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It is demonstrated here that in Escherichia coli, the phosphorylated form of the glucose-specific phosphocarrier protein IIAGlc of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system is an activator of adenylyl cyclase and that unphosphorylated IIAGlc has no effect on the basal activity of adenylyl cyclase. To elucidate the specific role of IIAGlc phosphorylation in the regulation of adenylyl cyclase activity, both the phosphorylatable histidine (H90) and the interactive histidine (H75) of IIAGlc were mutated by site-directed mutagenesis to glutamine and glutamate. Wild-type IIAGlc and the H75Q mutant, in which the histidine in position 75 has been replaced by glutamine, were phosphorylated by the phosphohistidine-containing phosphocarrier protein (HPr~P) and were equally potent activators of adenylyl cyclase. Neither the H90Q nor the H90E mutant of IIAGlc was phosphorylated by HPr~P, and both failed to activate adenylyl cyclase. Furthermore, replacement of H75 by glutamate inhibited the appearance of a steady-state level of phosphorylation of H90 of this mutant protein by HPr~P, yet the H75E mutant of IIAGlc was a partial activator of adenylyl cyclase. The H75E H90A double mutant, which cannot be phosphorylated, did not activate adenylyl cyclase. This suggests that the H75E mutant was transiently phosphorylated by HPr~P but the steady-state level of the phosphorylated form of the mutant protein was decreased due to the repulsive forces of the negatively charged glutamate at position 75 in the catalytic pocket. These results are discussed in the context of the proximity of H75 and H90 in the IIAGlc structure and the disposition of the negative charge in the modeled glutamate mutants.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli HisJ is a type II periplasmic binding protein that functions to reversibly capture histidine and transfer it to its cognate inner membrane ABC permease. Here, we used NMR spectroscopy to determine the structure of apo-HisJ (26.5 kDa) in solution. HisJ is a bilobal protein in which domain 1 (D1) is made up of two noncontiguous subdomains, and domain 2 (D2) is expressed as the inner domain. To better understand the roles of D1 and D2, we have isolated and characterized each domain separately. Structurally, D1 closely resembles its homologous domain in apo- and holo-HisJ, whereas D2 is more similar to the holo-form. NMR relaxation experiments reveal that HisJ becomes more ordered upon ligand binding, whereas isolated D2 experiences a significant reduction in slower (millisecond to microsecond) motions compared with the homologous domain in apo-HisJ. NMR titrations reveal that D1 is able to bind histidine in a similar manner as full-length HisJ, albeit with lower affinity. Unexpectedly, isolated D1 and D2 do not interact with each other in the presence or absence of histidine, which indicates the importance of intact interdomain-connecting elements (i.e. hinge regions) for HisJ functioning. Our results shed light on the binding mechanism of type II periplasmic binding proteins where ligand is initially bound by D1, and D2 plays a supporting role in this dynamic process.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the complex of enzyme IIA of the N,N'-diacetylchitobiose (Chb) transporter with the histidine phosphocarrier protein HPr has been solved by NMR. The IIA(Chb)-HPr complex completes the structure elucidation of representative cytoplasmic complexes for all four sugar branches of the bacterial phosphoryl transfer system (PTS). The active site His-89 of IIA(Chb) was mutated to Glu to mimic the phosphorylated state. IIA(Chb)(H89E) and HPr form a weak complex with a K(D) of ~0.7 mM. The interacting binding surfaces, concave for IIA(Chb) and convex for HPr, complement each other in terms of shape, residue type, and charge distribution, with predominantly hydrophobic residues, interspersed by some uncharged polar residues, located centrally, and polar and charged residues at the periphery. The active site histidine of HPr, His-15, is buried within the active site cleft of IIA(Chb) formed at the interface of two adjacent subunits of the IIA(Chb) trimer, thereby coming into close proximity with the active site residue, H89E, of IIA(Chb). A His89-P-His-15 pentacoordinate phosphoryl transition state can readily be modeled without necessitating any significant conformational changes, thereby facilitating rapid phosphoryl transfer. Comparison of the IIA(Chb)-HPr complex with the IIA(Chb)-IIB(Chb) complex, as well as with other cytoplasmic complexes of the PTS, highlights a unifying mechanism for recognition of structurally diverse partners. This involves generating similar binding surfaces from entirely different underlying structural elements, large interaction surfaces coupled with extensive redundancy, and side chain conformational plasticity to optimize diverse sets of intermolecular interactions.  相似文献   

Intein-mediated protein splicing raises questions and creates opportunities in many scientific areas. Evolutionary biologists question whether inteins are primordial enzymes or simply selfish elements, whereas biochemists seek to understand how inteins work. Synthetic chemists exploit inteins in the semisynthesis of proteins with or without nonribosomal modifications, whereas biotechnologists use modified inteins in an ever increasing variety of applications. The four minireviews in this series explore these themes. The first minireview focuses on the evolution and biological function of inteins, whereas the second describes the mechanisms that underlie the remarkable ability of inteins to perform complex sets of choreographed enzymatic reactions. The third explores the relationship between the three-dimensional structure and dynamics of inteins and their biochemical capabilities. The fourth describes intein applications that have moved beyond simple technology development to utilizing inteins in more sophisticated applications, such as biosensors for identifying ligands of human hormone receptors or improved methods of biofuel and plant-based sugar production.  相似文献   

The mannitol transporter from Escherichia coli, EIImtl, belongs to a class of membrane proteins coupling the transport of substrates with their chemical modification. EIImtl is functional as a homodimer, and it harbors one high affinity mannitol-binding site in the membrane-embedded C domain (IICmtl). To localize this binding site, 19 single Trp-containing mutants of EIImtl were biosynthetically labeled with 5-fluorotryptophan (5-FTrp) and mixed with azi-mannitol, a substrate analog acting as a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) acceptor. Typically, for mutants showing FRET, only one 5-FTrp was involved, whereas the 5-FTrp from the other monomer was too distant. This proves that the mannitol-binding site is asymmetrically positioned in dimeric IICmtl. Combined with the available two-dimensional projection maps of IICmtl, it is concluded that a second resting binding site is present in this transporter. Active transport of mannitol only takes place when EIImtl becomes phosphorylated at Cys384 in the cytoplasmic B domain. Stably phosphorylated EIImtl mutants were constructed, and FRET experiments showed that the position of mannitol in IICmtl remains the same. We conclude that during the transport cycle, the phosphorylated B domain has to move to the mannitol-binding site, located in the middle of the membrane, to phosphorylate mannitol.  相似文献   

The bacterial phosphotransferase system (PTS) is a signal transduction pathway that couples phosphoryl transfer to active sugar transport across the cell membrane. The PTS is initiated by the binding of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to the C-terminal domain (EIC) of enzyme I (EI), a highly conserved protein that is common to all sugar branches of the PTS. EIC exists in a dynamic monomer/dimer equilibrium that is modulated by ligand binding and is thought to regulate the overall PTS. Isolation of EIC has proven challenging, and conformational dynamics within the EIC domain during the catalytic cycle are still largely unknown. Here, we present a robust protocol for expression and purification of recombinant EIC from Escherichia coli and show that isolated EIC is capable of hydrolyzing PEP. NMR analysis and residual dipolar coupling measurements indicate that the isolated EIC domain in solution adopts a stable tertiary fold and quaternary structure that is consistent with previously reported crystallographic data. NMR relaxation dispersion measurements indicate that residues around the PEP binding site and in the β3α3 turn (residues 333-366), which is located at the dimer interface, undergo a rapid transition on the sub-millisecond time scale (with an exchange rate constant of ~1500 s(-1)) between major open (~97%) and minor closed (~3%) conformations. Upon PEP binding, the β3α3 turn is effectively locked in the closed state by the formation of salt bridges between the phosphate group of PEP and the side chains of Lys(340) and Arg(358), thereby stabilizing the dimer.  相似文献   

Fe-S clusters are critical metallocofactors required for cell function. Fe-S cluster biogenesis is carried out by assembly machinery consisting of multiple proteins. Fe-S cluster biogenesis proteins work together to mobilize sulfide and iron, form the nascent cluster, traffic the cluster to target metalloproteins, and regulate the assembly machinery in response to cellular Fe-S cluster demand. A complex series of protein-protein interactions is required for the assembly machinery to function properly. Despite considerable progress in obtaining static three-dimensional structures of the assembly proteins, little is known about transient protein-protein interactions during cluster assembly or the role of protein dynamics in the cluster assembly process. The Escherichia coli cysteine desulfurase SufS (EC and its accessory protein SufE work together to mobilize persulfide from l-cysteine, which is then donated to the SufB Fe-S cluster scaffold. Here we use amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) to characterize SufS-SufE interactions and protein dynamics in solution. HDX-MS analysis shows that SufE binds near the SufS active site to accept persulfide from Cys-364. Furthermore, SufE binding initiates allosteric changes in other parts of the SufS structure that likely affect SufS catalysis and alter SufS monomer-monomer interactions. SufE enhances the initial l-cysteine substrate binding to SufS and formation of the external aldimine with pyridoxal phosphate required for early steps in SufS catalysis. Together, these results provide a new picture of the SufS-SufE sulfur transferase pathway and suggest a more active role for SufE in promoting the SufS cysteine desulfurase reaction for Fe-S cluster assembly.  相似文献   

The T4 phage protein Arn (Anti restriction nuclease) was identified as an inhibitor of the restriction enzyme McrBC. However, until now its molecular mechanism remained unclear. In the present study we used structural approaches to investigate biological properties of Arn. A structural analysis of Arn revealed that its shape and negative charge distribution are similar to dsDNA, suggesting that this protein could act as a DNA mimic. In a subsequent proteomic analysis, we found that the bacterial histone-like protein H-NS interacts with Arn, implying a new function. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed that Arn prevents H-NS from binding to the Escherichia coli hns and T4 p8.1 promoters. In vitro gene expression and electron microscopy analyses also indicated that Arn counteracts the gene-silencing effect of H-NS on a reporter gene. Because McrBC and H-NS both participate in the host defense system, our findings suggest that T4 Arn might knock down these mechanisms using its DNA mimicking properties.  相似文献   

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli is a causative agent of gastrointestinal and diarrheal diseases. Pathogenesis associated with enterohemorrhagic E. coli involves direct delivery of virulence factors from the bacteria into epithelial cell cytosol via a syringe-like organelle known as the type III secretion system. The type III secretion system protein EspD is a critical factor required for formation of a translocation pore on the host cell membrane. Here, we show that recombinant EspD spontaneously integrates into large unilamellar vesicle (LUV) lipid bilayers; however, pore formation required incorporation of anionic phospholipids such as phosphatidylserine and an acidic pH. Leakage assays performed with fluorescent dextrans confirmed that EspD formed a structure with an inner diameter of ∼2.5 nm. Protease mapping indicated that the two transmembrane helical hairpin of EspD penetrated the lipid layer positioning the N- and C-terminal domains on the extralumenal surface of LUVs. Finally, a combination of glutaraldehyde cross-linking and rate zonal centrifugation suggested that EspD in LUV membranes forms an ∼280–320-kDa oligomeric structure consisting of ∼6–7 subunits.  相似文献   

Lactose and melibiose are actively accumulated by the wild-type Escherichia coli lactose carrier, which is an integral membrane protein energized by the proton motive force. Mutants of the E. coli lactose carrier were isolated by their ability to grow on minimal plates with succinate plus IPTG in the presence of the toxic lactose analog β-thio-o-nitrophenylgalactoside (TONPG). TONPG-resistant mutants were streaked on melibiose MacConkey indicator plates, and red clones were picked. These melibiose positive mutants were then streaked on lactose MacConkey plates, and white clones were picked. Transport assays indicated that the mutants had altered sugar recognition and a defect in sugar accumulation. The mutants had a poor apparent K m for both lactose and melibiose in transport. One mutant had almost no ability to take up lactose, but melibiose downhill transport was 58% (V max ) of normal. All of the mutants accumulated methyl-α-d-galactopyranoside (TMG) to only 8% or less of normal, and two failed to accumulate. Immunoblot analysis of the mutant lactose carrier proteins indicated that loss of sugar transport activity was not due to loss of expression in the membrane. Nucleotide sequencing of the lacY gene from the mutants revealed changes in the following amino acids of the lactose carrier: M23I, W151L, G257D, A295D and G377V. Two of the mutants (G257D and G377V) are novel in that they represent the first amino acids in periplasmic loops to be implicated with changes in sugar recognition. We conclude that the amino acids M23, W151, G257, A295 and G377 of the E. coli lactose carrier play either a direct or an indirect role in sugar recognition and accumulation. Received: 12 October 1999/Revised: 21 December 1999  相似文献   

Human IgG is a bivalent molecule that has two identical Fab domains connected by a dimeric Fc domain. For therapeutic purposes, however, the bivalency of IgG and Fc fusion proteins could cause undesired properties. We therefore engineered the conversion of the natural dimeric Fc domain to a highly soluble monomer by introducing two Asn-linked glycans onto the hydrophobic CH3-CH3 dimer interface. The monomeric Fc (monoFc) maintained the binding affinity for neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) in a pH-dependent manner. We solved the crystal structure of monoFc, which explains how the carbohydrates can stabilize the protein surface and provides the rationale for molecular recognition between monoFc and FcRn. The monoFc prolonged the in vivo half-life of an antibody Fab domain, and a tandem repeat of the monoFc further prolonged the half-life. This monoFc modality can be used to improve the pharmacokinetics of monomeric therapeutic proteins with an option to modulate the degree of half-life extension.  相似文献   

Endogenous phosphorylation of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) in microsacs from Torpedo marmorata was found to be affected by several reagents commonly used in the preparation of cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein kinases and in its activity determination. The presence of a Na+,K+-ATPase inhibitor is essential to avoid a rapid depletion of ATP, even when a membrane fraction highly enriched in the nAChR is used. The presence of the thiol reducing agent dithiothreitol was found to abolish the cAMP dependence of nAChR phosphorylation, whereas the less potent reagent 2-mercaptoethanol did not affect the assay. Concentrations in the millimolar range of the chelators EDTA and EGTA were found to inhibit nAChR phosphorylation effectively. This inhibition was not due to a withdrawal of Ca2+ by the chelators, but rather to a reversible inhibition by the Mg2+ complexes. These observations may explain some of the discrepancies found in the literature concerning endogenous and exogenous nAChR phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The solution NMR structure of the α-helical integral membrane protein YgaP from Escherichia coli in mixed 1,2-diheptanoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine/1-myristoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(1′-rac-glycerol) micelles is presented. In these micelles, YgaP forms a homodimer with the two transmembrane helices being the dimer interface, whereas the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain includes a rhodanese-fold in accordance to its sequence homology to the rhodanese family of sulfurtransferases. The enzymatic sulfur transfer activity of full-length YgaP as well as of the N-terminal rhodanese domain only was investigated performing a series of titrations with sodium thiosulfate and potassium cyanide monitored by NMR and EPR. The data indicate the thiosulfate concentration-dependent addition of several sulfur atoms to the catalytic Cys-63, which process can be reversed by the addition of potassium cyanide. The catalytic reaction induces thereby conformational changes within the rhodanese domain, as well as on the transmembrane α-helices of YgaP. These results provide insights into a potential mechanism of YgaP during the catalytic thiosulfate activity in vivo.  相似文献   

Transmembrane stretch M2C from the bacterial K+-translocating protein KtrB is unusually long. In its middle part, termed M2C2, it contains several small and polar amino acids. This region is flanked by the two α-helices M2C1 and M2C3 and may form a flexible gate at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane controlling K+ translocation. In this study, we provide experimental evidence for this notion by using continuous wave and pulse EPR measurements of single and double spin-labeled cysteine variants of KtrB. Most of the spin-labeled residues in M2C2 were shown to be immobile, pointing to a compact structure. However, the high polarity revealed for the microenvironment of residue positions 317, 318, and 327 indicated the existence of a water-accessible cavity. Upon the addition of K+ ions, M2C2 residue Thr-318R1 (R1 indicates the bound spin label) moved with respect to M2B residue Asp-222R1 and M2C3 residue Val-331R1 but not with respect to M2C1 residue Met-311R1. Based on distances determined between spin-labeled residues of double-labeled variants of KtrB in the presence and absence of K+ ions, structural models of the open and closed conformations were developed.  相似文献   

RC28蛋白是从野生蕈类皱盖罗鳞伞中分离得到的新型抗病毒蛋白。前期通过3'-RACE方法,从皱盖罗鳞伞总RNA中克隆获得包含RC28编码区的c DNA,并通过TA克隆获得质粒p MD18-T-RC28。以该质粒为模板,设计特异性引物,PCR扩增RC28片段,分别插入大肠杆菌表达载体p ET28a(+)和毕赤酵母表达载体p PIC9K中,形成在N端表达组氨酸标签的重组RC28表达粒体。将这两种RC28表达质粒转化各自的宿主菌后,筛选阳性克隆,构建稳定表达体系。诱导表达后,用SDS-PAGE电泳和Western blot分析RC28的表达情况。放大表达体系后用Ni-NTA柱纯化获得RC28蛋白,并用MTT法测试重组表达蛋白质的抗病毒活性。在实验条件下,大肠杆菌和毕赤酵母中均能表达可溶性重组RC28,纯化后蛋白质得率分别是3.5mg/L发酵液及0.2mg/L发酵液。但抗病毒活性实验表明,大肠杆菌体系表达的RC28蛋白活性较差,而毕赤酵母系统表达的RC28蛋白的抗病毒活性与天然蛋白接近。  相似文献   

The phosphotransfer protein IIAGlc of the bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system plays a key role in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Melibiose permease (MelB) is one among several permeases subject to IIAGlc regulation. The regulatory mechanisms are poorly understood; in addition, thermodynamic features of IIAGlc binding to other proteins are also unknown. Applying isothermal titration calorimetry and amine-specific cross-linking, we show that IIAGlc directly binds to MelB of Salmonella typhimurium (MelBSt) and Escherichia coli MelB (MelBEc) at a stoichiometry of unity in the absence or presence of melibiose. The dissociation constant values are 3–10 μm for MelBSt and 25 μm for MelBEc. All of the binding is solely driven by favorable enthalpy forces. IIAGlc binding to MelBSt in the absence or presence of melibiose yields a large negative heat capacity change; in addition, the conformational entropy is constrained upon the binding. We further found that the IIAGlc-bound MelBSt exhibits a decreased binding affinity for melibiose or nitrophenyl-α-galactoside. It is believed that sugar binding to the permease is involved in an induced fit mechanism, and the transport process requires conformational cycling between different states. Thus, the thermodynamic data are consistent with the interpretation that IIAGlc inhibits the induced fit process and restricts the conformational dynamics of MelBSt.  相似文献   

Protein glycosylation is a common post-translational modification, the effect of which on protein conformational and stability is incompletely understood. Here we have investigated the effects of glycosylation on the thermostability of Bacillus subtilis xylanase A (XynA) expressed in Pichia pastoris. Intact mass analysis of the heterologous wild-type XynA revealed two, three, or four Hex8–16GlcNAc2 modifications involving asparagine residues at positions 20, 25, 141, and 181. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the XynA modified with various combinations of branched Hex9GlcNAc2 at these positions indicated a significant contribution from protein-glycan interactions to the overall energy of the glycoproteins. The effect of glycan content and glycosylation position on protein stability was evaluated by combinatorial mutagenesis of all six potential N-glycosylation sites. The majority of glycosylated enzymes expressed in P. pastoris presented increased thermostability in comparison with their unglycosylated counterparts expressed in Escherichia coli. Steric effects of multiple glycosylation events were apparent, and glycosylation position rather than the number of glycosylation events determined increases in thermostability. The MD simulations also indicated that clustered glycan chains tended to favor less stabilizing glycan-glycan interactions, whereas more dispersed glycosylation patterns favored stabilizing protein-glycan interactions.  相似文献   

Tat systems transport folded proteins across energized membranes of bacteria, archaea, and plant plastids. In Escherichia coli, TatBC complexes recognize the transported proteins, and TatA complexes are recruited to facilitate transport. We achieved an abstraction of TatA from membranes without use of detergents and observed a co-purification of PspA, a membrane-stress response protein. The N-terminal transmembrane domain of TatA was required for the interaction. Electron microscopy displayed TatA complexes in direct contact with PspA. PspB and PspC were important for the TatA-PspA contact. The activator protein PspF was not involved in the PspA-TatA interaction, demonstrating that basal levels of PspA already interact with TatA. Elevated TatA levels caused membrane stress that induced a strictly PspBC- and PspF-dependent up-regulation of PspA. TatA complexes were found to destabilize membranes under these conditions. At native TatA levels, PspA deficiency clearly affected anaerobic TMAO respiratory growth, suggesting that energetic costs for transport of large Tat substrates such as TMAO reductase can become growth limiting in the absence of PspA. The physiological role of PspA recruitment to TatA may therefore be the control of membrane stress at active translocons.  相似文献   

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