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The definition of the axis of orientation of the synlophe is modified for the Heligmosomoidea so that one or two axes may be recognized. When two axes are present, their inclinations to the sagittal axis are different on the right and left sides, and we propose to name them right axis and left axis, respectively. During the course of evolution, starting from a single oblique axis (plesiomorphic state), an independent rotation of this axis on the right and left sides may bring about a double-axis state with a different inclination on both sides (derived state). When the rotation reaches 90 degrees for both sides, the axis becomes simple once again and is superimposed to the frontal axis (most derived state).  相似文献   

Srivastavanema cynocephali n. sp., a parasite of Cynocephalus variegatus (Dermoptera) from Indonesia, is described. This species is closely related to S. yapi Durette-Desset & Lim Boo Liat, 1975, in the characters of the synlophe at the mid-body and in the shape of the caudal bursa, but it is distinguished by the pattern of the synlophe in the posterior part of the body, very long, thin rays 2 and 3, a less developed genital cone, the absence of a membrane between left and right rays 6, and longer spicules. Its morphology is slightly less specialised than the four previously known species of the genus, which are all parasites of petauristines. The genus Srivastavanema (Singh, 1962) has a systematic position between the Heligmonellinae and the Brevistriatinae. Therefore, it may be a parasite of the Dermoptera which could have secondarily evolved within the Petauristinae. The Dermoptera may have played an important role in the evolution of the Heligmonellinae.  相似文献   

Two new nematode species, Beaninema nayaritense n. gen., n. sp. and Rhabdochona xiphophori n. sp., are described on the basis of the specimens recovered from the gall bladder and intestine of 2 fishes, Cichlasoma beani (Jordan) (Cichlidae, Perciformes) and Xiphophorus sp. (Poeciliidae, Cyprinodontiformes), respectively, from Mexico. The monotypic genus Beaninema differs from other rhabdochonid genera mainly in the presence of large conical teeth in the middle of the prostom. Rhabdochona xiphophori is characterized mainly by a unique structure of the prostom (presence of 6 anterior teeth; dorsal and ventral teeth unusually broad, with 2 lateral horns) and the shape of the deirids (bifurcated, with markedly long base).  相似文献   

Two new species of Nippostrongylinae, Hassalstrongylus puntanus n. sp., and Stilestrongylus franciscanus n. sp. are described from the intestine of the grey leaf-eared mouse Graomys griseoflavus (Waterhouse, 1837) (Sigmodontinae) from the Province of San Luis, Argentina. Hassalstrongylus puntanus n. sp. is distinguished from the most closely related species H. dollfusi (Díaz-Ungría, 1963), a parasite of Mus musculus from Venezuela by longer rays 2, shorter rays 4, proximal half of the dorsal ray non-enlarged and a non-retractile female tail. Stilestrongylus franciscanus n. sp. is distinguished from the most closely related species S. flavescens Sutton & Durette-Desset, 1991, a parasite of Oryzomys flavescens from Argentina, by rays 2 and 3 diverging separately from common trunk of rays 2 to 6, and by right ray 3 arising from this trunk more distally than ray 6. Stilestrongylus azarai Durette-Desset & Sutton, 1985, a parasite of Akodon azarae from Buenos Aires, Argentina, was also found parasitizing G. griseoflavus, representing new host and locality records. Some additional morphological data for this species are also provided.  相似文献   

A new species of heligmosomoid nematode Sutarostrongylus johnsoni sp. n., belonging to the sub-family Herpetostrongylinae Skrjabin & Schultz, is described from the small intestine (duodenum) of the red-legged pademelon, Thylogale stigmatica (Gould, 1860) (Marsupialia: Macropodidae), from north-eastern Queensland, Australia. The only other species of the genus S. kirkpatricki Beveridge & Durelte-Desset, 1986 occurs in the related host, the red-necked pademelon, T. thetis (Lesson, 1827) in south-eastern Queensland. The new species differs in having longer spicules and asymmetrical spicule tips as well as the presence of a comarete which develops on the right ventral aspect of the mid-region of the body. The synlophe of the new species is unusual in that the inclination of the axis of orientation changes from being oblique in the anterior part of the body to being frontal in the posterior part. The same change may occur in some species of Austrostrongylus Chandler, 1924. Current data suggest that species of Sutarostrongylus are limited to a single genus of host, Thylogale Gray, 1837 and support the suggestion that both nematode species exhibit morphological features which are intermediate between those occurring in Herpetotostrongylinae in dasyurid marsupials and those occurring in macropodid marsupials.  相似文献   

Two new Nippostrongylinae (Heligmosomoidea, Heligmonellidae) originating from Senegal are described. Heligmonina bioccai n. sp., a parasite of Cricetomys gambianus (Cricetomyinae) found in the surroundings of Dakar and Neoheligmonella bai n. sp., a parasite of Arvicanthis niloticus (Murinae) from the Province of Richard Toll. H. bioccai n. sp. is related to H. hybomysi (Durette-Desset, 1966) a parasite of Hybomys univittatus from the Central African Republic by some characteristics of the caudal bursa and of the synlophe. They are the only two species with the same pattern of caudal bursa: type 1-3-1 for the right lobe, 2-3 for the left lobe, and with the same number and disposition of the cuticular ridges at mid-body in the female. The two species are differentiated by the size (three times smaller in H. hybomysi), the ratio of spicule length on body length (7.6% versus 17% in H. hybomysi) and by a different synlophe in male and posterior part of female. N. bai n. sp. is differentiated from the closely related species N. dielmensis Diouf, Ba and Durette-Desset, 1997, also a parasite of Arvicanthis niloticus from Senegal by rays 8 arising asymmetrically on the dorsal ray and by the deirids situated at the same level as the excretory pore.  相似文献   

During the ecological studies on marine nematodes in the intertidal zone and an adjacent seagrass Zostera marina Linne bed in Amakusa, south Japan, two new species of the genus Rhynchonema Cobb, 1920 were found. They are described as R. kikuchii and R. amakusanum. Up to now, Rhynchonema species were unknown from Japan.  相似文献   

The systematic position of two nippostrongyline nematodes described from Argentinean sigmodontine rodents is clarified. The first species, Hassalstrongylus multiovatus Suriano & Navone, 1992, parasitic in Akodon simulator Thomas from the province of Tucumán, was studied on the basis of type and voucher material. H. multiovatus is proposed as a junior synonym of Trichofreitasia lenti Sutton & Durette-Desset, 1991, a parasite described from Oligoryzomys flavescens (Waterhouse) in the province of Buenos Aires. The holotype and three of seven paratypes deposited as H. multiovatus were identified as T. lenti. One male paratype was identified as Guerrerostrongylus uruguayensis Sutton & Durette-Desset, 1991, a parasite described from O. flavescens in Uruguay. Three female paratypes were identified as Guerrerostrongylus sp. The second species, Stilestrongylus scapteromys Suriano & Navone, 1996, parasitic in Scapteromys aquaticus Thomas from the province of Buenos Aires, was studied on voucher material. Stilestrongylus scapteromys and Malvinema frederici Digiani, Sutton & Durette-Desset, 2003, the type-species of Malvinema Digiani, Sutton & Durette-Desset, 2003, were described from the same host and geographical region. As they are considered to refer to one and the same taxon, the new combination Malvinema scapteromys n. comb. is proposed for this species.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Oswaldocruzia Travassos, 1917 belonging to the sub-family Molineinae are described from the stomach and/or the small intestine of Enyalius spp. from Brazil. They belong to group 6 of Ben Slimane, Chabaud & Durette-Desset (1996). In this group they share along with O. peruensis Ben Slimane, Verhaag & Durette-Desset, 1995, a parasite of Iguanidae from Peru the followings linked characters: (i) a caudal bursa of type II; (ii) cervical alae present; (iii) undulated cuticular ridges. The Peruvian species differs from the Brasilian species by the absence of a strut in the cervical alae, by a small number of cuticular ridges at mid-body and by a spicular fork with a ramified inner twig. Oswaldocruzio fredi n. sp., a parasite of the stomach and the small intestine of Enyalius iheringii, mainly differs from the two other species by the absence of the oesophageal ventral cuticular ridges. Oswaldocruzia benslimanei n. sp., a parasite of the small intestine of Enyalius bilineatus, differs from Oswoldocruzia burseyi n. sp., a parasite of the stomach of Enyalius perditus, by the division of the fork at 23.4 % of spicule length (versus 32 %), and the length of the blade longer than the fork. Oswoldocruzia subauricularis sensu Freitas, 1955 nec Rudolphi, 1819 and O. mazzai sensu Vicente, 1981 nec Travassos, 1935 should be considered as species inquirendae.  相似文献   

The Trichostrongylina parasitic in the leaf-eared mouse Phyllotis sp. (Sigmodontinae) from the Province of Catamarca, Argentina are studied. Three new species of Stilestrongylus Freitas, Lent and Almeida, 1937 (Heligmosomoidea: Heligmonellidae: Nippostrongylinae) are described. Stilestrongylus andalgala n. sp. is distinguished from the most closely related species S. moreli Diaw, 1976 parasitic in Auliscomys boliviensis from Bolivia, by the absence of a common trunk of right rays 2 and 3, by left ray 4 shorter than ray 5, and by the shape of the female tail, without a mucron. Stilestrongylus catamarca n. sp. is distinguished from all the other species in the genus by hypertrophied rays 2, larger than rays 3, and from the closely related species Stilestrongylus barusi Durette-Desset, 1971, parasitic in Sigmodontomys alfari from Colombia, by right ray 4 longer than ray 5 and left ray 4 shorter than ray 5, by a larger spicule length/body length ratio (22.6% vs. 7.2%), and by the presence of a mucron on the female tail. Stilestrongylus gracielae n. sp. most closely resembles Stilestrongylus azarai Durette-Desset and Sutton, 1985, parasitic in Akodon azarae and in Graomys griseoflavus, and Stilestrongylus franciscanus Digiani and Durette-Desset, 2003, also parasitic in G. griseoflavus, both from Argentina. These latter differ from the new species by the right lobe of the caudal bursa: in S. azarai rays 4, 5 and 6 arise at same level from their common trunk and in S. franciscanus right rays 4 and 5 diverge at their distal extremity. Lamanema chavezi Becklund, 1963 (Molineoidea: Molineinae), a parasite of South American camelids, is reported in rodents for the second time.  相似文献   

耳草属(茜草科)植物的两个新种=Two new species of the genus Hedyotis (Rubiaceae) from China[刊,中]/ 王 瑞 江(中国科学院华南植物研究所 广州 510650),邢 福 武//植物分类学报.—2002,41(1).—85~88 摘要:描述了国产耳草属(茜草科)植物的两个新种,启无耳草Hedyotis wangii R. J. Wang和崖州耳草H. yazhouensis F. W. Xing et R. J. Wang。  相似文献   

报道了我国丝瓜藓属Pohlia两新种,即产自云南的明齿丝瓜藓 P.hyaloperistoma Zhang,Li &; Higuchi和产自西藏的疏叶丝瓜藓P.macrocarpa Zhang,Li&;Higuchi。前者主要特征为蒴齿透明无疣,后者孢子体大型且雌雄异株。  相似文献   

Two new turbellarian species, Gieysztoria shantouensis Zhang, Li Wang, sp. nov. and G. huizhouensis Zhang, Wu Wang, sp. nov. are described, which were collected from ditches in Shantou and Dongjiang River, Huizhou of Guangdong Province, respectively. G. macrovariata(Weise, 1942) was firstly recorded in China. All specimens examined were deposited in National Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.  相似文献   

记述了织蛾科Oecophoridae伪带织蛾属Irepacma二新种。茎刺伪带织蛾I. aedeagifera Wang, Liu et Li, sp. nov. 采自四川青城山,与I. pakiensis Moriuti,Saito et Lewvanich相似,但该种爪形突退化,抱器腹呈带状,阳茎端基环侧叶具稠密的刚毛。海南伪带织蛾I. hainanensis Wang,Liu et Li, sp. nov.采自海南省天池,与I. pingensis Moriuti,Saito et Lewvanich近似,但该种雄性抱器背基叶不对称,抱器腹端部有二突起,雌性囊突的形状不同于后者。文中提供了外生殖器特征图。模式标本分别保存在南开大学生物系和中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

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