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Physiological morphometry is a critical factor in the flow dynamics in small airways. In this study, we visualized and analyzed the three-dimensional structure of the small airways without dehydration and fixation. We developed a two-step method to visualize small airways in detail by staining the lung tissue with a radiopaque solution and then visualizing the tissue with a cone-beam microfocal X-ray computed tomographic (CT) system. To verify the applicability of this staining and CT imaging (SCT) method, we used the method to visualize small airways in excised rat lungs. By using the SCT method to obtain continuous CT images, three-dimensional branching and merging bronchi ranging from 500 to 150 microm (the airway generation=8-16) were successfully reconstructed. The morphometry of the small airways (diameter, length, branching angle and gravity angle between the gravity direction and airway vector) was analyzed using the three-dimensional thinning algorithm. The diameter and length exponentially decreased with the airway generation. The asymmetry of the bifurcation decreased with generation and one branching angle decided the other pair branching angle. The SCT method is the first reported method that yields faithful high-resolution images of soft tissue geometry without fixation and the three-dimensional morphometry of small airways is useful for studying the biomechanical dynamics in small airways.  相似文献   

We evaluated the pressure-flow relationships in collaterally ventilating segments of excised pony lungs by infusing N2, He, Ne, or SF6 at known flows (V) through a catheter wedged in a peripheral airway. Measurements were made at segment- (Ps) to-airway opening (Pao) pressure differentials of 3-15 cmH2O when the lungs were held at transpulmonary pressures of 5, 10, and 15 cmH2O. The data were analyzed both by calculating collateral resistance (Ps-Pao/V) and by constructing Moody-type plots of normalized pressure drop [(Ps-Pao)/(1/2 rho U2, where rho is density and U is velocity)] against Reynolds number to assess the pattern of flow through the segment and the change in dimension of the flow channels as Ps and Pao were changed. The interpretations from these analyses were compared with radiographic measurements of the diameters of small airways within the collaterally ventilating lung segment at similar pressures. Collateral resistance increased as Ps-Pao increased at high Reynolds numbers, i.e., high flows or dense gas (SF6). Analysis of the Moody-type plots revealed that flow was density dependent at Reynolds number greater than 100, which frequently occurred when N2 was the inflow gas. The radiographic data revealed that small airway diameter increased as Ps-Pao increased at all lung volumes. In addition, at 5 cmH2O Pao, small-airway diameter was smaller for a given Ps in the nonhomogeneous case (Ps greater than Pao) than small-airway diameter for the same Ps in the homogeneous case (Ps = Pao). We interpret these data to suggest that the surrounding lung prevented the segment from expanding in the nonhomogeneous case.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The exact site of airway narrowing in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is unknown. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is a sensitive noninvasive imaging technique that can be used to measure airway dimensions. After determining the optimal computed tomographic parameters using a phantom, we measured lobe volume and airway dimensions of isolated canine lung lobes at a transpulmonary pressure of 25 cmH2O. These measurements were repeated after deflation and administration of aerosolized saline and carbachol (256 mg/ml). Lobe volume decreased with all treatments. The maximal lobar volume change was 26% at 6 cmH2O after carbachol. Average airway lumen area decreased with all treatments. After carbachol, at transpulmonary pressures of 25, 15, 10, 8, and 6 cmH2O, lumen area decreased by 7.3 +/- 4.1, 62.0 +/- 4.9, 77.5 +/- 3.0, 31.9 +/- 9.0, and 95.2 +/- 1.0% (SE), respectively. When the airways were divided into four categories on the basis of initial lumen diameter (less than 2, 2-4, 4-6, and greater than 6 mm), the greatest decreases in luminal area after carbachol were seen in intermediate-sized airways (2-4 mm, 56 +/- 4%; 4-6 mm, 59 +/- 3%). HRCT can be used to make accurate measurements of airway dimensions and airway narrowing in excised lungs. HRCT may allow measurement of airway wall thickness and determination of the site of airway narrowing in asthma.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop an X-ray computed tomographic method for measuring pulmonary arterial dimensions and locations within the intact rat lung. Lungs were removed from rats and their pulmonary arterial trees were filled with perfluorooctyl bromide to enhance X-ray absorbance. The lungs were rotated within the cone of the X-ray beam projected from a microfocal X-ray source onto an image intensifier, and 360 images were obtained at 1 degrees increments. The three-dimensional image volumes were reconstructed with isotropic resolution using a cone beam reconstruction algorithm. The vessel diameters were obtained by fitting a functional form to the image of the vessel circular cross section. The functional form was chosen to take into account the point spread function of the image acquisition and reconstruction system. The diameter measurements obtained over a range of vascular pressures were used to characterize the distensibility of the rat pulmonary arteries. The distensibility coefficient alpha [defined by D(P) = D(0)(1 + alphaP), where D(P) is the diameter at intravascular pressure (P)] was approximately 2.8% mmHg and independent of vessel diameter in the diameter range (about 100 to 2,000 mm) studied.  相似文献   

Trapped air in ventilated excised rat lungs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Reliable, noninvasive imaging modalities to characterize plaque components are clinically desirable for detecting unstable coronary plaques, which cause acute coronary syndrome. Although recent clinical developments in computed tomography (CT) have enabled the visualization of luminal narrowing and calcified plaques in coronary arteries, the identification of noncalcified plaque components remains difficult. Phase-contrast X-ray CT imaging has great potentials to reveal the structures inside biological soft tissues, because its sensitivity to light elements is almost 1,000 times greater than that of absorption-contrast X-ray imaging. Moreover, a specific mass density of tissue can be estimated using phase-contrast X-ray CT. Ex vivo phase-contrast X-ray CT was performed using a synchrotron radiation source (SPring-8, Japan) to investigate atherosclerotic plaque components of apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Samples were also histologically analyzed. Phase-contrast X-ray CT at a spatial resolution of 10-20 mum revealed atherosclerotic plaque components easily, and thin fibrous caps were detected. The specific mass densities of these plaque components were quantitatively estimated. The mass density of lipid area was significantly lower (1.011 +/- 0.001766 g/ml) than that of smooth muscle area or collagen area (1.057 +/- 0.001407 and 1.080 +/- 0.001794 g/ml, respectively). Moreover, the three-dimensional assessment of plaques could provide their anatomical information. Phase-contrast X-ray CT can estimate the tissue mass density of atherosclerotic plaques and detect lipid-rich areas. It can be a promising noninvasive technique for the investigation of plaque components and detection of unstable coronary plaques.  相似文献   

When airways constrict, the surrounding parenchyma undergoesstretch and distortion. Because of the mechanical interdependence between airways and parenchyma, the material properties of the parenchyma are important factors that modulate the degree ofbronchoconstriction. The purpose of this study was to investigate theeffect of changes in transpulmonary pressure (Ptp) and inducedconstriction on parenchymal bulk (k)and shear (µ) moduli. In excised rat lungs, pressure was measured atthe airway opening, and pressure-volume curves were obtained byimposing step decreases in volume with a calibrated syringe from totallung inflation. Calculation was made ofk during small-volume oscillations (1 Hz). Absolute lung volume at 0 cmH2O Ptp was obtained bysaline displacement. To calculate µ, a lung-indentation test wasperformed. The lung surface was deformed with a cylindrical punch(diameter = 0.45 cm) in 0.25-mm increments, and the force required toeffect this displacement was measured by a weight balance. Measurementsof k and µ were obtained at 4 and 10 cmH2O Ptp, and again at 4 cmH2O Ptp, after delivery ofmethacholine aerosol (100 mg/ml) into the trachea. Values ofk and µ in rat lungs were similar tothose reported in other species. In addition, k and µ were dependent on Ptp. Afterinduced constriction, k and µ increased significantly. That k and µ can increase after induced constriction has important implicationsvis a vis the factors modulating airway narrowing.


Wood biodegradation is a central process at the crossroads of several disciplines. It is not only important for carbon storage in forests, but it is also important for wood conservation, wood protection and wood transformation products. Many methods already exist for studying wood biodegradation; however, they present several drawbacks, being time-consuming or destructive. Moreover, they provide little information regarding the complexity of the degradation process and the heterogeneity of the wood substrate. Based on a kinetic study of the biodegradation of Fagus sylvatica by the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium, we developed an X-ray computed tomography method coupled with an in-house plugin for fast, non-destructive and accurate measurement of the density variations of decaying wood. This method allowed us to examine the spatial heterogeneity of woody decayed material at the millimeter scale, providing information about the fungal pattern of degradation. Thus, X-ray computed tomography is an efficient tool that can be used for measuring the degradation of a variety of wood substrates ranging from small normalized wood blocks to fallen logs in the forest.  相似文献   

High-resolution X-ray computed tomography (HRCT) is a non-invasive approach to 3D visualization and quantification of biological structure. The data, based on differential X-ray attenuation, are analogous to those otherwise obtainable only by serial sectioning. Requiring no fixing, sectioning or staining, HRCT produces a 3D digital map of the specimen that allows measurements and visualizations, including arbitrarily oriented sections. In spite of its application throughout the natural sciences, HRCT has yet to be applied in extant plant structural research.  相似文献   

Obesity is associated with increased morbidity and mortality as well as reduced metrics in quality of life. Both environmental and genetic factors are associated with obesity, though the precise underlying mechanisms that contribute to the disease are currently being delineated. Several small animal models of obesity have been developed and are employed in a variety of studies. A critical component to these experiments involves the collection of regional and/or total animal fat content data under varied conditions. Traditional experimental methods available for measuring fat content in small animal models of obesity include invasive (e.g. ex vivo measurement of fat deposits) and non-invasive (e.g. Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), or Magnetic Resonance (MR)) protocols, each of which presents relative trade-offs. Current invasive methods for measuring fat content may provide details for organ and region specific fat distribution, but sacrificing the subjects will preclude longitudinal assessments. Conversely, current non-invasive strategies provide limited details for organ and region specific fat distribution, but enable valuable longitudinal assessment. With the advent of dedicated small animal X-ray computed tomography (CT) systems and customized analytical procedures, both organ and region specific analysis of fat distribution and longitudinal profiling may be possible. Recent reports have validated the use of CT for in vivo longitudinal imaging of adiposity in living mice. Here we provide a modified method that allows for fat/total volume measurement, analysis and visualization utilizing the Carestream Molecular Imaging Albira CT system in conjunction with PMOD and Volview software packages.  相似文献   

Dedicated high-resolution small animal systems have recently emerged as important new tools for laboratory animal research. These imaging systems permit researchers to noninvasively screen animal models for mutations or pathologies and to monitor disease progression and response to therapy. The authors survey various small animal imaging modalities, including MRI, PET, SPECT, and microCT, and discuss several representative microCT mouse imaging studies.  相似文献   

New types of X-ray computed tomography (CT), fluorescent X-ray CT and phase-contrast X-ray CT are being developed for biomedical research. While fluorescent scanning X-ray CT (FXCT) can detect specific contrast elements, or endogenous iodine, at very low content (less than 400 pg iodine of tissue in a volume of 8 x 10(-6) ml), the phase-contrast X-ray CT (PCCT) is a highly sensitive imaging technique to differentiate between different biological tissue types (based on their specific gravity variation) without the use of a contrast agent. Therefore, we can expect functional diagnosis with FXCT, and high contrast, high resolution biological imaging with PCCT. In this paper, a human thyroid gland imaged by FXCT, and a metastatic human cancerous lesion depicted using PCCT are presented. The latter method used a newly manufactured, large, monolithic, X-ray interferometer, which is described in this paper in detail.  相似文献   

X-ray luminescence computed tomography (XLCT) uses external X-rays for luminescence excitation, which is becoming a promising molecular imaging technique with superb penetration depth and spatial resolution. To achieve the tomographic mapping of luminescence distribution, accurate optical propagation model and suitable reconstruction method are two keys for XLCT, but not satisfied. To overcome the limitation of the single proton propagation model (e.g., DE, SP3), we adopted a hybrid diffusion equation with third order simplified spherical harmonics (DE-SP3) model for XLCT. To enable fast iteration and accurate sparse reconstruction, we also integrated in the inversion optimization, with a novel Least Square QR-factorization based on the Lasso (Lasso-LSQR) algorithm. We first simulated the light propagation in various kinds of organs under DE model and SP3 model, respectively. By comparison with the Monte Carlo, these tissues can be categorized into two types, namely DE-fitted tissues that include muscle and lung, and SP3-fitted tissues including heart, kidney, liver, and stomach. According to the above classification results, we built a hybrid DE-SP3 model to more accurately describing light transport. Numerical simulations and in vivo experiments illustrated that hybrid DE-SP3 model achieves superior reconstruction performance in terms of location accuracy, and spatial resolution than DE, and less computational cost than SP3. The hybrid DE-SP3 model materializes a balance between accuracy and efficiency for XLCT.  相似文献   

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