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Abstract Many natural populations in areas of continuous habitat exhibit some form of local genetic structure. Anthropogenic habitat fragmentation can also strongly influence the dynamics of gene flow between populations. We used eight microsatellite markers to investigate the population genetic structure of an abundant forest species, the Australian bush rat (Rattus fuscipes), in the subtropical forests of south‐east Queensland. Five sites were sampled, allowing pairwise comparisons within continuous habitat and across clearings. Weak, but significant population differentiation and a significant pattern of isolation by distance was detected over the small scale (<10 km) of this study. Fine‐scale analysis at a single site (<1 km) showed a significant correlation between individual female genetic distance and geographical distance, but no similar pattern among male individuals. There was no evidence of increased population differentiation across clearings relative to comparisons within continuous forest. This was attributed to dispersal within corridors of remnant and revegetated habitat between the forested areas. We concluded that an inherently restricted dispersal ability, female philopatry and natural habitat heterogeneity play an important part in the development of genetic structure among populations of R. fuscipes. It is important to understand the relationship between landscape features and the pattern of gene flow among continuous populations, as this allows us to predict the impact of fragmentation on natural populations.  相似文献   

We describe here 16 new microsatellite markers for the bush rat, Rattus fuscipes greyii, and characterize their cross‐species amplification within the Australian Rattus and at a greater level of divergence in Rattus rattus and Rattus norvegicus. Within R. f. greyii, all of the loci are highly polymorphic, with six to 24 alleles per locus across the species range and expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.48 to 0.90 per locus within a sample of 24 rats from a large population on Kangaroo Island. Cross‐species amplification rates were approximately 87% within the Australian Rattus and approximately 50% within R. rattus and R. norvegicus. These loci are highly polymorphic with a high success rate of cross‐species amplification, making them potentially useful for a wide range of genetic studies.  相似文献   

Abstract Three broad dietary categories—fungus, plant and arthropod—were identified from faecal samples of two species of small terrestrial mammal in forest vegetation in southwestern Victoria. Fungal material formed the major component of the diet of the long-nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus throughout the year and of the bush rat Rattus fuscipes during autumn and winter. Fungal material was most abundant for both species during autumn and winter and significantly less common in spring and summer. These results confirm previous studies which found P. tridactylus to be highly mycophagous throughout the year and R. fuscipes to be strongly mycophagous seasonally. Particular consideration was given to the composition of fungi in the diet. Fungal spores in faecal material were assigned to spore classes, which represent one or more fungal species that have similar spore morphology. Twenty-four fungal spore classes were recorded, but for both animal species most of the fungi consumed were from seven major spore classes. The proportions of major spore classes in the diet of both animals were generally similar, even though the composition of spore classes differed markedly across seasons. Minor differences between species in the fungi consumed may be related to differences in selectivity, foraging, or microhabitat use. If fungal resources are limiting, competition for such resources may be important in this and other small mammal communities. The amount and diversity of hypogeal fungi consumed by the two animal species makes them both important spore dispersal agents in forest ecosystems. The capacity of R. fuscipes and other seasonally mycophagous mammals in this role may be more important than previously recognized, especially in habitats where species of the Potoroidae are absent.  相似文献   

Pollen flow, seed dispersal and individual reproductive success can be simultaneously estimated from the genotypes of adults and offspring using stochastic models. Using four polymorphic microsatellite loci, gene flow of the wind-pollinated and wind-seed-dispersed dioecious tree species, Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica, was quantified in a riparian forest, in northern Japan. In a 10.5-ha plot, 74 female adults, 76 male adults and 292 current-year seedlings were mapped and genotyped, together with 200 seeds. To estimate dispersal kernels of pollen and seeds, we applied normal, exponential power, Weibull, bivariate t-distribution kernels, and two-component models consisting of two normal distribution functions, one with a small and one with a large variance. A two-component pollen flow model with a small contribution (26.1%) from short-distance dispersal (sigma = 7.2 m), and the rest from long-distance flow (sigma = 209.9 m), was chosen for the best-fitting model. The average distance that integrated pollen flows inside and outside the study plot was estimated to be 196.8 m. Tree size and flowering intensity affected reproduction, and there appeared to be critical values that distinguished reproductively successful and unsuccessful adults. In contrast, the gene flow model that estimated both pollen and seed dispersal from established seedlings resulted in extensive seed dispersal, and the expected spatial genetic structures did not satisfactorily fit with the observations, even for the selected model. Our results advanced small-scale individual-based parentage analysis for quantifying fat-tailed gene flow in wind-mediated species, but also clarified its limitations and suggested future possibilities for gene flow studies.  相似文献   

Natal homing is a hallmark of the life history of salmonid fishes, but the spatial scale of homing within local, naturally reproducing salmon populations is still poorly understood. Accurate homing (paired with restricted movement) should lead to the existence of fine-scale genetic structuring due to the spatial clustering of related individuals on spawning grounds. Thus, we explored the spatial resolution of natal homing using genetic associations among individual Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in an interconnected stream network. We also investigated the relationship between genetic patterns and two factors hypothesized to influence natal homing and localized movements at finer scales in this species, localized patterns in the distribution of spawning gravels and sex. Spatial autocorrelation analyses showed that spawning locations in both sub-basins of our study site were spatially clumped, but the upper sub-basin generally had a larger spatial extent and continuity of redd locations than the lower sub-basin, where the distribution of redds and associated habitat conditions were more patchy. Male genotypes were not autocorrelated at any spatial scale in either sub-basin. Female genotypes showed significant spatial autocorrelation and genetic patterns for females varied in the direction predicted between the two sub-basins, with much stronger autocorrelation in the sub-basin with less continuity in spawning gravels. The patterns observed here support predictions about differential constraints and breeding tactics between the two sexes and the potential for fine-scale habitat structure to influence the precision of natal homing and localized movements of individual Chinook salmon on their breeding grounds.  相似文献   

Effects of habitat fragmentation on genetic diversity vary among species. This may be attributed to the interacting effects of species traits and landscape structure. While widely distributed and abundant species are often considered less susceptible to fragmentation, this may be different if they are small sized and show limited dispersal. Under intensive land use, habitat fragmentation may reach thresholds at which gene flow among populations of small-sized and dispersal-limited species becomes disrupted. Here, we studied the genetic diversity of two abundant and widespread bush crickets along a gradient of habitat fragmentation in an agricultural landscape. We applied traditional (G(ST), θ) and recently developed (G'ST', D) estimators of genetic differentiation on microsatellite data from each of twelve populations of the grassland species Metrioptera roeselii and the forest-edge species Pholidoptera griseoaptera to identify thresholds of habitat fragmentation below which genetic population structure is affected. Whereas the grassland species exhibited a uniform genetic structuring (G(ST) = 0.020-0.033; D = 0.085-0.149) along the whole fragmentation gradient, the forest-edge species' genetic differentiation increased significantly from D < 0.063 (G(ST) < 0.018) to D = 0.166 (G(ST) = 0.074), once the amount of suitable habitat dropped below a threshold of 20% and its proximity decreased substantially at the landscape scale. The influence of fragmentation on genetic differentiation was qualitatively unaffected by the choice of estimators of genetic differentiation but quantitatively underestimated by the traditional estimators. These results indicate that even for widespread species in modern agricultural landscapes fragmentation thresholds exist at which gene flow among suitable habitat patches becomes restricted.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Gene flow is important in counteracting the divergence of populations but also in spreading genes among populations. However, contemporary gene flow is not well understood across alpine landscapes. The aim of this study was to estimate contemporary gene flow through pollen and to examine the realized mating system in the alpine perennial plant, Arabis alpina (Brassicaceae).


An entire sub-alpine to alpine landscape of 2 km2 was exhaustively sampled in the Swiss Alps. Eighteen nuclear microsatellite loci were used to genotype 595 individuals and 499 offspring from 49 maternal plants. Contemporary gene flow by pollen was estimated from paternity analysis, matching the genotypes of maternal plants and offspring to the pool of likely father plants. Realized mating patterns and genetic structure were also estimated.

Key Results

Paternity analysis revealed several long-distance gene flow events (≤1 km). However, most outcrossing pollen was dispersed close to the mother plants, and 84 % of all offspring were selfed. Individuals that were spatially close were more related than by chance and were also more likely to be connected by pollen dispersal.


In the alpine landscape studied, genetic structure occurred on small spatial scales as expected for alpine plants. However, gene flow also covered large distances. This makes it plausible for alpine plants to spread beneficial alleles at least via pollen across landscapes at a short time scale. Thus, gene flow potentially facilitates rapid adaptation in A. alpina likely to be required under ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

Human commensal species such as rodent pests are often widely distributed across cities and threaten both infrastructure and public health. Spatially explicit population genomic methods provide insights into movements for cryptic pests that drive evolutionary connectivity across multiple spatial scales. We examined spatial patterns of neutral genomewide variation in brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) across Manhattan, New York City (NYC), using 262 samples and 61,401 SNPs to understand (i) relatedness among nearby individuals and the extent of spatial genetic structure in a discrete urban landscape; (ii) the geographic origin of NYC rats, using a large, previously published data set of global rat genotypes; and (iii) heterogeneity in gene flow across the city, particularly deviations from isolation by distance. We found that rats separated by ≤200 m exhibit strong spatial autocorrelation (r = .3, p = .001) and the effects of localized genetic drift extend to a range of 1,400 m. Across Manhattan, rats exhibited a homogeneous population origin from rats that likely invaded from Great Britain. While traditional approaches identified a single evolutionary cluster with clinal structure across Manhattan, recently developed methods (e.g., fineSTRUCTURE, sPCA, EEMS) provided evidence of reduced dispersal across the island's less residential Midtown region resulting in fine‐scale genetic structuring (FST = 0.01) and two evolutionary clusters (Uptown and Downtown Manhattan). Thus, while some urban populations of human commensals may appear to be continuously distributed, landscape heterogeneity within cities can drive differences in habitat quality and dispersal, with implications for the spatial distribution of genomic variation, population management and the study of widely distributed pests.  相似文献   

The roles of the various potential ecological and evolutionary causes of spatial population genetic structure (SPGS) cannot in general be inferred from the extant structure alone. However, a stage-specific analysis can provide clues as to the causes of SPGS. We conducted a stage-specific SPGS analysis of a mapped population of about 2000 Trillium grandiflorum (Liliaceae), a long-lived perennial herb. We compared SPGS for juvenile (J), nonreproductive (NR), and reproductive (R) stages. Fisher's exact test showed that genotypes had Hardy-Weinberg frequencies at all loci and stage classes. Allele frequencies did not differ between stages. Bootstrapped 99% confidence intervals (99%CI) indicate that F-statistic values are indistinguishable from zero, (except for a slightly negative FIT for the R stage). Spatial autocorrelation was used to calculate f the average kinship coefficient between individuals within distance intervals. Null hypothesis 99%CIs for f were constructed by repeatedly randomizing genotypic locations. Significant positive fine-scale genetic structure was detected in the R and NR stages, but not in the J stage. This structure was most pronounced in the R stage, and declined by about half in each remaining stage: near-neighbor f = 0.122, 0.065, 0.027, for R, NR, and J, respectively. For R and NR, the near-neighbor f lies outside the null hypothesis 99%CI, indicating kinship at approximately the level of half-sibs and first cousins, respectively. We also simulated the expected SPGS of juveniles post dispersal, based on measured R-stage SPGS, the mating system, and measured pollen and seed dispersal properties. This provides a null hypothesis expectation (as a 99%CI) for the J-stage correlogram, against which to test the likelihood that post-dispersal events have influenced J-stage SPGS. The actual J correlogram lies within the null hypothesis 99%CI for the shortest distance interval and nearly all other distance intervals indicating that the observed low recruitment, random mating and seed dispersal patterns are sufficient to account for the disappearance of SPSG between the R and the J stages. The observed increase in SPGS between J and R stages has two potential explanations: history and local selection. The observed low total allelic diversity is consistent with a past bottleneck: a possible historical explanation. Only a longitudinal stage-specific study of SPGS structure can distinguish between historical events and local selection as causes of increased structure with increasing life history stage.  相似文献   

Blood samples of 561 Lipizzan horses from subpopulations (studs) of seven European countries representing a large fraction of the breed's population were used to examine the genetic diversity, population subdivision and gene flow in the breed. DNA analysis based on 18 microsatellite loci revealed that genetic diversity (observed heterozygosity = 0.663, gene diversity = 0.675 and the mean number of alleles = 7.056) in the Lipizzan horse is similar to other horse breeds as well as to other domestic animal species. The genetic differentiation between Lipizzan horses from different studs, although moderate, was apparent (pairwise F(ST) coefficients ranged from 0.021 to 0.080). Complementary findings explaining the genetic relationship among studs were revealed by genetic distance and principal component analysis. One genetic cluster consisted of the subpopulations of Austria, Italy and Slovenia, which represent the classical pool of Lipizzan horse breeding. A second cluster was formed by the Croatian, Hungarian and Slovakian subpopulations. The Romanian subpopulation formed a separate unit. The largest genetic differentiation was found between the Romanian and Italian subpopulation. Genetic results are consistent with the known breeding history of the Lipizzan horse. Correct stud assignment was obtained for 80.9% and 92.1% of Lipizzan horses depending on the inclusion or exclusion of migrant horses, respectively. The results of the present study will be useful for the development of breeding strategies, which consider classical horse breeding as well as recent achievements of population and conservation genetics.  相似文献   

Over the past century, the Brazilian Atlantic forest has been reduced to small, isolated fragments of forest. Reproductive isolation theories predict a loss of genetic diversity and increases in inbreeding and spatial genetic structure (SGS) in such populations. We analysed eight microsatellite loci to investigate the pollen and seed dispersal patterns, genetic diversity, inbreeding and SGS of the tropical tree Copaifera langsdorffii in a small (4.8 ha), isolated population. All 112 adult trees and 128 seedlings found in the stand were sampled, mapped and genotyped. Seedlings had significantly lower levels of genetic diversity (A=16.5±0.45, mean±95% s.e.; He=0.838±0.006) than did adult trees (A=23.2±0.81; He=0.893±0.030). Parentage analysis did not indicate any seed immigration (mseeds=0) and the pollen immigration rate was very low (mpollen=0.047). The average distance of realized pollen dispersal within the stand was 94 m, with 81% of the pollen travelling <150 m. A significant negative correlation was found between the frequency and distance of pollen dispersal (r=−0.79, P<0.01), indicating that short-distance pollinations were more frequent. A significant SGS for both adults (∼50 m) and seedlings (∼20 m) was also found, indicating that most of the seeds were dispersed over short distances. The results suggested that the spatial isolation of populations by habitat fragmentation can restrict seed and pollen gene flow, increase SGS and affect the genetic diversity of future generations.  相似文献   

Dispersal and establishment are fundamental processes influencing the response of species to environmental changes, and the long-term persistence of populations. A previous study on the symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungus Tricholoma scalpturatum revealed strong genetic differentiations between populations in Western Europe, suggesting restricted dispersal for this wind-dispersed cosmopolitan fungus. Two distinct genetic groups (genetic groups 1 and 2), co-occurring in some locations, were also identified and could correspond to cryptic species. In the present work, we examine the reproductive strategy and dispersal biology of the two T. scalpturatum's genetic groups. Variable molecular markers (intersimple sequence repeats and intergenic spacer 2-restriction fragment length polymorphisms) and spatial autocorrelation analyses were used to examine fine-scale patterns (< 140 m) of genetic structure, in an effort to determine the physical scale at which genetic structure exists. A total of 473 fruit bodies were mapped and collected over 3 years from two plots located in the south of France, including 219 and 254 samples from group 1 and group 2, respectively. High genetic diversity and the presence of numerous small genets were observed in both groups. Autocorrelation analyses revealed significant positive spatial genetic structures of genets at close distances (up to few metres for both groups). Mantel tests confirmed this isolation-by-distance pattern. These results clearly demonstrate high sexual reproduction and spatial structuring of genets at very small geographical scales in this wind-dispersed ectomycorrhizal fungal species, a pattern consistent with restricted contemporary dispersal of spores.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of genetic variation within and between seven subpopulations in a riparian population of Silene tatarica in northern Finland by using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A Bayesian approach-based clustering program indicated that the marker data contained not only one panmictic population, but consisted of seven clusters, and that each original sample site seems to consist of a distinct subpopulation. A coalescent-based simulation approach shows recurrent gene flow between subpopulations. Relative high FST values indicated a clear subpopulation differentiation. However, amova analysis and UPGMA-dendrogram did not suggest any hierarchical regional structuring among the subpopulations. There was no correlation between geographical and genetic distances among the subpopulations, nor any correlation between the subpopulation census size and amount of genetic variation. Estimates of gene flow suggested a low level of gene flow between the subpopulations, and the assignment tests proposed a few long-distance bidirectional dispersal events between the subpopulations. No apparent difference was found in within-subpopulation genetic diversity among upper, middle and lower regions along the river. Relative high amounts of linkage disequilibrium at subpopulation level indicated recent population bottlenecks or admixture, and at metapopulation levels a high subpopulation turnover rate. The overall pattern of genetic variation within and between subpopulations also suggested a 'classical' metapopulation structure of the species suggested by the ecological surveys.  相似文献   

Parentage analysis was conducted to elucidate the patterns and levels of gene flow in Rhododendron metternichii Sieb. et Zucc. var. hondoense Nakai in a 150 x 70 m quadrant in Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan. The population of R. metternichii occurred as three subpopulations at the study site. Seventy seedlings were randomly collected from each of three 10 x 10 m plots (S1, S2, and S3) on the forest floor of each subpopulation (A1, A2, and A3). Almost all parents (93.8%) of the 70 seedlings were unambiguously identified by using 12 pairs of microsatellite markers. Within the quadrant, adult trees less than 5 m from the centre of the seedling bank (plots S1, S2, and S3) produced large numbers of seedlings. The effects of tree height and distance from the seedling bank on the relative fertilities of adult trees were highly variable among subpopulations because of the differences in population structure near the seedling bank: neither distance nor tree height had any significant effect in subpopulation A1; distance from the seedling bank had a significant effect in subpopulation A2; and tree height had a significant effect in subpopulation A3. Although gene flow within each subpopulation was highly restricted to less than 25 m and gene flow among the three subpopulations was extremely small (0-2%), long-distance gene flow from outside the quadrant reached 50%. This long-distance gene flow may be caused by a combination of topographical and vegetational heterogeneity, differences in flowering phenology, and genetic substructuring within subpopulations.  相似文献   

Using mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA data and a population genetic approach, we tested male‐mediated gene flow in the toad‐headed lizards Phrynocephalus przewalskii. The mitochondrial DNA (ND2 gene), on the one hand, revealed two major lineages and a strong population genetic structure (FST = 0.692; FST = 0.995). The pairwise differences between the two lineages ranged from 2.1% to 6.4% and the geographical division of the two lineages coincided with a mountain chain consisting of the Helan and Yin Mountains, suggesting a historical vicariant pattern. On the other hand, the nuclear microsatellite DNA revealed a significant but small population genetic structure (FST = 0.017; FST = 0.372). The pairwise FST among the nine populations examined with seven microsatellite DNA loci ranged from 0.0062 to 0.0266; the assignment test failed to detect any naturally occurring population clusters. Furthermore, the populations demonstrated a weak isolation by distance and a northeast to southwest clinal variation, rather than a vicariant pattern. A historical vicariant event followed by male‐mediated gene flow appears to be the best explanation for the data. Approximately 2–5 Ma, climatic change may have created an uninhabitable zone along the Helan‐Yin mountain chain and initiated the divergence between the two mitochondrial lineages. With further climatic changes, males were able to disperse across the mountain chain, causing sufficient gene flow that eventually erased the vicariant pattern and drastically reduced the population genetic structure, while females remained philopatric and maintained the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) divergence. Although polygyny mating system and female philopatry may partially contribute to the reduced movement of females, other hypotheses, such as female intrasexual aggression, should also be explored.  相似文献   

Knowledge of population structure and genetic diversity and the spatio-temporal demographic processes affecting populations is crucial for effective wildlife preservation, yet these factors are still poorly understood for organisms with large continuous ranges. Available population genetic data reveal that widespread mammals have for the most part only been carefully studied at the local population scale, which is insufficient for understanding population processes at larger scales. Here, we provide data on population structure, genetic diversity and gene flow in a brown bear population inhabiting the large territory of northwestern Eurasia. Analysis of 17 microsatellite loci indicated significant population substructure, consisting of four genetic groups. While three genetic clusters were confined to small geographical areas-located in Estonia, southern Finland and Leningrad oblast, Russia-the fourth cluster spanned a very large area broadly falling between northern Finland and the Arkhangelsk and Kirov oblasts of Russia. Thus, the data indicate a complex pattern where a fraction of the population exhibits large-scale gene flow that is unparalleled by other wild mammals studied to date, while the remainder of the population appears to have been structured by a combination of demographic history and landscape barriers. These results based on nuclear data are generally in good agreement with evidence previously derived using mitochondrial markers, and taken together, these markers provide complementary information about female-specific and population-level processes. Moreover, this study conveys information about spatial processes occurring over multiple generations that cannot be readily gained using other approaches, e.g. telemetry.  相似文献   

In natural plant populations, fine-scale spatial genetic structure can result from limited gene flow, selection pressures or historical events, but the role of each factor is in general hard to discern. One way to investigate the origination of spatial genetic structure within a plant population consists of comparing spatial genetic structure among different life history stages. In this study, spatial genetic structure of the food-deceptive orchid Orchis purpurea was determined across life history stages in two populations that were regenerating after many years of population decline. Based on demographic analyses (2001-2004), we distinguished between recruits and adult plants. For both sites, there was no difference in the proportion of polymorphic loci and expected heterozygosity between life history stages. However, spatial autocorrelation analyses showed that spatial genetic structure increased in magnitude with life history stage. Weak or no spatial genetic structure was observed for recruits, whereas adult plants showed a pattern that is consistent with that found in other species with a predominantly outcrossing mating system. The observed differences between seedlings and adults are probably a consequence of changes in management of the two study sites and associated demographic changes in both populations. Our results illustrate that recurrent population crashes and recovery may strongly affect genetic diversity and fine-scale spatial genetic structure of plant populations.  相似文献   

Trees' long lifespan, long-distance dispersal abilities and high year-to-year variability in fecundity are thought to have pervasive consequences for the demographic and genetic structure of recruited seedlings. However, we still lack experimental studies quantifying the respective roles of spatial processes such as restricted seed and pollen dispersal and temporal processes such as mast seeding on patterns of regeneration. Dynamics of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) seedling recruitment was monitored in three plots from 2004 to 2006. Six polymorphic microsatellite genetic markers were used to characterize seedlings and their potential parents in a 7.2-ha stand. These seedlings were shown to result from 12 years of recruitment, with one predominant year of seedling recruitment in 2002 and several years without significant recruitment. Using a spatially explicit mating model based on parentage assignment, short average dispersal distances for seed (δ(s) = 10.9 m) and pollen (43.7 m < δ(p) <57.3 m) were found, but there was also a non-negligible immigration rate from outside the plot (m(s) = 20.5%; 71.6% < m(p) < 77.9%). Hierarchical analyses of seedling genetic structure showed that (i) most of the genetic variation was within plots; (ii) the genetic differentiation among seedling plots was significant (F(ST) = 2.6%) while (iii) there was no effect of year-to-year seed rain variation on genetic structure. In addition, no significant effect of genetic structure on mortality was detected. The consequences of these results for the prediction of population dynamics at ecological timescales are discussed.  相似文献   

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