 36 to 48 h. In contrast, after ascorbate addition, the level of accumulated cytoplasmic procollagen mRNA (alpha 2) showed a 12-h lag followed by a slow linear increase requiring 60 to 72 h to reach full induction. At all stages of the induction process, the relative increase in the rate of procollagen synthesis over the uninduced state exceeded the relative increase in the accumulation of procollagen mRNA. A similar delay in mRNA induction was observed when the cells were grown in an ascorbate-containing medium but the cell density was allowed to increase. In all cases, the rate of procollagen synthesis peaked approximately 24 h before the maximum accumulation of procollagen mRNA. The kinetics for the increase in procollagen synthesis are not, therefore, in agreement with the simple model that mRNA levels are the rate-limiting factor in the collagen pathway. We propose that the primary control point is at a later step. Further support for this idea comes from inhibitor studies, using alpha, alpha'-dipyridyl to block ascorbate action. In the presence of 0.3 mM alpha, alpha'-dipyridyl there was a specific two- to threefold decrease in procollagen production after 4 h, but this was unaccompanied by a drop in procollagen mRNA levels. Therefore, inhibitor studies give further support to the idea that primary action of ascorbate is to release a post-translational block.  相似文献   

Subunit interactions in human plasma fibronectin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fibronectin molecule was split chemically into its two constituent chains (mol. wt. 220,000) by mild reduction with dithiothreitol. However, physical properties (molecular weight and diffusion coefficient from light scattering, and elution in gel exclusion chromatography) remained those of intact fibronectin, except (reversibly) in the presence of denaturants which also change the conformation of non-reduced fibronectin to a more open form. Similarly, during digestion of fibronectin by plasmin to fragments of molecular weight less than 200,000, the light scattering intensity drops to roughly half in 30% glycerol but not in the absence of glycerol. These results suggest that the compact conformation of native fibronectin is stabilized by specific noncovalent contacts between constituent chains.  相似文献   

Fibronectin is a large vertebrate glycoprotein that is found in soluble and insoluble forms and involved in diverse processes. Protomeric fibronectin is a dimer of subunits, each of which comprises 29–31 modules – 12 type I, two type II and 15–17 type III. Plasma fibronectin is secreted by hepatocytes and circulates in a compact conformation before it binds to cell surfaces, converts to an extended conformation and is assembled into fibronectin fibrils. Here we review biophysical and structural studies that have shed light on how plasma fibronectin transitions from the compact to the extended conformation. The three types of modules each have a well-organized secondary and tertiary structure as defined by NMR and crystallography and have been likened to “beads on a string”. There are flexible sequences in the N-terminal tail, between the fifth and sixth type I modules, between the first two and last two of the type III modules, and at the C-terminus. Several specific module–module interactions have been identified that likely maintain the compact quaternary structure of circulating fibronectin. The quaternary structure is perturbed in response to binding events, including binding of fibronectin to the surface of vertebrate cells for fibril assembly and to bacterial adhesins.  相似文献   

Plasma fibronectin levels increased significantly over time in MRL/l mice with progressive autoimmune disease. At 100 and 120 days of age both male and female MRL/l mice exhibited significantly higher fibronectin (Fn) levels than the more resistant MRL/l controls. Male mice at early time points had Fn levels no greater than controls due perhaps to the later onset of disease in MRL/l males. In contrast, female MRL/l mice, when compared with MRL/n controls, had higher Fn levels from 40 days of age. The proteinuria in these animals was also above MRL/n controls from the first time point taken (Day 40). In a temporal study with female MRL/l mice, Fn levels peaked at age 120 days and reflected the pattern of the survival curve, indicating that plasma Fn levels have an association with disease activity.  相似文献   

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