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Refolding of an integral membrane protein. OmpA of Escherichia coli   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
OmpA is an integral membrane protein from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. Purified, lipopolysaccharide-free OmpA was denatured by boiling in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Refolding was then induced by replacement of SDS with the nonionic detergent octylglucoside. The structure of both the denatured and refolded protein were investigated by SDS-gel electrophoresis, protease digestion, Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy. Refolded OmpA could be reconstituted into membranes of the synthetic lipid dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine. Thus, lipopolysaccharide is neither necessary for proper folding of OmpA nor for its insertion into lipid membranes. Based on this result, models for sorting of OmpA into the outer membrane of E. coli are discussed.  相似文献   

FtsK is a multifunctional protein that acts in Escherichia coli cell division and chromosome segregation. Its C-terminal domain is required for XerCD-mediated recombination between dif sites that resolve chromosome dimers formed by recombination between sister chromosomes. We report the construction and analysis of a set of strains carrying different Xer recombination sites in place of dif, some of which recombine in an FtsK-independent manner. The results show that FtsK-independent Xer recombination does not support chromosome dimer resolution. Furthermore, resolution of dimers by the Cre/loxP system also requires FtsK. These findings reveal a second role for FtsK during chromosome dimer resolution in addition to XerCD activation. We propose that FtsK acts to position the dif regions, thus allowing a productive synapse between dif sites.  相似文献   

We have followed the fate of 14 different loci around the Escherichia coli chromosome in living cells at slow growth rate using a highly efficient labelling system and automated measurements. Loci are segregated as they are replicated, but with a marked delay. Most markers segregate in a smooth temporal progression from origin to terminus. Thus, the overall pattern is one of continuous segregation during replication and is not consistent with recently published models invoking extensive sister chromosome cohesion followed by simultaneous segregation of the bulk of the chromosome. The terminus, and a region immediately clockwise from the origin, are exceptions to the overall pattern and are subjected to a more extensive delay prior to segregation. The origin region and nearby loci are replicated and segregated from the cell centre, later markers from the various positions where they lie in the nucleoid, and the terminus region from the cell centre. Segregation appears to leave one copy of each locus in place, and rapidly transport the other to the other side of the cell centre.  相似文献   

The mechanism of prokaryotic chromosome segregation is not known. MreB, an actin homolog, is a shape-determining factor in rod-shaped prokaryotic cells. Using immunofluorescence microscopy we found that MreB of Escherichia coli formed helical filaments located beneath the cell surface. Flow cytometric and cytological analyses indicated that MreB-depleted cells segregated their chromosomes in pairs, consistent with chromosome cohesion. Overexpression of wild-type MreB inhibited cell division but did not perturb chromosome segregation. Overexpression of mutant forms of MreB inhibited cell division, caused abnormal MreB filament morphology and induced severe localization defects of the nucleoid and of the oriC and terC chromosomal regions. The chromosomal terminus regions appeared cohered in both MreB-depleted cells and in cells overexpressing mutant forms of MreB. Our observations indicate that MreB filaments participate in directional chromosome movement and segregation.  相似文献   

The SecY protein is a membrane-bound factor required for bacterial protein export and embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane by its 10 transmembrane segments. We previously proposed a topology model for this protein by adapting the Manoil-Beckwith TnphoA approach, a genetic method to assign local disposition of a membrane protein from the enzymatic activity of the alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) mature sequence attached to the various regions. SecY-PhoA hybrid proteins with the PhoA domain exported to the periplasmic side of the membrane have been obtained at the five putative periplasmic domains of the SecY sequence. We now extended this method to apply it to follow export of the newly synthesized PhoA domain. Trypsin treatment of detergent-solubilized cell extracts digested the internalized (unfolded) PhoA domain but not those exported and correctly folded. One of the hybrid proteins was cleaved in vivo after export to the periplasm, providing a convenient indication for the export. Results of these analyses indicate that export of the PhoA domain attached to different periplasmic regions of SecY occurs rapidly and requires the normal functioning of the secY gene supplied in trans. Thus, this membrane protein with multiple transmembrane segments contains multiple export signals which can promote rapid and secY-dependent export of the PhoA mature sequence attached to the carboxyl-terminal sides.  相似文献   

Mechanism for chromosome and minichromosome segregation in Escherichia coli   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A mechanism for the segregation of chromosomes and minichromosomes into daughter cells during division of Escherichia coli is presented. It is based on the idea that the cell envelope contains a large number of sites capable of binding to the chromosomal replication origin, oriC, and that a polymerizing DNA strand becomes attached to one of the sites at initiation of a round of replication. The attachment sites are distributed throughout the actively growing cell envelope, i.e. lateral envelope and septum, but not in the existing cell poles. This asymmetric distribution of oriC attachment sites accounts for the experimentally observed non-random chromosome and minichromosome segregation, and for the variation in the degree of non-random segregation with cell strain and growth rate. The multi-site attachment concept also accounts for the unstable maintenance of minichromosomes.  相似文献   

Y Akiyama  K Ito 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(11):3465-3470
The secY (prlA) gene product is an essential component of the Escherichia coli cytoplasmic membrane, and its function is required for the translocation of exocytoplasmic proteins across the membrane. We have analyzed the orientation of the SecY protein in the membrane by examining the hydropathic character of its amino acid sequence, by testing its susceptibility to proteases added to each side of the membrane, and by characterizing SecY-PhoA (alkaline phosphatase) hybrid proteins constructed by TnphoA transpositions. The orientation of the PhoA portion of the hybrid protein with respect to the membrane was inferred from its enzymatic activity as well as sensitivity to external proteases. The results suggest that SecY contains 10 transmembrane segments, five periplasmically exposed parts, and six cytoplasmic regions including the amino- and carboxyterminal regions.  相似文献   

The temperature-sensitive nucleoid segregation mutant of Escherichia coli, PAT32, formerly described as a parA mutant, has been shown to carry a mutation near 66 min on the genetic map. Fine mapping with phages from the collection of Kohara et al. is consistent with its being a parC allele. Observation by fluorescence microscopy revealed the formation, at a nonpermissive temperature, of filaments containing one or two large nucleoids and of normal-size anucleate cells. There was also a significant loss of viability.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic chromosomes contain a locus, the centromere, at which force is applied to separate replicated chromosomes. A centromere analogue is also found in some bacterial plasmids and chromosomes, although not yet identified in the well-studied Escherichia coli chromosome. We aimed to identify centromere-like sequences in E. coli with the premise that such sequences would be the first to migrate towards the cell poles, away from the cell centre where DNA replication is believed to occur. We have labelled different loci on the chromosome by integrating arrays of binding sites for LacI-EYFP and phage lambdacI-ECFP and supplying these fusion proteins in trans. Comparison of such pairs of loci suggests the presence of a centromere-like site close to the origin of replication. Polar migration of the site was dependent on migS, a locus recently implicated in chromosome migration, thus providing strong support for migS being the E. coli centromere.  相似文献   

Slowly growing Escherichia coli cells have a simple cell cycle, with replication and progressive segregation of the chromosome completed before cell division. In rapidly growing cells, initiation of replication occurs before the previous replication rounds are complete. At cell division, the chromosomes contain multiple replication forks and must be segregated while this complex pattern of replication is still ongoing. Here, we show that replication and segregation continue in step, starting at the origin and progressing to the replication terminus. Thus, early-replicated markers on the multiple-branched chromosomes continue to separate soon after replication to form separate protonucleoids, even though they are not segregated into different daughter cells until later generations. The segregation pattern follows the pattern of chromosome replication and does not follow the cell division cycle. No extensive cohesion of sister DNA regions was seen at any growth rate. We conclude that segregation is driven by the progression of the replication forks.  相似文献   

The cellular function of Escherichia coli topoisomerase III remains elusive. We show that rescue of temperature‐sensitive mutants in parE and parC (encoding the subunits of the chromosomal decatenase topoisomerase IV) at restrictive temperatures by high‐copy suppressors is strictly dependent on topB (encoding topoisomerase III). Double mutants of parEΔtopB and parCΔtopB were barely viable, grew slowly, and were defective in chromosome segregation at permissive temperatures. The topB mutant phenotype did not result from accumulation of toxic recombination intermediates, because it was not relieved by mutations in either recQ or recA. In addition, in an otherwise wild‐type genetic background, ΔtopB cells treated with the type II topoisomerase inhibitor novobiocin displayed aberrant chromosome segregation. This novobiocin sensitivity was attributable to an increased demand for topoisomerase IV and is unlikely to define a new role for topoisomerase III; therefore, these results suggest that topoisomerase III participates in orderly and efficient chromosome segregation in E. coli.  相似文献   

In order to maintain genomic integrity during mitosis, cells assemble the mitotic spindle to separate sister chromosomes to the two daughter cells. A variety of motor- and non motor-proteins are involved in the organization and regulation of this complex apparatus. DNA polymerase δ-interacting protein 38 (PDIP38) is a highly conserved protein and has so far been shown to be a cytoplasmic and nuclear protein. Cell cycle dependent nuclear localization and the interaction with DNA polymerase δ and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) indicate a role for PDIP38 in DNA modification and/or proliferation. Here, we show for the first time that PDIP38 localizes to the mitotic spindle throughout mitosis. Using anti-PDIP38 antibody injections and siRNA silencing, we demonstrate that PDIP38 loss-of-function causes problems with spindle organization, aberrant chromosome segregation, and multinucleated cells. Taken together, the data indicate different roles for PDIP38 in safeguarding a proper cell division at various stages of the cell cycle, including DNA synthesis and repair, organization of the mitotic spindle and chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Genetic approaches can address the question of how integral membrane Sec factors interact with each other and facilitate protein translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane of E. coli. This review summarizes genetic analyses of SecY, SecE and some other protein translocation factors, utilizing 'prl' mutations, 'sec' mutations, 'suppressor-directed inactivation', 'Sec titration', dominant negative mutations and their suppressors. Evidence suggests that co-ordinate participation of SecY, SecE, SecD, SecF, and probably some other factors, is crucial for the process.  相似文献   

An integral membrane protein forming channels across Escherichia coli outer membranes, porin, has been crystallized using a polyethylene glycol or salt-generated two-phase system. Monodispersity and homogeneity of protein-detergent complexes were found to be prerequisites for reproducible formation of crystals amenable to X-ray structural analysis. By varying pH, detergent and buffer type, large crystals of three different habits can be obtained, two of which are discussed in this paper. The tetragonal form (space group P4(2); unit cell dimensions, a = b = 155 A, c = 172 A) is suitable for X-ray analysis. Low temperature induces a change of the space group to P4(2)22, with a single trimer in the asymmetric unit. This crystal form diffracts to a resolution beyond 2.9 A. The hexagonal crystal form (space group P6(3)22; unit cell dimensions, a = b = 93 A, c = 220 A) is limited in resolution to 4.5 A, but reveals a packing arrangement very similar to that in two-dimensional membrane-like crystalline arrays.  相似文献   

Detergent binding studies indicated that the neural enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, did not exhibit the properties of an integral membrane protein. The 11S form was isolated by affinity chromatography from a tryptic digest and the 14S and 18S forms in like manner from an undigested preparation. Studies were performed with [3H]TX-100 to determine the extent of binding by these forms and with catalase and human low density lipoprotein as reference proteins. All forms of the enzyme bound less than 0.04 mg TX-100/mg protein which is only slightly higher than binding by catalase and about 25 fold lower than the binding exhibited by low density lipoprotein.  相似文献   

In bacteria, septum formation frequently initiates before the last steps of chromosome segregation. This is notably the case when chromosome dimers are formed by homologous recombination. Chromosome segregation then requires the activity of a double‐stranded DNA transporter anchored at the septum by an integral membrane domain, FtsK. It was proposed that the transmembrane segments of proteins of the FtsK family form pores across lipid bilayers for the transport of DNA. Here, we show that truncated Escherichia coli FtsK proteins lacking all of the FtsK transmembrane segments allow for the efficient resolution of chromosome dimers if they are connected to a septal targeting peptide through a sufficiently long linker. These results indicate that FtsK does not need to transport DNA through a pore formed by its integral membrane domain. We propose therefore that FtsK transports DNA before membrane fusion, at a time when there is still an opening in the constricted septum.  相似文献   

The septum-located DNA translocase, FtsK, acts to co-ordinate the late steps of Escherichia coli chromosome segregation with cell division. The FtsK γ regulatory subdomain interacts with 8 bp KOPS DNA sequences, which are oriented from the replication origin to the terminus region ( ter ) in each arm of the chromosome. This interaction directs FtsK translocation towards ter where the final chromosome unlinking by decatenation and chromosome dimer resolution occurs. Chromosome dimer resolution requires FtsK translocation along DNA and its interaction with the XerCD recombinase bound to the recombination site, dif , located within ter . The frequency of chromosome dimer formation is ∼15% per generation in wild-type cells. Here we characterize FtsK alleles that no longer recognize KOPS, yet are proficient for translocation and chromosome dimer resolution. Non-directed FtsK translocation leads to a small reduction in fitness in otherwise normal cell populations, as a consequence of ∼70% of chromosome dimers being resolved to monomers. More serious consequences arise when chromosome dimer formation is increased, or their resolution efficiency is impaired because of defects in chromosome organization and processing. For example, when Cre– loxP recombination replaces XerCD– dif recombination in dimer resolution, when functional MukBEF is absent, or when replication terminates away from ter .  相似文献   

S Gharbi  M Bally  A Lazdunski  M Murgier 《Biochimie》1986,68(10-11):1159-1163
Mutants altered in their expression of the hybrid pepN-lacZ gene have been selected for resistance to p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (a bacteriostatic compound that enters the cells via lac permease). A unique mutation decreasing the level of pepN expression to 9% of that of the wild type has been studied in detail. This mutation controls in cis the expression of the pepN gene. The pepN region from a pepN-lacZ gene fusion has been cloned and sequenced. Comparison of the mutant and wild type sequences indicates that the mutation lies between the Shine-Dalgarno sequence (AGGT) and the initiation codon (AUG). This mutation is a T----C transition which might allow the formation of a stable secondary structure in the region of translation initiation thus decreasing the level of pepN expression.  相似文献   

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