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The detection by ELISA of pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) in pea leaves and seeds was improved by the addition of cellulase or Triton X-100 to the extraction fluid, probably because the additives aided the release of virus particles from host materials. With leaf extracts the additives were most effective at 0.1%. In initial tests cellulase was used with macerozyme, but the latter enzyme was then shown to decrease the effectiveness of cellulase. Triton X-100 was as effective as cellulase and the absorbance values obtained in ELISA of infected leaf extracts, diluted to 1/10 in extraction fluid containing the additive, were about six times greater than those of infected extracts diluted in normal extraction fluid. Five named isolates of PSbMV, in addition to the homologous isolate, were readily detected in infected leaves extracted in fluid containing Triton X-100. In tests on seeds and seedlings of seven infected seed lots of pea cv. Waverex, using Triton X-100 in the extraction fluid, PSbMV was detected in five times as many seeds as seedlings, probably mainly because in many infected seeds the virus was in the testa and not in the embryo. About 9% of infected seedlings were without recognisable symptoms 4 wk after emergence.  相似文献   

Roberts IM  Wang D  Thomas CL  Maule AJ 《Protoplasma》2003,222(1-2):31-43
Summary. Seed transmission of pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) depends upon symplastic transport of the virus from infected maternal cells to the embryo. Such transport pathways have not been identified in higher plants. To identify these pathways, we have studied the ultrastructure of the tissues and cells around the micropyle of young developing seeds and compared transmitted and nontransmitted virus isolates. A characteristic of PSbMV infection was the presence of cylindrical inclusions positioned over plasmodesmal openings. The presence of cylindrical inclusions on the testa–endosperm boundary wall, together with immunogold labelling for virus-specific products on the wall and in the endosperm, indicated that symplastic connections existed at this interface. Close examination of the endosperm–suspensor boundary at the base of the suspensor revealed discontinuities in the suspensor sheath wall as porelike structures, which the virus might pass through en route to the embryo. A nontransmitted PSbMV isolate was able to invade the maternal tissues of the developing seed but was excluded from the embryo, although it was detected at a low level in the endosperm. Since the endosperm did not support virus replication, it appeared that passive accumulation determined the amount, timing, and location of the virus relative to the base of the suspensor. Rarely, therefore, could the nontransmitted virus isolate reach the correct location in the endosperm at the correct time for embryo infection via the suspensor to occur.Present address: Institute of Genetics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People's Republic of China.Correspondence and reprints: Department of Disease and Stress Biology, John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich NR4 7UH, United Kingdom.Received January 7, 2003; accepted May 19, 2003; published online September 23, 2003  相似文献   

Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was transmitted in the seed of infected Stellaria media plants. The rate of seed transmission varied both in manually infected plants (3–21%) and in plants grown from infected seed (21–40%). In naturally infected plants the rates of transmission found were 4–29%. Seeds recovered from field soil carried 4–5% infection and in infected seed placed in the soil the virus persisted for at least 5 months. Seed transmission of CMV also occurred in infected Lamium purpureum (4%), Cerastium holosteoides (2%) and Spergula arvensis (2%) but it could not be demonstrated in six other more common weed species in five botanical families. Seed transmission in Stellaria media occurred with a British (W) and an American (Y) strain of CMV. The virus was shown to occur in S. media pollen. The importance of CMV-infected S. media seed in the soil in relation to the epidemiology of the virus is discussed.  相似文献   

Appearance and spread of infection with mosaic-inducing viruses were studied for three seasons in tomato crops under glass. Comparison was made between the reactions of plants raised from virus-free seed and those of plants raised from virus-infected seed, on plots distributed at random in a house in which no precautions against entry and spread of virus were taken. Freedom from mosaic infection was maintained longest in plants raised from virus-free seed. An experiment was carried out after steam sterilization of the soil and under exceptionally favourable weather conditions. Appearance of mosaic symptoms occurred later in the life of the plants in this season and plants raised from virus-free seed did not react differently from other plants.
The location of plants first showing mosaic symptoms was related to the depth and texture of soil beneath those plants.
Tests were made of the apparent virus content of infected tomato seed during germination and differences were found in the persistence of virus during germination in seeds of differing origin.
Apparent, 'delayed' seed transmission of mosaic-inducing viruses occurs in the tomato crop, but as yet, this condition can only be interpreted in terms of differences in the resistance of plants raised from seed of differing origin to the multiplication and systemic spread of those viruses. The use of virus-free seed taken from well-nourished vigorous plants is essential to the production of a virus-free tomato crop under commercial conditions.  相似文献   

Three cell lines of Heliothis zea and one cell line of Heliothis virescens replicated the singleembedded, nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) of H. Zea, (i.e., Baculovirus heliothis) with concomitant production of polyhedral inclusion bodies (PIB). Between 20 and 60% of the H. zea cells produced PIB, whereas only 3% of H. virescens cells were found to produce PIB. The H. zea cell lines produced 10 to 20 times more PIB than did the H. virescens cell line. The PIB from all cell lines produced typical symptoms of an NPV infection when bioassayed against larvae of H. zea. More than 99% of the total viral activity of the final whole culture was due to the PIB.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine filial infection prevalence of experimentally infected colony Ornithodoros moubata Walton (Ixodoidea: Argasidae) ticks for African swine fever virus (ASFV). Three groups of ticks were used: an uninfected control group, one group orally infected with the VIC T90/1 isolate and another group orally infected with the LIV 13/33 isolate of ASFV. The results show that filial infection prevalences were not constant but were highly variable between egg batches from different ticks and between successive egg batches from the same tick. Filial infection prevalences ranged from 1.8% to 31.8% for ticks infected with the VICT90/1 isolate and from 1.2% to 35.5% for ticks infected with the LIV 13/33 isolate. A similar pattern was noted after the third feed. Immunohistochemisty showed that virus replicates in the developing larval cells and not in the yolk sac cells or within the outer layers of the eggs. The results show that ASFV can replicate to a high titre (10(5.1)log10HAD50) within the larval cells of the developing egg.  相似文献   

Heterogeneities in transmission among hosts can be very important in shaping infectious disease dynamics. In mammals with strong social organization, such heterogeneities are often structured by functional stage: juveniles, subadults and adults. We investigate the importance of such stage-related heterogeneities in shaping the 2002 phocine distemper virus (PDV) outbreak in the Dutch Wadden Sea, when more than 40 per cent of the harbour seals were killed. We do this by comparing the statistical fit of a hierarchy of models with varying transmission complexity: homogeneous versus heterogeneous mixing and density- versus frequency-dependent transmission. We use the stranding data as a proxy for incidence and use Poisson likelihoods to estimate the ‘who acquires infection from whom’ (WAIFW) matrix. Statistically, the model with strong heterogeneous mixing and density-dependent transmission was found to best describe the transmission dynamics. However, patterns of incidence support a model of frequency-dependent transmission among adults and juveniles. Based on the maximum-likelihood WAIFW matrix estimates, we use the next-generation formalism to calculate an R0 between 2 and 2.5 for the Dutch 2002 PDV epidemic.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic domain of the human erythrocyte membrane protein, band 3 (cdb3), contains binding sites for hemoglobin, several glycolytic enzymes, band 4.1, band 4.2, and ankyrin, and constitutes the major linkage between the membrane skeleton and the membrane. Although erythrocyte cdb3 has been partially purified from proteolyzed red blood cells, further separation of the water-soluble 43-kDa and 41-kDa proteolytic fragments has never been achieved. In order to obtain pure cdb3 for crystallization and site-directed mutagenesis studies, we constructed an expression plasmid that has a tandemly linked T7 promoter placed upstream of the N-terminal 379 amino acids of the erythrocyte band 3 gene. Comparison of several Escherichia coli strains led to the selection of the BL21 (DE3) strain containing the pLysS plasmid as the best host for efficient production of cdb3. About 10 mg of recombinant cdb3 can be easily purified from 4 L of E. coli culture in two simple steps. Comparison of cdb3 released from the red blood cell by proteolysis with recombinant cdb3 reveals that both have the same N-terminal sequence, secondary structure, and pH-dependent conformational change. The purified recombinant cdb3 is also a soluble stable dimer with the same Stokes radius as erythrocyte cdb3. The affinities of the two forms of cdb3 for ankyrin are essentially identical; however, recombinant cdb3 with its unblocked N-terminus exhibits a slightly lower affinity for aldolase.  相似文献   

A gene down-regulated in Nicotiana benthamiana after bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV) infection had high identity to the nuclear-encoded chloroplast ferredoxin NADP+ oxidoreductase gene (NbFNR). NbFNR is a flavoenzyme involved in the photosynthesis electron transport chain, catalysing the conversion of NADP+ into NADPH. To investigate whether NbFNR is involved in BaMV infection, we used virus-induced gene silencing to reduce the expression of NbFNR in leaves and protoplasts. After BaMV inoculation, the accumulation of BaMV coat protein and RNA was significantly reduced. The transient expression of NbFNR fused with orange fluorescent protein (OFP) localized in the chloroplasts and elevated the level of BaMV coat protein. These results suggest that NbFNR could play a positive role in regulating BaMV accumulation. Expressing a mutant that failed to translocate to the chloroplast did not assist in BaMV accumulation. Another mutant with a catalytic site mutation could support BaMV accumulation to some extent, but accumulation was significantly lower than that of the wild type. In an in vitro replication assay, the replicase complex with FNR inhibitor, heparin, the RdRp activity was reduced. Furthermore, BaMV replicase was revealed to interact with NbFNR in yeast two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Overall, these results suggest that NbFNR localized in the chloroplast with functional activity could efficiently assist BaMV accumulation.  相似文献   

The botanical product RD-Repelin® was highly repellent to pea aphids at concentrations of 1%, 4% or 10%. Repellency occurred prior to leaf contact by aphids at all three concentrations. RD-Repelin® delayed symptom expression of zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) in 81% of plants treated with 1% concentration, although virus transmission was not prevented. The effects of RD-Repelin® on aphid settling behaviour, symptom expression and potential for pest management are discussed.  相似文献   

Virus-indexed Ornithogalum ev. Rojel plants were produced by eliminating Ornithogalum mosaic virus (OMV) through meristem-tip culture. The best plantlet regeneration was obtained from meristems derived from adventitious buds which developed on leaf explants taken from mother plants at the flowering stage. Acyclovir had no effect as an anti-viral compound on plantlet regeneration or virus elimination. Adenine arabinoside retarded plantlet development at concentrations of 10 mg l-1 and higher, while 5.0 mg l-1 suppressed the virus concentration beneath a detectable level in young plants. All the mature plants, however, tested positively for the presence of OMV.Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - OMV Ornithogalum mosaic virus  相似文献   

An insect nucleopolyhedrovirus naturally survives as a mixture of at least nine genotypes. Infection by multiple genotypes results in the production of virus occlusion bodies (OBs) with greater pathogenicity than those of any genotype alone. We tested the hypothesis that each OB contains a genotypically diverse population of virions. Few insects died following inoculation with an experimental two-genotype mixture at a dose of one OB per insect, but a high proportion of multiple infections were observed (50%), which differed significantly from the frequencies predicted by a non-associated transmission model in which genotypes are segregated into distinct OBs. By contrast, insects that consumed multiple OBs experienced higher mortality and infection frequencies did not differ significantly from those of the non-associated model. Inoculation with genotypically complex wild-type OBs indicated that genotypes tend to be transmitted in association, rather than as independent entities, irrespective of dose. To examine the hypothesis that virions may themselves be genotypically heterogeneous, cell culture plaques derived from individual virions were analysed to reveal that one-third of virions was of mixed genotype, irrespective of the genotypic composition of the OBs. We conclude that co-occlusion of genotypically distinct virions in each OB is an adaptive mechanism that favours the maintenance of virus diversity during insect-to-insect transmission.  相似文献   

To establish infection, plant viruses are evolutionarily empowered with the ability to spread intercellularly. Potyviruses represent the largest group of known plant-infecting RNA viruses, including many agriculturally important viruses. To better understand intercellular movement of potyviruses, we used turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) as a model and constructed a double-fluorescent (green and mCherry) protein-tagged TuMV infectious clone, which allows distinct observation of primary and secondary infected cells. We conducted a series of deletion and mutation analyses to characterize the role of TuMV coat protein (CP) in viral intercellular movement. TuMV CP has 288 amino acids and is composed of three domains: the N-terminus (amino acids 1–97), the core (amino acids 98–245), and the C-terminus (amino acids 246–288). We found that deletion of CP or its segments amino acids 51–199, amino acids 200–283, or amino acids 265–274 abolished the ability of TuMV to spread intercellularly but did not affect virus replication. Interestingly, deletion of amino acids 6–50 in the N-terminus domain resulted in the formation of aberrant virions but did not significantly compromise TuMV cell-to-cell and systemic movement. We identified the charged residues R178 and D222 within the core domain that are essential for virion formation and TuMV local and systemic transport in plants. Moreover, we found that trans-expression of the wild-type CP either by TuMV or through genetic transformation-based stable expression could not rescue the movement defect of CP mutants. Taken together these results suggest that TuMV CP is not essential for viral genome replication but is indispensable for viral intercellular transport where only the cis-expressed CP is functional.  相似文献   

Previously we reported that the multifunctional cylindrical inclusion (CI) protein of turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) is targeted to endosomes through the interaction with the medium subunit of adaptor protein complex 2 (AP2β), which is essential for viral infection. Although several functionally important regions in the CI have been identified, little is known about the determinant(s) for endosomal trafficking. The CI protein contains seven conserved acidic dileucine motifs [(D/E)XXXL(L/I)] typical of endocytic sorting signals recognized by AP2β. Here, we selected five motifs for further study and identified that they all were located in the regions of CI interacting with AP2β. Coimmunoprecipitation assays revealed that alanine substitutions in the each of these acidic dileucine motifs decreased binding with AP2β. Moreover, these CI mutants also showed decreased accumulation of punctate bodies, which enter endocytic-tracking styryl-stained endosomes. The mutations were then introduced into a full-length infectious clone of TuMV, and each mutant had reduced viral replication and systemic infection. The data suggest that the acidic dileucine motifs in CI are indispensable for interacting with AP2β for efficient viral replication. This study provides new insights into the role of endocytic sorting motifs in the intracellular movement of viral proteins for replication.  相似文献   

Parasites could differentially impact intraspecific host lineages due to genetic, phenotypic, ecological, or behavioural differences between the lineages, or the development of reproductive isolation between them. Batrachomyia (Diptera: Chloropidae) are flies that exclusively parasitize Australian frogs, and in the Wet Tropics rainforest of north‐east Australia larvae are largely restricted to the green‐eyed tree frog Litoria genimaculata (Anura: Hylidae). This frog species consists of two highly divergent genetic lineages that overlap in two nearby, but independent, contact zones. At one contact zone there has been extensive phenotypic divergence and speciation between the lineages whereas, at the other contact relatively lower levels of phenotypic divergence and reproductive isolation suggest that speciation has not occurred. In the present study we tested: (1) whether the deep phylogeographic divergence between northern and southern host populations is mirrored by congruent genetic structuring in the parasite populations and (2) whether the host lineages are differentially impacted by parasitism. We found that the two divergent frog lineages are parasitized by a single lineage of Batrachomyia, which exhibits strikingly little phylogeographic structuring. We found a significant difference in Batrachomyia prevalence between the host lineages at mixed lineage sites in both contact zones, with the magnitude and direction of this effect being consistent in both. The pattern did not differ between the two contacts even though recent phenotypic divergence and speciation has occurred between the lineages at one contact but not the other. Taken together, this suggests a fundamental difference in susceptibility between the genetically divergent host lineages. Using weight relative to body length as a measure of body condition, we found no differential impact of parasitism on the body condition of each host lineage, and no evidence that parasitism impacts the body condition of the host in general. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 593–603.  相似文献   

Maize dwarf mosaic is the most widespread virus disease affecting corn production in Hungary. In attempts to identify the causal virus by test plant reactions, enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), only Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) was detected. To further characterize Hungarian isolates of MDMV, one isolate from each of the sweet corn varieties Dallas, Royalty and GH23‐85 was selected for sequence analysis of its coat protein (CP) gene. The three Hungarian isolates shared CP amino acid sequence similarities of 95–98% not only with one another but also with MDMV isolates from other countries. However, the N‐terminus of the CP of the ‘Dallas’ isolate was unusual in containing a stretch of 13 additional amino acids. This is the first report of variation in the size of the N‐terminus of the MDMV CP.  相似文献   

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