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HDL is typically isolated ultracentrifugally at 40,000 rpm or greater, however, such high centrifugal forces are responsible for altering the recovered HDL particle. We demonstrate that this damage to HDL begins at approximately 30,000 rpm and the magnitude of loss increases in a rotor speed-dependent manner. The HDL is affected by elevated ultracentrifugal fields resulting in a lower particle density due to the shedding of associated proteins. To circumvent the alteration of the recovered HDL, we utilize a KBr-containing density gradient and a lowered rotor speed of 15,000 rpm to separate the lipoproteins using a single 96 h centrifugation step. This recovers the HDL at two density ranges; the bulk of the material has a density of about 1.115 g/ml, while lessor amounts of material are recovered at >1.2 g/ml. Thus, demonstrating the isolation of intact HDL is possible utilizing lower centrifuge rotor speeds.  相似文献   

Human HDLs have highly heterogeneous composition. Plasma concentrations of HDL with apoC-III and of apoE in HDL predict higher incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD). The concentrations of HDL-apoA-I containing apoE, apoC-III, or both and their distribution across HDL sizes are unknown. We studied 20 normal weight and 20 obese subjects matched by age, gender, and race. Plasma HDL was separated by sequential immunoaffinity chromatography (anti-apoA-I, anti-apoC-III, anti-apoE), followed by nondenaturing-gel electrophoresis. Mean HDL-cholesterol concentrations in normal weight and obese subjects were 65 and 50 mg/dl (P = 0.009), and total apoA-I concentrations were 119 and 118 mg/dl, respectively. HDL without apoE or apoC-III was the most prevalent HDL type representing 89% of apoA-I concentration in normal weight and 77% in obese (P = 0.01) individuals; HDL with apoE-only was 5% versus 8% (P = 0.1); HDL with apoC-III-only was 4% versus 10% (P = 0.009); and HDL with apoE and apoC-III was 1.5% versus 4.6% (P = 0.004). Concentrations of apoE and apoC-III in HDL were 1.5–2× higher in obese subjects (P ≤ 0.004). HDL with apoE or apoC-III occurred in all sizes among groups. Obese subjects had higher prevalence of HDL containing apoE or apoC-III, subfractions associated with CHD, whereas normal weight subjects had higher prevalence of HDL without apoE or apoC-III, subfractions with protective association against CHD.  相似文献   

Amphotericin B (AmB) is a polyene antibiotic used to treat deep-seated mycoses. Both the therapeutic action and the toxic side effects of this drug are dependent on its molecular organization. AmB appears as a zwitterion at neutral pH owing to NH(3)(+) and COO(-) groups. The results obtained with electronic absorption, fluorescence, resonance light scattering and infrared absorption spectroscopic analyses show that in the aqueous medium at pH above 10 AmB appears in the monomeric form owing to the negative net electric charge of the molecule. On the contrary, anomalously high aggregation level has been observed at pH below 2, despite the positive net electric charge. The effect is interpreted in terms of the permanent polarization of the polyene chain at low pH, associated with relative rotational freedom of the charged mycosamine fragment of the molecule. The pH-dependent aggregation of AmB is discussed in aspect of pharmacological action of the drug.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the cholesteryl ester core of plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) can be extracted with heptane and replaced with a variety of hydrophobic molecules. In the present report we use this reconstitution technique to incorporate two fluorescent probes, 3-pyrenemethyl-23, 24-dinor-5-cholen-22-oate-3β-yl oleate (PMCA oleate) and dioleyl fluorescein, into heptane-extracted LDL. Both fluorescent lipoprotein preparations were shown to be useful probes for visualizing the receptor-mediated endocytosis of LDL in cultured human fibroblasts. When normal fibroblasts were incubated at 37°C with either of the fluorescent LDL preparations, fluorescent granules accumulated in the perinuclear region of the cell. In contrast, fibroblasts from patients with the homozygous form of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) that lack functional LDL receptors did not accumulate visible fluorescent granules when incubated with the fluorescent reconstituted LDL. A fluorescence-activated cell sorter was used to quantify the fluorescence intensity of individual cells that had been incubated with LDL reconstituted with dioleyl fluorescein. With this technique a population of normal fibroblasts could be distinguished from a population of FH fibroblasts. The current studies demonstrate the feasibility of using fluorescent reconstituted LDL in conjunction with the cell sorter to isolate mutant cells lacking functional LDL receptors.  相似文献   

The neighboring position of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and apolipoprotein A-V (apoA-V) gene and the modulation of apoA-V on the concentrations, size and maturation of high density lipoprotein (HDL) may indicate a special relationship between apoA-V and HDL. To assess the effects of apoA-V on HDL structure and related functions in vitro, a series of recombinant HDL (rHDL) were synthesized in vitro with various mass ratios of recombinant apoA-I: apoA-V. An increase in apoA-V in rHDL resulted in enhanced lipid-binding ability, increased phospholipid content and larger particle size. Furthermore, the lipid-free and lipid-bound apoA-V in rHDL showed antioxidant capacity against low density lipoprotein (LDL) in vitro. In THP-1 derived macrophages, apoA-V of rHDL was shown to have no influence on the uptake of oxidized LDL (oxLDL) and intracellular lipid accumulation. Thus, the addition of apoA-V to rHDL resulted in changes in several rHDL properties, including increased lipid-binding ability, phospholipid content, particle size and antioxidant capacity. These alterations may explain the modulation of apoA-V on HDL in vivo and the beneficial functions of apoA-V on atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Summary This study establishes a method for determining the concentration of Na and K in single red blood cells from electron probe microanalysis of a cell's Na and K content. To this end, red blood cells were separated into subpopulations according to their buoyant density by means of bovine serum density gradient centrifugation. Cell water and Na+K contents were then determined in each fraction by conventional analytic methods with cell volume estimated from measurements of hematocrits and cell number. It was found that an inverse relationship obtains between the mean cell volume and buoyant cell density since cells increased in size as density decreased. Although the amount of hemoglobin per cell was found to slightly increase as cell density decreased, hemoglobin concentration showed the inverse relationship, indicating that buoyant cell density differences are primarily the result of differences in hemoglobin concentration. In confirmation of Funder and Wieth (Funder, J., Wieth, J.O. 1966.Scand. J. Lab. Invest. 18:167–180) cell water and cell volume was found to vary directly with the summed content of Na+K. Finally, by means of electron probe microanalysis of single cells, the cellular concentration of hemoglobin was found to vary inversely with the Na+K content, providing a quantitative basis for directly estimating cell volume, and thus ionic concentration, with this technique.  相似文献   

The association of low density lipoprotein (LDL) with proteoglycans of the intima, in particular chondroitin 6-sulphate proteoglycans, may contribute to LDL accumulation during atherogenesis. We studied the interactions of apolipoprotein B-100 (apo B-100) peptide segments and model peptides with chondroitin 6-sulphate. The ability of these peptides to inhibit complex formation between LDL and chondroitin 6-sulphate was used as a measurement of the interaction. Results from earlier studies suggest that surface located segments of apo B-100 are responsible for the interaction of LDL with heparin and chondroitin sulphate-rich arterial proteoglycans. Therefore 16 hydrophilic apo B-100 peptides were selected for studies and synthesized with a peptide synthesizer. These synthetic peptides were 7 to 26 amino acids long. Four of the peptides inhibited the association of LDL with chondroitin 6-sulphate, namely apo B segments 4230–4254, 3359–3377, 3145–3157 and 2106–2121. The 3359–3377 segment was the most efficient. A common feature betweeb the interacting peptides was an excess of positively charged side chains and based on these results we synthesized nine model peptides that shared sequence characateristics with the interacting apo B-100 peptides. Five of these: RSGRKRSGK, RSSRKRSGK, RGGRKRGGK, RSRSRSRSR AND RGRGRGRGR were shown to block the LDL-chrondroitin-6-sulphate association, RSRSRSRSR being the most effective. The results suggest that the optimal association of the peptides with chrondroitin 6-sulphate is obtained with a minimal chain length of nine amino acids and a minimum of five positive charges and that flexibility in the binding region is important.  相似文献   

Xia XX  Han MJ  Lee SY  Yoo JS 《Proteomics》2008,8(10):2089-2103
Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) and W3110 strains, belonging to the family B and K-12, respectively, have been most widely employed for recombinant protein production. During the excretory production of recombinant proteins by high cell density cultivation (HCDC) of these strains, other native E. coli proteins were also released. Thus, we analyzed the extracellular proteomes of E. coli BL21 (DE3) and W3110 during HCDC. E. coli BL21 (DE3) released more than twice the amount of protein compared with W3110 during HCDC. A total of 204 protein spots including 83 nonredundant proteins were unambiguously identified by 2-DE and MS. Of these, 32 proteins were conserved in the two strains, while 20 and 33 strain-specific proteins were identified for E. coli BL21 (DE3) and W3110, respectively. More than 70% of identified proteins were found to be of periplasmic origin. The outer membrane proteins, OmpA and OmpF, were most abundant. Two strains showed much different patterns in their released proteins. Also, cell density-dependent variations in the released proteins were observed in both strains. These findings summarized as reference proteome maps will be useful for studying protein release in further detail, and provide new strategies for enhanced excretory production of recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

A major question in pollen tube growth in planta remains: do the pollen tube walls form a barrier to interaction with the environment? Using cryo‐FESEM, we directly assessed the 3D construction and porosity of tobacco pollen tube walls. Fractured mature primary walls showed a 40–50 nm spaced lattice of continuous fibers interconnected by short rods in the primary wall. These observations agree with TEM observations of sectioned walls. In the secondary callose wall, for which no structure is visible using TEM, cryo‐FESEM also revealed a 50 nm lattice consisting of longer fibers, approximately 10–15 nm wide, with rod‐like, thinner interconnections at angles of approximately 90° with the longer fibers. Such architecture may reflect functional needs with respect to porosity and mechanical strength. The wall does not form a mechanical barrier to interaction with the environment and is gained at low cost. Cryo‐FESEM additionally revealed another special feature of the wall: the tubes were tiled with scales or rings that were highly conspicuous after pectin extraction with EDTA. These rings cause the typical banding patterns of pectin that are commonly seen in pollen tubes during oscillatory growth, as confirmed by staining with toluidine blue as well as by DIC microscopy. Growth analysis by VEC‐LM showed that the ring‐ or scale‐like structures of the primary wall consist of material deposited prior to the growth pulses. The alternating band pattern seen in the callose wall is probably imposed by constrictions resulting from the rings of the primary wall.  相似文献   

R S Molday  L L Molday 《FEBS letters》1984,170(2):232-238
Immunospecific magnetic microspheres, consisting of ferromagnetic iron dextran conjugated to Protein A, were used to specifically label red blood cells (RBC) for cell separation studies using high gradient magnetic chromatography ( HGMC ). When 10(7)-10(8) RBC labeled with Protein A-iron dextran microspheres were applied to a column containing 30 mg stainless steel wire placed in a 7.5 kilogauss magnetic field, 96 +/- 2% of the cells were retained in the column. These cells could be eluted by removing the magnetic field and mechanically agitating the column. The retention of labeled cells by HGMC was shown to be dependent on the applied magnetic field and the amount of wire packed into the column. HGMC in conjunction with cell labeling with immunospecific iron dextran microspheres have useful applications for the separation of specific cell types.  相似文献   



rs2943634 C/A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), located in a non coding region of chromosome 2q36.3, has been associated with coronary artery disease in two genome wide association studies. Our goal was to investigate its relation with myocardial infarction (MI) and ischemic stroke (IS), as well as with 12 intermediate risk phenotypes, in a population-based prospective cohort study.


rs2943634 was genotyped in a case-cohort study including a random sample of 1891 individuals (subcohort) and all incident MI (n = 211) and IS (n = 144) cases during a mean follow-up of 8.2 ± 2.2 years, nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Potsdam cohort comprising 27,548 middle-aged men and women.


rs2943634 minor allele (A) was associated in an additive fashion with lower risk of IS but not with MI [hazard ratio (HR) = 0.66; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.50-0.87; P = 0.003; HR = 1.02; 95% CI: 0.82-1.28; P = 0.83 respectively, for the age and sex adjusted model]. Furthermore, it was related to slightly higher levels of plasma adiponectin [CC 6.94, CA 7.27, AA 7.86 μg/ml, P = 0.0002] and high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol (CC 52.08, CA 53.05 and AA 55.27 mg/dl, P = 0.002), based on additive models. Adjustment for adiponectin and HDL-cholesterol did not attenuate the association between the SNP and IS risk. In contrast, adjustment for adiponectin abolished the association between the SNP and HDL-cholesterol and adjustment for HDL-cholesterol attenuated the association between the SNP and adiponectin.


Our findings suggest that rs2943634 is associated with IS risk and with plasma levels of HDL-cholesterol and adiponectin in this German population. Further investigations are needed to confirm these results and to clarify the mechanisms underlying the association.  相似文献   

Fermentation industries would benefit from on-line monitoring of important parameters describing cell growth such as cell density and viability during fermentation processes. For this purpose, an in situ probe has been developed, which utilizes a dark field illumination unit to obtain high contrast images with an integrated CCD camera. To test the probe, brewer's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is chosen as the target microorganism. Images of the yeast cells in the bioreactors are captured, processed, and analyzed automatically by means of mechatronics, image processing, and machine learning. Two support vector machine based classifiers are used for separating cells from background, and for distinguishing live from dead cells afterwards. The evaluation of the in situ experiments showed strong correlation between results obtained by the probe and those by widely accepted standard methods. Thus, the in situ probe has been proved to be a feasible device for on-line monitoring of both cell density and viability with high accuracy and stability.  相似文献   

To develop a detailed double belt model for discoidal HDL, we previously scored inter-helical salt bridges between all possible registries of two stacked antiparallel amphipathic helical rings of apolipoprotein (apo) A-I. The top score was the antiparallel apposition of helix 5 with 5 followed closely by appositions of helix 5 with 4 and helix 5 with 6. The rationale for the current study is that, for each of the optimal scores, a pair of identical residues can be identified in juxtaposition directly on the contact edge between the two antiparallel helical belts of apoA-I. Further, these residues are always in the ‘9th position’ in one of the eighteen 11-mer repeats that make up the lipid-associating domain of apoA-I. To illustrate our terminology, 129j (LL5/5) refers to the juxtaposition of the Cα atoms of G129 (in a ‘9th position’) in the pairwise helix 5 domains. We reasoned that if identical residues in the double belt juxtapositions were mutated to a cysteine and kept under reducing conditions during disc formation, we would have a precise method for determining registration in discoidal HDL by formation of a disulfide-linked apoA-I homodimer. Using this approach, we conclude that 129j (LL5/5) is the major rotamer orientation for double belt HDL and propose that the small ubiquitous gap between the pairwise helix 5 portions of the double belt in larger HDL discoidal particles is significantly dynamic to hinge off the disc edge under certain conditions, e.g., in smaller particles or perhaps following binding of the enzyme LCAT. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Advances in High Density Lipoprotein Formation and Metabolism: A Tribute to John F. Oram (1945-2010).  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental factors may contribute to high blood pressure, which is termed essential hypertension. Hypertension is a major independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, stroke and renal failure; thus, elucidation of the etiopathology of hypertension merits further research. We recently reported that the platelets and neutrophils of patients with hypertension exhibit altered biophysical characteristics. In the present study, we assessed whether the major structural elements of erythrocyte plasma membranes are altered in individuals with hypertension. We compared the phospholipid (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, sphingosine) and cholesterol contents of erythrocytes from individuals with hypertension (HTN) and healthy individuals (HI) using LC/MS-MS. HTN erythrocytes contained higher phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine contents and a lower cholesterol content than HI erythrocytes. Furthermore, atomic force microscopy revealed important morphological changes in HTN erythrocytes, which reflected the increased membrane fragility and fluidity and higher levels of oxidative stress observed in HTN erythrocytes using spectrophotofluorometry, flow cytometry and spectrometry. This study reveals that alterations to the lipid contents of erythrocyte plasma membranes occur in hypertension, and these alterations in lipid composition result in morphological and physiological abnormalities that modify the dynamic properties of erythrocytes and contribute to the pathophysiology of hypertension.  相似文献   

Chemotherapy-induced cachexia causes severe metabolic abnormalities independently of cancer and reduces the therapeutic efficacy of chemotherapy. The underlying mechanism of chemotherapy-induced cachexia remains unclear. Here we investigated the cytarabine (CYT)-induced alteration in energy balance and its underlying mechanisms in mice. We compared energy balance-associated parameters among the three groups of mice: CON, CYT, and PF (pair-fed mice with the CYT group) that were intravenously administered vehicle or CYT. Weight gain, fat mass, skeletal muscle mass, grip strength, and nocturnal energy expenditure were significantly lowered in the CYT group than in the CON and PF groups. The CYT group demonstrated less energy intake than the CON group and higher respiratory quotient than the PF group, indicating that CYT induced cachexia independently from the anorexia-induced weight loss. Serum triglyceride was significantly lower in the CYT group than in the CON group, whereas the intestinal mucosal triglyceride levels and the lipid content within the small intestine enterocyte were higher after lipid loading in the CYT group than in the CON and PF groups, suggesting that CYT inhibited lipid uptake in the intestine. This was not associated with obvious intestinal damage. The CYT group showed increased zipper-like junctions of lymphatic endothelial vessel in duodenal villi compared to that in the CON and CYT groups, suggesting their imperative role in the CYT-induced inhibition of lipid uptake. CYT worsens cachexia independently of anorexia by inhibiting the intestinal lipid uptake, via the increased zipper-like junctions of lymphatic endothelial vessel.  相似文献   

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