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Incontinentia pigmenti nomenclature.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

A 45,X/46,X,r(X) mosaicism was observed in an incontinentia pigmenti (Bloch-Sulzberger form) female patient, with mental retardation, short stature, and minor dysmorphisms. This observation is compatible with the regional assignment of the incontinentia pigmenti locus to the juxta-centromeric region of the X, the r(X) being of very small size.  相似文献   

Incontinentia pigmenti and X-autosome translocations   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) is a rare X-linked disease with marked female-to-female transmission and a dominant pattern of inheritance. Reports of six unrelated females with IP and X-autosomal translocations, all with the X breakpoint at Xp11, and an additional report of a female with IP and a 45,X/46,X,r(X) karyotype suggests that this may be the locus for the IP gene. When four of these cases, including the r(X), were re-examined with a non-isotopic in situ hybridization technique and an X centromere-specific probe (pSV2X5), the Xp11 breakpoint was confirmed. However, results from a fifth reported case, t(X;17), showed that the X breakpoint was within the centromeric alphoid repetitive sequences recognized by the probe pSV2X5. As the clinical presentation of this patient was consitent with the IP phenotype and diagnosis, the centromeric position of the X-chromosome breakpoint raises several questions with respect to the homogeneity of the Xp11 locus for IP.  相似文献   

X-specific DNA probes were used to characterize the r(X) of a 45,X/46,X,r(X) female patient with Incontinentia pigmenti. It was found to be of maternal origin. Breakpoints were shown to be in or distal to p11.22 and between q12.2 and q13.1. When considering all known cases of Incontinentia pigmenti and X rearrangements at least four different break sites on the X have been shown.  相似文献   

The synaptonemal complexes of T(X;4)1R1 (abbreviated R1) translocation heterozygotes have been examined by electron microscopy and compared with those of two X-7 translocations: R5 and R6. The X chromosome breakpoint of R1 is estimated to lie between 78 and 82% from the proximal end of the X, in the same general region as the R5 and R6 breakpoints. The position of the autosomal breakpoint of R1, like that of R6, is about 30% from the proximal end of the respective autosome. R1 is also similar to R6 in that there is extensive nonhomologous synapsis both in quadrivalents and heteromorphic bivalents. We have recently found that the location of breakpoints with respect to the position of the G-bands appears to be related to the synaptic behavior seen in translocation heterozygotes. If both breaks of a reciprocal translocation lie in G-light bands, as was the case with R5, synapsis is confined to homology. However, if one break lies in or immediately adjacent to a G-dark band, there is nonhomologous synapsis, as occurs with R1 and R6. Comparison of the synaptic behavior of R1 with R5 and R6 leads to the conclusion that this G-band-related nonhomologous synapsis is of a different type than the "synaptic adjustment" phenomenon that has been described by Moses (1977a). This G-band-related nonhomologous synapsis is not substage-specific, but competes with homologous synapsis during zygotene-early pachytene.  相似文献   

Radiation hybrid mapping was used in combination with physical mapping techniques to order and estimate distances between 14 loci in the proximal region of the short arm of the human X chromosome. A panel of radiation hybrids containing human X-chromosomal fragments was generated from a Chinese hamster-human cell hybrid containing an X chromosome as its only human DNA. Sixty-seven radiation hybrids were screened by Southern hybridization with sets of probes that mapped to the region Xp11.4-Xcen to generate a radiation hybrid map of the area. A physical map of 14 loci was constructed based on the segregation of the loci in the hybrid clones. Using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analyses and a somatic cell hybrid mapping panel containing naturally occurring X; autosome translocations, the order of the 14 loci was verified and the loci nearest to the X-chromosomal translocation breakpoints associated with the disease incontinentia pigmenti 1 (IP1) were identified. The radiation hybrid panel will be useful as a mapping resource for determining the location, order, and distances between other genes and polymorphic loci in this region as well as for generating additional region-specific DNA markers.  相似文献   

Two cases of X/autosome translocation in females with incontinentia pigmenti   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Summary We report two unrelated girls who present some clinical features of severe incontinentia pigmenti (IP), with characteristic skin pigmentation. Both have balanced de novo X/autosome translocations involving band Xp11. The coincidence of the probable de novo expression of an X-linked disorder in these two girls with translocations involving similar breakpoints on the X chromosome suggests that this band may be the site of the IP gene locus.  相似文献   

Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) is an X-linked dominant disorder characterized by developmental anomalies of the tissues and organs derived from embryonic ectoderm and neuroectoderm. An IP locus, designated IP1, probably resides in Xp11.21, since five unrelated patients with nonfamilial IP have been identified who possess constitutional de novo reciprocal X;autosome translocations involving Xp11.21. We have used a series of somatic cell hybrids containing the rearranged chromosomes derived from three of the five IP1 patients, along with other hybrid cell lines, to map probes in the vicinity of the IP1 locus. Five anonymous DNA loci--DXS422, DXS14, DXS343, DXS429, and DXS370--have been mapped to a region within Xp11.21, between two IP1 X-chromosomal translocation breakpoints; the IP1 t(X;17) breakpoint is proximal (centromeric) to this region, and the IP1 t(X;13) and t(X;9) X-chromosomal breakpoints lie distal to it. While no IP1 translocation breakpoint has yet been identified by pulsed-field gel electrophoretic (PFGE) analysis, an overlap between three probes--p58-1, 7PSH3.5, and cpX210--has been detected, placing these probes within 125 kb. Four probes--p58-1, 7PSH3.5, cpX210, and 30CE2.8--have been helpful in constructing a 1,250-kb PFGE map of the region between the breakpoints; these results suggest that the IP1 X-chromosomal translocation breakpoints are separated by at least this distance. The combined somatic cell hybrid and PFGE analyses we report here favor the probe order DXS323-(IP1 t(X;13), IP1, t(X;9]-(DXS422, DXS14, DXS343, DXS429, DXS370)-(IP1 t(X;17), DXZ1). These sequences provide a starting point for identifying overlapping genomic sequences that span the IP1 translocation breakpoints; the availability of IP1 translocation breakpoints should now assist the cloning of this locus.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis due to maternal age led us to find a male fetus with a (X;Y) translocation. This translocation is found in the mother, who presents no phenotypic abnormalities or mental retardation. The 22 cases described in the literature indicate that among male carriers of an (X;Y) translocation, half the cases present mental retardation and 2/3 phenotypic anomalies. These findings led us to give a genetic counselling of therapeutic abortion. Post mortem histological examination revealed no morphodysplasia.  相似文献   

Summary We present here a historical documentation of a female with X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XHED) and a de novo X/9 chromosome translocation. The patient was verbally reported by Dr. P.L. J. Cook to the HGM conference in 1973, but was subsequently lost to follow up. We have since traced her and confirmed the diagnosis of XHED with moderately severe mental retardation. According to Dr. P. L. J. Cook's records, fibroblast cell line AnLy GMO 705, was derived from this patient. Another female with a de novo X/12 chromosome translocation and hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia was recently reported. In both cases, the X chromosome breakpoint appears to be at Xq13.1  相似文献   

A combination of Southern blot analysis on a panel of tumor-derived somatic cell hybrids and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques was used to map a series of DNA markers relative to the 1q21 breakpoint of the renal cell carcinoma (RCC)-associated (X;1)(p11;q21) translocation. This breakpoint maps between several members of the S100 family which are clustered in the 1q21 region and a conserved region between man and mouse containing the markers SPTA1-CRP-APCS-FcER1A-ATP1A2-APOA2. The location of the breakpoint coincides with the transition of a region of synteny of human chromosome 1 with mouse chromosomes 3 and 1. Received: 10 November 1995 / Revised: 3 February 1996  相似文献   

A de novo t(X;13)(p11.21;q12.3) translocation is described in an 19-month-old girl with incontinentia pigmenti (IP) and bilateral retinoblastoma. Based on previously reported two girls and this patient, each with a structural X chromosome abnormality and IP, it was assumed that the locus for IP is at Xp11.21. Q-banding analysis revealed that the translocated chromosomes were of paternal origin. The derivative X chromosome was late-replicating in 9% of cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes and in 1% of skin fibroblasts. The erythrocyte esterase D activity in the patient was normal. Several possibilities were considered for possible causative relationship between the X/13 translocation and the development of retinoblastoma. One possibility involved functional monosomy of 13q14 in a minority of retinoblasts due to the spreading of inactivation of the translocated X chromosome segment.  相似文献   

Ueno K  Takai A 《Genetica》2008,132(1):35-41
The karyotype and other chromosomal markers as revealed by C-banding and Ag-staining were studied in Lutjanus quinquelineatus and L. kasmira (Lutjanidae, Perciformes). While in latter species, the karyotype was invariably composed of 48 acrocentric chromosomes in both sexes, in L. quinquelineatus the female karyotype had exclusively 48 acrocentric chromosomes (2n = 48) but that of the male consisted of one large metacentric and 46 acrocentric chromosomes (2n = 47). The chromosomes in the first meiotic division in males showed 22 bivalents and one trivalent, which was formed by an end-to-end association and a chiasmatic association. Multiple sex chromosome system of X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y type resulting from single Robertsonian fusion between the original Y chromosome and an autosome was hypothesized to produce neo-Y sex chromosome. The multiple sex chromosome system of L. quinquelineatus appears to be at the early stage of the differentiation. The positive C-banded heterochromatin was situated exclusively in centromeric regions of all chromosomes in both species. Similarly, nucleolus organizer region sites were identified in the pericentromeric region of one middle-sized pair of chromosomes in both species. The cellular DNA contents were the same (3.3 pg) between the sexes and among this species and related species.  相似文献   

From personal observations and reported cases of translocation X-Autosome, a study of the breakpoint showed that Xp11 is more frequently associated to mental retardation. This finding is in agreement with linkage analysis in families with X-linked mental retardation non X-fra.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the dermatoglyphic aspects of a patient affected by hypomelanosis of Ito (Incontinentia pigmenti achromians — HI) and of his healthy mother, and have compared our findings with those of the only three other cases in whom such studies had been done. It appeared that hypomelanosis of Ito shows anomalous dermatoglyphic peculiarities: a larger number of ulnar loops and the frequent absence of patterns in thenar, II and III interdigital areas. However, the absence of some interdigital triradii, particularly of d triradius, seems to be the most distinctive character. Since the timing of embryonal life during which d triradius should be formed is between 16 and 17 weeks, it seems highly probable that some developmental abnormality might occur at this point in HI. Moreover, the present analysis allows to support some hypotheses already proposed in the literature, concerning the modalities of determination of the absence of d triradius. The observed concomitance with some dermatoglyphic findings, such as the absence of other palmar triradii and the absence of interdigital patterns, led us to suggest that such characteristics could be connected each other, having perhaps a common genetical basis or undergoing the same microenvironmental effects.  相似文献   

Inherited Xq duplication due to a zygotic translocation t(X;X)(q23;q27)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An Xq-duplication was found in a female child with multiple malformations. The family study revealed that her mother, who has a nearly normal phenotype, carries the same duplication. The karyotype of the grandmother shows the existence of a mosaicism: 46,X,del(X) (q23)/46,X,dup(X)(q27----q23). This mosaicism can be related to a translocation t(X;X)(q23;q27) during the first cell division of the zygote.  相似文献   

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