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王伴月 《古脊椎动物学报》2001,39(2):98-114,T001,T002
描述了4属10种梳趾鼠类化石(Gobiomys neimongolensis, G. exiguus(新种), G. cf.G.exiguus,G.asiaticus(新种),Gobiomys?spp.,Advenimus cf.A.bohlini,A.cf.A.burkei, Yuomys sp.和Protataromys sp.).以Mergenomys neimongolensis作属型种建了一新属,Gobiomys。其特征是:门齿孔大;具P3;颊齿齿冠低,主尖明显,但不膨大,齿凹开阔;P4/p4非臼齿化;上臼齿宽大于长,后脊较发育;M1和M2具内脊;下外脊和下次小尖位置偏外。G.exiguus的特点是:个体较小,上颌骨颧突根在P3之前,下臼齿缺下原失后臂舌部、下内尖臂和下前齿带.G.asiaticus的上颌骨颧突后缘在P3的外方;臼齿具较发达的齿脊;上臼齿较宽短,后小尖较弱;下臼齿具较发达的内尖臂和前齿带。 Gobiomyidae新科包括Gobiomys, Mergenomys,Youngomys和哈萨克斯坦的未命名的新属等4属,组成与梳趾鼠科相对的姐妹群。其主要特征是,下颌骨缺咬肌窝上嵴。颊齿低冠,近于丘形  相似文献   

1998-1989年中国科学院古脊椎动物与人类研究所与中国人民解放军某给水部队联合考察队在对内蒙古阿拉善左旗乌兰塔塔尔地区的红层进行考察时,在克克阿木地点的下部红层中发现了一些哺乳动物化石,并称该动物群为克克阿木哺乳动物群(王伴月、王培玉,1991).其中,有几件小哺乳动物化石可能代表梳趾鼠类一新属、种.现给予描述报道.  相似文献   

描述了湖北省丹江口市均县镇一始新世化石点的3种哺乳动物化石,其中包括梳趾鼠类一新属种:林氏汉南鼠(新属、新种)Hannanomys lini gen. et sp. nov.。根据林氏汉南鼠与其他梳趾鼠类性状对比及该地点动物群组合特点推测其时代为早始新世晚期,与产于玉皇顶组中段的王家营大尖地方动物群的时代相当。该化石点是李官桥盆地中汉江南岸早始新世化石地点的首次发现,它的认定对在此地区寻找古新统/始新统界线有重要意义。  相似文献   

<正>阿尔丁鼠(Ardynomys)是圆柱齿鼠科(cylindrodontids)中较原始的一类,主要分布于亚洲的晚始新世—早渐新世和北美的晚始新世,在亚洲主要发现于蒙古和哈萨克斯坦。虽然Dawson(1968)和王伴月、王培玉(1991)报道了在我国内蒙古也有Ardynomys化石存  相似文献   

在内蒙古上渐新统伊克布拉格组中发现的 Yindirtemys 的新材料证明,Yindirtemys woodi 是 Tataromys grangeri 的晚出的同物异名,但 Tataromys grangeri 的特点与典型的 Tataromys 的区别很大,而 Yindirtemys 属仍是有效的.因此,这个种应从 Tataromys 属中排除,而归人 Yindirtemys 属.  相似文献   

本文记述了采自内蒙古中中新统和上渐新统啮齿动物—新属——双柱鼠属 (Distylomys) 的两个新种 D. tedfordi 和 D. qianlishanensis. 它们是一类很特别的鼠类, 可能代表了梳趾鼠超科中的一个新科:双柱鼠科 Distylomyidae.文中讨论了梳趾鼠超科中各科之间,以及它与 hystricognaths 的关系.  相似文献   

描述了产自内蒙古二连盆地呼和勃尔和地区始新世壮鼠类化石,包括呼和勃尔和剖面伊尔丁曼哈组底部的Asiomys dawsoni以及努和廷勃尔和剖面阿山头组底部的Ischyromyidae gen.et sp.indet.。其中Asiomys与其他壮鼠类的区别在于其下颌厚、高;咬肌窝明显、前缘宽,并有较明显的结节;P4无次尖、M1和M2次尖小;后小尖2个;dp4有明显的下次脊、p4无下次脊;下臼齿下原尖后棱长短不一、下次尖与下后齿带相连、下外脊完整、下次脊短。Asiomys的下颌特征与Paramys delicatus相似,门齿釉质层、上臼齿次尖、下臼齿下次脊等结构特征与北美中始新世的壮鼠类相近,与亚洲已知的壮鼠类差别较大。因此,Asiomys是中始新世亚洲与北美大陆哺乳动物之间交流的又一佐证。  相似文献   

本文记述了发现在乌兰塔塔尔地区的中渐新世圆柱齿鼠科化石。根据牙齿特征,将乌兰塔塔尔动物群中原先的阿尔丁鼠(Ardynomys)和圆柱鼠(Cyclomylus)分别放到异鼠(Anomoemys)和察干鼠(Tsaganomys)属中,将原“小圆柱鼠”(Cyclomylus minutus Kowalski,1974)改订为小察干鼠(Tsaganomys minutus)。在记述洛异鼠(Anomoernys lohiculus)、阿尔泰察干鼠(Tsaganomys altaicus)和小察干鼠的同时,讨论了它们的种内变异。此外还对察干鼠和圆柱鼠的齿冠和齿根关系问题做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

努和廷勃尔和剖面位于内蒙古二连市西南40 km的呼和勃尔和地区,依据沉积间断可以将50 m厚的地层分为脑木根组和阿山头组,地层时代从中古新世到中始新世。在阿山头组下部层位中发现大量的啮齿类化石,其中一类原始的鼠齿类在此被命名为一个新的属种:Erlianomys combinatusgen. et sp. nov. (综合二连鼠)。其主要牙齿特征为:齿冠低,主尖较为发育,连接各尖的脊简单、细弱。有P4, m1有前压痕也表明有一个小的p4或者dp4。M1和M2大小相当。臼齿前齿带(下前齿带)明显,与原尖(下原尖)之间没有连接或连接很弱。M1和M2原尖后臂、后脊和次尖前臂在中尖处相交。m1的下前尖很弱或缺失,下原尖与下后尖之间连接很弱,基本为孤立的两个尖;m2 -3下次小尖明显,下次脊短,有时直接与下次小尖相连;下外脊低矮、不发育。上、下臼齿都没有中脊或很弱。新属种的发现,为进一步认识古近纪啮齿类的起源和演化提供了新的证据。Erlianomys与北美的Elymys和亚洲的Aksyiromys,Primisminthus,Allosminthus,Palasiomys都有很多相似的特征,预示着它们可能有共同的祖先。在牙齿形态上,Erlianomys比中始新世的其他鼠齿类更为原始,可表明其产出层位即阿山头组下部的时代要早于中始新世,可能属于早始新世;其形态更接近亚洲的Aksyiromys,Primisminthus和Allosminthus,而与北美的Ely-mys相差较大。因此推测鼠齿类的共同祖先可能与Erlianomys更为相似,早始新世时在亚洲起源,向其他大陆的迁移扩散不会晚于早始新世晚期。  相似文献   

Qian Li 《Palaeoworld》2018,27(4):490-505
New cricetid (Cricetops dormitor, Eocricetodon sp., Eucricetodon cf. E. wangae, Pappocricetodon schaubi) and dipodid (Allosminthus gobiensis n. sp., Allosminthus ernos, Allosminthus uniconjugatus, Allosminthus cf. A. majusculus, Primisminthus shanghenus, Sinosminthus sp.) occurrences from the “Lower Red”, “Middle Red”, “Middle White” and “Upper White” beds of the Erden Obo section in Nei Mongol, China are reported. They are first discovered in these horizons. On the basis of the comparison of the rodent assemblages, we consider that the age of the “Upper White” beds is early Oligocene, the age of the “Middle Red” and “Middle White” beds is probable more similar to the age of late Eocene Houldjin Formation and lower part of Chaijiachong Formation, and the age of the “Lower Red” beds is correlative to the Sharamurunian. The diversity of ctenodactyloid, dipodid, and cricetid appears to change, and the turnover in rodent fauna possibly responded to the environmental and climate change towards the end of middle Eocene.  相似文献   

Qian Li 《Historical Biology》2019,31(7):813-823
New ctenodactyloid occurrences (Yuomys magnus sp. nov., Gobiomys neimongolensis and Gobiomys exiguus) from the ‘Lower Red’ to the ‘Upper Red’ beds of the Erden Obo section in Nei Mongol, China are reported. Here, we present an updated review of the ctenodactyloid rodents from the Erden Obo section. We have recognised eight species and one indeterminate species belonging to six genera: Advenimus, Chenomys, Gobiomys, Tamquammys, Simplicimys, and Yuomys. The ctenodactyloids show an initial burst in diversification in the upper part of the ‘Basal Red’ of the early Eocene. A maximum richness peak is present at the lower part of the ‘Basal White’ which falls near the boundary of early and middle Eocene. Gobiomys, the only surviving genus from the ‘Middle Red’ to the ‘Upper Red’ beds, shows that the diversity of ctenodactyloids declined rapidly after late middle Eocene. Based on the study of the abundant ctenodactyloid rodents, we recognise some evolutionary tendencies among Eocene ctenodactyloids.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:33D2442E-DA27-494A-80CB-2DB9DA9E4E1A  相似文献   

New dipodid occurrences (Heosminthus nomogenesis sp. nov., Sinosminthus sp., Allosminthus cf. A. majusculus, Allosminthus ernos and Allosminthus cf. A. diconjugatus) are reported from the ‘Upper Red’ beds of the Erden Obo section in Nei Mongol, China. Heosminthus nomogenesis is similar to Heosminthus primiveris from the Caijiachong Formation, and it is more primitive than Heosminthus chimidae of the Mongolian biozone A. Allosminthus cf. A. majusculus has a more variable mesolophid and metalophid in m1-2. Based on the dipodid assemblage, the age of the ‘Upper Red’ of the Erden Obo section is late Eocene and correlative to the Ergilian. Based on the comparison of their morphological characters, we recognize some differences between the stem dipodoids and muroids.  相似文献   

报道了产于贺兰山的顶冰花属(百合科)一新种——贺兰山顶冰花Gagea alashanica Y. Z. Zhao & L. Q. Zhao。该种因柱头头状,鳞茎外皮上端向上延伸成圆筒状,抱茎,无附属小鳞茎,植物除基生叶外,茎上具有3-4枚附生叶,无明显总苞片而与新疆顶冰花G. neopopovii Goloskokov相似,但基生叶2枚,半圆筒形;鳞茎外皮向上延伸较短,长约2. 5cm,易于区别。  相似文献   

Rodents from the Nuhetingboerhe-Huheboerhe area in the Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia, differ stratigraphically: primitive ctenodactyloids such as Chenomys and Yuanomys are dominant in the upper part of the Nomogen Formation; Tamquammys dominates in the Arshanto Formation; Asiomys, Pappocricetodon, and Yuomys appear in the lower part of the Irdin Manha Formation and Tamquammys is rarer in this formation than in the Arshanto Formation. The assemblage of the upper part of the Nomogen Formation is similar to that of the Lingcha Formation of Hunan, the Wutu Formation of Shandong, the Yuhuangding Formation of Hubei, and the Bumban Member of the Nara-Bulak Formation of Mongolia. The assemblage in the upper part of the Arshanto Formation is correlated with that from the locality Andarak 2 in Kyrgyzstan. The assemblage from the lower part of the Irdin Manha Formation resembles that of the lower part of the Hetaoyuan Formation of Henan.On the basis of the comparison of the rodent assemblages, I consider that the age of upper part of the Nomogen Formation corresponds to the Bumbanian land mammal age. The Bumbanian, Arshantan, and Irdinmanhan land mammal ages are correlated respectively to the early Ypresian, the middle–late Ypresian, and the early Lutetian of the Geological Time Scale. The Bumbanian and Irdinmanhan land mammal ages are also correlated to the early Wasatchian and the early Uintan (or the later Bridgerian) of the North American Land Mammal Ages.  相似文献   

A new species,Taraxacum siphonanthum X.D.Sun, Ge Xuejun, Kirschner & Štěpánek is described from Nei Mongol, NE China. The species is intermediate between sectionsMongolica andBorealia, although in most characters it is closer to the former. It is an apomictic species with tubular florets; these and other similar characters inTaraxacum are discussed.  相似文献   

索伦沙参Adenophora suolunensis P. F. Tu &; X. F. Zhao与小花沙参A. micrantha D. Y. Hong为同一种植物, 故将前者处理为后者的异名; 坛盘沙参A. urceolata Y. Z. Zhao是壶花沙参A. urceolata C. Y. Wu的晚出同名, 另提出新名库伦沙参A. kulunensis Y. Z. Zhao。  相似文献   

内蒙古乌达地区早二叠世晋囊蕨属一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过扫描电镜研究,建立了内蒙古中部乌达地区下二叠统山西组晋囊蕨诉一个新种Chansitheca wudaensis sp .onv.。新种的小心片Sphenopteris型,囊群椭圆形,由4~10个孢子囊组成,着生一示羽片背面,位于中脉的两侧。环带横列于孢子囊的上部,完全,单排细胞,细胞数目约为18个,这些特征表明新种属于里白科。  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Anagallidium Griseb.(Gentianaceae) from Nei Mongol, China, A. rubrostriatum Y. Z. Zhao, Z. Y. Zhu & L. Q. Zhao, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to A. dichotomum (L.) Griseb. in the flower tetramerous, pe  相似文献   

报道了产于内蒙古的腺鳞草属(龙胆科)一新种——红纹腺鳞草Anagallidium rubrostriatum Y. Z. Zhao, Z. Y. Zhu &; L. Q. Zhao。 该种因花4基数,花瓣中下部具2个腺窝,外侧中央具角状突起,花丝基部背面两侧具流苏状长柔毛而与A. dichotomum (L.) Griseb.相似,但因花冠橙黄色,具红色脉纹,叶质厚,多皱,边缘稍成皱波状而不同。  相似文献   

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