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Erythrocyte membranes are altered as a consequence of oxidative stress following the incubation of intact erythrocytes with one of the major metabolites of the antioxidant butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), tert-butylhydroquinone(tBHQ). A ratherpersistentsemiquinone radical was observed by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy when tBHQ was incubated with either homogeneous oxyhemoglobin solutions or suspensions of intact erythrocytes. Erythrocyte ghosts prepared from fresh control erythrocytes and ghosts from erythrocytes preincubated with BHA and its metabolite, tBHQ, were subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Only minor changes of the electrophoresis pattern relative to the control was observed in the BHA incubations whereas tBHQ significantly increased the amount of high molecular weight degradation products of erythrocyte membrane constituents. These changes were only observed when incubations were performed in the presence of oxygen. In control experiments where heme oxygen was replaced by carbon monoxide, no membrane degradation products appeared. These observations can be interpreted in terms of metabolic activation of the antioxidant BHA via tBHQ to the tert-butylsemiquinone free radical and finally to the corresponding quinone, thereby leading to harmful effects on erythrocyte membrane structures. Moreover, deleterious effects on other biological membranes are also likely to occur.  相似文献   

Free radical formation induced by ultrasound and its biological implications.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The chemical effects of ultrasound in aqueous solutions are due to acoustic cavitation, which refers to the formation, growth, and collapse of small gas bubbles in liquids. The very high temperatures (several thousand K) and pressures (several hundred atmospheres) of collapsing gas bubbles lead to the thermal dissociation of water vapor into .OH radicals and .H atoms. Their formation has been confirmed by electron spin resonance (ESR) and spin trapping. The sonochemistry of aqueous solutions of gases and of volatile and nonvolatile solutes is reviewed. The similarities and differences between sonochemistry and radiation chemistry of aqueous solutions are explained. Some unusual characteristics of aqueous sonochemistry can be understood by considering the properties of supercritical water. By the use of rare gases with different thermal conductivities, it is possible to distinguish between temperature-dependent processes such as redox reactions initiated by .OH radicals and .H atoms and pressure-dependent processes which lead to polymer degradation and cell lysis. The evidence for free radical formation in aqueous solutions by pulsed ultrasound is discussed. This subject is of interest because it is related to the possible deleterious effects of ultrasonic diagnostic devices. The role of free radicals and of mechanical effects induced by ultrasound in DNA degradation, inactivation of enzymes, lipid peroxidation, and cell killing is reviewed.  相似文献   

Free radical formation by antitumor quinones   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Quinones are among the most frequently used drugs to treat human cancer. All of the antitumor quinones can undergo reversible enzymatic reduction and oxidation, and form semiquinone and oxygen radicals. For several antitumor quinones enzymatic reduction also leads to formation of alkylating species but whether this involves reduction to the semiquinone or the hydroquinone is not always clear. The antitumor activity of quinones is frequently linked to DNA damage caused by alkylating species or oxygen radicals. Some other effects of the antitumor quinones, such as cardiotoxicity and skin toxicity, may also be related to oxygen radical formation. The evidence for a relationship between radical formation and the biological activity of the antitumor quinones is evaluated.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane samples from rat brain, heart, and liver were examined for biochemical changes with age. A rise in superoxide radical (SOR) levels was followed by increases in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and decreases in membrane fluidity with age. The earliest rise in SOR formation appeared in the plasma membrane from the brain. With age, protein synthesis also decreased significantly in tissue homogenates from brain and heart but was unchanged in the liver. Exposure of plasma membrane samples to in vitro-elevated SOR levels stimulated formation of lipid peroxides, as indicated by the thiobarbituric acid test, and resulted in a decrease in membrane fluidity in each tissue and in a decline in protein synthesis in brain and heart. Changes in brain lipid peroxidation and in membrane fluidity in brain and heart as a result of SOR supplementation were further enhanced due to age. In addition, the mechanism of SOR formation was examined in plasma membrane samples from the brain. SOR generation was Ca(2+)-sensitive, blocked by superoxide dismutase or vitamin E and inhibited by both indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, and bromophenacyl bromide, a phospholipase A2 inhibitor. These results show significant increases in SOR formation and biochemical alterations in plasma membranes from brain, heart, and liver in aging rats. SOR formation appears to be enzyme-mediated and elevated levels of this oxygen radical could be involved in membrane breakdown in older rats.  相似文献   

The calcium antagonist flunarizine is shown to be able to prevent particle aggregation, membrane aggregation and blebbing resulting from elevated calcium concentrations. The anti-ischemic effects of flunarizine may therefore result in part from its ability to directly interfere with calcium-membrane interactions and thus prevent the lethal membrane reorganizations which occur after a period of ischemia during intracellular calcium overload.  相似文献   

Destabilization of the target membrane structure by fusion-promoting viral glycoproteins is assumed to be an essential part of the fusion mechanism. To explore this possibility, we employed fluorescence photobleaching recovery to investigate changes in the lateral mobility of native membrane constituents in human red blood cells (RBCs) during the course of Sendai virus-mediated fusion. The mobile fraction of RBC membrane proteins labeled with 5-(4,6-dichloro-5-triazin-2-yl)aminofluorescein increased significantly in the course of fusion, relaxing back to the original values upon completion of the fusion process. A different effect was observed on the lateral mobility of a fluorescent lipid probe, N-(7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)phosphatidylethanolamine, incorporated initially into the external monolayer. In this case, the lateral diffusion coefficient (rather than the mobile fraction) increased during fusion; this increase was permanent in the absence of Mg-ATP and transient in its presence. An active viral fusion protein was required to mediate the effects on both protein and lipid mobility. These effects, which take place on the same time scale as that of the fusion process, suggest that the organization of the RBC membrane is perturbed during fusion and that the observed changes may be related to the fusion mechanism.  相似文献   

Rigidification of the cell membrane lipid bilayer can lead to an increase in the degree of exposure of membrane proteins to either side of the membrane. It is shown in this study that excess increase of the membrane lipid microviscosity (‘hyper-rigidification’) in intact human erythrocytes can cause the release of Rh0(D) and A blood group antigens from the cell surface which can then be collected from the supernatant by affinity chromatography. The most efficient antigen shedding was achieved upon incorporation of cholesteryl hemisuccinate (CHS) (incubation for 2 h at 37 °C in a mixture of 200 μg/ml CHS, 3.5% polyvinylpyrrolidone 1% bovine serum albumin, 0.5% glucose in phosphate-buffered saline) followed by application of hydrostatic pressure (1 500 atm, 5 min) which increases the lipid microviscosity by about 2-fold. This technique can be of general application for isolation of membrane proteins without disruption of the cells or the use of detergents.  相似文献   

Molecular events on the human erythrocyte membrane subsequent to influence virus binding were investigated by electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements after spin labeling of the cell membrane at different positions. Virus binding affected the glycocalyx structure as well as the physical state of the cytoskeleton at the inner leaflet, but not the lipid phase. A lateral reorganization of spin-labeled glycophorin was not indicated after virus attachment.  相似文献   

A study on the effects of selected organic chlorides of tin on the extent of hydration of the lipid bilayer of erythrocyte ghosts from pig blood is presented. The following compounds were used, dibutyltin dichloride (DBT), tributyltin chloride (TBT), diphenyltin dichloride (DPhT) and triphenyltin chloride (TPhT). The degree of membrane hydration was measured by the ATR FTIR technique, which makes it possible to estimate the level of carbonyl and phosphate group hydration in lipids of membranes. Other measurements were made with a fluorescence technique involving a laurdan probe. Tin organic compounds caused dehydration of the lipid bilayer of ghosts in the region of the carbonyl groups. DBT and TBT produced weak dehydration in the region of the phosphate group, whereas DPhT and TPhT increased hydration. The results allow one to determine the location of organotin compounds within a membrane, and show that TBT penetrates the membrane the deepest and DBT the shallowest. Phenyl tin compounds penetrate membranes to an intermediate depth. The results obtained indicate that the destructive properties of the organometallic compounds depend mostly on their effect on hydration of the membrane.  相似文献   

The aqueous leak induced in the human erythrocyte membrane by crosslinking of spectrin via disulfide bridges formed in the presence of diamide (Deuticke, B., Poser, B., Lütkemeier, P. and Haest, C.W.M. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 731, 196-210) was further characterized with respect to its ion selectivity by means of (a) measurements of cell volume changes or hemolysis, (b) determination of membrane potentials and (c) analysis of potential-driven ion fluxes. The leak turned out to be slightly cation-selective (PK:PCl approximately equal to 4:1). It discriminates mono- from divalent ions (PNa:PMg greater than 100:1, PCl:PSO4 greater than 10:1) and to a much lesser extent monovalent ions among each other. The selectivities for monovalent ions follow the sequence of free solution mobilities, increasing in the order Li+ less than or equal to Na+ less than K+ less than or equal to Rb+ less than Cs+ and F- less than Cl- less than Br- less than I-. Polyatomic anions also fit into that order. Quantitatively, the ratios of permeabilities of the leak are larger than those of the ion mobilities in free solution. The ion permeability of the leak is concentration-independent up to at least 150 mM. The ion milieu, however, has marked effects on leak permeability, most pronounced for chaotropic ions (guanidinium, nitrate, thiocyanate), which increase leak fluxes of charged and uncharged solutes. The results support the view that, besides geometric constraints, weak coulombic or dipolar interactions between penetrating ions and structural elements of the leak determine permselectivity.  相似文献   

The effects of 9-amino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroacridine (THA) and its fully aromatic analogue 9-aminoacridine (9-AA) on erythrocyte membrane morphology were investigated via scanning electron microscopy. The ghost population was categorized into four distinct classes and alterations in the relative amounts of these populations with drug addition were noted. The samples incubated in 9-AA had a significantly higher (p less than 0.001) flat, two-dimensional cell population. This shift in morphology may be attributable to the unwinding of spectrin and the subsequent collapse of the membrane.  相似文献   

Malondialdehyde, a product of lipid peroxidation, and acetylacetone undergo one-electron oxidation by peroxidase enzymes to form free radical metabolites, which were detected with ESR using the spin-trapping technique. The structures of the radical adducts were assigned using isotope substitution. With both malondialdehyde and acetylacetone and the enzymes myeloperoxidase and chloroperoxidase, carbon-centered radicals were detected. With horseradish peroxidase, a carbon-centered radical was initially trapped and then disappeared with the concomitant appearance of an iminoxyl radical.  相似文献   

The possible significance of carbon-centered radicals in hydrazine-induced carcinogenesis is explored by studies of the interaction between the 2-phenylethyl radical and DNA. The radical is efficiently generated during oxidation of phenelzine (2-phenylethylhydrazine) promoted by oxyhemoglobin or ferricyanide, as demonstrated by spin-trapping experiments and analysis of the reaction products. In the ferricyanide promoted oxidation, ethylbenzene formation accounts for about 40% of the initial drug concentration, from 5 to 100 mM phenelzine. By contrast, product formation in the presence of oxyhemoglobin depends on the enzyme concentration due to the fact that the prosthetic heme is destroyed during catalytic turnover. Covalent binding of the 2-phenylethyl radical to oxyhemoglobin is demonstrated by experiments with 2-[3H]phenelzine, where tritium incorporation to the protein is inhibited by the spin-trap, alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone. The 2-phenylethyl radical is also able to alkylate DNA as suggested by electrophoretic studies with plasmid DNA, and proved by experiments with 2-[3H]-phenelzine. The carbon-centered radical has a preference for attacking guanine residues as demonstrated by the use of sequencing techniques with 32P-DNA probes. The results indicate that the 2-phenylethyl radical is an important product of phenelzine oxidation and that this species can directly damage protein and DNA.  相似文献   

The relationship between alterations in transmembrane potential, cell volume, and phospholipid fatty acid turnover has been examined in human erythrocytes by treating the cells with the monovalent cation ionophore valinomycin. Valinomycin increases the cellular uptake of tetra[3H]phenylphosphonium ion by erythrocytes, indicating membrane hyperpolarization, and causes net loss of potassium chloride and water from the cells leading to a decrease in cell volume. Treatment of erythrocytes with valinomycin also enhances incorporation of [9, 10-(3)H]oleic acid into phospholipids, primarily diacylphosphatidylethanolamine. After replacing intracellular chloride with sulfate and treating cells with the anion transport inhibitor 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate, exposure to valinomycin results in uptake of tetra[3H]phenylphosphonium ion and stimulation of [9, 10-(3)H]oleic acid incorporation, but, because anion efflux is prevented, no decrease in cell volume occurs. When tetra[3H]phenylphosphonium ion uptake is also prevented by suspending these cells in 125 mM KCl to dissipate the transmembrane potassium gradient, valinomycin still enhances [9, 10-(3)H] oleic acid incorporation into phospholipid. These results suggest that the presence of valinomycin in the membrane directly alters phospholipid fatty acid turnover and that some of the effects of this ionophore on cellular function previously attributed to alterations in transmembrane potential or cellular potassium content may instead be due to altered phospholipid turnover. Since it is possible that valinomycin may directly perturb phospholipid fatty acid turnover in other cells, the possibility that valinomycin-induced alterations in cellular function are due to altered phospholipid turnover rather than membrane hyperpolarization or altered potassium content should be considered in the interpretation of studies employing this ionophore.  相似文献   

Calcium binding to isolated erythrocyte membranes was stimulated by ATP. This stimulatory effect of ATP required Mg2+.Ethacrynic acid and ruthenium red inhibited the stimulatory effect of ATP.About 80% of the bound Ca2+ was associated with the membrane protein.The strongly bound Ca2+ was confined to two high molecular weight membrane proteins.Increasing amounts of Ca2+ bound to the membrane inhibited Na+ binding in the presence of ATP.  相似文献   

Free radical involvement in the oxidative events induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide in erythrocytes has been demonstrated by the use of the electron spin resonance technique of spin trapping with the spin trap 5.5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO). The reactions of tert-butyl hydroperoxide with haemoglobins and intact cell systems were studied. Oxyhaemoglobin-containing system showed exclusive production of the t-butyloxy radical spin adduct of DMPO (DMPO-OBut), indicating t-butyloxy radical production. Methaemoglobin-containing systems showed the production of an oxidised derivative of DMPO, 5,5-dimethyl-2-ketopyrrolidino-1-oxyl (DMPOX)-previously associated with the generation of highly oxidised haem-iron. Carbon monoxyhaemoglobin-containing systems show the production of both DMPO-OBut and DMPOX but markedly slower than in either of the other haemoglobin systems. Generally, free radical production in haemoglobin systems was faster than in intact cell systems, indicating a membrane transport rate-limiting step for the tert-butyl hydroperoxide-mediated effects. Data from the use of free radical scavengers to inhibit DMPO-OBut production was consistent with the known reactivities of the scavengers toward t-butyloxy radicals. These and previously reported results (Trotta, R. J., Sullivan, S. G. and Stern, A. (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 679, 230-237 and (1982) Biochem. J. 204, 405-415) implicate important roles for t-butyloxy radicals and haem intermediates in tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced lipid peroxidation and haemoglobin oxidation in erythrocytes, respectively.  相似文献   

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