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J. P. HAYES 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2010,23(9):1868-1877
The metabolic distinction between endotherms and ectotherms is profound. Whereas the ecology of metabolic rates is well studied, how endotherms evolved from their ectothermic ancestors remains unclear. The aerobic capacity model postulates that a genetic constraint between resting and maximal metabolism was essential for the evolution of endothermy. Using the multivariate breeders’ equation, I illustrate how the (i) relative sizes of genetic variances and (ii) relative magnitudes of selection gradients for resting and maximal metabolism affect the genetic correlation needed for endothermy to have evolved via a correlated response to selection. If genetic variances in existing populations are representative of ancestral conditions, then the aerobic capacity model is viable even if the genetic correlation was modest. The analyses reveal how contemporary data on selection and genetic architecture can be used to test hypotheses about the evolution of endothermy, and they show the benefits of explicitly linking physiology and quantitative genetic theory. 相似文献
Edyta T. Sadowska Clare Stawski Agata Rudolf Geoffrey Dheyongera Katarzyna M. Chrz??cik Katarzyna Baliga-Klimczyk Pawe? Koteja 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2015,282(1806)
A major theme in evolutionary and ecological physiology of terrestrial vertebrates encompasses the factors underlying the evolution of endothermy in birds and mammals and interspecific variation of basal metabolic rate (BMR). Here, we applied the experimental evolution approach and compared BMR in lines of a wild rodent, the bank vole (Myodes glareolus), selected for 11 generations for: high swim-induced aerobic metabolism (A), ability to maintain body mass on a low-quality herbivorous diet (H) and intensity of predatory behaviour towards crickets (P). Four replicate lines were maintained for each of the selection directions and an unselected control (C). In comparison to C lines, A lines achieved a 49% higher maximum rate of oxygen consumption during swimming, H lines lost 1.3 g less mass in the test with low-quality diet and P lines attacked crickets five times more frequently. BMR was significantly higher in A lines than in C or H lines (60.8, 56.6 and 54.4 ml O2 h−1, respectively), and the values were intermediate in P lines (59.0 ml O2 h−1). Results of the selection experiment provide support for the hypothesis of a positive association between BMR and aerobic exercise performance, but not for the association of adaptation to herbivorous diet with either a high or low BMR. 相似文献
Bernard Wone Michael W. Sears Marta K. Labocha Edward R. Donovan Jack P. Hayes 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2009,276(1673):3695-3704
The genetic variances and covariances of traits must be known to predict how they may respond to selection and how covariances among them might affect their evolutionary trajectories. We used the animal model to estimate the genetic variances and covariances of basal metabolic rate (BMR) and maximal metabolic rate (MMR) in a genetically heterogeneous stock of laboratory mice. Narrow-sense heritability (h2) was approximately 0.38 ± 0.08 for body mass, 0.26 ± 0.08 for whole-animal BMR, 0.24 ± 0.07 for whole-animal MMR, 0.19 ± 0.07 for mass-independent BMR, and 0.16 ± 0.06 for mass-independent MMR. All h2 estimates were significantly different from zero. The phenotypic correlation of whole animal BMR and MMR was 0.56 ± 0.02, and the corresponding genetic correlation was 0.79 ± 0.12. The phenotypic correlation of mass-independent BMR and MMR was 0.13 ± 0.03, and the corresponding genetic correlation was 0.72 ± 0.03. The genetic correlations of metabolic rates were significantly different from zero, but not significantly different from one. A key assumption of the aerobic capacity model for the evolution of endothermy is that BMR and MMR are linked. The estimated genetic correlation between BMR and MMR is consistent with that assumption, but the genetic correlation is not so high as to preclude independent evolution of BMR and MMR. 相似文献
Gill morphometrics of the three thresher shark species (genus Alopias) were determined to examine how metabolism and habitat correlate with respiratory specialization for increased gas exchange. Thresher sharks have large gill surface areas, short water–blood barrier distances, and thin lamellae. Their large gill areas are derived from long total filament lengths and large lamellae, a morphometric configuration documented for other active elasmobranchs (i.e., lamnid sharks, Lamnidae) that augments respiratory surface area while limiting increases in branchial resistance to ventilatory flow. The bigeye thresher, Alopias superciliosus, which can experience prolonged exposure to hypoxia during diel vertical migrations, has the largest gill surface area documented for any elasmobranch species studied to date. The pelagic thresher shark, A. pelagicus, a warm‐water epi‐pelagic species, has a gill surface area comparable to that of the common thresher shark, A. vulpinus, despite the latter's expected higher aerobic requirements associated with regional endothermy. In addition, A. vulpinus has a significantly longer water–blood barrier distance than A. pelagicus and A. superciliosus, which likely reflects its cold, well‐oxygenated habitat relative to the two other Alopias species. In fast‐swimming fishes (such as A. vulpinus and A. pelagicus) cranial streamlining may impose morphological constraints on gill size. However, such constraints may be relaxed in hypoxia‐dwelling species (such as A. superciliosus) that are likely less dependent on streamlining and can therefore accommodate larger branchial chambers and gills. J. Morphol. 276:589–600, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Hong-Wen Deng Vera Haynatzka Ken Spitze Gleb Haynatzki 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1999,53(5):1592-1599
There is much interest in measuring selection, quantifying evolutionary constraints, and predicting evolutionary trajectories in natural populations. For these studies, genetic (co)variances among fitness traits play a central role. We explore the conditions that determine the sign of genetic covariances and demonstrate a critical role of selection in shaping genetic covariances. In addition, we show that genetic covariance matrices rather than genetic correlation matrices should be characterized and studied in order to infer genetic basis of population differentiation and/or to predict evolutionary trajectories. 相似文献
Crusio WE 《Genes, Brain & Behavior》2004,3(4):249-251
This note explores the effect of within-strain sample sizes on the correlations between a phenotype and a molecular-genetic marker in a battery of inbred strains. It is shown that the maximum correlation possible between a molecular marker and a behavioral or neuronal phenotype equals the additive-genetic correlation. How close the strain correlation will approach the additive-genetic correlation depends only on heritability and within-strain sample sizes. The equations derived can be used to optimize designs of studies attempting to localize Quantitative Trait Loci utilizing Recombinant Inbred Strains, provided information about the heritability of the character under study is available. 相似文献
Hampton L. Carson 《Biology & philosophy》1993,8(1):33-45
The human gene pool displays exuberant genetic variation; this is normal for a sexual species. Even small isolated populations contain a large percentage of the total variability, emphasizing the basic genetic unity of our species. As modern man spread across the world from its African source, the genetic basis for man's unique mental acuity was retained everywhere. Nevertheless, some geographical genetic variation such as skin color, stature and physiognomy was established. These changes were biologically relatively insignificant. Most of the genetic load in the genome has been carried throughout the history of the species. There is little hope of purging all of these harmful genes; we must accept them and continue to treat their syndromes medically. All populations carry extensive genetic variation due to genes that encode variations in quantitative traits. Of greatest importance among these is ubiquitous polygenic variability in brain function and intelligence. Mental acuity is what sets us apart from the rest of the biological world. Throughout our history, genetic recombination among the many genes involved in brain function has occurred. This has provided a genetic basis for the action of natural selection that favors intelligence in meeting the demands of the environment. As environments change in the future, this type of genetic variability will continue to be a crucial resource.This article is based on a contribution at the Session on Genetic Load chaired by Dr. Henretta Trent Band and presented at a meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois in July 1991. The author is indebted to Professor Antonio Brito daCunha of the University of São Paulo, Brazil for his encouragement and comments. 相似文献
The aerobic capacity model postulates that high basal metabolic rates (BMR) underlying endothermy evolved as a correlated response to the selection on maximal levels of oxygen consumption () associated with locomotor activity. The recent assimilation capacity model specifically assumes that high BMR evolved as a by‐product of the selection for effective parental care, which required long‐term locomotor activity fuelled by energy assimilated from food. To test both models, we compared metabolic and behavioural correlates in males of laboratory mice divergently selected on body mass‐corrected BMR. elicited by running on the treadmill did not differ between selection lines, which points to the lack of genetic correlation between BMR and . In contrast, there was a positive, genetic correlation between spontaneous long‐term locomotor activity, food intake and BMR. Our results therefore corroborate predictions of the assimilation capacity model of endothermy evolution. 相似文献
Quantitative genetic analyses of basal metabolic rate (BMR) can inform us about the
evolvability of the trait by providing estimates of heritability, and also of genetic
correlations with other traits that may constrain the ability of BMR to respond to
selection. Here, we studied a captive population of zebra finches (Taeniopygia
guttata) in which selection lines for male courtship rate have been established. We
measure BMR in these lines to see whether selection on male sexual activity would change
BMR as a potentially correlated trait. We find that the genetic correlation between
courtship rate and BMR is practically zero, indicating that the two traits can evolve
independently of each other. Interestingly, we find that the heritability of BMR in our
population (h2=0.45) is markedly higher than was previously
reported for a captive zebra finch population from Norway. A comparison of the two studies
shows that additive genetic variance in BMR has been largely depleted in the Norwegian
population, especially the genetic variance in BMR that is independent of body mass. In
our population, the slope of BMR increase with body mass differs not only between the
sexes but also between the six selection lines, which we tentatively attribute to genetic
drift and/or founder effects being strong in small populations. Our study therefore
highlights two things. First, the evolvability of BMR may be less constrained by genetic
correlations and lack of independent genetic variation than previously described. Second,
genetic drift in small populations can rapidly lead to different evolvabilities across
populations. 相似文献
L. N. GILLMAN D. J. KEELING R. C. GARDNER S. D. WRIGHT 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2010,23(6):1327-1330
A faster rate of nuclear DNA evolution has recently been found for plants occupying warmer low latitudes relative to those in cooler high latitudes. That earlier study by our research group compared substitution rates within the variable internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal gene complex amongst 45 congeneric species pairs, each member of which differed in their latitudinal distributions. To determine whether this rate differential might also occur within highly conserved DNA, we sequenced the 18S ribosomal gene in the same 45 pairs of plants. We found that the rate of evolution in 18S was 51% faster in the tropical plant species relative to their temperate sisters and that the substitution rate in 18S correlated positively with that in the more variable ITS. This result, with a gene coding for ribosomal structure, suggests that climatic influences on evolution extend to functionally important regions of the genome. 相似文献
Liam J. Revell David C. Collar 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2009,63(4):1090-1100
Many evolutionary processes can lead to a change in the correlation between continuous characters over time or on different branches of a phylogenetic tree. Shifts in genetic or functional constraint, in the selective regime, or in some combination thereof can influence both the evolution of continuous traits and their relation to each other. These changes can often be mapped on a phylogenetic tree to examine their influence on multivariate phenotypic diversification. We propose a new likelihood method to fit multiple evolutionary rate matrices (also called evolutionary variance–covariance matrices) to species data for two or more continuous characters and a phylogeny. The evolutionary rate matrix is a matrix containing the evolutionary rates for individual characters on its diagonal, and the covariances between characters (of which the evolutionary correlations are a function) elsewhere. To illustrate our approach, we apply the method to an empirical dataset consisting of two features of feeding morphology sampled from 28 centrarchid fish species, as well as to data generated via phylogenetic numerical simulations. We find that the method has appropriate type I error, power, and parameter estimation. The approach presented herein is the first to allow for the explicit testing of how and when the evolutionary covariances between characters have changed in the history of a group. 相似文献
To make long-term predictions using present quantitative genetic theory it is necessary to assume that the genetic variance–covariance matrix ( G ) remains constant or at least changes by a constant fraction. In this paper we examine the stability of the genetic architecture of two traits known to be subject to natural selection; femur length and ovipositor length in two species of the cricket Allonemobius. Previous studies have shown that in A. fasciatus and A. socius natural selection favours an increased body size southwards but a decreased ovipositor length. Such countergradient selection should tend to favour a change in G . In the total sample of eight populations of A. socius and one of A. fasciatus we show that there is significant variation in all genetic covariance components, i.e. VA for body size, VA for ovipositor length, and CovA. This variation results entirely from an increase in the covariances of A. fasciatus. However, although larger, these components are approximately proportionally increased, thereby leading to no statistically significant change in the genetic correlation. A proportional increase in the covariance components is consistent with changes resulting from genetic drift. On the other hand, the genetic covariance components are significantly correlated with the length of the growing season suggesting that the change in the genetic architecture is the result of selection and drift. 相似文献
Armbruster WS Di Stilio VS Tuxill JD Flores TC Velásquez Runk JL 《American journal of botany》1999,86(1):39-55
Nearly forty years ago R. L. Berg proposed that plants with specialized pollination ecology evolve genetic and developmental systems that decouple floral morphology from phenotypic variation in vegetative traits. These species evolve separate floral and vegetative trait clusters, or as she termed them, \"correlation pleiades.\" The predictions of this hypothesis have been generally supported, but only a small sample of temperate-zone herb and grass species has been tested. To further evaluate this hypothesis, especially its applicability to plants of other growth forms, we examined the patterns of phenotypic variation and covariation of floral and vegetative traits in nine species of Neotropical plants. We recognized seven specific predictions of Berg's hypothesis. Our results supported some predictions but not others. Species with specialized pollination systems usually had floral traits decoupled (weak correlation; Canna and Eichornia) or buffered (relationship with shallow proportional slope; Calathea and Canna) from variation in vegetative traits. However, the same trend was also observed in three species with unspecialized pollination systems (Echinodorus, Muntingia, and Wedelia). One species with unspecialized pollination (Croton) and one wind-pollinated species (Cyperus) showed no decoupling or buffering, as predicted. While species with specialized pollination usually showed lower coefficients of variation for floral traits than vegetative traits (as predicted), the same was also true of species with unspecialized or wind pollination (unlike our prediction). Species with specialized pollination showed less variation in floral traits than did species with unspecialized or wind pollination, as predicted. However, the same was true of the corresponding vegetative traits, which was unexpected. Also in contrast to our prediction, plants with specialized pollination systems did not exhibit tighter phenotypic integration of floral characters than did species with generalized pollination systems. We conclude that the patterns of morphological integration among floral traits and between floral and vegetative traits tend to be species specific, not easily predicted from pollination ecology, and generally more complicated than R. L. Berg envisaged. 相似文献
Derek A. Roff Timothy A. Mousseau Daniel J. Howard 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1999,53(1):216-224
Predictions using quantitative genetic models generally assume that the variance-covariance matrices remain constant over time. This assumption is based on the supposition that selection is generally weak and hence variation lost through selection can be replaced by new mutations. Whether this is generally true can only be ascertained from empirical studies. Ideally for such a study we should be able to make a prediction concerning the relative strength of selection versus genetic drift. If the latter force is prevalent then the variance-covariances matrices should be proportional to each other. Previous studies have indicated that females in the two sibling cricket species Allonemobius socius and A. fasciatus do not discriminate between males of the two species by their calling song. Therefore, differences between the calling song of the two males most likely result from drift rather than sexual selection. We test this hypothesis by comparing the genetic architecture of calling song of three populations of A. fasciatus with two populations of A. socius. We found no differences among populations within species, but significant differences in the G (genetic) and P (phenotypic) matrices between species, with the matrices being proportional as predicted under the hypothesis of genetic drift. Because of the proportional change in the (co)variances no differences between species are evident in the heritabilities or genetic correlations. Comparison of the two species with a hybrid population from a zone of overlap showed highly significant nonproportional variation in genetic architecture. This variation is consistent with a general mixture of two separate genomes or selection. Qualitative conclusions reached using the phenotypic matrices are the same as those reached using the genetic matrices supporting the hypothesis that the former may be used as surrogate measures of the latter. 相似文献
Sadowska ET Labocha MK Baliga K Stanisz A Wróblewska AK Jagusiak W Koteja P 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2005,59(3):672-681
According to the aerobic capacity model, endothermy in birds and mammals evolved as a correlated response to selection for an ability of sustained locomotor activity, rather than in a response to direct selection for thermoregulatory capabilities. A key assumption of the model is that aerobic capacity is functionally linked to basal metabolic rate (BMR). The assumption has been tested in several studies at the level of phenotypic variation among individuals or species, but none has provided a clear answer whether the traits are genetically correlated. Here we present results of a genetic analysis based on measurements of the basal and the maximum swim- and cold-induced oxygen consumption in about 1000 bank voles from six generations of a laboratory colony, reared from animals captured in the field. Narrow sense heritability (h2) was about 0.5 for body mass, about 0.4 for mass-independent basal and maximum metabolic rates, and about 0.3 for factorial aerobic scopes. Dominance genetic and common environmental (= maternal) effects were not significant. Additive genetic correlation between BMR and the swim-induced aerobic capacity was high and positive, whereas correlation resulting from specific-environmental effects was negative. However, BMR was not genetically correlated with the cold-induced aerobic capacity. The results are consistent with the aerobic capacity model of the evolution of endothermy in birds and mammals. 相似文献
James D. Fry 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1992,46(2):540-550
The mixed-model factorial analysis of variance has been used in many recent studies in evolutionary quantitative genetics. Two competing formulations of the mixed-model ANOVA are commonly used, the “Scheffe” model and the “SAS” model; these models differ in both their assumptions and in the way in which variance components due to the main effect of random factors are defined. The biological meanings of the two variance component definitions have often been unappreciated, however. A full understanding of these meanings leads to the conclusion that the mixed-model ANOVA could have been used to much greater effect by many recent authors. The variance component due to the random main effect under the two-way SAS model is the covariance in true means associated with a level of the random factor (e.g., families) across levels of the fixed factor (e.g., environments). Therefore the SAS model has a natural application for estimating the genetic correlation between a character expressed in different environments and testing whether it differs from zero. The variance component due to the random main effect under the two-way Scheffe model is the variance in marginal means (i.e., means over levels of the fixed factor) among levels of the random factor. Therefore the Scheffe model has a natural application for estimating genetic variances and heritabilities in populations using a defined mixture of environments. Procedures and assumptions necessary for these applications of the models are discussed. While exact significance tests under the SAS model require balanced data and the assumptions that family effects are normally distributed with equal variances in the different environments, the model can be useful even when these conditions are not met (e.g., for providing an unbiased estimate of the across-environment genetic covariance). Contrary to statements in a recent paper, exact significance tests regarding the variance in marginal means as well as unbiased estimates can be readily obtained from unbalanced designs with no restrictive assumptions about the distributions or variance-covariance structure of family effects. 相似文献
P. C. Phillips 《Journal of evolutionary biology》1998,11(4):453-463
Organisms with complex life-cycles often experience very different environments in different phases of their life. Genes expressed in more than one phase could potentially create a conflict or constraint on evolutionary change if the pattern of selection on those genes were different in the different phases. The potential importance of this type of constraint across metamorphosis in frogs was assessed by measuring the genetic correlation between several morphological traits in both larval and juvenile Rana sylvatica. Genetic correlations within a stage tended to be moderately high and significant whereas correlations across stages were low and not significant. Errors on the genetic parameters make it impossible to prove that there are no genetic constraints across metamorphosis in this population of frogs, but the results are consistent with the hypothesis that gene expression and developmental regulation are partitioned separately before and after metamorphosis. 相似文献
Harris WE McKane AJ Wolf JB 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2008,62(2):337-347
The paradoxical persistence of heritable variation for fitness-related traits is an evolutionary conundrum that remains a preeminent problem in evolutionary biology. Here we describe a simple mechanism in which social competition results in the evolutionary maintenance of heritable variation for fitness related traits. We demonstrate this mechanism using a genetic model with two primary assumptions: the expression of a trait depends upon success in social competition for limited resources; and competitive success of a genotype depends on the genotypes that it competes against. We find that such social competition generates heritable (additive) genetic variation for \"competition-dependent\" traits. This heritable variation is not eroded by continuous directional selection because, rather than leading to fixation of favored alleles, selection leads instead to allele frequency cycling due to the concerted coevolution of the social environment with the effects of alleles. Our results provide a mechanism for the maintenance of heritable variation in natural populations and suggest an area for research into the importance of competition in the genetic architecture of fitness related traits. 相似文献
Mark Kirkpatrick David Lofsvold 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1992,46(4):954-971
We present a quantitative genetic model for the evolution of growth trajectories that makes no assumptions about the shapes of growth trajectories that are possible. Evolution of a population's mean growth trajectory is governed by the selection gradient function and the additive genetic covariance function. The selection gradient function is determined by the impact of changes in size on the birth and death rates at different ages, and can be estimated for natural populations. The additive genetic covariance function can also be estimated empirically, as we demonstrate with four vertebrate populations. Using the genetic data from mice, a computer simulation shows that evolution of a growth trajectory can be constrained by the absence of genetic variation for certain changes in the trajectory's shape. These constraints can be visualized with an analysis of the covariance function. Results from four vertebrate populations show that while each has substantial genetic variation for some evolutionary changes in its growth trajectory, most types of changes have little or no variation available. This suggests that constraints may often play an important role in the evolution of growth. 相似文献