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For some years, chimpanzees have been observed eating the pith of decaying palm trees of Raphia farinifera in the Budongo Forest, Uganda. The reasons for doing this have until now been unknown. An analysis of the pith for mineral content showed high levels of sodium to be present in the samples. By contrast, lower levels were found in bark of other tree species, and also in leaf and fruit samples eaten by chimpanzees. The differences between the Raphia samples and the non-Raphia samples were highly significant (p<0.001). It is concluded that Raphia provides a rich and possibly essential source of sodium for the Budongo chimpanzees. Comparison of a chewed sample (wadge) of Raphia pith with a sample from the tree showed a clear reduction in sodium content in the chewed sample. Black and white colobus monkeys in Budongo Forest also feed on the pith of Raphia. At present, the survival of Raphia palms in Budongo Forest is threatened by the use of this tree by local tobacco farmers.  相似文献   

森林是生态系统的重要组成部分,是改善全球气候变暖趋势的机体,森林的固碳能力越来越受到重视,而研究森林中立木的含碳量对森林生态系统量化固碳能力具有重要意义。本文基于大兴安岭44株天然落叶松解析木实测数据和各器官碳密度样木数据,借鉴相容性生物量模型的思想来研究相容性立木含碳量模型,基于基础模型y=aDb和y=a(D2H)b,利用非线性度量误差模型系统构建了总含碳量和干、枝、叶、根四个分含碳量之间相容的一元和二元立木含碳量模型。通过比较各模型的拟合优度和独立检验统计量,计算拟合优度结果显示:在一元和二元基础模型下的4个器官,树干的确定系数R2分别为0.960,0.985,都是2个模型中各器官确定系数的最高值,树枝、树叶和树根相对偏低,但均达到了85%以上,说明建立的模型可行;模型检验统计量表明:一元和二元基础模型的树干模拟效率EF值为0.904,0.951,相应的预估精度P值为80.5%,85.5%,其次是树枝模拟效率0.830,0.898,精度都在70%以上,树叶和树根预估精度偏低,其值在70%左右。综上研究结果表明:二元立木含碳量预估模型的拟合及预测精度优于一元模型。  相似文献   

Mediterranean semi-arid forest ecosystems are especially sensitive to external forcing. An understanding of the relationship between forest carbon (C) stock, and environmental conditions and forest structure enable prediction of the impacts of climate change on C stocks and help to define management strategies that maximize the value of forests for C mitigation. Based on the national forest inventory of Spain (1997?C2008 with 70,912 plots), we estimated the forest C stock and spatial variability in Peninsular Spain and, we determined the extent to which the observed patterns of stand C stock can be explained by structural and species richness, climate and disturbances. Spain has an average stand C stock of 45.1?Mg C/ha. Total C stock in living biomass is 621 Tg C (7.8% of the C stock of European forests). The statistical models show that structural richness, which is driven by past land use and life forest history including age, development stage, management activities, and disturbance regime, is the main predictor of stand tree C stock with larger C stocks in structurally richer stands. Richness of broadleaf species has a positive effect on both conifer and broadleaf forests, whereas richness of conifer species shows no significant or even a negative effect on C stock. Climate variables have mainly an indirect effect through structural richness but a smaller direct predictive ability when all predictors are considered. To achieve a greater standing C stock, our results suggest promoting high structural richness by managing for uneven-aged stands and favoring broadleaf over conifer species.  相似文献   

Carbon Quality and Stocks in Organic Horizons in Boreal Forest Soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the mechanisms that determine the quality and quantity of organic carbon (C) stocks in boreal forest soils by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative changes in the organic fractions in the soil organic matter (OM) in a vertical gradient in the decomposition continuum of the organic horizon [litter layer (L), fermentation layer (F), and humus layer (H)] in forest soils using a sequential fractionation method at two forest types along a climatic gradient in Finland. We predicted that the concentrations of water-soluble (WSE) and non-polar (NPE) extractives should decrease and those of the acid-soluble (AS) fraction and acid-insoluble residue (AIR) should increase from the L to the F, and from the F to the H layers, but the C/N ratio of soil OM should stay constant after reaching the critical quotient. We also predicted that the AIR concentrations should be higher in the south than north boreal, and in sub-xeric than mesic forests. Consistent with our hypothesis, the concentrations of WSE and NPE fractions decreased and concentrations of AIR increased in the vertical soil gradient. The highest concentrations of the AS fraction were found in the F layer. The C/N ratio was lowest in the F layer, and the highest in the H layer, indicating that soil OM is depleted in N in relation to C along the vertical soil gradient. Concentrations of WSE and NPE were lower, and concentrations of AIR were higher in the south than in north boreal forests, which is in agreement with our hypothesis that higher soil temperatures may enhance accumulation of slowly decomposable OM in the soil. The concentrations of AIR were higher in the sub-xeric than mesic forests. Contrary to our expectations, however, the differences in the chemical quality in soil OM between the site types were amplified from the L to the H layer. The size of the C storage was significantly larger in south than north boreal sites, and larger in the mesic than in the sub-xeric sites.  相似文献   

Pukinskaya  M. Yu. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(10):1912-1923
Biology Bulletin - Changes in the forest-forming species in the nemoral spruce forests of the Central Forest Reserve (Tver oblast, Russian Federation) are discussed. The characterization of...  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to estimate changes of tree carbon (C) and soil organic carbon (SOC) stock following a conversion in land use, an issue that has been only insufficiently addressed. For this study, we examined a chronosequence of 2 to 54-year-old Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis plantations that replaced the original secondary coniferous forest (SCF) in Southwest China due to clearing. C stocks considered here consisted of tree, understory, litter, and SOC (0–1 m). The results showed that tree C stocks ranged from 0.02±0.001 Mg C ha-1 to 141.43±5.29 Mg C ha-1, and increased gradually with the stand age. Accumulation of tree C stocks occurred in 20 years after reforestaion and C stock level recoverd to SCF. The maximum of understory C stock was found in a 5-year-old stand (6.74±0.7 Mg C ha-1) with 5.8 times that of SCF, thereafter, understory C stock decreased with the growth of plantation. Litter C stock had no difference excluding effects of prescribed burning. Tree C stock exhibited a significant decline in the 2, 5-year-old stand following the conversion to plantation, but later, increased until a steady state-level in the 20, 26-year-old stand. The SOC stocks ranged from 81.08±10.13 Mg C ha-1 to 160.38±17.96 Mg C ha-1. Reforestation significantly decreased SOC stocks of plantation in the 2-year-old stand which lost 42.29 Mg C ha-1 in the 1 m soil depth compared with SCF by reason of soil disturbance from sites preparation, but then subsequently recovered to SCF level. SOC stocks of SCF had no significant difference with other plantation. The surface profile (0–0.1 m) contained s higher SOC stocks than deeper soil depth. C stock associated with tree biomass represented a higher proportion than SOC stocks as stand development proceeded.  相似文献   

The precise and accurate quantitative evaluation of the temporal and spatial pattern of carbon (C) storage in forest ecosystems is critical for understanding the role of forests in the global terrestrial C cycle and is essential for formulating forest management policies to combat climate change. In this study, we examined the C dynamics of forest ecosystems in Shaanxi, northwest China, based on four forest inventories (1989–1993, 1994–1998, 1999–2003, and 2004–2008) and field-sampling measurements (2012). The results indicate that the total C storage of forest ecosystems in Shaanxi increased by approximately 29.3%, from 611.72 Tg in 1993 to 790.75 Tg in 2008, partially as a result of ecological restoration projects. The spatial pattern of C storage in forest ecosystems mainly exhibited a latitude-zonal distribution across the province, increasing from north (high latitude) to south (low latitude) generally, which signifies the effect of environmental conditions, chiefly water and heat related factors, on forest growth and C sequestration. In addition, different data sources and estimation methods had a significant effect on the results obtained, with the C stocks in 2008 being considerably overestimated (864.55 Tg) and slightly underestimated (778.07 Tg) when measured using the mean C density method and integrated method, respectively. Overall, our results demonstrated that the forest ecosystem in Shaanxi acted as a C sink over the last few decades. However, further studies should be carried out with a focus on adaption of plants to environmental factors along with forest management for vegetation restoration to maximize the C sequestration potential and to better cope with climate change.  相似文献   

Forest cover in Switzerland and other European countries has gradually increased in the past century. Our knowledge of the impacts of forest expansion and development on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage is, however, limited due to uncertainties in land-use history and lack of historical soil samples. We investigated the effect of forest age on current SOC storage in Switzerland. For 857 sites, we analysed SOC stocks and determined the minimal forest age for all presently forested sites using digitized historical maps, classifying all sites into three categories: young (≤60 years), medium (60–120 years), and old (≥120 years) forests. Grassland was the primary previous use of afforested land. Forest age affected current SOC stocks only moderately, whereas climate, soil chemistry, and tree species exerted a stronger impact. In the organic layer, highest SOC stocks were found in medium sites (3.0 ± 0.3 kg C m?2). As compared to other age categories, these sites had a 10% higher cover in coniferous forests with higher organic layer C stocks than broadleaf forests. SOC stocks in mineral soils decreased with increasing forest age (12.5 ± 0.9, 11.4 ± 0.5, 10.5 ± 0.3 kg C m?2). This decrease was primarily related to a 200-m higher average elevation of young sites and higher SOC stocks in a colder and more humid climate. In summary, forest age has only a minor effect on SOC storage in Swiss forest soils. Therefore, ongoing forest expansion in mountainous regions of Europe is unlikely contributing to soil C sequestration.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are carbon-dense and highly productive ecosystems. Consequently, they play an important role in the global carbon cycle. In the present study we used an individual-based forest model (FORMIND) to analyze the carbon balances of a tropical forest. The main processes of this model are tree growth, mortality, regeneration, and competition. Model parameters were calibrated using forest inventory data from a tropical forest at Mt. Kilimanjaro. The simulation results showed that the model successfully reproduces important characteristics of tropical forests (aboveground biomass, stem size distribution and leaf area index). The estimated aboveground biomass (385 t/ha) is comparable to biomass values in the Amazon and other tropical forests in Africa. The simulated forest reveals a gross primary production of 24 tcha-1yr-1. Modeling above- and belowground carbon stocks, we analyzed the carbon balance of the investigated tropical forest. The simulated carbon balance of this old-growth forest is zero on average. This study provides an example of how forest models can be used in combination with forest inventory data to investigate forest structure and local carbon balances.  相似文献   

M. Küppers 《Oecologia》1984,64(3):332-343
Summary The CO2 uptake capacity of leaves of five competing woody species in an undisturbed developing Central European hedgerow was investigated for possible factors determining competitive ability in the field. Light-saturated maximal CO2 uptake (A max) showed species-specific seasonal variations in Prunus spinosa, a bushlike pioneer on fallow land, in Crataegusxmacrocarpa and Acer campestre, two treelike species dominating the canopy, in Rubus corylifolius, a pioneer liane, and in Ribes uva-crispa, a shrubby undergrowth species. In fully-expanded sun leaves of Prunus, Crataegus and Acer A max ranged from 8 to 12 mol m-2 s-1 while it ranged from 6 to 15 mol m-2 s-1 in Rubus and Ribes. The temperature responses showed no difference among species. Neither leaf photosynthetic capacity nor nutrient use of carbon fixation determined competitive ability. Differences between species in the capacity of leaves to adapt to shade resulted in differences in species' establishment in the understory and demonstrated the importance of growth in order to escape light-limiting conditions. A specific sequence of species was found for the range of A max in sun leaves. It was highest in an early pioneer of low competitive ability (Rubus), medium in a later pioneer (Prunus) and in successional plants (Crataegus, Acer), and lowest in the climax species of high competitive ability, Fagus silvatica, (3–4 mol m-2 s-1; Schulze 1970).  相似文献   

M. Küppers 《Oecologia》1984,65(1):94-100
Summary Annual carbon and water balances of sun leaves were measured in the field for five competing woody hedgerow species of different successional stages. They were compared with carbon and water budgets of climax species from the literature. Climatic limitation of primary production, the effectiveness of leaf photosynthetic capacity in relation to actual carbon gain, costs and time of leaf formation and amortization, and net dry matter gain from the leaf were determined. Their relevance for a species' position during a natural succession from pioneer-invaded fallow land to a climax beech forest in Central Europe is discussed.  相似文献   

Manfred Küppers 《Oecologia》1985,66(3):343-352
Summary Growth of woody species has two components, one pertaining to increment of biomass, the other to the architectonic arrangement of dry matter in space. Only the combination of both components explained the competitive strength of species that dominate in different stages of a hedgerow succession in Central Europe. Biomass increment was measured using an empirical volumetric method, and plant architecture was investigated from branching patterns which determined the growth form of species. Assimilate partitioning was determined from total plant carbon gain and biomass increment in different above-ground plant parts. Those species with lower dry matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus costs for occupying and shading space during canopy development were the stronger competitors and replanced pioneers, even though their rate of CO2 uptake was low. Ecological implications of different partitioning patterns for the survival of a plant and for successional changes in vegetation are discussed.  相似文献   

Basic knowledge of the relationships between tree growth and environmental variables is crucial for understanding forest dynamics and predicting vegetation responses to climate variations. Trees growing in tropical areas with a clear seasonality in rainfall often form annual growth rings. In the understory, however, tree growth is supposed to be mainly affected by interference for access to light and other resources. In the semi-deciduous Mayombe forest of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the evergreen species Aidia ochroleuca, Corynanthe paniculata and Xylopia wilwerthii dominate the understory. We studied their wood to determine whether they form annual growth rings in response to changing climate conditions. Distinct growth rings were proved to be annual and triggered by a common external factor for the three species. Species-specific site chronologies were thus constructed from the cross-dated individual growth-ring series. Correlation analysis with climatic variables revealed that annual radial stem growth is positively related to precipitation during the rainy season but at different months. The growth was found to associate with precipitation during the early rainy season for Aidia but at the end of the rainy season for Corynanthe and Xylopia. Our results suggest that a dendrochronological approach allows the understanding of climate–growth relationships in tropical forests, not only for canopy trees but also for evergreen understory species and thus arguably for the whole tree community. Global climate change influences climatic seasonality in tropical forest areas, which is likely to result in differential responses across species with a possible effect on forest composition over time.  相似文献   

中国森林植被碳库的动态变化及其意义   总被引:120,自引:0,他引:120  
利用1949年至1998年间7次森林资源清查资料,结合使用森林生物量实测资料,采用改良的生物量换算因子法,推算了中国50年来森林碳库和平均碳密度的变化,分析了中国森林植被的CO2源汇功能,结果表明,70年代中期以前,主要由于森林砍伐等人为作用,中国森林碳库和碳密度都是减少的,碳储量减少了0.62PgC(Pg=10^15g),年均减少约0.024PgC。之后,呈增加趋势。在最近的20多年中,森林碳库由70年代末期的4.38PgC增加到1998年的4.75PgC,共增加0.37PgC,年平均增加0.022PgC。这种增加主要由人工造林增加所致。20多年来,由于人工林增加导致碳汇增加0.45PgC,年平均增加吸收0.021PgC/a。人工林的平均碳密度也显增加,共增加了约一倍。这除了人工成林增多外,气温上升和CO2浓度施肥也可能是促进森林生长的重要因子。  相似文献   

We have added glucose and nutrients to manipulate soil microbial activity and nutrient availability in a boreal spruce forest to study the performance of birch and spruce seedlings in relation to the soil microbial community. The proportion of aboveground biomass in the seedlings was largest in plots amended with extra nutrients, while ectomycorrhizal (ECM) colonisation was low in these plots. ECM appeared beneficial for growth of both species, but only at low levels of colonisation (<25% ECM colonised root-tips). The soil microbial biomass, as determined by total PLFA, was largest in plots treated with glucose and there was a significant negative relationship between birch seedling size and levels of total PLFA in soil. This could be taken to suggest that poor seedling growth was due to nutrient limitation caused by microbial assimilation. However, the treatment response of the birch seedlings was generally weak, and spruce often showed no response at all to the addition of nutrients and glucose. The most consistent parameter for the variation in plant performance, as well as for the microbial soil community, was the block-effect. This suggests a strong spatial structure in the soil microbial community, and that this structure was robust with respect to our treatments even though they continued over a 3-year period.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbances have resulted in declines of seed-dispersing primate frugivores in tropical forests. Previous work has suggested that loss of seed dispersal by large frugivores may have a negative impact on ecosystem carbon storage by reducing tree biomass. However, we know little about the potential impacts of losing frugivores in Madagascar’s diverse rainforest ecosystem. Understanding the effects of frugivore extinction on carbon loss is relevant in Madagascar, where threatened lemur taxa are the only dispersers of many large-seeded plant species. Using a dataset of tree species composition and traits from the southeastern rainforests of Ranomafana National Park, we examined whether seed size and lemur-dependent dispersal are positively associated with above-ground tree biomass. We then simulated different scenarios of population declines of large-seeded trees (>10 mm seed length) dependent on lemur-mediated seed dispersal, to examine potential directional changes in carbon storage capacity of Malagasy forests under lemur loss. Lemur-dispersed tree species, which have large seeds, had higher above-ground biomass than other species. Our simulations showed that the loss of large frugivorous primates in Madagascar may decrease the forest’s potential to store carbon. These results demonstrate the importance of primate conservation for maintaining functioning ecosystems and forest carbon stocks in one of the world’s hottest hotspots of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Ecosystem stores of carbon are a key component in the global carbon cycle. Many studies have examined the impact of climate change on ecosystem carbon storage, but few have investigated the impact of land-use change and herbivory. However, land-use change is a major aspect of environmental change, and livestock grazing is the most extensive land use globally. In this study, we combine a grazing exclosure experiment and a natural experiment to test the impact of grazer exclusion on vegetation dynamics and ecosystem carbon stores in the short term (12-year exclosures), and the long term (islands inaccessible to livestock), in a heavily grazed mountain region in Norway. Following long-term absence of sheep, birch forest was present. The grazing-resistant grass Nardus stricta, dominated under long-term grazing, whilst the selected grass Deschampsia flexuosa and herb species dominated the vegetation layer in the long-term absence of sheep. The established birch forest led to vegetation carbon stocks being higher on the islands (0.56 kg C m?2 on the islands compared to 0.18 kg C m?2 where grazed) and no difference in soil carbon stocks. In the short-term exclusion of sheep, there were minor differences in carbon stocks reflecting the longer term changes. These results show that aboveground carbon stocks are higher in the long-term absence of sheep than in the continual presence of high sheep densities, associated with a vegetation state change between tundra and forest. The reduction of herbivore populations can facilitate forest establishment and increase aboveground carbon stocks, however, the sequestration rate is low.  相似文献   

中国天然林保护工程的固碳能力估算   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
胡会峰  刘国华 《生态学报》2006,26(1):291-296
大气中CO2浓度的升高作为引起全球气候变化最主要的驱动力已经得到广泛的认同。为此。2005年2月16号生效的《京都议定书》明确提出了植树造林、再造林是一条行之有效的减缓全球气候变化的重要措施。我国作为世界上人工林面积最大的国家,实施的一系列林业政策和工程,对大气中CO2的减排起到了重要作用。以天然林保护工程为例,利用我国第4次森林资源清查资料和林业统计年鉴,依据估算森林碳储量的材积源——生物量方法对该工程实施5a来(1998—2002)的固碳能力进行初步研究,以期为我国的国际气候和外交谈判提供理论依据和数据佐证。研究结果表明,天然林保护工程实施5a来,工程区累计造林302.6 10^4hm^2、新增人工林累计固C21.32Tg(1Tg=10^12 g),其中,东北、长江上游、黄河中上游3个地区分别累计固碳6.39、12.59、2.34强。另外,天然林保护工程实施后,5a内累计减少木材产量964.98 10^4m^3,累计减少22.75Tg的碳释放。总体而言,天然林保护工程实施5a来累计固碳44.07Tg,平均年际固碳8.81Tg/a,相当于我国每年CO2排放量的1.2%。  相似文献   

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