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ABCA1 mediates the efflux of cholesterol and phospholipids into apoA-I to form HDL, which is important in the prevention of atherosclerosis. To develop a novel method for the evaluation of HDL formation, we prepared an apoA-I-POLARIC by labeling the specific residue of an apoA-I variant with a hydrophobicity-sensitive fluorescence probe that detects the environmental change around apoA-I during HDL formation. apoA-I-POLARIC possesses the intact ABCA1-dependent HDL formation activity and shows 4.0-fold higher fluorescence intensity in HDL particles than in the lipid-free state. Incubation of apoA-I-POLARIC with ABCA1-expressing cells, but not ABCA1-non-expressing cells, caused a 1.7-fold increase in fluorescence intensity. Gel filtration analysis demonstrated that the increase in fluorescence intensity of apoA-I-POLARIC represents the amount of apoA-I incorporated into the discoidal HDL particles rather than the amount of secreted cholesterol. THP-1 macrophage-mediated HDL formation and inhibition of HDL formation by cyclosporine A could also be measured using apoA-I-POLARIC. Furthermore, HDL formation-independent lipid release induced by microparticle formation or cell death was not detected by apoA-I-POLARIC. These results demonstrate that HDL formation by ABCA1-expressing cells can be specifically detected by sensing hydrophobicity change in apoA-I, thus providing a novel method for assessing HDL formation and screening of the HDL formation modulator.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette protein A1 (ABCA1) plays a pivotal role in cholesterol homeostasis by generating high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), a lipid acceptor for ABCA1, reportedly interacts with ABCA1. However, it has also been proposed that apoA-I interacts with ABCA1-generated special domains on the plasma membrane, but apart from ABCA1, and solubilizes membrane lipids. To determine the importance of the apoA-I-ABCA1 interaction in HDL formation, the electrostatic interaction between apoA-I and ABCA1, which mediates the interaction between apoB100 in low-density lipoprotein particles (LDL) and LDL receptor, was analyzed. The apoA-I binding to ABCA1 and the cross-linking between them were inhibited by the highly charged molecules heparin and poly-L-lysine. Treating cells with membrane impermeable reagents that specifically react with primary amino groups abolished the interaction between apoA-I and ABCA1. However, these reagents did not affect the characteristic tight ATP binding to ABCA1. These results suggest that lysine residues in the extracellular domains of ABCA1 contribute to the interaction with apoA-I. The electrostatic interaction between ABCA1 and apoA-I is predicted to be the first step in HDL formation. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Advances in high density lipoprotein formation and metabolism: a tribute to John F. Oram (1945-2010).  相似文献   

The majority of mouse HSP90 exists as alpha-alpha and beta-beta homodimers. Truncation of the 15-kDa carboxy-terminal region of mouse HSP90 by digestion with the Ca(2+)-dependent protease m-calpain caused dissociation of the dimer. When expressed in a reticulocyte lysate, the full-length human HSP90 alpha formed a dimeric form. A plasmid harboring human HSP90 alpha cDNA was constructed so that the carboxy-terminal 49 amino acid residues were removed when translated in vitro. This carboxy-terminally truncated human HSP90 alpha was found to exist as a monomer. In contrast, loss of the 118 amino acid residues from the amino terminus of human HSP90 alpha did not affect its in vitro dimerization. Introduction of an expression plasmid harboring the full-length human HSP90 alpha complements the lethality caused by the double mutations of two HSP90-related genes, hsp82 and hsc82, in a haploid strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The carboxy-terminally truncated human HSP90 alpha neither formed dimers in yeast cells nor rescued the lethal double mutant.  相似文献   

Helical apolipoproteins of high density lipoprotein (HDL) remove phospholipid and cholesterol from cells and generate HDL particles being mediated by ATP binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1). In murine macrophage cell line RAW264 cells, cAMP induced expression of ABCA1, release of cellular phospholipid and cholesterol by apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), and reversible binding of apoA-I to the cell. The apoA-I-dependent lipid release was directly proportional to the cAMP-induced binding of apoA-I, and was inhibited 70% by a monoclonal antibody selective to lipid-free apoA-I, 725-1E2. In contrast, apparent cellular cholesterol release to HDL was substantial even without ABCA1 induction, and it was increased only by 27% after the cAMP treatment. The antibody inhibited this increment by 70%. Lipid-free apoA-II liberated apoA-I from HDL by displacement and thereby markedly expanded the cAMP-induced part of the cholesterol release to the HDL-containing medium, and the antibody inhibited this part also by 70%. Binding experiments of the double-labeled reconstituted HDL showed that cAMP induced reversible binding of apoA-I but not the association of cholesteryl ester with the cells. The effect of the antibody on the cellular cholesterol release to the reconstituted HDL was similar to that of the HDL-mediated release. The data implicated that the ABCA1-dependent cholesterol release to HDL is mediated by apoA-I dissociated from HDL.  相似文献   

The C-terminal region of interleukin-5 has previously been suggested to be important for biological activity [Mackenzieet al., (1991),Mol. Immunol. 28, 155–158; Kodamaet al. (1991),Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 178, 514–519]. We have investigated this region by making a series of truncation mutants. The proteins were expressed inEscherichia coli, purified from inclusion bodies, and were able to refold with the disulfide homodimeric topology typical of interleukin-5. Analysis of the truncated carboxy-terminal proteins in an interleukin-5-dependent proliferation assay on TF-1 cells showed a rapid loss of activity as the C-terminal was shortened by more than two amino acids. This loss of biological activity correlated with a drop in binding affinity to both the chain of the receptor and the high-affinity complex consisting of the and subunits. Analysis of the proteins by1H-NMR showed that the truncated mutants have higher exchange rates with solvent, indicating a less rigid structure. The carboxy-terminal region is therefore necessary to maintain the stability of the four-helix bundle and to orient correctly the important residues of the fourth helix. Inspection of the structure determined by X-ray crystallography shows that Trp-110 acts as the major residue in anchoring the fourth helix.  相似文献   

HIV-1 integrase binds to both double- and single-stranded DNA with Kd-values of around 20 nM, irrespective of sequence similarities with the termini of the viral LTR. For integration activity, however, the correct LTR sequence of the substrate is required. The putative zinc-binding site present at the N-terminus of the protein is not essential for DNA binding, since deletion mutants of the protein lacking this sequence show similar affinity towards DNA as the wild-type; however, these mutants are not capable of performing the LTR-cleavage and integration reactions. Thus, it appears that the N-terminal part of the integrase is essential for catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Classical-non-homologous end-joining (C-NHEJ) is considered the main pathway for repairing DNA double strand breaks (DSB) in mammalian cells. When C-NHEJ is defective, cells may switch DSB repair to an alternative-end-joining, which depends on PARP1 and is more erroneous. This PARP1-EJ is suggested to be active especially in tumor cells contributing to their genomic instability. Here, we define conditions under which cells would switch the repair to PARP1-EJ. Using the end jining repair substrate pEJ, we revealed that PARP1-EJ is solely used when Ku is deficient but not when either DNA-PKcs or Xrcc4 is lacking. In the latter case, DSB repair, however, could be shuttled to PARP1-EJ after additional Ku80 down-regulation, which partly rescued the DSB repair in these mutants. We demonstrate here that PARP-EJ may work on DSB ends at high fidelity manner, as evident from the unchanged efficiency upon blocking end resection by either roscovitin or mirin. Furthermore, we demonstrate for that PARP-EJ is likewise involved in the repair of multiple DSBs (I-PpoI- and IR-induced). Importantly, we identified a chromatin signature associated with the switch to PARP1-EJ which is characterized by a strong enrichment of both PARP1 and LigIII at damaged chromatin. Together, these data indicate that Ku is the main regulator for the hierarchal organization between C-NHEJ and PARP1-EJ.  相似文献   

In the present study we demonstrate an association between mammalian myosin Va and cytoplasmic P bodies, microscopic ribonucleoprotein granules that contain components of the 5'-3' mRNA degradation machinery. Myosin Va colocalizes with several P body markers and its RNAi-mediated knockdown results in the disassembly of P bodies. Overexpression of a dominant-negative mutant of myosin Va reduced the motility of P bodies in living cells. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate that myosin Va physically associates with eIF4E, an mRNA binding protein that localizes to P bodies. In contrast, we find that myosin Va does not play a role in stress granule formation. Stress granules are ribonucleoprotein structures that are involved in translational silencing and are spatially, functionally, and compositionally linked to P bodies. Myosin Va is found adjacent to stress granules in stressed cells but displays minimal localization within stress granules, and myosin Va knockdown has no effect on stress granule assembly or disassembly. Combined with recently published reports demonstrating a role for Drosophila and mammalian class V myosins in mRNA transport and the involvement of the yeast myosin V orthologue Myo2p in P body assembly, our results provide further evidence that the class V myosins serve an important role in the transport and turnover of mRNA.  相似文献   

High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) are considered antiatherogenic because they mediate reverse cholesterol transport from the periphery to the liver for excretion and degradation. Here we show that mice deficient in apolipoprotein M (apoM), a component of the HDL particle, accumulated cholesterol in large HDL particles (HDL(1)) while the conversion of HDL to prebeta-HDL was impaired. Accordingly, apoM-deficient mice lacked prebeta-HDL, a subclass of lipid-poor apolipoproteins that serves as a key acceptor of peripheral cellular cholesterol. This deficiency led to a markedly reduced cholesterol efflux from macrophages to apoM-deficient HDL compared to normal HDL in vitro. Overexpression of apoM in Ldlr(-/-) mice protected against atherosclerosis when the mice were challenged with a cholesterol-enriched diet, showing that apoM is important for the formation of prebeta-HDL and cholesterol efflux to HDL, and thereby inhibits formation of atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

Lymphotoxin β-receptor (LTβR) and TNF receptor-1 (TNFR1) are important for the development of secondary lymphoid organs during embryonic life. The significance of LTβR and TNFR1 for the formation of lymphoid tissue during adult life is not well understood. Immunohistochemistry, morphometry, flow cytometry, and laser microdissection were used to compare wild-type, LTβR(-/-), TNFR1(-/-) spleens with splenic tissue that has been newly formed 8 wk after avascular implantation into adult mice. During ontogeny, LTβR is sufficient to induce formation of the marginal zone, similar-sized T and B cell zones, and a mixed T/B cell zone that completely surrounded the T cell zone. Strikingly, in adult mice, the formation of splenic compartments required both LTβR and TNFR1 expression, demonstrating that the molecular requirements for lymphoid tissue formation are different during embryonic and adult life. Thus, interfering with the TNFR1 pathway offers the possibility to selectively block the formation of ectopic lymphoid tissue and at the same time to spare secondary lymphoid organs such as spleen and lymph nodes. This opens a new perspective for the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Vipp1 (vesicle inducing protein in plastids 1) is found in cyanobacteria and chloroplasts where it is essential for thylakoid formation. Arabidopsis thaliana mutant plants with a reduction of Vipp1 to about 20% of wild type content become albinotic at an early stage. We propose that this drastic phenotype results from an inability of the remaining Vipp1 protein to assemble into a homo-oligomeric complex, indicating that oligomerization is a prerequisite for Vipp1 function. A Vipp1-ProteinA fusion protein, expressed in the Deltavipp1 mutant background, is able to reinstate oligomerization and restore photoautotrophic growth. Plants containing Vipp1-ProteinA in amounts comparable to Vipp1 in the wild type exhibit a wild type phenotype. However, plants with a reduced amount of Vipp1-ProteinA protein are growth-retarded and significantly paler than the wild type. This phenotype is caused by a decrease in thylakoid membrane content and a concomitant reduction in photosynthetic activity. To the extent that thylakoid membranes are made in these plants they are properly assembled with protein-pigment complexes and are photosynthetically active. This strongly supports a function of Vipp1 in basic thylakoid membrane formation and not in the functional assembly of thylakoid protein complexes. Intriguingly, electron microscopic analysis shows that chloroplasts in the mutant plants are not equally affected by the Vipp1 shortage. Indeed, a wide range of different stages of thylakoid development ranging from wild-type-like chloroplasts to plastids nearly devoid of thylakoids can be observed in organelles of one and the same cell.  相似文献   

Wiggins CM  Band H  Cook SJ 《Cellular signalling》2007,19(12):2605-2611
BimEL the most abundant Bim splice variant, is subject to ERK1/2-catalysed phosphorylation, which targets it for ubiquitination and proteasome-dependent destruction. In contrast, inactivation of ERK1/2, following withdrawal of survival factors, promotes stabilization of BimEL. It has been proposed that the RING finger protein Cbl binds to BimEL and serves as its E3 ubiquitin ligase. However, this is controversial since most Cbl substrates are tyrosine phosphoproteins and yet BimEL is targeted for destruction by ERK1/2-catalysed serine phosphorylation. Consequently, a role for Cbl could suggest a second pathway for BimEL turnover, regulated by direct tyrosine phosphorylation, or could suggest that BimEL is a coincidence detector, requiring phosphorylation by ERK1/2 and a tyrosine kinase. Here we show that degradation of BimEL does not involve its tyrosine phosphorylation; indeed, BimEL is not a tyrosine phosphoprotein. Furthermore, BimEL fails to interact with Cbl and growth factor-stimulated, ERK1/2-dependent BimEL turnover proceeds normally in Cbl-containing or Cbl−/− fibroblasts. These results indicate that Cbl is not required for ERK1/2-dependent BimEL turnover in fibroblasts and epithelial cells and any role it has in other cell types is likely to be indirect.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 2 (Psd2p) is currently being used to study lipid trafficking processes in intact and permeabilized yeast cells. The Psd2p contains a C2 homology domain and a putative Golgi retention/localization (GR) domain. C2 domains play important functions in membrane binding and docking reactions involving phospholipids and proteins. We constructed a C2 domain deletion variant (C2Delta) and a GR deletion variant (GRDelta) of Psd2p and examined their effects on in vivo function and catalysis. Immunoblotting confirmed that the predicted immature and mature forms of Psd2(C2Delta)p, Psd2(GRDelta)p, and wild type Psd2p were produced in vivo and that the proteins localized normally. Enzymology revealed that the Psd2(C2Delta)p and Psd2(GRDelta)p were catalytically active and could readily be expressed at levels 10-fold higher than endogenous Psd2p. Both Psd2p and Psd2(GRDelta)p expression complemented the growth defect of psd1Deltapsd2Delta strains and resulted in normal aminoglycerophospholipid metabolism. In contrast, the Psd2(C2Delta)p failed to complement psd1Deltapsd2Delta strains, and [(3)H]serine labeling revealed a severe defect in the formation of PtdEtn in both intact and permeabilized cells, indicative of disruption of lipid trafficking. These findings identify an essential, non-catalytic function of the C2 domain of Psd2p and raise the possibility that it plays a direct role in membrane docking and/or PtdSer transport to the enzyme.  相似文献   

We investigated the in vivo metabolic fate of pre-beta HDL particles in human apolipoprotein A-I transgenic (hA-I (Tg)) mice. Pre-beta HDL tracers were assembled by incubation of [(125)I]tyramine cellobiose-labeled apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) with HEK293 cells expressing ABCA1. Radiolabeled pre-beta HDLs of increasing size (pre-beta1, -2, -3, and -4 HDLs) were isolated by fast-protein liquid chromatography and injected into hA-I (Tg)-recipient mice, after which plasma decay, in vivo remodeling, and tissue uptake were monitored. Pre-beta2, -3, and -4 had similar plasma die-away rates, whereas pre-beta1 HDL was removed 7-fold more rapidly. Radiolabel recovered in liver and kidney 24 h after tracer injection suggested increased (P < 0.001) liver and decreased kidney catabolism as pre-beta HDL size increased. In plasma, pre-beta1 and -2 were rapidly (<5 min) remodeled into larger HDLs, whereas pre-beta3 and -4 were remodeled into smaller HDLs. Pre-beta HDLs were similarly remodeled in vitro with control or LCAT-immunodepleted plasma, but not when incubated with phospholipid transfer protein knockout plasma. Our results suggest that initial interaction of apoA-I with ABCA1 imparts a unique conformation that partially determines the in vivo metabolic fate of apoA-I, resulting in increased liver and decreased kidney catabolism as pre-beta HDL particle size increases.  相似文献   

Angioblasts, the precursor cells that comprise the endothelial layer of blood vessels, arise from a purely mesodermal population. Individual angioblasts coalesce to form the primary vascular plexus through a process called vasculogenesis. A number of reports in the literature suggest that signals from the adjacent endoderm are necessary to induce angioblast specification within the mesoderm. We present evidence, using both embryological and molecular techniques, indicating that endoderm is not necessary for the induction of angioblasts. Xenopus embryos that had endoderm physically removed at the onset of gastrulation still express vascular markers. Furthermore, animal caps stimulated with bFGF form angioblasts in the absence of any detectable endodermal markers. These results show that endoderm is not required for the initial formation of angioblasts. While Xenopus embryos lacking endoderm contain aggregates of angioblasts, these angioblasts fail to assemble into endothelial tubes. Endothelial tube formation can be rescued, however, by implantation of endodermal tissue from sibling embryos. Based on these studies in Xenopus, and corroborating experiments using the quail embryo, we conclude that endoderm is not required for angioblast specification, but does play an essential role in the formation of vascular tubes.  相似文献   

Exocytosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires the specific interaction between the plasma membrane t-SNARE complex (Sso1/2p;Sec9p)and a vesicular v-SNARE (Snc1/2p). While SNARE proteins drive membrane fusion, many aspects of SNARE assembly and regulation are ill defined. Plasma membrane syntaxin homologs (including Sso1p) contain a highly charged juxtamembrane region between the transmembrane helix and the "SNARE domain" or core complex domain. We examined this region in vitro and in vivo by targeted sequence modification, including insertions and replacements. These modified Sso1 proteins were expressed as the sole copy of Sso in S. cerevisiae and examined for viability. We found that mutant Sso1 proteins with insertions or duplications show limited function, whereas replacement of as few as three amino acids preceding the transmembrane domain resulted in a nonfunctional SNARE in vivo. Viability is also maintained when two proline residues are inserted in the juxtamembrane of Sso1p, suggesting that helical continuity between the transmembrane domain and the core coiled-coil domain is not absolutely required. Analysis of these mutations in vitro utilizing a reconstituted fusion assay illustrates that the mutant Sso1 proteins are only moderately impaired in fusion. These results suggest that the sequence of the juxtamembrane region of Sso1p is vital for function in vivo, independent of the ability of these proteins to direct membrane fusion.  相似文献   

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