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The application of vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizaniodes) for phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils can be promoted by economic return through essential oil production. Four levels of lead (0, 500, 2000, and 8000 mg kg(-1) dry soil), copper (0, 100, 400, and 1600 mg kg(-1) dry soil) and zinc (0, 400, 1600, and 6400 mg kg(-1) dry soil) were used to study their effects on vetiver growth, essential oil composition and yield. This study also investigated the effect of nitrogen concentrations on vetiver oil yield. Vetiver accumulated high concentrations of Pb, Cu and Zn in roots (3246, 754 and 2666 mg kg(-1), respectively) and small amounts of contaminants in shoots (327, 55, and 642 mg kg(-1), respectively). Oil content and yield were not affected at low and moderate concentrations of Cu and Zn. Only the application of Pb had a significant detrimental effect on oil composition. Extraction of vetiver essential oils by hydrodistillation produced heavy metal free products. High level of nitrogen reduced oil yields. Results show that phytoremediation of Cu and Zn contaminated soils by vetiver can generate revenue from the commercialization of oil extracts.  相似文献   

Some species of macromycetes (mushrooms) consistently are found to contain high concentrations of toxic metals such as cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg), and consumption of wild-growing mushrooms is acknowledged as a significant source for Cd and Hg in humans. Yet little is known about the speciation of Cd and Hg in mushroom tissues. Here we present the first evidence of peptides of the phytochelatin family being responsible for binding a large fraction of Cd in caps of the macromycete Boletus edulis exposed to excess metals. Concentrations of Cd, Zn, Cu and Hg, as well as cytosolic Cd-binding capacity (CCBC), glutathione (GSH) and free proline (Pro) were quantified in fruiting bodies of B. edulis differentially exposed to a wide range of metals. Metal distribution among cytosolic compounds were investigated by size exclusion chromatography (SEC), followed by metal determinations with atomic absorption chromatography (AAS) and HR-ICP-MS. Cd-binding compounds in SEC elutates were investigated further by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). CCBC was >90 times higher in the exposed group relative to the reference group (Mann-Whitney's P < 0.001), whereas concentrations of free Pro were almost identical for the two groups. For the whole study selection, CCBC correlated positively with metal exposure (Spearman's P < 0.001 for all four metals), suggesting dose-dependent induction of Cd-binding compounds by exposure to these metals, possibly as a defense mechanism. The presence of phytochelatins (PCs), a family of cystein-rich oligopeptides, was confirmed in Cd-containing SEC fractions by HPLC-MS. The appearance of more complex PCs was coupled to declining concentrations of GSH. To our knowledge this is the first report demonstrating the presence of PCs in a macromycete.  相似文献   

Zhang Z  Gao X  Qiu B 《Phytochemistry》2008,69(4):911-918
Phytochelatins (PCs) are known to play an essential role in the heavy metal detoxification of some higher plants and fungi by chelating heavy metals. However, three recent papers reported that no PCs could be detected in the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance upon cadmium, lead or zinc treatment, respectively. In this paper, PC synthesis was assayed again in the mine population of S. alfredii with the help of reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), HPLC-mass spectrometry, and HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry. Our data showed that PC formation could be induced in the leaf, stem and root tissues of S. alfredii upon exposure to 400 microM cadmium, and only in the stem and root when exposed to 700 microM lead. However, no PCs were found in any part of S. alfredii when it was subjected to exposure to 1600 microM zinc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate effect of calcium on growth, survival, essential oil yield and chemical compositions of vetiver grass grown on lead contaminated soils. Calcium inform of CaCO3 (0, 2000, 4000, 6000 mg Ca kg(-1)) was added to river sand soils containing 4000 mg Pb kg(-1) dry soil. Results showed that, in the absence of calcium treatment, no plants survived after 2 weeks of cultivation, while the rest grew well to the end of the experimental period (42 weeks). Calcium treatments generally resulted in a slight decrease in biomass. Interestingly, an increase in calcium over 2000 mg kg(-1) did not result in a decrease in accumulation of lead in vetiver roots and shoots. The levels of lead in roots and shoots under calcium treatments were around 2000 and 90 mg kg(-1) dry weight, respectively. The addition of CaCO3 did not improve vetiver essential oil yield and chemical composition compared to the control. A level of applied CaCO3 about half of the lead concentration in soils was sufficient to improve vetiver growth and survival, and accumulate high concentrations of lead in the roots. This finding can be applied for re-vegetation of lead contaminated soils using vetiver.  相似文献   

中国野生的香根草种及其保护与分类问题   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides)这一优良的水土保持和多用途植物目前在热带和亚热带地区广泛推广应用。中国的香根草栽培种主要是在50年代从国外引进的,但在广东和海南也有这一植物的野生种存在,尤其在广东的吴川有一块面积达6670 hm2左右的野生香根草群落。然而,由于人类活动的影响和过度开发利用,40年间,这片热带草原已遭到严重破坏,面积和蕴藏量都大幅度减少。为了不使这片珍贵的湿地消失殆尽,必须尽快采取措施加以保护。另外,香根草属的系统分类还很不完善,上述在中国分布的野生居群究竟是香根草还是野香根草(V. nigritana),迄今还没有定论,经对标本的研究鉴定,初步确定为香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides)。  相似文献   

Effects of inhalation with low concentration lead salts on lipid peroxidation intensity and antioxidative system state were investigated in respiratory pulmonary branch in rats after both short-term and chronic exposures to 0.01% Pb(CH3COO)2. It was shown that the short-term toxic action had considerably affected on the antioxidant system state in lungs as a result of tissue antioxidative activity exhausting. Under the chronic lead inhalation penetrating disorders in adaptive mechanisms were found. It was reflected in lipid peroxidation product accumulation and decreased parameters of antioxidant defense, and development of energy deficiency.  相似文献   

Changes in proteinase--antiproteinase activities in lungs as a result of short-term (for 1 week) inhalation of rats with 0.01% (CH3COO)2 Pb have wholly compensative patterns, but it have been found increased cathepsine B activity as a negative prognostic factor. Chronic (for 2 month) toxicant inhalation caused considerable activation of both trypsine and cathepsine B under decreasing alpha 1-antitrypsine and alpha 2-macroglobuline activities. Cathepsine L activity was not affected. Disorders in the proteolysis system were evaluated as desadaptation situation in lung tissue under chronic toxic influence.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in phytoremediation of lead (Pb)-contaminated soil by vetiver grass. Experiment was a factorial arranged in a completely randomized design. Factors included four Pb levels (50, 200, 400, and 800 mg kg?1) as Pb (NO3)2, AM fungi at three levels (non mycorrhizal (NM) control, Rhizophagus intraradices, Glomus versiforme). Shoot and root dry weights (SDW and RDW) decreased as Pb levels increased. Mycorrhizal inoculation increased SDW and RDW compared to NM control. With mycorrhizal inoculation and increasing Pb levels, Pb uptake of shoot and root increased compared to those of NM control. Root colonization increased with mycorrhizal inoculation but decreased as Pb levels increased. Phosphorus concentration and uptake in shoot of plants inoculated with AM fungi was significantly higher than NM control at 200 and 800 mg Pb kg?1. The Fe concentration, Fe and Mn uptake of shoot in plants inoculated with Rhizophagus intraradices in all levels of Pb were significantly higher than NM control. Mycorrhizal inoculation increased Pb extraction, uptake and translocation efficiencies. Lead translocation factor decreased as Pb levels increased; however inoculation with AM fungi increased Pb translocation.  相似文献   

This study investigates different effects in roots of Vicia faba (broad bean) after exposure to cadmium. Genotoxic effects were assessed by use of the well-known Vicia root tip micronucleus assay. Cytotoxic effects were evaluated by determining the mitotic index in root tip cells. Finally, molecular induction mechanisms were evaluated by measuring phytochelatins with HPLC. After hydroponical exposure of V. faba roots to a range of cadmium concentrations and during different exposure times, the results of this approach showed large variations, according to the endpoint measured: after 48 h of exposure, genotoxic effects were found between 7.5 x 10(-8) and 5 x 10(-7)M CdCl(2), and cytotoxic effects were observed between 2.5 x 10(-7) and 5 x 10(-7)M CdCl(2). Statistically significant phytochelatin (PC) concentrations were measured at >or=10(-6)M CdCl(2) for PC(2), and at >or=10(-5)M CdCl(2) for PC3 and PC4.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to understand the potential of vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) in heavy metal uptake from the soil and wastewater. Four main irrigation treatments including T1 (treated industrial wastewater), T2 (1:1 ratio of municipal:industrial wastewater), T3 (treated municipal wastewater) and T4 (fresh water) were applied. Moreover, the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF), Glomus mosseae, on plant growth and heavy metal concentration was evaluated. Three main criteria including bioconcentration factor (BCF), translocation factor (TF) and heavy metal uptake were applied to assess the potential of vetiver grass in accumulation and translocation of heavy metals to aerial parts. The highest concentration of heavy metals was found in plant and soil irrigated with T1 treatment followed by T2, T3 and the lowest concentrations were found in T4 treatment. Irrigation with treated municipal wastewater led to a significant increase in plant biomass and heavy metal uptake compared to other treatments. In T1 treatment (industrial wastewater), vetiver grass caused a significant decrease in Zn, Fe, Cu, Cd and Pb concentrations in soil as compared to no-plant treatment (without planting vetiver grass). Therefore, vetiver grass, irrigated with treated industrial wastewater, is a promising method for the development of urban and industrial green space.  相似文献   

中国草原产草量遥感监测   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
根据MODIS遥感数据和同期地面调查数据,对我国2005年草原产草量进行了系统估算。用MODIS数据计算全国草原的归一化植被指数NDVI,针对6个不同类型草原区建立了NDVI和地面样方的产草量之间的关系模型,用这些模型推算全国草原产草量分布。结论如下:(1)2005年我国草原有3个牧草高产中心,分别位于东北呼伦贝尔草原、锡林浩特草原和大兴安岭西麓;青海东部、四川西北部和甘肃中南部以及新疆西北部;(2)2005年全国草原干草总产量达到29421.39万t,平均单产达到829.67kg/hm^2干草;(3)2005年干草产量位列前7位的省区依次是内蒙古、青海、新疆、四川、西藏、黑龙江和甘肃;例如,内蒙古因草原面积大而成为我国第一大草原牧草生产省,2005年有6037.08万t干草;(4)总产草量位于前5位的草地类型依次为高寒草甸类、温性草原类、低地草甸类、温性草甸草原类与山地草甸类;(5)2005年8月份全国草原产草量与2004年同期相比总体持平;各草原大省的变化情况分别为:青海、甘肃2省区的草产量略有增加,青海增加了9.02%、甘肃增加了3.63%;内蒙古减少约3%;西藏、新疆和四川3省区基本与2004年同期持平。研究结果对我国草原监理、草原畜牧业发展和草地生态系统研究具有较大的参考价值。  相似文献   

Xu B  Yang X C  Tao W G  Qin Z H  Liu H Q  Miao J M 《农业工程》2007,27(2):405-413
Using MODIS remote sensing data and ground truth data, a thorough investigation was conducted to monitor the productivity of grasslands in China for the year 2005. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was first computed from the MODIS data. Then the data from the NDVI images were used to correlate with the grass yield data from the ground sampling campaigns. Six regional models were accordingly established from the correlation for estimation of grass production in the six main types of steppe in China. The main results from the estimation could be summarized as follows: (1) High grass productivity in 2005 was obtained in the following 3 regions: the grassland covering Hulunbuir, Xilinhaote, and the western Daxing'anling, the region including the eastern Qinghai, the northwestern Sichuan and the mid-southern Gansu, and the northwestern Xinjiang region. (2) Total hay output from the grasslands in China amounted to 294213.86 thousand tons in 2005 with an average yield of 829.67 kg/hm2. (3) The following 7 provinces were the largest grass producers in China: Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Tibet, Heilongjiang and Gansu. For example, Inner Mongolia produced 60370.82 thousand tons of hay in 2005, and hence became the No. 1 grass producer of China. (4) Among the steppe types, the following 5 had the largest grass production: Alpine meadow, Temperate steppe, Low-land meadow, Temperate meadow steppe and Montane meadow with total production accounting for 62.2% in China. (5) Grass production of the entire China in August 2005 remained at the same level as that in August 2004. However, the situations of major grassland provinces were different: grass production in both Qinghai and Gansu in 2005 increased to 9.02% and 3.63%, respectively, when compared with that in 2004. The grass production in Inner Mongolia decreased by 3%, while the production in Tibet, Xinjiang and Sichuan remains unchanged when compared with that in 2004. These results were very important for grassland administration, pasture grazing and grassland ecosystem studies in China.  相似文献   

Using MODIS remote sensing data and ground truth data, a thorough investigation was conducted to monitor the productivity of grasslands in China for the year 2005. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was first computed from the MODIS data. Then the data from the NDVI images were used to correlate with the grass yield data from the ground sampling campaigns. Six regional models were accordingly established from the correlation for estimation of grass production in the six main types of steppe in China. The main results from the estimation could be summarized as follows: (1) High grass productivity in 2005 was obtained in the following 3 regions: the grassland covering Hulunbuir, Xilinhaote, and the western Daxing'anling, the region including the eastern Qinghai, the northwestern Sichuan and the mid-southern Gansu, and the northwestern Xinjiang region. (2) Total hay output from the grasslands in China amounted to 294213.86 thousand tons in 2005 with an average yield of 829.67 kg/hm2. (3) The following 7 provinces were the largest grass producers in China: Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Tibet, Heilongjiang and Gansu. For example, Inner Mongolia produced 60370.82 thousand tons of hay in 2005, and hence became the No. 1 grass producer of China. (4) Among the steppe types, the following 5 had the largest grass production: Alpine meadow, Temperate steppe, Low-land meadow, Temperate meadow steppe and Montane meadow with total production accounting for 62.2% in China. (5) Grass production of the entire China in August 2005 remained at the same level as that in August 2004. However, the situations of major grassland provinces were different: grass production in both Qinghai and Gansu in 2005 increased to 9.02% and 3.63%, respectively, when compared with that in 2004. The grass production in Inner Mongolia decreased by 3%, while the production in Tibet, Xinjiang and Sichuan remains unchanged when compared with that in 2004. These results were very important for grassland administration, pasture grazing and grassland ecosystem studies in China.  相似文献   

The accumulation of inorganic and organic osmolytes and their role in osmotic adjustment were investigated in roots and leaves of vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) seedlings stressed with 100, 200, and 300 mM NaCl for 9 days. The results showed that, although the contents of inorganic (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, NO3, SO42− and H2PO3)) and organic (soluble sugar, organic acids, and free amino acids) osmolytes all increased with NaCl concentration, the contribution of inorganic ions (mainly Na+, K+, and Cl) to osmotic adjustment was higher (71.50–80.56% of total) than that of organic solutes (19.43–28.50%). The contribution of inorganic ions increased and that of organic solutes decreased in roots with the enhanced NaCl concentration, whereas the case in leaves was opposite. On the other hand, the osmotic adjustment was only effective for vetiver grass seedlings under moderate saline stress (less than 200 mM NaCl).  相似文献   

A field study of Pb/Zn mine tailings was conducted to assess the influence of AM fungi and refuse compost on phytoremediation using vetiver grass slips. Our investigation revealed that vetiver could thrive on Pb/Zn mine tailings. The addition of refuse compost resulted in biomass that was more than 3-times higher when compared with the control, and were mainly attributed to an improvement of soil properties, as well as better nutrient supply than untreated control. AMF inoculation also significantly increased the dry matter of vetiver by a rate of 8.1-13.8%. It was observed that concentrations of N and P in the shoots were significantly higher in mycorrhizal treatments than those without AMF inoculation. However, AMF inoculation significantly decreased the metal concentrations in root, but not in shoot. Based on the results, it seems clear that AMF can play an essential role in the phytostabilization of metal contaminated soils.  相似文献   

By means of UV-spectroscopy, gel-filtration, ion-exchange and thin layer chromatography it has been shown that the action of ionizing radiation on the mixture of dry preparations of adenine and deoxyribose in the presence of the K, Na and Ca phosphates results in the formation of nucleoside-like substances. The phosphates catalyze or inhibit the nucleoside synthesis but they are not phosphorylating agents. The data obtained indicate the reality of abiogenic synthesis of nucleoside-like substances from the mixture of dry preparations of adenine and deoxyribose in the lithosphere during chemical evolution.  相似文献   

香根草Vetiveria zizanioides L.是一种多年丛生的草本植物。近年来研究发现香根草能够有效诱集水稻螟虫(二化螟Chilo suppressalis和大螟Sesamia inferens)雌成虫在其上产卵,但孵化出的幼虫在香根草上不能完成生活史。因此,香根草对于水稻螟虫来讲是一种诱杀植物。开发以香根草为基础的水稻螟虫绿色防控技术,不仅可以有效控制水稻螟虫,减少农药使用,还可以保育寄生蜂等天敌、增强生物多样性。香根草同时具有适应性强、种植管理轻简、无性繁殖不会扩散成为杂草、可供观赏等应用特点。因此,利用诱杀植物香根草为水稻螟虫防治提供了一种生态调控新途径,还可实现农民增收、改善生态环境,具有重要的经济、生态和社会效益。  相似文献   

Toxic lead exposure in the urban rock dove   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirteen adult urban rock doves (Columba livia), 12 captured alive and one found dead, were studied from the Baltimore zoo. The mean concentration of lead in the blood for the 12 live birds was 184.5 +/- 531.2 (range 10.5-1,870 micrograms/dl). Three of the 13 birds with high measured blood and tissue lead concentrations were found at necropsy with lead shot pellets in their gizzards. Correlations were not found between concentrations of lead in the blood and body weight or hematocrit. Conversely, high correlations were noted between concentrations of lead in the blood and measured liver and kidney concentrations (r = 0.946, P less than 0.01; r = 0.993, P less than 0.01, respectively). Numbers of intranuclear acid-fast inclusions per 10 consecutive fields (100x oil immersion lens) correlated well with measured kidney lead concentrations (r = 0.990, P less than 0.001).  相似文献   

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