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Synaptosomes and synaptoneurosomes were prepared from the cerebral cortex of control rats and of rats treated with gabaculine, gamma-vinylGABA (GVG), hydrazine and isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH). An inverse relationship was observed between the GABA content of the synaptoneurosomes and the muscimol-stimulated chloride ion uptake by the organelles. The relationship held over an extensive range of experimental conditions including different drugs, different dosage levels of the same drug, different time intervals after administration of the same drug, and both single and multiple injections of drugs. The results indicated that the phenomenon was associated with the neurosome component of the preparation, and raised the possibility that GABA levels within the postsynaptic cell might regulate the functioning of the GABAA receptor complexSpecial issue dedicated to Dr. Eugene Roberts.  相似文献   

害虫抗药性的显性水平与抗性进化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对杀虫剂的代谢抗性和主要靶标抗性的显性水平作了理论解释,其中包括昆虫对Bt抗性的显性水平的解释。并对抗性显性具有的多变性作了阐述。分析抗性显性水平与抗药性进化的关系,认为在抗性进化早期抗性表现为显性的基因频率上升快于抗性表现为隐性时;但在抗性等位基因频率较高且出现抗性纯合子个体时,抗性表现为隐性的基因频率上升显著快于抗性表现为显性时。最后论述抗性显性在抗性治理中的应用。  相似文献   

害虫抗药性进化的遗传起源与分子机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何月平  沈晋良 《昆虫知识》2008,45(2):175-181
根据生物进化理论深入理解害虫抗药性进化的遗传起源,并根据解释基因新功能进化的基因重复理论,推测认为基因重复为抗性基因变异提供了原材料。最后,根据现有抗性报道的例子将抗性突变的分子机制进行归类,并发现在多样化的抗性突变中存在一定的规律性,如靶标位点的点突变导致抗性的机制是靶标抗性机制的主要形式,基因扩增或基因过表达导致的代谢酶活性增加是代谢抗性的重要机制,这种规律性与变异的适合度密切相关。  相似文献   

γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the cockroach central nervous system (CNS). Electrophysiological assays performed at cercal-afferent giant-interneuron (GI) synapses demonstrated that a biphasic (transient and stable phases) increase in membrane conductance, in response to long-lasting (30-s) neuropilar pressure microapplication of GABA, could be explained by the presence of two GABA-operated chloride channel receptor subtypes in the postsynaptic membrane. The low stable membrane conductance increase, representing less than 30% of the maximum response, reached during the early transient phase, was not desensitized quickly. It was reproduced by neuropilar pressure microapplication of cis-4-aminocrotonic acid (CACA) and was not, as the fast phase, antagonized by bath application of 10μM picrotoxin (PTX). Imidazole-4-acetic acid (I-4AA) and Zn2+ did not modulate GABA and CACA-induced responses. Furthermore, a presynaptic target site for CACA, that modulates Ach release, was identified. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 37:231–238, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The interaction of avermectin B1a (AVM) with the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor of rat brain was studied using radioactive ligand binding and tracer ion flux assays. Avermectin potentiated the binding of [3H]flunitrazepam and inhibited the binding of both [3H]muscimol and [35S]t-butylbicyclo-phosphorothionate to the GABAA receptor. Inhibition of muscimol binding by AVM suggested competitive displacement. Two kinds of 36chloride (Cl) flux were studied. The 36Cl efflux from preloaded microsacs was potentiated by AVM and was highly inhibited by the Cl-channel blocker 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-stilbenedisulfonic acid (DIDS). However, it was not potentiated by GABA nor was it sensitive to the convulsants picrotoxin or bicuculline. On the other hand, 36Cl-influx measurement in a different microsac preparation of rat brain was very sensitive to GABA and other GABA-ergic drugs. Avermectin induced 36Cl influx into these microsacs in a dose–dependent manner, but to only 35% of the maximal influx induced by GABA. The AVM-induced 36Cl influx was totally blocked by bicuculline. It is suggested that AVM opens the GABAA-receptor Cl channel by binding to the GABA recognition site and acting as a partial receptor agonist, and also opens a voltage–dependent Cl channel which is totally insensitive to GABA but is very sensitive to DIDS.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The GABAA receptor-chloride channel complex has been shown to be modulated by a variety of chemicals. Scores of chemicals with diverse and unrelated structures augment the GABA-induced chloride current, while some other chemicals suppress the current. Certain heavy metals and a variety of polyvalent cations increase or decrease the current in a potent and efficacious manner.2. We have studied the mechanisms whereby mercury, copper, zinc, and lanthanides modulate the GABA system by whole-cell and single-channel patch clamp techniques as applied to the rat dorsal root ganglion neurons in primary culture.3. Mercuric chloride augmented the GABA-induced current to 115% of control at 0.1 µM and to 270% of control at 100 µM. It also generated a slowly developing inward current carried by a variety of ions. In contrast, methylmercury suppressed the GABA-induced current. The potent stimulation of the GABA system by mercuric chloride is deemed important in mercury intoxication.4. Copper and zinc suppressed the GABA-induced current with an EC50 of 16 and 19 µM, respectively. They bound to a common site on the external surface of the GABA receptor-channel complex.5. Lanthanum augmented the GABA-induced current with an EC50 of 230 µM by increasing the affinity of the receptor for GABA. It bound to a site on or near the external surface of the GABA receptor-channel complex which is different from the sites for GABA, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, picrotoxin, and copper/zinc.6. Six other lanthanides with larger atomic numbers also exerted the same stimulatory effect with their efficacies increasing with the atomic number.7. Single-channel analyses have revealed that the augmentation of whole-cell current by terbium, a lanthanide, is due to three actions: an increase in the overall mean open time, a decrease in the overall mean closed time, and an increase in the overall mean burst time.  相似文献   

Abamectin is one of the most widely used avermectins for agricultural pests control, but the emergence of resistance around the world is proving a major threat to its sustained application. Abamectin acts by directly activating glutamate-gated chloride channels (GluCls) and modulating other Cys-loop ion channels. To date, three mutations occurring in the transmembrane domain of arthropod GluCls are associated with target-site resistance to abamectin: A309V in Plutella xylostella GluCl (PxGluCl), G323D in Tetranychus urticae GluCl1 (TuGluCl1) and G326E in TuGluCl3. To compare the effects of these mutations in a single system, A309V/I/G and G315E (corresponding to G323 in TuGluCl1 and G326 in TuGluCl3) substitutions were introduced individually into the PxGluCl channel. Functional analysis using Xenopus oocytes showed that the A309V and G315E mutations reduced the sensitivity to abamectin by 4.8- and 493-fold, respectively. In contrast, the substitutions A309I/G show no significant effects on the response to abamectin. Interestingly, the A309I substitution increased the channel sensitivity to glutamate by one order of magnitude (12-fold). Analysis of PxGluCl homology models indicates that the G315E mutation interferes with abamectin binding through a steric hindrance mechanism. In contrast, the structural consequences of the A309 mutations are not so clear and an allosteric modification of the binding site is the most likely mechanism. Overall the results show that both A309V and G315E mutations may contribute to target-site resistance to abamectin and may be important for the future prediction and monitoring of abamectin resistance in P. xylostella and other arthropod pests.  相似文献   

The Eyguieres 42 strain of Drosophila simulans, obtained by laboratory selection, displayed approximately 20,000-fold resistance to the insecticide fipronil. Molecular cloning of the cDNA encoding the RDL GABA receptor subunit of this strain revealed the presence of two mutations: the Rdl mutation (A301G) and an additional mutation in the third transmembrane domain (T350M). In order to assess the individual and combined roles of the two mutations in fipronil resistance, the functional properties of wild-type, A301G, T350M and A301G/T350M homomultimeric RDL receptors were compared by expression in Xenopus oocytes. In wild-type receptors, the inhibition of GABA (EC(30))-induced currents by fipronil and picrotoxin was enhanced by repeated GABA applications. The A301G mutation nearly abolished this effect, decreased the sensitivity to fipronil and picrotoxin and increased the reversibility of inhibition. The T350M mutation also reduced the sensitivity to both antagonists. Of the four receptor variants tested, the double mutant showed the highest resistance to fipronil, following repeated GABA applications. In conclusion, the present study emphasizes new aspects of the pharmacological alterations induced by the Rdl mutation and shows that resistance to GABA receptor-directed insecticides may implicate a mutation distinct from Rdl.  相似文献   

Indoxacarb and metaflumizone are two sodium channel blocker insecticides (SCBIs). They preferably bind to and trap sodium channels in the slow-inactivated non-conducting state, a mode of action similar to that of local anesthetics (LAs). Recently, two sodium channel mutations, F1845Y (F4i15Y) and V1848I (V4i18I), in the transmembrane segment 6 of domain IV (IVS6), were identified to be associated with indoxacarb resistance in Plutella xylostella. F4i15 is known to be critical for the action of LAs on mammalian sodium channels. Previously, mutation F4i15A in a cockroach sodium channel, BgNav1-1a, has been shown to reduce the action of lidocaine, a LA, but not the action of SCBIs. In this study, we introduced mutations F4i15Y and V4i18A/I individually into the cockroach sodium channel, BgNav1-1a, and conducted functional analysis of the three mutants in Xenopus oocytes. We found that both the F4i15Y and V4i18I mutations reduced the inhibition of sodium current by indoxacarb, DCJW (an active metabolite of indoxacarb) and metaflumizone. F4i15Y and V4i18I mutations also reduced the use-dependent block of sodium current by lidocaine. In contrast, substitution V4i18A enhanced the action metaflumizone and lidocaine. These results show that both F4i15Y and V4i18I mutations may contribute to target-site resistance to SCBIs, and provide the first molecular evidence for common amino acid determinants on insect sodium channels involved in action of SCBIs and LA.  相似文献   

Growing problems of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles funestus have intensified efforts to identify alternative insecticides. Many agrochemicals target the GABA receptors, but cross-resistance from dieldrin resistance may preclude their introduction.Dieldrin resistance was detected in An. funestus populations from West (Burkina Faso) and central (Cameroon) Africa, but populations from East (Uganda) and Southern Africa (Mozambique and Malawi) were fully susceptible to this insecticide. Partial sequencing of the dieldrin target site, the ??-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor, identified two amino acid substitutions, A296S and V327I. The A296S mutation has been associated with dieldrin resistance in other species. The V327I mutations was detected in the resistant sample from Burkina Faso and Cameroon and consistently associated with the A296S substitution. The full-length of the An. funestus GABA-receptor gene, amplified by RT-PCR, generated a sequence of 1674 bp encoding 557 amino acid of the protein in An. funestus with 98% similarity to that of Anopheles gambiae. Two diagnostic assays were developed to genotype the A296S mutation (pyrosequencing and PCR-RFLP), and use of these assays revealed high frequency of the resistant allele in Burkina Faso (60%) and Cameroon (82%), moderate level in Benin (16%) while low frequency or absence of the mutation was observed respectively in Uganda (7.5%) or 0% in Malawi and Mozambique.The distribution of the RdlR mutation in An. funestus populations in Africa suggests extensive barriers to gene flow between populations from different regions.  相似文献   

[目的]γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA)是动物神经系统中一种重要的神经递质.本研究旨在鉴定西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalisγ-氨基丁酸受体(GABA receptors,GABAR)家族基因,明确离子型受体(GABAAR)在西花蓟马对多杀霉素抗性形成中的作用....  相似文献   

The gene para in Drosophila melanogaster encodes an α subunit of voltage-activated sodium channels, the presumed site of action of DDT and pyrethroid insecticides. We used an existing collection of Drosophila para mutants to examine the molecular basis of target-site resistance to pyrethroids and DDT. Six out of thirteen mutants tested were associated with a largely dominant, 10- to 30-fold increase in DDT resistance. The amino acid lesions associated with these alleles defined four sites in the sodium channel polypeptide where a mutational change can cause resistance: within the intracellular loop between S4 and S5 in homology domains I and III, within the pore region of homology domain III, and within S6 in homology domain III. Some of these sites are analogous with those defined by knockdown resistance (kdr) and super-kdr resistance-associated mutations in houseflies and other insects, but are located in different homologous units of the channel polypeptide. We find a striking synergism in resistance levels with particular heterozygous combinations of para alleles that appears to mimic the super-kdr double mutant housefly phenotype. Our results indicate that the alleles analyzed from natural populations represent only a subset of mutations that can confer resistance. The implications for the binding site of pyrethroids and mechanisms of target-site insensitivity are discussed. Received: 9 May 1997 / Accepted: 21 July 1997  相似文献   

We have mutated several amino acids in the region of the GABA(A) receptor alpha1 subunit predicted to form a small extracellular loop between transmembrane domains two and three to investigate its possible role in ligand sensitivity. The mutations were S275T, L276A, P277A, V279A, A280S and Y281F. Mutant alpha1 subunits were co-expressed with beta2 and gamma2 subunits in tsA201 cells or Xenopus oocytes. Binding studies revealed that the only mutation that significantly affected [3H]Ro15-4513 binding was the V279A substitution which reduced the affinity for this ligand. Electrophysiological examination of mutant receptors revealed that L276A, P277A and V279A displayed rightward shifts of their GABA concentration-response curves, the largest occurring with the L276A mutant. The impact of these mutations on allosteric modulation by benzodiazepine-site ligands was examined. V279A reduced the potency of both flunitrazepam and Ro15-4513 but, in each case, their efficacy was enhanced. A280S resulted in a decrease in flunitrazepam efficacy without affecting its potency. Additionally, P277A and A280S resulted in Ro15-4513 losing its inverse agonist effect at these receptors. These results suggest that a domain within this small extracellular loop between TMII-TMIII plays a role in determining the sensitivity of GABA(A) receptors to both GABA and benzodiazepine-site ligands.  相似文献   

Two alleles of the HG1 gene, which encodes a putative GABA receptor alpha/gamma subunit, were isolated from Haemonchus contortus. These two alleles were shown previously to be associated with ivermectin susceptibility (HG1A) and resistance (HG1E), respectively. Sequence analysis indicates that they differ in four amino acids. To explore the functional properties of the two alleles, a full-length cDNA encoding the beta subunit, a key functional component of the GABA receptor, was isolated from Caenorhabditis elegans (gab-1, corresponding to the GenBank locus ZC482.1) and coexpressed in Xenopus oocytes with the HG1 alleles. When gab-1 was coexpressed with either the HG1A allele or the HG1E allele in Xenopus oocytes, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-responsive channels with different sensitivity to the agonist were formed. The effects of ivermectin on the hetero-oligomeric receptors were determined. Application of ivermectin alone had no effect on the receptors. However, when coapplied with 10 micro m GABA, ivermectin potentiated the GABA-evoked current of the GAB-1/HG1A receptor, but attenuated the GABA response of the GAB-1/HG1E receptor. We demonstrated that the coexpressed HG1 and GAB-1 receptors are GABA-responsive, and provide evidence for the possible involvement of GABA receptors in the mechanism of ivermectin resistance.  相似文献   

The prevalence of aromatic residues in the ligand binding site of the GABAA receptor, as with other cys‐loop ligand‐gated ion channels, is undoubtedly important for the ability of neurotransmitters to bind and trigger channel opening. Here, we have examined three conserved tyrosine residues at the GABA binding pocket (β2Tyr97, β2Tyr157, and β2Tyr205), making mutations to alanine and phenylalanine. We fully characterized the effects each mutation had on receptor function using heterologous expression in HEK‐293 cells, which included examining surface expression, kinetics of macroscopic currents, microscopic binding and unbinding rates for an antagonist, and microscopic binding rates for an agonist. The assembly or trafficking of GABAA receptors was disrupted when tyrosine mutants were expressed as αβ receptors, but interestingly not when expressed as αβγ receptors. Mutation of each tyrosine accelerated deactivation and slowed GABA binding. This provides strong evidence that these residues influence the binding of GABA. Qualitatively, mutation of each tyrosine has a very similar effect on receptor function; however, mutations at β2Tyr157 and β2Tyr205 are more detrimental than β2Tyr97 mutations, particularly to the GABA binding rate. Overall, the results suggest that interactions involving multiple tyrosine residues are likely during the binding process.  相似文献   

Diamide insecticides selectively activate insect ryanodine receptors (RyRs), inducing uncontrolled release of calcium ions, and causing muscle contraction, paralysis and eventually death. The RyRG4946E substitution associated with diamide resistance has been identified in three lepidopteran pests, Plutella xylostella, Tuta absoluta and Chilo suppressalis. Recently, the T. absoluta RyRG4946V mutation was knocked into the model insect Drosophila melanogaster by CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing and provided in vivo functional confirmation for its role in diamide resistance. In the present study, we successfully introduced the RyRG4946E mutation with CRISPR/Cas9 technology into a lepidopteran pest of global importance, Spodoptera exigua. The genome-edited strain (named 4946E) homozygous for the SeRyRG4946E mutation exhibited 223-, 336- and >1000-fold resistance to chlorantraniliprole, cyantraniliprole and flubendiamide, respectively when compared to the wild type strain (WHS) of S. exigua. Reciprocal crossing experiments revealed that the target-site resistance in strain 4946E underlies an autosomal and almost recessive mode of inheritance for anthranilic diamides, whereas it was completely recessive for flubendiamide. Our results not only provided in vivo functional validation of the RyRG4946E mutation in conferring high levels of resistance to diamide insecticides for the first time in a controlled genetic background of a lepidopteran pest, but also revealed slight differences on the level of resistance between anthranilic diamides (chlorantraniliprole and cyantraniliprole) and flubendiamide conferred by the SeRyRG4946E mutation.  相似文献   

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