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Summary Electron microscopical studies were made on the fine structure of the rhabdomeric microvilli of the compound eyes of seven species of arthropods (Procambarus, Neocaridina, Caridina, Potamon, Artemia, Diestrammena, Drosophila) raised in complete darkness for 1–8 months or for successive generations, using various fixation techniques.The rhabdomeric microvilli of the individuals kept in darkness for a long period were regularly arranged as in normal eyes in the material prepared by double fixation with glutaraldehyde and OsO4, whereas in those fixed solely by OsO4 various forms of vesiculations were seen. The structural changes of the rhabdomere in darkness, which have been reported by several workers, were conceived to be an artefact caused by OsO4 fixation.This work is supported by a grant from the U.S. Army Research and Development Group (Far East), Department of the Army (DA-CRD-AG-S92-544-67-G61).The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. S. Mori and Mr. T. Kuramoto for their help in supplying some of the materials. We are also indebted to Dr. C. J. C. Rees for correcting English of this paper.  相似文献   

Summary Adenosinetriphosphatase has been histochemically demonstrated in the initiallobe cells and the central canal in its first round in the pre-testicular and testicular nephridia of the Indian leech Hirudinaria granulosa. The apical-lobe cells are positive in the pre-testicular and negative in the testicular nephridia. The functional significance of the enzyme at these sites has been discussed.I wish to express my gratitude to Dr. H. B. Tewari, under whose guidance the present work has been carried out. I am also indebted to Dr. M. L. Dhar, Director, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow; Dr. P. S. Krishnan, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Lucknow; and Dr. (Miss) Usha Gupta, Department of Pathology, University of Lucknow, for the hospitality which they have accorded me in their laboratories.  相似文献   

Summary Cultured human pancreatic carcinoma cells (MIA PaCa-2) have been shown previously to be very sensitive toE. coli l-asparaginase (EC II). The present studies have demonstrated that another enzyme,Acinetobacter glutaminase-asparaginase (AGA) is much more effective in inhibiting cell growth. At the concentration of 0.0025 U/ml of AGA activity the enzyme totally inhibited cell growth, whereas the EC II with the same concentration did not show any effect. The inhibition of cell growth correlated well with inhibition of protein and glycoprotein synthesis. The addition ofl-glutamine at the concentration of 1 mM completely reversed the inhibition of protein synthesis. Similarly, the addition ofl-glutamine at the concentration of 3 mM daily on 3 successive days after adding AGA resulted in significant reversal of growth inhibition. The results of this study indicate that the action of AGA on MIA PaCa-2 is, to a great extent, exerted through itsl-glutaminase activity. This work was supported in part by USPHS Grant CA 19182. Dr. Wu is recipient of Research Career Development Award Grant CA00686 and Dr. Yunis is a Howard Hughes Investigator.  相似文献   

Summary Blocks of human normal renal pelvis and ureter obtained at the time of surgery were fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium with or without ruthenium red, for electron microscopic observations. The transitional epithelium is arranged in three cell layers: basal, intermediate and superficial. All epithelial cells show numerous microvilli and contain the characteristic vesicles of transitional epithelium, bundles of cytoplasmic filaments, microtubules and numerous free ribosomes. The epithelial extracellular compartment is notably large and appears as an intricate, tridimensional network of canaliculi and cisternae which are wider in the intermediate and superficial layers and in which microvilli and cytoplasmic folds of vicinal cells are often attached or interdigitated. At these sites there are desmosomes.The surface of all transitional epithelial cells is covered by a fibrillar mucous coat which is more developed at the plasmalemma of the free border of luminal cells in which microvilli are also seen. Ruthenium red stains selectively the plasmalemma and the mucous coat of the free surface of the epithelium, indicating the presence of an acid polysaccharide. With this technic (Luft, 1965), it is observed, radiating from the plasmalemma, branching filaments which measure 100 Å in diameter forming a zone of varying density which is about 400 m wide and which corresponds, at the light microscopic level, to the luminal border of the transitional epithelial cells in which a sialomucin has been identified. The slender filaments have a beaded appearance. At the free border, superficial cells are attached by functional complexes in which tight junctions seal the epithelial intercellular space, which is opened at the level of the basement membrane where only desmosomes are observed.The ultrastructure of human transitional epithelium of urinary tract resembles the duct cells of the salt gland of certain marine birds (Fawcett, 1962) and the amphibian epidermis (Farquhar and Palade, 1965) in which there are active processes of transport. The mucous surface coat, selectively stained by the ruthenium red, contains a sialomucin (Monis and Dorfman, 1965, 1967).The ultrastructure and histochemistry of the mucous fluffy coat of man transitional epithelium and the observations of Porter and Tamm (1955), on the ultrastructure of preparations of the Tamm and Horsfall mucoprotein (1952) are bases for suggesting that transitional epithelium of urinary tract of man is the site of biosynthesis of certain urinary mucoids. Present investigations are directed to obtain evidence to substantiate this hypothesis.General Abbreviations B basal cell - E exfoliating cell - I intermediate cell - L lumen - S superficial cell - SC surface coat - bm basement membrane - ci cell infolding - d desmosome (macula adhaerens) - f fibroblast - fi cytoplasmic filaments - is intercellular space - jc junctional complex - ly lysosome - lym lymphocyte - mt microtubules - m mitochondria - mv microvilli - n nucleus - r ribosomes - rv round vesicle - zo zonula occludens - za zonula adherens Dr. Monis wishes to thank Dr. E. De Robertis for the use of the electron microscope facilities of the Instituto de Anatomía General y Embriologia, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires. — Prof. E. Trabucco and Dr. R. J. Borzone (Cátedra de Clinica Genitourinaria de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires) generously supplied the specimens which were the bases of this study. — Thanks are due to Mrs. A. M. Novara and Mrs. Defilippi-Novoa for efficient technical help and to Miss Rosa Gentile for secretarial assistance. Photomicrography by Mr. M. A. Saenz.Dr. Zambrano is investigator (CNICT).  相似文献   

Summary The acetylcholine-rich electric organ of Torpedo has been submitted to subcellular fractionation in an attempt to isolate nerve endings and synaptic vesicles derived from cholinergic neurones. Fractions containing small vesicles and granules as their only morphologically identifiable components also contained appreciable amounts of bound acetylcholine; however, it was not possible to demonstrate a specific enrichment of any one fraction with respect to bound acetylcholine as has been possible in brain. The tissue proved difficult to homogenize and few detached nerve endings (synaptosomes) were formed. A low-speed fraction rich in Na, K- activated adenosine triphosphatase contained numerous membrane fragments with tubular appendages derived from the non-innervated surface of electroplaques. Homogenization in media isotonic with elasmobranch plasma (e.g. 0.5 M sucrose + 0.33 M urea) was essential to preserve the structure of osmotically sensitive organelles (e.g. mitochondria).We wish to express our gratitude to Dr. R. D. Keynes who arranged the supply of Torpedos and to Mr G. H. C. Dowe and Miss L. Swales for skilled technical assistance. The electron microscopic facilities were provided by a grant from the Wellcome Trust and the work was supported by a grant no. NB-03928-02 (to V.P.W.) from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, U.S. Public Health Service. During the period of this work Dr. Sheridan held a Postdoctoral Fellowship of the U.S. Public Health Service and Dr. Israël was an Exchange Scholar of the Medical Research Council.We are also most grateful to Professor Sir Bryan Matthews, C.B.E., Sc. D., F.R.S., for providing aquarium facilities in the Physiological Laboratory of Cambridge University.  相似文献   

Summary A proprioceptor in the telson of the crayfish Procambarus clarki was found, which is made up of about five units. These show range fractionation, i.e. different threshold distributions and their response to bending of the telson has a transient and a stationary component. The peak frequencies reached during the period of the transient component were shown to increase with increasing bending velocity and had — with the exception of one case — the highest values when extension (contrary to flexion) was imposed. The position characteristic discharge frequencies of the stationary component and their variation with different telson positions were considerably smaller. The receptor signals movement and position to the central nervous system and is therefore called a phasictonic one.I am grateful to Prof. Dr. T. H. Bullock for his hospitality and interest in this work and also want to thank Mr. John W. Thorson for many constructive discussions. This work was aided by grants from the U.S. Public Health Service, National Science Foundation and Office of Naval Research to Prof. Dr. T. H. Bullock.  相似文献   

Summary Some effects of current at velocities of 9 and 38 cm/sec on periphyton communities have been determined in laboratory streams.The diatom community that developed in the faster current formed a dense, felt-like growth on the gravel and rubble substrate and usually appeared dark green or brownish in color. At the slower current velocity, the community was dominated by species of Stigeoclonium, Oedogonium, and Tribonema which formed long, loose oscillating filaments on the substrate and resembled the aggregations of green filamentous algae often observed in ponds.Although the accumulation of biomass on the gravel and rubble was much more rapid in fast current than slow current, by the end of the experiment, the organic matter per unit area of substrate was approximately the same at both velocities. The export of biomass was consistently greater from the community subjected to the faster current, and at a near steady-state or constant standing crop, the highest productivity was maintained at the faster velocity.Dr. Harry K. Phinney has provided helpful advice during this work. The author is also indebted to Dr. Charles E. Warren and Dr. Peter Doudoroff for their invaluable administrative assistance.This paper is a contribution of the Pacific Cooperative Water Pollution and Fisheries Research Laboratories, Oregon State University, and U. S. Public Health Service Cooperating. This investigation was supported in part by National Science Foundation Research Grant GB 467.Technical Paper 1918, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station.
Zusammenfassung Effekte von Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten von 9 and 38 cm/Sek auf Aufwuchsgesellschaften wurden unter Laboratoriumsbedingungen untersucht.Die Diatomeengesellschaft, die sich in der schnelleren Strömung entwickelte, zeigte dichten filzartigen Wuchs auf dem Kies- und Geröllsubstrat und war gewöhnlich dunkelgrün oder braun gefärbt. Die langsamere Strömungsgesch windigkeit führte ein Vorherrschen von Stigeoclonium, Oedogonium und Tribonema Arten herbei, die lange und lockere, oszillierende Filamente auf dem Substrat bildeten, welche den Ansammlungen von grünen Fadenalgen ähnelten, die man häufig in Teichen beobachtet.Die Mengen organischer Substanz pro Einheitsfläche des Substrates waren nahezu gleich am Ende des Experiments für beide Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten, obwohl die Ansammlung von Biomasse auf Kies and Geröll viel rascher in der schnellen als in der langsamen Strömung vor sich ging. Der Abtransport von Biomasse war durchwegs grösser in der schnelleren Strömung und hier wurde nach Erreichen des Gleichgewichtzustandes oder stetigen Ertragzustandes auch die höchste Produktivität verzeichnet.

Summary Human fibrin film has been used as an additional substratum to trap zoosporic fungi in watered soil samples. This semi-transparent film is prepared from human plasma proteins by fractionation and is used as a substitute in dural surgery.Three new species ofRhizophlyctis, R. lovetti, R. fuscis, andR. hirsutus, as well asPhlyctorhiza variabilis and numerous other water molds have been trapped on this substratum in watered soil samples from India.This study has been supported by the U. S. Program in Biology, International Indian Ocean Expedition, and conducted at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Mandapam Camp, Madras State. I am very grateful to Dr.S. Jones, Director of the Institute, for research facilities and assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Localization of monoamine oxidase (MAO) was investigated essentially according to the method of Glenner et al. (1957) in the hypothalamo-hypophysial system of the tree sparrow and the rat. The hypothalamic neurosecretory cells of both species showed relatively weak MAO activity. A similar localization of MAO activity was observed in the median eminence of both species: (1) slight or no MAO activity was observed in the ependymal layer, (2) relatively strong activity was revealed in the tissue just beneath the ependymal layer, (3) strong activity was revealed in the outer layer, particularly in the tissues surrounding capillary loops of the primary plexus. It is suggested that an adrenergic mechanism functions in the median eminence. In the pars nervosa, strong reaction was observed in the rat, while a weak reaction occurred in the tree sparrow. However, the color and the size of formazan crystals deposited in the rat pars nervosa differed from those in the hypothalamus. As a whole, the distribution of the neurosecretory material differed from the localization of MAO activity in the hypothalamo-hypophysial system. It is discussed that the neurosecretory neuron is not adrenergic but cholinergic.Aided by Grant A-3678 from the United States Public Health Service. The authors are indebted to Dr. S. Kambara, Zoological Institute, and Dr. H. Hirano, Department of Anatomy, University of Tokyo, for their valuable advice, and also to Assoc. Prof. S. Yamamoto, Department of Hygiene, University of Tokyo, for making available some facilities. They also wish to thank Dr. L. M. Barbato, University of Illinois, and Mr. K. Asami, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, and Mr. Suzuki, Research Laboratory, Chugai Pharmaceutical Company Ltd., Tokyo, for the kind supply of MAO inhibitors.  相似文献   

Summary Cilia have been demonstrated on granular neurons and astroglial cells in the fascia dentata, a part of the hippocampal region, in the rat. Every granular cell seems to possess one cilium, which shows an 8+1 pattern in the greater part of its length. This 8+1 pattern is shown to result from the displacement of one peripheral doublet of a 9+0 cilium into the middle of the cilium. The neuronal cilia have a two-centriole basal organization, and fine rootlets radiate from the basal body proper into the cytoplasm. The possible function and significance of these cilia are discussed on the basis of earlier literature.This study was supported in part by Grant NB 02215 of The National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, U.S. Public Health Service, in part by The Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities. This aid is gratefully acknowledged. I am greatly indebted to Dr. Th. Blackstad for encouragement and advice during this study, to Mrs. J. L. Vaaland, Mr. B. V. Johansen and Mr. E. Risnes for technical assistance, and to Dr. B. Afzelius for valuable discussions.  相似文献   

Summary The symptoms of leaf blight of bajra (Pennisetum typhoides Stapf.) from India, its cause which has been identified asCurvularia penniseti (Mitra)Boedijn var.poonensis n. var. together with the morphology and host range of the fungus etc. have been given.Part of the work submitted by ShriP. L. Patil for M. Sc. (Agric.), University of Poona, under the guidance of Dr.N. B. Kulkarni.The authors express their sincere thanks to Prof.M. Sulaiman for providing necessary facilities for this work.  相似文献   

Summary The morphological, cultural, nutritional and general physiological properties of two species of bacteria, isolated from soil, are described which require for growth vitamin B12 and the terregens factor respectively. Both organisms undergo the change in morphology from a rod stage in young culture to a coccoid stage in older culture which is characteristic of members of the genus Arthrobacter Conn and Dimmick and are considered to be most appropriately assigned to this genus. In view of their differences from other described species and from each other the organism for which vitamin B12 is essential is named Arthrobacter duodecadis n. sp. and that requiring the terregens factor Arthrobacter flavescens n. sp.Herrn Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. A. Rippel zum 70. Geburtstag.Contribution No. 455, Bacteriology Division.  相似文献   

Klaus Patau 《Chromosoma》1953,5(1):341-362
Summary A new microphotometric method (mainly for the evaluation of microchemical color reactions) which uses measurements at two wave lengths (developed byOrnstein and, independently, by the author) is presented in a form which greatly reduces the computational labor (for an illustration, see Table 3).Contribution from the Program in Cytology, Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin, Madison, supported in part by grants to Dr.C. Leonard huskins from the Research Committee of the Graduate School with funds supplied by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary A synaptic axo-dendritic linkage is described between primary receptors lying in the epithelia of the sucker of Octopus and encapsulated nerve cells found near the rim of the sucker in the subepithelial connective tissue. These synapses are postulated to perform a drastic reduction of inputs between the primary receptors of the order of more than ten thousand and the subjacent encapsulated nerve cells of the order of some hundreds. The morphology of these cells as well as that of the synaptic structures are described from electron microscope studies. Aknowledgement. This work was done at University College London, while I was in receipt of a Medical Research Council grant.I am deeply indebted to Prof. J. Z. Young F. R. S. for support and criticism, and to Dr. E. G. Gray for advice and discussion. My thanks are due to Mr. A. Aldrich for the photographs.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of Euglena granulata and Chlamydomonas eugametos has been studied using polarization and electron microscopy, cinematography, and chemical extraction procedures, with the main focus on the structure of the eyespot.The 50–60 granules which form the extrachloroplastic eyespot of E. granulata are large bodies, up to 1200 m in diameter. They are found in the cytoplasm near the base of the reservoir and are associated with the parabasal body which contains a large crystal. The eyespot granules are contained within membranes having a unit membrane structure; 2 or 3 are usually present in a single eyespot packet; microtubules are also contained within the packet. The eyespot granules have the structure of a positive spherite and clearly exhibit birefringence; this structure is modified by fixation.The granules of the chloroplastic eyespot of C. eugametos are about 75 m in diameter and are contained within the chloroplast in an ordered array. Occasionally, the eyespot contains elongate or helical bodies mixed with the granules. Extraction with organic solvents caused the removal of materials which formed the eyespot granules as well as that of the osmophilic globules in the chloroplasts.Several hypotheses which concern the function of the eyespots in these and other species are discussed in the light of our results. the possible origin and demise of the eyespot granules are also discussed.Supported in part by NSF Grant GB-313. We thank Dr. Harold C. Bold and Dr. W. Gordon Whaley for their support and encouragement, Dr. R.M. Brown, jr. and Dr. Tom Kantz for aid in cinephotography, Dr. Peter Sitte for his help with polarization microscopy, and Mrs. Virginia Stork for her excellent technical assistance.A preliminary report of this research was presented at the Annual Meeting, Phycological Society of America, American Institute of Biological Sciences, College Park, Maryland, August, 1966.Contribution No. 286 from the Department of Botany, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.  相似文献   

Summary A submicroscopical study of Jenynsia lineata spermatids and spermatozoa has been made. The formation of an axial nuclear cavity by folding is described. A sub-mitochondrial net with a very geometrical pattern has been found in the mid piece; to the author's knowledge this structure is not comparable to any other described up to now. Taxonomic importance of spermatozoa ultrastructural differences is stressed.This work was supported by a grant of the Consejo National de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas of Argentine. Dr. Narbaitz holds a research position and Dr. Dadone a fellowship in the same Institution.  相似文献   

Summary The histological appearance of certain cell groups in the anterior hypothalamus was studied during various phases of the reproductive cycle of the common striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis nigra), a carnivore having a very restricted period of sexual activity. Pronounced changes occur in the amount of stainable neurosecretory material in cells of the supraoptic, paraventricular and anterior hypothalamic nuclei. Material staining with aldehyde fuchsin is stored (or inhibited from being released) in these cells during the sexually quiescent period in both the female and male skunk. The time of approaching sexual activity is characterized by the first signs of release of neurosecretory material from these hypothalamic cells and the peak of estrus and rut coincides with a minimal content of the material.Dedicated to Professor Berta V. Scharrer in honor of her 60th birthday.This study was supported by U.S.P.H.S. Training Grant 5 T 1-GM 102 and Research Grant BN-00840, from the National Institutes of Health. This represents a portion of a dissertation, written under the guidance of the late Professor Ernst Scharrer, and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Yeshiva University, June, 1965. Preliminary reports of this work were presented at the 78th annual session of the American Association of Anatomists, Miami, Florida, and at the VIIIth International Congress of Anatomists, Wiesbaden, Germany, (Hagedoorn, 1965a, b). I thank Dr. H. W. Deane and Dr. J. Osinchak for their critical reading of this manuscipt.  相似文献   

Summary Ciliary aggregations occur as the prototroch, neurotroch, apical system and as tufts associated with the eyes and superficial glands. The major collection of cilia is the locomotory organ or prototroch that runs around the equatorial plane of the larva. This band is composed of four contiguous rows of cells, the two medial rows bearing the long locomotory cilia. The cilia occur in clumps, with several clumps arising from each prototroch cell while both the main cells contribute to each clump. The central filaments of these cilia are orientated at right angles to the long axis of the clump, the direction of ciliary beat being at right angles to the progression of the metachronal wave along the prototroch. The neurotroch, extending from the mouth to the posterior pole of the larva, beats away from the mouth. The rate of beating is rapid, and the cilia are short. The apical area of the larva is bordered by five single lines of compound cilia that surround a few stiff cilia. All the cilia beat occasionally. A further line of cilia, the akrotroch, exists at a position halfway between the apical area and the prototroch on the same side as the mouth. These cilia beat towards the prototroch. Some of these cilia are associated with sets of glandular openings. The fine structure of the glands and cuticle is described. The glands are small mucous glands that open via a projecting pore which is encircled by rings of microvilli. They often occur in groups of four or in pairs. The cuticle is similar to that described previously for adult polychaetes.This work was started under a Science Research Council (U.K.) grant (B/SR/1871) for a Research Assistantship to Dr. M. S. Laverack and grateful acknowledgement is made for this. We would like to thank Dr. A. Boyde for all his advice and use of apparatus. The scanning electron microscope used in this study was provided by a Science Research Council (U. K.) grant to Dr. Boyde. We would like to thank Mrs. J. Parkes for photographic assistance.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the fine structure of the sense organs on the prostomial cirri and palps of Nereis diversicolor shows them to consist of two types of cell. There are between 7 and 15 sensory cells and a similar number of associated cells which contain many osmiophilic granules. The cell bodies of both are sub-epidermal, having a long distal process which reaches the surface in a raised sensory hillock. The sensory cells carry a cilium, which passes through the cuticle and emerges surrounded by a sheath formed from the outer layers of the epicuticle. Scanning electron micrographs show the surface of the cirrus to be covered by hair-like epicuticular microvilli, through which the sheathed cilia protrude. There is also a second type of sensory cell which occurs singly between the epithelial cells. The distal membrane of this cell is formed into a tuft of approximately 55 large microvilli which open through a pore in the epicuticle. It is suggested by their position and structure, that both these receptors resemble chemoreceptors.We should like to acknowledge the advice and technical help of Dr. J. A. Nott of the N.E.R.C. unit of Electron Microscopy, Menai Bridge, and Dr. P. E. Secker of the School of Electronic Engineering for use of the Cambridge Stereoscan. The work is supported by a grant from the Science Research Council to D.A.D.  相似文献   

Summary In the Gasserian ganglion and testis of the rat the endothelium of the small blood vessels has a singular appearance due to the presence of a high number of microvillous processes. These arise from the luminal surface, either individually, or in small groups. The significance of this structure is not known. It is pointed out that these vessels are particularly sensitive to cadmium intoxication.This investigation was performed during a tenure by Dr. Gabbiani of a fellowship of the Medical Research Council of Canada and was supported by the National Institutes of Health (Grant No. 5R01 HE-08794-04) and the Ministère de la Santé du Québec (projet 604-7-635).The authors wish to thank Dr. S. M. Shea for his advice in the measurement of the villi. The technical assistance of Miss Virginia Gilmore and of Mr. Eduardo Garriga is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

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