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Background and Aims

The tall fern (Athyrium distentifolium Tausch ex Opiz) forms large stands in many deforested sites in Central European mountains. In the present study, we want to demonstrate that the effect of ferns on the leaching of nutrients is the same at low and high nitrogen (N) deposition.


Free-tension lysimeters with growing ferns, and some with bare forest soil were installed in field conditions in 2006. We monitored the chemistry of lysimetric water at ambient and enhanced (plus 50?kg?N ha-1) levels of N deposition during five growing seasons.


Results indicate that during the growing seasons ferns slightly decreased of acidity and conductivity of lysimetric water and substantially reduced losses of base cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+). The concentration of leached base cations was three to seven times higher from bare forest soil than from lysimeters with ferns. Higher N accumulation in fern biomass coincides with lower contents of leached N in lysimetric water.


The reduced losses of base cations were due to the ability of Athyrium to absorb and accumulate nutrients in large amounts in living biomass and in dead undecomposed plant matter and particularly in below-ground biomass.  相似文献   

Thomas  Anooja  Yadav  Brijesh Kumar  Šimůnek  Jiří 《Plant and Soil》2020,457(1-2):421-435
Plant and Soil - Plant roots often encounter heterogeneity in soil water content and respond by compensating water uptake from wet zones to cope with the transpiration demand. Simultaneously,...  相似文献   

Somma  F.  Hopmans  J.W.  Clausnitzer  V. 《Plant and Soil》1998,202(2):281-293
A three-dimensional solute transport model was developed and linked to a three-dimensional transient model for soil water flow and root growth. The simulation domain is discretized into a grid of finite elements by which the soil physical properties are spatially distributed. Solute transport modeling includes passive and active nutrient uptake by roots as well as zero- and first-order source/sink terms. Root water uptake modeling accounts for matric and osmotic potential effects on water and passive nutrient uptake. Root age effects on root water and nutrient uptake activity have been included, as well as the influence of nutrient deficiency and ion toxicity on root growth. Examples illustrate simulations with different levels of model complexity, depending on the amount of information available to the user. At the simplest level, root growth is simulated as a function of mechanical soil strength only. Application of the intermediate level with root water and nutrient uptake simulates the influence of timing and amount of NO3 application on leaching. The most comprehensive level includes simulation of root and shoot growth as influenced by soil water and nutrient status, temperature, and dynamic allocation of assimilate to root and shoot.  相似文献   

Soils under field conditions may experience fluctuating soil water regimes ranging from drought to waterlogging. The inability of roots to acclimate to such changes in soil water regimes may result in reduced growth and function thereby, dry matter production. This study compared the root and shoot growth, root aerenchyma development, and associated root oxygen transport of aerobic and irrigated lowland rice genotypes grown under well-watered (control), waterlogged, and droughted soil conditions for 30 days. The aerobic genotypes were as tolerant as the irrigated lowland genotypes under waterlogging because of their comparable abilities to enhance aerenchyma that effectively facilitated O2 diffusion to the roots for maintaining root growth and dry matter production. Under drought, aerobic genotypes were more tolerant than the irrigated lowland genotypes due to their higher ability to maintain nodal root production, elongation, and branching, thus, less reduction in dry matter production. Aerenchyma was also formed in droughted roots regardless of genotypes, but was resistant to internal O2 transport under O2 deficiency. The ability of roots to resist temporal variations in drought and waterlogging stresses might have strong implications for the adaptation of rice growing in environments with fluctuating soil water regimes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Akagare and Akiochi are diseases of rice associated with sulfide toxicity. This study investigates the possibility that rice reacts to sulfide by producing impermeable barriers in roots. METHODS: Root systems of rice, Oryza sativa cv. Norin 36, were subjected to short-term exposure to 0.174 mm sulfide (5.6 ppm) in stagnant solution. Root growth was monitored; root permeability was investigated in terms of polarographic determinations of oxygen efflux from fine laterals and the apices of adventitious roots, water uptake, anatomy and permeability to Fe2+ using potassium ferricyanide. KEY RESULTS: Both types of root responded rapidly to the sulfide with immediate cessation of growth, decreased radial oxygen loss (ROL) to the rhizospheres and reduced water uptake. Profiles of ROL measured from apex to basal regions of adventitious roots indicated that more intense barriers to ROL than normal were formed around the apices. Absorption of Fe2+ appeared to be impeded in sulfide-treated roots. In adventitious roots, deposition of lipid material (suberisation) and thickenings of walls within the superficial cell layers were obvious within a week after lifting the treatment and could prevent the emergence of laterals and commonly result in their upward longitudinal growth within the cortex. Death of laterals sometimes occurred prior to emergence; emergent laterals eventually died. In adventitious roots, blockages formed within the vascular and aeration systems in response to the sulfide. CONCLUSIONS: In both adventitious and lateral roots, sulfide-induced cell wall suberization and thickening of the superficial layers were correlated with reduced permeability to O2, water and Fe2+. This study sheds light on some of the symptoms of diseases such as Akiochi. The results correlate with the authors' previous findings on the effects on roots of sulfide and lower organic acids in Phragmites and of acetic acid in rice.  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory incubation experiment was conducted with a clay loam alluvial lowland rice soil to study the relative effectiveness of two sources of Zn (ZnEDTA and ZnSO4) in maintaining Zn availability in soil under two moisture regimes (saturated and waterlogged) both in presence as well as absence of added organic matter. The results showed that ZnEDTA was always more effective than ZnSO4 in maintaining higher amount of zinc in available form in soil for a longer perid. Results of greenhouse experiment conducted with rice showed that concentration and uptake of Zn by roots were generally higher with ZnEDTA than with ZnSO4 both in presence and absence of added organic matter, whereas in respect of shoot this was true only in absence of added organic matter.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - We aimed to clarify the intraspecific variation in the morphological traits of branch orders under different soil conditions in Chamaecyparis obtusa (Siebold & Zucc.) Endl....  相似文献   

Jia  Zhongjun  Cai  Zucong  Xu  Hua  Li  Xiaoping 《Plant and Soil》2001,230(2):211-221
To understand the integrated effects of rice plants (variety Wuyugeng 2) on CH4 emission during the typical rice growth stage, the production, oxidation and emission of methane related to rice plants were investigated simultaneously through laboratory and greenhouse experiments. CH4 emission was significantly higher from the rice planted treatment than from the unplanted treatment. In the rice planted treatment, CH4 emission was higher at tillering stage than at panicle initiation stage. An average of 36.3% and 54.7% of CH4 produced was oxidized in the rhizosphere at rice tillering stage and panicle initiation stage, respectively, measured by using methyl fluoride (MF) technique. In the meantime, CH4 production in the planted treatments incubated under O2-free N2 condition was reduced by 44.9 and 22.3%, respectively, compared to unplanted treatment. On the contrary, the presence of rice plants strongly stimulated CH4 production by approximately 72.3% at rice ripening stage. CH4 emission through rice plants averaged 95% at the tillering stage and 89% at the panicle initiation stage. Based on these results, conclusions are drawn that higher CH4 emission from the planted treatment than from unplanted treatment could be attributed to the function of rice plants for transporting CH4 from belowground to the atmosphere at tillering and panicle initiation stage, and that a higher CH4 emission at tillering stage than at panicle initiation stage is due to the lower rhizospheric CH4 oxidation and more effective transport mediated by rice plants.  相似文献   

采用剖面法对宽窄行栽植模式下三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)的根系分布特征进行了研究;采用管式TDR系统对土壤剖面含水率变化动态进行了连续观测,并据此计算林木根系吸水速率,以探讨土壤含水率、根系分布和根系吸水分布之间的相关关系。研究结果表明:毛白杨的总平均根长密度在林带两侧和不同径向距离处非常接近(P>0.05);但在不同土层间变化很大(P<0.01),其中0-20和60-150 cm土层为根系主要分布区域,其根系所占比例共达86%;不同径阶间的根长密度差异显著(P<0.01),且其比例关系会随空间位置的改变而发生变化。不同栽植方位下,林带东侧毛白杨根系分布的浅层化程度高于西侧,且在径向240-280 cm内其0-0.5 mm的极细根显著多于西侧(P<0.05)。因此,宽窄行栽植模式下,深度和径阶是毛白杨根系分布的主要影响因子,而栽植方位会对其形态构型产生影响。毛白杨根系吸水模式受细根分布的影响,但会随土壤剖面水分有效性分布的变化而变化:当表土层水分有效性增加时,根系吸水主要集中在表土层;当表土层水分有效性降低时,深层土壤根系的吸水贡献率会逐渐增加;当土壤剖面水分条件异质性较高时,根系吸水主要集中在根系密度与水分有效性均较高的区域;当土壤剖面水分分布均匀且不存在水分胁迫时,根系吸水分布与细根分布最为一致。  相似文献   

To determine how root‐to‐shoot abscisic acid (ABA) signalling is regulated by vertical soil moisture gradients, root ABA concentration ([ABA]root), the fraction of root water uptake from, and root water potential of different parts of the root zone, along with bulk root water potential, were measured to test various predictive models of root xylem ABA concentration [RX‐ABA]sap. Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Nassau) were grown in soil columns and received different irrigation treatments (top and basal watering, and withholding water for varying lengths of time) to induce different vertical soil moisture gradients. Root water uptake was measured at four positions within the column by continuously recording volumetric soil water content (θv). Average θv was inversely related to bulk root water potential (Ψroot). In turn, Ψroot was correlated with both average [ABA]root and [RX‐ABA]sap. Despite large gradients in θv, [ABA]root and root water potential was homogenous within the root zone. Consequently, unlike some split‐root studies, root water uptake fraction from layers with different soil moisture did not influence xylem sap (ABA). This suggests two different patterns of ABA signalling, depending on how soil moisture heterogeneity is distributed within the root zone, which might have implications for implementing water‐saving irrigation techniques.  相似文献   

We identified the role of various soil parameters and root density as drivers of soil respiration (Rs) in an apple orchard, measured during different periods of the year and at a range of distances from trees, in plots with a different history of nutrient supply. Rs was measured in April, May, August and December and studied in relation to soil temperature and moisture, total soil C and N, as well as to fine root density and medium-, and large-sized root density and root N concentration. The study also aimed to partition Rs by applying the root regression technique. Rs ranged from 0.06 in December to 1.49 g CO2 m?2 h?1 in August. Average soil temperature alone explained up to 71% of the annual variability of Rs, while soil water content was negatively correlated to Rs. Fertilization, soil C and N concentration and root N had negligible effects on Rs. Fine root density, but not medium- and large-sized root density, contributed to explaining part of the yearly variability of Rs and proved to be a good predictor in December, when the statistical significance of the regression made it possible to estimate the autotrophic component of Rs as being about 35% of total soil respiration.  相似文献   

The aeration status of a silt loam placed in microcolumns was measured in the maize root zone using an oxygen microelectrode. At soil moisture saturation, the O2 concentration was found to be zero. Maize evapotranspiration led to a fast increase in O2 concentration against time (2% O2 after 2 days, atmospheric concentration after 7 days). Surprisingly, for specified soil moisture levels, no significant O2 concentration differences were observed between planted and fallow soils. These results are discussed to explain observations on the denitrification process in the root zone of plants.  相似文献   

Rice-based (Oryza sativa L.) rainfed lowlands are the major cropping system in northeast Thailand. Average yields are low, which is generally explained by frequent drought events, low soil fertility, and poor fertilizer response. However, neither the relative importance of these factors nor their interaction is well understood. Therefore, we analyzed an existing database on fertilizer trials conducted between 1995 and 1997 at eight different sites in northeast Thailand with the objective to determine indigenous nutrient supplies, internal efficiencies, and recovery efficiencies of applied nutrients in rainfed lowland rice. Of particular interest was the effect of variety type (traditional) and water supply on these components. Comparison of N, P, and K concentrations in grain and straw (average N–P–K grain concentration of 11.0–2.7–3.4 g kg−1; average N–P–K straw concentration of 5.2–0.9–16.4 g kg−1) in the traditional-type varieties used at all trial sites with literature values showed no differences for these parameters between traditional and modern-type varieties or between irrigated and rainfed environments. In contrast, internal efficiencies of N, P, and K (average IEN: 46 kg grain per kg N uptake; IEP: 218 kg grain per kg P uptake; IEK: 25 kg grain per kg K uptake) were much lower than reported for irrigated systems, and the difference was greatest for K, which is mainly accumulated in the straw. Indigenous nutrient supply (average INS: 38 kg ha−1; IPS: 10 kg ha−1; IKS: 89 kg ha−1) and recovery efficiency (average REN: 0.28 kg kg−1; REP: 0.13 kg kg−1; REK: 0.49 kg kg−1) were low but comparable to the lower values reported from irrigated systems. Average seasonal field water resources seemed to reduce the indigenous nutrient supply but had no or little effect on internal efficiency and recovery efficiency. We concluded that the main reason for the low system productivity without and with fertilizer in northeast Thailand is the dominant use of traditional-type varieties with low harvest indices, which was the dominant cause for the observed low internal nutrient efficiency. Therefore, intensification of rainfed systems through substantially increased nutrient inputs can be recommended only where varieties with an average harvest index of close to 0.4 or higher are available.  相似文献   


Key message

Fine root ingrowth and mortality of European beech are related to evapotranspiration, cumulative forest floor precipitation, soil temperature and water content, which are affected by forest management and gap creation.


The ingrowth and mortality of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) fine roots (diameters <2 mm) were studied in relation to environmental variables describing temperature and water availability at four sites, covering a range in environmental conditions likely to be encountered in Slovenian beech forests. Minirhizotron images were used to determine fine root dynamics in a stand and gap in each of the sites for 12 periods during the 2007–2009 growing seasons. The environmental variables included air and soil temperatures, precipitation, forest floor precipitation, evapotranspiration and soil water contents. For data analysis, the daily mean values for each period for all variables were used. Fine root ingrowth and mortality were higher in the managed stand and gap compared to the old-growth stand and gap, but only significantly correlated with each other in the case of the managed stand. Forest floor precipitation and soil temperature were significant in explaining fine root ingrowth, whereas maximal evapotranspiration, soil temperature and soil water content were more important for fine root mortality. However, the correlations were weak and inconsistent among the four sites. By including site as predictor as well as environmental variables, R 2 values of 0.49 and 0.55 for ingrowth and mortality, respectively, were achieved. Despite this, the relationships between the fine root dynamics and selected environmental factors appeared relatively weak and complex, especially for fine root ingrowth and might be partially related also to differences in successional stages of the forests under study.

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