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The behavioral and hormonal responses of squirrel monkeys of the Bolivian and Guyanese subspecies were compared after a group formation procedure. Two groups of each subspecies, consisting of five females and three males (later reduced to two) were observed daily during the week of group formation and for nine weeks following removal of a single male from each group. Measures of plasma cortisol were examined in the females after the initial group formation and after the groups were reduced by one male. The levels of plasma testosterone were assessed in all the males during the initial week of group formation. Linear dominance hierarchies were determined both within and across the sexes in both subspecies. The frequency and directionality of low-level aggressive interactions indicated that females of the Bolivian subspecies were dominant to the males, while the males of the Guyanese subspecies ranked over all the females. Additionally, the Bolivian squirrel monkey females showed an elevation of plasma cortisol on the day of group formation, which declined 48 hr later, then reelevated after the groups were reduced by one male and declined gradually over a nine-week period. Guyanese females showed little change in cortisol levels during both periods. This suggests fundamental hormonal, as well as behavioral, differences between the two subspecies. The change in plasma testosterone levels in the males during the initial week of group formation was positively correlated with social status. Furthermore, differences in the dynamics within individual groups for each subspecies were reflected by the levels of plasma cortisol of the female members.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between dominance rank and several physiological and behavioral measures in stable, captive, all-male squirrel monkey groups. Four groups, each containing three males, were observed for 12 weeks during the breeding season. Relative dominance ranking among males in each group was based on the direction of agonistic behaviors displayed. For each subject, whole blood serotonin (WBS), plasma testosterone (T), and cortisol (C) were sampled 4 to 6 times over the course of the study. Samples were separated by 1- to 2-week intervals. Each group had a stable linear dominance hierarchy. WBS had small intraanimal variance and was positively related to dominance rank. In contrast, T and C were highly variable within subjects and were unrelated to dominance rank. Among alpha males, concentrations of T and C were positively correlated, and WBS and C were negatively correlated. The effect of dominance rank on the relationship between within-animal fluctuations in WBS, T, and C and behavior was also assessed. In dominant, but not subordinate subjects, intraanimal fluctuations in WBS correlated with agonistic behavior initiated, and fluctuations in C and T correlated with huddling. In beta and gamma males, C was related to agonism received, and in gamma males to food stealing received. Dominance status also affected endocrine response to the stress of capture but not the rate of sneezing. Sneezing was positively correlated with T concentrations irrespective of dominance rank. These results extend the association between WBS and dominance rank previously reported in Old World monkeys to a New World monkey species, support previous suggestions that mean T and C titers are not reflective of dominance rank in well-established groups, and indicate that dominance rank affects adrenocortical response to the stress associated with capture and anesthesia.  相似文献   

To assess diurnal fluctuations of serum androgens and cortisol in adult male Bolivian squirrel monkeys, these steroids were measured at predetermined times (0300, 0900, and 2300 hours) during two separate 24-hour periods in the breeding season (January 1983 and late November 1983). A significant diurnal change in serum cortisol was noted, with a nadir of 99.9 ± 11.9 μg/dl (x? ± SEM) at 2300 hours and a peak of 168.9 ± 7.8 μg/dl at 0900 hours. Conversely, a nadir in serum testosterone was noted at 0900 hours (117 ± 26.5 ng/ml) increasing to a peak of 328.5 ± 57.9 ng/ml at 0300 hours. Serum androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone followed a pattern similar to testosterone, with a serum androstenedione (176.4 ± 34.9 ng/ml) and dehydroepiandrosterone (11.7 + 1.8 ng/ml) nadir at 0900 hours and a plasma androstenedione (494.5 ± 55.4 ng/ml) and dehydroepiandrosterone (32.5 ± 4.1 ng/ml) peak at 0300 hours. Parallel changes of testosterone, androstenedione, and dehydroepiandrosterone suggest a significant contribution of all three androgens from a common site, the testes. In contrast to old world primates and humans, serum androstenedione levels exceeded serum testosterone levels in this species.  相似文献   

Fetal squirrel monkeys of Bolivian and Colombian origin were exposed to 100 rad cobalt-60 radiation in utero and carried to term by the dams. Body weight, head circumference, crown–rump length, and food intake were measured during the first 28 postnatal days. Significant subspecies differences were noted in both mothers and offspring, the Colombian squirrel monkeys being generally larger than the Bolivians. The irradiated offspring weighed significantly less, had significantly smaller crania, and consumed significantly less food than control animals. A statistically nonsignificant decrement was also evident in the crown–rump length of radiation-treated infants.  相似文献   

Seasonality of reproduction is believed to be influenced by environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, and photoperiod. In primates, there has been much speculation about which environmental factors have the greatest influence on reproductive seasonality. To determine whether environmental factors affect seasonality of reproduction of squirrel monkeys in captivity, I used path analysis to compare number of births and matings per month with monkeys kept in indoor enclosures (maintained at optimal temperatures) and those kept in outdoor enclosures (exposed to the elements). Since a different pattern of seasonality was found to occur, I was able to test whether temperature, rainfall, or photoperiod could explain the temporal variation in reproduction. Squirrel monkeys raised in captivity displayed different patterns of seasonality of reproduction, depending on the conditions in which they are housed ( chi(2)3 25.12, P<0.001; G = 28.10, P<0.001). Temperature seemed to have a large impact on number of births and matings per month (matings: path coefficient = 0.799; births: path coefficient = -1.315). Understanding what factors regulate reproduction for animals and how these factors affect reproduction differently in wild versus captive populations are important to conservation and management of species.  相似文献   

The effect of social context on experimental foraging in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) was investigated. The 12 subjects comprised six pairs in which strong social preference and attraction had been demonstrated during observations of a stable group. Individuals were first trained to discriminate spatially separated rich and poor foraging bins containing 75% and 25% of the food items, respectively, with their partners restrained equidistant from the two bins. The monkeys invested an average of 75.5% of their foraging time in the rich bin. Each individual was then tested with its partner restrained in different locations relative to the bins to determine the effect of partner proximity on foraging patterns. Foraging efficiency at the start of a session was enhanced when the partner was restrained adjacent to the rich bin compared to restraint away from this bin. Over an entire foraging session, however, all conditions providing partner accessibility were similar in yielding enhanced foraging efficiency compared to partner absence. Little time was spent in close physical proximity to the partner under any condition. It is suggested that accessibility of the social partner, rather than close physical proximity, has an important influence on the foraging squirrel monkey. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Responses of six squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) mothers to playback of a single call type, the “isolation peep,” made by their own infants were tested after mothers and infants had been separated for more than a week. The playback tapes were edited from tapes containing mixed vocal material recorded when infants and mothers could see but not touch each other. Mothers showed recognition of their own infants compared to other familiar infants by increases in four measures of proximity to the speaker. These data provide evidence that maternal recognition of infants by means of acoustic cues is possible when the test stimuli consist of examples of a single call type with demonstrated individuality.  相似文献   

Diurnal changes in basal cortisol levels and stress reactivity were assessed in male and female squirrel monkeys. Blood samples were collected at four-hour intervals throughout the day and night in the mating and nonmating seasons. Basal cortisol levels in females were similar in both seasons, but males tended to have higher cortisol levels during the mating season, especially at night. For both sexes, cortisol secretion was highest between 0400 and 0800 preceding the onset of the diurnal activity period. Assessment of cortisol responses following brief handling and anesthesia indicated that stress responses were relatively stable across the year, but cortisol increments were slightly higher in the nonmating season. Cortisol levels post-stress were generally related to prior baseline values. Thus, a knowledge of biorhythmic changes in basal hormone levels was important for predicting hormone levels after acute stressors. Males also underwent marked seasonal variation in their basal testosterone levels, which markedly altered the nature of their testosterone responses 30-minutes poststress. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Seventeen squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus), 11 nursery-reared and six mother-reared, were monitored to clarify the type and degree of deviant behaviors that result from rearing this species in the nursery. Two observation periods were used: the first when the subjects averaged 6.7 months of age, the second when they averaged 15.5 months. Thirteen activities involving variations of nonnutritive orality, stereotypic posturing, and agitated behaviors were seen in the nursery-reared subjects, but never in the mother-reared subjects. No consistent gender, subspecies, or age differences were evident. Squirrel monkeys, like chimpanzees and some Old World monkeys, do develop atypical self-directed behaviors when deprived of normal stimulation during early development.  相似文献   

This study is based on a mixed longitudinal radiographic sampling of appendicular bones in 82 captive-born squirrel monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis). All appendicular ossification centers had appeared radiographically by 17 weeks of age, and epiphyseal fusion was complete by 47-53 months of age. No statistically significant differences were found between the sexes in comparisons carried out at birth and at 6 and 8 months of age. Valid sex comparisons could not be made at other ages owing to the small size of the sample. The sequence of appearance of the ossification centers (Spearman correlation coefficient of Saimiri vs. Callithrix = 0.68) shows greater interspecies differences than the sequence of fusion (Saimiri vs. Callithrix = 0.88).  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys, colony-born from Bolivian parents, were studied to establish the sequences and timing of eruption for deciduous and permanent teeth. Infants were born with a naked gingiva, and in only one monkey was di1 present at birth. The eruption of the lower deciduous teeth preceded their upper counterparts with the exception of di2, dc, and dpm2. No significant differences were found between the right and left quadrants of the mandible and maxilla. No significant sexual differences were found in the age of eruption. By the age of 14 weeks, all deciduous teeth had erupted. The sequence of eruption of the replacement teeth was different from that of milk teeth. The differences lie in the delayed eruption of canine teeth and in the inverted sequence, from the back to the front, of the premolar series. Significant sexual differences were found in total eruption (TE) for PM3 and I2 (P < 0.05) and highly significant differences (P < 0.01) in TE and initial eruption (IE) for C1, females being more precocious than males. The age at which monkeys completed dental eruption was highly variable, 103–119 weeks for males and 89–112 weeks for females. Differences were found when our results were compared with those of Long and Cooper [1968] for Colombian squirrel monkeys.  相似文献   

Isolation calls of captive squirrel monkeys were recorded by separating infants from their natal group members and then permitting vocal contact between the “lost” baby and the group at systematically varied distances. Separated infants gave longer calls at greater separation distances from their natal group members, and responding adults and juveniles similarly extended the length of their vocalizations. In the longer variants, a highfrequency element was prolonged, which is considered to be an example of the net advantage of a “frequency window” in the ambient noise of environments.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether annual changes in physiology occur in individually housed squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). Physiological measures were monitored for 20 months. Over the course of the study, all individually housed males and females exhibited clear annual changes in gonadal and adrenal hormone levels, and males exhibited species‐typical changes in body weight. Females exhibited a typical pattern of hormonal changes, with elevations in gonadal steroids occurring during the same months as elevations in cortisol. Males, however, exhibited an atypical pattern, as elevations in hormone levels were not synchronized with each other; rather, elevations in testosterone occurred out of phase with changes in cortisol and body weight. The timing of annual events in individually housed subjects was compared to that in nearby social groups, in which the timing of the breeding season from year to year was determined by social group formations and was outside the naturally occurring breeding season. Elevations of ovarian and adrenocortical hormones in individually housed females were synchronized with indices of breeding in heterosexual social groups. Similarly, weight gain in males was associated with elevations in cortisol and, as with socially housed males, tended to precede seasonal breeding in the social groups. In contrast, annual testosterone elevations for individually housed males were not synchronized with breeding in nearby social groups. We conclude that direct physical interaction is not required for the annual expression of breeding readiness. Synchrony of seasonality among squirrel monkeys may be accomplished by distant social cues in females, but males may require physical interaction for complete synchrony of annual physiological changes. Am. J. Primatol. 47:93–103, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The use of noninvasive measures of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function is of growing interest among preclinical and clinical investigators. This report describes a method for the repeated assessment of salivary free cortisol in awake, unrestrained squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) based on a saliva sampling technique previously developed for rhesus monkeys. Individually housed adult male squirrel monkeys were trained to chew on dental rope attached to a pole, from which saliva was extracted by centrifugation and analyzed for cortisol by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Eight of nine monkeys readily acquired the task, reliably providing adequate saliva samples for the assay. Salivary free cortisol levels were examined in these subjects under basal conditions and in response to two types of neuroendocrine challenge. Levels of salivary free cortisol showed relatively low intra- and interindividual variability, with mean individual morning levels ranging between 17.1 and 37.9 microg/dl. Squirrel monkeys demonstrated a consistent daily rhythm in salivary free cortisol ranging from a high of 27.4 +/- 5.2 microg/dl (mean +/- SEM) at 12 P.M. to a low of 7.5 +/- 1.6 microg/dl at 6 P.M. Intravenous (IV) challenges with 1 microg/kg ACTH, or 10 and 50 microg/kg CRF resulted in significant increases in salivary free cortisol. The described sampling technique provides a reliable and sensitive means for repeated measurement of HPA activity in unrestrained, awake squirrel monkeys. In addition, our findings illustrate several features of HPA system rhythmicity and reactivity using salivary cortisol instead of blood plasma or serum.  相似文献   

Adult capuchin monkeys use precision grips during manipulation of small objects, although their thumbs have been classified as pseudo-opposable. We investigated the physical properties of the hands to increase our understanding of manual function in capuchins. Forelimb dimensions and joint mobility (goniometric) measurements were obtained from adult, juvenile, and infant tufted capuchins (Cebus apella). Compared to adult squirrel monkeys, adult capuchins exhibited less flexibility of the wrist and digits. Capuchins of all ages had proportionally longer hands than squirrel monkeys, and capuchins more than 7 weeks old had proportionally longer thumbs than squirrel monkeys. Growth of the arms and hands was asynchronous. The duration of growth of the thumb was particularly prolonged, extending into early adulthood. Age-related changes in flexibility were apparent in most indices, and were greatest at the metacarpophalangeal joints. It is unknown to what extent the characteristics of growth, forelimb dimensions, and goniometry presented by capuchins are shared with other species, or if they contribute to the capuchin's unusual prehensive capacities. However, the marked differences between adult capuchins and squirrel monkeys in these metrics, and between capuchins and rhesus in the growth patterns of the digits, suggest that variation across taxa in these characteristics can be considerable.  相似文献   

This study was planned to evaluate the poor reproductive performance of aged squirrel monkeys in a self-sustaining breeding colony. Two groups of monkeys aged 6–8 years (Group 1), and >12 years (Group 2) were evaluated. During the midbreeding season, daily blood samples were obtained for a period of 35 days from 10 animals in each group. Blood samples were assayed for serum estradiol (E), progesterone (P), and bioassayable luteinizing hormone (bio-LH) concentrations and the data were analyzed by ANOVA (analysis of variance). Bio-LH surges were less frequent in the aged breeders (Group 2). Total P output during periovulatory period (day ?;3 to day + 3) and the total P output during the luteal phases of the estrus cycles were significantly lower in aged squirrel monkeys (Group 2, P < 0.003). Although E peaks occurred less frequently in Group 2, they had higher concentrations as compared to Group 1 (P < 0.003). Cumulative periovulatory and luteal phase E levels did not differ between the two groups. The reduction in P output in aged squirrel monkeys may interfere with proper implantation, thus contributing to the lower pregnancy rate observed in this age group. The decreased frequency of bio-LH surges indicated less frequent ovulations in the aged animals which may further impair reproduction with aging. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The extent to which dominance status and sex can influence the physical act of grooming was examined in two groups of rhesus monkeys. Both the sex and the dominance status of the groomee, but not of the groomer, were found to affect the body sites groomed and the positions assumed by the animals during the grooming bout. Females were groomed more on the back and head and less on the tail, rump, upper leg, and lower arm than males. Females with infants tended to face away from the groomer. Higher-ranking groomees were groomed more on the tail and rump and less on the upper leg and back than lower-ranking groomees. Higher-ranking groomees spent more time lying down during grooming than lower-ranking groomees, while lower-ranking groomees faced away from the groomer more then higher-ranking groomees. The behavioral interactions just prior to and immediately after grooming were also recorded. Although the onset of grooming was preceded by social interactions between the partners, the end of grooming was followed by a complete break in interactions. Particular types of social signals displayed by the groomee just prior to grooming were highly correlated with the grooming of specific body sites. These results suggest that the groomee controls the behavior of the groomer by the social signals it displays and the positions it maintains during the grooming bout. Thus, the grooming act itself may play an important role in the social relationships between group members.  相似文献   

We have previously studied the relationship between social subordinance (by approach-avoidance criteria) and physiology among male olive baboons (Papio anubis) living freely in a national park in Africa. In stable hierarchies, subordinate individuals have elevated basal glucocorticoid concentrations and a blunted glucocorticoid response to stress, as well as a prompt suppression of testosterone concentrations during stress. These facets have been interpreted as reflecting the chronic stress of social subordinance. In the present report, we find that these endocrine features do not mark all subordinate individuals. Instead, endocrine profiles differed among subordinate males as a function of particular stylistic traits of social behavior. A subset of subordinate males was identified who had significantly high rates of consortships, a behavior usually shown only by high-ranking males. Such behavior predicted the beginning transition to dominance, as these males were significantly more likely than other subordinates to have moved to the dominant half of the hierarchy over the subsequent 3 years. In keeping with this theme of emerging from subordinance, these individuals also had significantly larger glucocorticoid stress-responses, another feature typical of dominant males. However, these subordinate males also had significantly elevated basal glucocorticoid concentrations; it is suggested that this reflects that stressfulness of their overt and precocious strategy of reproductive competition. In support of this, subordinate males with high rates of covert “stolen copulations” did not show elevated basal glucocorticoid concentrations. A second subset of subordinate males were the most likely to initiate fights or to displace aggression onto a third party after losing a fight. These males had significantly or near-significantly elevated testosterone concentrations, compared to the remaining subordinate cohort. Moreover, these males had significantly lower basal glucocorticoid concentrations; this echoes an extensive literature showing that the availability of a displacement behavior (whether aggressive or otherwise) after a stressor decreases glucocorticoid secretion. In support of this interpretation suggesting that it was the initiation of these aggressive acts which attenuated glucocorticoid secretion, there was no association between glucocorticoid concentrations and participation (independent of initiation) in aggressive interactions. Thus, these findings suggest that variables other than rank alone may be associated with distinctive endocrine profiles, and that even in the face of a social stressor (such as subordinance), particular behavioral styles may attenuate the endocrine indices of stress. Am. J. Primatol. 42:25–39, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the functioning and malfunctioning of maternal behavior in relation to external and social conditions. During developmental studies in captive squirrel monkey groups, 49 mother-infant pairs were observed. There were several cases of maternal inadequacy subsequent to (1) postnatal transportation, (2) exaggerated social investigation by immatures,and (3) premature allomothering. Brief mother-infant separations by humans did not yield such failures. One female consistently prevented nursing with at least three of her five viable offspring. Complete or partial failure of maternal behavior did not preclude subsequent recovery and/or adequate allomothering. Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Med. Detlev Ploog on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

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