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Edaphic diatoms were collected from 5 representative habitats of Canary Creek salt marsh, Lewes, Delaware, from 24 July 1969 to 21 July 1970. Of the 104 taxa encountered, 32 had a general distribution on the marsh and 41 were endemic to one of the 5 habitats sampled. Three of the habitats supported stands of grasses: tall Spartina alterniflora Loisel., dwarf S. alterniflora, and Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene; and these habitats possessed the highest species diversity (H') and the greatest number of diatom species. The remaining 2 habitats, a bare bank and a panne, were devoid of macroscopic vegetation. The diatoms of these last 2 habitats were exposed to hypersaline conditions during warmer periods of the year and this was considered a contributing factor to the lower values observed for the aforementioned parameters of community structure. A comprehensive examination of the community structure characterizing the 5 habitats, employing statistical analyses and the distribution of species, showed each habitat to support its own unique and easily recognizable edaphic diatom community. A multiple regression analysis indicated that the differences between the 5 communities were closely related to differences in temperature and elevation between the habitats, and also a result of significant interactions between edaphic diatoms and filamentous algae.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the nutrition and relative importance of primary production to heterotrophy of select unicellular green algae and diatoms from the same assemblage. Algal growth responses to nutrient additions varied widely. Such responses included: inhibition and enhancement of growth by amino acid additions: nonstimulation or inhibition by most sugars 10 mM concentration; glucose stimulation of 6 and inhibition of 3 species; fructose inhibition of 6- and 3- fold stimulation of one species; stimulation of most species by a vitamin mixture, some natural products, metabolite mixtures, etc. Photoassimilation of glucose and aculeate in 8 of 12 species occurred. Nine of 12 species took up only a fraction of the total carbon fixed as organic substrate. Enhancement of photosynthesis by glucose and inhibition by acetate was common. The data suggest that attached littoral and shoal marine algal assemblages may play mixed trophic roles lower levels of the detrital food web.  相似文献   


The long-term effects of manipulating light intensity and nutrient enrichment on the structural characteristics of a diatom community inhabiting the sediments beneath a pure stand of dwarf Spartina alterniflora Loisel. were investigated over a yearly cycle. Clipping or shading the cord grass cover, or phosphorus enrichment caused significant decreases in both species diversity (H') and the number of diatom species, whereas nitrogen enrichment only significantly decreased the latter parameter. Of the 105 diatom taxa identified, only 10 were restricted to certain of the 12 study areas; and of these, 8 occurred exclusively in the clipped habitats. An analysis of variance (light × nutrient × collection date) involving 19 of the most abundant taxa revealed that certain experimental treatments had significant effects on the relative abundances of each and every taxon. However, attempts to group taxa with similar response patterns proved unsuccessful because of the frequent significance of the 3-way interaction term. Synthesis of these results with earlier work by the author showed that differences in structure of diatom communities inhabiting the sediments beneath the 3 dominant marsh grasses were not primarily caused by differences in reduction of light intensity by their grass canopies, and that clipping of the cord grass produced a shift in community structure towards that characteristic of a salt panne algal mat.  相似文献   

Edaphic diatoms were collected on a seasonal basis from beneath five monospecific stands of spermatophytes on Graveline Bay Marsh (Mississippi) from 14 October 1976 through 21 June 1977. Of the 119 diatom taxa encountered. only seven were restricted to a single edaphic habitat, and five of these accounted for 17.2%of the individuals comprising the community associated with Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene. The single most abundant diatom was Navicula tripunctata (Müll.) Bory, which accounted for 21.5%of all individuals counted during the study. Based on a 2-way ANOVA of species diversity (H’) and the number of taxa in a sample, edaphic diatom community diversity was highest beneath D. spicata and Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl., lowest beneath Sp. alterniflora Loisel. and Juncus roemerianus Scheele, and somewhat intermediate for the Scirpus olneyi Gray habitat. Structural differences between selected community pairs were quantified using a similarity index (SIMI) and the values generated were exceedingly variable. A multiple regression analysis revealed that structural differences amongst edaphic diatom communities were related to differences in elevation, far red light energy, ammonia nitrogen, soil moisture, and tentatively, height of the spermatophyte canopy.  相似文献   

Cylindrotheca closterium Ehrenberg, a benthic marine diatom, competes successfully with Aeromonas sp. a bacterium from the same environment, for low molecular weight organic substrates when they are presented at natural concentrations (1–10 μM). In short term (1 h) experiments, the uptake of mannose by C. closterium was enhanced in light. Seventy percent of the total uptake of mannose by both species was effected by C. closterium over a 1 h period in light. The diatom population was also competitive in darkness. The algal portion of glucose uptake over 1 h was 71% when both populations were given the substrate initially. Percentages of total amino acid uptake for C. closterium ranged from 33% glycine in light to 73% leucine in darkness when both species were given substrate initially. Cylindrotheca had smaller percentages of glucose and aspartic acid total uptake in competition experiments run to stationary phase (10 days).  相似文献   

山西省盐池硅藻一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运城菱形藻 新种 图版1,图1—10 Nitzschia yunchengensis Xie et Li, sp. nov. Frustula e facie connexionis rectangularis, angulis rotundatis, marginibus in mediomodice concavis, axibus pervalvaribus 9. 3—10. 03μm altis, copulis multis. Valvae lineares,  相似文献   

闽南第四纪晚期沉积硅藻组合与古环境研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对闽南泉州湾外台湾海峡西部756柱状剖面和厦门岛GT剖面岩心进行系统的硅藻分析研究,获得硅藻161种和变种。根据剖面硅藻组合特征变化,结合聚类分析和最优分割的计算机运算结果,756柱状剖面自下而上可以划分为5个硅藻带,GT剖面自下而上可以划分为6个硅藻带。根据硅藻组合序列,探讨其第四纪晚期古环境的演变。  相似文献   

A canonical correlation analysis was performed to examine the degree to which edaphic diatom distribution in Graveline Bay Marsh, Mississippi could be related to environmental factors. It was possible to collapse the complex data base into two interpretable, orthogonal dimensions and to identify five distinct diatom communities. Diatom distribution on the marsh was primarily regulated by elevation and height of the overstory spermatophyte canopy. Although redundancy in the species data given the environmental data was relatively low (23% for the first two canonical variables), similar values were obtained for studies of benthic and planktonic diatoms in Yaquina Estuary, Oregon. The present study represents the first application of multivariate statistics to the study of salt marsh diatoms and demonstrates its usefulness in an environment where gradients are difficult to perceive.  相似文献   

对采自海南岛的淡水硅藻进行了分类学研究,共观察到曲壳类硅藻40个分类单位。其中11个分类单位为中国新记录,分别为岛曲壳藻Achnanthes islandica、阿奇长曲壳藻Achnanthidium archibaldianum、高尔夫长曲壳藻Achnanthidium caledonicum、弯曲长曲壳藻Achnanthidium deflexum、河流长曲壳藻Achnanthidium rivulare、极常见平面藻Planothidium frequentissimum、皮亚夫平面藻Planothidium piaficum、短肋片状藻Platessa brevicostata、胡斯特片状藻Platessa hustedtii、山地片状藻热带变种Platessa montana var.tropica、扁圆卵形藻尖细变种Cocconeis placentula var.acuta。文章对这11个分类单位的形态特征及生境分布特点进行了描述,讨论了同相近种类的区别特征。对片状藻属Platessa的分类特征进行了中文描述。  相似文献   

A “planted core” system was developed to test the effect of short term (1–2 weeks) experimental manipulation of environmental parameters on edaphic microalgae under field conditions. A large number of small cores (surface area = 7 cm2) were collected, randomized and replanted in the marsh in fiddler crab exclosures with appropriate experimental treatments. Daily enrichment of the cores with NH4+ resulted in significant increases in edaphic primary productivity and levels of chlorophyll a in both summer and winter seasons in the short-Spartina marsh. Enrichment with a complete nutrient solution caused no further increases. Nutrient enrichment of creekbank sediments was much less stimulatory to the resident algal assemblage. In both sites, but especially in the creekbank, the removal of fiddler crab grazers resulted in significant increases in chlorophyll a and productivity. Experimental manipulation of light intensity showed that the average light intensity reaching the sediment surface was saturating for chlorophyll production in the short-Spartina marsh. A reciprocal transplant experiment involving unfertilized cores from the short-Spartina marsh and creekbank marsh demonstrated that NH4+ inputs occurring in the creekbank site rapidly alleviated nitrogen limitation of edaphic algae from short-Spartina marsh. Algae in creekbank cores incubated in the short-Spartina marsh were unable to sustain high productivity once the original standing stock of NH4+ declined.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1928,27(3):193-195

兴安落叶松人工林营养元素的分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
落叶松人工林能否保持无机动态平衡、稳定生长,主要取决于每年还原于土壤中凋落物营养元素成分和数量。本研究目的在于揭示凋落物变化的各种规律,以及营养元素的潜在还原量。为改善林地条件,建立最佳结构模式的林分提供科学依据。为此我们对黑龙江省东部尚志县帽儿山兴安落叶松人工林四年凋落物营养元素进行了分析研究。结果表明: 1.落叶松树种的凋落物数量,包括叶、枝、皮等,四年平均每公顷干重量为3099.5kg,林内天然阔叶树为237.4kg,总计为3336.9kg。 2.不同种类凋落物营养元素的含量差异显著,叶含量最多,枝次之,皮中含量最小。 3.平均每年每公顷还原于林地的营养元素总量(N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Zn、Mn)为98.8697kg,其中落叶松叶为85.5998kg,阔叶树叶为8.385kg,落叶松落枝为2.0335kg,林内落叶松落皮为9.13kg,阔叶树枝为9.27kg。  相似文献   

The influence of Juncus maritimus, Phragmites australis, and Triglochin striata on hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms (HD) in Lima River estuary (NW Portugal) was investigated through a year-long plant life cycle. Sediments un-colonized and colonized (rhizosediments) by those salt marsh plants were sampled for HD, total cell counts (TCC), and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) assessment. Generally, TCC seemed to be markedly thriving by the presence of roots, but without significant (p > 0.05) differences among rhizosediments. Nevertheless, plants seemed to have a distinct influence on HD abundance, particularly during the flowering season, with higher HD abundance in the rhizosediments of the fibrous roots plants (J. maritimus <P. australis <T. striata). Our data suggest that different plants have distinct influence on the dynamics of HD populations within its own rhizosphere, particularly during the flowering season, suggesting a period of higher rhizoremediation activity. Additionally, during the vegetative period, plants with fibrous and dense root system tend to retain hydrocarbons around their belowground tissues more efficiently than plants with adventitious root system. Overall results indicate that fibrous root plants have a higher potential to promote hydrocarbons degradation, and that seasonality should be taken into account when designing long-term rhizoremediation strategies in estuarine areas.  相似文献   

Availability of colonizers and edaphic conditions were tested in relation to rates of recolonization of open patches in salt marsh vegetation. The density of buried viable seeds was estimated by counting seedlings in undisturbed vegetation and germinating seeds in the laboratory. A low density of viable seeds (<50 per m2) found in these salt marsh soils indicated the absence of an important viable seed bank in this system. Rates of recolonization in natural open patches were monitored for three years. Vegetative expansion of Spartina alterniflora, at approximately 12 cm per year, accounted for most of the recolonization of open patches, although some colonization of annual Salicornia spp. occurred from seeds. Salinity and sulfide and ammonium concentrations were measured in pore water samples from depths of 2–7 cm and 10–15 cm of soil. Comparison of the concentrations from disturbed and undisturbed plots in the marsh did not show significant differences, indicating that none of the edaphic conditions measured would be more inhibitory to plant growth in the disturbed than the undisturbed plots. Therefore, the rate at which small open patches become recolonized is primarily controlled by proximity of Spartina alterniflora and its capacity for vegetative expansion.  相似文献   

南极拟扇虾肌肉营养成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
{{@ convertAbstractHtml(article.abstractinfoCn, "cn")}}    相似文献   

A hydroponic culture experiment was performed to ascertain whether sediment soluble sulfide at in situ concentrations plays a role in the determination of height forms of Spartina alterniflora in salt marshes of the United States. Additional experiments were conducted for both Spartina cynosuroides and Borrichia frutescens to determine if sulfide also influences the overall distribution of these species in the marsh. In situ soluble sulfide concentrations ranged from 0.02 mm in creek bank sites up to 3.0 mm in the inner marsh. In culture treatments, both plant height and biomass production of S. alterniflora were inhibited at a sulfide concentration as low as 1.0 mm , strongly suggesting a role for sulfide in the determination of height forms in the marsh. Production of S. cynosuroides was inhibited at high sulfide concentrations. However, over a range of concentrations similar to in situ values, no significant reduction in growth was observed, indicating sulfide was not a primary determinant of growth in stands of S. cynosuroides on Sapelo Island, Georgia. A sulfide concentration of 0.5 mm inhibited production in B. frutescens. In situ sulfide concentrations as high as 0.5 mm were found only in mixed stands of Juncus roemerianus and B. frutescens.  相似文献   

Primary production rates of edaphic algae associated with the sediments beneath four monospecific canopies of vascular plants were determined over an annual cycle in a Mississippi salt marsh. The edaphic algal flora was dominated by small, motile pennate diatoms. Algal production (as measured by 14C uptake) was generally highest in spring-early summer and lowest in fall. Hourly rates ranged from a low of 1.4 mg C/m2 in Juncus roemerianus Scheele to a high of 163 mg C/m2 beneath the Scirpus olneyi gray canopy. Stepwise multiple regressions identified a soil moisture index and chlorophyll a as the best environmental predictors of hourly production; light energy reaching the marsh surface and sediment and air temperature proved of little value. Adding the relative abundances of 33 diatom taxa to the set of independent variables only slightly increased R2; however, virtually all variables selected were diatom taxa. R2 was only 0.38 for the Spartina alterniflora Loisel. habitat but ranged from 0.70 to 0.87 for the remaining three vascular plant zones. Annual rates of algal production (g C/m2) were estimated as follows: Juncus (28), Spartina (57), Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene (88), and Scirpus (151). The ratio of annual edaphic algal production to vascular plant net aerial production (EAP / VPP) was 10–12% for the first three habitats and 61% for Scirpus. Chlorophyll a concentrations, annual algal production rates, and EAP / VPP values were comparable to those determined in Texas, Delaware, and Massachusetts salt marshes but lower than those reported for Georgia and particularly California marshes.  相似文献   

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