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There is a need for a consistent forest restoration strategy for the `Black Triangle', Central Europe. In the past 50 years, forests in this area have been heavily affected by industrial pollution. Recently, the amount of pollutants has decreased. This means that effective forest restoration programmes can be started. Forest decline must be seen as an ecological disturbance which cannot be solved by applying technical measures only. An ecosystem approach to forest restoration must be introduced into restoration policy and management. Basic principles and working methods of such an approach are briefly described and proposals are made for forest restoration policy, management and research in the area.  相似文献   

Rehabilitation of degraded forests in Thailand: policy and practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thailand has suffered from severe deforestation during the last century. Forest cover has declined drastically both in terms of area and quality, mostly due to the expansion of human activities. Much of the deforested area has been used for agricultural purposes, but much has also been left in a degraded condition. In late 1980s, the forest declined to a point where the nation decided that the remaining forest should be kept for conservation rather than further exploitation. Consequently, forest policy has shifted its focus from exploitation to sustainable management and protection. Thailand has set a goal of increasing its forest area to 40% of the total land area, while at present, forests occupy around 28.9% of the land. With the intention to retain most of the remaining forest as protected areas and, at the same time, achieve the goal set, several reforestation and rehabilitation initiatives have been implemented, especially on those lands in a degraded condition. This paper focuses on the significant issues affecting both the policy and practice of forest rehabilitation. Given that the large number of people whose livelihood depends on the forests for subsistence and other purposes normally has been excluded from the decision-making process in forest management, most important among these issues are the integration of the socio-economic and environmental needs into rehabilitation initiatives together with the active participation of local communities in the rehabilitation program. Case studies of reforestation and rehabilitation initiatives are also discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Patterns of understory colonization by native and naturalized trees and shrubs were evaluated in 4.5-year-old plantations of three exotic tree species, Casuarina equisetifolia, Eucalyptus robusta, and Leucaena leucocephala, on a degraded coastal grassland site with reference to overstory composition and understory environmental conditions. 19 secondary forest species were established in the plantation understories (with a total area of 0.52 ha), while no natural regeneration occurred in unplanted, though protected, control areas. The majority of these species (90 %) and the total seedling population (97 %) were zoochorous, indicating the importance of frugivorous bats and particularly birds as facilitators of secondary forest species colonization. Understory species richness and seedling densities were affected significantly by overstory composition, the most abundant regeneration occurring beneath Leucaena and least under Casuarina. Understory colonization rates within mixed-species stands were intermediate between those of single-species stands of the trees comprising their overstories. Significant negative correlations were found between understory species richness and seedling density, and forest floor depth and dry mass, especially for small-seeded ornithochorous species. Higher colonization rates near the peripheries of plantation plots relative to plot interiors were due in part to roosting site preferences by frugivores, particularly bats. The study results indicate that overstory species selection can exert a significant influence on subsequent patterns of colonization by secondary forest species and is an important consideration in the design of plantations for ‘catalyzing’ succession on deforested, degraded sites.  相似文献   

人工草地在退化草地恢复中的作用及其研究现状   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
分析了草地类型生态系统退化的现状、原因及其恢复途径,提出人工草地的建立是恢复退化天然草地的有效途径;综述了人工草地的研究进展。提出高效型人工草地的建立是缓解草原压力、促进牧区可持续发展的良策;从高效角度出发。种植饲用玉米可以作为建立人工草地的一个有益尝试.  相似文献   

Temperate forests cover 16% of the global forest area. Within these forests, the understorey is an important biodiversity reservoir that can influence ecosystem processes and functions in multiple ways. However, we still lack a thorough understanding of the relative importance of the understorey for temperate forest functioning. As a result, understoreys are often ignored during assessments of forest functioning and changes thereof under global change. We here compiled studies that quantify the relative importance of the understorey for temperate forest functioning, focussing on litter production, nutrient cycling, evapotranspiration, tree regeneration, pollination and pathogen dynamics. We describe the mechanisms driving understorey functioning and develop a conceptual framework synthesizing possible effects of multiple global change drivers on understorey‐mediated forest ecosystem functioning. Our review illustrates that the understorey's contribution to temperate forest functioning is significant but varies depending on the ecosystem function and the environmental context, and more importantly, the characteristics of the overstorey. To predict changes in understorey functioning and its relative importance for temperate forest functioning under global change, we argue that a simultaneous investigation of both overstorey and understorey functional responses to global change will be crucial. Our review shows that such studies are still very scarce, only available for a limited set of ecosystem functions and limited to quantification, providing little data to forecast functional responses to global change.  相似文献   

Forest landscape models simulate forest change through time using spatially referenced data across a broad spatial scale (i.e. landscape scale) generally larger than a single forest stand. Spatial interactions between forest stands are a key component of such models. These models can incorporate other spatio-temporal processes such as natural disturbances (e.g. wildfires, hurricanes, outbreaks of native and exotic invasive pests and diseases) and human influences (e.g. harvesting and commercial thinning, planting, fire suppression). The models are increasingly used as tools for studying forest management, ecological assessment, restoration planning, and climate change. In this paper, we define forest landscape models and discuss development, components, and types of the models. We also review commonly used methods and approaches of modeling forest landscapes, their application, and their strengths and weaknesses. New developments in computer sciences, geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing technologies, decision-support systems, and geo-spatial statistics have provided opportunities for developing a new generation of forest landscape models that are increasingly valuable for ecological research, restoration planning and resource management.  相似文献   

Forest landscape models simulate forest change through time using spatially referenced data across a broad spatial scale (i.e. landscape scale) generally larger than a single forest stand. Spatial interactions between forest stands are a key component of such models. These models can incorporate other spatio-temporal processes such as natural disturbances (e.g. wildfires, hurricanes, outbreaks of native and exotic invasive pests and diseases) and human influences (e.g. harvesting and commercial thinning, planting, fire suppression). The models are increasingly used as tools for studying forest management, ecological assessment, restoration planning, and climate change. In this paper, we define forest landscape models and discuss development, components, and types of the models. We also review commonly used methods and approaches of modeling forest landscapes, their application, and their strengths and weaknesses. New developments in computer sciences, geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing technologies, decision-support systems, and geo-spatial statistics have provided opportunities for developing a new generation of forest landscape models that are increasingly valuable for ecological research, restoration planning and resource management.  相似文献   

We evaluated silvicultural thinning of pine plantations in order to determine the extent to which plantations treated in this way showed a greater structural similarity to natural stands. Specifically, we tested for differences in community structure (increase of DBH, increase of height and canopy height) and regeneration (seedlings and saplings <1, 1–2 and >2 years old) in response to thinning treatments (20% and 50% removal of density). We compared the variables of the thinned plots with those of the control plots (no thinning of living trees). Comparison of the structural variables between any treatments is of limited value due to the high intra- and inter-plot environmental variability (both slope and orientation affect tree growth to a significant degree). We therefore used ordination methods (Redundancy Analysis, RDA) to monitor covariation and to select non-redundant explanatory variables. We tested for differences between control and managed plots using Monte Carlo tests for the eigenvalues of the obtained axis of the RDA. Of the two treatments, only the 50% thinning treatment was significantly different from the control plots (in which only dead pines were thinned). In ten years, the basal area of pines showed a 10% increase in 50% thinned plots in comparison with the control plots. The number of saplings >2 years old was also significantly higher in 50% thinned plots. The control plots typically had an appreciably higher density of dead trees and a greater number of seedlings. Fifty percent thinning is having a positive effect on the naturalization of the stand but subsequent management will be needed to ensure establishment of advance regeneration.  相似文献   

通过样地调查,比较了苏门答腊金合欢、新银合欢的林分结实量、种子散布格局、种子密度及幼苗、幼树数量,并对影响天然更新的因素以及树种的适应性进行了分析;同时,使用灰色关联度法对两树种天然更新状况进行了综合评价.结果表明,相同年龄新银合欢树种的单株结实量为1 199粒/株,苏门答腊金合欢为566粒/株,同一树种单株平均结实量为混交林高于纯林;天然更新的新银合欢林单株结实量介于新银合欢和苏门答腊金合欢之间.随着距母树距离的增加,林地苏门答腊金合欢种子密度减少的幅度较新银合欢小,新银合欢种子的传播距离为90 m、苏门答腊金合欢为110 m.苏门答腊金合欢人工林、新银合欢人工林及天然更新的新银合欢林关联系数分别为0.7269、0.6000和0.6000,苏门答腊金合欢天然更新效果稍好.  相似文献   

We studied the responses of carabid beetles to Pinus sylvestris ageing in four plantations aged 2–3, 10–12, 40–45 and 80 years, and one mature natural pine forest – in NW Spain. In 2003, a total of 16,866 carabid individuals (50 species) were collected using pitfall traps. Overall carabid abundance and species richness differed significantly among the five age classes with the highest values occurring in the youngest age class. The carabid assemblages of the initial stages of the ageing sequence differed considerably from the later stages that were relatively similar to each other – a consequence of differences in species dominance at specific age classes. Yet, the carabid assemblage of the 80-year-old stage did not approach that of the natural pine forest, but, unexpectedly, the 40–45-year-old age class did. Canopy cover and soil pH were the main environmental variables that affected the carabid distribution. We also detected species-level responses to the ageing process, with open habitat species more abundantly collected at the youngest stages and forest specialists at the older stages. We conclude that carabid beetles responded predictably to the pine plantation ageing process, and that although pine forests in NW Spain do not seem to provide habitat for unique species, they act as secondary habitats for forest specialist species.  相似文献   

Human disturbances in the alpine region can have long-lasting ecosystem effects because biological recovery in harsh environments proceeds slowly. As a by-product of the exploitation of hydroelectricity, surplus masses from tunnel excavations are deposited as spoil heaps in the alpine landscape. The typical management goal for such spoil heaps is that their species composition converges towards that of their undisturbed surroundings. At present we lack knowledge of the rate as well as the direction of these successions. We examined the species composition of five alpine spoil heaps in western Norway at two points in time, after 6-16, and 24-34 years of succession, with regard to vegetation cover, species richness, species composition and soil conditions. We also compared the vegetation of spoil heaps with that of their surroundings. After ca. 30 years, bryophyte and lichen cover and species richness were similar to those of their surroundings, while cover of vascular plants and species richness recovered more slowly. The vegetation development of spoil heaps appears safe-site limited rather than dispersal limited. Topsoil development was slow, but some accumulation of organic matter was observed. The species composition followed a successional trajectory in direction of the vegetation of the surroundings. Estimated linear successional rates indicate that 35-48 years are needed from construction of spoil heaps till a species composition more or less similar to their surroundings has been reached. However, these estimates are likely to be over-optimistic because successional rates tend to decrease with time. Based on our results we propose three changes to the current spoil-heap construction practice that will improve their restoration: (1) to increase surface unevenness, by which the number of safe sites will increase and germination and establishment success will be enhanced; (2) to increase substrate variability, by adding more of fine-grained materials more species will establish in shorter time; and (3) to use seed from local sources or to let the spoil heaps regenerate naturally.  相似文献   

对淤泥湖水生植被的天然恢复过程、群落组成、结构、功能与动态等进行了定位研究(1992~1995).该湖水生植物共有20科29属41种.4种生活型的植物种类在该湖均有分布,以沉水草本(15种)和挺水草本(13种)为多.8个分布区类型中世界广布成分16种和东亚成分10种.群落结构包括层次结构和层片结构.该彻共有8个群落类型;群落现存量3208.8g·m-2,全湖植被资源贮量为16365.2t.  相似文献   

With the aim of evaluating the accessible data on vegetation structure and composition for the Vegetation Map of Europe as far as possible, a reasonable classification of natural vegetation has been proposed which facilitates the identification of vegetation units used in different Schools of vegetation science. The proposed universal classification makes full use of several different principles. The highest units are based on physiognomic-ecological features and correspond to formation units of different rank. The European natural forest vegetation (including shrubs) has been divided into 10 formation units. Each formation is further divided into subunits according to the most important features. Ecological and functional interpretation has priority in the hierarchic structure of the system which was used in the legend to the Vegetation Map of Europe. The resulting system shows the most important features of latitudinal (vegetation zones and subzones), longitudinal (oceanic to continental analogues) and altitudinal (vegetation belts) regularities, further azonal vegetation types and their differentiation as well as the edaphic, geographic and florogenetic varieties of the natural plant cover. This arrangement constitutes a framework in which the vegetation units of different Schools can be classed.  相似文献   

澳大利亚森林火灾的管理与火生态的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
澳大利亚是火灾频发的地区.每年因森林火灾的危害都要造成相当的社会、经济损失及生态环境的破坏,故火生态的研究及火的管理在澳大利亚的生态学研究中一直占有重要地位.本文主要讨论了澳洲森林大火起燃的物理过程和机制、可燃物的特征、林火的特点、习性及对生态环境的影响和如何控制和减少火灾的危害性,达到对火进行利用、控制和管理的目的.  相似文献   

蒋高明 《植物学通报》2003,20(3):373-382
生态系统退化与人口的增加及人类的活动有直接的关系。长期以来人类对自然生态系统的掠夺性利用造成了各类生态系统的退化,即人为原因是主要的,而自然原因是次要的。在退化生态系统的治理方面,关键要减少自然生态系统恢复演替中人为的压力,而大面积的土地可借助自然力恢复,恢复后的土地可发展成自然保护区,并开展生态旅游等非直接破坏性的活动。应充分考虑到社区的发展问题,解决人的生存出路并提高他们的生活质量,从而在根本上缓解对自然生态系统的压力。本文提出了“以地养地”并借助自然力恢复退化生态系统的模式,利用各种具体例子阐明了我们的观点。最后指出了中国古代先哲关于人与自然的关系原理至今在退化生态系统的恢复中仍然有着现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

Background: Research on herbaceous vegetation restoration in forests characterised by overstorey tree harvests, excessive deer herbivory, and a dominant fern understorey is lacking. Most of the plant diversity found in Eastern hardwood forests in the United States is found in the herbaceous understorey layer. Loss of forest herbaceous species is an indicator of declining forest conditions.

Aims: The combined effects of deer herbivory, competitive understorey vegetation removal, and overstorey tree removal on the abundance and reproductive capacity of three understorey herbs in the Liliaceae family were evaluated.

Methods: A split-plot randomised block design was used with three replicates. Treatments included three harvest intensities, fenced/unfenced, herbicide/no herbicide-treated, prescribed burn/no prescribed burn, and all combinations. A generalised linear model was used to compare treatment effects over 8 years.

Results: Both fruit production and cover increased significantly in fenced areas for all three species. There was a significant 6-year recovery period for cover of the three species in response to herbicide. There was a significant 4-year recovery period of fire-treated plots for fruit production of the three species. The most intensively cut, fenced, and herbicide-treated plots had the greatest increases in sapling and Rubus spp. cover. Cover and fruit production of the three herbs were significantly greatest in the moderate-cut treatment.

Conclusions: Restoration of these three liliaceous species is most likely to occur in Eastern deciduous forests and similar forests using a combined fenced and moderate-cut treatment.  相似文献   

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