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Life history traits in many ectotherms show complex patterns of variation among conspecific populations sampled along wide latitudinal or climatic gradients. However, few studies have assessed whether these patterns can be explained better by thermal reaction norms of multiple life history traits, covering major aspects of the life cycle. In this study, we compared five populations of a Holarctic, numerically dominant soil microarthropod species, Folsomia quadrioculata, sampled from a wide latitudinal gradient (56–81°N), for growth, development, fecundity, and survival across four temperatures (10, 15, 20, and 25°C) in common garden experiments. We evaluated the extent to which macroclimate could explain differences in thermal adaptation and life history strategies among populations. The common garden experiments revealed large genotypic differences among populations in all the traits, which were little explained by latitude and macroclimate. In addition, the life history strategies (traits combined) hardly revealed any systematic difference related to latitude and macroclimate. The overall performance of the northernmost population from the most stochastic microclimate and the southernmost population, which remains active throughout the year, was least sensitive to the temperature treatments. In contrast, performance of the population from the most predictable microclimate peaked within a narrow temperature range (around 15°C). Our findings revealed limited support for macroclimate‐based predictions, and indicated that local soil habitat conditions related to predictability and seasonality might have considerable influence on the evolution of life history strategies of F. quadrioculata. This study highlights the need to combine knowledge on microhabitat characteristics, and demography, with findings from common garden experiments, for identifying the key drivers of life history evolution across large spatial scales, and wide climate gradients. We believe that similar approaches may substantially improve the understanding of adaptation in many terrestrial ectotherms with low dispersal ability.  相似文献   

叶永昌  周广胜  殷晓洁 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4718-4728
定量评估气候变化对内蒙古草原植被分布及其净第一性生产力的影响有助于理解干旱区域生态系统结构和功能对气候变化的响应。基于最大熵模型(MaxEnt)评价了气候因子的重要性,进而模拟了1961-2010年内蒙古草原植被的地理分布,同时应用综合模型模拟了净第一性生产力变化。研究表明,湿润指数(MI)、年降水量(P)、最暖月平均温度(Tw)和最冷月平均温度(Tc)是决定草原植被分布的主导气候因子。1961-2010年内蒙古草甸草原、典型草原和荒漠草原分布面积分别减少了5%、1%和62%,草原面积整体减少了11%,预示着草原向着荒漠化的方向发展。降水是决定内蒙古草原净第一性生产力变化的最重要因素。  相似文献   

The successful eradication of introduced rodents from islets off the coast of Mauritius has led to local conservation bodies investigating the possibility of translocation as a measure of safeguarding endemic reptile populations. The present study was the first to determine the habitat and microhabitat requirements of Telfair's skinks (Leiolopisma telfairii) on Round Island, Mauritius, with a view to aiding future translocation projects to islands within their historic range. Contrasting preferences found for Telfair's skink at macro- and micro- habitat levels underline the importance of sampling at multiple ecological scales in such investigations. Significantly fewer sightings of L. telfairii were recorded in bare rock habitats compared to more vegetated habitats. Conversely, at a microhabitat scale principal component analysis indicated structural characteristics were the primary determinant of microhabitat choice. The first dietary analysis of Telfair's skinks confirmed their status as omnivores. Cockroaches (Blattodea spp.) appeared to be a primary food source. Four exotic plant species were also present in faecal samples and the potential for L. telfairii to aid their dispersal is discussed. Implications for the long-term management and proposed translocation of Telfair's skinks are discussed.  相似文献   

王晓娟  董文攀  周世良 《生态学报》2022,42(15):6125-6136
全球苜蓿属植物约87种,我国有15种,大多为广布种,可生活在不同的生境当中。该属植物由于荚果等形态变异复杂,繁育系统多样,其进化历史一直是本领域关注的热点问题之一。随着分子生态学的发展,利用基因组学的方法解决生态学问题不断报道,但目前我国苜蓿属物种的叶绿体基因组数据缺乏,有关其演化路径的研究尚少有开展。为此,选取了我国苜蓿属10个代表物种和胡卢巴属1种,测序比较其叶绿体基因组结构特征,基于叶绿体基因组和核ITS序列构建分析其系统发育关系,并结合物种地理分布生境特征探究我国苜蓿属植物的演化路径。结果显示,以上苜蓿属植物的叶绿体基因组大小为121-127 kb,均为非典型的"四区"结构,缺失反向重复区。在10个苜蓿属物种的叶绿体基因组中共检测到1,273个SSR位点,这些SSR位点可以作为潜在的分子标记用于我国苜蓿属植物资源的鉴定。供试苜蓿属物种的叶绿体基因组共发生6次基因倒位。天蓝苜蓿的2个倒位发生在基因atpBycf3ndhCtrnLUAA之间的区域;青海苜蓿和花苜蓿的叶绿体基因组共享4个倒位,分别位于基因psbMpsaAndhBtrnNGUUndhBrpoA以及clpPrpl20区间。天蓝苜蓿中还存在clpPrpoC1atpF基因内含子的丢失现象。基于叶绿体基因组及ITS序列构建的苜蓿属系统发育关系,支持传统上将苜蓿属划分为紫苜蓿组、南苜蓿组、阔荚苜蓿组和天蓝苜蓿组的分类处理。其中,直果胡卢巴、单花胡卢巴与毛荚苜蓿形成一支,位于系统树的基部,支持中国苜蓿属和胡卢巴属之间存在过渡类型"类苜蓿植物"的观点。分析我国苜蓿属植物的分化原因可能与这些物种的生境有关,特别是年平均温度可能是导致苜蓿物种分化的决定性因素。  相似文献   

As shown for various species, nesting waders are non-randomly distributed on wetlands and preferentially select riparian nest-sites adjacent to limnic or marine waterbodies. Studying the redshank Tringa totanus, we tested the hypotheses that, in a coastal wader species which conceals its clutch in vegetation, predation and hatching success are affected by vegetation zonation, and that breeding in lower salt marsh areas has negative consequences for reproduction. We further predicted effects of timing of breeding and breeding experience/age of adults potentially reflected by egg biometrics both on nest-site selection and reproduction. Effects of vegetation, space, time and individual quality on hatching success of redshanks were studied in the German part of the Wadden Sea. Dominant plant species, vertical vegetation structure and nest concealment varied significantly between nests. Variation in nest concealment was relatively low: about 90% of clutches were classified as being well concealed. This variation was explainable by vegetation structure but not by vegetation composition at the nest-site, distance to shoreline, and time of clutch initiation. Vertical vegetation structure varied by dominant plant species but not by distance to shoreline and time of clutch initiation. Hatching success of clutches was low (10.6%) due to high predation (daily predation rate: 7.4%). Hatching success and duration of clutch survival were negatively and predation positively related to the date of clutch initiation. Furthermore, negative relationships were found between egg size and predation and duration of survival, respectively. We assume that concealed nests, early breeding and breeding experience diminish predation in salt marsh breeding redshanks. Thus, redshank reproduction appears to be affected by interactive effects of timing of breeding and vegetation facilitating early breeding. In contrast to open-nesting species, breeding in riparian habitats next to waterbodies may be disadvantageous for species breeding concealed in vegetation if these are covered by less structured vegetation.  相似文献   

Organismal performance changes over ontogeny as the musculoskeletal systems underlying animal behavior grow in relative size and shape. As performance is a determinant of feeding ecology, ontogenetic changes in the former can influence the latter. The horn shark Heterodontus francisci consumes hard-shelled benthic invertebrates, which may be problematic for younger animals with lower performance capacities. Scaling of feeding biomechanics was investigated in H. francisci (n=16, 19–59 cm standard length (SL)) to determine the biomechanical basis of allometric changes in feeding performance and whether this performance capacity constrains hard-prey consumption over ontogeny. Positive allometry of anterior (8–163 N) and posterior (15–382 N) theoretical bite force was attributed to positive allometry of cross-sectional area in two jaw adducting muscles and mechanical advantage at the posterior bite point (0.79–1.26). Mechanical advantage for anterior biting scaled isometrically (0.52). Fracture forces for purple sea urchins Strongylocentrotus purpuratus consumed by H. francisci ranged from 24 to 430 N. Comparison of these fracture forces to the bite force of H. francisci suggests that H. francisci is unable to consume hard prey early in its life history, but can consume the majority of S. purpuratus by the time it reaches maximum size. Despite this constraint, positive allometry of biting performance appears to facilitate an earlier entry into the durophagous niche than would an isometric ontogenetic trajectory. The posterior gape of H. francisci is significantly smaller than the urchins capable of being crushed by its posterior bite force. Thus, the high posterior bite forces of H. francisci cannot be fully utilized while consuming prey of similar toughness and size to S. purpuratus, and its potential trophic niche is primarily determined by anterior biting capacity.  相似文献   

We investigated whether sexual segregation might affect parasite transmission and host dynamics, hypothesising that if males are the more heavily infected sex and more responsible for the transmission of parasite infections, female avoidance of males and the space they occupy could reduce infection rates. A mathematical model, simulating the interaction between abomasal parasites and a hypothetical alpine ibex (Capraibex) host population composed of its two sexes, was developed to predict the effect of different degrees of sexual segregation on parasite intensity and on host abundance. The results showed that when females tended to be segregated from males, and males were distributed randomly across space, the impact of parasites was the lowest, resulting in the highest host abundance, with each sex having the lowest parasite intensity. The predicted condition that minimises the impact of parasites in our model was the one closest to that observed in nature where females actively seek out the more segregated sites while males are less selective in their ranging behaviour. The overlapping of field observation with the predicted optimal strategy lends support to our idea that there might be a connection between parasite transmission and sexual segregation. Our simulations provide the biological boundaries of host-parasite interaction needed to determine a parasite-mediated effect on sexual segregation and a formalised null hypothesis against which to test future field experiments.  相似文献   

以北京地区油松(Pinus tabuliformis)人工林不同演替类型林分为研究对象,研究油松纯林、油松-栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)混交林和栓皮栎纯林三种不同演替类型林分的空间结构、林下植被和土壤水分的变化规律及其相互作用关系。结果表明:(1)林分水平及垂直空间结构、草本层物种多样性、更新幼树生长、土壤持水和透气性能等指标在三种不同演替类型林分间差异显著(P<0.05),林分空间结构参数中的角尺度、林层指数和开敞度显著影响了各类型林分的灌草多样性,混交度、林层指数和大小比数显著影响了更新幼树的生长,混交度和林层指数显著影响了土壤水分的变化(P<0.05)。(2)松栎混交林灌草生物量、天然更新幼树的生长以及土壤水分物理状况均好于纯林,并主要受林分混交度和林层指数的共同作用。(3)各演替类型林分内均存在栓皮栎更新幼树,混交林栓皮栎更新幼树数量最多、长势最好,对林地资源的竞争最为激烈。因此,可以通过调整林分空间结构实现种间关系及林地资源的调控,以充分发挥森林生态系统的各项功能与价值。  相似文献   

植物种群功能性状及生态对策变异对其自身环境适应能力及群落结构具有重要影响。该文基于崇明东滩湿地芦苇(Phragmites australis)种群内3个小种群不同发育时期分株集合的多项性状指标,分析了其性状及生态对策变异,并基于CSR、LHS生态对策体系,对各小种群的生态对策进行了排序。结果表明, 3个芦苇小种群的21项性状指标及C、R对策得分均存在显著差异。在LHS体系中,以比叶面积(11.5 mm2/mg)、株高(175 cm)和花序干质量(4 g)为分界线,可对3个小种群进行区分。处于生殖生长期的芦苇分株具有更大的植株大小、更高的叶片干物质含量及S对策得分,而处于营养生长期的分株则具有较小的植株大小、较大的比叶面积及R对策得分。总体而言,崇明东滩湿地3个芦苇小种群间及各小种群内处于不同生长发育阶段的分株集合间,都存在显著的性状差异及生态对策差异,且二者的差异模式基本吻合。芦苇种内性状及生态对策变异特征,可为该区芦苇种群的生态保育和恢复实践提供重要的理论参考和技术支撑。  相似文献   

叶功能性状不仅反应植物对资源的利用能力,还涉及植物对自身结构和环境的生存适应策略。以不同生长阶段的木棉为研究对象,于2019年12月实地测量树高、冠幅等5个主要树形因子和采样测定叶面积、比叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶片含水量等14个叶功能性状,分析其在不同生长阶段的变化规律和相互关系,探讨叶功能性状对树形结构的响应。结果表明:不同生长阶段的木棉叶功能性状之间存在差异(P<0.05),且表现出一定的相关性(P<0.05,P<0.01);木棉叶片的面积、长度、宽度、周长、鲜重、饱和重、干重、比叶质量和干物质含量等功能性状是随生长阶段变化的主要指标。影响木棉叶片各性状的树形因子也不相同,其中叶面积主要受到冠幅的影响,叶片鲜重和饱和重主要受到枝下高的影响,叶片干重和相对含水量主要受到树高的影响,比叶面积、叶片含水量和干物质含量主要受到树高、尖削度的影响,比叶质量主要受到胸径、尖削度、树高的影响。随着木棉的生长,叶功能性状表现出受树形结构的影响而具有较强的表型可塑性,有利于其适应内外环境的变化。因此,叶功能性状之间的变化差异和相关组合,反映了不同生长阶段的木棉对树形结构的适应性调整和对资源的利用策略,在一定程度上为探索西双版纳热带雨林区的生态保护和可持续发展提供相关科学依据。  相似文献   

【背景】两歧双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium bifidum)是专性代谢人体母乳寡糖(human milk oligosaccharides, HMOs)和宿主肠道黏膜上皮黏蛋白聚糖的肠道共栖益生菌,对生命早期健康和发育至关重要,目前对其不同人群来源的群体遗传报道较少。【目的】探究在有限地域内遗传、饮食相近人群来源的B. bifidum菌株集的遗传结构是否具有族群特异的规律性,为开发个性化的益生菌株提供理论基础。【方法】对来自新疆伊宁两个族群(维吾尔族和哈萨克族)学龄儿童队列的肠道两歧双歧杆菌进行分离和鉴定,共获得115个菌株,对基于细菌基因组重复序列PCR (repetitive sequence-PCR, rep-PCR)方法筛选的53株代表菌株采用多位点序列分型(multilocus sequence typing, MLST)进行群体遗传差异分析。【结果】53株代表菌株共分为37个序列型(sequence type, ST),具有很高的遗传多样性;其中26株源自维吾尔族儿童的菌株有17个ST,而20个ST来自27株哈萨克族儿童的菌株,两个族群来源的菌株之间检测到较少的同源基因重组事件。goeBURST分析显示,来自同一族群的B. bifidum分离株比来自另一族群的菌株更有可能被归入特定的系统发育分支或克隆复合体(clonal complexes, CC)。【结论】不同族群来源的B. bifidum分离株显示出较高的遗传多样性,群体遗传结构一定程度上呈现出民族族群来源的特异性,需要更大规模的取样证实。这为进一步开展体内外实验并筛选针对区域族群的特色优良益生菌株提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

外源氮素调控C/N比对杉木林凋落叶细菌群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究不同C/N比对杉木凋落叶分解特性的影响,通过添加外源氮,采用分解袋法,分析林下植被保留和林下植被去除2种林分中不同C/N比值的杉木凋落叶分解300 d时细菌群落结构差异。研究显示:一定范围内,初始C/N比降低有利于杉木凋落叶分解和细菌群落多样性提升,过低的C/N比则具有抑制作用;相比于林下植被去除,林下植被保留管理措施更有利于杉木凋落叶的分解,且细菌群落多样性更高,但当初始C/N比值为20.3时,杉木凋落叶分解所受的抑制作用更为明显;在门水平上,变形菌门、放线菌门和浮霉菌门为杉木凋落叶中主要优势种群;在属水平上,慢生根瘤菌属、嗜酸栖热菌属和Singulisphaera属在杉木凋落叶中相对丰度较高;不同处理间的杉木凋落叶细菌群落结构具有显著差异,变形菌门、放线菌门和酸杆菌门等细菌门中的多类细菌相对丰度差异显著;在门分类水平上,杉木凋落叶C/N比值与主要细菌种群相对丰度的相关性最高,C/P比值与杉木凋落叶细菌群落结构变异的相关性最高;在属水平上,杉木凋落叶全碳含量、C/N比值和全钾含量与主要细菌种群相对丰度的相关性最高,全钾含量与杉木凋落叶细菌群落结构变异的相关性最高。结果表明初始C/N比的降低改变了杉木凋落叶细菌群落结构,进而作用于杉木凋落叶的分解。  相似文献   

陈秋彤  刘骏杰  覃子浏  明霜  姬翔  杜钦 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9920-9931
廊道构建是减少栖息地破碎化负面影响的重要策略之一。目前,已经有许多模型用于动物廊道的选址,而"选址模型是否能准确预测动物迁移的实际发生位置"一直是保护生物学最为关注的问题。最小成本路径模型(LCP)和条件最小成本廊道模型(CMTC)是两种较为常用的廊道选址模型。以白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)为目标物种,分别运用LCP和CMTC模拟生成白头叶猴迁移廊道,将模拟结果与野外观测廊道进行对比,检验两种方法的准确性。结果表明:与野外观测实际廊道相比,LCP模型模拟结果的完全准确率为46.7%,部分准确率为20%,完全不准确率为33.3%;CMTC模型模拟结果的完全准确率为26.7%,其余73.3%为部分准确,无完全不准确的结果;总体上看,CMTC廊道的准确率较LCP高,因而CMTC模型模拟白头叶猴实际迁移廊道位置的准确性优于LCP模型。输入"源"要素类型、阻力面栅格尺度设定、栖息地土地利用类型变化以及动物迁移行为复杂性4个因素是影响该模拟结果准确性的主要原因。  相似文献   

1. Community assembly is affected by four processes: dispersal, filtering effects (selection), ecological drift and evolution. The role of filtering relative to dispersal and drift should decline with patch size, hampering possibilities to predict which organisms will be observed within small‐sized patches. However, vegetation structure is known to have a marked impact on species assemblages, and plant quality may act as a biotic filter. This challenges the assumption of unpredictable species assemblages in small‐sized vegetation patches. 2. Using 32 stands of five shrub species in south‐west Finland, this study investigated whether biotic filtering effects caused by patch‐forming plants are strong enough to overcome the mixing of mobile arthropod assemblages across small patches. 3. Stochastic variation did not hide the signals of biotic filtering and dispersal in the small shrub patches. Habitat richness around the patches explained a three times larger share of variation in the species composition than did the identity of the patch‐forming plant, but it had less effect on the abundance of arthropods. A radius of 50–100 m around a patch explained the species composition best. 4. Abundance patterns varied between the feeding guilds; the patch‐forming shrub influenced the abundances of detritivores and leaf‐feeding herbivores, whereas the abundances of flower‐visiting herbivores appeared to track the flowering phenology of the plants. Shrub identity had little effect on omnivores or predators. Predator abundances were correlated with the abundance of potential prey. 5. The results of this study suggest that community composition within a vegetation patch may be predictable even if dispersal overrides local filtering effects, as suggested by the mass‐effects paradigm.  相似文献   

王鹏  王亚娟  刘小鹏  陈晓  孔福星 《生态学报》2018,38(8):2672-2682
以宁夏自治区红寺堡区为例,以1995年、2000年、2005、2010年和2015年5期遥感影像为数据源,综合运用景观格局指数、生态风险指数、空间分析法以及地理探测器等多种研究方法,研究了移民安置区生态风险时空特征。结果表明:1995—2015年研究区景观格局发生了较大的变化,草地面积减少了2.97×10~4hm~2,耕地、林地、建设用地分别增加了1.90×10~4hm~2,0.42×10~4hm~2和0.43×10~4hm~2;在研究期间景观整体斑块数不断增加,其景观整体破碎度随之变大;研究区生态风险主要以较低风险和中风险为主,其中建设用地、沙地和未利用地生态风险值较高,在研究期间生态风险平均值由0.166降低至0.154,研究区生态风险值呈降低趋势。通过地理探测器诊断得出景观斑块数、景观破碎度、景观优势度、景观损失度、斑块密度等因素是安置区生态风险的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

刘可意  杨佳  姜淑娜  谷会岩 《生态学报》2024,44(9):3623-3635
东北作为我国重要农产品基地,其黑土有机质含量可达普通土壤的十倍。近年来由于过度的开发与利用,导致黑土质量下降,因此研究农田防护林对土壤质量的改善具有战略意义。为探讨农田防护林对黑土质量的改善效果,以不同林龄(Y1:林龄是1 a的小黑杨;Y5:林龄是5 a的小黑杨;Y6:林龄是6 a的小黑杨;Y8:林龄是8 a的小黑杨)小黑杨林下土壤为研究对象,通过测定小黑杨防护林样地的土壤理化性质,分析不同林龄小黑杨林下土壤理化性质的差异,并通过最小数据集方法对林下土壤质量进行评价。结果显示:(1)不同林龄土壤质地为:Y1:砂质土壤;Y5:壤土;Y6:粉砂质土壤;Y8:粉砂质土壤。(2)土壤透气保水性随林龄增长向良性方向演化,表层土壤容重由1.33 g/cm3减小到1.17 g/cm3,不同土层间差异不显著,且土壤物理指标与树木生长量及其他土壤因子具有较强的相关性。(3)土壤pH随林龄减小,随土层呈波动性变化,范围在6.19-6.58之间。土壤养分随林龄呈波动性变化,垂直变化差异显著,除速效钾外均富集在表层,各土壤养分元素之间相关性较弱。(4)土壤微量元素有效态含量在不同林龄及土层均差异显著,且各元素之间相关性较强。(5)基于最小数据集的构建发现,影响不同林龄小黑杨土壤质量的最小数据集指标包括全氮、全钾、饱和持水量、速效磷、钙、锰,经总数据集验证所构建的最小数据集可体现小黑杨林下土壤质量有效信息。(6)小黑杨不同林龄土壤质量指数介于0.358-0.667,土壤质量综合得分排名为Y8 > Y6 > Y5 > Y1。基于以上发现,小黑杨作为农田防护林对黑土区土壤质量改善效果明显,土壤保水透气性显著提升,土壤化学养分及微量元素含量部分提高,且不同林龄小黑杨对养分的循环利用效果差异显著。为实现黑土资源的合理利用,本研究建议随防护林林龄增加,更改林下套种作物以提高土壤质量及作物产量,为幼龄防护林对黑土区耕地的可持续利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Territorial ecological networks (in US and some other countries known as greenways) are coherent assemblages of areas representing the natural and semi-natural landscape elements that need to be conserved, managed or, where appropriate, enriched or restored in order to ensure the favourable conservation status of the ecosystems, habitats, species and landscapes across their traditional range. An ecologically compensating areas network is a hierarchical system with the following levels: (1) core areas, (2) buffer zones of core areas, (3) corridors and stepping stones, and (4) nature development and/or restoration areas that support resources, habitats and species. Rivers form natural ecological networks and riparian buffer zones of rivers are typical elements of ecological networks. We studied the distribution of Clouded Apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne) and its habitat requirements in Estonia. Seventy-eight percent of all Clouded Apollo observations were recorded in riparian meadows along the banks of rivers with riparian strips consisting of bushes and trees. Detailed study showed that the butterfly is in most cases associated with meadows with a riparian strip of alder. This is the habitat of the food plant (fumeworth—Corydalis solida) of the larvae, the feeding and mating place of adults, and the migration and hiding site for the Clouded Apollo. The population area and number of individuals have been increasing during the last years, and a new growing South-Estonian sub-population of Clouded Apollo has also been discovered in Estonia.  相似文献   

【目的】蜜蜂球囊菌(Ascosphaera apis)是一种专性侵染蜜蜂幼虫的致死性真菌病原。本研究旨在利用PacBio单分子实时(singlemoleculereal-time,SMRT)测序技术对蜜蜂球囊菌孢子(AaS)中基因的可变剪切(alternative splicing,AS)和可变多聚腺苷酸化(alternative polyadenylation,APA)以及长链非编码RNA (long non-coding RNA,lncRNA)进行鉴定和分析,进而揭示蜜蜂球囊菌孢子中转录组的复杂性。【方法】采用Suppa软件对蜜蜂球囊菌孢子中基因的AS事件进行鉴定。通过RT-PCR对不同类型的AS事件进行验证。采用TAPIS pipeline对蜜蜂球囊菌孢子基因的APA位点进行鉴定。利用MEME软件分析孢子全长转录本的poly(A)剪接位点上游50bp的序列特征并鉴定motif。联用CPC和CNCI软件和比对Swiss-prot数据库的方法预测lncRNA,取三者的交集作为高可信度的lncRNA集合。进一步比较lncRNA和mRNA的转录本长度,外显子数量与长度,内含子长度,GC含...  相似文献   

于2009年7月至2010年11月,对浙江千岛湖两个岛屿上的社鼠(Niviventer confucianus)种群进行标志重捕,并采用8个高多态性的微卫星位点,对两个岛屿的社鼠种群进行家群分析和亲权鉴定,探讨了社鼠家群的亲缘关系特征。结果显示,8个微卫星位点能可靠地对两个岛屿社鼠种群进行亲权鉴定,A岛已确定亲缘关系的71只社鼠分为12个家群,家群中的个体数最多达到19个,B岛已确定的49只社鼠个体共分为11个家群,家群中的个体数最多达到14个。家群内部成员之间的亲缘关系表现为配对繁殖的个体对间亲缘系数最小,揭示了社鼠倾向于选择亲缘关系较远的异性作为配偶。家群中雄性后代个体之间与雌性个体之间的亲缘关系相比,两岛表现情况相反,该结果暗示两岛屿上社鼠扩散行为可能有所不同。通过计算与同一雄性(或同一雌性)交配的个体间的亲缘系数,发现两个岛屿上的社鼠在与不同异性交配时也存在选择性,即避免选择亲缘关系较近的异性作为混交的对象。  相似文献   

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