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Comment on: Kracker S, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2010; 107:22225-30.  相似文献   

Tumour induction by simian adenovirus SA7 DNA fragments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

We compared liposomes and empty viral capsids for their use as vehicles for DNA transfer into cells and animals. DNA binding capacity was high for liposomes, but DNase I protection of DNA bound to liposomes was only moderate in comparison to DNA incorporated into viral capsids. Cellular uptake of radiolabeled and physiologically active DNA was also compared. For animal studies we chose an endogenous retroposon as target gene. To identify recombinational events we replaced a part of this gene with an artificial sequence not present in the mouse genome. The recombination rate for DNA fragments transfected in Polyoma capsids in live mice was higher than for liposome mediated transfection. Homologous recombination could be observed for both DNA transfer methods, mediated by positively charged liposomes (DOTMA) and by empty Polyoma viral capsids.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - In order to elucidate the mechanisms of illegitimate recombination in eukaryotes, we have studied the structure of DNA fragments integrated by illegitimate...  相似文献   

A method is presented for the detection of virus-host interactions at the chromosomal level. This method relies on the analysis of recombinant plasmids carrying specific regions of a viral DNA molecule. Human cytomegalovirus HindIII subgenomic fragments were used here as a target for recombination events.  相似文献   

Recombination can result in genetic instability, and thus constitutes an important factor in the carcinogenic conversion of mammalian cells. Here we describe the occurrence of UV-stimulated recombination called enhanced recombination (EREC), measured with the use of Herpes Simplex Viruses type 1 mutants. In normal diploid human cells, EREC is induced by UV-C, mitomycin C and ENU, but not by X-ray or MMS. The kinetics of induction of EREC is similar to that of other SOS-like responses such as enhanced reactivation (ER) and enhanced mutagenesis (EM). In contrast to the latter responses, EREC is induced to higher levels and persists for longer periods in DNA repair deficient fibroblasts derived from xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), Cockayne syndrome (CS) and Trichothiodystrophy (TTD) patients. This observation indicates that EREC is a distinct SOS-like response. Apparently, the presence of unrepaired DNA lesions in the host genome is a strongly inducing signal for EREC. On the other hand, in cells derived from patients suffering from Bloom, Werner or Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (RTS) the EREC response is absent. These data indicate that determining EREC is a useful assay to investigate diploid human fibroblasts for abnormalities in UV-stimulated recombination.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the mechanisms of illegitimate recombination in eukaryotes, we have studied the structure of DNA fragments integrated by illegitimate recombination into the genome of fission yeast. Nonhomologous recombination was rarely identified when a long region of homology with the chromosomal leu1 + gene was present in the introduced leu1::ura4 + DNA fragment; but a decrease in length of homology leads to an increase in the ratio of nonhomologous to homologous recombination events. The introduced DNA fragments were integrated into different sites in the chromosomes by nonhomologous recombination. The results suggested that there are multiple modes of integration; most events simply involve both ends of the fragments, while in other cases, fragments were integrated in a more complicated manner, probably via circularization or multimerization. To analyze the mechanism of the major type of integration, DNA fragments containing the recombination junctions of three recombinants were amplified by inverted polymerase chain reaction (IPCR) and their nucleotide sequences were determined. There was no obvious homology between introduced DNA and chromosomal DNA at these recombination sites. Furthermore it was found that each terminal region of the introduced DNA was deleted, but that there were no or very small deletions in the target sites of chromosomal DNA. Two models are proposed to explain the mechanism of nonhomologous integration.  相似文献   

Yao XD  Evans DH 《Journal of virology》2003,77(13):7281-7290
Poxvirus DNA is not infectious because establishing an infection requires the activities of enzymes packaged in the virion. This barrier can be overcome by transfecting virus DNA into cells previously infected with another poxvirus, since the resident virus can provide the trans-acting systems needed to reactivate transfected DNA. In this study we show that cells infected with a leporipoxvirus, Shope fibroma virus (SFV), can reactivate vaccinia virus DNA. Similar heterologous packaging systems which used fowlpox-infected cells to reactivate vaccinia virus have been described, but SFV-infected cells promoted a far more efficient reaction that can produce virus titers exceeding 10(6) PFU/ micro g of transfected DNA. SFV-promoted reactions also exploit the hyperrecombinogenic systems previously characterized in SFV-infected cells, and these coupled recombination and reactivation reactions could be used to delete nonessential regions of the vaccinia virus genome and to reconstruct vaccinia virus from overlapping DNA fragments. SFV-catalyzed recombination reactions need only two 18- to 20-bp homologies to target PCR amplicons to restriction enzyme-cut vaccinia virus vectors, and this reaction feature was used to rapidly clone and express a gene encoding fluorescent green protein without the need for plaque purification or selectable markers. The ability of SFV-infected cells to reactivate fragments of vaccinia virus was ultimately limited by the number of recombinational exchanges required and one cannot reconstruct vaccinia virus from multiple PCR fragments spanning essential portions of the genome. These observations suggest that recombination is an integral part of poxvirus reactivation reactions and provide a useful new technique for altering the structure of poxvirus genomes.  相似文献   

Michaël Katinka 《Biochimie》1984,66(11-12):681-691
Two defective polyoma virus genomes, deleted in the nucleotide sequences coding the N-termini of the tumor antigens, were introduced into Fisher 3T3 rat cells by DNA-mediated gene transfer (transfection). The resulting integrated genomes were incapable of conferring a transformed phenotype to the cells. However, after transfection of these lines with small polyoma fragments overlapping the deleted sequences, transformed clones were isolated. These clones were analyzed by Southern genomic blot hybridization and by isolation in E. coli of plasmids containing viral sequences excised following fusion with mouse polyoma growth-permissive cells. In all cases at least one intact copy of the early region of the polyoma genome was found. Furthermore, restriction sites adjacent to the initial inactive insertion remained unchanged in many of the transformed lines. These results show that functional restoration of the defective polyoma early region involves homologous recombination between the deleted viral genomes integrated in the cellular DNA and the transfecting viral fragments.  相似文献   

Deletion of an essential gene in Escherichia coli was accomplished by transformation of linear DNA fragments that have a Kanr gene segment flanked by sequences homologous to closely spaced regions on the E. coli chromosome. Selection for a double crossover within homologous sequences can effectively delete an entire gene. Cell viability is maintained by provision of the essential gene on a plasmid with a temperature-sensitive replicon, resulting in cells which have a temperature-sensitive phenotype.  相似文献   

To investigate mtDNA recombination induced by multiple double strand breaks (DSBs) we used a mitochondria-targeted form of the ScaI restriction endonuclease to introduce DSBs in heteroplasmic mice and cells in which we were able to utilize haplotype differences to trace the origin of recombined molecules. ScaI cleaves multiple sites in each haplotype of the heteroplasmic mice (five in NZB and three in BALB mtDNA) and prolonged expression causes severe mtDNA depletion. After a short pulse of restriction enzyme expression followed by a long period of recovery, mitochondrial genomes with large deletions were detected by PCR. Curiously, we found that some ScaI sites were more commonly involved in recombined molecules than others. In intra-molecular recombination events, deletion breakpoints were close to or upstream of ScaI cleavage sites, confirming the recombinogenic character of DSBs in mtDNA. A region adjacent to the D-loop was preferentially involved in recombination of all molecules. Sequencing through NZB and BALB haplotype markers in recombined molecules enabled us to show that in addition to intra-molecular mtDNA recombination, rare inter-molecular mtDNA recombination events can also occur. This study underscores the role of DSBs in the generation of mtDNA rearrangements and supports the existence of recombination hotspots.  相似文献   

DNA repair and recombination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Recombineering technology permits flexible engineering of large DNA in Escherichia coli without dependence on suitably placed restriction sites. However, recombineering is limited for modifying highly repetitive DNA because of its potential to trigger instability by uncontrolled self-recombination of the repeats. In this study, induction of the recombineering enzymes and growth condition of the host are optimized to demonstrate intact modification of bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) containing long arrays of centromeric alpha satellite repeats. This optimized recombineering protocol may be useful for manipulation of other biologically important repetitive DNAs, including trinucleotide repeat expansions and homologous gene families, to facilitate their functional studies.  相似文献   

Methods for determining the differential susceptibility of human organs to DNA damage have not yet been explored to any large extent due to technical constraints. The development of comprehensive analytical approaches by which to detect intertissue variations in DNA damage susceptibility may advance our understanding of the roles of DNA adducts in cancer etiology and as exposure biomarkers at least. A strategy designed for the detection and comparison of multiple DNA adducts from different tissue samples was applied to assess esophageal and peripherally- and centrally-located lung tissue DNA obtained from the same person. This adductome approach utilized LC/ESI-MS/MS analysis methods designed to detect the neutral loss of 2′-deoxyribose from positively ionized 2′-deoxynucleoside adducts transmitting the [M+H]+ > [M+H−116]+ transition over 374 transitions. In the final analyses, adductome maps were produced which facilitated the visualization of putative DNA adducts and their relative levels of occurrence and allowed for comprehensive comparisons between samples, including a calf thymus DNA negative control. The largest putative adducts were distributed similarly across the samples, however, differences in the relative amounts of putative adducts in lung and esophagus tissue were also revealed. The largest-occurring lung tissue DNA putative adducts were 90% similar (n = 50), while putative adducts in esophagus tissue DNA were shown to be 80 and 84% similar to central and peripheral lung tissue DNA respectively. Seven DNA adducts, N2-ethyl-2′-deoxyguanosine (N2-ethyl-dG), 1,N6-etheno-2′-deoxyadenosine (dA), -S- and -R-methyl-γ-hydroxy-1,N2-propano-2′-deoxyguanosine (1,N2-PdG1, 1,N2-PdG2), 3-(2′-deoxyribosyl)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-8-hydroxy-pyrimido[1,2-a]purine-(3H)-one (8-OH-PdG) and the two stereoisomers of 3-(2′-deoxyribosyl)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-6-hydroxypyrimido[1,2-a]purine-(3H)-one (6-OH-PdG) were unambiguously detected in all tissue DNA samples by comparison to authentic adduct standards and stable isotope dilution and their identities were matched to putative adducts detected in the adductome maps.  相似文献   

Chromosomal rearrangements are common in both clinical isolates and spontaneous mutants of Candida albicans. It appears that many of these rearrangements are caused by translocations around the major sequence repeat (MSR) that is present in all chromosomes except chromosome 3, suggesting that homologous recombination (HR) may play an important role in the survival of this organism. In order to gain information on these processes, we have cloned the homologue of RAD52, which in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the only gene required for all HR events. CaRAD52 complemented poorly a rad52 mutant of S. cerevisiae. Two null Carad52Delta/Carad52Delta mutants were constructed by sequential deletion of both alleles and two reconstituted strains were obtained by reintegration of the gene. Characterization of these mutants indicated that HR plays an essential role in the repair of DNA lesions caused by both UV light and the radiomimetic compound methyl-methane-sulphonate (MMS), whereas the non-homologous end-joining pathway (NHEJ) is used only in the absence of Rad52p or after extensive DNA damage. Repair by HR is more efficient in exponentially growing than in stationary cells, probably because a larger number of cells are in late S or G2 phases of the cell cycle (and therefore, can use a sister chromatid as a substrate for recombinational repair), whereas stationary phase cells are mainly in G0 or G1, and only can be repaired using the chromosomal homologue. In addition, CaRad52p is absolutely required for the integration of linear DNA with long flanking homologous sequences. Finally, the absence of CaRad52p results in the lengthening of telomeres, even in the presence of an active telomerase, an observation not described in any other organism. This raises the possibility that both telomerase and homologous recombination may function simultaneously at C. albicans telomeres.  相似文献   

P O Lipovko 《Biofizika》1988,33(4):686-691
A bioacoustic model of the intermediate layer in the form of plane-parallel passive elastic medium is examined. Theoretically the structural-functional factors influencing ultrasonic reflection from intermediate boundaries are found. The results of modelling were tested in experiment with operative material of human soft tissues. Recorded variations of the reflection coefficient of ultrasound may be explained by changes in the common tissues in pathological processes. A suggestion about probable informative role of intermediate layers of the organism was made.  相似文献   

We use the cyclization of small DNA molecules, approximately 200 bp in length, to study conformational properties of DNA fragments with single-stranded gaps. The approach is extremely sensitive to DNA conformational properties and, being complemented by computations, allows a very accurate determination of the fragment's conformational parameters. Sequence-specific nicking endonucleases are used to create the 4-nt-long gap. We determined the bending rigidity of the single-stranded region in the gapped DNA. We found that the gap of 4 nt in length makes all torsional orientations of DNA ends equally probable. Our results also show that the gap has isotropic bending rigidity. This makes it very attractive to use gapped DNA in the cyclization experiments to determine DNA conformational properties, since the gap eliminates oscillations of the cyclization efficiency with the DNA length. As a result, the number of measurements is greatly reduced in the approach, and the analysis of the data is greatly simplified. We have verified our approach on DNA fragments containing well-characterized intrinsic bends caused by A-tracts. The obtained experimental results and theoretical analysis demonstrate that gapped-DNA cyclization is an exceedingly sensitive and accurate approach for the determination of DNA bending.  相似文献   

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