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Eukaryotic chromatin is a hierarchical collection of nucleoprotein structures that package DNA to form chromosomes. The initial levels of packaging include folding of long strings of nucleosomes into secondary structures and array–array association into higher-order tertiary chromatin structures. The core histone tail domains are required for the assembly of higher-order structures and mediate short- and long-range intra- and inter-nucleosome interactions with both DNA and protein targets to direct their assembly. However, important details of these interactions remain unclear and are a subject of much interest and recent investigations. Here, we review work defining the interactions of the histone N-terminal tails with DNA and protein targets relevant to chromatin higher-order structures, with a specific emphasis on the contributions of H3 and H4 tails to oligonucleosome folding and stabilization. We evaluate both classic and recent experiments determining tail structures, effect of tail cleavage/loss, and posttranslational modifications of the tails on nucleosomes and nucleosome arrays, as well as inter-nucleosomal and inter-array interactions of the H3 and H4 N-terminal tails.  相似文献   

Bustin M  Catez F  Lim JH 《Molecular cell》2005,17(5):617-620
Over 80% of the nucleosomes in chromatin contain histone H1, a protein family known to affect the structure and activity of chromatin. Genetic studies and in vivo imaging experiments are changing the traditional view of H1 function and mechanism of action. H1 variants are partially redundant, mobile molecules that interact with nucleosomes as members of a dynamic protein network and serve as fine tuners of chromatin function.  相似文献   

Stearoylsphingomyelin (SSM) bilayers containing 0, 22, and 50 mol % cholesterol (Chol) and a pentadecanoyl-stearoylphosphatidylcholine (15SPC) bilayer containing 22 mol % Chol were molecular dynamics simulated at two temperatures (37 degrees C and 60 degrees C). 15SPC is the best PC equivalent of SSM. The Chol effect on the SSM bilayer differs significantly from that on the 15SPC bilayer. At the same temperature and Chol content, H-bonding of Chol with SSM is more extensive than with 15SPC. SSM-Chol H-bonding anchors the OH group of Chol in the lower regions of the SSM-Chol bilayer interface. Such a location strengthens the influence of Chol on the SSM chains. In effect, the phase of the SSM-Chol bilayer containing 22 mol % Chol at 37 degrees C is shifted from the gel to the liquid-ordered phase, and the bilayer displays similar properties below and above the main phase-transition temperature for a pure SSM bilayer of approximately 45 degrees C. In contrast, due to a higher location, Chol is not able to change the phase of the 15SPC-Chol bilayer, which at 37 degrees C remains in the gel phase. Chol affects both the core and interface of the SSM bilayer. With increasing Chol content, the order of SSM chains and hydration of SSM headgroups increase, whereas polar interactions between lipids decrease.  相似文献   

HP1 family proteins are adaptor molecules, containing two related chromo domains that are required for chromatin packaging and gene silencing. Here we present the structure of the chromo shadow domain from mouse HP1beta bound to a peptide containing a consensus PXVXL motif found in many HP1 binding partners. The shadow domain exhibits a novel mode of peptide recognition, where the peptide binds across the dimer interface, sandwiched in a beta-sheet between strands from each monomer. The structure allows us to predict which other shadow domains bind similar PXVXL motif-containing peptides and provides a framework for predicting the sequence specificity of the others. We show that targeting of HP1beta to heterochromatin requires shadow domain interactions with PXVXL-containing proteins in addition to chromo domain recognition of Lys-9-methylated histone H3. Interestingly, it also appears to require the simultaneous recognition of two Lys-9-methylated histone H3 molecules. This finding implies a further complexity to the histone code for regulation of chromatin structure and suggests how binding of HP1 family proteins may lead to its condensation.  相似文献   

An extensive conformational search in explicit solvent was performed in order to compare the influence of different long-range electrostatic interaction treatments in molecular dynamics. The short peptide endothelin-1 was selected as the subject of molecular dynamics studies that started from both X-ray and NMR obtained structures. Electrostatic interactions were treated using two of the most common methods--residue-based cutoff and particle mesh Ewald (PME). Analyses of free energy calculations (MM-PBSA method used), secondary structure elements and hydrogen bonds were performed, and there suggested that there is no unambiguous conclusion about which of the two methods of long-range electrostatics treatment should be used in MD simulations in this case. The most reliable data was provided by a trajectory that started with the NMR structure and used the cutoff method to treat electrostatic interactions. This leads to a recommendation that the choice of electrostatics treatment should be made carefully and not automatically by choosing the PME method simply because it is the most widely used.  相似文献   

The core histone tail domains are key regulatory elements in chromatin. The tails are essential for folding oligonucleosomal arrays into both secondary and tertiary structures, and post-translational modifications within these domains can directly alter DNA accessibility. Unfortunately, there is little understanding of the structures and interactions of the core histone tail domains or how post-translational modifications within the tails may alter these interactions. Here we review NMR, thermal denaturation, cross-linking, and other selected solution methods used to define the general structures and binding behavior of the tail domains in various chromatin environments. All of these methods indicate that the tail domains bind primarily electrostatically to sites within chromatin. The data also indicate that the tails adopt specific structures when bound to DNA and that tail structures and interactions are plastic, depending on the specific chromatin environment. In addition, post-translational modifications, such as acetylation, can directly alter histone tail structures and interactions.  相似文献   

The yeast Set1 histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methyltransferase contains, in addition to its catalytic SET domain, a conserved RNA recognition motif (RRM1). We present here the crystal structure and the secondary structure assignment in solution of the Set1 RRM1. Although RRM1 has the expected betaalphabetabetaalphabeta RRM-fold, it lacks the typical RNA-binding features of these modules. RRM1 is not able to bind RNA by itself in vitro, but a construct combining RRM1 with a newly identified downstream RRM2 specifically binds RNA. In vivo, H3K4 methylation is not affected by a point mutation in RRM2 that preserves Set1 stability but affects RNA binding in vitro. In contrast mutating RRM1 destabilizes Set1 and leads to an increase of dimethylation of H3K4 at the 5'-coding region of active genes at the expense of trimethylation, whereas both, dimethylation decreases at the 3'-coding region. Taken together, our results suggest that Set1 RRMs bind RNA, but Set1 RNA-binding activity is not linked to H3K4 methylation.  相似文献   

Ligand recognition in purine riboswitches is a complex process requiring different levels of conformational changes. Recent efforts in the area of purine riboswitch research have focused on ligand analogue binding studies. In the case of the guanine xanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (xpt) riboswitch, synthetic analogues that resemble guanine have the potential to tightly bind and subsequently influence the genetic expression of xpt mRNA in prokaryotes. We have carried out 25 ns Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation studies of the aptamer domain of the xpt G-riboswitch in four different states: guanine riboswitch in free form, riboswitch bound with its cognate ligand guanine, and with two guanine analogues SJ1 and SJ2. Our work reveals novel interactions of SJ1 and SJ2 ligands with the binding core residues of the riboswitch. The ligands proposed in this work bind to the riboswitch with greater overall stability and lower root mean square deviations and fluctuations compared to guanine ligand. Reporter gene assay data demonstrate that the ligand analogues, upon binding to the RNA, lower the genetic expression of the guanine riboswitch. Our work has important implications for future ligand design and binding studies in the exciting field of riboswitches.  相似文献   

Mechanisms contributing to the maintenance of heterochromatin in proliferating cells are poorly understood. We demonstrate that chromatin assembly factor 1 (CAF-1) binds to mouse HP1 proteins via an N-terminal domain of its p150 subunit, a domain dispensable for nucleosome assembly during DNA replication. Mutations in p150 prevent association with HP1 in heterochromatin in cells that are not in S phase and the formation of CAF-1-HP1 complexes in nascent chromatin during DNA replication in vitro. We suggest that CAF-1 p150 has a heterochromatin-specific function distinct from its nucleosome assembly function during S phase. Just before mitosis, CAF-1 p150 and some HP1 progressively dissociate from heterochromatin concomitant with histone H3 phosphorylation. The HP1 proteins reassociate with chromatin at the end of mitosis, as histone H3 is dephosphorylated.  相似文献   

It is known that water molecules play an important role in the biological functioning of proteins. The members of the ribonuclease A (RNase A) family of proteins, which are sequentially and structurally similar, are known to carry out the obligatory function of cleaving RNA and individually perform other diverse biological functions. Our focus is on elucidating whether the sequence and structural similarity lead to common hydration patterns, what the common hydration sites are and what the differences are. Extensive molecular dynamics simulations followed by a detailed analysis of protein-water interactions have been carried out on two members of the ribonuclease A superfamily-RNase A and angiogenin. The water residence times are analyzed and their relationship with the characteristic properties of the protein polar atoms, such as their accessible surface area and mean hydration, is studied. The capacity of the polar atoms to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules and participate in protein-water networks are investigated. The locations of such networks are identified for both proteins.  相似文献   

Histone H1 and the high-mobility group (HMG) proteins are chromatin binding proteins that regulate gene expression by modulating the compactness of the chromatin fiber and affecting the ability of regulatory factors to access their nucleosomal targets. Histone H1 stabilizes the higher-order chromatin structure and decreases nucleosomal access, while the HMG proteins decrease the compactness of the chromatin fiber and enhance the accessibility of chromatin targets to regulatory factors. Here we show that in living cells, each of the three families of HMG proteins weakens the binding of H1 to nucleosomes by dynamically competing for chromatin binding sites. The HMG families weaken H1 binding synergistically and do not compete among each other, suggesting that they affect distinct H1 binding sites. We suggest that a network of dynamic and competitive interactions involving HMG proteins and H1, and perhaps other structural proteins, constantly modulates nucleosome accessibility and the local structure of the chromatin fiber.  相似文献   

All-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed during 30-45 ns for a system of three identical DNA 22-mers, 14 short fragments of the charged H4 histone tail peptide fragment (amino acids 5-12, KGGKGLGK) with K(+) counterions, and explicit water. The simulation setup mimics the crowded conditions of DNA in eukaryotic chromatin. To assess the influence of tail fragments on DNA structure and dynamics, a "control" 20 ns MD simulation was carried for a system with the same DNA and water content but in the absence of oligopeptides. Results of DNA interaction with the histone tail fragments, K(+), and water is presented. DNA structure and dynamics and its interplay with the histone tail fragments binding are described. The charged side chains of the lysines play a major role in mediating DNA-DNA attraction by forming bridges and coordinating to phosphate groups and electronegative sites in the minor groove. Binding of all species to DNA is dynamic. Some of the tail fragments while being flexible and mobile in each of its functional groups remain associated near certain locations of the DNA oligomer. The present work allows capturing typical features of the histone tail-counterion-DNA structure, interaction, and dynamics.  相似文献   

The stability and dynamics of a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) is affected by the preferential occupancy of small monovalent molecular ions. Small metal and molecular ions such as sodium and alkyl ammonium have crucial biological functions in human body, affect the thermodynamic stability of the duplex DNA and exhibit preferential binding. Here, using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the preferential binding of metal ion such as Na+ and molecular ions such as tetramethyl ammonium (TMA+) and 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium (CHO+) to double-stranded DNA. The thermodynamic driving force for a particular molecular ion-DNA interaction is determined by decomposing the free energy of binding into its entropic and enthalpic contributions. Our simulations show that each of these molecular ions preferentially binds to the minor groove of the DNA and the extent of binding is highest for CHO+. The ion binding processes are found to be entropically favourable. In addition, the contribution of hydrophobic effects towards the entropic stabilisation (in case of TMA+) and the effect of hydrogen bonding contributing to enthalpic stabilisation (in case of CHO+) have also been investigated.  相似文献   

Evidence is emerging that many diseases result from defects in gene functions, which, in turn, depend on the local chromatin environment of a gene. However, it still remains not fully clear how chromatin activity code is ‘translated’ to the particular ‘activating’ or ‘repressing’ chromatin structural transition. Commonly, chromatin remodeling in vitro was studied using mononucleosomes as a model. However, recent data suggest that structural reorganization of a single mononucleosome is not equal to remodeling of a nucleosome particle under multinucleosomal content – such as, interaction of nucleosomes via flexible histone termini could significantly alter the mode (and the resulting products) of nucleosome structural transitions. It is becoming evident that a nucleosome array does not constitute just a ‘polymer’ of individual ‘canonical’ nucleosomes due to multiple inter-nucleosomal interactions which affect nucleosome dynamics and structure. It could be hypothesized, that inter-nucleosomal interactions could act in cooperation with nucleosome inherent dynamics to orchestrate DNA-based processes and promote formation and stabilization of highly-dynamic, accessible structure of a nucleosome array. In the proposed paper we would like to discuss the nucleosome dynamics within the chromatin fiber mainly as it pertains to the roles of the structural changes mediated by inter-nucleosomal interactions.  相似文献   

A 15-ns molecular dynamics simulation of the fully hydrated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine-cholesterol (DMPC-Chol) bilayer containing approximately 22 mol% Chol was carried out. An 8-ns trajectory was analysed to investigate the effect of Chol on the chain packing in the bilayer core. While the packing of DMPC chains on the smooth alpha-face side of the Chol ring is similar to that in the pure DMPC bilayer, the packing on the rough beta-face side is less regular and less tight. Two methyl groups located on the Chol beta-face disturb the packing; in effect, van der Waals (vdW) interactions between Chol rings and DMPC chains are weaker than the ones between sole DMPC chains. VdW interactions between an alkyl chain of DMPC and an isooctyl tail of Chol are similarly strong as those between two DMPC chains.  相似文献   

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