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A snail-conditioned water experiment was conducted in Pseudosuccinea columella to test the possible role of a chemical interaction between snails on the diminished growth and fecundity rates found for snails raised in pairs compared to those raised in complete isolation. The results permit to discard the hypothesis of an inhibition of growth and reproduction between snails due to factors released into the water.  相似文献   

Paul K. S.  Lam 《Journal of Zoology》1994,232(3):435-446
Life-histories of Radix plicatulus (Benson, 1842) populations inhabiting two neighbouring sites on a Hong Kong stream were investigated. In one of the two sites, R. plicatulus co-occurred with high densities of Pomacea levior which is known to prey on the egg capsules and hatchlings of sympatric gastropods. On the basis of general life-history theory, I hypothesized that R. plicatulus which co-occurred with P. levior should exhibit a life-history strategy characterized by a delayed reproduction, a longer recruitment period and a larger number of breeding bouts per year as compared with contemporaries inhabiting the other site with low P. levior abundance. Reproductive patterns of the two populations observed in the field accorded with the expectations of general life-history theory, and lent support to the hypothesis. However, laboratory culture experiments revealed no evidence of a genetic basis for the interpopulation differences. The importance of establishing a genetic basis for the interpopulation divergence before invoking an evolutionary explanation was discussed.  相似文献   


Pseudosuccinea columella and Radix natalensis live in the same habitat in Egypt and are important intermediate hosts of Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. Our study aimed to characterise both snail species using molecular analysis and shell measurements. The ranges of morphometric parameters overlapped in the two lymnaeids, indicating that they do not clearly differentiate the two species. PCR-sequence analysis of the nuclear ribosomal small subunit rRNA and the polymorphic mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) genes were used to determine the genetic identity and the potential diversity of the snails. Little intrasequence variations were detected in the sequences of both gene loci, indicating the potential homogeneity of lymnaeid populations in Egypt. Generated sequences of the mitochondrial CO1 gene locus for R. natalensis showed obvious heterogeneity compared to other sequences in GenBank. Molecular characterisation of these lymnaeids might help to understand the snails’ biodiversity in a bid to control these populations and their related diseases.  相似文献   


The freshwater snail Pseudosuccinea columella was recorded for the first time in Argentina more than 60 years ago. Since then its distribution in the wild has been restricted to the northeastern provinces. Here we record the presence of P. columella in southern Pampas for the first time, extending its distribution more than 500?km southwards. The climatic suitability of this and other areas of South America for its establishment and spread was analysed using habitat modelling software. Hitherto its spread within and between watercourses in southern Pampas has been very limited, probably through a combination of low climatic suitability, recent introduction and low connectivity of the drainage basins. The suitability of other areas where it has been recently recorded indicates a moderate risk of further spread in central and northwestern Argentina and in coastal areas of the Pacific rim of South America (southern Perú and northern Chile). The recent spread of P. columella in the wild in Argentina may be the result of an increase in the trade in aquarium plants or of the evolution of a new lineage with different ecological capabilities.  相似文献   

We report the first evidence of natural infection of Lymnaea columella with Fasciola hepatica in Argentina. A sample of 601 snails was collected in May 2003 in northeastern Corrientes, a province bounded on the north by Paraguay, on the east by Brazil and on the southeast by Uruguay. Among 500 examined snails, 44 (8.8%) were exclusively infected with F. hepatica. Parasite identification was based on morphological features of cercariae from snails, and of eggs and adult flukes from Wistar rats. We discuss the events suggesting that an enzootic transmission cycle of F. hepatica has been recently established in northeastern Corrientes.  相似文献   

The snails Lymnaea columella and Lymnaea cousini have both been reported as intermediate hosts of Fasciola hepatica in Colombia. The effect of the exposure to the parasite on survival, fecundity and size of these snails was evaluated by means of experimental infections and the life history traits of control and exposed groups were compared. Infection rates were 82.2 and 34% for L. columella and L. cousini, respectively. A reduction in fitness was observed in both species when exposed to the parasite: fecundity alone was reduced in L. columella whereas in L. cousini there was also a decline in survival rate. Unlike other studies, increased size was not observed in either species. On the contrary, a reduction in growth rate was observed in L. columella.  相似文献   

The direct effect of three common non-pathogenic phylloplane fungi on the life-history traits of Tetranychus urticae Koch was investigated on intact leaves of the garden bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. (var. Tendergreen Improved), under conditions of low and high water-deficit stress. The survival rate of T. urticae was always reduced by an increase in water-deficit stress, whereas the effect of the fungi depended in part on the watering regime. On two of the three fungi tested, Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler and Epicoccum nigrum Link, the mites showed a significant increase in net reproduction compared to those reared under control (i.e. no fungi added) conditions, independent of water-deficit stress, resulting in a higher intrinsic rate of increase. The third fungus tested, Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fres.) de Vries, had a similar response with respect to net reproduction when reared under low water-deficit stress but not when reared under a high water-deficit stress. There was, however, no evidence of an interactive effect with water-deficit stress and presence or absence of fungus affecting the net reproduction of the mites, for any of the three fungal species tested. An interactive effect between fungal species and water-deficit stress was observed for the intrinsic rate of increase of the mites. It is suspected that the fungi are acting as a source of an otherwise limiting resource and the differences observed between the fungal treatments is due to differences in consumption, based on the different sizes of their conidia.  相似文献   

We characterized 15 new variable microsatellites in the freshwater snail Pseudosuccinea (Lymnaea) columella, as well as conditions for multiplexing and simultaneously genotyping sets of loci. Two to six alleles were detected per locus over the six populations studied. Gene diversity ranged from 0.000 to 0.498, but essentially no heterozygous individuals were observed. This resulted in extremely high F(IS) estimates, and therefore high selfing rates. The F(ST) estimates ranged from 0.18 to 1 among populations, but was generally high. These markers will constitute efficient tools for investigating the population structure of this invasive species. Cross-species amplification was on the whole unsuccessful.  相似文献   

The ultimate reason why birds should advance their phenology in response to climate change is to match the shifting phenology of underlying levels of the food chain. In a seasonal environment, the timing of food abundance is one of the crucial factors to which birds should adapt their timing of reproduction. They can do this by shifting egg‐laying date (LD), and also by changing other life‐history characters that affect the period between laying of the eggs and hatching of the chicks. In a long‐term study of the migratory Pied Flycatcher, we show that the peak of abundance of nestling food (caterpillars) has advanced during the last two decades, and that the birds advanced their LD. LD strongly correlates with the timing of the caterpillar peak, but in years with an early food peak the birds laid their eggs late relative to this food peak. In such years, the birds advance their hatching date by incubating earlier in the clutch and reducing the interval between laying the last egg to hatching of the first egg, thereby partly compensating for their relative late LD. Paradoxically, they also laid larger clutches in the years with an early food peak, and thereby took more time to lay (i.e. one egg per day). Clutch size therefore declined more strongly with LD in years with an early food peak. This stronger response is adaptive because the fitness of an egg declined more strongly with date in early than in late years. Clearly, avian life‐history traits are correlated and Pied Flycatchers apparently optimize over the whole complex of the traits including LD, clutch size and the onset of incubation. Climate change will lead to changing selection pressures on this complex of traits and presumably the way they are correlated.  相似文献   

We examined the species groups relationships of the freshwater snail genus Austropeplea using mitochondrial, nuclear and morphological markers in addition to traditional methods of shell shape analysis. Based primarily on the results of a combined molecular and morphological analysis, samples of the nominal species A. tomentosa form distinct lineages. The New Zealand populations of A. tomentosa are a very distinct lineage from any of the Australian populations attributed to A. tomentosa. Furthermore, within the Australian group, three lineages, south Australia, Tasmania and eastern Australia, appear to have undergone recent and/or rapid speciation events. Samples assigned to A. lessoni were resolved as two distinct lineages, representing the eastern and northern Australian populations. Kutikina hispida was resolved within the Australian A. tomentosa clade. Molecular results for A. viridis suggests that it is also composed of at least two distinct lineages that could be treated as species. Incongruence observed between the single mitochondrial, nuclear and morphological topologies highlight the importance of using a number of different datasets in the delimitation of species-group taxa.  相似文献   



Lymnaeidae snails play a prominent role in the transmission of helminths, mainly trematodes of medical and veterinary importance (e.g., Fasciola liver flukes). As this family exhibits a great diversity in shell morphology but extremely homogeneous anatomical traits, the systematics of Lymnaeidae has long been controversial. Using the most complete dataset to date, we examined phylogenetic relationships among 50 taxa of this family using a supermatrix approach (concatenation of the 16 S, ITS-1 and ITS-2 genes, representing 5054 base pairs) involving both Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference.  相似文献   

A new fossil species of the pond snails (family Lymnaeidae Rafinesque, 1815), Lymnaea bogatschevi sp. n., from the Neogene (Khersonian–Maeotian transition) of southern Russia is described. It is characterised by a peculiar structure of the shell suture not found elsewhere in the family Lymnaeidae (both in living and extinct taxa). The suture of L. bogatschevi sp. n. may be described as a narrow groove that penetrates deep into the shell matter. This feature is developed both in protoconch and teleoconch whorls and is presented in several 100s of specimens that precludes its origin as an individual abnormality. There are no environmental factors known to induce such groove-like sutures in aquatic pulmonates indicating a genetic basis for this structure in L. bogatschevi. Also, we report a single shell with the similar channelled suture from a sample of Lymnaea megarensis (Gaudry in Fischer, 1867) from the Pliocene of Greece. It seems, in this species the groove-like suture was represented as a rare individual aberration, and later this trait disappeared completely from the lymnaeid morphological repertoir. Possible phylogenetic relationships between L. bogatschevi and the recent L. (Kazakhlymnaea) taurica (Clessin, 1880) are suggested and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The relative species variety as a ratio of the species number known from the territory north of the polar circle and the species number in eastern Europe as a whole has been calculated for subgenera and life forms of Lymnaeidae. The largest value of this feature is a specific parameter for ampla-like life forms. The domination of one life form is a result of its adaptation for both life in places with wave activity and water respiration. The relatively high species variety of the subgenera Lymnaea and Peregriana is related to domination of the ampla-like life form arranged by the mentioned taxons.  相似文献   

Protein electrophoresis, RAPD-PCR and nuclear rDNA ITS sequencing were performed to search for genetic differences between Pseudosuccinea columella snails susceptible and resistant to Fasciola hepatica infection. Of the 21 enzymatic loci analyzed in both populations, none of them exhibited neither within- or between-group variation. Such an absence of enzyme polymorphism support the hypothesis of selfing as the "prevalent" mating system for this hermaphroditic species. Conversely, the RAPD profiles displayed clear differences between susceptible and resistant isolates for 17 of the 26 primers tested while no within-group variation was detected. rDNA ITS sequence analysis from snails of each isolates showed only two bases that differed between groups accounting for a 0.17% of variation confirming that susceptible and resistant snails belong to the same species. This is the first time that a genetic variation using RAPD markers is demonstrated between susceptible and resistant lymnaeid snails vis-a-vis of F. hepatica infection in absence of experimental selection.  相似文献   

The balance between energy acquisition and expenditure is critical to the survival and reproductive success of animals. Here we investigate the long-term effects of diet quality on physiological and life-history flexibility in the harvestman, Pachylus paessleri. We used cow meal as a protein-rich diet and potatoes as a carbohydrate-rich diet in order to reproduce two extreme conditions regarding food quality in harvestmen natural habitat. As proxy variables of the energy expenditure process, we quantified standard metabolic rate (maintenance), changes in body mass (somatic condition), and fecundity (reproduction). We found that animals consuming the protein-rich diet were able to increase both their body condition and fecundity. However, the increment in these two life-history traits was correlated with higher maintenance costs. In contrast, the carbohydrate-rich diet did not provide enough specific nutrients for reproductive events, although it may have allowed animals to survive for a long time. Thus, according to the quality of the diet available in the environment, harvestman females can adopt different life-history strategies correlated with phenotypic adjustments at anatomical and physiological levels. In the Mediterranean region, spatial and temporal changes in food quality are typical, so greater phenotypic flexibility is expected to cope with this kind of environmental variation.  相似文献   

Eight road ditches located on granite and colonised by the native lymnaeids Galba truncatula or Omphiscola glabra were studied for 2 years to follow the distribution and density of these species in their habitats when the invasive lymnaeid Pseudosuccinea columella was introduced. Six other ditches populated only by a native lymnaeid or by P. columella were used as controls. The same experiment was also carried out for 3 years in seven water tanks placed in semi-natural conditions. The colonisation of P. columella was more rapid in habitats with G. truncatula than in those with O. glabra. Similarly, this colonisation led to a progressive decrease in the number of native lymnaeids in these ditches and this decrease was also faster for G. truncatula than for O. glabra. A similar decrease of G. truncatula and O. glabra was also noted when P. columella was introduced into water tanks placed in semi-natural conditions. The habitats of G. truncatula or O. glabra on the acid soils of central France can be successfully colonised by P. columella, and the establishment of this invasive species may lead to a decrease of the two native lymnaeids or even the local extinction of one of these (G. truncatula).  相似文献   

The effect of exposing the lymnaeid snail Fossaria cubensis to the trematode Fasciola hepatica on the snail population's life-history traits was studied under laboratory conditions. Exposed individuals showed a lower survival rate than control snails, although from week 7 onward a slower decrease of this parameter in relation to the control group was observed. There were higher values of fecundity rate for the controls compared to the exposed group except during weeks 9, 10, 11 and 12, which was the time that followed the period when almost all of the infected snails died. Both the intrinsic and finite rates of natural increase were significantly higher for the control group, but exposed snails still attained a lower mean generation time. Age-specific trade-offs were found, mainly for the weekly increase in size versus the number of eggs per mass, the weekly increase in size versus the number of viable eggs per mass, the number of masses versus the hatching probability and the number of eggs versus the hatching probability. All these negative associations were significant for juveniles of both control and exposed snails and not for adults; however, exposed young individuals exhibited much higher values of the correlation coefficient than control animals.  相似文献   

Three freshwater snail species of the family Lymnaeidae have been reported from Korea, Radix auricularia coreana, Austropeplea ollula and Fossaria truncatula. Out of 3 lymnaeid snail species, A. ollula was naturally infected with the Echinostoma cinetorchis cercariae (infection rate = 0.7%). In the experiments with the laboratory-bred snails, F. truncatula as well as A. ollula was also susceptible to the E. cinetorchis miracidia with infection rates of 25% and 40%, respectively. All of three lymnaeid snail species exposed to the E. cinetorchis cercariae were infected with the E. cinetorchis metacercariae. It is evident that A. ollula acts as the first molluscan intermediate host of E. cinetorchis in Korea, and F. truncatula may be a possible candidate for the first intermediate host of this intestinal fluke. Also, three lymnaeid snail species targeted were experimentally infected with E. cinetorchis metacercariae.  相似文献   

To test the influence of storage conditions on recovery and life-history traits of dormant animals we subjected cohorts of a bdelloid rotifer (Macrotrachela quadricornifera) and a nematode (Panagrolaimus rigidus) to three different conditions during a 26-d anhydrobiosis period. These conditions were (1) standard conditions in our laboratory (AC), (2) a flight to the U.S.A. and storage there (KSC), and (3) a flight to the U.S.A. followed by a flight on a Shuttle-to-Mir mission (Shuttle). Another cohort (HC) was maintained under hydrated conditions and served as reference for life-history traits of the desiccated samples. The recovery after dormancy and the residual life-history traits of the different cohorts were compared. Results indicate that (a) during dormancy the animals were indifferent to the test conditions, as evidenced from both recovery capacity and life history performances, (b) the anhydrobiotic period affected the experimental species differently. At recovery both animals resumed their life cycle, but while the rotifer appeared indifferent to the time spent in desiccation, the nematode modified its life history according to the duration of anhydrobiosis. Third, (c) induction of anhydrobiosis can act as a switching mechanism for animals capable of desiccation. Anhydrobiosis probably represents a suitable method to preserve organisms during stressful conditions allowing them to return to a normal life when convenient.  相似文献   

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