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辽宁西部早白垩世义县组一新的手盗龙类(英文)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国辽西早白垩世热河群义县组和九佛堂组近年来产出大量恐龙化石 ,已知兽脚类恐龙包括 8属 1 0种 ,其中 6属 8种保存有原始羽毛或者羽毛结构。已经报道的属种均产自朝阳地区。 2 0 0 1年 ,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所辽西野外考察队在邻近朝阳的锦州地区义县头台乡王家沟义县组下部采集到一件恐龙标本。这一标本保存了较为完整的肩带和前肢 ,在骨骼化石附近还保存了皮肤结构。通过研究对比 ,我们建立了手盗龙类的一个新属种 :长掌义县龙 (Yixianosauruslongimanusgen .etsp .nov .)。依据以下特征将长掌义县龙归入手盗龙类 :肩胛骨明显短于肱骨、肩臼窝的乌喙骨部分小、乌喙骨近四方形、尺骨向后弯曲以及挠骨细。长掌义县龙手部的相对长度以及手指各指节的相对比例不同于已知手盗龙类。原始兽脚类恐龙的手部一般短于肱骨 ;手盗龙手部加长 ,长于肱骨 ;原始鸟类的手部相对更长 ,但进步鸟类出现反转 ,手部次生变短。长掌义县龙手部的相对长度在非鸟兽脚类恐龙当中仅比原始祖鸟 (Protarchaeopteryx) (Jietal.,1 998)和树息龙 (Epidendrosaurus) (Zhangetal.,2 0 0 2 )短。次末端指节加长是兽脚类恐龙的一个进步特征 ,长掌义县龙具有这一特征。比如 ,长掌义县龙的手指指节Ⅱ 2长于掌骨Ⅱ ,在已知兽?  相似文献   

记述了基干新角龙类恐龙黎明角龙属一未定种。标本发现于中国西北马鬃山地区俞井子盆地下白垩统新民堡群,包括一关联的具有头骨带下颌的部分骨架。未定种与模式种(皱褶种)相比具有较长的吻部,较窄的鼻骨及其他一些特征。该未定种的发现使黎明角龙属的地理分布范围向南东延伸了约100km,也使马鬃山地区的早白垩世成为世界上惟一保存大量基干新角龙类的区域。  相似文献   

长掌义县龙(Yixianosaurus longimanus)是发现于中国辽西下白垩统的一种小型兽脚类恐龙。最初的研究认为它代表一种进步的手盗龙类,但最近的一项研究工作质疑了这一系统发育假说,新的系统发育研究认为长掌义县龙代表一种原始的手盗龙类。鉴于长掌义县龙的系统位置会影响我们对兽脚类前肢和羽毛演化等关键问题的理解,因此需要评估哪一个系统发育假说更为可靠。本文评述了长掌义县龙所有可被用于系统发育研究的形态学特征,证明了这一小型兽脚类恐龙属于基干副鸟类,并很可能属于基干恐爪龙类。这一结论与最初的研究结果相吻合。这一系统位置也与长掌义县龙可能具片状羽毛相吻合,并且否定了手盗龙类前肢演化历史复杂的假说。  相似文献   

亚洲近颌龙属(Caenagnathasia)首次报道于乌兹别克斯坦的晚白垩世Bissekty组,时代为土伦阶(Turonian)。报道了发现于内蒙古二连盆地晚白垩世二连大巴苏组的一件下颌联合部分,根据以下特征将这件标本归为亚洲近颌龙属:齿骨完全愈合,齿骨愈合部分未向下倾斜,齿骨背侧边缘的前部侧面观略凹,侧面的咬合面具有舌嵴,舌嵴上具有尖状突起,血管槽和相关的孔未延伸到齿骨愈合部分的背面,具有前部的咬合槽。新的标本将亚洲近颌龙的生存时代和地理分布延伸到了中国的坎潘阶(Campanian)。  相似文献   

中国已知的楯齿龙目(Placodontia)化石仅见于贵州省西南部地区,其中豆齿龙亚目(Cya- modontoidea)产自关岭地区的法郎组瓦窑段,时代为晚三叠世卡尼期;楯齿龙亚目(Placodon- toidea)产自盘县的关岭组Ⅱ段,时代为中三叠世安尼期。本文记述的豆齿龙类新属种——康氏雕甲龟龙(Clyphoderma kangi gen.et sp.nov.)产于云南富源的法郎组竹杆坡段,属中三叠世拉丁期。正型标本保存于浙江自然博物馆(编号:M 8729),其头骨高度愈合,代表一个完全成年之个体,根据以下特征明显区别于我国的Psephochelys和欧洲的Psephoderma:1)头骨枕部具3枚大型的锥状鳞;2)背甲甲片结构更为复杂,具明显的放射状沟/脊结构。到目前为止,康氏雕甲龟龙是龟龙科(Placochelyidae)中惟一的中三叠世属种,该科的其他成员全部发现于上三叠统。  相似文献   

描述了云南曲靖早泥盆世西山村组盔甲鱼类(无颌类)的新发现,包括一新属、新种——惠清驼背鱼(Altigibbaspis huiqingae gen.et sp.nov.),一件属种未定的多鳃鱼科标本,以及张氏真盔甲鱼(Eugaleaspis changi)和小眼南盘鱼(Nanpanaspis microculus)的新材料。驼背鱼在很多方面与多鳃鱼都非常相似,但头甲背面具一特征性的驼背状隆起,其上有一刀刃状的中背脊。中背脊和中背棘在盔甲鱼类里的形态分异度表明,它们除了能够提供游泳方向稳定性外,可能还衍生出了一些附加的功能,例如直立高耸的中背棘能使盔甲鱼在捕食者眼里具有了恐吓性,刀刃状的中背脊可能也起到一些防御的作用。南盘鱼头甲侧缘具有两对非常奇特的侧向延伸的突起;通过对这两对侧突同源性的比较,讨论了南盘鱼的潜在系统分类位置。鉴于南盘鱼奇特的形态,以及它在华南鱼目中相对较早的出现时代,建议暂时把南盘鱼放到一个单属科南盘鱼科,代表了华南鱼目早期分出来的一个支系。  相似文献   

中国江苏省东海县南古寨孟疃组发现了数种恐龙足迹,包括兽脚类足迹和蜥脚类足迹。这些足迹出现在同一层位的四个相邻的足迹化石点。这些足迹化石点至少保存了三种不同形态的兽脚类足迹和未成年—成年的蜥脚类足迹。南古寨三号足迹化石点的兽脚类足迹和蜥脚类足迹出现了"回填"现象,这是在足迹所附带的沉积物与基底地面相互作用下,产生的流体和塑性行为下形成的。  相似文献   

近几十年,华北的二马营组上部地层以产出中国肯氏兽–山西鳄四足动物化石组合而闻名。最近在山西临县白道峪于上覆的铜川组一段发现了中国肯氏兽。本文描述了同一地点同一层位产出的主龙型类化石,包括一具山西鳄的部分骨架以及一些可以归入suchian的主龙类。它们是铜川组一段首次记述的主龙型类。最有鉴定特征的suchian材料包括一个大的髂骨以及一个小的、形状很奇特的、可能是跟骨的骨骼。髂骨可能可以归入一个奇异的波波龙类(poposauroid)。因为中国肯氏兽与山西鳄同时出现在白道峪,表明中国肯氏兽–山西鳄组合可以向上延伸到铜川组一段。髂骨与跟骨大小悬殊,可能代表两个从未在中国肯氏兽–山西鳄组合报道过的物种。白道峪发现了特化的波波龙类,支持了波波龙类在中三叠世大量分化的观点。  相似文献   

早白垩世热河生物群的驰龙类恐龙在分类和形态上多样化程度很高,其中的赵氏小盗龙曾被认为是已知体型最小的非鸟兽脚类恐龙之一。然而这个观点依据的标本都处于相对早期的生长发育阶段,因此热河生物群驰龙类恐龙的体型下限仍不明确。本文依据一件产自辽宁省凌源县四合当下白垩统义县组(热河群中部)的标本,描述驰龙类一新种,杨氏钟健龙。这一新种可归入小盗龙类,但它在很多特征上不同于其他小盗龙类,其中最明显的区别是其相对长的钩状突愈合于背肋上,肱骨具有强烈内倾的近端,肱骨三角嵴上有一窗孔,尺骨略长于肱骨,并具有窄跖型的足。最重要的是,已为成年个体的杨氏钟健龙正模估计体重约为0.31 kg,这证实了热河生物群的一些驰龙类恐龙属于已知体型最小的非鸟恐龙。初步分析显示热河生物群驰龙类恐龙有生态位分化的情况,这一现象在中生代恐龙动物群中报道很少。  相似文献   

手盗龙类郝氏中鸟(Zhongornis haoae)的标本只有一件,并且为幼年个体,其最初被归入鸟类。然而对其解剖学的重新研究显示,郝氏中鸟与窃蛋龙下目(Oviraptorosauria)和擅攀鸟龙科(Scansoriopterygidae)具有很多相似的形态特征。中鸟的尾部虽然有所退化,但仍然很长,本文认为其约有20枚尾椎,其尾部的形态和比例都与尾羽龙(Caudipteryx)和耀龙(Epidexipteryx)相似。中鸟与基干窃蛋龙类的相似之处还包括:头骨短而高,小手指退化。在小翼掌骨的大小、手指的比例、坐骨不发育背侧和腹侧突起方面,中鸟与擅攀鸟龙类相似,而明显区别于中生代的鸟类。基于上述相似的形态特征以及基干窃蛋龙类和擅攀鸟龙类共有的其他特征,提出了窃蛋龙类和擅攀鸟龙类之间具有较近亲缘关系的假说。分支系统学的研究表明,相比于窃蛋龙类,中鸟与擅攀鸟龙科之间的亲缘关系更近,中鸟和擅攀鸟龙类都具有伸长的前肢和脚爪。有关中鸟的分类位置及其与擅攀鸟龙科之间确切关系的研究,还需要新标本的发现;本文对中鸟分类位置的讨论,也说明了基于幼年个体进行新种命名时所存在的问题。  相似文献   

Sampaio JP  Weiß M  Gadanho M  Bauer R 《Mycologia》2002,94(5):873-887
Two new genera, Bulleribasidium and Papiliotrema, and three new species, B. oberjochense, P. bandonii and Fibulobasidium murrhardtense are described. An integrated analysis of morphological, ultrastructural, physiological, and molecular data indicates that the new taxa belong to the Tremellales (Basidiomycota). Relevant characteristics of the new genera and species are discussed and compared with those of closely related taxa.  相似文献   

Four strains of heterotrophic, fusiform caulobacters have been isolated from freshwater sources. A single prostheca extends from one pole of mature cells, and cells attach to various substrata by means of a holdfast located at the distal tip of the appendage. Thus, superficially these bacteria bear a strong resemblance to bacteria in the genus Caulobacter. However, unlike Caulobacter these bacteria do not exhibit a dimorphic life cycle of motile, non-stalked daughter cells and immotile, stalked mother cells. Instead both mother and daughter cells are immotile, and at the time of cell separation the daughter cells are essentially identical mirror-image replicas of the mother cell. In addition, the prosthecae of these fusiform caulobacters do not have crossbands, they are somewhat wider than the stalks of Caulobacter and the pseudostalks of Asticcacaulis, and they terminate in a bulbous tip. The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) base composition ranges from 54.6–60.1, well below the 62–67 range for the genus Caulobacter. Based upon these and other differences, a new genus and species, Prosthecobacter fusiformis, is proposed for the fusiform caulobacters.  相似文献   

Two Gram-positive bacteria, designated strains Aji5-31(T) and Ngc37-23(T), were isolated from the intestinal tracts of fishes. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that both strains were related to the members of the family Dermatophilaceae, with 95.6-96.9% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities. The family Dermatophilaceae contains 2 genera and 3 species: Dermatophilus congolensis, Dermatophilus chelonae and Kineosphaera limosa. However, it has been suggested that the taxonomic position of D. chelonae should be reinvestigated using a polyphasic approach, because the chemotaxonomic characteristics are not known (Stackebrandt, 2006; Stackebrandt and Schumann, 2000). Our present study revealed that strains Aji5-31(T), Ngc37-23(T) and D. chelonae NBRC 105200(T) should be separated from the other members of the family Dermatophilaceae on the basis of the following characteristics: the predominant menaquinone of strain Aji5-31(T) is MK-8(H(2)), strain Ngc37-23(T) possesses iso- branched fatty acids as major components, and the menaquinone composition of D. chelonae is MK-8(H(4)), MK-8 and MK-8(H(2)) (5 : 3 : 2, respectively). On the basis of these distinctive phenotypic characteristics and phylogenetic analysis results, it is proposed that strains Aji5-31(T) and Ngc37-23(T) be classified as two novel genera and species of the family Dermatophilaceae. The names are Mobilicoccus pelagius gen. nov., sp. nov. and Piscicoccus intestinalis gen. nov., sp. nov., and the type strains are Aji5-31(T) (=NBRC 104925(T) =DSM 22762(T)) and Ngc37-23(T) (=NBRC 104926(T) =DSM 22761(T)), respectively. In addition, D. chelonae should be reassigned to a new genus of the family Dermatophilaceae with the name Austwickia chelonae gen. nov., comb. nov.  相似文献   

Two novel genera of restricted facultative methylotrophs are described; both Methylosulfonomonas and Marinosulfonomonas are unique in being able to grow on methanesulfonic acid as their sole source of carbon and energy. Five identical strains of Methylosulfonomonas were isolated from diverse soil samples in England and were shown to differ in their morphology, physiology, DNA base composition, molecular genetics, and 16S rDNA sequences from the two marine strains of Marinosulfonomonas, which were isolated from British coastal waters. The marine strains were almost indistinguishable from each other and are considered to be strains of one species. Type species of each genus have been identified and named Methylosulfonomonas methylovora (strain M2) and Marinosulfonomonas methylotropha (strain PSCH4). Phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequencing places both genera in the α-Proteobacteria. Methylosulfonomonas is a discrete lineage within the α-2 subgroup and is not related closely to any other known bacterial genus. The Marinosulfonomonas strains form a monophyletic cluster in the α-3 subgroup of the Proteobacteria with Roseobacter spp. and some other partially characterized marine bacteria, but they are distinct from these at the genus level. This work shows that the isolation of bacteria with a unique biochemical character, the ability to grow on methanesulfonic acid as energy and carbon substrate, has resulted in the identification of two novel genera of methylotrophs that are unrelated to any other extant methylotroph genera. Received: 19 July 1996 / Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

Two bacterial strains, KIS66-7T and 5GH26-15T, were isolated from soil samples collected in the South Korean cities of Tongyong and Gongju, respectively. Both strains were aerobic, Gram-stain-positive, mesophilic, flagellated, and rodshaped. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that both strains belonged to the family Microbacteriaceae of the phylum Actinobacteria. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain KIS66-7T had the highest similarities with those of Labedella gwakjiensis KSW2-17T (97.3%), Cryobacterium psychrophilum DSM 4854T (97.2%), Leifsonia lichenia 2SbT (97.2%), Leifsonia naganoensis JCM 10592T (97.0%), and Cryobacterium mesophilum MSL-15T (97.0%). Strain 5GH26-15T showed the highest sequence similarities with Leifsonia psychrotolerans LI1T (97.4%) and Schumannella luteola KHIAT (97.1%). The 16S rRNA gene sequence from KIS66-7T exhibited 96.4% similarity with that from 5GH26-15T. Strain KIS66-7T contained a B2γ type peptidoglycan structure with D-DAB as the diamino acid; MK-13, MK-12, and MK-14 as the respiratory quinones; ai-C15:0, ai-C17:0, and i-C16:0 as the major cellular fatty acids; and diphosphatidylglycerol, phatidylglycerol, and glycolipids as the predominant polar lipids. Strain 5GH26-15T had a B2β type peptidoglycan structure with D-DAB as the diamino acid; MK-14 and MK-13 as the respiratory quinones; ai-C15:0, i-C16:0, and ai-C{vn17:0} as the major cellular fatty acids; and diphosphatidylglycerol, phatidylglycerol, and glycolipids as the predominant polar lipids. Both strains had low DNA-DNA hybridization values (<40%) with closely related taxa. Based on our polyphasic taxonomic characterization, we propose that strains KIS66-7T and 5GH26-15T represent novel genera and species, for which we propose the names Diaminobutyricibacter tongyongensis gen. nov., sp. nov. (type strain KIS66-7T=KACC 15515T=NBRC 108724T) and Homoserinibacter gongjuensis gen. nov., sp. nov. (type strain 5GH26-15T=KACC 15524T=NBRC 108755T) within the family Microbacteriaceae.  相似文献   

Three Gram-negative bacterial strains were isolated from the biofilter of a recirculating marine aquaculture. They were non-pigmented rods, mesophiles, moderately halophilic, and showed chemo-organoheterotrophic growth on various sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids, with oxygen as electron acceptor; strains D9-3T and D11-58 were in addition able to denitrify. Phototrophic or fermentative growth could not be demonstrated. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences placed D9-3T and D11-58, and D1-19T on two distinct branches within the alpha-3 proteobacterial Rhodobacteraceae, affiliated with, but clearly separate from, the genera Rhodobacter, Rhodovulum, and Rhodobaca. Based on morphological, physiological, and 16S rRNA-based phylogenetic characteristics, the isolated strains are proposed as new species of two novel genera, Defluviimonas denitrificans gen. nov., sp. nov. (type strain D9-3T = DSM 18921T = ATCC BAA-1447T; additional strain D11-58 = DSM19039 = ATCC BAA-1448) and Pararhodobacter aggregans gen. nov., sp. nov (type strain D1-19T = DSM 18938T = ATCC BAA-1446T).  相似文献   

Aureomyces gen. nov. with the type speciesAureomyces mirabilis sp. nov. isolated from a pine-timber,Pinus silvestris, in Finland is described and illustrated.
Zusammenfassung Aureomyces gen. nov. wurde mit dem ArttypeAureomyces mirabilis sp. nov. vom Kiefernholz,Pinus sylvestris, in Finnland isoliert. Der Pilz ist beschrieben und illustriert.

Journal of Plant Research - A new chlorarachniophyte, Viridiuvalis adhaerens gen. et sp. nov. was isolated from the mucus on a coral reef from Zanpa Beach, Okinawa, Japan. The main vegetative stage...  相似文献   

During a recent soil sample survey in Eastern China, a new entomopathogenic nematode species, collected from the Chongming Islands in the southern-eastern area of Shanghai, was discovered. Morphological characteristics of different developmental stages of the nematode combined with molecular data showed that this nematode is a new genus of Rhabditidae, and described as Heterorhabditidoides chongmingensis gen. nov., sp. nov., for that it shares more morphological characteristics with heterorhabditids than with steinernematids. For males, the papillae formula of bursa is 1, 2, 3, 3, with constant papillae number in the terminal group, stoma tubular-shaped and about 1.5 head width; cheilorhabdions cuticularized, esophageal collar present and long, median bulb present. For infective juveniles, EP = 90 (80-105) μm, ES = 104 (92-120) μm, tail length = 111 (89-159) μm, and a = 19.1 (15-21). The percentages of the nucleotides A, T, C and G in the ITS1 regions of the new species are significantly different from those of heterorhabditids and other rhabditids. Molecular phylogenetic trees based on 18S rDNA and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences data revealed that the new entomopathogenic nematode species forms a monophyletic group, which is a sister group of the clade comprised of some genera of Rhabditidae.  相似文献   

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