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Prolonged depolarization induces a slow inactivation process in some K+ channels. We have studied ionic and gating currents during long depolarizations in the mutant Shaker H4-Δ(6–46) K+ channel and in the nonconducting mutant (Shaker H4-Δ(6–46)-W434F). These channels lack the amino terminus that confers the fast (N-type) inactivation (Hoshi, T., W.N. Zagotta, and R.W. Aldrich. 1991. Neuron. 7:547–556). Channels were expressed in oocytes and currents were measured with the cut-open-oocyte and patch-clamp techniques. In both clones, the curves describing the voltage dependence of the charge movement were shifted toward more negative potentials when the holding potential was maintained at depolarized potentials. The evidences that this new voltage dependence of the charge movement in the depolarized condition is associated with the process of slow inactivation are the following: (a) the installation of both the slow inactivation of the ionic current and the inactivation of the charge in response to a sustained 1-min depolarization to 0 mV followed the same time course; and (b) the recovery from inactivation of both ionic and gating currents (induced by repolarizations to −90 mV after a 1-min inactivating pulse at 0 mV) also followed a similar time course. Although prolonged depolarizations induce inactivation of the majority of the channels, a small fraction remains non–slow inactivated. The voltage dependence of this fraction of channels remained unaltered, suggesting that their activation pathway was unmodified by prolonged depolarization. The data could be fitted to a sequential model for Shaker K+ channels (Bezanilla, F., E. Perozo, and E. Stefani. 1994. Biophys. J. 66:1011–1021), with the addition of a series of parallel nonconducting (inactivated) states that become populated during prolonged depolarization. The data suggest that prolonged depolarization modifies the conformation of the voltage sensor and that this change can be associated with the process of slow inactivation.  相似文献   

After removal of the fast N-type inactivation gate, voltage-sensitive Shaker (Shaker IR) K channels are still able to inactivate, albeit slowly, upon sustained depolarization. The classical mechanism proposed for the slow inactivation observed in cell-free membrane patches—the so called C inactivation—is a constriction of the external mouth of the channel pore that prevents K+ ion conduction. This constriction is antagonized by the external application of the pore blocker tetraethylammonium (TEA). In contrast to C inactivation, here we show that, when recorded in whole Xenopus oocytes, slow inactivation kinetics in Shaker IR K channels is poorly dependent on external TEA but severely delayed by internal TEA. Based on the antagonism with internally or externally added TEA, we used a two-pulse protocol to show that half of the channels inactivate by way of a gate sensitive to internal TEA. Such gate had a recovery time course in the tens of milliseconds range when the interpulse voltage was −90 mV, whereas C-inactivated channels took several seconds to recover. Internal TEA also reduced gating charge conversion associated to slow inactivation, suggesting that the closing of the internal TEA-sensitive inactivation gate could be associated with a significant amount of charge exchange of this type. We interpreted our data assuming that binding of internal TEA antagonized with U-type inactivation (Klemic, K.G., G.E. Kirsch, and S.W. Jones. 2001. Biophys. J. 81:814–826). Our results are consistent with a direct steric interference of internal TEA with an internally located slow inactivation gate as a “foot in the door” mechanism, implying a significant functional overlap between the gate of the internal TEA-sensitive slow inactivation and the primary activation gate. But, because U-type inactivation is reduced by channel opening, trapping the channel in the open conformation by TEA would also yield to an allosteric delay of slow inactivation. These results provide a framework to explain why constitutively C-inactivated channels exhibit gating charge conversion, and why mutations at the internal exit of the pore, such as those associated to episodic ataxia type I in hKv1.1, cause severe changes in inactivation kinetics.  相似文献   

Previously we showed that the redox active Cu(2+) was much more effective than Cd(2+) at inducing reactive oxygen species ("ROS") formation in hepatocytes and furthermore "ROS" scavengers prevented Cu(2+)-induced hepatocyte cytotoxicity (Pourahmad and O'Brien, 2000). In the following it is shown that hepatocyte cytotoxicity induced by Cu(2+), but not Cd(2+), was preceded by lysosomal membrane damage as demonstrated by acridine orange release. Cytotoxicity, "ROS" formation, and lipid peroxidation were also readily prevented by methylamine or chloroquine (lysosomotropic agents) or 3-methyladenine (an inhibitor of autophagy). Hepatocyte lysosomal proteolysis was also activated by Cu(2+), but not Cd(2+), as tyrosine was released from the hepatocytes and was prevented by leupeptin and pepstatin (lysosomal protease inhibitors). Cu(2+)-induced cytotoxicity was also prevented by leupeptin and pepstatin. A marked increase in Cu(2+)-induced hepatocyte toxicity also occurred if the lysosomal toxins gentamicin or aurothioglucose were added at the same time as the Cu(2+). Furthermore, destabilizing lysosomal membranes beforehand by preincubating the hepatocytes with gentamicin or aurothioglucose prevented Cu(2+)-induced hepatocyte cytotoxicity. It is proposed that Cu(2+)-induced cytotoxicity involves lysosomal damage that causes the release of cytotoxic digestive enzymes as a result of lysosomal membrane damage by "ROS" generated by lysosomal Cu(2+) redox cycling.  相似文献   

Human heart Na+ channels were expressed transiently in both mammalian cells and Xenopus oocytes, and Na+ currents measured using 150 mM intracellular Na+. The kinetics of decaying outward Na+ current in response to 1-s depolarizations in the F1485Q mutant depends on the predominant cation in the extracellular solution, suggesting an effect on slow inactivation. The decay rate is lower for the alkali metal cations Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+ than for the organic cations Tris, tetramethylammonium, N-methylglucamine, and choline. In whole cell recordings, raising [Na+]o from 10 to 150 mM increases the rate of recovery from slow inactivation at −140 mV, decreases the rate of slow inactivation at relatively depolarized voltages, and shifts steady-state slow inactivation in a depolarized direction. Single channel recordings of F1485Q show a decrease in the number of blank (i.e., null) records when [Na+]o is increased. Significant clustering of blank records when depolarizing at a frequency of 0.5 Hz suggests that periods of inactivity represent the sojourn of a channel in a slow-inactivated state. Examination of the single channel kinetics at +60 mV during 90-ms depolarizations shows that neither open time, closed time, nor first latency is significantly affected by [Na+]o. However raising [Na+]o decreases the duration of the last closed interval terminated by the end of the depolarization, leading to an increased number of openings at the depolarized voltage. Analysis of single channel data indicates that at a depolarized voltage a single rate constant for entry into a slow-inactivated state is reduced in high [Na+]o, suggesting that the binding of an alkali metal cation, perhaps in the ion-conducting pore, inhibits the closing of the slow inactivation gate.  相似文献   

Kv4 potassium channels undergo rapid inactivation but do not seem to exhibit the classical N-type and C-type mechanisms present in other Kv channels. We have previously hypothesized that Kv4 channels preferentially inactivate from the preopen closed state, which involves regions of the channel that contribute to the internal vestibule of the pore. To further test this hypothesis, we have examined the effects of permeant ions on gating of three Kv4 channels (Kv4.1, Kv4.2, and Kv4.3) expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Rb+ is an excellent tool for this purpose because its prolonged residency time in the pore delays K+ channel closing. The data showed that, only when Rb+ carried the current, both channel closing and the development of macroscopic inactivation are slowed (1.5- to 4-fold, relative to the K+ current). Furthermore, macroscopic Rb+ currents were larger than K+ currents (1.2- to 3-fold) as the result of a more stable open state, which increases the maximum open probability. These results demonstrate that pore occupancy can influence inactivation gating in a manner that depends on how channel closing impacts inactivation from the preopen closed state. By examining possible changes in ionic selectivity and the influence of elevating the external K+ concentration, additional experiments did not support the presence of C-type inactivation in Kv4 channels.  相似文献   

电压门控性K 通道是由4个相同亚单位构成的四聚体通道,其中每个亚单位都含有1个电压感受器,并且4个亚单位合起来组成1个中央孔.电压门控性通道蛋白具有3种主要功能,一是离子通透功能,二是门控蛋白构象改变,三是门控与感知机制的偶联.通道具有高通透速率和高选择性,通过构象改变的门控机制有3种,一是S6束交叉门控,二是球链门控,三是选择性滤器的门控.  相似文献   

Many heavy metals inhibit electron transfer reactions in Photosystem II (PSII). Cd(2+) is known to exchange, with high affinity in a slow reaction, for the Ca(2+) cofactor in the Ca/Mn cluster that constitutes the oxygen-evolving center. This results in inhibition of photosynthetic oxygen evolution. There are also indications that Cd(2+) binds to other sites in PSII, potentially to proton channels in analogy to heavy metal binding in photosynthetic reaction centers from purple bacteria. In search for the effects of Cd(2+)-binding to those sites, we have studied how Cd(2+) affects electron transfer reactions in PSII after short incubation times and in sites, which interact with Cd(2+) with low affinity. Overall electron transfer and partial electron transfer were studied by a combination of EPR spectroscopy of individual redox components, flash-induced variable fluorescence and steady state oxygen evolution measurements. Several effects of Cd(2+) were observed: (i) the amplitude of the flash-induced variable fluorescence was lost indicating that electron transfer from Y(Z) to P(680)(+) was inhibited; (ii) Q(A)(-) to Q(B) electron transfer was slowed down; (iii) the S(2) state multiline EPR signal was not observable; (iv) steady state oxygen evolution was inhibited in both a high-affinity and a low-affinity site; (v) the spectral shape of the EPR signal from Q(A)(-)Fe(2+) was modified but its amplitude was not sensitive to the presence of Cd(2+). In addition, the presence of both Ca(2+) and DCMU abolished Cd(2+)-induced effects partially and in different sites. The number of sites for Cd(2+) binding and the possible nature of these sites are discussed.  相似文献   

Metallothionein-3 (MT-3) is a brain-specific MT, which is downregulated in Alzheimer's disease. The N-terminal region of CdMT-3 is highly dynamic and has escaped structural characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance. We have used electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to probe conformational states of cadmium- and zinc-substituted metalloforms of MT-3 and can demonstrate that the N-terminal beta-domain of MT-3 filled with Cd(2+) has a more open conformation than that filled with Zn(2+). The results suggest that the larger Cd(2+) ions cannot isostructurally replace zinc in the beta-domain of MT-3 whereas in the case of MT-1 and MT-2 the replacement is isostructural. Specific metal binding properties of the beta-domain of MT-3 may be essential for fulfilling the specific role of MT-3 in the brain.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that Cd2+ can selectively disrupt E-cadherin-dependent cell-cell junctions in the porcine renal epithelial cell line, LLC-PK1. The objective of the present studies was to determine whether or not Cd2+ could produce similar effects in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, an immortal epithelial cell line derived from dog kidney. This is an important issue because MDCK cells have been used extensively as a model system to study the basic mechanisms of E-cadherin-dependent cell-cell adhesion. MDCK cells on permeable membrane supports were exposed to Cd2+ by adding CdCl2 to either the apical or the basolateral compartment. The integrity of cell-cell junctions was assessed by morphologic observation of the cells and by monitoring the transepithelial electrical resistance. The results showed that exposure to 10–40 μM Cd2+ for 15 min-4 h caused the cells to separate from each other without detaching from the growing surface. The separation of the cells was accompanied by a marked drop in the transepithelial electrical resistance, a loss of E-cadherin from the cell-cell contacts, and a reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. These effects were much more pronounced when Cd2+ was added basolaterally than when it was added apically. Moreover, the effects of Cd2+ were qualitatively similar to those observed when the cells were incubated in Ca2+-free medium. These results show that Cd2+ can disrupt E-cadherin-dependent cell-cell junctions in MDCK cells, and they indicate that this cell line would be an appropriate model for further mechanistic studies in this area.  相似文献   

We studied the properties of currents generated in Xenopus oocytes by nine splice variants of the spiny lobster Shaker gene. These isoforms differ in their amino termini and in the P-loop region of the pore. Both the voltage dependence and kinetic properties of the currents varied significantly, depending on which amino terminus was present. A cluster of net positive charges at the N-terminus was not necessary for rapid inactivation: negatively charged N-termini also inactivated rapidly. There was no obvious correlation between N-terminus length and inactivation rate. These N-terminal effects were additive with a separate set of voltage and kinetic properties controlled by the two alternative P-loop exons.  相似文献   

Mutations of the pore-region residue T442 in Shaker channels result in large effects on channel kinetics. We studied mutations at this position in the backgrounds of NH2-terminal–truncated Shaker H4 and a Shaker -NGK2 chimeric channel having high conductance (Lopez, G.A., Y.N. Jan, and L.Y. Jan. 1994. Nature (Lond.). 367: 179–182). While mutations of T442 to C, D, H, V, or Y resulted in undetectable expression in Xenopus oocytes, S and G mutants yielded functional channels having deactivation time constants and channel open times two to three orders of magnitude longer than those of the parental channel. Activation time courses at depolarized potentials were unaffected by the mutations, as were first-latency distributions in the T442S chimeric channel. The mutant channels show two subconductance levels, 37 and 70% of full conductance. From single-channel analysis, we concluded that channels always pass through the larger subconductance state on the way to and from the open state. The smaller subconductance state is traversed in ∼40% of activation time courses. These states apparently represent kinetic intermediates in channel gating having voltage-dependent transitions with apparent charge movements of ∼1.6 e0. The fully open T442S chimeric channel has the conductance sequence Rb+ > NH4 + > K+. The opposite conductance sequence, K+ > NH4 + > Rb+, is observed in each of the subconductance states, with the smaller subconductance state discriminating most strongly against Rb+.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) declined as soon as catalysis was initiated by exposure to its substrate, d-ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (ribulose-P(2)). The decline continued exponentially, with a half-time of approximately 7 minutes until, eventually, a steady state level of activity was reached which could be as low as 15% of the initial activity. The ratio of the steady state activity to the initial activity was lower at low CO(2) concentration and at low pH. The inhibitors 6-phosphogluconate and H(2)O(2) alleviated the inactivation, increasing the final/initial rate ratio and the half-time. Varying ribulose-P(2) concentration in the range above that required to saturate catalysis did not affect the kinetics of inactivation. The affinities for CO(2) and ribulose-P(2) were unaffected by the inactivation. The decline in activity occurred with preparations of ribulose-P(2) which contained no detectable d-xylulose-1,5-bisphosphate and also with ribulose-P(2) which had been generated enzymatically immediately before use. Inclusion of an aldolase system for removing d-xylulose-1,5-bisphosphate also did not alter the inactivation process. The inactivated Rubisco did not recover after complete exhaustion of ribulose-P(2). We conclude that the inactivation is not caused by readily-reversible binding of ribulose-P(2) at a site different from the active site and that it is unlikely to be attributable to inhibitory contaminants in ribulose-P(2) preparations.  相似文献   

Cu2+ is an essential metal ion that plays a critical role in the regulation of a number of ion channels and receptors in addition to acting as a cofactor in a variety of enzymes. Here, we showed that human melastatin transient receptor potential 2 (hTRPM2) channel is sensitive to inhibition by extracellular Cu2+. Cu2+ at concentrations as low as 3 µM inhibited the hTRPM2 channel completely and irreversibly upon washing or using Cu2+ chelators, suggesting channel inactivation. The Cu2+-induced inactivation was similar when the channels conducted inward or outward currents, indicating the permeating ions had little effect on Cu2+-induced inactivation. Furthermore, Cu2+ had no effect on singe channel conductance. Alanine substitution by site-directed mutagenesis of His995 in the pore-forming region strongly attenuated Cu2+-induced channel inactivation, and mutation of several other pore residues to alanine altered the kinetics of channel inactivation by Cu2+. In addition, while introduction of the P1018L mutation is known to result in channel inactivation, exposure to Cu2+ accelerated the inactivation of this mutant channel. In contrast with the hTRPM2, the mouse TRPM2 (mTRPM2) channel, which contains glutamine at the position equivalent to His995, was insensitive to Cu2+. Replacement of His995 with glutamine in the hTRPM2 conferred loss of Cu2+-induced channel inactivation. Taken together, these results suggest that Cu2+ inactivates the hTRPM2 channel by interacting with the outer pore region. Our results also indicate that the amino acid residue difference in this region gives rise to species-dependent effect by Cu2+ on the human and mouse TRPM2 channels.  相似文献   

Cadmium-Ca-Zn interactions for uptake have been studied in human intestinal crypt cells HIEC. Our results failed to demonstrate any significant cross-inhibition between Cd and Ca uptake under single metal exposure conditions. However, they revealed a strong reciprocal inhibition for a Zn-stimulated mechanism of transport. Optimal stimulation was observed under exposure conditions that favor an inward-directed Zn gradient, suggesting activation by extracellular rather than intracellular Zn. The effect of Zn on the uptake of Ca was concentration-dependent, and zinc-induced stimulation of Cd uptake resulted in a 3- and 5.8-fold increase in the K(m) and V(max) values, respectively. Neither basal nor Zn-stimulated Ca uptakes were sensitive to membrane depolarization. However, the stimulated component of uptake was inhibited by the trivalent cations Gd(3+), and La(3+) and to a lesser extent by Mg(2+) and Ba(2+). RT-PCR analysis as well as uptake measurement performed with extracellular ATP and/or suramin do not support the involvement of purinergic P2X receptor channels. Uptake and fluorescence data led to the conclusion that Zn is unlikely to trigger Ca influx in response to Ca release from thapsigargin-sensitive intracellular pools. Our data show that Zn may potentiate Cd accumulation in intestinal crypt cells through mechanism that still needs to be clarified.  相似文献   

多不饱和脂肪酸具有包括离子通道在内的众多作用靶点,通过作用于这些靶点,可以有效保护免疫系统、神经系统和心血管系统的功能,在一定程度上保护人体健康。电压门控钾离子通道家族KV7通道和大电导钙离子激活的钾离子通道(BKCa)广泛表达于机体的各类组织中,具有重要的生理或病理功能。本综述围绕KV7和BKCa通道,根据对已有报道的汇总,多不饱和脂肪酸可以增大KV7和BKCa通道的电流幅值,其中对KV7通道电流的影响主要是改变其电压依赖特性和最大电导值,而对BKCa通道电流的影响主要是改变其孔道区域关闭态的构象。此外,多不饱和脂肪酸对KV7和BKCa通道功能的调节也会受到共表达的辅助亚基影响,但相关机制有待进一步阐明。深入理解多不饱和脂肪酸对KV7和BKCa通道调节作用效果和分子机制,有助于全面理解KV7和BK  相似文献   

Potassium channels have become a focus in cancer biology as they play roles in cell behaviours associated with cancer progression, including proliferation, migration and apoptosis. Two-pore domain (K2P) potassium channels are background channels which enable the leak of potassium ions from cells. As these channels are open at rest they have a profound effect on cellular membrane potential and subsequently the electrical activity and behaviour of cells in which they are expressed. The K2P family of channels has 15 mammalian members and already 4 members of this family (K2P2.1, K2P3.1, K2P9.1, K2P5.1) have been implicated in cancer. Here we examine the expression of all 15 members of the K2P family of channels in a range of cancer types. This was achieved using the online cancer microarray database, Oncomine (www.oncomine.org). Each gene was examined across 20 cancer types, comparing mRNA expression in cancer to normal tissue. This analysis revealed all but 3 K2P family members (K2P4.1, K2P16.1, K2P18.1) show altered expression in cancer. Overexpression of K2P channels was observed in a range of cancers including breast, leukaemia and lung while more cancers (brain, colorectal, gastrointestinal, kidney, lung, melanoma, oesophageal) showed underexpression of one or more channels. K2P1.1, K2P3.1, K2P12.1, were overexpressed in a range of cancers. While K2P1.1, K2P3.1, K2P5.1, K2P6.1, K2P7.1 and K2P10.1 showed significant underexpression across the cancer types examined. This analysis supports the view that specific K2P channels may play a role in cancer biology. Their altered expression together with their ability to impact the function of other ion channels and their sensitivity to environmental stimuli (pO2, pH, glucose, stretch) makes understanding the role these channels play in cancer of key importance.  相似文献   

Studies on the interaction between Cd(2+) ions and DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cadmium is a potent carcinogen in rodents and has recently been accepted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a category 1 (human) carcinogen, but the molecular mechanism of its action remains largely unclear. It has however been suggested that cadmium-induced carcinogenesis may involve either direct or indirect interaction of Cd2+ with DNA. Cd2+ is believed to bind covalently with N7 centres of adenine and guanine. At low concentrations (≤50 mM), Cd2+ is found to react with plasmid DNA to produce a mixture of Form I and Form II bands whereas at higher concentrations (≥100 mM), Cd2+ causes extensive damage to DNA at a pH 5.8 solution of cadmium nitrate. Within the range 0–100 mM (when pH is adjusted to 7.4 by adding NaOH) an increase in concentration of Cd2+ is found to cause a decrease in the gel mobility rate of plasmid and an increase in the intensity of the Form II band. When plasmid DNA is digested with BamH1, only the Form III band is observed both in the presence and absence of Cd2+. However, the mobility of the band is found to decrease with the increase in the concentration of Cd2+. When the enzyme Ssp1 which cuts plasmid DNA at the AT sites is used instead of BamH1, two bands are observed in the presence of cadmium as against one band in the absence of cadmium. These results suggest that Cd2+ binds covalently with DNA (possibly at G, A and T centres) and can form intrastrand bifunctional AT adducts but not the GG adducts. It may also be that neither GG nor AT adducts are formed and yet Ssp1 digestion is prevented because of a structural modification introduced in adenine by its interaction with Cd2+. In the presence of antioxidants such as cysteine, glutathione and ascorbate (especially cysteine and ascorbate), DNA damage is found to be greater than expected for the combined effects of the antioxidant and Cd2+. The increased DNA damage is believed to be due to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).  相似文献   

In order to test the potential effect of prior exposure to different Cd concentrations on Cd uptake and accumulation, plants of Arabidopsis thaliana, including a phytochelatin-deficient mutant, cad1-3, and the wild type, were compared. For Cd uptake experiments, plants were grown for 1 week in nutrient solution containing different Cd concentrations (0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 microM Cd(NO(3))(2)). Thereafter they were subjected to 0.5 microM Cd labelled with (109)Cd for 2 h. Uptake experiments with (109)Cd showed that the phytochelatin-deficient mutant cad1-3, accumulated less Cd than the wild type. Both a lower proportion and lower total amount of absorbed Cd were translocated to the shoot in cad1-3 plants compared to wild-type plants. Cadmium exposure also influenced the amounts of nutrients found, whereby after exposure to high Cd concentrations (0.5, 1.0 microM) during growth, cad1-3 roots contained less Fe, K, Mg, P, and S compared to roots of the wild type. In cad1-3 these elements decreased with increasing Cd concentration. The total Cd content in roots and shoots increased significantly with increasing Cd concentration during growth, although the increase was much less in cad1-3 plants. In time-dependent experiments of Cd uptake carried out between 15 and 120 min on plants not previously exposed to Cd, no significant difference in Cd accumulation between the mutant and wild type were found, although a smaller amount of Cd was translocated to the shoot in cad1-3 plants. The possibility that the differences in Cd accumulation in mutant and wild-type lines may be due to the cytosolic Cd regulation, which is inhibited by the complexation of Cd by phytochelatins, is discussed.  相似文献   

The 30+ members of the family of TRP channels are diverse in their physiological roles, yet the mechanisms that regulate their gating may be conserved. In particular, all TRP channels show an activity-dependent inhibition which is mediated by Ca(2+). The mechanism by which Ca(2+) inhibits TRP channels is currently a matter of intense debate, with Ca(2+)-regulated kinases, phosphatases, phospholipases and calmodulin all proposed to be involved. In this review, we will discuss different mechanisms for Ca(2+)-dependent desensitization in TRP channels. We will conclude with a model that focuses on Ca(2+)-dependent activation of phospholipase C and Ca(2+) binding to calmodulin and propose that the phospholipase C and calmodulin pathways are structurally and functionally coupled.  相似文献   

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