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The liver stands in a unique position between the gastrointestinal tract and systemic venous system. Its constant exposure to food antigens, bacterial products and potential pathogens through the mesenteric circulation, requires the liver to maintain tolerogenic capabilities while preserving the means to mount effective immune responses. The liver has the unique ability amongst solid organs, to activate na?ve CD8+ T lymphocytes in an antigen-specific manner. However, this activation can be inefficient and lead to apoptosis. This phenomenon is believed to be involved in both, the development of oral tolerance and the induction of tolerance in liver allografts. The liver is the target of both autoimmune diseases and of chronic viral infections and its unique tolerogenic environment has frequently been suggested as a factor in the development of these diseases. A better grasp of the liver's unique immunological processes would lead to a better understanding of immune tolerance mechanisms and their role in the development of autoimmune diseases and chronic viral infections.  相似文献   

The intestinal microflora can be considered a postnatally acquired organ that is composed of a large diversity of bacteria that perform important functions for the host and can be modulated by environmental factors, such as nutrition. Specific components of the intestinal microflora, including lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, have been associated with beneficial effects on the host, such as promotion of gut maturation and integrity, antagonisms against pathogens and immune modulation. Beyond this, the microflora seems to play a significant role in the maintenance of intestinal immune homeostasis and prevention of inflammation. The contribution of the intestinal epithelial cell in the first line of defense against pathogenic bacteria and microbial antigens has been recognized. However, the interactions of intestinal epithelial cells with indigenous bacteria are less well understood. This review will summarize the increasing scientific attention to mechanisms of the innate immune response of the host towards different components of the microflora, and suggest a potential role for selected probiotic bacteria in the regulation of intestinal inflammation.  相似文献   

Sustainable agriculture necessitates development of environmentally safe methods to protect plants against pathogens. Among these methods, application of biocontrol agents has been efficiently used to minimize disease development. Here we review current understanding of mechanisms involved in biocontrol of the main Gram-phytopathogenic bacteria-induced diseases by plant inoculation with strains mutated in hrp (hypersensitive response and pathogenicity) genes. These mutants are able to penetrate plant tissues and to stimulate basal resistance of plants. Novel protection mechanisms involving the phytohormone abscisic acid appear to play key roles in the biocontrol of wilt disease induced by Ralstonia solanacearum in Arabidopsis thaliana. Fully understanding these mechanisms and extending the studies to other pathosystems are still required to evaluate their importance in disease protection.  相似文献   

Fractures resulting from low bone mass and excessive skeletal fragility (osteoporosis) are common worldwide both in males and females, particularly in later years of life. Both fractures, and the most important predictor of fractures, bone mass, are now known to be strongly heritable. This fact, plus the current growth in genetic science, has led to a surge of genetic research in osteoporosis, mostly in the search for genes and their polymorphisms that are responsible for variation in bone mass. Finding the genetic basis underlying variation in bone mass will lead us to deeper understanding of the biology of bone mass accumulation, maintenance and adaptation to load. This, plus finding the genetic basis for overall variation in fracture risk per se, will facilitate the development of interventions, both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical, to prevent and/or treat osteoporosis successfully. This research has produced a rather large number of gene loci that seem to influence bone mass. The challenge now is to refine the statistical genetics and the phenotypes involved so that we can confidently identify those gene loci that truly influence bone mass, and to find ways to study the genetic basis for the most direct disease outcome of interest, fracture.  相似文献   

Tamoxifen is one of the most successful and widely used chemopreventive agents ever, and is an effective therapeutic agent for inhibiting growth of hormone receptor positive breast cancers. Tamoxifen and some of its metabolites bind to estrogen receptors and allow subsequent DNA binding at estrogen responsive genes, blocking some estrogenic signals while maintaining others, depending on the tissue. When used therapeutically for up to five years, cases of tamoxifen resistance appear, requiring alternative therapies. One recent proposal uniquely targets a zinc finger of the DNA binding domain of estrogen receptors, rather than the ligand binding domain, to circumvent resistance. In light of the most recent clinical data, however, it is now clear that aromatase inhibitors are the preferred first line therapy for all stages of breast cancer in post-menopausal women, whether they have had previous tamoxifen exposure or resistance.  相似文献   

Breast cancer and associated diabetes mellitus have gained raising interest as an elevated risk of breast cancer prognosis resulting in increased mortality in diabetic patients. In this context, the long-acting insulin analog glargine and other antidiabetics have been discussed to promote tumorigenesis. In contrast, the biguanide class oral antidiabetic metformin has been shown capable of enhancing cell cycle arrest and inducing apoptosis as well as reducing growth factor signaling. Consequently, several studies are underway to evaluate a possible role of metformin in breast cancer treatment. Although mechanisms involved are not definitely clear yet, here, we discuss metformin’s anticancer effects including the potential impact of the immune system.  相似文献   

Fundamental rules about the development of the hematopoietic and immune systems have been established in birds, some of which are reviewed here. The organ rudiments belonging to this system provide the stroma, that has to be seeded by extrinsic stem cells. This particular developmental pattern makes it possible to create chimeric organs with stromal cells and stem cells from different origins. Grafting the thymic epithelium alone in a young embryo is sufficient to induce tolerance to tissues of the same origin as that of epithelium, even in a xenogeneic combination. Stem cells that seed the rudiments during development are born in the embryo rather than in the yolk sac and are responsible for definitive hematopoiesis. Data in frog and mouse indicate that these conclusions may be valid in other classes of vertebrates.  相似文献   

What are the mechanisms and specificity of mycorrhization helper bacteria?   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

Antibiotic resistance (ABR) has now become a major public health issue. Relatively little studies have been published on the incidence of ABR in environmental isolates circulating within the community. A study was performed to determine the diversity of total ABR (intrinsic + acquired resistance) in waterborne bacteria. Surface water from 12 waterways, including 11 rivers/steams and 1 lake, were examined for the presence of ABR phenotypes, using a direct antibiotic susceptibility assay and demonstrated the presence of ABR (in increasing order of resistance), to the following 19 agents: amikacin (17%), gentamicin (17%), ciprofloxacin (33%), colistin (42%), linezolid (42%), tobramycin (42%), vancomycin (42%), ertapenem (67%), erythromycin (75%), meropenem (75%), rifampin (75%), teichoplanin (75%), tetracycline (75%), trimethoprim (75%), fusidic acid (83%), aztreonam (92%), clindamycin (92%), penicillin (92%) and cefoxitin (100%). Multiple resistance to the major classes of antibiotics was noted, which varied from one to six classes, with a mean resistance to 3.7 major antibiotics classes, with diminishing antibacterial effectiveness in the following order: aminoglycosides > fluoroquinolones > glycopeptides > macrolides > tetracyclines > β-lactams. Overall, these data indicate that waterborne bacteria are an important source of ABR determinants and contribute to the mass balance of ABR in the environment, and may be used as an indicator of ecological change in water ecosystems. The waterborne ABR organisms may potentially act as donors in pathogens, which may acquire these through horizontal gene transfer or other genetic exchange events, thus leading to clinically significant cases in both animal and human health. Therefore, environmental bacteria should not be regarded as being devoid of ABR determinants, simply because they are physically removed from clinical settings. Such bacteria have natural intrinsic resistance, as well as having the ability to acquire determinants from agricultural run-off and human wastewater discharge, which may contain ABR organisms, as well as sublethal concentrations of metabolically active antibiotic. The tracking of such organisms to their source may help determine the source of fecal pollution in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana F-box protein MAX2 has been discovered in four separate genetic screens, indicating that it has roles in leaf senescence, seedling photosensitivity, shoot outgrowth and seed germination. Both strigolactones and karrikins can regulate A. thaliana seed germination and seedling photomorphogenesis in a MAX2-dependent manner, but only strigolactones inhibit shoot branching. How MAX2 mediates specific responses to both classes of structurally-related signals, and the origin of its dual role remains unknown. The moss Physcomitrella patens utilizes strigolactones and MAX2 orthologs are present across the land plants, suggesting that this signaling system could have an ancient origin. The seed of parasitic Orobanchaceae species germinate preferentially in response to strigolactones over karrikins, and putative Orobanchaceae MAX2 orthologs form a sub-clade distinct from those of other dicots. These observations suggest that lineage-specific evolution of MAX2 may have given rise to specialized responses to these signaling molecules.Key words: karrikins, strigolactones, F-box protein, seed germination, photomorphogenesis, parasitic weeds, mycorrhiza, moss, axillary branching  相似文献   

Genome-wide sequence analysis in the invertebrate chordate, Ciona intestinalis, has provided a comprehensive picture of immune-related genes in an organism that occupies a key phylogenetic position in vertebrate evolution. The pivotal genes for adaptive immunity, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II genes, T-cell receptors, or dimeric immunoglobulin molecules, have not been identified in the Ciona genome. Many genes involved in innate immunity have been identified, including complement components, Toll-like receptors, and the genes involved in intracellular signal transduction of immune responses, and show both expansion and unexpected diversity in comparison with the vertebrates. In addition, a number of genes were identified which predicted integral membrane proteins with extracellular C-type lectin or immunoglobulin domains and intracellular immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIMs) and immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) (plus their associated signal transduction molecules), suggesting that activating and inhibitory receptors have an MHC-independent function and an early evolutionary origin. A crucial component of vertebrate adaptive immunity is somatic diversification, and the recombination activating genes (RAG) and activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) genes responsible for the Generation of diversity are not present in Ciona. However, there are key V regions, the essential feature of an immunoglobulin superfamily VC1-like core, and possible proto-MHC regions scattered throughout the genome waiting for Godot.  相似文献   

While newly developed technologies have revolutionized the classical approaches to combating infectious diseases, the difficulties associated with developing novel antimicrobials mean that these technologies have not yet been used to introduce new compounds into the market. The new technologies, including genomics and structural biology, open up exciting possibilities for the discovery of antibiotics. However, a substantial effort to pursue research, and moreover to incorporate the results into the production chain, is required in order to bring new antimicrobials to the final user. In the current scenario of emerging diseases and the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance, an active policy to support these requirements is vital. Otherwise, many valuable programmes may never be fully developed for lack of "interest" and funds (private and public). Will we react in time to avoid potential disaster?  相似文献   

Summary When Drosophila melanogaster males coming from a class of strains known as inducer are crossed with females from the complementary class (reactive), a quite specific kind of sterile female (SF) is obtained that exhibits other dysgenic traits such as non-disjunctions and non-randomly distributed mutations. This syndrome is caused by the interaction of the I factor linked to inducer chromosomes with the maternally inherited reactive state R. This I-R interaction is also responsible for chromosomal contamination that is likely to result from very frequent I factor insertions into reactive chromosomes. Such insertions might be responsible for the I-R induced mutations and some data concerning this hypothesis are reported here.Out of nine I-R-generated mutants one, the white IR1 (w IR1) allele, is closely linked to an I factor, which maps either at the site of the mutation or within less than 0.02 map units. In addition, w IR1 is somewhat unstable when transmitted through SF females.In contrast, the typical I factor does not seem to be associated with any of the eight other mutants as judged by their inability to induce the female sterility characteristic of the I-R syndrome. The possibility is discussed that most of I-R-induced mutations are nevertheless caused by insertions of either undetectable I factors or other transposable elements, not related to I, whose transposition is dependent on the I-R interaction.  相似文献   

Direct comparisons between different vaccination programmes can reveal new targets and solve challenges that have been faced and managed in the past during similar health interventions. In the rubella vaccination programme both boys and girls were included in order to ensure that women of childbearing age are effectively protected. For human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination, at the moment only girls have been included into the scheme. The aspect of vaccinating both boys and girls against HPV, similarly to the rubella paradigm, would interrupt "high-risk" HPVs transmission from males to females and vice versa ensuring further elimination of HPV. The new generation of HPV vaccines is expected to cost less and this will contribute to the possible introduction of HPV vaccine in both males and females.  相似文献   

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