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A detailed investigation of hydrodynamic and conformational behavior has been made of the HM-crystallin and -crystallins of bovine lens. Results from this study indicated that HM (high-molecular-weight -crystallin) and (low-molecular-weight -crystallin) possess considerable size and charge heterogeneities in their native structures and subunit polypeptides, respectively. Sedimentation velocity showed a heterogeneous polydisperse system of HM with an average sedimentation coefficient of about 50 S and a more homogeneous system of -crystallin of 20 S. Viscosity and circular dichroism studies pointed to a compact and globular shape of dominant -sheet conformation for -crystallin, yet a highly asymmetrical and aggregated form for HM. The conformational stability of -crystallin was investigated in the presence of various denaturants. The evidence presented shows that hydrogen bonding is the main force in maintaining the quaternary structure of compact native -crystallin. Conformational flexibility of -crystallin demonstrated in the equilibrium unfolding study indicated a multistep transition that made the extraction of thermodynamic data from the heat denaturation study difficult. Temperature perturbation on -crystallin suggested the possible involvement of hydrophobic interaction in the aggregation process, leading to the formation of HM from -crystallin. The comparison of conformational properties between HM and -crystallin strongly indicated that HM is a denatured form of -crystallin.  相似文献   

Methylation and carbamylation of human gamma-crystallins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Accessible sulfhydryls of cysteine residues are likely sites of reaction in long-lived proteins such as human lens crystallins. Disulfide bonding between cysteines is a major contributor to intermolecular cross-linking and aggregation of crystallins. A recently reported modification of gammaS-crystallins, S-methylation of cysteine residues, can prevent disulfide formation. The aim of this study was to determine whether cysteines in gammaC-, gammaD-, and gammaB-crystallins are also S-methylated. Our data show that all the gamma-crystallins are S-methylated, but only at specific cysteines. In gammaD-crystallin, methylation is exclusively at Cys 110, whereas in gammaC- and gammaB-crystallins, the principal methylation site is Cys 22 with minor methylation at Cys 79. gammaD-crystallin is the most heavily methylated gamma-crystallin. gammaD-Crystallins from adult lenses are 37%-70% methylated, whereas gammaC and gammaB are approximately 12% methylated. The specificity of gamma-crystallin methylation and its occurrence in young clear lenses supports the idea that inhibition of disulfide bonding by S-methylation may play a protective role against cataract. Another modification, not reported previously, is carbamylation of the N termini of gammaB-, gammaC-, gammaD-crystallins. N-terminal carbamylation is likely a developmentally related modification that does not negatively impact crystallin function.  相似文献   

To investigate the structural stability of proteins, we analyzed the thermodynamics of an artificially designed 30-residue peptide. The designed peptide, NH2-EELLPLAEALAPLLEALLPLAEALAPLLKK-COOH (PERI COIL-1), with prolines at i + 7 positions, forms a pentameric alpha-helical structure in aqueous solution. The thermal denaturation curves of the CD at 222 nm (pH 7.5) show an unusual cold denaturation occurring well above 0 degrees C and no thermal denaturation is observable under 90 degrees C. This conformational change is reversible and depends on peptide concentration. A 2-state model between the monomeric denatured state (5D) and the pentameric helical state (H5) was sufficient to analyze 5 thermal denaturation curves of PERI COIL-1 with concentrations between 23 and 286 microM. The analysis was carried out by a nonlinear least-squares method using 3 fitting parameters: the midpoint temperature, Tm, the enthalpy change, delta H(Tm), and the heat capacity change, delta Cp. The association number (n = 5) was determined by sedimentation equilibrium and was not used as a fitting parameter. The heat capacity change suggests that the hydrophobic residues are buried in the helical state and exposed in the denatured one, as it occurs normally for natural globular proteins. On the other hand, the enthalpy and the entropy changes have values close to those found for coiled-coils and are quite distinct from typical values reported for natural globular proteins. In particular, the enthalpy change extrapolated at 110 degrees C is about 3 kJ/mol per amino acid residue, i.e., half of the value found for globular proteins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purified mucilage from Opuntia ficus-indica is a high MW polysaccharide which behaves as a polyelectrolyte. Viscosity of its solution is dependent on the Ca2+ ion concentration and on pH, being greatest at alkaline pH. The sedimentation coefficient was dependent on concentration. The molecule had an estimated axial ratio of 256 in water, and this was reduced at low pH and in the presence of high concentrations of Ca2+. The molecule was studied with light scattering and CD techniques and its UV spectrum was recorded. All these parameters were influenced by pH and by ion concentration. The gelation properties also changed with pH and with Ca2+ giving dense gels in its presence and loose ones in its absence. The results are interpreted in terms of changes in conformation of the molecule, changes in Ca2+ binding and degree of ionization of the molecule. An attempt is made to relate the molecular properties to the physiological function of the mucilage in the calcium and water economy of the plant.  相似文献   

A combination of mass spectrometric techniques has been used to investigate the amino acid sequence and post-translational modifications of alpha B-crystallin isolated from bovine lenses by gel filtration chromatography and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Chromatographic fractions were analyzed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to determine the homogeneity and molecular weights of proteins in the fractions. The alpha B-crystallin primary gene product, its mono- and diphosphorylated forms, its N- and C-terminal truncated forms, as well as other lens proteins unrelated to the alpha B-crystallins were identified by their molecular weights. Detailed information about the sites of phosphorylation, as well as evidence supporting reassignment of Asn to Asp at position 80, was obtained by analyzing proteolytic digests of these proteins by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Results of this investigation indicate that alpha B-crystallin is phosphorylated in vivo at Ser 45, Ser 59, and either Ser 19 or 21. From the specificity of phosphorylation of alpha-crystallins, it appears that there may be two different kinases responsible for their phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Phytocystatins belong to the family of cysteine proteinases inhibitors. They are ubiquitously found in plants and carry out various significant physiological functions. These plant derived inhibitors are gaining wide consideration as potential candidate in engineering transgenic crops and in drug designing. Hence it is crucial to identify these inhibitors from various plant sources. In the present study a phytocystatin has been isolated and purified by a simple two‐step procedure using ammonium sulfate saturation and gel filtration chromatography on Sephacryl S‐100HR from Brassica alba seeds (yellow mustard seeds).The protein was purified to homogeneity with 60.3% yield and 180‐fold of purification. The molecular mass of the mustard seed cystatin was estimated to be nearly 26 000 Da by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as well as by gel filtration chromatography. The stokes radius and diffusion coefficient of the mustard cystatin were found to be 23A° and 9.4 × 10?7 cm2s?1 respectively. The isolated phytocystatin was found to be stable in the pH range of 6–8 and is thermostable up to 60 °C. Kinetic analysis revealed that the phytocystatin exhibited non‐competitive type of inhibition and inhibited papain more efficiently (Ki = 3 × 10?7 M) than ficin (Ki = 6.6 × 10?7 M) and bromelain (Ki = 7.7 × 10?7 M respectively). CD spectral analysis shows that it possesses 17.11% alpha helical content. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The partly folded states of alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) exposed to acid solution at pH 2.0 (A-state) or at neutral pH upon EDTA-mediated removal of the single protein-bound calcium ion (apo form) have been probed by limited proteolysis experiments. These states are nowadays commonly considered to be molten globules and thus protein-folding intermediates. Pepsin was used for proteolysis at acid pH, while proteinase K and chymotrypsin at neutral pH. The expectations were that these proteolytic probes would detect sites and/or chain regions in the partly folded states of alpha-LA sufficiently dynamic, or even unfolded, capable of binding and adaptation to the specific stereochemistry of the protease's active site. A time-course analysis of the proteolytic events revealed that the fast, initial proteolytic cuts of the 123-residue chain of alpha-LA in its A-state or apo form by the three proteases occur at the same chain region 39-54, the actual site(s) of cleavage depending upon the protease employed. This region in native alpha-LA encompasses the beta-sheets of the protein. Subsequent cleavages occur mostly at chain regions 31-35 and 95-105. Four fragment species of alpha-LA have been isolated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, and their conformational properties examined by circular dichroism and fluorescence emission spectroscopy. The single chain fragment 53-103, containing all the binding sites for calcium in native alpha-LA and cross-linked by two disulfide bridges, maintains in aqueous buffer and in the presence of calcium ions a folded structure characterized by the same content of alpha-helix of the corresponding chain segment in native alpha-LA. Evidence for some structure was also obtained for the two-chain species 1-40 and 104-123, as well as 1-31 and 105-123, both systems being covalently linked by two disulfide bonds. In contrast, the protein species given by fragment 1-34 connected to fragment 54-123 or 57-123 via four disulfide bridges adopts in solution a folded structure with the helical content expected for a native-like conformation. Of interest, the proteolytic fragment species herewith isolated correspond to the structural domains and subdomains of alpha-LA that can be identified by computational analysis of the three-dimensional structure of native alpha-LA (Siddiqui AS, Barton GI, 1995, Protein Sci 4:872-884). The fast, initial cleavages at the level of the beta-sheet region of native alpha-LA indicate that this region is highly mobile or even unfolded in the alpha-LA molten globule(s), while the rest of the protein chain maintains sufficient structure and rigidity to prevent extensive proteolysis. The subsequent cleavages at chain segment 95-105 indicate that also this region is somewhat mobile in the A-state or apo form of the protein. It is concluded that the overall domain topology of native alpha-LA is maintained in acid or at neutral pH upon calcium depletion. Moreover, the molecular properties of the partly folded states of alpha-LA deduced here from proteolysis experiments do correlate with those derived from previous NMR and other physicochemical measurements.  相似文献   

Wrzeszczynski KO  Rost B 《Proteins》2009,74(3):655-668
Machine-learning techniques can classify functionally related proteins where homology-transfer as well as sequence and structure motifs fail. Here, we present a method that aimed at complementing homology-transfer in the identification of cell cycle control kinases from sequence alone. First, we identified functionally significant residues in cell cycle proteins through their high sequence conservation and biophysical properties. We then incorporated these residues and their features into support vector machines (SVM) to identify new kinases and more specifically to differentiate cell cycle kinases from other kinases and other proteins. As expected, the most informative residues tend to be highly conserved and tend to localize in the ATP binding regions of the kinases. Another observation confirmed that ATP binding regions are typically not found on the surface but in partially buried sites, and that this fact is correctly captured by accessibility predictions. Using these highly conserved, semi-buried residues and their biophysical properties, we could distinguish cell cycle S/T kinases from other kinase families at levels around 70-80% accuracy and 62-81% coverage. An application to the entire human proteome predicted at least 97 human proteins with limited previous annotations to be candidates for cell cycle kinases.  相似文献   

Two electrophoretic polymorphisms affecting lens crystallins, designated LEN-1 and LEN-2, have been discovered among inbred strains of mice. Analysis by isoelectric focusing demonstrated that both crystallins are monomeric proteins with isoelectric points at or above pH 7. Both proteins eluted in the low molecular weight (LM) fraction upon Sephadex G-200 gel filtration but LEN-2 was shown to be larger than LEN-1 by G75SF gel filtration and denaturing gel electrophoresis. Linkage analysis demonstrated that the genes encoding LEN-1 and LEN-2 assort independently. Amino acid analysis of the allelic products of the two genes revealed that genetic variants of each respective crystallin were very similar in amino acid compositions but that LEN-1 and LEN-2 were dissimilar crystallins.This research was sponsored in part by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract DE-AC05-840R21400 with the Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.  相似文献   

Bovine chromogranin A, the acidic calcium-binding protein characteristic of endocrine secretory vesicles, has been expressed in Escherichia coli using the pET3a vector system under T7 polymerase control. The expressed protein is located in the bacterial cytosol and can be purified from bacterial proteins by a heat treatment step, followed by gel filtration, anion-exchange, and reversed-phase chromatography. The purified recombinant chromogranin A has an apparent M(r) of ca. 72,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, in spite of its 432-amino acid polypeptide chain, consistent with observations on natural chromogranin A. The primary structure has been confirmed by mass spectral analysis of tryptic peptides, by Edman degradation of the intact protein, and by immunoreactivity with sequence-specific antibodies. Analysis by circular dichroism spectroscopy shows pH- and concentration-dependent spectra. The spectra are Ca2(+)-dependent from 5 to 40 microM.  相似文献   

Aspergillus terreus is an allergenic fungus, in addition to causing infections in both humans and plants. However, the allergens in this fungus are still unknown, limiting the development of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. We used a proteomic approach to search for allergens, identifying 16 allergens based on two-dimensional immunoblotting with A. terreus susceptible patient sera. We further characterized triose-phosphate isomerase (Asp t 36), one of the dominant IgE (IgE)-reactive proteins. The gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Phylogenetic analysis showed Asp t 36 to be highly conserved with close similarity to the triose-phosphate isomerase protein sequence from Dermatophagoides farinae, an allergenic dust mite. We identified four immunodominant epitopes using synthetic peptides, and mapped them on a homology-based model of the tertiary structure of Asp t 36. Among these, two were found to create a continuous surface patch on the 3D structure, rendering it an IgE-binding hotspot. Biophysical analysis indicated that Asp t 36 shows similar secondary structure content and temperature sensitivity with other reported triose-phosphate isomerase allergens. In vivo studies using a murine model displayed that the recombinant Asp t 36 was able to stimulate airway inflammation, as demonstrated by an influx of eosinophils, goblet cell hyperplasia, elevated serum Igs, and induction of Th2 cytokines. Collectively, our results reveal the immunogenic property of Asp t 36, a major allergen from A. terreus, and define a new fungal allergen more broadly. This allergen could serve as a potent candidate for investigating component resolved diagnosis and immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Kobayashi T  Ikeguchi M  Sugai S 《Proteins》2002,49(3):297-301
At neutral pH, equine beta-lactoglobulin (ELG) is monomeric, whereas bovine beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) exists as a dimer. To understand the difference in the oligomerization properties between ELG and BLG, three mutants of ELG (LP, I, and LPI) were constructed by substituting amino acids responsible for important interactions at the dimer interface of BLG into ELG. The mutant LP has an AB loop mutation (S34A/E35Q), the mutant I has an I strand mutation (G145M/R146H/V147I/Q148R/I149L/V150S/P151F/D152N/L153P) and the mutant LPI includes both the LP and I mutations. The far- and near-UV CD spectra of the three mutants are similar to that of the wild-type ELG, indicating that the secondary and the tertiary structures of ELG are not significantly affected by the mutations. Ultracentrifuge analysis shows that all three mutants are monomeric at neutral pH, suggesting that the protein sequences in the AB loop and I strand of BLG alone cannot support dimerization of ELG. Thus, structural differences must exist between ELG and BLG that prevent the ELG mutants from forming the same interactions as BLG at the dimer interface.  相似文献   

A protein concentration gradient exists from the center to the periphery of most lenses, the origin of which is still a matter of debate. The gradient, which contributes to the lens optical quality, seems to be accompanied by an uneven distribution of the crystallin classes, with the nucleus usually enriched in -and the cortex in -crystallins. Since the osmotic pressure within the lens seems to be constant and since a rather different interaction behaviour of -and -crystallins was demonstrated in previous studies, we propose that the maintenance of a constant osmotic pressure through the lens is sufficient to induce and stabilize a protein concentration gradient. The theoretical treatment has been worked out and the validity of the hypothesis has been demonstrated with colloidal osmotic pressure measurements of lens cortical and nuclear cytoplasmic extracts as a function of protein concentration. To account for the observed lens concentration gradient, however, a small additional concentration gradient in the opposite direction, involving an ion or small molecule, might be required.  相似文献   

The effect of sugars (sucrose, maltose, and glucose) on the thermal and chemical denaturation of rabbit serum albumin (RSA) has been examined by viscosity and far UV circular dichroism measurements. The viscosity measurements indicate a change in the reduced viscosity from 4.18 to 16.23 ml/g in the temperature range from 20 to 90°C. The T m value for RSA obtained by viscosity measurements in the absence of sugar was found to be 63.2°C, but this value increased to 68.4, 70.3, and 73.2°C in the presence of 0.5 M sucrose, 0.5 M glucose, and 0.5 M maltose, respectively. Further, the stability of RSA in the presence of 0.5 M sugars was also investigated by measuring the mean residue ellipticity at 222 nm (MRE222) using chemical (0-6 M guanidine hydrochloride) and thermal (20-90°C) transition processes. At the midpoint of the chemical denaturation, the increase in the MRE values at 222 nm in the presence of 0.5 M sugars were of the same order as the increase in the T m values, i.e., maltose > glucose > sucrose. Interestingly, a mixture of 0.25 M glucose and 0.25 M fructose showed a cumulative effect on the thermal as well as chemical stability as compared to 0.5 M sucrose alone. In the case of both thermal and chemical denaturation, there was an increase in the MRE222 values upon addition of various sugars, this indicating induction of secondary structure in the protein.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus epidermidis is a commensal bacterium on human skin that is also the leading cause of medical device-related infections. The accumulation-associated protein (Aap) from S. epidermidis is a critical factor for infection via its ability to mediate biofilm formation. The B-repeat superdomain of Aap is composed of 5 to 17 Zn2+-binding B-repeats, which undergo rapid, reversible assembly to form dimer and tetramer species. The tetramer can then undergo a conformational change and nucleate highly stable functional amyloid fibrils. In this study, multiple techniques including analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) are used to probe a panel of B-repeat mutant constructs that assemble to distinct oligomeric states to define the structural characteristics of B-repeat dimer and tetramer species. The B-repeat region from Aap forms an extremely elongated conformation that presents several challenges for standard SAXS analyses. Specialized approaches, such as cross-sectional analyses, allowed for in-depth interpretation of data, while explicit-solvent calculations via WAXSiS allowed for accurate evaluation of atomistic models. The resulting models suggest mechanisms by which Aap functional amyloid fibrils form, illuminating an important contributing factor to recurrent staphylococcal infections.  相似文献   

The genetically engineered S140C variant of the homodimeric nuclease from Serratia marcescens was crosslinked across the dimer interface at the Cys 140 residues using bifunctional SH-specific 1,1-alkanediyl-bis-pyrrole-2,5-diones of different lengths. These bismaleimidoalkanes were synthesized by the condensation of n-alkyldiamines with maleic anhydride and subsequent cyclization with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate. Bismaleimidohexane (BMH) which gave the best crosslinking yield was used to produce in preparative amounts crosslinked Serratia nuclease. The crosslinked protein has the same secondary structure and exhibits the same guanidinium chloride unfolding behavior as the wild type enzyme or the non-covalently linked S140C variant. In contrast, in thermal unfolding experiments the crosslinked dimer behaves differently from the wild type enzyme or the non-covalently linked S140C variant. CD-spectra recorded during temperature rise showed only minor changes of the secondary structure composition for the wild type enzyme and the non-covalently linked S140C variant, whereas in the case of the crosslinked S140C dimer a distinct increase of the CD effect was observed corresponding to an increase in -helix. Our results demonstrate that bismaleimidoalkanes are very well suited to covalently link subunits of proteins, provided suitably located cysteine residues are present.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the interaction between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and desvenlafaxine was studied using fluorescence, ultraviolet absorption, 3‐dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism, synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy, cyclic voltametry, differential scanning calorimetry, and attenuated total reflection–Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic techniques under physiological condition at pH 7.4. Stern‐Volmer calculations authenticate the fluorescence of BSA that was quenched by desvenlafaxine in a collision quenching mode. The fluorescence quenching method was used to evaluate number of binding sites “n” and binding constant K A that were measured, and various thermodynamic parameters were evaluated at different temperatures by using the van't Hoff equation and differential scanning calorimetry technique, which indicated a spontaneous and hydrophobic interaction between BSA and desvenlafaxine. According to the Förster theory we calculate the distance between the donor, BSA and acceptor, desvenlafaxine molecules. Furthermore, circular dichroism and attenuated total reflection–Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy indicate nominal changes in the secondary structure of the protein.  相似文献   

Homodimeric archaeal histones and heterodimeric eukaryotic histones share a conserved structure but fold through different kinetic mechanisms, with a correlation between faster folding/association rates and the population of kinetic intermediates. Wild-type hMfB (from Methanothermus fervidus) has no intrinsic fluorophores; Met35, which is Tyr in hyperthermophilic archaeal histones such as hPyA1 (from Pyrococcus strain GB-3A), was mutated to Tyr and Trp. Two Tyr-to-Trp mutants of hPyA1 were also characterized. All fluorophores were introduced into the long, central alpha-helix of the histone fold. Far-UV circular dichroism (CD) indicated that the fluorophores did not significantly alter the helical content of the histones. The equilibrium unfolding transitions of the histone variants were two-state, reversible processes, with DeltaG degrees (H2O) values within 1 kcal/mol of the wild-type dimers. The hPyA1 Trp variants fold by two-state kinetic mechanisms like wild-type hPyA1, but with increased folding and unfolding rates, suggesting that the mutated residues (Tyr-32 and Tyr-36) contribute to transition state structure. Like wild-type hMfB, M35Y and M35W hMfB fold by a three-state mechanism, with a stopped-flow CD burst-phase monomeric intermediate. The M35 mutants populate monomeric intermediates with increased secondary structure and stability but exhibit decreased folding rates; this suggests that nonnative interactions occur from burial of the hydrophobic Tyr and Trp residues in this kinetic intermediate. These results implicate the long central helix as a key component of the structure in the kinetic monomeric intermediates of hMfB as well as the dimerization transition state in the folding of hPyA1.  相似文献   

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