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The ultrasonic velocity at 3 MHz and the density in the nonsonicated and sonicated liposomes of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine have been measured in the temperature range from 0 degrees C to 55 degrees C. The results indicate that nonsonicated multilamellar vesicles undergo a weak first order transition which is analogous to the nematic-isotropic transition of liquid crystals. A sharp change in the ultrasonic velocity associated with the first order transition disappears when the multilamellar vesicles are sonicated. The bulk modulus of the lipid bilayer calculated from the ultrasonic velocity and the density of sonicated liposomes has a value of 3.0 X 10(10) dyne/cm2 at 20 degrees C, reaches a minimum value of 2.1 X 10(10) dyne/cm2 at its transition temperature and increases slightly to 2.2 X 10(10) dyne/cm2 at 50 degrees C.  相似文献   

T Takahashi  E Asahina 《Cryobiology》1977,14(3):367-372
Unfertilized egg cells of the sea urchin St. intermedius could survive slow freezing to ?15 °C for a short period of time, but at the same freezing temperature extracellular freezing became fatal within a few hours. Such freezing injury resulted in “black” or “white” cytolysis in frozen-thawed cells. “Black” cytolysis took place in the process of both freezing and thawing, while “white” cytolysis occurred only on thawing. Rapid rewarming consistently produced “white” cytolysis in extracellularly frozen cells. The observed behavior of the injured cells during freeze-thawing appeared favorable for the explanation of freezing injury by the SH-SS hypothesis. Protein-bound SH groups were quantitatively determined in both whole cell and cortex with plasma membrane before and after freeze-thawing. However, no significant change in the SH value was observed between freeze-thaw cytolysed materials and unfrozen ones.  相似文献   

Methyl phenylphosphonite or dimethyl phosphite underwent acid-catalyzed addition reactions with some hexofuranos-5-ulose 5-(p-tolylsulfonylhydrazones) (7, 9, and 16), to give the corresponding adducts, 17, 18, 19, and 21. The isomer ratios of the adducts were affected by a 3-substituent in the hydrazones. Treatment of adduct 21 with sodium borohydride and sodium dihydrobis(2-methoxyethoxy)-aluminate (SDMA), followed by acid hydrolysis, gave 5,6-dideoxy-3-O-methyl-5-C-(phenylphosphinyl)-d-glucopyranose (26), which was acetylated to give the 1,2,4-tri-O-acetyl derivatives 27a and 27b. Conformational analysis of compound 27a by X-ray crystallography revealed that the compound was 1,2,4-tri-O-acetyl-5,6-dideoxy-3-O-methyl-5-C-[(S)-phenylphosphinyl]-β-d-glucopyranose in the 4C1(d) form having all substituents equatorial.  相似文献   

SV40-transformation as well as treatment with tumor promoters produce alterations in morphology, differentiation and keratinization of human keratinocytes. Two cell lines of SV40-transformed keratinocytes and primary cultures of keratinocytes treated with the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) were found to contain an additional protein of 52.5 kD molecular weight (MW). This protein was identified by its reactivity with the monoclonal antibody TROMA-I as being keratin no. 8, a keratin normally present only in simple epithelia. Since this keratin is present in fetal epidermis but disappears gradually when fetal skin becomes multilayered after week 13 of development (Moll et al., Differentiation 23 (1982) 170. [23]), it suggests that SV40 virus and TPA are able to induce in human keratinocytes the reexpression of fetal characters.  相似文献   

Plasma testosterone (T) levels were determined in male mice of the CD-1 (ICR) strain from 30 to 680 days of age. The mean plasma T was 5.2 ± 1.0 ng/ml for adult male mice (70–400 days old, 102 mice) and 1.8 ± 0.9 ng/ml for old males (450–680 days old, 11 mice). Through 140 determinations, the highest T value obtained was 52.3 ng/ml in an 80-day-old individual while the lowest was 0.08 ng/ml in a 680-day-old animal. It was found that plasma T was significantly decreased in the old age, although individual variation in T levels was considerable. On the other hand, social dominance or subordinance was examined among male mice in each cage and its relation to plasma T was investigated. Dominance or subordinance was verified by frequency of chases or attacks delivered or received, or number of fights won or lost. It was observed that dominant-subordinate relationships were present in 6 out of 10 cages and that the dominant individual had a significantly higher T level than the subordinate male; the mean T level was 10.5 ± 2.5 ng/ml for the dominant individuals vs 2.2 ± 0.8 ng/ml for the subordinate ones. Marked individual variation in plasma T titers in male mice seems to be related to the dominance/subordinance rank within a group.  相似文献   

Fluorescence properties (quantum yield, decay curve, lifetime and polarization) of acridine orange and proflavine bound to DNA were examined as a function of nucleotide to dye (P/D) ratio. First, mean fluoiescence lifetimes were determined by the phase-shift measurements. The lifetime and quantum yield of acridine orange increased in a parallel fashion with increasing P/D ratio. There was no parallel relation between the lifetime and quantum yield for proflavine; the lifetime showed a minimum around P/D = 10. Next, fluorescence decay curves were measured by the monophoton counting technique and analyzed with the aid of the method of moments and the Laplace transform method. The results showed that the fluorescence decay of bound acridine orange was exponential above P/D = 10. On the other hand, the decay of bound proflavine was exponential above P/D = 100, but markedly deviated from exponentiality with decreasing P/D ratio. The results of fluorescence polarization suggested that this phenomenon is the result of Förster energy transfer between proflavine molecules bound to the fluorescent site (AT pair) and bound to the quenching site (GC pair). Critical transfer distances were 26-4 and 37.0 Å, respectively, for bound proflavine and acridine orange.  相似文献   

Human leucocyte cell cultures were stimulated to initiate DNA synthesis by phytohemagglutinin and mercuric chloride. Both mitogens enhanced the accumulation of β2-microglobulin in the medium, which was synthesized by lymphocytes. Mercuric chloride promoted the accumulation of this protein optimaly with a concentration (1 × 10?5M) to produce the maximum stimulation of DNA synthesis. Combined use of phytohemagglutinin (50 μg/ml) and mercuric chloride (1 × 10?5M) produced additive effect on both DNA synthesis and β2-microglobulin accumulation. These findings suggest that mercuric ion causes the proliferative response of lymphocytes by a mechanism different from that for the stimulation by phytohemagglutinin.  相似文献   

Natural abundance 13C nuclear magnetic spin-lattice relaxation times have been measured for bovine brain phosphatidylserine vesicles with and without bound proteins. The relaxation times were lower than published values for the corresponding nuclei in egg phosphatidylcholine, but showed the same trend, with relaxation times increasing along the acyl chains away from the polar headgroup. These times were inversely related to the degree of saturation of the lipid. Cytochrome c caused insignificant changes in the lipid acyl chain relaxation rates but reduced the resonance intensities, in agreement with Brown and Wüthrich (Biochem. Biophys. Acta 468 (1977) 389). In contrast, the basic protein from bovine myelin did not affect the intensities but reduced the relaxation times for 13C nuclei near the bilayer centre, and for nuclei near carbon-carbon double bonds. These proteins also dramatically broadened the serine headgroup carboxyl resonance. It appears, in accord with other recent evidence, that the basic protein does penetrate the hydrophobic region of the bilayer (possibly to the centre), producing quantitatively similar changes in the relaxation rates to proteolipid protein, an integral membrane protein.  相似文献   

HuR is an RNA-binding protein of the embryonic lethal abnormal vision (ELAV) family, which binds to the AU-rich element (ARE) in the 3′-untranslated region (UTR) of certain mRNAs and is involved in the nucleo-cytoplasmic export and stabilization of ARE-mRNAs. The cytoplasmic relocalization of ARE-mRNAs with several proteins such as HuR and pp32 increases in cells transformed by the adenovirus oncogene product E4orf6. Additionally, these ARE-mRNAs were stabilized and acquired the potential to transform cells. Although, the relocalization of HuR and the stabilization of ARE-mRNAs are crucial for cell transformation, evidence regarding the relationship of HuR and ARE-mRNAs with adenovirus replication is lacking. In this report, we demonstrate that adenovirus infection induces the relocation of HuR to the cytoplasm of host cells. Analysis using the luciferase-ARE fusion gene and the tetracycline (tet)-off system revealed that the process of stabilizing ARE-mRNAs is activated in adenovirus-infected cells. Heat shock treatment or knockdown-mediated depletion of HuR reduced adenovirus production. Furthermore, expression of ARE-including viral IVa2 mRNA, decreased in HuR-depleted infected cells. These results indicate that HuR plays an important role in adenovirus replication, at least in part, by up-regulating IVa2 mRNA expression and that ARE-mRNA stabilization is required for both transformation and virus replication.  相似文献   

This paper describes a highly specific method for determining urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, which has been developed by (i) changing the composition of the Porter-Silber reagent and (ii) removing contaminants interfering with the color reaction by addition of sodium bisulfite to β-glucuronidase-hydrolyzed urine before extraction with solvent. For a reference method the Norymberski-Riondel (J. K. Norymberski and A. Riondel 1970, Biochem. J. 120, 493–498) gas chromatography (glc) was used: Correlation coefficient between the present method and GLC = 0.988, deviation from the theoretical regression LINE = 6.8%, and coefficient of SIMILARITY = 0.56. These results are much better than those obtained by I. Ernest, B. Håkansson, J. Lehmann, and B. Sjögren (1964, Acta Endocrinol. 46, 552–562) for the original Porter-Silber method in comparison with the chromatographic measurement of grouped and individual steroids.  相似文献   

The ESR spectra of bovine Co(II) carbonic anhydrase at 7 K at low and high pH and of the iodide derivative have been analyzed. The spectrum of the low pH form shows axial symmetry whilst that at high pH is rhombically distorted. This anisotropy is still more accentuated in the iodide derivative. The high pH (hydroxyl) form and the iodide derivative are thought to have a tetracoordinate trigonal pyramidal structure, with a fifth more distant axial ligand. The low pH form is consistent with a pseudotetrahedral geometry previously postulated.  相似文献   

The spectrum, thermodynamic parameters, and proton longitudinal relaxation time of the ternary complex between various bidentate ligands (2-pyridinecarboxylate, 2-quinolincarboxylate, 8-quinolinecarboxylate, and 2-pyridylacetate) and cobalt(II)-bovine carbonic anhydrase were measured to clarify the nature of the ternary complex. The formation constants of the ternary complexes of bidentate ligands are in the order of (2-pyridinecarboxylate ? 8-quinolinecarboxylate ? 2-quinolinecarboxylate ≈2-pyridylacetate). The degree of the shift of the band characteristic of five-coordinate species at 13-15 kcm-1 (cm-1 × 10-3) and that of the higher energy band at 21–22 kcm-1 decrease almost in the same order. These results are explained on the basis of the contribution of the bond formation between the nitrogen atom of the heterocyclic ring of ligands and cobalt ion. The formation constants of the ternary complex of bidentate ligands were compared to the stability constants of various ligands with a cobalt ion but there is no correlation in these values. The rate constant of break-up of the ternary complex was discussed on the coordination geometry of the ternary complex on the basis of the degree of the distortion.  相似文献   

Analysis of relaxation kinetics data by a nonlinear least squares method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent improvements in measuring and data acquisition techniques have increased greatly the precision of chemical relaxation data. This has necessitated more accurate methods for data analysis in cases of complex relaxation spectra, as is often observed in biochemical systems. We have developed and applied a method capable of decomposing a wave form containing up to three overlapping exponentials. The method is based upon a nonlinear least squares algorithm. Analysis of the method shows that when it is applied to a two exponential function where the signal-to-noise ratio, ΔS/N, is fifty, using 100 data points, the resulting four coefficients (two amplitudes and two relaxation times) are each accurate to within 5–10 % over a wide range of conditions, i.e., relative amplitudes from 10–90 % and ratios of relaxation times of 2.5 or greater. The influence of the number of data points and of random noise is as expected from statistical theory. Applications of the curve fitting methods to experimental temperature-jump data from oxygen binding to hemoglobin and hemocyanin yields internally consistent results. The values of the root-meansquare of the residuals of the fit approach those expected on the basis of the experimental signal-to-noise ratios.  相似文献   

The interactions of methylcobalamin (CH3-B12) with Pt(CN)42?, PtCl42?, and Pt(SCN)42? in aqueous solution were studied by UV-visible and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Together with earlier results on the mechanism of the Pt(IV)-dependent methyl-transfer reaction from CH3-B12 to Pt(II), these studies suggest at least three Pt binding sites on CH3-B12. One site, which is occupied by all three complexes (K1 = 4 X 103 M?1 for Pt(CN)42? and 3 X 103 M?1 for PtCl42?), is located on the CoCH3 side of the corrin macrocycle, and is involved in the methyl-transfer process in the presence of a Pt(IV) complex. An additional site for Pt(SCN)42? is the N-3 of the benzimidazole group, resulting in dissociation of this group from the cobalt. An additional site for Pt(CN)42? has a binding constant of 16 M1? and 1H NMR changes indicate perturbation but not dissociation of the benzimidazole group. Only the first interaction is discerned for PtCl42?.  相似文献   

Absorbance melting curves of the double-stranded (rA) · (rU) helix, made with fractionated homopolynucleotides of matched length, have been obtained over a 15-fold range of [Na+] and 30° range of temperature. An excellent fit of the observed profiles was obtained with theoretical curves calculated on the basis of the simplest interpretation for the occurrence of particular equilibria [1–3]; the complete molecular partition function being evaluated by the power series method developed by Applequist [4–6]. The stability constant was evaluated from literature values for the calorimetric enthalpy. The loop closure exponent was best represented by 2.22 ± 0.04 for the mismatching loop mode of melting and 1.22 for the matching mode and was independent of [Na+] and temperature. Assuming the applicability of the nonintersecting random walk value of 1.9 ± 0.1, these results would suggest a slight bias toward matched loop formation during melting of homopolynucleotides that might be expected to form only mismatched loops. The value of the stacking parameter at 60°C was only ~6% higher than that at 30°C, 0.0221 (0.0184 for the matching case). Calculated melting curves indicate the occurrence of a fifth-order phase transition when the mean helix length is only ~13 base-pairs, or about one full turn of the helix.  相似文献   

The state of adenylylation of glutamine synthetase in Escherichia coli is regulated by the adenylyl transferase, the PII regulatory protein, uridylyl transferase (UTase), and the uridylyl removing enzyme (UR). The regulatory protein exists in an unmodified state (PII) which promotes adenylylation and in a uridylylated form (PII·UMP) which promotes deadenylylation of glutamine synthetase. The UR and UTase enzymes catalyze the interconversion of PII and PII·UMP. The UR and UTase have been partially purified by chromatography over DEAE-cellulose, AH-Sepharose 4B, Sephadex G-200, and gel electrophoresis. The two activities co-purify at all steps in the isolation although preparations containing different ratios of UTase:UR activities have been isolated. These UR·UTase activities have apparent molecular weight of 140,000. Both activities are inactivated by sulfhydryl reagents, both activities are heat inactivated, and both are stabilized by high salt concentrations. Both activities are inhibited in the crude extract by dialyzable inhibitors, but the UR is also inhibited by a nondialyzable inhibitor. This endogenous inhibitor is of molecular weight greater than 100,000 daltons, and binds CMP and UMP which are the apparent inhibitory agents. CMP and UMP are antagonistic in their effects on the UR activity. No effect of the CMP, UMP, or the large inhibitor on the other steps in the cascade could be demonstrated. The Mn2+-supported UR activity was also shown to be inhibited by a number of divalent cations, particularly Zn2+.  相似文献   

Analysis of temperature-shift experiments using strains homo- and/or hemizygous for a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutation of the Notch locus, l(1)Nts1, has permitted us to localize temperature-sensitive periods (TSPs) both for lethality and for adult ectodermal morphology defects. Discrete TSPs for lethality are localized to the first half of the embryonic period, to the second larval instar, to the third larval instar, and to a 15 hr period immediately after pupation. TSPs for adult morphology defects are localized to the second and third larval instars for eyeless-headless and duplicated antenna, to the third larval instar for small and rough (spl-like) eye, eye scar, fused leg segments, shortened tarsal leg segments, Notch wings, and extra macrochaetae, and to the early pupal period for extra and missing microchaetae, fag-like rough eye and thick wing vein defects. Within the third larval instar, distinct patterns of eye, wing, and leg defects are observed. There is a striking similarity between the adult morphology defects and TSPs of l(1)Nts1 and those of the larval and adult locomotor mutant, shits1 (C. A. Poodry, L. Hall, and D. T. Suzuki, 1973, Develop. Biol.32, 373–386). Expression of l(1)Nts1 also has been studied in genetic mosaics, in which we find that the pleiotropic effects of l(1)Nts1 are autonomously expressed.  相似文献   

The combinations between enzymes and substrates occur only after their reacting groups are in juxtaposition with each other. This will greatly reduce the probability of their effective encounters. However, the results calculated with the finite element method show that the reaction limits will not decrease substantially if van der Waal's forces and a reasonable flexibility during such a juxtaposition are taken into account.  相似文献   

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