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The analysis of the energy contributions of various physical factors to the complex formation between biologically active compounds and nucleic acids in aqueous solution was performed. A comparison of the energy parameters was made for ligand-ligand, intercalator-DNA, MGB-DNA and ligand-RNA groups. It was shown that the energetics of these reactions is of compensatory nature. Physical factors exerting the most pronounced influence on the energy parameters were identified. Correlation of the energy contributions to MGB-DNA complex formation and its biological effect was found.  相似文献   

The formation of hydrogen bonded complexes between nucleic acid bases and acetamide has been studied by nuclear magnetic resonance in CDC13 at different temperatures. Pairs of hydrogen bonds are formed when acetamide binds to nucleic acid bases. Thermodynamic parameters have been computed and compared to those obtained for the association of carboxylic acids with nucleic acid bases. The role of hydrogen bonded complexes in the association of proteins with nucleic acids is discussed.  相似文献   

New experimental results concerning molecular interactions between the nitrogen bases of nucleic acids in the crystalline phase and in vacuo are reported. The temperature dependence of the evaporation rate is measured for solid species. The sensitivity of conventional methods of sublimation heat measurements was improved essentially using a quartz resonator serving as a precise sensor of evaporation rate. Sublimation heats were found for both canonical bases and a number of their derivatives. The in vacuo formation of base associates interacting through hydrogen bonds was observed with a field mass spectrometer. The dimer formation enthalpies, which are indicative of a stronger attraction in complementary pairs compared with noncomplementary ones, were derived from the temperature dependence of ionic currents. Hydrogen-bound complexes of more intricate associates (base trimers and aqueous molecules associates) were studied. The energy gain in the formation of trimers of identical molecules was shown to be larger (per base molecule) than that for dimers.  相似文献   

The possibility of the inclusion of water molecules in the formation of mismatched nucleotide pairs was considered in relation to the mechanisms of point errors in template directed biosynthesis. Calculations of the intermolecular interaction energy for systems containing two bases and one water molecule were carried out by the method of atom-atom potential functions. There exist energy minima for each base pair, corresponding to a single N--H...O or N--H...N H-bond between the bases and H-bonding of the water molecule with both bases. The relative positions of glycosyl bonds in some of these minima are closer to those for Watson--Crick pairs, than the positions of minima for these pairs without water. For other minima, the H-bond formation between the water molecule and the two bases additionally stabilizes the relative base position in wobble-pairs with two H-bonds between the bases. The base and water positions in energy minima are compared with the positions in some pairs proposed on the basis of NMR and X-ray data for double helical oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Computations are performed on the proton chemical shifts due to hydrogen bonding between the purine and pyrimidine bases of the nucleic acids and water molecules of their first hydration shell. The water molecules should produce measurable shifts essentially for protons of the bases located close to the site of interaction. For the imino protons of the bases G-N1H and U-N3H participating in hydrogen bonding, the calculated delta delta is larger for the interaction of a base with a complementary base than for its interaction with water. Base pairing will thus produce a downfield shift in water but the measured delta delta due to pairing in this solvent will be smaller than in an inert solvent. Also, the chemical shift difference between G-N1H and U-N3H in water will be larger if the molecules are engaged in pairs than if they are not.  相似文献   

The parameters of atom-atom potential functions suggested by one of the authors in 1979-1986 were slightly changed. The changes were performed to achieve a better agreement with experimental data of interaction energy values in global minima and hydrogen bond lengths. These changes resulted in better accord with experimental values of distances between the layers in DNA monomer crystals and between the base pairs in oligonucleotide duplexes. The refined potential functions were used to calculate the energy of interactions between nucleic acid bases in various mutual positions. The calculations revealed a few types of mutual base arrangements in minima of interaction energy for each pairwise base combination. A new type of minima was found, which correspond to a nearly perpendicular arrangement of base rings and the formation of the intermolecular hydrogen bond.  相似文献   

The variation of the proton chemical shifts due to the formation intermolecular hydrogen bonds is computed for a number of complexes which can be formed between the bases of the nucleic acids. The shifts expected for the isolated base pairs, in particular for the G-N1 H, T(or U)-N3H protons and the protons of the amino groups of A, G c, when combined with previous computations on the shifts to be expected upon base stacking, may enable a refined analysis of the high resolution NMR spectra of self complementary polynucleotides or tRNAs. Two examples are presented of a direct computation of proton shits associated with helix-coil transitions, helpful for deducing the helical structure in solution.  相似文献   

ESR and laser flash photolysis studies have determined a reasonable order of reactivity of nucleotides with triplet riboflavin (3Rb*) for the first time. ESR detection of triplet state reactivity of Rb with nucleoside, polynucleotide and DNA has been obtained simultaneously. In addition, ESR spin elimination measurement of the reactivity of 3Rb* with nucleotides in good accord with laser flash photolysis determination of the corresponding rate constants offers a simple and reliable method to detect the reactivities of nucleic acids and its components with photoexcited flavins. Kinetic, ESR and thermodynamic studies have demonstrated that Rb should be a strong endogenous photosensitizer capable of oxidizing all nucleic acid bases, and preferentially two purine nucleotides with high rate constants.  相似文献   

Complex formation between the side chain of arginine and nucleic acid bases has been investigated by proton magnetic resonance in dimethylsulfoxide. Simultaneous formation of two hydrogen bonds leads to a selectivity of arginine interaction towards cytosine and guanine. A comparison is made of the interaction of arginine side chain with nucleic acid bases, phosphate and carboxylate anions. It is shown that interaction between carboxylate and arginine is stronger than between phosphate and arginine. These results are discussed with respect to the selective recognition of nucleic acid bases by arginine side chains and by the arginyl-glutamyl ion pair which could form in proteins interacting with nucleic acids.  相似文献   

The influence of protonation on the relative stability of matched and mismatched nucleic base pairs was considered. Protonation of a base has a significant effect on the bond energy and, in some cases, on the geometry of pairs. It was shown that protonation of guanine, adenine and uracil lead to an increased relative stability of matched pairs and, consequently, to decreased probability of mutations. Protonation of cytosine reduced the difference in energy formation of GC and AC complexes.  相似文献   

Studies have been made of conformational parameters in co-crystal complexes and compounds of nucleic acid bases in which there is the possibility of formation of hetero-base-pairs. Using published data extracted from the Cambridge structural database, a total of 37 base-pairs were found, of which 25 were hetero-pairs and 12 homo-pairs. These base-pairs were subject to analysis to reveal hydrogen bond parameters, propeller twist, buckle and C1'-C1' separation (or a similar parameter if C1' atoms were not present). Hetero-pairs were found to show larger twists than homo-pairs, the magnitude of twist being unrelated to hydrogen bond parameters or buckle value. The propeller twisting is less pronounced in these nucleic acid bases than in nucleosides, but still has a significant magnitude. Propeller twisting in hetero-pairs is found to be larger than in homo-pairs. Hetero-pairs appear to be formed preferentially in competitive situations.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid bases such as adenine and uracil, and nitrobenzeneboronic acid substituted silicas were prepared by the reaction of chloromethylbenzene substituted silica with adenine sodium salt and trimethylsilylated uracil, and nitration of benzeneboronic acid substituted silica, respectively. From the results of HPLC of nucleosides and N-ethyl derivatives of nucleic acid bases using modified silicas, hydrophobic base stacking interaction, selective hydrogen bonding interaction between purine and pyrimidine bases, and reversible cyclic boronate ester formation between diols of nucleosides with boronic acid were effective for the separation of nucleic acid related compounds. Moreover, association constants for hydrogen bonding formation of nucleic acid bases were estimated.  相似文献   

Interactions between copolypeptides containing Glu and Tyr residues and polynucleotides can be mediated through divalent metal ions such as Zn-2+ and Ci-2+. Circular dichroism studies show that the binding of metal ion - polypeptide complexes to poly(A) induces an unstacking of adenine bases. Fluorescence investigations demonstrate that Tyrosine - Adenine interactions result from the formation of ternary complexes polypeptide-Zn-2 plus-polynucleotide.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet (UV) absorption and fluorescence nature of the mixtures of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT), poly 1, N6-ethenoadenylic acid (poly, epsilon A) and mixtures of AZT and poly A (AZT+poly epsilon A) at various molar ratio has been studied. On the basis of the present results, it may be concluded that the azide group of AZT (N6', N7', and/or N8') may link to the phosphate groups of polynucleotide. Thus, results obtained suggest that there are electronic interaction between thymine and ethenoadenine lings at the first excited singlet state.  相似文献   

The external heavy atom effect of mercury on the spectroscopic properties of the indole ring has been used to investigate stacking interactions of tryptophan with mercurinucleotides in mixed aggregates formed in frozen aqueous solutions as well as in oligopeptide-polynucleotide complexes. This effect is characterized at 77 K by a quenching of the tryptophan fluorescence, an enhancement of the phosphorescence emission and a drastic shortening of the phosphorescence lifetime. These phenomena result from an enhanced spin-orbit coupling due to a close contact between the mercury atom and the indole ring. Dissociation of the complexes leads to a recovery of the spectroscopic properties of the free tryptophan ring. The possible use of this spin-orbit probe to provide evidence for stacking interactions in protein-nucleic acid complexes is discussed.  相似文献   

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