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The CAP superfamily member, CRISPLD2, has previously been shown to be associated with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate (NSCLP) in human populations and to be essential for normal craniofacial development in the zebrafish. Additionally, in rodent models, CRISPLD2 has been shown to play a role in normal lung and kidney development. However, the specific role of CRISPLD2 during these developmental processes has yet to be determined. In this study, it was demonstrated that Crispld2 protein localizes to the orofacial region of the zebrafish embryo and knockdown of crispld2 resulted in abnormal migration of neural crest cells (NCCs) during both early and late time points. An increase in cell death after crispld2 knockdown as well as an increase in apoptotic marker genes was also shown. This data suggests that Crispld2 modulates the migration, differentiation, and/or survival of NCCs during early craniofacial development. These results indicate an important role for Crispld2 in NCC migration during craniofacial development and suggests involvement of Crispld2 in cell viability during formation of the orofacies. genesis 53:660–667, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The work presented in this study focuses on blastema formation in epimorphic regeneration. We describe the expression pattern of Sdf1a and Sdf1b (the chemokines stromal-cell-derived factor-1a and 1b) and their two receptors Cxcr4a and Cxcr4b during zebrafish fin regeneration. We demonstrate that Sdf1a/Cxcr4a plays a critical role in fin regeneration and more precisely in epidermal cell proliferation, an important process for blastema formation. In mammals, a single cxcr4 gene is involved both in chemotaxis and cell proliferation and survival; we discuss in this study a possible functional division of the two cxcr4 zebrafish genes.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is one of the key mechanisms underlying the epigenetic regulation of gene expression. During DNA replication, the methylation pattern of the parent strand is maintained on the replicated strand through the action of Dnmt1 (DNA Methyltransferase 1). In mammals, Dnmt1 is recruited to hemimethylated replication foci by Uhrf1 (Ubiquitin-like, Containing PHD and RING Finger Domains 1). Here we show that Uhrf1 is required for DNA methylation in vivo during zebrafish embryogenesis. Due in part to the early embryonic lethality of Dnmt1 and Uhrf1 knockout mice, roles for these proteins during lens development have yet to be reported. We show that zebrafish mutants in uhrf1 and dnmt1 have defects in lens development and maintenance. uhrf1 and dnmt1 are expressed in the lens epithelium, and in the absence of Uhrf1 or of catalytically active Dnmt1, lens epithelial cells have altered gene expression and reduced proliferation in both mutant backgrounds. This is correlated with a wave of apoptosis in the epithelial layer, which is followed by apoptosis and unraveling of secondary lens fibers. Despite these disruptions in the lens fiber region, lens fibers express appropriate differentiation markers. The results of lens transplant experiments demonstrate that Uhrf1 and Dnmt1 functions are required lens-autonomously, but perhaps not cell-autonomously, during lens development in zebrafish. These data provide the first evidence that Uhrf1 and Dnmt1 function is required for vertebrate lens development and maintenance.  相似文献   

Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a biologically active sphingolipid metabolite that exerts important effects on numerous cellular events via cell surface receptors, S1P(1-5). S1P influences differentiation, proliferation, and migration during vascular development. However, the effects of S1P signaling on early cardiac development are not well understood. To address this issue, we examined the expression of S1P regulatory enzymes and S1P receptors during cardiac development. We observed that enzymes that regulate S1P levels, sphingosine kinase and sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase, are expressed in the developing heart. In addition, RT-PCR revealed that four of the five known S1P receptors (S1P(1-4)) are also expressed in the developing heart. Next, effects of altered S1P levels on whole embryo and atrioventricular (AV) canal cultures were investigated. We demonstrate that inactivation of the S1P producing enzyme, sphingosine kinase, leads to cell death in cardiac tissue which is rescued by exogenous S1P treatment. Other experiments reveal that increased S1P concentration prevents alterations in cell morphology that are required for cell migration. This effect results in reduced cell migration and inhibited mesenchymal cell formation in AV canal cushion tissue. These data indicate that S1P, locally maintained within a specific concentration range, is an important and necessary component of early heart development.  相似文献   

The MAPKs are key regulatory signaling molecules in many cellular processes. Here we define differential functions for ERK1 and ERK2 MAPKs in zebrafish embryogenesis. Morpholino knockdown of ERK1 and ERK2 resulted in cell migration defects during gastrulation, which could be rescued by co-injection of the corresponding mRNA. Strikingly, Erk2 mRNA cross-rescued ERK1 knockdown, but erk1 mRNA was unable to compensate for ERK2 knockdown. Cell-tracing experiments revealed a convergence defect for ERK1 morphants without a severe posterior-extension defect, whereas ERK2 morphants showed a more severe reduction in anterior-posterior extension. These defects were primary changes in gastrulation cell movements and not caused by altered cell fate specification. Saturating knockdown conditions showed that the absence of FGF-mediated dual-phosphorylated ERK2 from the blastula margin blocked initiation of epiboly, actin and tubulin cytoskeleton reorganization processes and further arrested embryogenesis, whereas ERK1 knockdown had only a mild effect on epiboly progression. Together, our data define distinct roles for ERK1 and ERK2 in developmental cell migration processes during zebrafish embryogenesis.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of Na,K-ATPase genes in zebrafish ear development. Six Na,K-ATPase genes are differentially expressed in the developing zebrafish inner ear. Antisense morpholino knockdown of Na,K-ATPase alpha1a.1 expression blocked formation of otoliths. This effect was phenocopied by treatment of embryos with ouabain, an inhibitor of Na,K-ATPase activity. The otolith defect produced by morpholinos was rescued by microinjection of zebrafish alpha1a.1 or rat alpha1 mRNA, while the ouabain-induced defect was rescued by expression of ouabain-resistant zebrafish alpha1a.1 or rat alpha1 mRNA. Knockdown of a second zebrafish alpha subunit, alpha1a.2, disrupted development of the semicircular canals. Knockdown of Na,K-ATPase beta2b expression also caused an otolith defect, suggesting that the beta2b subunit partners with the alpha1a.1 subunit to form a Na,K-ATPase required for otolith formation. These results reveal novel roles for Na,K-ATPase genes in vestibular system development and indicate that different isoforms play distinct functional roles in formation of inner ear structures. Our results highlight zebrafish gene knockdown-mRNA rescue as an approach that can be used to dissect the functional properties of zebrafish and mammalian Na,K-ATPase genes.  相似文献   

After mid-blastula transition, populations of cells within the Xenopus embryo become motile. Using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides, we find that Vg1 RBP, an RNA-binding protein implicated in RNA localization in oocytes, is required for the migration of cells forming the roof plate of the neural tube and, subsequently, for neural crest migration. These cells are properly determined but remain at their site of origin. Consistent with a possible role in cell movement, Vg1 RBP asymmetrically localizes to extended processes in migrating neural crest cells. Given that Vg1 RBP is a member of the conserved VICKZ family of proteins, expressed in embryonic and neoplastic cells, these data shed light on the likely role of these RNA-binding proteins in regulating cell movements during both development and metastasis.  相似文献   

Drosophila metalloproteinase Tolloid (TLD) is responsible for cleaving the antagonist Short gastrulation (SOG), thereby regulating signaling by the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) Decapentaplegic (DPP). In mice there are four TLD-related proteinases, two of which, BMP1 and mammalian Tolloid-like 1 (mTLL1), are responsible for cleaving the SOG orthologue Chordin, thereby regulating signaling by DPP orthologues BMP2 and 4. However, although TLD mutations markedly dorsalize Drosophila embryos, mice doubly homozygous null for BMP1 and mTLL1 genes are not dorsalized in early development. Only a single TLD-related proteinase has previously been reported for zebrafish, and mutation of the zebrafish TLD gene (mini fin) results only in mild dorsalization, manifested by loss of the most ventral cell types of the tail. Here we identify and map the zebrafish BMP1 gene bmp1. Knockdown of BMP1 expression results in a mild tail phenotype. However, simultaneous knockdown of mini fin and bmp1 results in severe dorsalization resembling the Swirl (swr) and Snailhouse (snh) phenotypes; caused by defects in major zebrafish ventralizing genes bmp2b and bmp7, respectively. We conclude that bmp1 and mfn gene products functionally overlap and are together responsible for a key portion of the Chordin processing activity necessary to formation of the zebrafish dorsoventral axis.  相似文献   

Macrophages are essential in development, repair and pathology of a variety of tissues via their roles in tissue remodelling, wound healing and inflammation. These biological functions are also associated with a number of human diseases, for example tumour associated macrophages have well defined functions in cancer progression. Xenopus embryonic macrophages arise from a haematopoietic stem cell population by direct differentiation and act as the main mechanism of host defence, before lymphoid cells and a circulatory system have developed. This function is conserved in mouse and human development. Macrophages express a number of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which are central to their function. MMPs are a large family of zinc-dependent endoproteases with multiple roles in extracellular matrix remodelling and the modulation of signalling pathways. We have previously shown MMP-7 to be expressed by Xenopus embryonic macrophages. Here we investigate the role of MMP-7 and two other MMPs (MMP-18 and MMP-9) that are also expressed in the migrating macrophages. Using morpholino (MO) mediated knockdown of each of the MMPs we demonstrate that they are necessary for normal macrophage migration in vivo. The loss-of-function effect can be rescued using the specific MMPs, altered to be resistant to morpholinos but not by overexpression of the other MMPs. Double and triple morpholino knockdowns further suggest that these MMPs act combinatorily to promote embryonic macrophage migration. Thus, our results imply that these three MMPs have distinct functions, which together are crucial to mediate macrophage migration in the developing embryo. This demonstrates conclusively that MMPs are required for normal macrophage cell migration in the whole organism.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, hyaluronan biosynthesis is regulated by three transmembrane catalytic enzymes denoted Has1, Has2 and Has3. We have previously cloned the Xenopus orthologues of the corresponding genes and defined their spatiotemporal distribution during development. During mammalian embryogenesis, Has2 activity is known to be crucial, as its abrogation in mice leads to early embryonic lethality. Here, we show that, in Xenopus, morpholino-mediated loss-of-function of XHas2 alters somitogenesis by causing a disruption of the metameric somitic pattern and leads to a defective myogenesis. In the absence of XHas2, early myoblasts underwent apoptosis, failing to complete their muscle differentiation programme. XHas2 activity is also required for migration of hypaxial muscle cells and trunk neural crest cells (NCC). To approach the mechanism whereby loss of HA, following XHas2 knockdown, could influence somitogenesis and precursor cell migration, we cloned the orthologue of the primary HA signalling receptor CD44 and addressed its function through an analogous knockdown approach. Loss of XCD44 did not disturb somitogenesis, but strongly impaired hypaxial muscle precursor cell migration and the subsequent formation of the ventral body wall musculature. In contrast to XHas2, loss of function of XCD44 did not seem to be essential for trunk NCC migration, suggesting that the HA dependence of NCC movement was rather associated with an altered macromolecular composition of the ECM structuring the cells' migratory pathways. The presented results, extend our knowledge on Has2 function and, for the first time, demonstrate a developmental role for CD44 in vertebrates. On the whole, these data underlie and confirm the emerging importance of cell-ECM interactions and modulation during embryonic development.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling is a critical regulator of somatic growth during fetal and adult development, primarily through its stimulatory effects on cell proliferation and survival. IGF signaling is also required for development of the reproductive system, although its precise role in this regard remains unclear. We have hypothesized that IGF signaling is required for embryonic germline development, which requires the specification and proliferation of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in an extragonadal location, followed by directed migration to the genital ridges. We tested this hypothesis using loss-of-function studies in the zebrafish embryo, which possesses two functional copies of the Type-1 IGF receptor gene (igf1ra, igf1rb). Knockdown of IGF1Rb by morpholino oligonucleotides (MO) results in mismigration and elimination of primordial germ cells (PGCs), resulting in fewer PGCs colonizing the genital ridges. In contrast, knockdown of IGF1Ra has no effect on PGC migration or number despite inducing widespread somatic cell apoptosis. Ablation of both receptors, using combined MO injections or overexpression of a dominant-negative IGF1R, yields embryos with a PGC-deficient phenotype similar to IGF1Rb knockdown. TUNEL analyses revealed that mismigrated PGCs in IGF1Rb-deficient embryos are eliminated by apoptosis; overexpression of an antiapoptotic gene (Bcl2l) rescues ectopic PGCs from apoptosis but fails to rescue migration defects. Lastly, we show that suppression of IGF signaling leads to quantitative changes in the expression of genes encoding CXCL-family chemokine ligands and receptors involved in PGC migration. Collectively, these data suggest a novel role for IGF signaling in early germline development, potentially via cross-talk with chemokine signaling pathways.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Myelin is critical for efficient axonal conduction in the vertebrate nervous system. Neuregulin (Nrg) ligands and their ErbB receptors are required for the development of Schwann cells, the glial cells that form myelin in the peripheral nervous system. Previous studies have not determined whether Nrg-ErbB signaling is essential in vivo for Schwann cell fate specification, proliferation, survival, migration, or the onset of myelination. RESULTS: In genetic screens for mutants with disruptions in myelinated nerves, we identified mutations in erbb3 and erbb2, which together encode a heteromeric tyrosine kinase receptor for Neuregulin ligands. Phenotypic analysis shows that both genes are essential for development of Schwann cells. BrdU-incorporation studies and time-lapse analysis reveal that Schwann cell proliferation and migration, but not survival, are disrupted in erbb3 mutants. We show that Schwann cells can migrate in the absence of DNA replication. This uncoupling of proliferation and migration indicates that erbb gene function is required independently for these two processes. Pharmacological inhibition of ErbB signaling at different stages reveals a continuing requirement for ErbB function during migration and also provides evidence that ErbB signaling is required after migration for proliferation and the terminal differentiation of myelinating Schwann cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide in vivo evidence that Neuregulin-ErbB signaling is essential for directed Schwann cell migration and demonstrate that this pathway is also required for the onset of myelination in postmigratory Schwann cells.  相似文献   



During development cell migration takes place prior to differentiation of many cell types. The chemokine receptor Cxcr4 and its ligand Sdf1 are implicated in migration of several cell lineages, including appendicular muscles.  相似文献   

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