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The settling behaviour and substratum preferences of the planulae of the Red Sea soft corals Xenia macrospiculata Gohar and Parerythropodium fulvum fulvum (Forskl) were examined in the laboratory. The planulae of the two species have a short pelagic phase and they tend to settle immediately upon leaving the parent colonies. Mucous secretion is used by the larvae for crawling and adhering to the substratum. They exhibit an aggregated pattern of settlement. The developing polyps are found in depressions or pits of the substratum. The planulae preferentially settle on rough substrata and avoid smooth surfaces. They search for substrata covered with an organic coating, composed of turf or crustose coralline algae. Such substrata create better conditions for larval settlement and metamorphosis. The planulae of P. f. fulvum exhibit a striking preference for upside-down attachment on undersides of the substrata, while Xenia macrospiculata utilizes both substratum faces for settlement. Light intensity seems insignificant in determining attachment sites. The findings of the experiments correspond well with the distributional patterns of juveniles of the two species as found in the natural environment. The specific requirements for settling of both species increase their chances of successful development and thus enhance their survival.  相似文献   

Carol M.  Lalli  Fred E.  Wells 《Journal of Zoology》1978,186(1):95-108
Reproductive mechanisms in the seven species of the thecosomatous pteropod genus Limacina are described and compared. All species are protandrous hermaphrodites. Five species– L. bulimoides, L. helicina, L. lesueuri, L. retroversa and L. trochiformis –have a similar reproductive anatomy in which the gonoduct leading from the gonad to the common genital pore functions as a seminal vesicle in the male and is elaborated into mucous and albumen glands in the female. The male system consists of a prostate gland and penis connected to the common genital pore by an external ciliary tract. All five species have a free-swimming veliger stage which hatches from free-floating egg masses. Limacina helicoides has the same reproductive anatomy but is ovoviviparous, with embryos retained in capsules in the mucous gland until they are juveniles of 50 mm in shell diameter. Limacina inflata lacks mucous and albumen glands and a penis; a spermatophore formed by the prostate gland is used in aphallic sperm transfer. This species exhibits brood protection with un-encapsulated embryos retained in the mantle cavity until they are released as veligers measuring 0067 mm in diameter. L. inflata is the most abundant of the seven species despite lowered fecundity; reasons for its ecological success are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. We report on a study of reproduction and development in the Mediterranean vermetid gastropod Vermetus triquetrus from the SE coast of Spain. It is a gonochoristic species. The egg capsules are attached to the inside of the shell, and females brood up to 22 capsules simultaneously (more often 4–10). The capsules hold 10–61 eggs or embryos; the uncleaved eggs are yolk-rich, with a mean diameter of 377.3 μm. A distinct polar lobe occurs during the first cleavage, and blastomere D has discernible qualities after the 4-cell stage. The formation of the mesentoblast 4d occurs at the transition from the 24-cell stage to the 25-cell stage. Gastrulation begins after the 36-cell stage. Internal yolk is the major source of nutrition for the encapsulated embryos, but some nurse eggs (∼ 12%) and some sibling larvae are also ingested by the developing embryos. Hatching occurs during the swimming/crawling pediveliger stage, and metamorphosis is completed outside the capsules soon after hatching. Hence, larval development in Vermetus triquetrus is lecithotrophic intracapsular, with a short free-swimming/crawling phase.  相似文献   

Galeodea echinophora fed on Echinocardium cordatum in an aquarium. Every few days, each G. echinophora emerged from the sand and foraged for 1–3 h. On detecting an Echinocardium , the Galeodea stopped locomotion and attacked the buried prey from the surface of the sand. The proboscis was extended down to the prey and a small area of test was cleared of spines. A disc was cut out of the softened test, leaving a hole of about 2 mm in diameter. All flesh except the gut was removed from the prey, the entire procedure taking 50–180 min.
One Galeodea echinophora laid 120 egg capsules on the side of the aquarium. These were kept at 13oC and hatched after 112–159 days. Within the capsule, veligers fed on the yolk cells of abortive embryos. Juveniles hatched at the crawling stage, and at first secreted strings of mucus acting as drogues, but after 1 day the juveniles crawled over the substratum. They readily attached themselves to adult Echinocardium cordatum , apparently feeding on the epithelium between the spines or tube feet. Dissection revealed entry of the acinar glands into the proboscis gland ducts, a widening of these ducts as they empty into the buccal cavity and a dorsal fold in the anterior oesophagus. Radular teeth and jaws of Galeodea differ little among species; a taxonomic review of the genus is needed.  相似文献   

D. maximum is a dominant species of outer reef flats in the Red Sea, reaching densities of about 22/m2 and biomass of 15.8 g dry tissue/m2. A few individuals attached to loose rocks are found inside the breaker zone but they may have been dislodged by heavy seas from the outer reef flat. D. maximum feeds from a mucus net which is spread by wave action over the substratum. Hauling the net occurs at approximately 13 minute intervals throughout the 24 hours and lasts about two minutes. Neighbours with overlapping nets stimulate each other to haul and reduce feeding efficiency. The net is grasped by a pair of lateral jaws, tugged free of the substratum by rotation of the body and ingested by a zipper-like action of the lateral and marginal radula teeth. The robust, central and lateral teeth become worn, possibly while channelling out the substratum to accommodate new shell. Defaecation occurs about 2.4 times an hour, amounting to 10450 kcal/m2/y. Females may brood simultaneously at least 11 egg capsules at various stages of development, which are suspended by stalks from the roof of the shell and pass through a dorsal slit in the mantle. Each capsule contains–500 embryos which develop into larvae with simple, coiled shells 0.33 mm in diameter. There is no planktonic phase. Adult shells amount to 2.5 kg/m2 on the outer reef flat, while dead shells are often occupied by blennies. Although D. maximum is not a specialized filter feeder, the highly developed ciliary mechanisms suggest that filtering may be an auxiliary feeding method.  相似文献   

Experiments on the number of barnacle cyprids found on plane surfaces and on the surface of small pits coated with compositions containing different amounts of cuprous oxide show that the presence of copper does not deter the cyprids from attempting to settle. Copper-oxide paints do not inhibit settlement appreciably; their efficiency as antifouling agents is caused by the toxic action of copper on cyprids and young spat after initial attachment.
The cementing of the shell to the substratum in young barnacles which have survived metamorphosis appears to be hindered by the presence of copper paints so that they are easily dislodged.  相似文献   

Summary In the northern Gulf of California the adult distribution of the intertidal barnacle species, Chthamalus anisopoma, on exposed shores is approximately between 0.0 and 2.0 m above mean low water (MLW). The species is typically absent in protected (from wave splash) areas. In this study, I examined a series of alternative hypotheses relating to the factors that could be responsible for limiting the distribution. Post-settlement factors appear to be unimportant because settlement was largely restricted to areas within the adult distribution. Two processes could account for the high correlation between settlement and adult distributions. First, hydrodynamic factors could restrict deposition of larvae to sites that coincidently were in areas in which individuals could survive to maturity. Second, larvae may choose to settle only on sites where they can survive to maturity. Of the two, the later was supported as settlement could be induced on surfaces outside the adult distribution using transplanted adult conspecifics as cues. Thus, competent larvae were present outside the adult distribution of Chthamalus zone but did not settle under normal conditions. Also, there was no evidence that pre-emption of space by other sessile species, by itself, restricted the distribution of Chthamalus. Settlement within the existing adult distribution may be an evolutionary response to increased mortality for individuals settling outside the adult distribution compared to those settling within it.  相似文献   

Slipper limpets use different ciliary feeding mechanisms as larvae and adults. Veliger larvae of Crepidula fornicata developed part of the adult feeding apparatus, including ctenidial filaments, neck lobe, and radula, before metamorphosis, but ctenidial feeding did not begin until well after loss of the larval feeding apparatus (velum) at metamorphosis. Earlier initiation of ctenidial feeding by individuals that were older larvae when metamorphosis occurred suggests continued development toward ctenidial feeding during delay of metamorphosis. Early juveniles produced a ciliary current through the mantle cavity and moved the radula in a grasping action before they began to capture algal cells on mucous strands or form a food cord. Either early juveniles could not yet form mucous strands or they delayed their production until development of other necessary structures. The neck canal for transporting food from ctenidium to mouth cannot develop before velar loss. In their first feeding, juveniles fed much like the adults except that the neck canal was less developed and the path of the food cord toward the mouth sometimes varied. As suspension feeders, calyptraeids lack the elaborations of foregut that complicate transition to juvenile feeding for many caenogastropods, but a path for the food cord must develop after velar loss. Why individuals can initiate ctenidial feeding sooner when they are older at metamorphosis is not yet known. The juveniles became sedentary soon after metamorphosis and were not observed to feed by scraping the substratum with the radula, in contrast to the first feeding by juveniles of another calyptraeid species, observed by Montiel et al. ( 2005 ).  相似文献   

The Alcyonacean octocoral Alcyonium siderium Verrill forms dense stands on vertical rock walls (6–18 m subtidal) along the coast of Massachusetts and further north into the Gulf of Maine. Larvae are brooded until their release as crawling demersal planulae in August. Each colony produces several hundred larvae; most crawl onto the nearby substratum although others may be carried away by wave surge.Experimental enclosures were used to examine substratum selection in the field. Planulae metamorphosed in greater numbers than expected by percent cover on the fleshy red crustose alga Waernia mirabilis Wilce (proposed). The crustose coralline algae Phymatolithon rugulosum (Foslie) and Lithothamnium glaciale Kjellman were settled on commonly but less often than expected by their percent cover. Bare rock surfaces were also used, but least frequently. The encrusting invertebrate colonies that cover much of the available substratum were never used as sites of settlement and metamorphosis. These results agree with laboratory evidence that settlement and metamorphosis of Alcyonium planulae can be induced by Waernia and by coralline algae.  相似文献   


How larvae of whale and dolphin epibionts settle on their fast-swimming and migrating hosts is a puzzling question in zoology. We successfully reared the larvae of the whale and dolphin barnacle Xenobalanus globicipitis to the cyprid stage. We studied the larval developmental ecology and antennular morphology in an attempt to assess whether an epibiotic lifestyle on this extreme substratum entails any unique larval specializations. Morphological parameters were compared with five other barnacle species that also inhabit extreme substrata. We found no larval specializations to a lifestyle associated with marine mammals. The external morphology of the antennules in Xenobalanus cyprids is morphologically similar to species from strikingly different substrata. We found variation only in the structures that are in physical contact with the substratum, i.e., the third segments carrying the villi-covered attachment disc. The third segments of the Xenobalanus cyprid antennules are not spear-shaped as in the stony coral barnacles, which are here used to penetrate the live tissue of their hosts. The presence of a cyprid cement gland implies that Xenobalanus uses cement protein when attaching to its cetacean host. Naupliar instars developed outside of the mantle cavity, indicating dispersal is planktonic. Our results militate against the idea that the cyprids settle during ocean migrations of their hosts. We suggest cyprids settle during coastal aggregations of the cetacean hosts. We conclude that the ecological success of barnacles has ultimately depended on a larva that with little structural alteration possesses the ability to settle on an amazingly wide array of substrata, including cetaceans.


SUMMARY In many animals, larval structures and juvenile rudiments develop independently. One advantage of this independence is that juvenile rudiments can be expended as a nutrient reserve or for energy conservation. When bryozoan cyphonautes larvae were starved, structures required for settlement and metamorphosis shrank. When the larvae were again fed, these structures grew back. Starvation reduced the size of both the internal sac, a rudiment of postlarval juvenile structures, and the pyriform organ, which functions in sensing and crawling on the substratum at settlement. In contrast, starvation affected neither the size of the larval shell nor the lengths of the ciliary bands used in swimming and feeding. Starved larvae that had reduced the pyriform organ and internal sac did not metamorphose in response to stimuli from a laminarian alga. The laminarian alga did stimulate metamorphosis of the same larvae after renewed feeding, when the larvae had regrown these structures. Thus starved larvae expended body parts needed for settlement and metamorphosis when food was scarce while retaining structures for feeding, swimming, and defense. Starved larvae thereby retained the capacity to regrow structures needed for settlement and metamorphosis when they again encountered food. Advantages from expendable juvenile rudiments may enhance selection for their being developmentally distinct from structures for larval swimming and feeding.  相似文献   

Gadinalea nivea is a marine pulmonate classed near the Siphonariidae. It lives at mid-tidal level under ledges and in small concavities, away from light, on rocky shores exposed to heavy surge, or in caves with high water turbulence. Gadinalea does not normally move about, but lives in closely aggregated colonies. In the absence of light, algal food is scarce and the animal does not in the normal way abrade the substratum with the radula.
The feeding mechanism involves the utilization of the turbulence of the water, and the animal orients very accurately to the current. In its normal position it hangs upside-down, and lowers the shell, so that the water current enters behind. Lavish mucus is produced from glands of the mantle edge and the sides of the foot. A mucous curtain is so secreted, in front of the head, extending outwards from the mantle margin and ballooning out with the current from behind. Particles of phytoplankton are in this way trapped until the mucous curtain is fully loaded. At close intervals it is inspected by the extended oral lobes, and is then enclosed by a hood formed by these lobes, and ingested.
There are no ciliary tracts involved in food-collecting, and normal feeding is not elicited in still water. Animals must be observed under suitable conditions of turbulence for feeding behaviour to appear. Measurements with a "Celloscope" cell counter showed progressive reduction of the particle content of suspensions in which Gadinalea was being fed.
The histology of the mantle edge shows highly specialized mucus-secreting tracts. The structure of the alimentary canal has a basic resemblance to that of the Siphonariidae, but in several features, especially the reduction in size of the radula teeth, has become adapted for current-borne particle feeding.  相似文献   

Coral planulae are induced to settle and metamorphose by contact with either crustose coralline algae or marine bacterial biofilms. Larvae of two coral species, Pocillopora damicornis and Montipora capitata, which respond to different metamorphic cues, were utilized to investigate the sensory mechanisms used to detect metamorphic cues. Because the aboral pole of the coral planula is the point of attachment to the substratum, we predicted that it is also the point of detection for cues. To determine where sensory cells for cues are localized along the body, individual larvae were transversely cut into oral and aboral portions at various levels along the oral–aboral axis, and exposed to settlement‐inducing substrata. Aboral ends of M. capitata metamorphosed, while oral ends continued to swim. However, in larvae of P. damicornis, ¾ oral ends (i.e., lacking the aboral pole) were also able to metamorphose, indicating that the cells that detect cues may be distributed along the sides of the body. These cells do not correspond to FMRFamide‐immunoreactive cells that are present throughout the body. Cesium ions induced both aboral and oral ends of larvae of both species to settle, suggesting that oral ends have not lost their capacity to metamorphose, despite lacking sensory cells to detect natural cues. To determine whether sensory cells in larvae of P. damicornis are restricted to one side of the body, swimming behavior over substrata was observed in larvae labeled with diI, a red fluorescent lipophilic membrane stain. The larvae were found to rotate around the oral–aboral axis, with their surface against the substratum, not favoring a particular side for detecting cues. While clarifying the regions of the larval body important for settlement and metamorphosis in coral planulae, we conclude that significant differences between coral species may be due to differences in the distribution of sensory structures in relation to different planular sizes.  相似文献   

The fish biodiversity of the Ria de Aveiro has been analysed during the 20th century, as an indicator of the biological integrity of the ecosystem. Ninety-two distinct species and 38 families of Agnatha, Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes occurred during the period. The family and species richness showed two levels of magnitude, from the 1910s, with high values (26–28 families and 51–52 species), and during the last two decades with more variable values (20–27 families and 38–55 species). A total of 13 species (four non-sporadic species) have disappeared recently. The lagoon system has been affected by large-scale anthropogenic influences mainly the substantial development of industries and the increasing population in the watershed, in addition to overfishing, climatic changes and dredging. In general, as shown by an analysis of the ecotrophic guilds present, the area maintained a similar structure during the whole period. No significant differences in time were recorded for any of the designated guilds. The twenty-two frequent species, which occurred in six or seven surveys, were mainly estuarine resident species or marine adventitious species, living in the substratum (benthic fish), on soft substratum and vegetated bottoms. They were feeding either on invertebrates alone or on invertebrates and fish, and producing pelagic or benthic eggs. The 19 sporadically-recorded species, recorded only once, were mostly marine adventitious, demersal fishes, living above rough bottom and vegetation, feeding strictly on invertebrates, and producing eggs benthically or deposited into vegetation. It is concluded that the Ria de Aveiro estuarine coastal lagoon has supported similar fish communities during the past century and that these comprise representatives of various ecological types.  相似文献   

Heterochrony, differences in the timing of developmental events between descendent species and their ancestors, is a pervasive evolutionary pattern. However, the origins of such timing changes are still not resolved. Here we show, using sequence analysis, that exposure to predator cues altered the timing of onset of several developmental events in embryos of two closely related gastropod species: Radix balthica and Radix auricularia. These timing alterations were limited to certain events and were species-specific. Compared with controls, over half (62%) of exposed R. auricularia embryos had a later onset of body flexing and an earlier occurrence of the eyes and the heart; in R. balthica, 67 per cent of exposed embryos showed a later occurrence of mantle muscle flexing and an earlier attachment to, and crawling on, the egg capsule wall. The resultant developmental sequences in treated embryos converged, and were more similar to one another than were the sequences of the controls for both species. We conclude that biotic agents can elicit altered event timing in developing gastropod embryos. These changes were species-specific, but did not occur in all individuals. Such developmental plasticity in the timing of developmental events could be an important step in generating interspecific heterochrony.  相似文献   

The trophic and spatial interrelationships between a native ( Galaxias vulguris Stokell, Galaxiidae) and an exotic ( Salmo trutta L., Salmonidae) fish species were investigated over a 24-h period in a New Zealand stream. Interspecific overlap in feeding was greatest at dusk and dawn, as G. vulgaris fed primarily from dusk to post-dawn and S. trutta fed primarily from pre-dawn to post-dusk. Both species fed mainly on benthic and drifting aquatic invertebrates, with larval Deleatidium (Ephemeroptera). Hydora (Coleoptera) and Chironomidae (Diptera) being their preferred prey, although Trichoptera imagos were also preferred by S. trutta . Both species were found primarily in runs and riffles with G. vulgaris occupying slightly shallower (≤0.3 m) and faster (0.3–0.7 m s1) waters than did S. trutta (≤0.5 m deep and 0.2–0.4 m s−1 water velocity). We suggest that these rather subtle interspecifc differences in die1 feeding periodicities, diets and microdistributions play a part in lessening the interaction between co-occurring populations of G. wlguris and S. trutta .  相似文献   

In northwest Europe, sheltered rocky shores are dominated by fucoid canopy algae and barnacles are rare, although the latter are extremely abundant on exposed shores. The supply of the intertidal barnacle Semibalanus balanoides (L.) to sheltered, fucoid dominated rocky shores was investigated to determine the importance of larval supply in limiting the abundance of adults in shelter. Larval supply was measured at two spatial scales, at the scale of shore (100s of metres), by comparing larval concentrations at exposed and sheltered sites, and at a smaller spatial scale (m), by examining the role of fucoid canopies in limiting supply to the substratum. Replicate plankton trawls were carried out above the intertidal zone at high water at two sheltered sites and nearby exposed headlands. The concentration of S. balanoides cyprid larvae was significantly higher at the sheltered sites on two out of three sampling occasions with up to 14 times greater larvae on one occasion than the nearby exposed site. The effect of the macroalgal canopy on supply to the substratum was assessed in two ways: directly, by pumping water from the substratum in areas with and without Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis, and indirectly by measuring cyprid settlement in a canopy-manipulation experiment. Pumped plankton samples from mid tide level showed that the A. nodosum canopy did not form a barrier to larval supply and may have had a positive effect on larval concentrations at the substratum. Cyprid settlement was assessed in the mid shore A. nodosum and low shore Fucus serratus L. zones to areas with canopy algae (but protected from the sweeping effects of macroalgal fronds) and without canopy. Settlement over three consecutive 24-h periods showed a consistent pattern; settlement was consistently lower beneath the F. serratus canopy than in cleared areas, suggesting that this algal species forms a barrier, limiting supply of cyprid larvae to the substratum.  相似文献   

Habitat competition in brown trout Salmo trutta and Siberian sculpin Cottus poecilopus was investigated by varying density, fish size, and species composition in stream channels providing areas of different substratum particle sizes. In allopatry, both small (52 ± 4 mm L T) and large (86 ± 6 mm L T) brown trout exhibited strong preference for the intermediate (8–11 cm diameter) and large (17–21 cm) gravel substrata. There was a tendency for more brown trout to occupy finer (2–4 cm) substrata with increasing density, in particular for large brown trout. Also, more small brown trout were observed on finer substrata when tested with large brown trout, suggesting interspecific competition for restricted space. Both small (56 ± 6 mm L T) and large (88 ± 10 mm L T) Siberian sculpin preferred the large gravel in all tests, and did not change their substratum preferences much with increasing densities, suggesting higher tolerance for 'crowding'. The large Siberian sculpin preferred the coarser substratum, and the largest individuals were consistently found on it. In sympatry with large Siberian sculpin, habitat displacement of brown trout occurred, indicative of interspecific competition. A higher proportion of small and large brown trout occupied the finer substrata than in allopatry. Habitat selection by large Siberian sculpin appeared to be unaffected by species composition and density. Small Siberian sculpin were displaced to finer substrata when tested with large Siberian sculpin, suggesting intraspecific competition. The results indicate that Siberian sculpin are potential habitat competitors for young brown trout.  相似文献   

Sibling cannibalism in dorada under experimental conditions.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cannibalism among embryos and larvae of Brycon moorei (Characidae) occurs during daytime and night-time, and persists under permanent darkness. Embryos and larvae of dorada provisioned with formulated feed over the first week of exogenous feeding did not survive, except for those exerting cannibalism. When oered alternative fish prey [embryos of Prochilodus magdalenae (0·5–0·8 mg) and Oreochromis niloticus (9·10 mg)], 1-day-old embryos of dorada preferred preying on these, thereby reducing early cannibalism. However, this promoted depensatory growth and more intense cannibalism later in the larval stage. Dorada provisioned with Artemia nauplii in excess showed more homogeneous growth and higher survival, most cannibalistic acts being restricted to the first 24 h of exogenous feeding, just after oral teeth were fully developed (21 h after hatching). Provisioning dorada with Artemia nauplii a few hours before their oral teeth were fully developed reduced early cannibalism from 41 to 15%. High proportions of deformed fish caused higher mortality, both directly and indirectly, as they promoted early cannibalism, depensatory growth and more intense cannibalism among larvae. The initial sorting of embryos, based on their occupation of the water column improved survival significantly during the first week of exogenous feeding, up to 52% in progenies containing <10% of deformed fish. Size-grading of larvae and young juveniles over the next 2 weeks reduced cannibalism to 2·6 and 1·9% day −1, in the first and second weeks, respectively. These results indicate that cannibalism in dorada can be mitigated eciently through appropriate rearing procedures, and open promising perspectives for the intensive culture of this fast-growing tropical species.  相似文献   

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