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Environmental heterogeneity has often been implicated in the maintenance of genetic variation. However, previous research has not considered how environmental heterogeneity might affect the rate of adaptation to a novel environment. In this study, I used an insect-plant system to test the hypothesis that heterogeneous environments maintain more genetic variation in fitness components in a novel environment than do uniform environments. To manipulate recent ecological history, replicate populations of the dipteran leafminer Liriomyza trifolii were maintained for 20 generations in one of three treatments: a heterogeneous environment that contained five species of host plant, and two uniform environments that contained either a susceptible chrysanthemum or tomato. The hypothesis that greater genetic variance for survivorship and developmental time on a new host plant (a leafminer-resistant chrysanthemum) would be maintained in the heterogeneous treatment relative to the uniform environments was then tested with a sib-analysis and a natural selection experiment. Populations from the heterogeneous host plant treatment had no greater genetic variance in either larval survivorship or developmental time on the new host than did populations from either of the other treatments. Moreover, the rate of adaptation to the new host did not differ between the ecological history treatments, although the populations from the uniform chrysanthemum treatment had higher mean survivorship throughout the selection experiment. The estimates of the heritability of larval survivorship from the sib-analysis and selection experiment were quite similar. These results imply that ecologically realistic levels of environmental heterogeneity will not necessarily maintain more genetic variance than uniform environments when traits expressed in a particular novel environment are considered.  相似文献   

Parallel evolution of similar phenotypes provides strong evidence for the operation of natural selection. Where these phenotypes contribute to reproductive isolation, they further support a role for divergent, habitat‐associated selection in speciation. However, the observation of pairs of divergent ecotypes currently occupying contrasting habitats in distinct geographical regions is not sufficient to infer parallel origins. Here we show striking parallel phenotypic divergence between populations of the rocky‐shore gastropod, Littorina saxatilis, occupying contrasting habitats exposed to either wave action or crab predation. This divergence is associated with barriers to gene exchange but, nevertheless, genetic variation is more strongly structured by geography than by ecotype. Using approximate Bayesian analysis of sequence data and amplified fragment length polymorphism markers, we show that the ecotypes are likely to have arisen in the face of continuous gene flow and that the demographic separation of ecotypes has occurred in parallel at both regional and local scales. Parameter estimates suggest a long delay between colonization of a locality and ecotype formation, perhaps because the postglacial spread of crab populations was slower than the spread of snails. Adaptive differentiation may not be fully genetically independent despite being demographically parallel. These results provide new insight into a major model of ecologically driven speciation.  相似文献   

Gene flow is often considered to be one of the main factors that constrains local adaptation in a heterogeneous environment. However, gene flow may also lead to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. We investigated the effect of gene flow on local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in development time in island populations of the common frog Rana temporaria which breed in pools that differ in drying regimes. This was done by investigating associations between traits (measured in a common garden experiment) and selective factors (pool drying regimes and gene flow from other populations inhabiting different environments) by regression analyses and by comparing pairwise FST values (obtained from microsatellite analyses) with pairwise QST values. We found that the degree of phenotypic plasticity was positively correlated with gene flow from other populations inhabiting different environments (among‐island environmental heterogeneity), as well as with local environmental heterogeneity within each population. Furthermore, local adaptation, manifested in the correlation between development time and the degree of pool drying on the islands, appears to have been caused by divergent selection pressures. The local adaptation in development time and phenotypic plasticity is quite remarkable, because the populations are young (less than 300 generations) and substantial gene flow is present among islands.  相似文献   

Understanding adaptive evolution to differing environments requires studies of genetic variances, of natural selection, and of the genetic differentiation between populations. Plant physiological traits such as leaf size and water-use efficiency (the ratio of carbon gained per water lost) have been suggested by physiological plant ecologists to be important in local adaptation to environments differing in water availability. In this study, I raised families of Cakile edentula var lacustris derived from a wet-site population and a dry-site population in a common greenhouse environment to determine the degree of genetic differentiation between the two populations and the genetic architecture of the traits. The dry-site population had significantly smaller leaf size and significantly greater water-use efficiency than the wet-site population. I used a retrospective selection analysis to compare long-term selection inferred from these results to measures of phenotypic selection from a field experiment. Both direct measures in the field and the retrospective selection gradients were consistent with the hypothesis that greater water-use efficiency and smaller leaves were adaptive in drier environments. Though the correlation between population means for water-use efficiency and leaf size was negative, the genetic correlation within populations between water-use efficiency and leaf size was positive and thus would be expected to constrain the evolutionary response to selection.  相似文献   

Predation is an important selective force that influences animal color patterns. Some larval populations of the streamside salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, inhabit streams with fish predators. Other larval salamanders are found in shallow, ephemeral streams that are predator-free. Quantitative melanophore cell counts and estimates of percent body area pigmented indicated that larval coloration is strongly correlated with stream type. Larvae that coexist with fish tend to be lighter than larvae from streams that are Ashless and ephemeral. Two approaches demonstrated that lightly pigmented salamander larvae better match the common background in relatively permanent streams and are less conspicuous to fish than dark larvae. First, using a model based on the spectral sensitivity of the fish and reflectance properties of salamanders and natural stream backgrounds, we showed that light larvae are three times more cryptic than dark larvae on rocks. Second, lighter larvae had higher survival than darker salamanders on rocks in a predator- choice experiment. It is not clear why larvae in ephemeral streams are darker. Larvae in ephemeral streams should be active to feed and develop rapidly and reach sufficient size to metamorphose before seasonal drying. Several hypotheses may explain why larvae tend to be darker in ephemeral streams, such as increased thermoregulatory ability, better screening of ultraviolet radiation (in these shallower streams), or better background matching to terrestrial predators. Among populations where salamander larvae coexist with fish, there are differences in relative crypsis. Larvae from populations with fish and relatively high gene flow from ephemeral populations (where larvae are dark) tend to be darker (with more melanophores) and more conspicuous to predators than those from more genetically isolated populations, where larvae are lighter and more cryptic. These differences illustrate the role of gene flow as a constraint to adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Plant populations often adapt to local environmental conditions. Here we demonstrate local adaptation in two subspecies of the California native annual Gilia capitata using standard reciprocal transplant techniques in two sites (coastal and inland) over three consecutive years. Subspecies performance in each site was measured in four ways: probability of seedling emergence, early vegetative size (length of longest leaf), probability of flowering, and total number of inflorescences produced per plant. Analysis of three of the four variables demonstrated local adaptation through site-by-subspecies interactions in which natives outperformed immigrants. The disparity between natives and immigrants in their probability of emergence and probability of flowering was greater at the coastal site than at the inland site. Treated in isolation, these two fitness components suggest that migration from the coast to the inland site may be less restricted by selection than migration in the opposite direction. Two measurements of individual size (leaf length and number of inflorescences), suggest (though not strongly) that immigrants may be subject to weaker selection at the coastal site than at the inland site. A standard cohort life table is used to compare replacement rates (R0) for each subspecies at each site. Comparisons of R0s suggest that immigrants are under a severe demographic disadvantage at the coastal site, but only a small disadvantage at the inland site. The results point out the importance of integrating over several fitness components when documenting the magnitude of local adaptation.  相似文献   

Many trophically transmitted parasites manipulate their intermediate host phenotype, resulting in higher transmission to the final host. However, it is not known if manipulation is a fixed adaptation of the parasite or a dynamic process upon which selection still acts. In particular, local adaptation has never been tested in manipulating parasites. In this study, using experimental infections between six populations of the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis and its amphipod host Gammarus pulex, we investigated whether a manipulative parasite may be locally adapted to its host. We compared adaptation patterns for infectivity and manipulative ability. We first found a negative effect of all parasite infections on host survival. Both parasite and host origins influenced infection success. We found a tendency for higher infectivity in sympatric versus allopatric combinations, but detailed analyses revealed significant differences for two populations only. Conversely, no pattern of local adaptation was found for behavioral manipulation, but manipulation ability varied among parasite origins. This suggests that parasites may adapt their investment in behavioral manipulation according to some of their host's characteristics. In addition, all naturally infected host populations were less sensitive to parasite manipulation compared to a naive host population, suggesting that hosts may evolve a general resistance to manipulation.  相似文献   

Gene frequencies in large populations are determined by a balance between selection and gene flow between neighborhoods of different selection regimes. This balance is affected by the area of the patches of a given selection regime relative to the gene-flow distance. If patches are small relative to gene-flow distance, similarity in the total area occupied by different patch types is a crucial condition for the stability of polymorphisms. However, if patches are larger than the gene-flow distance, then the relative area of different patch types is less important because of reduced gene flow resulting from isolation by distance. Two morphs (striped and unstriped) of the walking-stick Timema cristinae were each strongly associated with patches of distinct species of food plants on which they are most cryptic. The frequency of a morph was high on the plant on which it is most cryptic when either: (1) the area occupied by the food plant (patch) was very large; (2) the patch was completely isolated from other patches; or (3) the patch was larger than adjacent patches. Results (1) and (2) are consistent with isolation-by-distance models, and result (3) is consistent with Levene's multiple-niche polymorphism model.  相似文献   

Variable selection pressures across heterogeneous landscapes can lead to local adaptation of populations. The extent of local adaptation depends on the interplay between natural selection and gene flow, but the nature of this relationship is complex. Gene flow can constrain local adaptation by eroding differentiation driven by natural selection, or local adaptation can itself constrain gene flow through selection against maladapted immigrants. Here we test for evidence that natural selection constrains gene flow among populations of a widespread passerine bird ( Zonotrichia capensis ) that are distributed along an elevational gradient in the Peruvian Andes. Using multilocus sequences and microsatellites screened in 142 individuals collected along a series of replicate transects, we found that mitochondrial gene flow was significantly reduced along elevational transects relative to latitudinal control transects. Nuclear gene flow, however, was not similarly reduced. Clines in mitochondrial haplotype frequency were strongly associated with transitions in environmental variables along the elevational transects, but this association was not observed for the nuclear markers. These results suggest that natural selection constrains mitochondrial gene flow along elevational gradients and that the mitonuclear discrepancy may be due to local adaptation of mitochondrial haplotypes.  相似文献   

In spatially heterogeneous environments, the processes of gene flow, mutation, and sexual reproduction generate local genetic variation and thus provide material for local adaptation. On the other hand, these processes interchange maladapted for adapted genes and so, in each case, the net influence may be to reduce local adaptation. Previous work has indicated that this is the case in stable populations, yet it is less clear how the factors play out during population growth, and in the face of temporal environmental stochasticity. We address this issue with a spatially explicit, stochastic model. We find that dispersal, mutation, and sexual reproduction can all accelerate local adaptation in growing populations, although their respective roles may depend on the genetic make‐up of the founding population. All three processes reduce local adaptation, however, in the long term, that is when population growth becomes balanced by density‐dependent competition. These relationships are qualitatively maintained, although quantitatively reduced, if the resources are locally ephemeral. Our results suggest that species with high levels of local adaptation within their ranges may not be the same species that harbor potential for rapid local adaptation during population expansion.  相似文献   

Herbivorous insects that use the same host plants as larvae and adults can have a subdivided population structure that corresponds to the distribution of their hosts. Having a subdivided population structure favors local adaptation of subpopulations to small-scale environmental differences and it may promote their genetic divergence. In this paper, I present the results of a hierarchical study of population structure in a montane willow leaf beetle, Chrysomela aeneicollis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). This species spends its entire life associated with the larval host (Salix spp.), which occurs in patches along high-elevation streams and in montane bogs. I analyzed the genetic differentiation of C. aeneicollis populations along three drainages in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California at five enzyme loci: ak-1, idh-2, mpi-1, pgi-1, and pgm-1, using recent modifications of Wright's F-statistics. My results demonstrated significant differentiation (FST = 0.043) among drainages that are less than 40 kilometers apart. One locus, pgi-1, showed much greater differentiation than the other four (FST = 0.412), suggesting that it is under natural selection. C. aeneicollis populations were also subdivided within drainages, with significant differentiation 1) among patches of willows (spanning less than three kilometers) and 2) in some cases, among trees within a willow patch. My results demonstrate that this species has the capacity to adapt to local environmental variation at small spatial scales.  相似文献   

Microgeographic adaptation occurs when populations evolve divergent fitness advantages across the spatial scales at which focal organisms regularly disperse. Although an increasing number of studies find evidence for microgeographic adaptation, the underlying causes often remain unknown. Adaptive divergence requires some combination of limited gene flow and strong divergent natural selection among populations. In this study, we estimated the relative influence of selection, gene flow, and the spatial arrangement of populations in shaping patterns of adaptive divergence in natural populations of the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum). Within the study region, A. maculatum co‐occur with the predatory marbled salamander (Ambystoma opacum) in some ponds, and past studies have established a link between predation risk and adaptive trait variation in A. maculatum. Using 14 microsatellite loci, we found a significant pattern of genetic divergence among A. maculatum populations corresponding to levels of A. opacum predation risk. Additionally, A. maculatum foraging rate was strongly associated with predation risk, genetic divergence, and the spatial relationship of ponds on the landscape. Our results indicate the sorting of adaptive genotypes by selection regime and strongly suggest that substantial selective barriers operate against gene flow. This outcome suggests that microgeographic adaptation in A. maculatum is possible because strong antagonistic selection quickly eliminates maladapted phenotypes despite ongoing and substantial immigration. Increasing evidence for microgeographic adaptation suggests a strong role for selective barriers in counteracting the homogenizing influence of gene flow.  相似文献   

 研究残存居群的数量性状分化及其地方适应性有助于了解不同居群对环境的适应性并制定相应的保育策略。本研究采用同园实验,利用随机区 组设计,对中华水韭(Isoetes s inensis)3个居群的9种优势基因型的数量性状进行巢式方差分析,并采用Bayesian方法计算等位酶(FST)和 数量性状(QST)的居群分化值。结果表明,在测量的14个数量性状中,有10个性状在居群间有显著性差异,仅有3个性状在居群内有显著性差 异;多重比较表明其中5个性状的平均值均以松阳居群最高,休宁居群最低;建德居群的大孢子囊的性状和植株高度的平均值最高,休宁居群最 低;推测这可能是与奠基者效应、物种间竞争及中华水韭在自然生境下形成的营养生长和生殖生长之间的权衡有关。对居群数量性状分化的QST 值和等位酶分化的FST值分析比较发现,在假设为自交系时有8个性状的QST值均大于FST值,表明存在明显的地方适应性,居群间个体的混合存 在潜在的远交衰退的风险,所以不宜采用居群间相互移植个体的方法来进行中华水韭居群的遗传复壮。对休宁和松阳两个居群的保育应采用提 高居群内基因流和改善生境环境的方法,促进居群内的遗传复壮;对建德居群应尽量减少人为干扰,宜建立特定生境的保护小区。  相似文献   

Selection for local adaptation results in genetic differentiation in ecologically important traits. In a perennial, outcrossing model plant Arabidopsis lyrata, several differentiated phenotypic traits contribute to local adaptation, as demonstrated by fitness advantage of the local population at each site in reciprocal transplant experiments. Here we compared fitness components, hierarchical total fitness and differentiation in putatively ecologically important traits of plants from two diverged parental populations from different continents in the native climate conditions of the populations in Norway and in North Carolina (NC, U.S.A.). Survival and number of fruits per inflorescence indicated local advantage at both sites and aster life‐history models provided additional evidence for local adaptation also at the level of hierarchical total fitness. Populations were also differentiated in flowering start date and floral display. We also included reciprocal experimental F1 and F2 hybrids to examine the genetic basis of adaptation. Surprisingly, the F2 hybrids showed heterosis at the study site in Norway, likely because of a combination of beneficial dominance effects from different traits. At the NC site, hybrid fitness was mostly intermediate relative to the parental populations. Local cytoplasmic origin was associated with higher fitness, indicating that cytoplasmic genomes also may contribute to the evolution of local adaptation.  相似文献   

Patterns of geographic variation in communication systems can provide insight into the processes that drive phenotypic evolution. Although work in birds, anurans, and insects demonstrates that acoustic signals are sensitive to diverse selective and stochastic forces, processes that shape variation in mammalian vocalizations are poorly understood. We quantified geographic variation in the advertisement songs of sister species of singing mice, montane rodents with a unique mode of vocal communication. We tested three hypotheses to explain spatial variation in the song of the lower altitude species, Scotinomys teguina: selection for species recognition in sympatry with congener, S. xerampelinus, acoustic adaptation to different environments, and stochastic divergence. Mice were sampled at seven sites in Costa Rica and Panamá; genetic distances were estimated from mitochondrial control region sequences, between‐site differences in acoustic environment were estimated from climatic data. Acoustic, genetic and geographic distances were all highly correlated in S. teguina, suggesting that population differentiation in song is largely shaped by genetic drift. Contrasts between interspecific genetic‐acoustic distances were significantly greater than expectations derived from intraspecific contrasts, indicating accelerated evolution of species‐specific song. We propose that, although much intraspecific acoustic variation is effectively neutral, selection has been important in shaping species differences in song.  相似文献   

A tree of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes was constructed to estimate the number of evolutionary changes of host-plant preference needed to account for variation among 24 populations of the butterfly Euphydryas editha. Using 17 restriction endonucleases, 22 mtDNA haplotypes were found among 24 populations of this butterfly species. We allowed for the possibility of haplotypes to acquire particular preferences either from evolutionary change at their local sites or from migration to populations where those preferences occurred. After we had taken these estimates of migration into account, a minimum of 10 evolutionary changes of host preference (reduced from 22) was needed to explain the pattern of use of five host-plant genera among these populations. Analysis of allozyme variation among a partially overlapping set of populations also suggested multiple host shifts. Although genetic variation of host preference is largely responsible for interpopulation variation of diet, repeated reversals of preference evolution have occurred. However, host preferences were not distributed randomly with respect to phylogeny, and some tendency toward evolutionary conservation of preference also was indicated. The haplotype of E. editha most closely related to the sister species, E. chalcedona, used a principal host of E. chalcedona. Our results suggest that host shifts occur frequently in E. editha, are a result of both migration and local evolution, and have not been associated with speciation in these insects.  相似文献   

The hybrid zone on Mount Etna (Sicily) between Senecio aethnensis and Senecio chrysanthemifolius (two morphologically and physiologically distinct species) is a classic example of an altitudinal cline. Hybridization at intermediate altitudes and gradients in phenotypic and life‐history traits occur along altitudinal transects of the volcano. The cline is considered to be a good example of ecological selection with species differences arising by divergent selection opposing gene flow. However, the possibility that the cline formed from recent secondary contact following an allopatric phase is difficult to exclude. We demonstrate a recent split between S. aethnensis and S. chrysanthemifolius (as recent as ~32,000 years ago) and sufficient gene flow (2Nm > 1) to have prevented divergence (implicating a role for diversifying selection in the maintenance of the cline). Differentially expressed genes between S. aethnensis and S. chrysanthemifolius exhibit significantly higher genetic divergence relative to “expression invariant” controls, suggesting that species differences may in part be mediated by divergent selection on differentially expressed genes involved with altitude‐related adaptation. The recent split time and the absence of fixed differences between these two ecologically distinct species suggest the rapid evolution to an altitudinal cline involving selection on both sequence and expression variation.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity within obligatorily parthenogenic species can be high, contrary to common views of the evolutionary consequences of this reproductive system. How this clonal diversity is maintained within populations is not clearly understood. Previous studies showing high clonal diversity have used parthenogenic organisms with known sexual forms or relatives. Here we report significant spatial and temporal clonal diversity within two populations of an obligatorily parthenogenic mite, Penthaleus major, which has no known sexual form or close sexual relative. Fitness estimates from temporal sampling at two sites and manipulated field plots reveal intense natural selection acting on ecologically different clones. We propose that environmental heterogeneity contributes to the maintenance of clonal diversity within populations of P. major and that selection is strong enough to overcome the problems of relative niche size.  相似文献   

We studied the relative role of genetic determination versus plastic response for traits involved in ecological adaptation of two ecotypes of Littorina saxatilis living at different shore levels. To investigate the magnitude of the plastic response across ontogeny, we compared morphological data from individuals grown in the laboratory and taken from the wild at three developmental stages: shelled embryos, juveniles, and adults. The results indicate that most shell shape variation (72–99%) in adaptive traits (globosity and aperture of the shell) is explained by the ecotype irrespective of the growth environment, suggesting that direct genetic determination is the main factor responsible for the process of adaptation in the wild. There was a tendency for the contribution of plasticity to increase over ontogeny but, in general, the direction of the plastic response did not suggest that this was adaptive.  相似文献   

Morphologically variable F2 genotypes derived from hybridization of coastal and inland ecotypes of the annual plant Diodia teres were used to identify selection on morphological traits in the natural habitat of each ecotype. These ecotypes occur in very different habitats, and have evolved pronounced morphological differentiation. Selection analysis can suggest whether present patterns of selection can explain morphological differences between ecotypes. F2 genotypes were characterized morphologically, clonally replicated, and transplanted into the habitat of each ecotype. Selection was measured on six morphological traits. Directional and stabilizing selection occurred on many traits; direction and strength of selection varied sharply at different stages of growth, as revealed by a path-analysis approach that divided selection into a set of independent components. Directional selection favored traits of the native population at the coastal habitat, but less so at the inland habitat. Selection was of sufficient strength to create the observed morphological differences between ecotypes in 25–100 generations, given constant selection and sufficient genetic variation. In effects on fitness, most traits were neither independent nor consistently interactive with other traits. Rather, many traits entered into strong but evanescent interactions affecting particular components of fitness. Observed interactions did not support the hypothesis that the morphology of each ecotype was functionally integrated to a high degree.  相似文献   

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