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The proportion of hexokinase that is bound to the outer mitochondrial membrane is tissue specific and metabolically regulated. This study examined the role of the N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-binding domain of mitochondrial porin in binding to hexokinase I. Selective proteolytic cleavage of porin protein was performed and peptides were assayed for their, effect on hexokinase I binding to isolated mitochondria. Specificity of DCCD-reactive domain binding to hexokinase I was demonstrated by competition of the peptides for porin binding sites on hexokinase as well as by blockage hexokinase binding by N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. One of the peptides, designated as 5 kDa (the smallest of the porin peptides, which contains a DCCD-reactive site), totally blocked binding of the enzyme to the mitochondrial membrane, and significantly enhanced the release of the mitochondrially bound enzyme. These experiments demonstrate that there exists a direct and specific interaction between the DCCD-reactive domain of VDAC and hexokinase I. The peptides were further characterized with respect to their effects on certain functional properties of hexokinase I. None had any detectable effect on catalytic properties, including inhibition by glucose 6-phosphate. To evaluate further the outer mitochondrial membranes role in the hexokinase binding, insertion of VDAC was examined using isolated rat mitochondria. Pre-incubation of mitochondria with purified porin strongly increases hexokinase I binding to rat liver mitochondria. Collectively, the results imply that the high hexokinase-binding capability of porin-enriched mitochondria was due to a quantitative difference in binding sites.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), also known as mitochondrial porin, is a large channel permeable to anions, cations, ATP, and other metabolites. VDAC was purified from sheep brain synaptosomes or rat liver mitochondria using a reactive red-agarose column, in addition to the hydroxyapatitate column. The red-agarose column allowed further purification (over 98%), concentration of the protein over ten-fold, decreasing Triton X-100 concentration, and/or replacing Triton X-100 with other detergents, such as Nonidet P-40 or octylglucoside. This purified VDAC reconstituted into planar-lipid bilayer, had a unitary maximal conductance of 3.7 ± 0.1 nS in 1 M NaCl, at 10 mV and was permeable to both large cations and anions. In the maximal conducting state, the permeability ratios for Na+, acetylcholine+, dopamine,+ and glutamate, relative to Cl, were estimated to be 0.73, 0.6, 0.44, and 0.4, respectively. In contrast, in the subconducting state, glutamate was impermeable, while the relative permeability to acetylcholine+ increased and to dopamine+ remained unchanged. At the high concentrations (0.1–0.5 M) used in the permeability experiments, glutamate eliminated the bell shape of the voltage dependence of VDAC channel conductance. Glutamate at concentrations of 1 to 20 mM, in the presence of 1 M NaCl, was found to modulate the VDAC channel activity. In single-channel experiments, at low voltages (±10 mV), glutamate induced rapid fluctuations of the channel between the fully open state and long-lived low-conducting states or short-lived closed state. Glutamate modification of the channel activity, at low voltages, is dependent on voltage, requiring short-time (20–60 sec) exposure of the channel to high membrane potentials. The effect of glutamate is specific, since it was observed in the presence of 1 M NaCl and it was not obtained with aspartate or GABA. These results suggest that VDAC possesses a specific glutamate-binding site that modulates its activity.  相似文献   

Elucidating molecular mechanisms by which lipids regulate protein function within biological membranes is critical for understanding the many cellular processes. Recently, we have found that dimeric αβ-tubulin, a subunit of microtubules, regulates mitochondrial respiration by blocking the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) of mitochondrial outer membrane. Here, we show that the mechanism of VDAC blockage by tubulin involves tubulin interaction with the membrane as a critical step. The on-rate of the blockage varies up to 100-fold depending on the particular lipid composition used for bilayer formation in reconstitution experiments and increases with the increasing content of dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) in dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) bilayers. At physiologically low salt concentrations, the on-rate is decreased by the charged lipid. The off-rate of VDAC blockage by tubulin does not depend on the lipid composition. Using confocal fluorescence microscopy, we compared tubulin binding to the membranes of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) made from DOPC and DOPC/DOPE mixtures. We found that detectable binding of the fluorescently labeled dimeric tubulin to GUV membranes requires the presence of DOPE. We propose that prior to the characteristic blockage of VDAC, tubulin first binds to the membrane in a lipid-dependent manner. We thus reveal a new potent regulatory role of the mitochondrial lipids in control of the mitochondrial outer membrane permeability and hence mitochondrial respiration through tuning VDAC sensitivity to blockage by tubulin. More generally, our findings give an example of the lipid-controlled protein-protein interaction where the choice of lipid species is able to change the equilibrium binding constant by orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

In this study, we purified and characterized the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) from the Torpedo electric organ. Using immunogold labeling, VDAC was colocalized with the voltage-gated Ca2+ channel in the synaptic plasma membrane. By immunoblot analysis, five protein bands in synaptosomes isolated from the Torpedo electric organ cross reacted with two monoclonal anti-VDAC antibody. No more than about 7 to 10% mitochondrial contains could be detected in any synaptosomal membrane preparation tested. This was estimated by comparing the specific activity in mitochondria and synaptosomes of succinate–cytochrome-c oxidoreductase and antimycin-insensitive NADH–cytochrome-c oxidoreductase activities; mitochondrial inner and outer membrane marker enzymes, respectively. [14C]DCCD (dicyclohexylcarbodiimide), which specifically label mitochondrial VDAC, labeled four 30–35 kDa protein bands that were found to interact with the anti-VDAC antibody. The distribution of the Torpedo VDAC protein bands was different among membranes isolated from various tissues. VDAC was purified from synaptosomes and a separation between two of the proteins was obtained. The two purified proteins were characterized by their single channel activity and partial amino acid sequences. Upon reconstitution into a planar lipid bilayer, the purified VDACs showed voltage-dependent channel activity with properties similar to those of purified mitochondrial VDAC. Amino acid sequence of four peptides, derived from VDAC band II, exhibited high homology to sequences present in human VDAC1 (98%), VDAC2 (91.8%), and VDAC3 (90%), while another peptide, derived from VDAC band III, showed lower homology to either VDAC1 (88.4%) or VDAC2 (79%). Two more peptides show high homology to the sequence present in mouse brain VDAC3 (100 and 78%). In addition, we demonstrate the translocation of ATP into synaptosomes, which is inhibited by DCCD and by the anion transport inhibitor DIDS. The possible function of VDAC in the synaptic plasma membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

In addition to the POR1 gene, which encodes the well-characterized voltage dependent anion-selective channel (YVDAC1) of the mitochondrial outer membrane, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a second gene (POR2) encoding a protein (YVDAC2) with 50% sequence identity to YVDAC1. Mitochondria isolated from yeast cells deleted for the POR1 gene (Δpor1) had a profoundly reduced outer membrane permeability as measured by the ability of an intermembrane space dehydrogenase to oxidize exogenously added NADH. Mitochondria missing either YVDAC1 or both YVDAC1 and YVDAC2 showed a 2-fold increase in the rate of NADH oxidation when the outer membrane was deliberately damaged. Mitochondria from parental cells showed only a 10% increase indicating that the outer membrane is highly permeable to NADH. In the absence of YVDAC1, we calculate that the outer membrane permeability to NADH is reduced 20-fold. The low NADH permeability in the presence of YVDAC2 was not due to the low levels of YVDAC2 expression as mitochondria from cells expressing levels of YVDAC2 comparable to those of YVDAC1 in parental cells showed no substantial increase in NADH permeability, indicating a minimal role of YVDAC2 in this permeability. The residual permeability may be due to other pathways because cells missing both genes can still grow on nonfermentable carbon sources. However, YVDAC1 is clearly the major pathway for NADH flux through the outer membrane in these mitochondria. Received: 23 May 1997/Revised: 3 October 1997  相似文献   

The yeast Peptide Sensitive Channel (PSC), a cationic channel of the mitochondrial outer membrane closes with slow kinetics at potentials of either polarity. The properties of this inactivation closely resemble those of the Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel (VDAC) slow kinetics closures. Addition of trypsin to one compartment suppresses the inactivation observed when this compartment is made positive, but does not affect the inactivation observed at potentials of reverse polarity. Both sides of the channel are sensitive. The reduced form of the Mast Cell Degranulating peptide (rMCD) increases the rate of inactivation, but only when the polarity of the compartment to which it is added is positive. The effect is not reversed by washing the peptide out, but is suppressed by trypsin. The peptide can bind to both sides of the membrane. The effect of rMCD on PSC closely resembles that of the ``modulator' on VDAC. The similarities between PSC and VDAC suggest that the former might be a cationic porin of the mitochondrial outer membrane possessing a structure closely related to that of VDAC. Received: 2 February 1996/Revised: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

Electrical properties and regulation of the mitochondrialATP-dependent potassium channel were studied. The channel protein wassolubilized from the mitochondrial membrane using an ethanol/water mixture.Reconstituted into a bilayer lipid membrane BLM), the protein formed aslightly voltage-dependent channel with a conductance of 10 pS in 100 mM KCl.Often, several channels worked simultaneously (clusters) when many channelswere incorporated into the BLM. The elementary channel and the clusters wereboth highly potassium selective. At concentrations of 1 to 10 M, ATPfavors channel opening, while channels become closed at 1–3 mM ATP. GDP(0.5 mM) reactivated the ATP-closed channels without affecting the untreatedchannels. The sulfhydryl-reducing agent ditiothreitol increased the openprobability at concentrations of 1 to 3 mM, but damaged the selectivity ofthe channel.  相似文献   

The amino acid glutamate, synthesized in the mitochondria, serves multiple functions, including acting as a neurotransmitter and participating in degradative and synthetic pathways. We have previously shown that glutamate modulates the channel activity of bilayer-reconstituted voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC). In this study, we demonstrate that glutamate also modulates the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP), of which VDAC is an essential component. Glutamate inhibited PTP opening, as monitored by transient Ca2+ accumulation, mitochondrial swelling and accompanying release of cytochrome c. Exposure to L-glutamate delayed the onset of PTP opening up to 3-times longer, with an IC50 of 0.5 mM. Inhibition of PTP opening by L-glutamate is highly specific, not being mimicked by D-glutamate, L-glutamine, L-aspartate, or L-asparagine. The interaction of L-glutamate with VDAC and its inhibition of VDAC's channel activity and PTP opening suggest that glutamate may also act as an intracellular messenger in the mitochondria-mediated apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

On the basis of the anion content of in vitro-cultured Arabidopsis plantlets, we explored the selectivity of the voltage-dependent anion channel of the plasma membrane of hypocotyl cells. In the whole-cell configuration, substitution of cytosolic Cl(-) by different anions led to the following sequence of relative permeabilities: NO(3)(-) (2.6) >/= SO(4)(2-) (2.0) > Cl(-) (1.0) > HCO(3)(-) (0.8) > malate(2-) (0.03). Large whole-cell currents were measured for NO(3)(-) and SO(4)(2-), about five to six times higher than the equivalent Cl(-) currents. Since SO(4)(2-) is usually considered to be a weakly permeant or non-permeant ion, the components of the large whole-cell current were explored in more detail. Aside from its permeation through the channel with a unitary conductance, about two-thirds that of Cl(-), SO(4)(2-) had a regulatory effect on channel activity by preventing the run-down of the anion current both in the whole-cell and the outside-out configuration, increasing markedly the whole-cell current. The fact that the voltage-dependent plasma membrane anion channel of hypocotyl cells can mediate large NO(3)(-) and SO(4)(2-) currents and is regulated by nucleotides favors the idea that this anion channel can contribute to the cellular homeostasis of important metabolized anions.  相似文献   

The channel-forming protein called VDAC forms the major pathway in the mitochondrial outer membrane and controls metabolite flux across that membrane. The different VDAC isoforms of a species may play different roles in the regulation of mitochondrial functions. The mouse has three VDAC isoforms (VDAC1, VDAC2 and VDAC3). These proteins and different versions of VDAC3 were expressed in yeast cells (S. cerevisiae) missing the major yeast VDAC gene and studied using different approaches. When reconstituted into liposomes, each isoform induced a permeability in the liposomes with a similar molecular weight cutoff (between 3,400 and 6,800 daltons based on permeability to polyethylene glycol). In contrast, electrophysiological studies on purified proteins showed very different channel properties. VDAC1 is the prototypic version whose properties are highly conserved among other species. VDAC2 also has normal gating activity but may exist in 2 forms, one with a lower conductance and selectivity. VDAC3 can also form channels in planar phospholipid membranes. It does not insert readily into membranes and generally does not gate well even at high membrane potentials (up to 80 mV). Isolated mitochondria exhibit large differences in their outer membrane permeability to NADH depending on which of the mouse VDAC proteins was expressed. These differences in permeability could not simply be attributed to different amounts of each protein present in the isolated mitochondria. The roles of these different VDAC proteins are discussed. Received: 19 June 1998/Revised: 1 April 1999  相似文献   

Mutations in SLC25A4 encoding the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier AAC1 are well-recognized causes of mitochondrial disease. Several heterozygous SLC25A4 mutations cause adult-onset autosomal-dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia associated with multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions, whereas recessive SLC25A4 mutations cause childhood-onset mitochondrial myopathy and cardiomyopathy. Here, we describe the identification by whole-exome sequencing of seven probands harboring dominant, de novo SLC25A4 mutations. All affected individuals presented at birth, were ventilator dependent and, where tested, revealed severe combined mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiencies associated with a marked loss of mitochondrial DNA copy number in skeletal muscle. Strikingly, an identical c.239G>A (p.Arg80His) mutation was present in four of the seven subjects, and the other three case subjects harbored the same c.703C>G (p.Arg235Gly) mutation. Analysis of skeletal muscle revealed a marked decrease of AAC1 protein levels and loss of respiratory chain complexes containing mitochondrial DNA-encoded subunits. We show that both recombinant AAC1 mutant proteins are severely impaired in ADP/ATP transport, affecting most likely the substrate binding and mechanics of the carrier, respectively. This highly reduced capacity for transport probably affects mitochondrial DNA maintenance and in turn respiration, causing a severe energy crisis. The confirmation of the pathogenicity of these de novo SLC25A4 mutations highlights a third distinct clinical phenotype associated with mutation of this gene and demonstrates that early-onset mitochondrial disease can be caused by recurrent de novo mutations, which has significant implications for the application and analysis of whole-exome sequencing data in mitochondrial disease.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) resides in the outer mitochondrial membrane and can adopt a closed or open configuration, most likely depending on whether the N-terminal segment (NTS) occupies the pore or protrudes into the cytoplasm. In this study, we calculate the free energy of releasing the NTS from the pore using molecular dynamics simulation. This is complicated by the flexible nature of the NTS, in particular its disordered structure in aqueous solution compared to the pore lumen. We carried out potential of mean force calculations using enhanced sampling or conformational restraints to address the conformational sampling problem. For the binding to the VDAC pore, two systems were considered, featuring either the native VDAC system or a modified system where the NTS is detached from the pore, that is, noncovalently bound in the pore lumen. The calculated free energies required to translocate the NTS from the pore into the solvent moiety are 83.8 or 74.3 kJ mol−1, respectively. The dissociation pathway in VDAC presents two in-pore minima, separated by a low free energy barrier and a membrane-bound intermediate state. Since we observe small changes in pore shape along the NTS dissociation pathway, we suggest that rigidification of the VDAC pore might impair NTS dissociation. The stability of the membrane-bound state of the VDAC NTS is confirmed by independent molecular dynamics simulations showing spontaneous membrane binding of a NTS-derived peptide as well as nuclear magnetic resonance experiments where chemical shift perturbations of the NTS-derived peptide evidence binding to phospholipid nanodiscs.  相似文献   

Data on localization of nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK) in the outer mitochondrial compartment are contradictory. We have demonstrated that repeated quintuple wash of a mitochondrial pellet (protein concentration is about 2 mg/ml) solubilized only 60% of total NDPK activity. Since no release of adenylate kinase, the marker enzyme of the intermembrane space, was observed, it was concluded that the solubilized NDPK activity was associated with the outer surface of the outer mitochondrial membrane. Treatment of mitochondria with digitonin solutions in low (sucrose, mannitol) or high (KCl) ionic strength media revealed that solubilization of remaining NDPK activity basically coincided with the solubilization curve of monoamine oxidase, the marker enzyme of the outer mitochondrial membrane, but differed from solubilization behavior of adenylate kinase and malate dehydrogenase. We concluded that the remaining NDPK activity was also associated with the outer mitochondrial membrane and electrostatic interactions were not essential for NDPK binding to mitochondrial membranes. Results of polarographic determination of remaining adenylate kinase and NDPK activities of mitochondria incubated in ice for different time intervals and subjected to subsequent centrifugation suggest that all NDPK activity of the outer compartment of rat liver mitochondria is associated with the outer surface of the outer mitochondrial membrane. We suggest the existence of at least three NDPK fractions. They represent 70, 15, and 15% of total NDPK activity of the outer compartment and differ by tightness of membrane binding.  相似文献   

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