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Abstract Vibrio vulnificus , an opportunistic human pathogen causing septicemia, produces a metalloprotease which is suspected to be a virulence determinant, but which is labile in vivo due to inactivation by α -macroglobulin. To obtain a derivative which is stable in vivo, the metalloprotease was modified with activated monomethoxy polyethylene glycol. The modified protease retained full activity to a peptide substrate and 10–20% activity to protein substrates, and was resistant to entrapment by α -macroglobulin because of the increased molecular size (approx. 90 kDa). These findings suggest that the modified protease is stable in vivo and may be used to investigate the pathological actions of the protease in the bloodstream.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate whether Vibrio vulnificus metalloprotease (VvpE) can induce the production of specific anti‐VvpE antibody to confer effective protection against Vibrio vulnificus infection and to evaluate the possibility of VvpE as a potential vaccine candidate against disease caused by V. vulnificus. Methods and Results: The gene encoding the 65‐kDa VvpE of V. vulnificus was amplified by PCR and cloned into the expression vector pET21(b). The recombinant VvpE of V. vulnificus was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). This His6‐tagged VvpE was purified and injected intramuscularly into mice to evaluate its ability to stimulate immune response. Specific antibody levels were measured by ELISA. The 75% protective efficacy of recombinant VvpE was evaluated by active immunization and intraperitoneal challenge with V. vulnificus in mice. Conclusions: The recombinant His6‐tagged VvpE of V. vulnificus is capable of inducing high antibody response in mice to confer effective protection against lethal challenge with V. vulnificus. VvpE might be a potential vaccine candidate to against V. vulnificus infection. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study uses His6‐tagged VvpE to act as vaccine that successfully induces effective and specific anti‐VvpE antibody and offers an option for the potential vaccine candidate against V. vulnificus infection.  相似文献   

An extracellular metalloprotease (vEP) secreted by Vibrio vulnificus ATCC29307 is a 45-kDa proteolytic enzyme that has prothrombin activation and fibrinolytic activities during bacterial infection. The action of vEP could result in clotting that could serve to protect the bacteria from the host defense machinery. Very recently, we showed that the C-terminal propeptide (C-ter100), which is unique to vEP, is involved in regulation of vEP activity. To understand the structural basis of this function of vEP C-ter100, we have determined the solution structure and backbone dynamics using multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The solution structure shows that vEP C-ter100 is composed of eight anti-parallel β-strands with a unique fold that has a compact β-barrel formation which stabilized by hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding networks. Protein dynamics shows that the overall structure, including loops, is very rigid and stabilized. By structural database analysis, we found that vEP C-ter100 shares its topology with that of the collagen-binding domain of collagenase, despite low sequence homology between the two domains. Fluorescence assay reveals that vEP C-ter100 interacts strongly with iron (Fe3+). These findings suggest that vEP protease might recruit substrate molecules, such as collagen, by binding at C-ter100 and that vEP participates in iron uptake from iron-withholding proteins of the host cell during infection.  相似文献   

A gene (empV) encoding the extracellular metalloprotease of Vibrio vulnificus CKM-1 has been cloned and sequenced. When the empV gene was expressed in minicells, a unique peptide of approx. 46 kDa was identified. Protease activity staining experiments also indicated a similar Mr for the protease. The empV gene product (EmpV) is secreted into the periplasm of Escherichia coli, but not out of it. The crude enzyme prepared from the periplasmic fraction of recombinant E. coli was inhibited by a metalloprotease inhibitor and Zn2+ is essential for its protease activity. Nucleotide sequence analysis predicted a single open reading frame (ORF) of 1818 bp encoding a 606 amino acid (aa) polypeptide, with a potential 24 aa signal peptide followed by a long `pro' sequence consisting of 172 aa. The N-terminal 20 aa sequence for the elastolytic protease (EepV), purified from the culture supernatant of V. vulnificus ATCC 29307, completely identified the beginning of the predicted mature protein within the deduced aa sequence except for 1 aa residue difference. The estimated pI and molecular weight of the predicted mature protein were 5.86 and 44.3 kDa, respectively, which are nearly identical to those of V. vulnificus L-180 extracellular neutral metalloprotease (EnmV) and of strain ATCC 29307 EepV. The estimated molecular weight also closely matches that determined by SDS-PAGE analysis of the minicells and by protease activity staining. The deduced aa sequence of EmpV showed high homology to V. anguillarum metalloprotease (EmpA), V. cholerae HA/protease (HprC), and V. proteolyticus neutral protease (NprP), particularly with respect to active-site residues, zinc-binding residues, and cysteine residues.  相似文献   

Viable counts of three strains of Vibrio vulnificus and its phage were determined during exposure to a mechanical gastrointestinal model with or without antacid for 9 h at 37°C. V. vulnificus was eliminated (>4-log reduction) within 30 min in the gastric compartment (pH decline from 5.0 to 3.5). Viable V. vulnificus cells delivered from the gastric compartment during the first 30 min of exposure reached 106 to 108 CFU/ml in the intestinal compartment after 9 h (pH 7.0). Phages were eliminated within 45 min in the gastric compartment (pH decline from 5.1 to 2.5). Less than a 2-log reduction of phage was observed in the intestinal compartment after 9 h (pH 7.0). When the gastric compartment contained antacid V. vulnificus counts decreased slightly (<2 log) during 2 h of exposure (pH decline from 7.7 to 6.0), while counts in the intestinal compartment (pH 7.5) reached 107 to 109 CFU/ml. Phage numbers decreased 1 log after 2 h in the gastric compartment (pH decline from 7.7 to 5.7) containing antacid and decreased 1 log in the intestinal compartment (pH 7.6) after 9 h. Presence of antacid in the gastric compartment of the model greatly increased the ability of both V. vulnificus and its phage to survive simulated gastrointestinal transit and may be a factor involved with oyster-associated illness.  相似文献   

Viable counts of three strains of Vibrio vulnificus and its phage were determined during exposure to a mechanical gastrointestinal model with or without antacid for 9 h at 37 degrees C. V. vulnificus was eliminated (>4-log reduction) within 30 min in the gastric compartment (pH decline from 5.0 to 3.5). Viable V. vulnificus cells delivered from the gastric compartment during the first 30 min of exposure reached 10(6) to 10(8) CFU/ml in the intestinal compartment after 9 h (pH 7.0). Phages were eliminated within 45 min in the gastric compartment (pH decline from 5.1 to 2.5). Less than a 2-log reduction of phage was observed in the intestinal compartment after 9 h (pH 7.0). When the gastric compartment contained antacid V. vulnificus counts decreased slightly (<2 log) during 2 h of exposure (pH decline from 7.7 to 6.0), while counts in the intestinal compartment (pH 7.5) reached 10(7) to 10(9) CFU/ml. Phage numbers decreased 1 log after 2 h in the gastric compartment (pH decline from 7.7 to 5.7) containing antacid and decreased 1 log in the intestinal compartment (pH 7.6) after 9 h. Presence of antacid in the gastric compartment of the model greatly increased the ability of both V. vulnificus and its phage to survive simulated gastrointestinal transit and may be a factor involved with oyster-associated illness.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus, a marine bacterium capable of causing wound infection and septicemia, secretes a 45-kDa metalloprotease (vEP) with many biological activities. The precursor of vEP consists of four regions: a signal peptide, an N-terminal propeptide (nPP), a C-terminal propeptide, and the mature protease. Two forms of vEP-vEP-45, which contains the mature protease plus the C-terminal propeptide, and vEP-34, which contains only the mature protease-were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. vEP-45 and vEP-34 had similar activities with azocasein as a substrate, but vEP-34 had reduced activity toward insoluble proteins. The nPP of vEP was expressed as a His tag fusion protein, and its effect on vEP activity was investigated. nPP inhibited the activities of both vEP-45 and vEP-34 but not that of thermolysin, a different but related zinc-dependent protease. The inhibition of vEP by nPP was further examined using vEP-34 as a representative enzyme. The inhibition could be completely reversed under conditions of low enzyme and propeptide concentrations and with prolonged incubation, which resulted from the degradation of nPP by vEP. However, even at high nPP and vEP concentrations, inhibition of vEP by nPP at high temperatures was not effective, resulting in the degradation of both nPP and vEP. These results demonstrate that the nPP of vEP could bind to vEP and inhibit its activity, resulting in the degradation of the propeptide.  相似文献   

The extracellular zinc metalloprotease from Vibrio parahaemolyticus (VPM) is a putative virulence factor for host infection. It is synthesized from the vpm gene of V. parahaemolyticus as a polypeptide of 814 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 89,833 Da, containing a zinc metalloprotease HEXXH consensus motif. To investigate the enzymatic properties of V. parahaemolyticus metalloprotease, the mature vpm gene was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the recombinant protein (rVPM) was purified by a His-binding metal affinity column (>95% purity). The activity of the recombinant protease produced in E. coli was examined by gelatin activity staining and proteolytic activity assays using gelatin and azocasein as substrates. rVPM showed maximum activity at about 37 degrees C and pH 8. The cytotoxicity against flounder gill cells and fish pathogenicity indicated a potential role in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The virulence for eels of Vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 serovar E (VSE) is conferred by a plasmid that codifies ability to survive in eel serum and cause septicaemia. To find out whether the plasmid and the selected chromosomal gene vvp plays a role in the initial steps of infection, the VSE strain CECT4999, the cured strain CT218 and the Vvp-deficient mutant CT201 (obtained in this work by allelic exchange) were used in colonization and virulence experiments. The eel avirulent biotype 1 (BT1) strain YJ016, whose genome has been sequenced, was used for comparative purposes. The global results demonstrate that the plasmid does not play a significant role in surface colonization because (i) CECT4999 and CT218 were equally chemoattracted towards and adherent to eel mucus and gills, and (ii) CT218 persisted in gills from bath-infected eels 2 weeks post infection. In contrast, mutation in vvp gene reduced significantly chemoattraction and attachment to eel mucus and gills, as well as virulence degree by immersion challenge. Co-infection experiments by bath with CECT4999 and CT201 confirmed that Vvp was involved in eel colonization and persistence in gills, because CECT4999 was recovered at higher numbers compared with CT201 from both internal organs of moribund fish (ratio 4:1) and gills from survivors (ratio 50:1). Interestingly, YJ016 also showed chemoattraction and attachment to mucus, and complementation of CT201 with BT1- vvp gene restored both activities together with virulence degree by immersion challenge. Additional experiments with algae mucus and purified mucin gave similar results. In conclusion, the protease Vvp of V. vulnificus seems to play an essential role in colonization of mucosal surfaces present in aquatic environments. Among the V. vulnificus strains colonizing fish mucus, only those harbouring the plasmid could survive in blood and cause septicaemia.  相似文献   

A Vibrio tubiashii hemagglutinin, a protease, was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. It agglutinates sheep, chicken, bovine, rabbit, guinea pig, and human erythrocytes. It has a molecular mass of 35 kDa, isoelectric points of 3.5 and 3.7, and is inhibited by ortho-phenanthro line, phosphoramidon, and Zincov. The N-terminal amino acid sequence (Ala-Gln-Ala-Thr-Gly-Thr-Gly- Pro-Gly-Gly-Asn-Gln-Lys-Thr-Gly-Gln- Tyr-Asn-Phe-Gly) has strong homology to other Vibrio proteases.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 serovar E (VSE) is a bacterial pathogen that produces a haemorrhagic septicaemia called vibriosis in eels. Its ability to grow in blood is conferred by a recently described virulence plasmid [Lee CT, Amaro C, Wu KM, Valiente E, Chang YF, Tsai SF, et al. A common virulence plasmid in biotype 2 Vibrio vulnificus and its dissemination aided by a conjugal plasmid. Journal of Bacteriology, submitted for publication.]. In this study, we analyzed the role of this plasmid together with the role played by the metalloprotease (Vvp) in the interaction between bacteria and eel innate immunity. To this end, we compared and statistically analyzed the differences in resistance to serum and mucus factors (complement, selected antimicrobial peptides, transferrin and lysozyme) and also to phagocytosis/opsonophagocytosis between one VSE strain and its derivatives: a plasmid-cured strain and a vvp-deficient mutant. The wild-type and the metalloprotease-deficient strains were resistant to both the bactericidal action of fresh serum and the phagocytosis and opsonophagocytosis by eel phagocytes, confirming that Vvp is not involved in resistance to eel innate immunity. In contrast, the cured strain was sensitive to both the bactericidal action of eel serum activated by the alternative pathway and phagocytosis/opsonophagocytosis. Since no plasmid-encoded ORF, with homology to known genes, is related to the resistance to innate immunity [Lee CT, Amaro C, Wu KM, Valiente E, Chang YF, Tsai SF, et al. A common virulence plasmid in biotype 2 Vibrio vulnificus and its dissemination aided by a conjugal plasmid. Journal of Bacteriology, submitted for publication.], this function could be codified by one or more new genes. Further studies are underway to characterize the plasmid-encoded system responsible for V. vulnificus resistance to the innate immune system of eels.  相似文献   

The blue fluorescent protein (BFPVV) gene bfpvv from Vibrio vulnificus CKM-1 was cloned and sequenced. The transformants exhibited blue fluorescence when irradiated by UV source. Nucleotide sequence analysis predicted an ORF of 717 bp encoding a 239-amino-acid polypeptide with a calculated molecular mass of 25.8 kDa. The nucleotide sequence of the bfpvv gene and its deduced amino acid sequence showed significant homology to those of the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) family proteins from various organisms. Some functionally important residues in SDR were strictly conserved in BFPVV, such as an active-site Tyr145, a catalytic site Lys149, and a common GlyXXXGlyXGly pattern in the N-terminal part of the molecule. By changing three amino acid residues, Tyr145, Lys149, and Gly9 to Phe, Ile, and Val, respectively, it was found that the G9V mutant did not generate blue fluorescence, while mutants Y145F and K149I have 126 and 68.5% fluorescence compared with the wild-type BFPVV.  相似文献   

Phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) is a multifunctional enzyme involved in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis and, in mammalian cells, functions as neuroleukin, autocrine motility factor (AMF), and differentiation and maturation factor (MF). We isolated and characterized PGI with a novel lysyl aminopeptidase (LysAP) activity (PGI-LysAP) from Vibrio vulnificus. Mass spectrometry revealed that PGI-LysAP is a heterodimer consisting of 23.4- and 60.8-kDa subunits. Only the heterodimer displayed LysAP activity. PGI-LysAP has a pI around 6.0 and high specificity toward the synthetic, fluorogenic substrate l-lysyl-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin. LysAP activity is optimal at pH 8.0, is 64% higher at 37 degrees C than at 21 degrees C, does not directly correlate with virulence, and is strongly inhibited by serine protease and metalloprotease inhibitors. PGI-LysAP was also identified in Vibrio parahaemolyticus and V. cholerae, but was absent from non-Vibrio human pathogens. Sequencing of the pgi gene revealed 1653 bp coding for a 550-amino-acid protein. Cloned and expressed PGI formed a homodimer with isomerase activity, but not LysAP activity. The finding of LysAP activity associated with heterodimeric PGI should foster a broad search for putative substrates in an effort to elucidate the role of PGI-LysAP in bacteria and its roles in the pathophysiology of diseases.  相似文献   

The viable but nonculturable (VBNC) suppression mutant formed platable cells at low temperature stress after inoculation in artificial seawater (ASW). Suppression subtractive hybridization was used to identify differentially expressed genes among cDNAs of the VBNC suppression mutant and the wild-type Vibrio vulnificus strain. Glutathione S-transferase was identified as a responsive gene of the VBNC suppression mutant in our assay, and was highly expressed from the VBNC suppression mutant at low temperature stress. Culturability tests revealed that the wild-type cells were sensitive to oxidative stress in the hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and to 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) compared with the VBNC suppression mutant cells. Adding glutathione showed that many wild-type V. vulnificus cells maintained culturability in cold ASW. These results suggest that non-nutritional growth inhibitors, such as peroxide that accumulates at low temperatures, influence VBNC in V. vulnificus cells.  相似文献   

Recently, phosphoglucose isomerase with a lysyl aminopeptidase (PGI-LysAP) activity was identified in Vibrio vulnificus. In this paper, we demonstrate the proteolytic cleavage of human-derived peptides by PGI-LysAP of V. vulnificus using three approaches: (i) a quantitative fluorescent ninhydrin assay for free lysine, (ii) matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-two-stage time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-TOF), and (iii) Tricine gel electrophoresis. PGI-LysAP hydrolyzed bradykinin, Lys-bradykinin, Lys-(des-Arg9)-bradykinin, neurokinin A, Met-Lys-bradykinin, histatin 8, and a myosin light chain fragment. We detected the proteolytic release of free L-lysine from peptide digests using a rapid, simple, sensitive, and quantitative fluorescent ninhydrin assay, and results were confirmed by MALDI-TOF-TOF. The use of the fluorescent ninhydrin assay to quantitatively detect free lysine hydrolyzed from peptides is the first application of its kind and serves as a paradigm for future studies. The visualization of peptide hydrolysis was accomplished by Tricine gel electrophoresis. Proteolytic processing of kinins alters their affinities toward specific cellular receptors and initiates signal transduction mechanisms responsible for inflammation, vasodilation, and enhanced vascular permeability. By applying novel approaches to determine the proteolytic potential of bacterial enzymes, we demonstrate that PGI-LysAP has broad exopeptidase activity which may enhance V. vulnificus invasiveness by altering peptides involved in signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

A selective medium and a specific probe for detection of Vibrio vulnificus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A selective medium (VVM) and a specific 16S rRNA gene (rDNA) probe (V3VV) for the detection of Vibrio vulnificus were developed. The medium contains D-(+)-cellobiose as the main carbon source and electrolytes (MgCl(2)-6H(2)O and KCl), which stimulate bacterial growth. Polymyxin B, colistin, and moderate alkalinity and salinity provide selectivity properties. V. vulnificus grows on VVM as flat, bright yellow colonies. Other Vibrio species tested either did not grow or showed green-bluish colonies, with the exception of V. campbelli, V. carchariae, and V. navarrensis. There is a higher colony count on VVM agar than on cellobiose-colistin agar or on modified cellobiose-polymyxin B-colistin agar. The specific probe was evaluated by colony hybridization and dot blot hybridization with PCR-amplified 16S rDNA using collection strains and environmental isolates. No strain studied other than V. vulnificus showed positive hybridization with this oligonucleotide. The combined use of VVM agar and the V3VV probe provided the recovery of V. vulnificus from mixed bacterial suspensions and spiked mussels.  相似文献   

An improved selective medium, cellobiose-colistin (CC) agar, gave a significantly higher (P < 0.05) isolation rate of Vibrio vulnificus from water and sediment samples than did modified cellobiose-polymyxin B-colistin (mCPC) agar. In a total of 446 alkaline peptone water preenrichments amended with polymyxin B, V. vulnificus was isolated from 154 preenrichments (35%) with mCPC agar and from 179 preenrichments (40%) with CC agar. CC agar gave a higher plating efficiency of V. vulnificus cells than did cellobiose-polymyxin B-colistin (CPC) agar, mCPC agar, or thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose (TCBS) agar; the only significant difference was observed with TCBS agar, which gave much lower plating efficiencies than the other selective media. Determination of MICs demonstrated that the concentrations of colistin and polymyxin B in CPC agar inhibit growth of a proportion of V. vulnificus strains.  相似文献   

We screened 44 lactose-positive Vibrio strains isolated from the marine environment for homology with a 3.2-kilobase DNA fragment encoding the Vibrio vulnificus cytotoxin-hemolysin gene. All 29 marine isolates identified as V. vulnificus on the basis of numerical taxonomy and DNA-DNA hybridization studies hybridized with the cytotoxin gene probe, as did all V. vulnificus reference strains. Homologous gene sequences were identified in no other lactose-positive marine vibrio isolates nor in 10 other Vibrio species.  相似文献   

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