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Khatouri  M. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):77-82
The coppice method is the silvicultural system commonly applied to Quercus ilex (holm oak) forests for the production of firewood and charcoal. Although the holm oak is the species that covers the largest area in Morocco (1400 000 hectares), little is known about its growth and yield. The objective of this study is to quantify the stand growth and yield of young coppice holm oak stands in the Tafferete forest in the eastern part of the Middle Atlas (Morocco).Equations relating dominant height to age, and basal area, volume, and number of trees to dominant height were developed and used to derive young holm oak coppice yield estimates.The growth and yield information developed in this study may have a greater utility in defining cultural measures that should be applied in the early stage of holm-oak coppice stands.  相似文献   

Ferran  A.  Vallejo  V. R. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):239-246
Forest floor regeneration after fire in a holm oak forest was studied in a chronosequence in Catalonia (NE Spain). The sampled area represented situations of high fire disturbance because of the frequency of wildfires and the high impact of erosive processes. Forest floor bulk samples from the L, F and H layers were taken in 5 burned plots, aging from 0 to 35 years. They were analyzed for dry standing weight, and organic carbon and N content.Plant cover reached almost 100% two years after the fire. During the first 20 years, shrubs and herbs had the highest surface covering, and thereafter, holm oaks became dominant.Holm oak litterfall stabilized by the fourth year after burning.The major shrub species which were present in the chronosequence had two different patterns with respect to nitrogen: 1) a low litter C/N ratio (i.e. nitrogen fixing species); 2) a high litter C/N ratio.The litter decay coefficients were relatively high, allowing for a rapid structuration and formation of the L and F layers after the fire. Indeed, 95% of the maximum steady standing weight accumulates in 8–9 years. The pattern of cover in the different strata influenced the lateral distribution and variable accumulation of the forest floor layers and determined different turnover rates.  相似文献   

Question: Insufficient tree regeneration threatens the long‐term persistence of biodiverse Mediterranean open oak woodlands. Could shrubs, scarce due to decades of management (clearing and ploughing), facilitate holm oak recruitment at both acorn and seedling stages? Location: Open oak woodlands in Central Spain. Methods: Plots with four acorns were planted: (1) under the canopy of the spiny shrub Genista hirsuta, (2) in a small cage, protecting against ungulates, (3) in a shaded cage, protecting against ungulates and sun, and (4) in open grassland. Sets of these four treatments were spatially grouped according to a randomised block design, with 16 blocks near (< 10 m) and 16 away from (> 20 m) parent trees to test for distance‐related survival. Plots were regularly checked for seed removal. After emergence one seedling per plot (97 in total) was selected and its survival monitored. Results: Three months after sowing, 199 of 512 acorns were removed, predominantly by rodents. Acorn removal occurred at each treatment but was highest under shrubs. Eight months after sowing, seedling survival was highest under shrubs (50%), followed by shaded cages (16%), open grassland (4%) and cages (0%). Main mortality cause was drought (90%), killing most seedlings between June and July. No seedlings died from ungulate browsing. Conclusion: Shrubs demonstrated clear net facilitative effects for Quercus ilex recruitment, despite higher seed removal. Shading appears the crucial factor facilitating seedling survival. We therefore propose that lack of shrubs contributes largely to tree recruitment failure in Mediterranean open woodlands; management should aim at conserving shrubs.  相似文献   

  • Tree species distribution, and hence forest biodiversity, relies on the reproductive capacity of trees, which is currently affected by climate change. Drought‐induced pollen sterility could increase as a consequence of more intense and more frequent droughts projected for temperate and Mediterranean regions, and threaten the sexual regeneration of trees in these regions. To evaluate this possibility, we examined the effect of long‐term partial rainfall exclusion (?27% precipitation) on male reproductive development in holm oak, Quercus ilex , one of the most important and widespread tree species of the Mediterranean region.
  • We examined anther area, pollen production, pollen abortion as well as viable pollen production in control and dry treatments. Microscopic examinations revealed significant differences in pollen development between trees in the dry and the control treatments, even though anthesis occurred before the onset of annual drought.
  • Our results demonstrate that anthers collected from Q. ilex trees in the dry treatment, which experienced long‐term increased drought stress especially during the summer, were the same size as anthers in the control treatment, but displayed 25% pollen abortion and almost 20% reduction in pollen production. Subsequently, the number of viable pollen grains in anthers from dry treatment was 35% less than in control.
  • These results suggest a carry‐over effect of drought stress on pollen production that could reduce the reproductive success of Q. ilex . The results have broad implications for better understanding of the determinants of tree reproduction by masting and anticipate the outcomes of expected drought increase in the Mediterranean on forest dynamics.

Here, we provide the first report on flavonoid content in holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) leaves, analyzed by HPLC–MS/MS. Flavanols and flavonols were the predominant groups, although proanthocyanidins and many soluble tannins had a relevant presence in all leaf samples. Seasonal variation of flavonoids was determined in extracts from Q. ilex leaves during resprouting after a forest fire in two Mediterranean forests. Similar seasonal trends were observed over 2 years during the two main stress seasons (winter and summer). The most abundant flavonoid was the flavanol epicatechin, which showed similar values during the two seasons. Hexosides of the flavonols, quercetin, kaempferol and rhamnetin showed considerably higher content in winter, especially at the lowest temperatures. These variations in both forests are discussed on the basis of the chlorophyll fluorescence results obtained. Anthocyanins were found practically absent in mature leaves. Nutrient or water availability differences between sites or seasons were not related to changes in leaf flavonol-hexoside content.  相似文献   

Broncano  Maria José  Riba  Miquel  Retana  Javier 《Plant Ecology》1998,138(1):17-26
A two-level multifactor experimental approach was used to compare seed germination and seedling performance of two Mediterranean tree species: the early successional Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) and the late successional holm oak (Quercus ilex L.). In a first experiment germination rate was evaluated under the combined effects of shade, nitrogen availability, and pine or holm oak leaf litter. In a second experiment we tested for the effects of shade, nutrient availability, and litter type on seedling survival, growth and biomass allocation. Holm oak showed higher germination rates under shaded than under unshaded conditions, while Aleppo pine showed no differences between shaded and unshaded conditions. Nitrogen availability and litter type had no significant effect on germination of either species. Both species showed increased RGR, but also higher mortality rates, when grown in an enriched nutrient environment. While Aleppo pine showed no differences in RGR and mortality rate under different shading levels, RGR decreased and mortality increased for holm oak in full light. Increased radiation decreased LAR, SLA and height:diameter ratio, and increased RWR and R/S in both species, although Aleppo pine showed more pronounced changes. Unlike Aleppo pine, holm oak responded to increased nutrient availability by decreasing R/S and increasing LAR. From these results, no seed-seedling conflicts were found in either species, but a trade-off does seem to exist for holm oak between biomass allocation traits deployed in response to increased nutrient availability and radiation. Aleppo pine outperformed holm oak under most environmental conditions tested and showed a wider regeneration niche.  相似文献   

Long‐term effects of ozone (O3) exposure and drought stress were assessed on two subspecies of Quercus ilex: ssp. ilex and ssp. ballota. Two‐year‐old seedlings were continuously exposed for 26 months in open‐top chambers to three O3 treatments: charcoal filtered air, non‐filtered air and non‐filtered air supplemented with 40 nl·l?1 O3. Additionally, two irrigation regimes were adopted: half of the plants were well‐watered and the others received half of the water supplied to control plants. Growth, shoot water potential and gas exchange rates were assessed seasonally, and biomass accumulation was determined at the end of the experiment. Drought stress caused higher reductions of gas exchange, growth and biomass accumulation than O3 exposure in both subspecies. The combination of O3 and drought stress caused further decreases of accumulated aboveground biomass but no additive effects were observed on gas exchange rates or root biomass. Thus, drought stress did not protect Q. ilex from O3 effects on biomass when the response of the whole plant was considered. Q. ilex ssp. ballota was more sensitive to O3 and ssp. ilex was more affected by drought stress. The different O3 sensitivity was not only related to pollutant uptake but also to the ability of plants for resource acquisition and allocation. Based on biomass dose–response functions, Q. ilex is more resistant to O3 than other European evergreen tree species, however, O3 represents an additional stress factor that might be impairing plant ability to withstand current and future climate change.  相似文献   

N. Bertin  M. Staudt 《Oecologia》1996,107(4):456-462
We investigated the effects of a short period of water stress on monoterpene emissions from Quercus ilex, a common oak species of the Mediterranean vegetation and a strong emitter of monoterpenes. The experiment was carried out on two young saplings with a branch enclosure system under semi-controlled conditions. Under unstressed conditions, small qualitative (cis--ocimene, trans--ocimene, -caryophyllene and 1,8-cineol) and large quantitative (as much as 40% for the main compounds emitted) differences were observed between the two apparently similar trees. Nevertheless these differences did not affect the short-and long-term responses to temperature and water stress. Daily courses of emissions and gas exchanges were similar before and after the stress. During the most severe stress, emissions were reduced by a factor of two orders of magnitude and the log-linear relationship between emissions and temperature no longer existed. Photosynthesis and transpiration rates decreased as soon as the soil started to dry, whereas monoterpene emissions slightly increased for few days and then dropped when the daily CO2 balance approached zero. We concluded that under water stress monoterpene emissions were highly limited by monoterpene synthesis resulting from a lack of carbon substrate and/or ATP. After rewatering, both emissions and gas exchanges recovered immediately, but to a level lower than the pre-stress level. These results have many implications for monoterpene emission modelling in the Mediterranean area, since the dry period generally extends from May to August. If our results are confirmed by field experiments, water stress could lead to a large overestimation of the emissions under summer conditions, when the algorithms based on light and temperature would give high emission rates.  相似文献   

Fleshy-fruited plants rely on animal frugivores to disperse their seeds, and seed removal by frugivores may leave an imprint on seedling recruitment. However, to what extent plant–frugivore interactions are related to seedling recruitment has rarely been quantified at the community level, especially in species-rich tropical forests. In this study, we tested the effect of different plant traits on fruit removal by frugivores and tested the relative importance of fruit removal, plant traits and abiotic factors for seedling recruitment. We quantified plant–frugivore interactions of 22 fleshy-fruited plant species consumed by 56 diurnal frugivore species, and counted the number of seedlings that emerged along an elevational gradient in the Colombian Andes. We measured a set of plant traits (i.e., crop size; fruit size; seed load and mass; fruit nutritional contents), estimated the density of adult plants and recorded relevant abiotic factors (light, temperature and humidity). We found that fruit removal by frugivores was positively associated with crop size, but negatively associated with fruit length and unrelated to seed load and fruit nutritional content. Seedling densities were positively related to the density of adult plants, seed mass and fruit removal by animals. We found no relationship between abiotic factors and seedling recruitment. Our results indicate that fruit abundance and morphology are important determinants of fruit removal and that fruit removal is positively associated with seedling recruitment accounting for effects of species abundance and plant traits. We conclude that plant traits shape fruit removal and seedling recruitment at the community level, while these two crucial processes of forest regeneration are directly linked by seed dispersal of animals.  相似文献   

张知彬 《生态学报》2001,21(3):374-384
辽东栎萌生丛零散地分布在北京山区,虽然其种子量很大,但自然状况下的实生苗非常稀少。鼠类搬运并吃掉大量散落在地表的辽东栎种子,但鼠类是否影响辽东栎的自然更新尚不清楚。本研究主要在于了解:(1)将种子埋入土层内后对辽东栎种子出苗率的影响;(2)环境因子(如坡向、地表植被等)对辽东栎种子出苗率的影响。1996年9月24日,选取5块样地(Site),在每块样地各设置1条样线(Transect),每条样线上设置若干样点(Plot),样点间隔10m,用于种子埋藏实验,在每个样点设置6条平行线(Parallel transect),间隔10cm,各埋入10粒种子,种子间隔2cm;第1、2、3、4、5、6条线的埋藏深度分别为0、2、4、6、8、10cm。分别于1997年6月15日和10月4日调查出苗情况。研究结果表明,和秋季辽东栎种子出苗率均与埋藏深度呈正相关,埋藏通过改善湿度和减少鼠类等动物的取食而增加了出苗率,其贡献分别占18%和12%。但鼠类对埋入土层内种子的取食率依然很高(87%)。辽东栎种子在阴坡和阳坡的最终出苗率都很高,但阳坡地要早于阴坡。夏季辽乐栎种子出苗率均与地表植被覆盖度负相关,地表植被可能是通过与辽东栎种子竞争水分和养分而降低辽东栎种子出苗要早于阴坡。夏季辽东栎种子出苗率均与地表植被覆盖度和高度相关不显著,从夏季到秋季,从东栎种子出苗率有所增加,主要是由于埋藏在深处或阴坡处的种子出苗较晚的缘故。  相似文献   

We investigated the response of the photosynthetic apparatus during an episode of extreme low winter temperature in Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp., a typical Mediterranean evergreen species in the Iberian peninsula. Both plants in a woodland located at high altitude (1,177 m. a.s.l.) and potted plants obtained from acorns of the same populations grown at low altitude (225 m. a.s.l.) were analyzed. Net CO2 assimilation rate was negative and there was a marked decrease in photosystem II (PSII) efficiency during winter in leaves of the woodland population (high altitude individuals). These processes were accompanied by increases in non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and in the de-epoxidated carotenoids within the xanthophyll cycle, mechanisms aimed to dissipate excess energy. In addition, these de-epoxidated carotenoids were largely preserved during the night. There was no chlorophyll bleaching during the winter, which suggests that leaves were not experiencing photoinhibitory damage. In fact, the net photosynthetic rate and the PSII efficiency recovered in spring. These changes were not observed, or were much more reduced, in individuals located at lower altitude after a few frosts. When the response to rapid temperature changes (from 20°C to –5°C and from –5°C to 20°C) was studied, it was found that the maximum potential PSII efficiency was fairly stable, ranging from 0.70 to 0.75. The rest of the photosynthetic parameters measured, actual and intrinsic PSII efficiency, photochemical and NPQ, responded immediately to the changes in temperature and, also, the recovery after cold events was practically immediate.  相似文献   

López  B.  Sabaté  S.  Gracia  C.A. 《Plant and Soil》2001,230(1):125-134
The biomass, production and mortality of fine roots (roots with diameter <2.5 mm) were studied in a typical Mediterranean holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) forest in NE Spain using the minirhizotron methodology. A total of 1212 roots were monitored between June of 1994 and March of 1997. Mean annual fine root biomass in the holm oak forest of Prades was 71±8 g m–2 yr–1. Mean annual production for the period analysed was 260+11 g m–2 yr–1. Mortality was similar to production, with a mean value of 253±3 g m–2 yr–1. Seasonal fine root biomass presented a cyclic behaviour, with higher values in autumn and winter and lower in spring and summer. Production was highest in winter, and mortality in spring. In summer, production and mortality values were the lowest for the year. Production values in autumn and spring were very similar. The vertical distribution of fine root biomass decreased with increasing depth except for the top 10–20 cm, where values were lower than immediately below. Production and mortality values were similar between 10 and 50 cm depth. In the 0–10 cm and the 50–60 cm depth intervals, both production and mortality were lower.  相似文献   

Survival and growth of konara oak (Quercus serrata) seedlings were examined on the forest floor of a konara oak coppice stand in Mitaka, Tokyo, for 5 yr (1976–1980) after exclusion of human management. Attention was mainly focused on a large cohort derived from a bumper acorn crop in 1975. Seedlings began to branch in the second year, although some did not branch during the whole 5-yr period. Branched seedling showed higher survival and greater weight in 1980 than unbranched seedlings. Many of the branched seedlings had lost an orthotropic leader shoot and spread their branches laterally, suggesting a response for efficient light-capture. As for unbranched seedlings, a size relationship between leaf area and stem length developing every year was dependent on the shoot size. A small shoot gave priority to enlargement of leaf area, whereas a large shoot gave priority to stem elongation. Yearly variations in seedling mortality and stem elongation were related to the amount of precipitation. Both the initial height and leaf area of germinated seedlings were positively correlated with their survival and weight after five years. Five-year survival of seedlings showed a positive correlation with light intensity at the growth site but a negative correlation with the extent of leaf predation. Sprouts of shrub species grew vigorously and became much taller than the oak seedlings in the 5-yr observation period. The characteristics of forest-floor seedlings were discussed in relation to the regeneration of konara oak forests in general.  相似文献   

Abstract. European Mediterranean landscapes have undergone changes in structure in recent years as a result of widespread agricultural land abandonment and cessation of silvicultural regimes. Studies concerning the regeneration dynamics of dominant forest species have become critical to the prediction of future landscape trends in these changing forest stands. Quercus ilex (holm oak) and Q. pubescens (downy oak) are considered to be the terminal point of secondary succession in extensive areas of the Mediterranean region. Recent studies, however, have suggested the existence of recruitment bottlenecks in oak genet populations as a result of current management regimes. In this study, we present evidence of the successful establishment of Q. ilex and Q. pubescens in Pinus halepensis (Aleppo pine) woodlands. We investigate the distribution patterns and spatial relationships among oak recruits and resident pines. Established P. halepensis is randomly distributed throughout the study area. Oak seedlings are positively associated with pine trees, suggesting that P. halepensis individuals provide safe sites for oak genet recruitment. We show that spatial patterns of recruitment are in agreement with the general model of spatial segregation described for other Mediterranean plant communities, with seeder species colonizing large openings after disturbance, followed by a more aggregated recruitment of resprouter species.  相似文献   

In a laboratory study, we investigated the monoterpene emissions from Quercus ilex, an evergreen sclerophyllous Mediterranean oak species whose emissions are light dependent. We examined the light and temperature responses of individual monoterpenes emitted from leaves under various conditions, the effect of heat stress on emissions, and the emission-onset during leaf development. Emission rate increased 10-fold during leaf growth, with slight changes in the composition. At 30 °C and saturating light, the monoterpene emission rate from mature leaves averaged 4·1 nmol m–2 s–1, of which α-pinene, sabinene and β-pinene accounted for 85%. The light dependence of emission was similar for all monoterpenes: it resembled the light saturation curve of CO2 assimilation, although monoterpene emission continued in the dark. Temperature dependence differed among emitted compounds: most of them exhibited an exponential increase up to 35 °C, a maximum at 42 °C, and a slight decline at higher temperatures. However, the two acyclic isomers cis-β-ocimene and trans-β-ocimene were hardly detected below 35 °C, but their emission rates increased above this temperature as the emission rates of other compounds fell, so that total emission of monoterpenes exponentially increased from 5 to 45 °C. The ratio between ocimene isomers and other compounds increased with both absolute temperature and time of heat exposure. The light dependence of emission was insensitive to the temperature at which it was measured, and vice versa the temperature dependence was insensitive to the light regime. The results demonstrated that none of the models currently applied to simulate isoprene or monoterpene emissions correctly predicts the short-term effects of light and temperature on Q. ilex emissions. The percentage of fixed carbon lost immediately as monoterpenes ranged between 0·1 and 6·0% depending on temperature, but rose up to 20% when leaves were continuously exposed to temperatures between 40 and 45 °C.  相似文献   

The dynamics and regeneration probabilities ofQuercus acuta, Q. gilva, Q. salicina, andQ. sessilifolia were studied in a 0.48 ha plot in an old-growth evergreen broad-leaved forest, Kagoshima prefecture, southwestern Japan. The canopy was well closed and had only one small gap. Seventeen tree species occurred in the canopy. The fourQuercus species ranked second to fifth in basal area. Excluding the trees originated from sprouts,Q. acuta and Q. gilva lacked trees at the subcanopy layer, andQ. salicina andQ. sessilifolia had some trees at the same layer. For eachQuercus species, the amount of fallen acorns fluctuated from year to year. The number of current year seedlings was positively correlated with the number of fallen acorns in the previous year. A disproportion between the spatial distribution of fallen acorns and that of established seedlings has been shown. The establishment of seedlings was frequently observed where no acorns had fallen in the previous year. Saplings of four species survived for several years and formed sapling banks under the closed canopy. During the three years of the study, the mortality ofQ. salicina andQ. sessilifolia saplings was lower than that ofQ. acuta andQ. gilva. However, the differences in the average annual height growth of saplings between four species were not significant, and the most of them did not grow much. These results suggest that the saplings of the fourQuercus, especiallyQ. gilva andQ. acuta, have no chance to recruit to the canopy or subcanopy layer within a closed stand, and that some changes in the environment caused by gap formation are required for their recruitment.  相似文献   

Gratani  L.  Marzi  P.  Crescente  M. F. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):155-161
The annual course of vegetative growth of the most representative species of a Quercus ilex L. forest in Castelporziano (Latium, Italy) was studied through periodical analysis of selected ecophysiological leaf indexes, for the period 1987–1990. The results demonstrate that the local climate facilitates continuous vegetative activity of the sclerophyllous species without a latent phase. The variable morphology of sun and shade leaves of Q. ilex illustrates the plant's response to environmental stress.  相似文献   

In Spain, Quercus open woodlands are animal ranching systems of organic production seriously threatened by the exotic pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi. The root disease it causes kills thousands of oaks annually. Effective disease management needs to integrate different techniques, and the use of a resistance inducer such as fosetyl‐Al can play a key role, because the use of potassium phosphite is prohibited in Spain. In a woodland where the pathogen recently arrived, 60 holm oaks in three different defoliation classes (asymptomatic, slight and moderate defoliation) were selected for trunk injection with pressurised capsules containing 4% of commercial fosetyl‐Al or water (controls). Holm oaks were checked periodically for defoliation and presence of the pathogen in roots and rhizosphere soil. Three years after treatments, defoliation was significantly lower in oaks treated with fosetyl‐Al, which even increased canopy cover, in comparison with control oaks, independent of the initial defoliation class considered. Chlamydospore density in rhizosphere soil, as well as the presence of the pathogen into the roots, was not significantly influenced by fosetyl‐Al treatments, although a trend to a lower presence of P. cinnamomi in roots was observed in treated oaks at every soil inoculum density detected. This study has shown that fosetyl‐Al, a phosphonate registered as a fungicide in the European Union, provides protection to holm oaks against P. cinnamomi, even exhibiting a therapeutic effect on pre‐existing infections. Consequently, this effective measure should be considered as part of the integrated approach to control this highly destructive pathogen in holm oak woodlands.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Several widespread tree species of temperate forests, such as species of the genus Quercus, produce recalcitrant (desiccation-sensitive) seeds. However, the ecological significance of seed desiccation sensitivity in temperate regions is largely unknown. Do seeds of such species suffer from drying during the period when they remain on the soil, between shedding in autumn and the return of conditions required for germination in spring?


To test this hypothesis, the Mediterranean holm oak (Quercus ilex) forest was used as a model system. The relationships between the climate in winter, the characteristics of microhabitats, acorn morphological traits, and the water status and viability of seeds after winter were then investigated in 42 woodlands sampled over the entire French distribution of the species.

Key Results

The percentages of germination and normal seedling development were tightly linked to the water content of seeds after the winter period, revealing that in situ desiccation is a major cause of mortality. The homogeneity of seed response to drying suggests that neither intraspecific genetic variation nor environmental conditions had a significant impact on the level of desiccation sensitivity of seeds. In contrast, the water and viability status of seeds at the time of collection were dramatically influenced by cumulative rainfall and maximum temperatures during winter. A significant effect of shade and of the type of soil cover was also evidenced.


The findings establish that seed desiccation sensitivity is a key functional trait which may influence the success of recruitment in temperate recalcitrant seed species. Considering that most models of climate change predict changes in rainfall and temperature in the Mediterranean basin, the present work could help foresee changes in the distribution of Q. ilex and other oak species, and hence plant community alterations.  相似文献   

Retana  J.  Riba  M.  Castell  C.  Espelta  J. M. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):355-364
Holm-oak forests of the Montseny Massif have traditionally been exploited by selection thinning, which consists of a partial removal of standing trees and biomass. Cutting percentages within each size class indicate that this management technique represents a compromise between forest improvement and harvesting.Sprouting is the mean regeneration process of these holm-oak stands. The mean number of living sprouts per stool is considerably higher than in other coppiced hardwood species, and decreases along the cutting-cycle according to a negative exponential function. Mean number of surviving sprouts per stool is significantly correlated with regenerative age and stool size. Death of sprouts throughout the cutting cycle is compensated by growth of surviving sprouts. Thus, the weight of living sprouts per stool increases linearly with time, and also with the basal area coppiced.Sprouts developing within the first fifteen years of regeneration belong to a single cohort that appears during the first year after cutting. After that period of time, new sprouts appear from dormant buds, so that after 30 years of regeneration a wide range of cohorts of different ages are present.  相似文献   

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