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There has been considerable interest in the problem of making maximum likelihood (ML) evolutionary trees which allow insertions and deletions. This problem is partly one of formulation: how does one define a probabilistic model for such trees which treats insertion and deletion in a biologically plausible manner? A possible answer to this question is proposed here by extending the concept of a hidden Markov model (HMM) to evolutionary trees. The model, called a tree-HMM, allows what may be loosely regarded as learnable affine-type gap penalties for alignments. These penalties are expressed in HMMs as probabilities of transitions between states. In the tree-HMM, this idea is given an evolutionary embodiment by defining trees of transitions. Just as the probability of a tree composed of ungapped sequences is computed, by Felsenstein's method, using matrices representing the probabilities of substitutions of residues along the edges of the tree, so the probabilities in a tree-HMM are computed by substitution matrices for both residues and transitions. How to define these matrices by a ML procedure using an algorithm that learns from a database of protein sequences is shown here. Given these matrices, one can define a tree-HMM likelihood for a set of sequences, assuming a particular tree topology and an alignment of the sequences to the model. If one could efficiently find the alignment which maximizes (or comes close to maximizing) this likelihood, then one could search for the optimal tree topology for the sequences. An alignment algorithm is defined here which, given a particular tree topology, is guaranteed to increase the likelihood of the model. Unfortunately, it fails to find global optima for realistic sequence sets. Thus further research is needed to turn the tree-HMM into a practical phylogenetic tool.  相似文献   

A series of new results useful to the study of DNA sequences using Markov models of substitution are presented with proofs. General time-reversible distances can be extended to accommodate any fixed distribution of rates across sites by replacing the logarithmic function of a matrix with the inverse of a moment generating function. Estimators are presented assuming a gamma distribution, the inverse Gaussian distribution, or a mixture of either of these with invariant sites. Also considered are the different ways invariant sites may be removed and how these differences may affect estimated distances. Through collaboration, we implemented these distances into PAUP* in 1994. The variance of these new distances is approximated via the delta method. It is also shown how to predict the divergence expected for a pair of sequences given a rate matrix and a distribution of rates across sites, allowing iterated ML estimates of distances under any reversible model. A simple test of whether a rate matrix is time reversible is also presented. These new methods are used to estimate the divergence time of humans and chimps from mtDNA sequence data. These analyses support suggestions that the human lineage has an enhanced transition rate relative to other hominoids. These studies also show that transversion distances differ substantially from the overall distances which are dominated by transitions. Transversions alone apparently suggest a very recent divergence time for humans versus chimps and/or a very old (>16 myr) divergence time for humans versus organgutans. This work illustrates graphically ways to interpret the reliability of distance-based transformations, using the corrected transition to transversion ratio returned for pairs of sequences which are successively more diverged.  相似文献   

A series of new results useful to the study of DNA sequences using Markov models of substitution are presented with proofs. General time-reversible distances can be extended to accommodate any fixed distribution of rates across sites by replacing the logarithmic function of a matrix with the inverse of a moment generating function. Estimators are presented assuming a gamma distribution, the inverse Gaussian distribution, or a mixture of either of these with invariant sites. Also considered are the different ways invariant sites may be removed and how these differences may affect estimated distances. Through collaboration, we implemented these distances into PAUP* in 1994. The variance of these new distances is approximated via the delta method. It is also shown how to predict the divergence expected for a pair of sequences given a rate matrix and a distribution of rates across sites, allowing iterated ML estimates of distances under any reversible model. A simple test of whether a rate matrix is time reversible is also presented. These new methods are used to estimate the divergence time of humans and chimps from mtDNA sequence data. These analyses support suggestions that the human lineage has an enhanced transition rate relative to other hominoids. These studies also show that transversion distances differ substantially from the overall distances which are dominated by transitions. Transversions alone apparently suggest a very recent divergence time for humans versus chimps and/or a very old (>16 myr) divergence time for humans versus organgutans. This work illustrates graphically ways to interpret the reliability of distance-based transformations, using the corrected transition to transversion ratio returned for pairs of sequences which are successively more diverged.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of proteins provide rich information for inferring distant phylogenetic relationships and for predicting protein functions. Estimating the rate matrix of residue substitutions from amino acid sequences is also important because the rate matrix can be used to develop scoring matrices for sequence alignment. Here we use a continuous time Markov process to model the substitution rates of residues and develop a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo method for rate estimation. We validate our method using simulated artificial protein sequences. Because different local regions such as binding surfaces and the protein interior core experience different selection pressures due to functional or stability constraints, we use our method to estimate the substitution rates of local regions. Our results show that the substitution rates are very different for residues in the buried core and residues on the solvent-exposed surfaces. In addition, the rest of the proteins on the binding surfaces also have very different substitution rates from residues. Based on these findings, we further develop a method for protein function prediction by surface matching using scoring matrices derived from estimated substitution rates for residues located on the binding surfaces. We show with examples that our method is effective in identifying functionally related proteins that have overall low sequence identity, a task known to be very challenging.  相似文献   

We develop a new approach to estimate a matrix of pairwise evolutionary distances from a codon-based alignment based on a codon evolutionary model. The method first computes a standard distance matrix for each of the three codon positions. Then these three distance matrices are weighted according to an estimate of the global evolutionary rate of each codon position and averaged into a unique distance matrix. Using a large set of both real and simulated codon-based alignments of nucleotide sequences, we show that this approach leads to distance matrices that have a significantly better treelikeness compared to those obtained by standard nucleotide evolutionary distances. We also propose an alternative weighting to eliminate the part of the noise often associated with some codon positions, particularly the third position, which is known to induce a fast evolutionary rate. Simulation results show that fast distance-based tree reconstruction algorithms on distance matrices based on this codon position weighting can lead to phylogenetic trees that are at least as accurate as, if not better, than those inferred by maximum likelihood. Finally, a well-known multigene dataset composed of eight yeast species and 106 codon-based alignments is reanalyzed and shows that our codon evolutionary distances allow building a phylogenetic tree which is similar to those obtained by non-distance-based methods (e.g., maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood) and also significantly improved compared to standard nucleotide evolutionary distance estimates.  相似文献   

A fundamental task in sequence analysis is to calculate the probability of a multiple alignment given a phylogenetic tree relating the sequences and an evolutionary model describing how sequences change over time. However, the most widely used phylogenetic models only account for residue substitution events. We describe a probabilistic model of a multiple sequence alignment that accounts for insertion and deletion events in addition to substitutions, given a phylogenetic tree, using a rate matrix augmented by the gap character. Starting from a continuous Markov process, we construct a non-reversible generative (birth-death) evolutionary model for insertions and deletions. The model assumes that insertion and deletion events occur one residue at a time. We apply this model to phylogenetic tree inference by extending the program dnaml in phylip. Using standard benchmarking methods on simulated data and a new "concordance test" benchmark on real ribosomal RNA alignments, we show that the extended program dnamlepsilon improves accuracy relative to the usual approach of ignoring gaps, while retaining the computational efficiency of the Felsenstein peeling algorithm.  相似文献   

A widely used algorithm for computing an optimal local alignment between two sequences requires a parameter set with a substitution matrix and gap penalties. It is recognized that a proper parameter set should be selected to suit the level of conservation between sequences. We describe an algorithm for selecting an appropriate substitution matrix at given gap penalties for computing an optimal local alignment between two sequences. In the algorithm, a substitution matrix that leads to the maximum alignment similarity score is selected among substitution matrices at various evolutionary distances. The evolutionary distance of the selected substitution matrix is defined as the distance of the computed alignment. To show the effects of gap penalties on alignments and their distances and help select appropriate gap penalties, alignments and their distances are computed at various gap penalties. The algorithm has been implemented as a computer program named SimDist. The SimDist program was compared with an existing local alignment program named SIM for finding reciprocally best-matching pairs (RBPs) of sequences in each of 100 protein families, where RBPs are commonly used as an operational definition of orthologous sequences. SimDist produced more accurate results than SIM on 50 of the 100 families, whereas both programs produced the same results on the other 50 families. SimDist was also used to compare three types of substitution matrices in scoring 444,461 pairs of homologous sequences from the 100 families.  相似文献   

Ordination is a powerful method for analysing complex data setsbut has been largely ignored in sequence analysis. This papershows how to use principal coordinates analysis to find low–dimensionalrepresentations of distance matrices derived from aligned setsof sequences. The method takes a matrix of Euclidean distancesbetween all pairs of sequence and finds a coordinate space wherethe distances are exactly preserved The main problem is to finda measure of distance between aligned sequences that is Euclidean.The simplest distance function is the square root of the percentagedifference (as measured by identities) between two sequences,where one ignores any positions in the alignment where thereis a gap in any sequence. If one does not ignore positions witha gap, the distances cannot be guaranteed to be Euclidean butthe deleterious effects are trivial. Two examples of using themethod are shown. A set of 226 aligned globins were analysedand the resulting ordination very successfully represents theknown patterns of relationship between the sequences. In theother example, a set of 610 aligned 5S rRNA sequences were analysed.Sequence ordinations complement phylogenetic analyses. Theyshould not be viewed as a complete alternative.  相似文献   

Measuring evolutionary distances between DNA or protein sequences forms the basis of many applications in computational biology and evolutionary studies. Of particular interest are distances based on synonymous substitutions, since these substitutions are considered to be under very little selection pressure and therefore assumed to accumulate in an almost clock-like manner. SynPAM, the method presented here, allows the estimation of distances between coding DNA sequences based on synonymous codon substitutions. The problem of estimating an accurate distance from the observed substitution pattern is solved by maximum-likelihood with empirical codon substitution matrices employed for the underlying Markov model. Comparisons with established measures of synonymous distance indicate that SynPAM has less variance and yields useful results over a longer time range.  相似文献   

Streptococcus suis is an important pathogen of swine which occasionally infects humans as well. There are 35 serotypes known for this organism, and it would be desirable to develop rapid methods methods to identify and differentiate the strains of this species. To that effect, partial chaperonin 60 gene sequences were determined for the 35 serotype reference strains of S. suis. Analysis of a pairwise distance matrix showed that the distances ranged from 0 to 0.275 when values were calculated by the maximum-likelihood method. For five of the strains the distances from serotype 1 were greater than 0.1, and for two of these strains the distances were were more than 0.25, suggesting that they belong to a different species. Most of the nucleotide differences were silent; alignment of protein sequences showed that there were only 11 distinct sequences for the 35 strains under study. The chaperonin 60 gene phylogenetic tree was similar to the previously published tree based on 16S rRNA sequences, and it was also observed that strains with identical chaperonin 60 gene sequences tended to have identical 16S rRNA sequences. The chaperonin 60 gene sequences provided a higher level of discrimination between serotypes than the 16S RNA sequences provided and could form the basis for a diagnostic protocol.  相似文献   

We present a method for estimating the most general reversible substitution matrix corresponding to a given collection of pairwise aligned DNA sequences. This matrix can then be used to calculate evolutionary distances between pairs of sequences in the collection. If only two sequences are considered, our method is equivalent to that of Lanave et al. (1984). The main novelty of our approach is in combining data from different sequence pairs. We describe a weighting method for pairs of taxa related by a known tree that results in uniform weights for all branches. Our method for estimating the rate matrix results in fast execution times, even on large data sets, and does not require knowledge of the phylogenetic relationships among sequences. In a test case on a primate pseudogene, the matrix we arrived at resembles one obtained using maximum likelihood, and the resulting distance measure is shown to have better linearity than is obtained in a less general model.  相似文献   

The choice of an "optimal" mathematical model for computing evolutionary distances from real sequences is not currently supported by easy-to-use software applicable to large data sets, and an investigator frequently selects one of the simplest models available. Here we study properties of the observed proportion of differences (p- distance) between sequences as an estimator of evolutionary distance for tree-making. We show that p-distances allow for consistent tree- making with any of the popular methods working with evolutionary distances if evolution of sequences obeys a "molecular clock" (more precisely, if it follows a stationary time-reversible Markov model of nucleotide substitution). Next, we show that p-distances seem to be efficient in recovering the correct tree topology under a "molecular clock," but produce "statistically supported" wrong trees when substitutions rates vary among evolutionary lineages. Finally, we outline a practical approach for selecting an "optimal" model of nucleotide substitution in a real data analysis, and obtain a crude estimate of a "prior" distribution of the expected tree branch lengths under the Jukes-Cantor model. We conclude that the use of a model that is obviously oversimplified is inadvisable unless it is justified by a preliminary analysis of the real sequences.   相似文献   

Measuring evolutionary distances between DNA or protein sequences forms the basis of many applications in computational biology and evolutionary studies. Of particular interest are distances based on synonymous substitutions since these substitutions are considered to be under very little selection pressure and therefore assumed to accumulate in an almost clock-like manner. SynPAM, the method presented here, allows the estimation of distances between coding DNA sequences based on synonymous codon substitutions. The problem of estimating an accurate distance from the observed substitution pattern is solved by maximum likelihood with empirical codon substitution matrices employed for the underlying Markov model. Comparisons with established measures of synonymous distance indicate that SynPAM has less variance and yields useful results over a longer time range.  相似文献   

Streptococcus suis is an important pathogen of swine which occasionally infects humans as well. There are 35 serotypes known for this organism, and it would be desirable to develop rapid methods methods to identify and differentiate the strains of this species. To that effect, partial chaperonin 60 gene sequences were determined for the 35 serotype reference strains of S. suis. Analysis of a pairwise distance matrix showed that the distances ranged from 0 to 0.275 when values were calculated by the maximum-likelihood method. For five of the strains the distances from serotype 1 were greater than 0.1, and for two of these strains the distances were were more than 0.25, suggesting that they belong to a different species. Most of the nucleotide differences were silent; alignment of protein sequences showed that there were only 11 distinct sequences for the 35 strains under study. The chaperonin 60 gene phylogenetic tree was similar to the previously published tree based on 16S rRNA sequences, and it was also observed that strains with identical chaperonin 60 gene sequences tended to have identical 16S rRNA sequences. The chaperonin 60 gene sequences provided a higher level of discrimination between serotypes than the 16S RNA sequences provided and could form the basis for a diagnostic protocol.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the isolation-with-migration model in a continuous-time Markov chain framework, and derive analytical expressions for the probability densities of gene tree topologies with an arbitrary number of lineages. We combine these densities with both nucleotide-substitution and infinite sites mutation models and derive probabilities for use in maximum likelihood estimation. We demonstrate how to apply lumpability of continuous-time Markov chains to achieve a significant reduction in the size of the state-space under consideration. We use matrix exponentiation and spectral decomposition to derive explicit expressions for the case of two diploid individuals in two populations, when the data is given as alignment columns. We implement these expressions in order to carry out a maximum likelihood analysis and provide a simulation study to examine the performance of our method in terms of our ability to recover true parameters. Finally, we show how the performance depends on the parameters in the model.  相似文献   

Substitution matrices have been useful for sequence alignment and protein sequence comparisons. The BLOSUM series of matrices, which had been derived from a database of alignments of protein blocks, improved the accuracy of alignments previously obtained from the PAM-type matrices estimated from only closely related sequences. Although BLOSUM matrices are scoring matrices now widely used for protein sequence alignments, they do not describe an evolutionary model. BLOSUM matrices do not permit the estimation of the actual number of amino acid substitutions between sequences by correcting for multiple hits. The method presented here uses the Blocks database of protein alignments, along with the additivity of evolutionary distances, to approximate the amino acid substitution probabilities as a function of actual evolutionary distance. The PMB (Probability Matrix from Blocks) defines a new evolutionary model for protein evolution that can be used for evolutionary analyses of protein sequences. Our model is directly derived from, and thus compatible with, the BLOSUM matrices. The model has the additional advantage of being easily implemented.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenies based on 9,957 amino acid (AA) sites of 45 proteins encoded in the plastid genomes of Cyanophora, a diatom, a rhodophyte (red algae), a euglenophyte, and five land plants are compared with respect to several properties of the data, including between-site rate variation and aberrant amino acid composition in individual species. Neighbor-joining trees from AA LogDet distances and ML analyses are seen to be congruent when site rate variability was taken into account. Four feasible trees are identified in these analyses, one of which is preferred, and one of which is almost excluded by statistical criteria. A transition probability matrix for the general reversible Markov model of amino acid substitutions is estimated from the data, assuming each of these four trees. In all cases, the tree with diatom and rhodophyte as sister taxa was clearly favored. The new transition matrix based on the best tree, called cpREV, takes into account distinct substitution patterns in plastid-encoded proteins and should be useful in future ML inferences using such data. A second rate matrix, called cpREV*, based on a weighted sum of rate matrices from different trees, is also considered. Received: 3 June 1999 / Accepted: 26 November 1999  相似文献   

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