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T and B mouse spleen lymphocytes were separated by density gradient electrophoresis on the basis of their surface charge. In all strains examined, the T lymphocytes were found in the high mobility fractions and the B in the low. The T and B cells were separated completely in most fractions, with some overlapping in the middle. Significant differences were found in the electrophoretic distribution profiles between the strains: C57BL/6j, C57BL/10j, (BALB/cXC57BL/6j)F1, and all the following: B6·C-H-2d/cBy (congenic to C57BL/6j), BALB/c, CBA/H/T6j, C57BL/10Sn, and C3H. The C57BL/6j and the (BALB/cXC57BL/6j)F1 cells appear more heterogeneous as far as electrophoretic mobility is concerned. Almost all the other strains give two major peaks. Moreover, the high mobility areas are less populated in the C57BL/6j and the (BALB/cXC57BL/6j)F1 animals than in all the others. The above differences were found consistently when cells prepared by different methods were electrophoresed. It is concluded that the surface charge of lymphocytes may be genetically determined. Possible dependency on the H-2 complex or non-H-2 areas is discussed.  相似文献   

Mouse lymphocytes have been fractionated in preparative cell electrophoresis into two functionally viable populations, a high mobility cell (HMC) and a low mobility cell (LMC) population. The distribution of HMC in CBA spleen, blood, and lymph node corresponds to known proportions of θ-positive cells in these organs. The HMC carry the θ-isoantigen, respond to phytohemagglutinin in vitro, and induce a graft-versus-host reaction in newborn F1 hybrid mice. Nearly all spleen LMC have complement receptors on their surface. About 70% of spleen LMC are sensitive to anti-MBLA serum and form “caps” when incubated with FITC-conjugated anti-Ig. Only LMC respond to E. coli lipopolysaccharide. Thus, T cells localize in the HMC population and B cells in the LMC population. There is no detectable contamination of T lymphocytes among the LMC, nor of B lymphocytes among the HMC.  相似文献   

T and B mouse spleen lymphocytes were separated by density gradient electrophoresis on the basis of their surface charge. In all strains examined, the T lymphocytes were found in the high mobility fractions and the B in the low. The T and B cells were separated completely in most fractions, with some overlapping in the middle. Significant differences were found in the electrophoretic distribution profiles between the strains: C57BL/6j, C57BL/10j, (BALB/cXC57BL/6j)F1, and all the following: B6.C-H-2d/cBy (congenic to C57BL/6j), BALB/c, CBA/H/T6j, C57BL/10Sn, and C3H. The C57BL/6j and the (BALB/cXC57BL/6j)F1 cells appear more heterogeneous as far as electrophoretic mobility is concerned. Almost all the other strains give two major peaks. Moreover, the high mobility areas are less populated in the C57BL/6j and the (BALB/cXC57BL/6j)F1 animals than in all the others. The above differences were found consistently when cells prepared by different methods were electrophoresed. It is concluded that the surface charge of lymphocytes may be genetically determined. Possible dependency on the H-2 complex or non-H-2 areas is discussed.  相似文献   

T and B lymphocytes from human tonsils were separated on a nylon wool column. T. cells are enriched in the nonadherent, B cells in the adherent fraction. Several enzymes and other markers were tested in separated and non separated lymphocyte populations. Certain enzymes and other properties can be used as T or B lymphocyte markers because of their preferential occurrence and because of the advantages of their estimation (simple, quick methods, objective evaluation). The following characteristics were considered as markers on the basis of our results: (I) acid phosphatase, Na+-K+-activated ATPase, BAEE-peptidase and chromium labeling in T lymphocytes; (II) 5'-nucleotidase, FITC-IgG binding, N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase, thymidine and valine incorporation in B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Spleens of mice treated with 9-beta-D-[2,8-3H]arabinofuranosyladenine (araA), 0.5-30.0 mg/kg showed rapid dose-dependent accumulation of 3H, which peaked at 2.5 mg/kg. Lymphocytes from spleens showed linear uptake when incubated with 0.68, 1.36, and 5.03 microM araA over 120 s. With 1.0 mM araA, uptake was reduced in rate but was not saturated. Tritiated metabolites identified from these lymphocytes were araA which predominated after brief incubations, its deaminated form (araH), and some phosphorylated product in small amount. Inhibition of deaminase increased intracellular araA. Although potent inhibitors of nucleoside transport inhibited araA uptake marginally, adenosine competed with araA for about 50% of the uptake capacity. The data suggest that the uptake of araA by mouse lymphocytes, which is not simple diffusion, occurs by a mechanism distinct from typical nucleoside transport.  相似文献   

The plasma and organelle membranes of a cytotoxic T lymphocyte line, CTLL-R8, were isolated by subcellular fractionation. After dissolving in detergent-containing buffer, the membrane proteins were isolated by high-performance liquid chromatography on a single reverse-phase column. The serine esterase activity in the fractions was detected by measuring hydrolysis of the ester compound N alpha-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysine thiobenzyl ester. A major band was revealed in the fraction with highest serine esterase activity. Under sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, this band assumes a molecular weight of about 30 kDa. The amino-terminal sequence of the protein was analyzed and shows 100% identity with that of MCSP-3/granzyme F, a soluble serine esterase previously identified in the cytoplasmic granules of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Modifications of this reverse-phase column method would thus represent a simple, convenient strategy for obtaining high yields of all the lymphocyte surface proteases, which could then be further characterized for function.  相似文献   

DNA fragments (0.5-4.5 kb) of normal human lymphocytes induced pre-neoplastic mouse NIH/3T3 cells after transfection to grow in soft agar medium at low efficiency (0.0007 colonies/micrograms DNA/10(6) cells). In secondary transfections high mol. wt. DNA (greater than 20 kb) of cells transformed by DNA fragments induced neoplastic transformation with high efficiency (0.16-1.1 soft agar colonies/micrograms DNA/10(6) cells). These results confirm previous data obtained by others with chicken and mouse donor DNA. We describe here that independent secondary transformants harbored human Alu repetitive DNA sequences on similar restriction fragments and formed progressively growing tumors in BALB/c mice or nude mice. The corresponding primary transformants were not tumorigenic, however, and the ability to proliferate in semi-solid agar medium was gradually lost when the cells were grown as non-confluent monolayers. Furthermore, in contrast to secondary transformants, DNA from primary transformants showed only relatively weak hybridization to a human Alu repetitive DNA probe. We conclude that in primary transformants the transformed phenotype is expressed in an unstable fashion whereas secondary transformants appear to be stably transformed.  相似文献   

Members of the cdc25 phosphatase family are proposed to function as important regulators of the eukaryotic cell cycle, particularly in the induction of mitotic events. A new cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase, cdc25M1, has been cloned from a mouse pre-B cell cDNA library and characterized. The cdc25M1 protein consists of 465 amino acids with a predicted relative molecular mass (Mr) of 51 750. Over the highly conserved carboxyl terminal region, the amino acid sequence similarity to the human cdc25 C or Hs1 isoform is 89%, while the overall similarity is 67%. The phosphatase active site is located within residues 367–374. Tissue expression of the cdc25M1 was highest in mouse spleen and thymus by northern blot analysis. The cdc25M1 mRNA was detected in a number of cloned mouse lymphocyte cell lines including both CD8+ and CD4+ cells. cdc25M1 mRNA was shown to be cell cycle-regulated in T cells following interleukin-2 (IL-2)-stimulation. Accumulation of cdc25M1 mRNA occured at 48 h after IL-2 stimulation, when lymphocytes were progressing from S phase to G2/M phase of the cell cycle. This pattern of expression is in contrast to that observed for other protein tyrosine phosphatases expressed in T lymphocytes including CD45, LRP, SHP, and PEP. The elevation in cdc25M1 mRNA level occurred concomittant to the appearance of the hyperphosphorylated form of p34cdc2 protein kinase. A purified, bacterial-expressed recombinant cdc25M1 phosphatase domain catalyzed the dephosphorylation of p-nitrophenol phosphate, as well as [32P-Tyr] and [32P-Ser/Thr]-containing substrates. Preincubation of p34cdc2 kinase with cdc25M1 activated its histone H1 kinase activity in vitro. These results suggest that cdc25M1 may be involved in regulating the proliferation of mouse T lymphocytes following cytokine stimulation, through its action on p34cdc2 kinase.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number L16926.  相似文献   

Picryl chloride induces contact hypersensitivity in mice, accompanied by spleen cell sensitization that is demonstrable in vitro by specific antigen-induced formation of leukocyte adherence inhibition factor (LAIF). This cellular activity was detected only up to 7 days after sensitization; thereafter the spleen cells appeared to be unreactive with the antigen. The cells were still normally reactive with the mitogen concanavalin A. Antigen reactivity of such “late” cells was restored by passage through a glass-bead column (provided resulting nonadherent cells were reconstituted with normal macrophages), and the restored reactivity was again suppressed by the eluted glass-bead-adherent cells. Suppression was antigen specific. Separation of T and B lymphocytes by affinity chromatography, after glass-bead treatment of sensitized spleen cells, showed that two subpopulations of B cells—those responsible for producing LAIF as well as those suppressing LAIF production by T cells—were glassbead adherent. This was extended by showing directly with anti-Thy-1.2 serum that B cells producing LAIF and suppressor T cells were glass adherent. Thus two suppressive cell populations, and the B cell producing LAIF, were glass adherent while the T-cell LAIF producer was not. Tests for adoptive transfer of cutaneous hypersensitivity in vivo demonstrated the relevance of many of the above observations to conditions in the whole animal. “Late” spleen cells from sensitized mice could not transfer hypersensitivity but this property was restored by glass-bead passage. The eluted adherent cells suppressed transfer. Both adoptive transfer and its suppression were antigen specific.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine whether at least some splenic B lymphocytes can switch from the synthesis of one isotype of immunoglobulin to another during B cell differentiation. The experimental system invovled the transfer of characterized cell suspensions between allotype congenic strains of mice followed by analysis in the recipient for donor type immunoglobulin production. Donor splenic lymphocytes were incubated with specific fluorescent labelled anti-mu antiserum and passed through the Los Alamos fluorescence-activated cell sorter; mu-depleted cell suspensions were transferred into sublethally irradiated congenic recipients and the amount of donor type immunoglobulin of IgG2 type was measured at weekly intervals. The results demonstrated taht at least some cell bearing membrane bound IgM can differentiate in vivo into IgG2-secreting cells, although not all IgG2-secreting cells have been recently derived from IgM positive precursors.  相似文献   

Summary Normal mouse spleen cells take up in vitro radioactively labeled immune RNA. RNA taken up is present in nuclei, polysomes, membranes and cytoplasm. About 20–40% of immune RNA is nonspecifically associated with cell surface. 45% of RNA taken up is degraded and reutilized inside the cells within 2 hours.This work was supported by the Polish Academy of Sciences within the project  相似文献   

The cell-surface expression of the class I alloantigen Qa-2 was analyzed on resting and activated spleen and thymus cells using cytotoxic elimination and immunofluorescence and flow cytometry. Spleen cells activated by mitogens or alloantigen were homogeneously positive for cell surface Qa-2, but activated splenic T cells expressed only about one-third as much Qa-2 per cell as did nonstimulated T cells. These data correlated with the ability to perform cytotoxic elimination with Qa-2-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in that cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity was completely abrogated by pretreatment of spleen cells prior to in vitro culture but was only partially eliminated by treatment of CTL effectors. Qa-2-positive cells constituted only a small subpopulation of fresh normal thymocytes, but were enriched (>40% positive) among cortisone-resistant thymocytes (CRT). These Qa-2-positive CRT contained mature thymocytes as defined by Ly phenotype Ly-2, Ly-1hi. When normal thymocytes were treated with Qa-2-specific mAb and complement prior to in vitro sensitization for generation of allogeneic CTL, CTL activity was completely abrogated despite the fact that the fraction of cells eliminated were undetectable as assessed by cell recovery. CTL effectors from alloantigen-stimulated thymocytes were also susceptible to cytotoxic elimination with Qa-2-specific mAb. These data suggest that the Qa-2 molecule may serve not only as a marker on resting and activated peripheral T cells, but also as a unique marker for functionally mature T cells in the thymus.  相似文献   

Stimulation of mouse B lymphocytes by trypsin   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Purified peripheral blood T lymphocytes from normal subjects were pretreated with varying concentrations of concanavalin A (Con A) for a period of 18 or 48 hr. Following treatment, these T lymphocytes were examined for the proportions of Tμ and Tγ cells and their regulatory effect on immunoglobulin production by normal allogeneic B cells in presence of pokeweed mitogen. A significant decrease in the proportions of Tμ cells and increase in Tγ cells were observed when concentration of Con A, 40 μg/ml, was used to treat purified T cells for either 18 or 48 hr. Significant suppression of in vitro immunoglobulin synthesis was observed at a similar concentration in mixing experiments. The mechanism of Con A-induced T cell-mediated suppression of immunoglobulin secretion by allogeneic B cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Structural characterization of gangliosides from murine T lymphocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mouse spleen cells were prepared from CBA/J mice, and T lymphocytes were selectively stimulated with the T cell mitogen concanavalin A and further propagated in the presence of the T cell growth factor interleukin-2. The T cells were metabolically labeled with D-[1-14C]galactose and D[1-14C]glucosamine, and the gangliosides were extracted and purified by DEAE-Sepharose column chromatography. Carbohydrate backbone structures of the asialogangliosides, prepared by mild acid hydrolysis, were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography, treatment with exoglycosidases and immunostaining. Monosialylated gangliosides were isolated by gradient elution from DEAE-Sepharose and further separated by preparative high-performance thin-layer chromatography in two solvent systems. Isolated fractions were characterized by preparation of asialogangliosides by mild acid hydrolysis, the action of Vibrio cholerae neuraminidase, and fast-atombombardment mass spectrometry. The following structures were identified: IVNeuAc-GgOse4Cer; IVNeuGc-GgOse4Cer; IVNeuAc-GgOse5Cer; and IVNeu-Gc-GgOse5Cer. The latter two gangliosides were not detected on B lymphoblasts and may be T-cell-specific structures. All gangliosides were heterogeneous in their ceramide moieties, being substituted with C16:0, C24:0, and C24:1 fatty acids. A preliminary study of several other mouse strains showed no strain-specific genetic variations in the T cell gangliosides. The possible role of these gangliosides is discussed.  相似文献   

Circulating T and B lymphocytes of the mouse. II. Lifespan   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The average lifespan of circulating lymphocytes was investigated by determining the percentage of labeling of thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL5) from mice injected with tritiated thymidine (3HT) for various periods. Percentage of labeling of TDL from normal CBA mice, which consist of approximately 85% T cells and 15% B cells, was found to be directly proportional to the time of 3HT administration. This technique thus failed to demonstrate the presence of more than one population of lymphocytes. Less than 50% of TDL were labeled after 3HT injection for 8 weeks.Percentage of labeling of TDL from nude mice (which consist solely of B cells) was likewise found to be directly proportional to the duration of 3HT injection but occurred at a rate three to four times faster than in non-T cell-depleted CBA mice. Further experiments, in which a marker for B cells was used, allowed the rate of 3HT labeling of B cells to be studied in normal CBA mice. These data corroborated the findings in nude mice and indicated that, with regard to lifespan, thoracic duct B cells consisted of a single population with an average lifespan of 5–7 weeks. Similarly it was calculated that the average lifespan of thoracic duct T cells was in the order of 4–6 months.Studies on the rate of formation of TDL during prolonged thoracic duct drainage of normal CBA mice indicated that the percentage of newly formed cells increased rapidly after 24-hr drainage. The total numbers of newly formed cells, however, were found to remain relatively constant throughout the period of drainage investigated (up to 9 days) except for a transient increase during the second and third day. Newly formed small lymphocytes were found to consist of approximately equal proportions of T cells, B cells, and other “mononuclear” cells which lacked surface markers for either T or B cells. The great majority of large lymphocytes, in contrast, were found to be neither T cells nor B cells and probably belonged to the plasma cell line. In nude mice, production of newly formed lymphocytes during prolonged thoracic duct drainage was found to be very low in comparison with normal CBA mice.  相似文献   

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