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Prolactin-releasing peptide2 (PrRP2) was administered intraperitoneally to male intertidal blenny Rhabdoblennius nitidus, a species with male uniparental care of eggs, to investigate the effect on their feeding activity. A significant inhibitory effect on appetite was observed in the breeding season, but not in the nonbreeding season. These results suggest that PrRP2 and PrRP2 receptors are more active during the breeding season. The presence of a mechanism to inhibit feeding activity while parents take care of their offspring may be important for the success of parental care.  相似文献   

Here we report the first record of the Mayan cichlid, Mayaheros urophthalmus, occurring on an offshore island 70 km from the mainland, the most distant record from the mainland to date. Specimens were collected during several ichthyological surveys on the island of Guanaja, Honduras in November 2019. Mayan cichlids are euryhaline fishes that perform very well in fresh, brackish and marine waters. It has been hypothesized that their high tolerance to salinity and potential of using costal waterways has facilitated the colonization and expansion of M. urophthalmus.  相似文献   

Lake Urmiah is a large (total surface 4750–6100 km2 in recent times) thalassohaline hypersaline lake (150–180 g l–1 in the period 1994–1996), located in northwestern Iran. It is the habitat of the endemic Artemia urmiana. Over the period July 1994–January 1996 a sampling campaign was organized: 36 fixed sampling stations, distributed over the entire lake's area, were sampled weekly to determine water temperature, salinity and transparency. At each occasion a filter net was dragged over a distance of 400 m in the superficial water layer to assess the density and composition of the Artemia population. A more limited sampling campaign focused on the annual fluctuations in chlorophyll concentration and on the reproductive behaviour of the brine shrimp population. Several stages of brine shrimp survived during winter months (water temperature 3°C) at low densities. Compared to available data for the Great Salt Lake, USA, Lake Urmiah shows a low algal biomass and overall low Artemia density. The increasing grazing pressure of the developing brine shrimp population in spring seems to prevent the phytoplankton from reaching high blooming concentrations, and oviparity is the dominant reproductive mode throughout the reproductive season.  相似文献   

Brycon nattereri (Ostariophysi: Characiformes: Characidae), a threatened South American freshwater fish, occurs in the Paraná, Tocantins and São Francisco river basins in central Brazil. It is a middle-sized (up to 50 cm SL), omnivorous species, which occurs in swift, clear-water rivers with well-preserved riparian vegetation. Main threats to the species are water pollution, dam building, and deforestation.  相似文献   

The oxygen consumption of a freshwater convict cichlid (Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum) was determined throughout the fish development from age 74 days to 403 days, covering the period before and after maturation. The specific oxygen consumption decreases with increasing age. The decrease in metabolic rate appears rather in distinct phases. A small increase in the average specific metabolic rate (mainly from the bigger fish) around age 200 days suggests an involvement of internal changes in the fish during a transition period from "young" state to "mature" state. The relationship between the specific oxygen consumption and body mass is determined by maturation and age. Before reaching maturation (before age 200 days) the correlation between specific oxygen consumption and body mass is negative for "young" fish of the same age. After age 200 days, no correlation between both parameters could be found. We suggest from this study that both factors "age" and "size" of the organism have to be considered for determining the metabolism, especially in fish. This study indicates that even in fish, which retain a continuous growing capability until they die, the decrease in the specific oxygen consumption is related to the aging process.  相似文献   

This is the first record of the genus Jenynsia in the High Andean Plateau (HAP). It has been found at elevations between 3400 and 3900 m in three endorreheic systems: Salar Antofalla, Antofagasta de la Sierra and El Peñón, northwestern Argentina, South America. This finding increases the number of known HAP fish genera to five. Furthermore, in contrast to the old Andean species-rich genus Orestias, the presence of Jenynsia obscura populations in young high-altitude, non-marine saline wetlands reported here supports a recent dispersal into the HAP.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic variability and population structure of the halophilic zooplankter Artemia urmiana from 15 different geographical locations of Lake Urmia using nucleotide sequences of COI (mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) and genomic fingerprinting by ISSR-PCR (inter-simple sequence repeats). According to sequence data, A. urmiana exhibits a high level of haplotype diversity with a low level of nucleotide diversity. The haplotype spanning network recognized 36 closely related unique haplotypes. ISSR profiles confirmed a substantial amount of genomic diversity with a low level of population structure. No apparent genetic structure was recognized in Lake Urmia but rather a random geographic distribution of genotypes indicating a high degree of panmixia. The population genetic data indicate the possibility of an individual’s relationship, implying that differentiation of individuals is not affected by ecological factors. Therefore, the A. urmiana population from Lake Urmia should be considered as a single management unit for conservation.  相似文献   

The holotype of Channa siamensis (Günther, 1861) was examined and compared with specimens of all other channid species currently considered to be valid (2 genera, 27 species). As all of the examined morphological characters (meristics, morphometrics, coloration, a patch of gular scales, and cephalic sensory pores) of the small-sized hototype (74.2 mm SL) agree with those for C. lucius except for slight gaps in predorsal length and interorbital width (subject to allometric changes), the authors concluded that C. siamensis is a junior synonym of C. lucius (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1831). Received: April 25, 1999 / Revised: December 6, 2000 / Accepted: February 16, 2001  相似文献   

The authors describe a new species in the genus Schilbetrematoides Kritsky & Kulo, 1992 from the gills of Schilbe mandibularis (Günther, 1867) (Schilbeidae) caught in the rivers Bia and Agneby in Ivory Coast. S. manizani n. sp. differs from S. pseudodactylogyrus Kritsky & Kulo, 1992, a parasite of Schilbe intermedius Rüppell, 1832 by having morphologically distinct gripi.  相似文献   

In fish of the Squalius alburnoides complex, hybridisation and polyploidy have affected sex ratios, resulting in strong correlations between sex and genotype. The preponderance of females among triploids and the occurrence of an all male lineage among diploids seem to imply that sex ratio deviations should have a strong genetic basis. Until now, no information has been gathered regarding the molecular basis of sex determination in this intricate hybrid system. Thus, putative regulatory elements of the cascade that potentially are involved in sex determination in S. alburnoides have to be investigated. Being reported to have an important role in teleost sex determination, and more particularly in male gonad development, the anti-Müllerian hormone, amh was a good initial candidate. Here we report the isolation, cloning and characterization of the amh ortholog in S. alburnoides and the ancestral species S. pyrenaicus. In adult S. alburnoides and S. pyrenaicus of both sexes, amh shows a gonad specific expression pattern, restricted to the Sertoli cell lineage in testis and to granulosa cells in ovaries. During development, it plays an early role in male gonad differentiation in S. alburnoides. Overall the observed patterns are similar to what has been reported in other teleost species. This suggests a conserved role of amh and implies that its expression dynamics cannot be directly responsible for the sex ratio deviations reported in S. alburnoides. It is possible that a conjunction of other factors could be contributing for sex ratio imbalance. The present results constitute the starting point in the characterization of the S. alburnoides sex determination cascade, a process that we expect to shed some light on the molecular basis of sex distribution, within the context of hybrid system evolution.  相似文献   

Euryhaline Cichlid fish of the species Coptodon guineensis are present in different water holes situated in a dried depression in the desert in the extreme South of Morocco, the Sebkha of Imlili. A genetic survey of this population, using complete sequences of the ND2 gene (mtDNA) and sixteen microsatellite loci, revealed that the fish in the sebkha did not form a single population, but rather a metapopulation. This metapopulational structure may be regarded as good news from the point of view of the conservation of fish in the sebkha. Although small individual populations may have short, finite life spans, the metapopulation as a whole is more stable, because immigrants from one population are likely to re-colonize the habitat, left open by the extinction of another.  相似文献   

We provide the first record of the Mayan Cichlid, Mayaheros urophthalmus from South Asia, based on specimens collected from the River Chalakudy in Kerala, India. Genetic analysis of the Indian sample showed close affinity with those from Philippines suggesting their potential South East Asian origin, and introduction through the unmanaged aquarium trade. Ecological plasticity, opportunistic predatory behaviour and eurytopic nature of M. urophthalmus could facilitate colonization in the new environment, unless urgent management strategies are developed and implemented.  相似文献   

In viviparous fish, as is illustrated by the example of the pipefish Syngnathus acusimilis (Syngnathidae), unlike fish that spawn their eggs into the environment, there are virtually no differences between populations in meristic characters, which are formed during the embryonic and larval development. The absence of these differences is due to the stability of conditions, specifically temperature, during the egg incubation in the parental organism. The insignificant differences in the external morphology of the pipefish can also be associated with the presence of the bony plates that completely cover the fish body. The peculiarities of the structure and reproductive biology are not conducive to the ecological and geographical intraspecific differentiation of this fish.  相似文献   

We developed distribution models for two near-threatened gobiid fishes, Tridentiger barbatus and Tridentiger nudicervicus, based on distribution data and geographic variables in the Ariake Sea, the Yatsushiro Sea, and Suonada Bay. Subsequently, we estimated the potential distribution of both species across all areas of the Seto Inland Sea based on the model predictions. The models indicated high accuracy and demonstrated that both species inhabit shoal and relatively enclosed waters. Predicted potential distribution areas of the two species included all sites with previous records and a few new sites without existing records.  相似文献   

We investigated the metabolic and cellular stress responses in an endemic catfish Horabagrus brachysoma acclimated to ambient (26 °C), 31, 33 and 36 °C for 30 days. After acclimation, fish were sampled to investigate changes in the levels of blood glucose, tissue glycogen and ascorbic acid, activities of enzymes involved in glycolysis (LDH), citric acid cycle (MDH), gluconeogenesis (FBPase and G6Pase), pentose phosphate pathway (G6PDH), protein metabolism (AST and ALT), phosphate metabolism (ACP and ALP) and energy metabolism (ATPase), and HSP70 levels in various tissues. Acclimation to higher temperatures (33 and 36 °C) significantly increased activities of LDH, MDH, ALP, ACP, AST, ALT and ATPase and blood glucose levels, whereas decreased the G6PDH enzyme activity and, tissue glycogen and ascorbic acid. Results indicated an overall increase in the carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism implying increased metabolic demands for maintaining homeostasis in fish acclimated to higher temperatures (33 and 36 °C). We observed tissue specific response of HSP70 in H. brachysoma, with significant increase in gill and liver at 33 and 36 °C, and in brain and muscle at 36 °C, enabling cellular protection at higher acclimation temperatures. In conclusion, H. brachysoma adjusted metabolic and cellular responses to withstand increased temperatures, however, these responses suggest that the fish was under stress at 33 °C or higher temperature.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Cucullanus angeli n. sp., is described from specimens recovered from the intestine of Vieja intermedia (Günther, 1862) from the Lacantun River, State of Chiapas, Mexico. It is characterized largely by having an unusual distinct unpaired median papilla present on anterior cloacal lip in the male and the situation of phasmids (close to eighth pair of papillae); it is further characterized by equal spicules (length 175-475 microm), distribution of caudal papillae, a preanal sucker surrounded by first and second pair of papillae, and conical tail in both sexes, ending in small terminal digitiform process (being more conspicuous in the female).  相似文献   

Neotropical rivers are home to the largest assemblage of freshwater fishes, but little is known about the phylogeny of these fishes at the species level using multi-locus molecular markers. Here, we present a phylogeny for all known species of the genus Satanoperca, a widespread group of Neotropical cichlid fishes, based on analysis of six unlinked genetic loci. To test nominal and proposed species limits for this group, we surveyed mtDNA sequence variation among 320 individuals representing all know species. Most nominal species were supported by this approach but we determined that populations in the Xingu, Tapajós, and Araguaia+Paraná Rivers are likely undescribed species, while S. jurupari and S. mapiritensis did not show clear genetic distinction. To infer a phylogeny of these putative species, we conducted maximum likelihood and Bayesian non-clock and relaxed clock analyses of concatenated data from three genes (one mitochondrial, two nuclear). We also used a multi-species coalescent model to estimate a species tree from six unlinked loci (one mitochondrial, five nuclear). The topologies obtained were congruent with other results, but showed only minimal to moderate support for some nodes, suggesting that more loci will be needed to satisfactorily estimate the distribution of coalescent histories within Satanoperca. We determined that this variation results from topological discordance among separate gene trees, likely due to differential sorting of ancestral polymorphisms.  相似文献   

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