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Biotic factors in the rhizosphere and their effect on the growth ofPlantago major L. ssp.pleiosperma Pilger (Great plantain) were studied. In a pot experiment the effect on shoot growth of the addition of 2.5% rhizosphere soil at four levels of phosphate was highly dependent on the availability of phosphate: a promoting effect at low phosphate levels was observed while a reducing effect occurred at higher phosphate levels. As the roots were infected with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi in the treatment with rhizosphere soil, two other experiments were set up to separate effects of the indigenous VAM fungi from effects of the total rhizosphere population. The uptake of phosphate and shoot growth was not decreased at higher phosphate availability when VAM inoculum was added alone or in combination with rhizosphere soil. The growth reducing effect of the rhizosphere soil could therefore not be ascribed only to mycorrhizal infection. The results suggest that biotic factors in the rhizosphere soil affect the phosphate uptake ofPlantago major ssp.pleiosperma. This may, under conditions of phosphate limitation, lead to an increase of phosphate stress and, subsequently, a growth reduction. Futhermore, it is concluded that VAM fungi, as part of the rhizosphere population, may compensate this phosphate stress by enhancing the phosphate uptake.Grassland Species Research Group Publication No. 148.  相似文献   

采用透射电镜技术对大车前(Plantago major L.)胚乳发育的超微结构进行了研究。结果表明:(1)大车前为细胞型胚乳;初生胚乳核经一次横分裂产生1个珠孔室细胞和1个合点室细胞;珠孔室两次纵向分裂一次横向分裂形成2层8个细胞,位于上层的4个细胞发育为4个珠孔吸器,位于下层的4个细胞发育为胚乳本体;合点室细胞进行一次核分裂,发育为两核的合点吸器。(2)珠孔吸器呈管状插入珠被组织,珠孔端细胞壁加厚呈现少量分支并具有壁内突,壁内突周围细胞质里分布着大量线粒体、粗面内质网、高尔基体、质体等,细胞核与核仁明显,细胞质浓厚,代谢活动旺盛;球胚期,珠孔吸器的体积呈现最大值,珠孔吸器周围的珠被组织均被水解,形成明显的空腔。珠孔吸器从珠被组织吸收并转运营养物质至胚乳本体,参与胚乳的构建与营养物质的贮藏。球胚后期,珠孔吸器逐渐退化。(3)4个胚乳本体原始细胞具旺盛的分生能力,经不断的平周与垂周分裂增加胚乳细胞数目,使胚乳本体呈现圆球体状,并将胚包围其中;珠孔吸器、合点吸器以及珠被绒毡层吸收转运的营养物质贮存在胚乳本体;球胚后期,随着胚柄的退化,胚体周围的胚乳细胞被水解,为发育的胚所利用。(4)合点吸器的2个细胞核与核仁巨大,线粒体、质体、高尔基体、内质网主要绕核分布,液泡化明显;胚体与胚乳本体的体积增大,逐渐将合点吸器向胚珠合点部位挤压,合点吸器周围的合点组织逐渐被水解,形成巨大空腔。合点吸器自珠心组织吸收并转运营养物质至胚乳本体,参与胚乳的结构构建与营养物质的贮藏。球胚后期,合点吸器逐渐失去功能,呈现退化状态。  相似文献   

为了解枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica)叶片性状和单果质量的遗传多样性及其相关性,对‘宁海白’与‘大房’杂交组合的F1群体(123株)的7个叶片性状与单果质量进行相关分析。结果表明,叶片的长度、宽度、厚度和叶柄长度及单果质量5个性状在后代中均呈现连续性较好的正态分布,其中单果质量、叶片的长度、宽度和厚度呈趋小遗传趋势,叶柄长度呈趋中变异趋势。F1杂交群体叶面形态主要以“稍皱”为主,叶片形状以“椭圆形”为主,叶基形状以“楔形”为主。单果质量与叶柄长度、叶片长度、叶片宽度、叶片厚度均表现出极显著的正相关性。因此,叶柄长度可考虑作为早期筛选大果优株的参考指标之一。  相似文献   

R. Baas 《Plant and Soil》1990,124(2):187-193
An experiment was set up in order to study 1) the relationship between net P uptake and dry matter production in mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants and 2) the effects of isolated rhizosphere bacteria and fungi on net P uptake and growth of P. major ssp. pleiosperma. A similar relationship between net P uptake and dry matter production was found for both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants, although the regression lines differed in intercept.Compared to non-inoculated treatments, inoculation with bacteria slightly decreased dry matter production and P uptake of P. major, whereas inoculation with fungi or bacteria + fungi showed no effect. The results are discussed in terms of competition for available P and host photosynthates between host plant and rhizosphere microorganisms.  相似文献   

With the aims (1) to test whether the different natural occurrence of twoPlantago species in grasslands is explained by a different preference of the species for nitrate or ammonium; (2) to test whether the different occurrence is explained by differences in the flexibility of the species towards changes in the nitrogen form; (3) to find suitable parameters as a tool to study ammonium and nitrate utilization of these species at the natural sites in grasslands, plants ofPlantago lanceolata andP. major ssp.major were grown with an abundant supply of nitrate, ammonium or nitrate+ammonium as the nitrogen source (0.5 mM). The combination of ammonium and nitrate gave a slightly higher final plant weight than nitrate or ammonium alone. Ammonium lowered the shoot to root ratio inP. major. Uptake of nitrate per g root was faster than that of ammonium, but from the mixed source ammonium and nitrate were taken up at the same rate. In vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was present in both shoot and roots of plants receiving nitrate. When ammonium was applied in addition to nitrate, NRA of the shoot was not affected, but in the root the activity decreased. Thus, a larger proportion of total NRA was present in the shoot than with nitrate alone. In vitro glutamate dehydrogenase activity (GDHA) was enhanced by ammonium, both in the shoot and in the roots.In vitro glutamine synthetase activity (GSA) was highest in roots of plants receiving ammonium. Both GDHA and GSA were higher inP. lanceolata than inP. major. The concentration of ammonium in the roots increased with ammonium, but it did not accumulate in the shoot. The concentration of amino acids in the roots was also enhanced by ammonium. Protein concentration was not affected by the form of nitrogen. Nitrate accumulated in both the shoot and the roots of nitrate grown plants. When nitrate in the solution was replaced by ammonium, the nitrate concentration in the roots decreased rapidly. It also decreased in the shoot, but slowly. It is concluded that the nitrogen metabolism of the twoPlantago species shows a similar response to a change in the form of the nitrogen source, and that differences in natural occurrence of these species are not related to a differential adaptation of nitrogen metabolism towards the nitrogen form. Suitable parameters for establishing the nitrogen source in the field are thein vivo NRA, nitrate concentrations in tissues and xylem exudate, and the fraction of total reduced nitrogen in the roots that is in the soluble form, and to some extent thein vitro GDHA and GSA of the roots. Grassland Species Research Group. Publ. no 118.  相似文献   

Summary Twelve Plantago major plants, good representatives of their populations, appeared to be genetically different for several characters which are important for adaptation to the respective habitat conditions. These characters are: juvenile growth, leaf morphology, production of secondary rosettes, flowering time, seed production, seed size and adult leaf production. The adaptive value of some of these characters was investigated by transplantation experiments in the field and by intraspecific competition experiments. The roadside type of ssp. major was adapted to trampling by being erect and elastic. The lawn type of ssp. major was adapted to a short, frequently cut, vegetation by being prostrate and by producing leaves with short petioles throughout the growth season. In the natural situations in which ssp. pleiosperma occurs, growth rate and first-year seed production of this subspecies were considerably higher than that of ssp. major. In a number of experiments, F1s and F2s were included, derived from crosses between the original plants. The F1s were generally rather well adapted to both parental habitats, whereas the F2s appeared to be less fit. The various alternatives in spending resources relevant for fitness optimization in different habitats are discussed.Grassland Species Research Group Publication No. 93  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial toxin production is allied to some unknown trigger resulting in the production of toxins such as microcystin. We hypothesize that microcystins serve as metal ligands to control bioavailability and toxicity of ambient metals. Since ultraviolet radiation (UVR) promotes photo-oxidation of organic metal ligands and influences trace metal bioavailability, the present study aimed to investigate the influence of UVR, Cu, and Zn on specific growth rates, biomass, photosynthetic capacity, and microcystin content in Microcystis aeruginosa. Two toxigenic strains of Microcystis were cultivated using either Lake Erie filtered water or a chemically defined medium, with realistic concentrations of Cu and Zn combined with natural or artificial UVR exposure. Cu was more toxic than Zn on the basis of free ion concentration of trace metals in synthetic medium, although in Lake Erie water total added Zn (10 nM) or Zn plus Cu (10 nM) had a more detrimental effect on biomass and specific growth rate. Natural UVR delivered at 25% ambient levels caused no decrease on the parameters measured (chlorophyll-a, photosynthetic rate), yet artificial levels of UVR (up to 5.9 μmol UVB photons m−2 s−1) negatively affected biomass and specific growth rate. Cellular levels of microcystin (per unit chlorophyll-a) were concomitant with specific growth rather than being triggered in response either of these stressors (UVR, Zn, and Cu) alone or in combination, in agreement with a purported constitutive production of microcystins.  相似文献   

Despite the increased use of dry active Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast supplementation in ruminant feeding, inconsistent results among studies hamper the prediction of its effects on animal performance. A meta-analysis has been conducted to quantify the magnitude of yeast supplementation effects on ruminal parameters, total tract nutrient digestibility, growth and feed conversion across different studies with sheep. Different methodologies and small numbers of studies necessitated the use of the classical effect size method, in which a unitless standardised effect size (Hedges's g) was used to calculate differences obtained in outcomes between supplemented and non-supplemented sheep. Summary statistics across studies were calculated with fixed and random effects models, whereas subgroup-analysis and meta-regression were applied to identify possible interfering factors that could be responsible for between-study variability. Possible publication bias was evaluated with graphical and statistical tests. Effect sizes for ruminal ammonia nitrogen (33 comparisons), pH (42 comparisons) and total volatile fatty acids (38 comparison) did not (P > 0.10) present heterogeneity among studies, and was not affected by yeast supplementation. No effects (P > 0.05) were detected on the stoichiometry of volatile fatty acids or protozoa counts. Effects sizes calculated for digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, acid-detergent fibre and neutral-detergent fibre, which included from 17 to 28 comparisons, showed considerable (>50%) between-study variability. This variability could not effectively be explained by the categorical variables (1) mode of yeast application, (2) feed intake (ad lib versus restricted) or (3) faeces collection method, or the continuous independent variables (1) adaptation period, (2) study period, (3) dietary roughage concentration and (4) dietary crude protein concentration. According to random effects models, digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and crude protein were increased by yeast supplementation, with no effects found for digestibility of fibre components. Substantial unexplained between-study variability (50–90%) was found for growth (13 comparisons) and feed intake (9 comparisons). This meta-analysis presented evidence that addition of dry active S. cerevisiae yeast to diets did not have any effect on growth, feed conversion, ruminal parameters or fibre digestibility in sheep.  相似文献   

To study possible adaptive mechanisms inbred lines from three populations of Plantago major from sites that were found to differ in P availability were compared. In a pot experiment the growth and P uptake either in the presence or absence of Glomus fasciculatum was determined. Under these P-limited conditions it was shown by partitioning the relative growth rate (RGR, in mg g-1 day-1) in the components root weight ratio (RWR, in groots gplant -1), specific P uptake rate (SPUR, in mol P groots -1 day-1), and P-efficiency (PEFF, in mg mol P-1), that the increase in RGR of mycorrhizal infected plants was related to an increase in SPUR, and a decrease in RWR and PEFF. P. major ssp. major had a lower RGR (related to a lower PEFF and SPUR) and a higher RWR than P. major ssp. pleiosperma. In a second experiment three inbred lines were compared upon P depletion in a nutrient solution. The P. major ssp. major line had a lower RGR and higher RWR, and a higher accumulation of P in the roots than the P. major ssp. pleiosperma lines under optimal growing conditions. There were no differences among the inbred lines in the relative contribution of inorganic P to the total P concentration in the shoot. The results are discussed in relation to the characteristics of the habitats of the investigated P. major populations.  相似文献   

We assessed how small patches of contrasting urban ground cover [mesiscape (turf), xeriscape (gravel), concrete, and asphalt] altered the microclimate and performance of adjacent oleander (Nerium oleander L.) plants in Phoenix, Arizona during fall/winter (September–February) and spring/summer (March–September). Ground-cover and oleander canopy surface temperatures, canopy air temperatures and pot soil temperatures tended to be lowest in the mesiscape and highest in the asphalt and concrete. Canopy air vapor pressure deficits were lowest in the mesiscape and highest in the asphalt plot. Rates of net photosynthesis of all oleander plants were highest in October and May, and declined through mid-summer (June–July), when rates tended to be highest in the cooler mesiscape, particularly when water was limiting. During fall/winter, oleanders in the mesiscape produced 20% less biomass, 13% less leaf area, and had 12% lower relative growth rates (RG) than those in the other ground covers. Lower nighttime temperatures in the mesiscape in December led to oleander frost damage. During spring/summer, oleanders in the mesiscape produced 11% more biomass, 16% more leaf area, and had 3% higher RG than those in the other cover types. The effects of urban ground cover on oleander performance were season-specific; while oleander growth was greatest in the mesiscape during spring/summer, it was lowest during fall/winter and these plants experienced frost damage. Because all oleander plants produced >10 times as much biomass during the spring/summer, on an annual basis oleanders in the mesiscape produced 5–11% more biomass than plants in the warmer ground covers.  相似文献   

A total of 1,302 parasitoids representing 8 species and 4 families were recovered from 9,818 fruit fly host fruits sampled. The most common parasitoid species wasDiachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead). Average percent parasitism ranged between 0.44 and 29.23%. Parasitoid emergence data indicate thatAnastrepha ludens (Loew),A. obliqua (Sein),A. serpentina (Wiedeman),A. striata (Schiner) andToxotrypana curvicauda (Gerstaecker) were subject to parasitism. We provide information on the population fluctuation ofAnastrepha ludens, A. obliqua, A. serpentina, A. distincta (Greene),A. striata, A. fraterculus (Wiedeman),A. chiclayae (Greene),A. montei (Costa Lima),A. leptozona (Hendel) andA. tripunctata (Wulp).Anastrepha ludens andA. obliqua were the most common species, representing 95.3% of all fruit fly species caught in McPhail traps.   相似文献   

Recent research emphasis on the ecology of Pfiesteria spp. (Dinophyceae) has led to recognition of several morphologically similar heterotrophic dinoflagellates that often co-occur with Pfiesteria spp. in estuaries along the United States Atlantic coast. These include cryptoperidiniopsoid dinoflagellates, which resemble Pfiesteria spp. in having complex life cycles that include zoospores capable of kleptoplastidy. To examine and compare the role of kleptoplastidy in Cryptoperidiniopsis sp. and Pfiesteria piscicida, we tested the effects of irradiance on growth under prey-saturated (Storeatula major, Cryptophyceae) conditions. Growth of Cryptoperidiniopsis was strongly influenced by light intensity while no major effects were observed in P. piscicida. In Cryptoperidiniopsis, highest cell numbers and specific growth rates, but lowest specific cryptophyte consumption rates, were found at the highest light intensity tested (100 μmol photons m−2 s−1). A growth model was developed and used to estimate that the average half-life of chloroplasts ingested by Cryptoperidiniopsis decreased 3.4-fold from 12.6 h at high light to 3.7 h in the dark. These results show that light strongly enhances specific growth rate and growth efficiency of Cryptoperidiniopsis feeding on cryptophytes, and suggest that retained kleptochloroplasts may play a quantitatively significant role in carbon and energy metabolism of this organism. Differences in the effects of light between Cryptoperidiniopsis and P. piscicida may reflect different nutritional strategies, and allow these closely related dinoflagellates to occupy different niches and co-exist.  相似文献   

A number of studies have showed that under some conditions plant may partially, fully or overcompensate for tissue loss, however, the mechanisms underlying compensation are not well understood and still need to be researched. We examined the ability of Caragana korshinskii to compensate for fruit production after above-ground partial shoot removal. Fruit production of 30% main shoot length removal (30% RSL) and 25 and 50% main shoot number removal (25% RSN, 50% RSN) resulted in overcompensation and the response of 60% main shoot length removal (60% RSL) was full compensation. Plants’ responses associated with compensation included (1) greater reproduction efficiency (RA); (2) increased fruit set; (3) decreased fruit abortion; (4) increased seed number per pod; and (5) higher individual seed biomass. These responses may have resulted from more nectar production per flower, more sucrose flux per pod and more sucrose flux per seed of clipped plants, which may in turn have resulted from (1) drawing upon more non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) from roots to supply flower bud development and the flush of new foliage; (2) supplying more photosynthetic assimilation to fruit development owing to increases in leaf-level photosynthetic rates. Increases in leaf-level photosynthetic rates may be caused by more nutrient (nitrogen) and water availability per unit area of resource leaves after clipping.  相似文献   

In plant-insect herbivore field studies, effects of cages, plant age, and mechanical clipping on host plant chemistry are often postulated but not well documented. We examined the effects of cages (for the purpose of restraining insects on experimental plots), plant age over the course of the experiment and mechanical clipping on plantain (Plantago lanceolata) chemistry. Leaf age affected the concentrations of nitrogen and iridoid glycosides (IGs; specifically aucubin and catalpol), with higher levels in newer leaves. Caged plants had higher levels of IGs and lower concentrations of nitrogen than uncaged plants. The IG concentrations were greater in new leaves of caged plants than uncaged plants, whereas the concentrations in mature leaves were unaffected by caging. Plants that were 5 weeks older had higher levels of IGs and lower nitrogen than plants harvested 5 weeks earlier. Comparison of three studies suggested that over the summer IG concentrations increase during dry years but decrease during wet years. Plants with above-ground parts clipped and then allowed to regrow for five weeks had similar concentrations of IGs and nitrogen compared to control plants; but the regrowth plants had a lower catalpol to total IG ratio. We conclude that cages and time can have significant positive effects on iridoid glycoside concentrations and significant negative effects on leaf nitrogen concentration. But our results also indicate that the direction and magnitude of the effects of cages, time and mechanical damage are not easily predicted. Therefore, it is advisable to determine and/or control for such effects in field experiments on plant-insect interactions.  相似文献   

Morphological and molecular variations in Plantago asiatica L. var. densiuscula Pilg. were analyzed to evaluate the genetic basis for recognizing the dwarf variety P. asiatica var. yakusimensis (Masam.) Ohwi. Considerable variation in the leaf size of P. asiatica var. densiuscula was observed, and no morphological discontinuities were found between the dwarf types of P. asiatica var. densiuscula and P. asiatica var. yakusimensis. Morphological analysis of plants grown under standardized conditions revealed that both environmental plasticity and genetic differentiation contributed to the dwarfisms. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the SUC1 locus encoding a sucrose transporter revealed that P. asiatica var. yakusimensis was genetically unique although the differentiation level was low. From the above results, we concluded that P. asiatica var. yakusimensis should be reduced to a form of P. asiatica var. densiuscula. Furthermore, the geographic distribution of the SUC1 genotype suggested multiple origins of dwarves, and possible hypotheses for the origins of dwarves are discussed.  相似文献   

Fruits ofDipsacaceae are single-seeded, have bristle-shaped calyx segments and are tightly enclosed by four fused bracts forming an epicalyx. Comparative morphological and anatomical studies reveal a great diversity of epicalyx and calyx, often relevant to fruit dispersal. The present contribution deals with theScabiosa group of genera, the core of theScabioseae tribe. Most of its taxa develop a diaphragma from a meristem on the inside of the epicalyx. This diaphragma, together with the lower part of the epicalyx encloses the fruit proper, whereas the upper parts form a so-called epi-diaphragma (ed) and a ± hyaline corona. Differences of the epicalyx with respect to the size and position of the ed, elaboration of the corona, origin of pits (=foveoles) and other morphological and anatomical specializations can be demonstrated. Together with palynological and karyological data these new facts support an improved concept of relationships and systematics for the taxa studied:Scabiosa sect.Scabiosa and sect.Cyrtostemma are closely related and should be united to form the genusScabiosa s. str.;Pycnocomon can be maintained as an independent genus, sister toScabiosa sect.Trochocephalus which then has to be treated as a genus,Lomelosia. In contrast, the following genera have to be included inLomelosia:Tremastelma asLomelosia sect.Callistemma, andScabiosiopsis as part ofLomelosia sect.Lomelosia. Pseudoscabiosa deviates in so many features that it has to be excluded from the redefinedScabioseae s. str.  相似文献   

Growth, photosynthesis, and Na+, K+, and Ca2+ distributions were investigated in 2-year-old hydroponically cultured Populus alba L. cuttings exposed to salt stresses (0, 0.85, 8.5, 17, and 85 mM NaCl in experiment 1 and 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 mM in experiment 2) for 4 weeks in 2/5 Hoagland solution. Salt did not markedly inhibit height growth and diameter increment in 150 and 100 mM NaCl, respectively. The 85 mM NaCl treatment increased the dry weights of roots and total dry weight of plants, while 150 mM NaCl significantly reduced the dry weights of leaves, stems, and total plant weight. The decline in the photosynthetic rate lagged 2 weeks behind that of stomatal conductance in the 50 and 100 mM salt solutions. Different ions exhibited different distributions in different parts of the plant. Most Na+ ions were excluded and/or compartmentalized in roots at low and moderate salt stress (≤50 mM). K+ content in leaves increased with the increase in the salt concentration in the growth solutions.  相似文献   

The maximal growth rate of the marine cyanobacterium Oscillatoria brevis was reached at 200–400 mM NaCl and pH 9.0–9.6. NaCl was found (i) to stimulate the rate of the light-supported generation across the cytoplasmic membrane of the cells and (ii) to decrease the sensitivity of level and motility of the O. brevis trichomes to protonophorous uncouplers. The Na+/H+ antiporter, monensin, increased both and the uncoupler sensitivity of the cells. The data obtained agree with the assumption that O. brevis possesses a primary Na+ pump in its cytoplasmic membrane.Abbreviations ATP adenosine-5-triphosphate - TTFB tetrachlortrifluoromethylimidazol - CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - Na+ transmembrane electrochemical potential differences of Na+ - transmembrane electric potential difference - pNa transmembrane pNa difference  相似文献   

Summary We present a method for quantifying the growth advantage, if any, that results from the plasticity of plant traits in response to growth in high vs. low resource levels. The method, which uses two phenotypes and two resource levels, quantifies the average advantage that a phenotype has, in its own set of conditions, over the other phenotype. The method is applied to the growth of two phenotypes of Abutilon theophrasti, induced by high and low light intensity, in response to two levels of incident light intensity. We calculated the growth advantage first using relative growth rate, and second using whole-plant photosynthetic assimilation rate, as the response variable. Then we used the photosynthetic responses to changes in light intensity to calculate changes in growth rates of each phenotype when exposed to a change in light conditions. These three quantifications of growth advantage broadly agree with one another. Despite the great plasticity of its traits induced by growth in high vs. low light intensity, whole-plant plasticity did not allow Abutilon theophrasti to exhibit a significant growth advantage under these conditions. Indeed, the relative growth rate of the low light phenotype greatly exceeded that of the high light phenotype in high incident light conditions. This may have resulted from the higher leaf area ratio of the low light phenotype. Furthermore, the high light phenotype had significantly greater transpiration rate in both light conditions. For these reasons we suggest that light-induced plasticity of traits in Abutilon theophrasti may confer advantage in response to the variation in vapor pressure deficit that is associated with variation in light intensity. Light-induced plasticity may also be advantageous because under high incident light conditions the high-light phenotype has greater reproductive allocation than the low-light phenotype.  相似文献   

Mangroves, woody halophytes restricted to protected tropical coasts, form some of the most productive ecosystems in the world, but their capacity to act as a carbon source or sink under climate change is unknown. Their ability to adjust growth or to function as potential carbon sinks under conditions of rising atmospheric CO2 during global change may affect global carbon cycling, but as yet has not been investigated experimentally. Halophyte responses to CO2 doubling may be constrained by the need to use carbon conservatively under water-limited conditions, but data are lacking to issue general predictions. We describe the growth, architecture, biomass allocation, anatomy, and photosynthetic physiology of the predominant neotropical mangrove tree, Rhizophora mangle L., grown solitarily in ambient (350 ll–1) and double-ambient (700 ll–1) CO2 concentrations for over 1 year. Mangrove seedlings exhibited significantly increased biomass, total stem length, branching activity, and total leaf area in elevated CO2. Enhanced total plant biomass under high CO2 was associated with higher root:shoot ratios, relative growth rates, and net assimilation rates, but few allometric shifts were attributable to CO2 treatment independent of plant size. Maximal photosynthetic rates were enhanced among high-CO2 plants while stomatal conductances were lower, but the magnitude of the treatment difference declined over time, and high-CO2 seedlings showed a lower Pmax at 700 ll–1 CO2 than low-CO2 plants transferred to 700 ll–1 CO2: possible evidence of downregulation. The relative thicknesses of leaf cell layers were not affected by treatment. Stomatal density decreased as epidermal cells enlarged in elevated CO2. Foliar chlorophyll, nitrogen, and sodium concentrations were lower in high CO2. Mangroves grown in high CO2 were reproductive after only 1 year of growth (fully 2 years before they typically reproduce in the field), produced aerial roots, and showed extensive lignification of the main stem; hence, elevated CO2 appeared to accelerate maturation as well as growth. Data from this long-term study suggest that certain mangrove growth characters will change flexibly as atmospheric CO2 increases, and accord with responses previously shown in Rhizophora apiculata. Such results must be integrated with data from sea-level rise studies to yield predictions of mangrove performance under changing climate.  相似文献   

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