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The review includes seven species, three new species are described: Carpelimus maliensis, C. neuterus, and C. xenosus spp. n. The names Trogophloeus variegatus Cameron, 1944, T. ruandanus Cameron, 1956, and Carpelimus maroccanus Gildenkov, 2004 are synonymized with Carpelimus atomus (Saulcy, 1864). Carpelimus rondaensis is downgraded to the subspecies C. boops rondaensis (Fagel, 1957). Lectotype of Trogophloeus dundoensis Cameron, 1950 is designated. New data on the morphology and distribution of Carpelimus (Troginus) species are given.  相似文献   

The genus Leptodes was erected by Dejean (1834) for a single species, Sepidium boisduvalii Zubkoff, 1833, which is, consequently, the type species by monotypy. Kaszab (1959) established in Leptodes the subgenus Leptodinopsis based on the same type species, Sepidium boisduvalii. Thus the names Leptodes and Leptodinopsis are objective synonyms: Leptodes Dejean, 1834 = Leptodinopsis Kaszab, 1959, syn. n. A new subgenus Mesoleptodes G. Medvedev et Iljina subgen, n. (type species Leptodes semenowi Reitter, 1892) is established for species which Kaszab included in Leptodes s. str. A new species, Leptodes daghestanicus G. Medvedev et Iljina, sp. n., is described from Daghestan.  相似文献   

An illustrated catalogue is given of the family Ratardidae in the world fauna which includes 10 species from 3 genera. A new species, Callosiope elenae Yakovlev sp. n., is described from Lampang Province, Thailand. Externally, the new species differs well from the type species of the genus, C. banghaasi. The fore wing of C. elenae sp. n. has a pattern of alternating wide black bands against pure white background (in C. banghaasi, the fore wing is strongly darkened, without bands). The hind wing of C. elenae sp. n. shows a pattern of large dropshaped black smears at the wing edge and a more or less expressed spotted pattern in the discal and postdiscal areas (in C. banghaasi, the hind wing is completely black, with no pattern). A new synonymy: Ratarda marmorata Moore, 1879 = Ratarda guttifera Hering, 1925 syn. n. and a new status: Ratarda mora javanica Roepke, 1937 stat. n., are established. Ratarda excellens (Strand, 1917) is recorded in the fauna of Thailand for the first time.  相似文献   

Re-examination of the late Permian Tunguskagyrus planus Yan, Beutel et Lawrence, 2018 has shown that it does not belong to the family Gyrinidae (Adephaga) but should be placed in the family Triaplidae sensu n. (Archostemata) as a congener to “Triaplussibiricus Volkov, 2013 (Tunguskagyrus sibiricus (Volkov, 2013), comb. n.). Both these Palaeozoic species, in contrast to the Triassic members of Triaplus Ponomarenko, 1977, have no large metacoxal femoral plates and, therefore, would be better placed apart from the Mesozoic representatives of Triaplus (in a different genus). The synonymy of the family names Triaplidae Ponomarenko, 1977 (= Catiniidae Ponomarenko, 1968, syn. n., nom. praeocc., non Catiniidae Bocquet et Stock, 1957 (Crustacaea, Copepoda), = Coleocatiniidae Ponomarenko et Prokin, 2015, syn. n.) is established. Thus, the family now comprises Avocatinus Ponomarenko, 1969, Catinius Ponomarenko, 1968, Catinoides Ponomarenko, 1969, Macrocatinius Ponomarenko, 1969, Triaplus Ponomarenko, 1977, Triassocatinius Ponomarenko, 1969 and Tunguskagyrus Yan, Beutel et Lawrence, 2018.  相似文献   

A new species group of the genus Oxyopes Latreille, 1804, including three species (O. heterophthalmus (Latreille, 1804), O. nenilini sp. n., and O. takobius Andreeva et Tystshenko, 1969) is distinguished. The group is characterized by (1) complex lateral apophysis of the palpal tibia of males, (2) absence of modifications of the cymbium and palpal tibia, (3) large chitinized plate of the female epigyna, (4) long copulatory ducts of the female endogyna, involuted around the receptacle. The new species, O. nenilini, is described. The species O. heterophthalmus and O. takobius are redescribed. The new synonyms, O. foliiformis Song, 1991, syn. n. = O. yiliensis Hu et Wu 1989, syn. n. = O. takobius Andreeva et Tystshenko, 1969, are proposed.  相似文献   

The new subfamily of Cossidae; Catoptinae Yakovlev, subfam. n., well distinguished from other representatives of the family, is described. The new subfamily includes two genera: Catopta Staudinger, 1899 (type genus) and Chiangmaiana Kemal et Koçak, 2006. A catalogue of the subfamily is presented. One new synonym Catopta hyrcanus (Christoph, 1888) = Catopta brandti Bryk, 1947, syn. n., is established. The new subfamily has the following distinguishing features: short valvae; reduced processes of transtilla; vesica with numerous cornuti; pearshaped bursa copulatrix; and very short ductus bursae.  相似文献   

Beetle remains from the Triassic Khey-Yaga locality, Nenets National District, Korotaikha Basin, Nyadeita Formation, Olenekian-Anisian are described. Only isolated elytra have been found. Tetracoleus tshalyshevi gen. et sp. nov. and T. minimus sp. nov. are described and assigned to Tricoleidae, and six new species are described in formal taxa. Tetracoleus is close to Permian tricoleids just found in the Newcastle Group of Australia and the Vyatkian Aristovo locality of northern European Russia. The composition of elytra in the locality is closer to that of Lower Triassic localities than other Middle Triassic localities and characterizes the beginning of a recovery after the Permian-Triassic ecological crisis. Longxianocupes Hong in Liu, Liu et Hong, 1985 is shown to be a junior synonym of Sogdelytron Ponomarenko, 1969. The species Palademosyne ovum Ponomarenko, 2004, P. elongatum Ponomarenko, 2004, and P. latum Ponomarenko, 2004 are transferred to the genus Pseudochrysomelites Handlirsch, 1906.  相似文献   

Seven groups of genera are distinguished in the subtribe Issina Spinola. The new genera Apedalmus gen. n. (the type species Falcidius abruzicus Dlabola, 1983) and Thalassana gen. n. (the type species: Hysteropterum ephialtes Linnavuori, 1971) are erected. The subgenera Acrestia Dlabola, 1980, Montissus Gnezdilov, 2003, and Atticus Gnezdilov, 2003 are upgraded to genera. The subgenus Capititudes Gnezdilov, Drosopoulos et Wilson, 2004 is transferred to the genus Acrestia, and the subgenus Stygiata Emeljanov, 1972 to Celyphoma Emeljanov, 1971. The subtribe Agalmatiina Gnezdilov, 2002 and the subfamily Hysteropterinae Melichar, 1906 are placed in synonymy under Issina Spinola, 1839. Issus reticulatus Herrich-Schäffer, 1835 is designated as the type species of the genus Hysteropterum Amyot et Serville, 1843.  相似文献   

New genera, Pseudochirotenon gen. nov. (with the type species P. eocaenicus sp. nov.), Archaeoheilus gen. nov. (type species A. scudderi sp. nov.), Primocentron gen. nov. (type species P. wickhami sp. nov.), and Pseudophaops gen. nov. (type species Otiorhynchus perditus Scudder, 1876), and new species, Pseudochirotenon eocaenicus sp. nov., Perapion rasnitsyni sp. nov., Archaeoheilus scudderi sp. nov., A. ovalis sp. nov., Primocentron wickhami sp. nov., and Eudiagogus vossi sp. nov., from the Early–Middle Eocene of the Green River are described. New combinations of names (Apionion evestigatum (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., Archaeoheilus packardii (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., A. provectus (Scudder, 1876), comb. nov., A. deleticius (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., A. lacoei (Scudder, 1893), comb. nov., Pseudophaops perditus (Scudder, 1876), comb. nov.) are established. The first fossil records of the tribe Ecelonerini from the New World and genus Perapion from the Green River Formation are provided.  相似文献   

The generaAmblostoma, Lanium, andStenoglossum are discussed, and it is concluded that all three should be included inEpidendrum.Lanium is treated as a section, and new names are proposed for two species whose epithets are preoccupied inEpidendrum: E. macrum (forAmblostoma gracile) andE. stiliferum (forLanium subulatum).  相似文献   

A new opecoelid trematode is reported from fishes of the Lethrinidae, Lutjanidae and Nemipteridae off Lizard Island on the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The new species keys to Neolebouria Gibson, 1976 and shows strong similarity to several species of that genus, but is not consistent with the type-species, N. georgiensis Gibson, 1976, or others known from temperate/polar and/or deep-sea fishes. The new species is also phylogenetically distant from N. lanceolata (Price, 1934) Reimer, 1987, the only representative of the genus for which molecular data are available. A new genus, Trilobovarium n. g., is proposed for the new species, T. parvvatis n. sp. Eight morphologically similar species, previously recognised as belonging to Neolebouria, from shallow-water, mostly tropical/subtropical fishes, are transferred to Trilobovarium: T. diacopae (Nagaty & Abdel Aal, 1962) n. comb.; T. ira (Yamaguti, 1940) n. comb.; T. khalili (Ramadan, 1983) n. comb.; T. krusadaiense (Gupta, 1956) n. comb.; T. lineatum (Aken’Ova & Cribb, 2001) n. comb.; T. moretonense (Aken’Ova & Cribb, 2001) n. comb.; T. palauense (Machida, 2014) n. comb.; and T. truncatum (Linton, 1940) n. comb. Paramanteriella Li, Qiu & Zhang, 1988 is resurrected for five species of Neolebouria with a post-bifurcal genital pore: P. cantherini Li, Qiu & Zhang, 1988; P. capoori (Jaiswal, Upadhyay, Malhotra, Dronen & Malhotra, 2014) n. comb.; P. confusa (Overstreet, 1969) n. comb.; P. leiperi (Gupta, 1956) n. comb.; and P. pallenisca (Shipley & Hornell, 1905) n. comb. Neolebouria georgenascimentoi Bray, 2002, a species with an exceptionally long cirrus-sac, is transferred to Bentholebouria Andres, Pulis & Overstreet, 2004 as B. georgenascimentoi (Bray, 2002) n. comb., and N. maorum (Allison, 1966) Gibson 1976, an unusual species known from cephalopods, is designated a species incertae sedis. Eleven species are retained in a revised concept of Neolebouria.  相似文献   

All known extinct species of Mesozoic and Cenozoic weevils are listed. Ten species of Obrienioidea and 895 Curculionoidea species are recognized, including 88 Nemonychidae, 43 Anthribidae, 44 Ithyceridae, 65 Scolytidae, 12 Belidae, 67 Brentidae, 508 Curcuionidae, 45 Rhynchitidae, six Attelabidae, and 16 Platypodidae. The Triassic beds have yielded six fossil species; Jurassic, 64; Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary, 2; Cretaceous, 105; Paleogene, 510; Neogene, 190; and Pleistocene–Holocene, 22 (5 are synonyms). A new subfamily, Montsecbelinae Legalov, subfam. nov. (with the type genus Montsecbelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 1997); the new tribes Cretochoragini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Cretochoragus Soriano et al., 2006), Montsecanomalini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Montsecanomalus Soriano et al., 2006), Montsecbelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Montsecbelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 1997), Gratshevibelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Gratshevibelus Soriano, 2009), Davidibelini Legalov, trib. nov. (with the type genus Davidibelus Zherikhin et Gratshev, 2004); the new genera Allandroides Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Allandroides vossi Legalov, sp. nov.), Baissabrenthorhinus Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Baissabrenthorhinus mirabilis Legalov, sp. nov.), Ithyceroides Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Ithyceroides klondikensis Legalov, sp. nov.), Furhylobius Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Furhylobius troesteri Legalov, sp. nov.), Electrauletes Legalov, gen. nov. (with the type species Electrauletes unicus Legalov, sp. nov.); new species Allandroides vossi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Glaesotropis gusakovi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. succiniferus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. alleni Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), G. gratshevi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Baissabrenthorhinus mirabilis Legalov, sp. nov. (Baissa locality), Ithyceroides klondikensis Legalov, sp. nov. (Republic Graben locality), Melanapion poinari Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), M. gusakovi Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), Furhylobius troesteri Legalov, sp. nov. (Mors locality), Baltocar convexus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber), and Electrauletes unicus Legalov, sp. nov. (Baltic amber) are newly described.  相似文献   

A complex of the heteropteran genera centering around Peribalus Mulsant et Rey and Holcostethus Fieber is considered. The genus Dryadocoris Kirkaldy reveals no relationship with the above genera and is believed to represent a separate clade of the family Pentatomidae. The genera Peribalus and Holcostethus are revised. The former includes three subgenera: Peribalus s. str. with two species, Asioperibalus subgen. n. (type species Cimex inclusus Dohrn) with six species, and Tianocoris subgen. n. (type species Holcostethus manifestus Kiritshenko) with two species. Holcostethus embraces two subgenera: Holcostethus s. str. and the monotypic Enigmocoris subgen. n. (type species H. fissiceps Horváth). Two new species are described: Peribalus tianshanicus sp. n. from the Tien Shan Mts. and P. przewalskii sp. n. from the northern part of China (Huan He River). P. capitatus Jakovlev and P. vernalis (Wolff) are downgraded to subspecies of P. strictus (F.). P. ovatus Jakovlev is synonymized with P. inclusus (Dohrn). Two new monotypic genera related to the revised complex of genera are established, Paraholcostethus gen. n. (type species Peribalus breviceps Horváth) and Himalayastethus gen. n. (type species H. pilosus sp. n. from Kashmir). A key to, and morphometric characters for all the taxa considered are provided. The key characters, including both male and female genitalia, are illustrated, and distributional maps are given.  相似文献   

Synonymy of two genus-group names is substantiated: Tricholicinus Poppius, 1912 (type species: Tricholicinus setosus J.R. Sahlberg, 1880) = Martyr Semenov et Znojko, 1929 (type species: Martyr praeteritorum Semenov et Znojko, 1929), syn. n. and Psammodromius Peyerimhoff, 1927 (type species: Psammodromius noctivagus Peyerimhoff, 1927) = Xanthomelina Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1964 (type species: Apristus zajtzewi Eichler, 1924), syn. n. Synonymy of the following names of the species-group taxa is established: Calosoma (Callisthenes) elegans (Kirsch, 1859) = C. (Callisthenes) declive (Dohrn, 1884), syn. n., lectotype of the latter is designated; Carabus (Semnocarabus) erosus erosus Motschulsky, 1866 = C. (Semnocarabus) erosus karascharensis (Eidam, 1931), syn. n., lectotype of the latter is designated; C. (Semnocarabus) cicatricosulus pseudoerosus Mandl, 1955 = C. (Semnocarabus) bogdanowi semnocosulus Deuve et Tian, 2013, syn. n.; Chlaenius (Dinodes) viridis (Ménétriés, 1832) = Ch. pallidicornis Ballion, 1871, syn. n.; Licinus (Tricholicinus) setosus (J.R. Sahlberg, 1880) = Licinus mongolicus Reitter, 1900, syn. n. = Martyr praeteritorum Semenov et Znojko, 1929, syn. n. = Martyr alter Semenov et Znojko, 1929, syn. n.; Psammodromius zajtzewi (Eichler, 1924), comb. n. (transferred from the genus Xanthomelina Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1964) = Psammodromius pallidicolor (Mandl, 1973), syn. n. = Psammodromius damanabii Morvan, 1977, syn. n.Calosoma (Callisthenes) rostislavi Semenov, 1906, stat. resurr. is resurrected from synonyms of C. (Callisthenes) declive (Dohrn, 1884).  相似文献   

Two articles on fossil Lestremiinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Rovno amber (Perkovsky and Fedotova, 2004; Fedotova and Perkovsky, 2004) are reviewed and discussed. As a result, the following gall midges species are considered Lestremiinae incertae sedis: + Aprionus admirandus Fed., + Conarete laesus Fed., + Heterogenella sparsa Fed., + Micromyia convoluta Fed., + Peromyia autonoma Fed., + Peromyia miranda Fed., + Peromyia sukachevae Fed., + Peromyia zherikhini Fed. (all in Perkovsky and Fedotova, 2004), + Campylomyza falciformis Fed., + Campylomyza superposita Fed., + Neurolyga declinata Fed., + Strobliella appropinquata Fed., and + Strobliella capitata Fed. (all in Fedotova and Perkovsky, 2004).  相似文献   

Data on 15 species of the subgenus Pseudotiorhynchus Magnano, 2004 of the genus Otiorhynchus Germar, 1822 from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Iran are given. Otiorhynchus lukarevskayae Davidian, sp. n., O. karakalensis Davidian et Savitsky, sp. n., O. konstantini Davidian et Savitsky, sp. n., O. muratovi Savitsky et Davidian, sp. n., O. kopetdagicus Savitsky et Davidian, sp. n., and O. shakhensis Savitsky et Davidian, sp. n. from Turkmenistan, and O. khorasanus Savitsky et Davidian, sp. n. from Iran are described as new to science. A new synonymy is established: Pseudotiorhynchus Magnano, 2004 = Crassorhynchus Magnano, 2004, syn. n. Otiorhynchus iranensis Magnano, 2004 is transferred from the subgenus Protarammichnus Voss, 1960 to the subgenus Pseudotiorhynchus. Lectotype of O. conicirostris Stierlin, 1886 is designated. A key to 15 species of the subgenus Pseudotiorhynchus is given. The new subgenus Microhanibotus Savitsky et Davidian, subgen. n. is established for the new species O. ghilarovi Davidian et Savitsky, sp. n. from the Western Kopet Dagh in Turkmenistan. Microhanibotus subgen. n. is closely related to the subgenera Pseudotiorhynchus, Hanibotus Reitter, 1912 and Nubidanus Reitter, 1912.  相似文献   

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