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Summary Histochemical studies of the opercularis muscle of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and the tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) provide evidence that the opercularis muscle of anurans is a specialized, tonic portion of the levator scapulae superior muscle. Staining results for myosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), combined with measurements of muscle fiber diameters, demonstrate that the opercularis/levator scapulae superior muscle mass of both the tiger salamander and bullfrog consists of an anterior tonic portion, a middle fast oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) twitch portion, and a posterior fast-glycolytic (FG) twitch portion. In R. catesbeiana the tonic fibers represent 57.3% of the fiber total and (because they have relatively narrow diameters) about 29% of the cross-sectional area of the muscle mass, and form that part of the muscle (=opercularis muscle) that inserts on the operculum. In Ambystoma the tonic fibers represent only 8.8% of the fiber total and represent about 4% of the cross-sectional area. In the tiger salamander, the entire levator scapulae superior muscle inserts on the operculum and therefore represents the opercularis muscle. The bullfrog differs from the tiger salamander, therefore, in that the anterior tonic part of the opercularis/levator scapulae superior complex is greatly enlarged and the insertion on the operculum is limited to these tonic fibers. No evidence of a columellar muscle was found in R. catesbeiana. Previous reports of one in this species and in other anurans may be based on the tripartite nature of the opercularis/levator scapulae superior muscle mass. The middle FOG portion of the muscle may have been considered a muscle distinct from the anterior tonic portion (=opercularis muscle) and the posterior FG portion.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of the vascular supply to the choroid of the frog eye was studied in toto with the use of the injection-replication-SEM technique. The choroid of anuran amphibians is composed mainly of the choriocapillaris. In both species studied (Rana temporaria, Rana esculenta), an independent arterial supply to the choriocapillaris supplemented that from the ciliary arteries. This additional vascular route arises from the optic artery, a separate branch of the arteria infundibularis superficialis. The optic artery, accompanied by its vein within the vascular sheath of the optic nerve, joins the rich arterial capillary network of the choriocapillaris and supplies the posterior pole of the ocular bulb. The superficial capillary network displays a dense collar around the entrance of the optic nerve into the eye and is composed of a circular meshwork of small capillaries, several layers deep. More peripherally, however, it becomes single layered. This capillary network, as a whole, establishes numerous connections with the adjacent choriocapillaris at the posterior pole of the ocular bulb. In anuran amphibians the complex arrangement of both arterial systems supporting the choriocapillaris may be regarded as a more complete equivalent of the short posterior ciliary arteries of mammals.  相似文献   

Energetics of vocalization by an anuran amphibian (Hyla versicolor)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The metabolic demands of vocalization byHyla versicolor were determined by measuring oxygen consumption and whole body lactate content of calling animals. A stepwise multiple regression analysis identified both calling rate (calls/h) and call duration (s/call) as significant determinants of oxygen consumption during calling. These two variables accounted for 84% of the total variation in oxygen consumption observed in calling frogs. Aerobic metabolism increased linearly with calling rate and call duration, reaching a peak value of 1.7 ml O2/(g·h) at the highest vocalization effort. For comparison, metabolic rates of the same individuals were also measured during short bouts of vigorous locomotor exercise induced by mechanical stimulation. The mean value of was only 62% of the peak , and 5 of 13 frogs had rates of oxygen consumption during calling that exceeded their . Whole body lactate levels were measured in two samples of calling frogs, one collected early in the evening (2100–2115 h) and the other 1.5 h later (2230–2245 h). The frogs in the second sample had significantly lower lactate levels (0.10 mg/g) than the frogs collected early in the evening (0.22 mg/g). Hence, vocalization does not entail the use of anaerobic metabolism, although lactate levels may be slightly elevated at the onset of an evening of calling. Calling rates of unrestrained frogs in a large chorus were measured at regular intervals during an evening. During the first half hour of calling, rates increased gradually from an initial mean value of 600 calls/h at 2030 h to nearly 1400 calls/h at 2100 h. These data indicate that acoustic advertisement byHyla versicolor is among the most energetically expensive activities regularly undertaken by any anuran, and indeed, is the most demanding yet measured in an ectothermic vertebrate.Abbreviations resting rate of oxygen consumption - maximum rate of oxygen consumption - rate of oxygen consumption during forced exercise - rate of oxygen consumption during calling  相似文献   

Indirect immunofluorescence and PAP techniques for light microscopy as well as the immunogold complex technique for electron microscopy were used to localize and identify thyrotropic (TSH) producing cells in the pars distalis of Rana ridibunda. A double immunostaining procedure was used to distinguish TSH cells from other glycoprotein hormone producing cells. Rabbit anti-human-beta-TSH was used as the primary antiserum and revealed a basophil, PAS and alcian blue positive cell type in the ventro-central zone of the gland. Under the electron microscope, TSH cells show irregular morphology, polymorphic secretory granules with diameters ranging between 120 and 375 nm and poor development of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex; they are usually polarized towards capillaries. Ultrastructural morphometry (point-counting method) was used to evaluate stereological parameters of rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, secretory granules and mitochondria.  相似文献   

Cadmium toxicity related to cysteine metabolism and glutathione levels in several tissues of the Marsh frog (Rana ridibunda) collected in late spring were investigated after exposure to 80 mg CdCl2 L(-1) for 168 h. The results were compared to those obtained in a previous experiment carried out in autumn. The most striking changes involved the brain which could not maintain a proper glutathione level and the testes in which neither GSH nor sulfane sulfur levels recovered. Substantial damage is expected in the presence of Cd which decreases the antioxidant status of these tissues. It seems that in spring, frogs had lesser tolerance for Cd in comparison with frogs in autumn. This may be caused by the transition to aerobic respiration after hibernation.  相似文献   

Summary Indirect immunoflorescence and PAP techniques for light microscopy as well as the immunogold complex technique for electron microscopy were used to localize and identify thyrotropic (TSH) producing cells in the pars distalis of Rana ridibunda. A double immunostaining procedure was used to distinguish TSH cells from other glycoprotein hormone producing cells. Rabbit anti-human--TSH was used as the primary antiserum and revealed a basophil, PAS and alcian blue positive cell type in the ventro-central zone of the gland. Under the electron microscope, TSH cells show irregular morphology, polymorphic secretory granules with diameters ranging between 120 and 375 nm and poor development of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex; they are usually polarized towards capillaries. Ultrastructural morphometry (point-counting method) was used to evaluate stereological parameters of rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, secretory granules and mitochondria.This work has been supported by grant 2184-83 from the Comisión Asesora (CAICYT) of Spain  相似文献   

We studied the ability of the marsh frog Rana ridibunda to survive freezing exposure and the associated subsequent metabolic variations. This species that typically overwinters under water tolerates the conversion of 55% of its body water into ice. This ice content is attained after a few hours (between 8 and 36 hours depending on the mass of the individual and the environmental temperature) but death occurs at greater than 58% ice. Freezing stimulated a significant increase in blood carnitine and trimethylamine levels (respectively 4.5+/-2.5 and 0.5+/-0.2 micromol.l(-1) for controls versus 27.0+/-18.9 and 3.6+/-4.1 micromol.l(-1) after thawing) but these increases had no significant effect on plasma osmolality which was unchanged between control and freeze exposed frogs (252.6+/-20.3 versus 240.2+/-25.0 mOsmol.l(-1), respectively). Freezing also induced a significant dehydration of heart, liver and muscles (respectively 4.2, 3.2 and 2.8%) but the observed levels are low compared to values found in highly freeze tolerant species. This species could be classified as "partially freeze tolerant" enduring the transformation of a significant part of its body water into ice but not the completion of the exotherm. The existence of freeze tolerance in an aquatic hibernator that does not accumulate cryoprotectant, exhibiting low organ dehydration after freezing and low hypoxia tolerance, raises the possibility that a tolerance of nearly 60% ice within the body is common among anurans.  相似文献   

Arginine vasotocin (AVT) is a neurotransmitter in the amphibian central nervous system and is released from the neurohypophysis in the regulation of hydromineral balance and other homeostatic functions. Many amphibians experience drastic changes in habitat with respect to water availability during their transformation from aquatic larvae to terrestrial adults. To examine whether metamorphosis is accompanied by a reorganization of central vasotocinergic neurons, the developmental organization of vasotocin neurons and nerve fibers was studied with immunocytochemistry in the brains of bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) and woodfrogs (R. sylvatica). In bullfrogs, early limb-bud-stage tadpoles had AVT-immunoreactive neurons and nerve fibers in the lateral septal nucleus, amygdala, preoptic hypothalamus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, and posterodorsal tegmentum. Woodfrog larvae showed similar patterns of hypothalamic AVT immunoreactivity, although neuronal staining in the amygdala did not appear until metamorphic climax, and never appeared in septal neurons or in the posterodorsal tegmentum. Whereas the highly terrestrialR. sylvatica adults must adapt to an adult habitat with prolonged periods of dehydration,R. catesbeiana adults remain semiaquatic and, as such, need not develop extreme mechanisms for water retention. Nonetheless, vasotocinergic pathways showed developmental similarities in the two species. The early appearance of AVT innervation in bothRana suggests that AVT has neuroregulatory functions well before metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The role of prolactin in the regulation of frog skin functions is still unclear particularly during environmental changes. In this study, prolactin receptor (PRLR) was detected in active and hibernating frog dorsal skin using immunohistochemical method. PRLR immunoreactivity in active frogs was observed in the epidermis, in the secretory epithelium of granular glands and the secretory channel cells of the glands. Myoepithelial cells of granular glands that started accumulating secretory material or those with a full lumen were PRLR immunoreactive, while some myoepithelial cells of empty granular glands were negative for PRLR. In hibernating frogs, this immunoreactivity was observed in the same regions; however, immunoreactivity was more intense than that in active frogs. PCNA was employed for detection of proliferative activity of PRL in the dorsal skin, and immunoreactivity was detected in the nuclei of a few epidermis cells and in the duct of glands of active frogs. The number of immunoreactive nuclei in these regions increased in hibernating and in prolactin injected groups. We conclude that prolactin provides morphological and functional integrity of skin stimulating the proliferation and regulating the function of granular glands and plays an important role in the adaptation of amphibians to the long winter period.  相似文献   

1. The innervation of Rana ridibunda intestine has been studied by the following methods: (a) demonstration of cholinesterase activity; (b) FIF method for catecholamines; (c) immunohistochemistry for VIP, SP and SOM, and (d) conventional electron microscopy. 2. The intrinsic intestinal innervation is represented by cholinergic-, VIPergic-, SP- and SOM-like plexuses. The intestinal adrenergic component is of extrinsic origin. 3. The intestinal peptidergic innervation is the most developed, the large intestine being the portion where the studied peptidergic plexuses are more widely distributed. 4. Against a poorly developed cholinergic/adrenergic innervation, it seems that there is a predominant peptidergic innervation in the amphibians intestine wall. 5. Taking into account that amphibians sacral parasympathetic as well as sympathetic innervation development are limited, it could be considered that in vertebrates the intestinal peptidergic innervation is phylogenetically earlier and hence better developed.  相似文献   

1. Oxygen consumption was measured before and after dehydration at different ambient temperatures (Ta) in the terrestrial toad Bufo viridis and the semi-aquatic frog Rana ridibunda. 2. The metabolic rates at Tas between 14 and 27 degrees C were almost the same for R. ridibunda and B. viridis. 3. The metabolic rate at higher Tas (between 27 and 36 degrees C) was higher in R. ridibunda than in B. viridis. This situation was found before and after dehydration. 4. A similar situation was found with CO2 production, which was higher at high Tas in R. ridibunda compared with B. viridis.  相似文献   

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