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When an enzyme is bound to an insoluble polyelectrolyte it may acquire novel kinetic properties generated by Donnan effects. It the enzyme is homogeneously distributed within the matrix, a variation of the electrostatic partition coefficient, when substrate concentration is varied, mimics either positive or negative co-operativity. This type of non-hyperbolic behaviour may be distinguished from true co-operativity by an analysis of the Hill plots. If the enzyme is heterogeneously distributed within the polyelectrolyte matrix, an apparent negative co-operativity occurs, even if the electrostatic partition coefficient does not vary when substrate concentration is varied in the bulk phase. If the partition coefficient varies, mixed positive and negative co-operativities may occur. All these effects must be suppressed by raising the ionic strength in the bulk phase. Attraction of cations by fixed negative charges of the polyanionic matrix may be associated with a significant decrease of the local pH. The magnitude of this effect is controlled by the pK of the fixed charges groups of the Donnan phase. The local pH cannot be much lower than the value of this pK. This effect may be considered as a regulatory device of the local pH. Acid phosphatase of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) cell walls is a monomeric enzyme that displays classical Michaelis-Menten kinetics in free solution. However, when bound to small cell-wall fragments or to intact cells, it has an apparent negative co-operativity at low ionic strength. Moreover a slight increase of ionic strength apparently activates the bound enzymes and tends to suppress the apparent co-operativity. At I0.1, or higher, the bound enzyme has a kinetic behavior indistinguishable from that of the purified enzyme in free solution. These results are interpreted in the light of the Donnan theory. Owing to the repulsion of the substrate by the negative charges of cell-wall polygalacturonates, the local substrate concentration in the vicinity of the bound enzyme is smaller than the corresponding concentration in bulk solution. The kinetic results obtained are consistent with the view that there exist at least three populations of bound enzyme with different ionic environments: a first population with enzyme molecules not submitted to electrostatic effects, and two other populations with molecules differently submitted to these effects. The theory allows one to estimate the proportions of enzyme belonging to these populations, as well as the local pH values and the partition coefficients within the cell walls.  相似文献   

Ionic control of acid phosphatase activity in plant cell walls   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract. Purified acid phosphatase from sycamore cell walls is not activated by increasing the ionic strength of the reaction mixture. However activation occurs when the enzyme is bound to small cell wall fragments. The apparent activation of the bound enzyme by ions is paralleled by a decline of the substrate concentration C 1/2, that results in half of the maximum rate. Above ionic strengths of about 0.05 the bound and solubilized enzyme forms behave in the same manner. Titration of cell wall fragments at different ionic strengths show that the local pH, inside the cell wall fragments, is lower than the pH in bulk solution. These results are explained in the light of poly-electrolyte theory. The negative charges of the cell walls generate an electrostatic potential that results in the attraction or repulsion of ions. The local concentration of organic phosphate (the substrate of the enzyme) is then lower than its concentration in bulk solution. This concentration difference explains that the value of C 1/2, or of the apparent Km of the bound enzyme, is greater than the true Km of the solubilized enzyme. Increasing the ionic strength tends to equalize bulk and local ion concentrations, and therefore apparently activates the bound enzyme.  相似文献   

Unlignified primary cell walls containing ester-linked ferulic acid fluoresce blue in ultraviolet radiation which changes to green with increased intensity on treatment with ammonium hydroxide. Using this fluorescence behaviour, we detected ester-linked ferulic acid in the primary cell walls of all 41 species of gymnosperms we examined. These species were in 17 families representing all four extant classes of gymnosperms. In addition, we obtained cell-wall preparations containing >95% primary cell walls from nine gymnosperm species in nine families, representing all four extant classes. These preparations were analysed for ester-linked monomeric phenolic acids. We found ferulic acid (mostly trans) (88-1,561μg/g cell walls) in all of the preparations and p-coumaric acid (mostly trans) (0-106μg/g cell walls) in all except one of them. Ferulic acid ester-linked to primary cell walls has previously been found in angiosperms: in the commelinoid monocotyledons and in the dicotyledon order Caryophyllales, both monophyletic groups. From the present results, we postulate that the extant classes of gymnosperms are monophyletic and no class is sister to the angiosperms.  相似文献   

Abstract. An acid phosphatase is isolated and purified to homogeneity from sycamore cell walls. The enzyme, which has a molecular weight close to 100,000, is a glycoprotein and is most probably made up of one polypeptide chain only. Its amino acid composition has been determined. Although homogeneous to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions, the enzyme preparation still contains protease traces that tend to split polypeptide chain in two fragments.  相似文献   

Cell fusion, cell number, soluble cell protein and creatine kinase activity have been measured simultaneously in chick muscle cell cultures exposed to various calcium ion concentrations for various periods of time, by adding either extra calcium chloride or the calcium-chelating agent, EGTA. Up to 0.75 mM EGTA cell fusion is not inhibited, but the specific activity of creatine kinase is reduced by 20–50%. Between 0.75 and 1.7 mM EGTA, cell fusion is gradually abolished and the increase in cell number prevented, but enzyme specific activity actually increases again and returns to control values. Adding extra Ca2+ produces small increases in cell fusion and soluble cell protein, but much greater increases in creatine kinase activity. EGTA stimulates thymidine incorporation into DNA at low concentrations and then inhibits again as its concentration is increased further. These effects of EGTA on cell division may be related to its effects on creatine kinase. The implications of these results are discussed in terms of current ideas about the inter-relationships between cell fusion, cell division and the accumulation of muscle proteins during differentiation. In particular they show that cell fusion is not essential for the attainment of normal levels of creatine kinase.  相似文献   

Self-assembly of plant cell walls   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The object of this paper is to define criteria for distinguishing between self-assembly and template-based assembly in plant cell walls. The example of cellulose shows that cell wall polymers biosynthesized at a membrane may retain parallel chain packing arrangements that are thermodynamically unstable and cannot be reproduced in vitro, making the experimental testing of the self-assembly hypothesis difficult. Also, natural cellulose is ordered on a number of scales of pattern, each of which may be constructed by either self- or template-based assembly independently of the rest. These conceptual problems apply equally to the self-assembly of complete cell walls and other cell wall polymers. It is suggested that the self-assembly concept should be applied only to one stage or level in the synthesis of a cell wall, and that an additional concept of parallel assembly may be useful for understanding the synthesis of some polysaccharides.  相似文献   

J L Leroy  M Guéron 《Biopolymers》1977,16(11):2429-2446
The binding of Mn2+ to yeast tRNAPhe at 25°C is measured by esr, and found to depend strongly on the concentration of monovalent cations, showing the importance of electrostatic effects. In low sodium (<15mM/l.), the affinity is high and the Scatchard plots are distinctly curved. In high sodium (>50mM/l.), the affinity and the curvature are reduced. In a limited range of sodium concentrations (15–30mM/l.), the folding of tRNA which is induced by the divalent ions results in cooperative binding, leading to upwards convexity of the Scatchard plot. An electrostatic model is developed, based on a single type of binding site which we take to be the phosphates, with a binding constant for Mn2+ in the range of that found for ApA, 10 l./M. We compute the change in the binding constant due to the electrostatic potential of the distant charges (other phosphates and counterions), using a single set of parameters for all sodium concentrations. The model predicts that the plots in low sodium are curved, and a good fit to the experimental results is obtained: it is therefore not legitimate or necessary to interpret these results in terms of two types of binding sites. In high salt, the model gives plots that are only slightly curved, corresponding to weaker electrostatic effects. This shows that a search for sites with a special binding mode should be done in high salt. The computed plots are in good agreement with the data, except for slight differences concerning the first bound ions, which give a possible indication in favor of special binding. Given the observation of one special site for Mg2+ at 4°C in high sodium [Stein, A. & Crothers, D. M. (1976) Biochemistry 15 , 157–160] in E. coli tRNAfMet, we have measured the binding of Mn2+ at lower temperature. At 12°C, in both yeast tRNAPhe and E. coli tRNAfMet, the plots clearly indicate special binding. A site found in high sodium is on a very different footing from the four to six so-called strong sites unduly derived from low-salt binding plots.  相似文献   

Humic acids are ubiquitous, organic-end-products of the chemical and microbial degradation of dead biota in soils throughout the world. Humic acids can be transported in soil water as heterogeneous, supra-molecular, colloidal-agglomerates. Humic acid accumulation in the rhizosphere of transpiring plants may chemically stimulate development by increasing root availability of mineral nutrients and/or growth regulatory biomolecules. This report introduces novel, physical mechanisms by which humic acid can also reduce plant development. Effects of humic acid addition to the root media of intact maize plants (Zea mays L.) on their growth, transpiration and resistance to water deficits were assayed, as were the effects of external humic acid on the hydraulic conductivity of excised primary-roots. Humic acid reduced shoot growth, transpiration and resistance to water stress but not root growth. Root hydraulic conductivity was reduced by up to 44% via a time-, concentration- and size-dependent fouling mechanism resulting from humic acid accumulation at root cell-walls. Thus, humic acid is shown, apparently for the first time, to be able to exert novel physical effects in addition to its known chemical effects on plant development.  相似文献   

Among 16 essential elements of higher plants, Ca2+ and B have been termed as apoplastic elements. This is mainly because of their localization in cell walls, however, it has turned to be highly likely that these two elements significantly contribute to maintain the integrity of cell walls through binding to pectic polysaccharides. Boron in cell walls exclusively forms a complex with rhamnogalacturonan II (RG-II), and the B-RG-II complex is ubiquitous in higher plants. Analysis of the structure of the B-RG-II complex revealed that the complex contains two molecules boric acid, two molecules Ca2+ and two chains of monomeric RG-II. This result indicates that pectic chains are cross-linked covalently with boric acid at their RG-II regions. The complex was reconstitutedin vitro only by mixing monomeric RG-II and boric acid, however, the complex decomposed spontaneously unless Ca2+ was supplemented. Furthermore, the native complex decomposed when it was incubated withtrans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane-N, N, N′, N′-tetraacetic acid (CDTA) which chelates Ca2+. When radish root cell walls were washed with a buffered 1.5% (w/v) sodium dodesyl sulfate (SDS) solution (pH 6.5), 96%, 13% and 6% of Ca2+, B and pectic polysaccharides of the cell walls, respectively, were released and the cell wall swelled twice. Subsequent extraction with 50 mM CDTA (pH 6.5) of the SDS-washed cell walls further released 4%, 80% and 61% of Ca2+, B and pectic polysaccharides, respectively. Pectinase hydrolysis of the SDS-treated cell walls yielded a B-RG-II complex and almost all the remaining Ca2+ was recovered in the complex. This result suggests that cell-wall bound Ca2+ is divided into at least two fractions, one anchors the CDTA-soluble pectic polysaccharides into cell walls together with B, and the other may control the properties of the pectic gel. These studies demonstrate that B functions to retain CDTA-soluble pectic polysaccharides in cell walls through its binding to the RG-II regions in collaboration with Ca2+.  相似文献   

Summary Calcium, an important agent in regulating cell wall autolysis during fruit ripening, interacts with pectic acid polymers to form cross-bridges that influence cell separation. In the present study, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) was used to determine whether the cell walls of apple fruit were able to take up exogenously applied44Ca, which was infiltrated into mature fruit. SIMS, which has the ability to discriminate between isotopes, allowed localization of the exogenously applied44Ca and the native40Ca. The results indicated that the total amount of calcium present in the cell walls was enriched with44Ca and that heterogeneity of44Ca distribution occurred in the pericarp. Isotope ratio images showed microdomains in the cell wall, particularly in the middle lamella intersects that oppose the intercellular spaces. These domains may be the key areas that control cell separation. These data suggest that exogenously applied calcium may influence cell wall autolysis.Abbreviations SIMS secondary ion mass spectrometry  相似文献   

Nagahashi  G.  Abney  G. D.  Uknalis  J. 《Protoplasma》1994,178(3-4):129-137
Summary The cortex was physically separated from the stele of corn roots. The isolated walls from cortical cells were less dense than the walls isolated from stelar cells. The cell walls from each tissue were centrifuged on a step gradient composed of 50 and 60% sucrose for 5 min at 900 g. After the short centrifugation time, the cortical cell walls banded at the 50/60% interface while the vascular tissue walls pelleted through 60% sucrose. An aliquot of vascular cell walls was then marked with cytochromec. The marked cell walls were mixed with cortical cell walls and centrifuged on a 50/60% sucrose gradient and after 5 min, the vascular tissue walls were cleanly separated from the cortical cell walls. The experiment was repeated without prior separation of tissue types with another corn variety, carrot roots grown in culture, and pea roots. A clean separation of cell wall types was achieved after homogenization of intact roots in liquid nitrogen, extrusion from a nitrogen bomb, and centrifugation in sucrose gradients.  相似文献   

1. The effect of the interaction between the charged matrix and substrate on the kinetic behaviour of bound enzymes was investigated theoretically. 2. Simple expression is derived for the apparent Km. 3. The apparent Km can only be used for the characterization of the electrostatic effect of the ionic strength does not vary with the substrate concentration. 4. The deviations from Michaelis-Menton kinetics are graphically illustrated for cases when the ionic strength varies with the substrate concentration. 5. The inhibition of the bound enzyme by a charged inhibitor at constant ionic strength is characterized by an apparent Ki. 6. When both the inhibitor concentration and the ionic strength change there is no apparent Ki, and the inhibition profile is graphically illustrated for this case. 7. Under certain conditions the electrostatic effects manifest thenselves in a sigmoidal dependence of the enzyme activity on the concentration of the substrate or inhibitor.  相似文献   

A variety of Southern African resurrection plants were surveyed using high-throughput cell wall profiling tools. Species evaluated were the dicotyledons, Myrothamnus flabellifolia and Craterostigma plantagineum; the monocotyledons, Xerophyta viscosa, Xerophyta schlecterii, Xerophyta humilis and the resurrection grass Eragrostis nindensis, as well as a pteridophyte, the resurrection fern, Mohria caffrorum. Comparisons were made between hydrated and desiccated leaf and frond material, with respect to cell wall composition and polymer abundance, using monosaccharide composition analysis, FT-IR spectroscopy and comprehensive microarray polymer profiling in combination with multivariate data analysis. The data obtained suggest that three main functional strategies appear to have evolved to prepare plant cell walls for desiccation. Arabinan-rich pectin and arabinogalactan proteins are found in the resurrection fern M. caffrorum and the basal angiosperm M. flabellifolia where they appear to act as ‘pectic plasticizers’. Dicotyledons with pectin-rich walls, such as C. plantagineum, seem to use inducible mechanisms which consist of up-regulating wall proteins and osmoprotectants. The hemicellulose-rich walls of the grass-like Xerophyta spp. and the resurrection grass E. nindensis were found to contain highly arabinosylated xylans and arabinogalactan proteins. These data support a general mechanism of ‘plasticising’ the cell walls of resurrection plants to desiccation and implicate arabinose-rich polymers (pectin-arabinans, arabinogalactan proteins and arabinoxylans) as the major contributors in ensuring flexibility is maintained and rehydration is facilitated in these plants.  相似文献   

Purple acid phosphatase in the walls of tobacco cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kaida R  Hayashi T  Kaneko TS 《Phytochemistry》2008,69(14):2546-2551
Purple acid phosphatase isolated from the walls of tobacco cells appears to be a 220 kDa homotetramer composed of 60 kDa subunits, which is purple in color and which contains iron as its only metal ion. Although the phosphatase did not require dithiothreitol for activity and was not inhibited by phenylarsine oxide, the enzyme showed a higher catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) for phosphotyrosine-containing peptides than for other substrates including p-nitrophenyl-phosphate and ATP. The phosphatase formed as a 120 kDa dimer in the cytoplasm and as a 220 kDa tetramer in the walls, where Brefeldin A blocked its secretion during wall regeneration. According to our double-immunofluorescence labeling results, the enzyme might be translocated through the Golgi apparatus to the walls at the interphase and to the cell plate during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Solubilization of covalently bound extensin from capsicum cell walls   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Biggs KJ  Fry SC 《Plant physiology》1990,92(1):197-204
Acidified sodium chlorite cleaves isodityrosine and solubilizes covalently bound hydroxyproline-rich material from cell walls. This has been taken as evidence that isodityrosine acts as a cross-link holding the hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein extensin in the cell wall. However, acidified chlorite was found to cleave peptide bonds in salt-soluble extensin and in bovine serum albumin (BSA). This invalidates the use of conventional acidified chlorite treatment to provide evidence for isodityrosine cross-links. The ratio of BSA:chlorite was important in determining peptidyl cleavage. At a ratio of 0.75:1.00 (mole amino acid residues/mole chlorite), or higher, peptidyl cleavage was not detected. Furthermore, in samples where a low concentration of radioactive extensin was present, BSA substantially protected the peptide bonds of the extensin against peptidyl cleavage during treatment with acidified chlorite, while not preventing the cleavage of isodityrosine. Therefore, acidified sodium chlorite plus BSA was a more specific reagent for the cleavage of isodityrosine than was acidified chlorite alone. This modified treatment solubilized in intact form the `covalently bound' extensin from cell walls of Capsicum frutescens (chili pepper) suspension cultures, providing new evidence compatible with the view that extensin molecules are held in the cell wall by isodityrosine cross-links.  相似文献   

Plant cells are surrounded by a dynamic cell wall that performs many essential biological roles, including regulation of cell expansion, the control of tissue cohesion, ion-exchange and defence against microbes. Recent evidence shows that the suite of polysaccharides and wall proteins from which the plant cell wall is composed shows variation between monophyletic plant taxa. This is likely to have been generated during the evolution of plant groups in response to environmental stress. Understanding the natural variation and diversity that exists between cell walls from different taxa is key to facilitating their future exploitation and manipulation, for example by increasing lignocellulosic content or reducing its recalcitrance for use in biofuel generation.  相似文献   

New findings reveal that many membrane proteins undergo regulated trafficking between intracellular compartments and the plasma membrane. This also appears to be a common regulatory mechanism in the control of cell wall metabolism.  相似文献   

Many signals that modify plant cell growth and development initiate changes in cytoplasmic Ca2+. The subsequent movement of Ca2+ in the cytoplasm is thought to take place via waves of free Ca2+. These waves may be initiated at defined regions of the cell and movement requires release from a reticulated endoplasmic reticulum and the vacuole. The mechanism of wave propagation is outlined and the possible basis of repetitive reticulum wave formation, Ca2+ oscillations and capacitative Ca2+ signalling is discussed. Evidence for the presence of Ca2+ waves in plant cells is outlined, and from studies on raphides it is suggested that the capabilities for capacitative Ca2+ signalling are also present. The paper finishes with an outline of the possible interrelation between Ca2+ waves and organelles and describes the intercellular movement of Ca2+ waves and the relevance of such information communication to plant development.  相似文献   

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