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DNA ligase I joins Okazaki fragments during DNA replication and completes certain excision repair pathways. The participation of DNA ligase I in these transactions is directed by physical and functional interactions with proliferating cell nuclear antigen, a DNA sliding clamp, and, replication factor C (RFC), the clamp loader. Here we show that DNA ligase I also interacts with the hRad17 subunit of the hRad17-RFC cell cycle checkpoint clamp loader, and with each of the subunits of its DNA sliding clamp, the heterotrimeric hRad9-hRad1-hHus1 complex. In contrast to the inhibitory effect of RFC, hRad17-RFC stimulates joining by DNA ligase I. Similar results were obtained with the homologous Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins indicating that the interaction between the replicative DNA ligase and checkpoint clamp is conserved in eukaryotes. Notably, we show that hRad17 preferentially interacts with and specifically stimulates dephosphorylated DNA ligase I. Moreover, there is an increased association between DNA ligase I and hRad17 in S phase following DNA damage and replication blockage that occurs concomitantly with DNA damage-induced dephosphorylation of chromatin-associated DNA ligase I. Thus, our results suggest that the in vivo interaction between DNA ligase I and the checkpoint clamp loader is regulated by post-translational modification of DNA ligase I.  相似文献   

Efficient processing of Okazaki fragments generated during discontinuous lagging-strand DNA replication is critical for the maintenance of genome integrity. In eukaryotes, a number of enzymes co-ordinate to ensure the removal of initiating primers from the 5'-end of each fragment and the generation of a covalently linked daughter strand. Studies in eukaryotic systems have revealed that the co-ordination of DNA polymerase δ and FEN-1 (Flap Endonuclease 1) is sufficient to remove the majority of primers. Other pathways such as that involving Dna2 also operate under certain conditions, although, notably, Dna2 is not universally conserved between eukaryotes and archaea, unlike the other core factors. In addition to the catalytic components, the DNA sliding clamp, PCNA (proliferating-cell nuclear antigen), plays a pivotal role in binding and co-ordinating these enzymes at sites of lagging-strand replication. Structural studies in eukaryotic and archaeal systems have revealed that PCNA-binding proteins can adopt different conformations when binding PCNA. This conformational malleability may be key to the co-ordination of these enzymes' activities.  相似文献   

DNA ligase I belongs to a family of proteins that bind to proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) via a conserved 8-amino-acid motif [1]. Here we examine the biological significance of this interaction. Inactivation of the PCNA-binding site of DNA ligase I had no effect on its catalytic activity or its interaction with DNA polymerase beta. In contrast, the loss of PCNA binding severely compromised the ability of DNA ligase I to join Okazaki fragments. Thus, the interaction between PCNA and DNA ligase I is not only critical for the subnuclear targeting of the ligase, but also for coordination of the molecular transactions that occur during lagging-strand synthesis. A functional PCNA-binding site was also required for the ligase to complement hypersensitivity of the DNA ligase I mutant cell line 46BR.1G1 to monofunctional alkylating agents, indicating that a cytotoxic lesion is repaired by a PCNA-dependent DNA repair pathway. Extracts from 46BR.1G1 cells were defective in long-patch, but not short-patch, base-excision repair (BER). Our results show that the interaction between PCNA and DNA ligase I has a key role in long-patch BER and provide the first evidence for the biological significance of this repair mechanism.  相似文献   

Sliding clamps are loaded onto DNA by ATP-dependent clamp loader complexes. A recent crystal structure of a clamp loader-clamp complex suggested an unexpected mechanism for DNA recognition, in which the ATPase subunits of the loader spiral around primed DNA. We report the results of fluorescence-based assays that probe the mechanism of the Escherichia coli clamp loader and show that conserved residues clustered within the inner surface of the modeled clamp loader spiral are critical for DNA recognition, DNA-dependent ATPase activity and clamp release. Duplex DNA with a 5'-overhang single-stranded region (corresponding to correctly primed DNA) stimulates clamp release, as does blunt-ended duplex DNA, whereas duplex DNA with a 3' overhang and single-stranded DNA are ineffective. These results provide evidence for the recognition of DNA within an inner chamber formed by the spiral organization of the ATPase domains of the clamp loader.  相似文献   

Sliding clamps are ring-shaped proteins that tether DNA polymerases to their templates during processive DNA replication. The action of ATP-dependent clamp loader complexes is required to open the circular clamps and to load them onto DNA. The crystal structure of the pentameric clamp loader complex from Escherichia coli (the gamma complex), determined in the absence of nucleotides, revealed a highly asymmetric and extended form of the clamp loader. Consideration of this structure suggested that a compact and more symmetrical inactive form may predominate in solution in the absence of crystal packing forces. This model has the N-terminal domains of the delta and delta' subunits of the clamp loader close to each other in the inactive state, with the clamp loader opening in a crab-claw-like fashion upon ATP-binding. We have used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to investigate the structural changes in the E.coli clamp loader complex that result from ATP-binding and interactions between the clamp loader and the beta clamp. FRET measurements using fluorophores placed in the N-terminal domains of the delta and delta' subunits indicate that the distances between these subunits in solution are consistent with the previously crystallized extended form of the clamp loader. Furthermore, the addition of nucleotide and clamp to the labeled clamp loader does not appreciably alter these FRET distances. Our results suggest that the changes that occur in the relative positioning of the delta and delta' subunits when ATP binds to and activates the complex are subtle, and that crab-claw-like movements are not a significant component of the clamp loader mechanism.  相似文献   

Replication factor C (RFC) catalyzes assembly of circular proliferating cell nuclear antigen clamps around primed DNA, enabling processive synthesis by DNA polymerase during DNA replication and repair. In order to perform this function efficiently, RFC must rapidly recognize primed DNA as the substrate for clamp assembly, particularly during lagging strand synthesis. Earlier reports as well as quantitative DNA binding experiments from this study indicate, however, that RFC interacts with primer-template as well as single- and double-stranded DNA (ssDNA and dsDNA, respectively) with similar high affinity (apparent K(d) approximately 10 nm). How then can RFC distinguish primed DNA sites from excess ssDNA and dsDNA at the replication fork? Further analysis reveals that despite its high affinity for various DNA structures, RFC selects primer-template DNA even in the presence of a 50-fold excess of ssDNA and dsDNA. The interaction between ssDNA or dsDNA and RFC is far less stable than between primed DNA and RFC (k(off) > 0.2 s(-1) versus 0.025 s(-1), respectively). We propose that the ability to rapidly bind and release single- and double-stranded DNA coupled with selective, stable binding to primer-template DNA allows RFC to scan DNA efficiently for primed sites where it can pause to initiate clamp assembly.  相似文献   

The DNA damage clamp loader replication factor C (RFC-Rad24) consists of the Rad24 protein and the four small Rfc2-5 subunits of RFC. This complex loads the heterotrimeric DNA damage clamp consisting of Rad17, Mec3, and Ddc1 (Rad17/3/1) onto partial duplex DNA in an ATP-dependent manner. Interactions between the clamp loader and the clamp have been proposed to mirror those of the replication clamp loader RFC and the sliding clamp proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). In that system, three ATP molecules bound to the Rfc2, Rfc3, and Rfc4 subunits are necessary and sufficient for efficient loading of PCNA, whereas ATP binding to Rfc1 is not required. In contrast, in this study, we show that mutant RFC-Rad24 with a rad24-K115E mutation in the ATP-binding domain of Rad24 shows defects in the ATPase of the complex and is defective for interaction with Rad17/3/1 and for loading of the checkpoint clamp. A similar defect was measured with a mutant RFC-Rad24 clamp loader carrying a rfc4K55R ATP-binding mutation, whereas the rfc4K55E clamp loader showed partial loading activity, in agreement with genetic studies of these mutants. These studies show that ATP utilization by the checkpoint clamp/clamp loader system is effectively different from that by the structurally analogous replication system.  相似文献   

The cellular pathways involved in maintaining genome stability halt cell cycle progression in the presence of DNA damage or incomplete replication. Proteins required for this pathway include Rad17, Rad9, Hus1, Rad1, and Rfc-2, Rfc-3, Rfc-4, and Rfc-5. The heteropentamer replication factor C (RFC) loads during DNA replication the homotrimer proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) polymerase clamp onto DNA. Sequence similarities suggest the biochemical functions of an RSR (Rad17–Rfc2–Rfc3–Rfc4–Rfc5) complex and an RHR heterotrimer (Rad1–Hus1–Rad9) may be similar to that of RFC and PCNA, respectively. RSR purified from human cells loads RHR onto DNA in an ATP-, replication protein A-, and DNA structure-dependent manner. Interestingly, RSR and RFC differed in their ATPase activities and displayed distinct DNA substrate specificities. RSR preferred DNA substrates possessing 5′ recessed ends whereas RFC preferred 3′ recessed end DNA substrates. Characterization of the biochemical loading reaction executed by the checkpoint clamp loader RSR suggests new insights into the mechanisms underlying recognition of damage-induced DNA structures and signaling to cell cycle controls. The observation that RSR loads its clamp onto a 5′ recessed end supports a potential role for RHR and RSR in diverse DNA metabolism, such as stalled DNA replication forks, recombination-linked DNA repair, and telomere maintenance, among other processes.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) to ub-PCNA is essential for DNA replication across bulky template lesions caused by UV radiation and alkylating agents, as ub-PCNA orchestrates the recruitment and switching of translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases with replication polymerases. This allows replication to proceed, leaving the DNA to be repaired subsequently. Defects in a TLS polymerase, Pol η, lead to a form of Xeroderma pigmentosum, a disease characterized by severe skin sensitivity to sunlight damage and an increased incidence of skin cancer. Structurally, however, information on how ub-PCNA orchestrates the switching of these two classes of polymerases is lacking. We have solved the structure of ub-PCNA and demonstrate that the ubiquitin molecules in ub-PCNA are radially extended away from the PCNA without structural contact aside from the isopeptide bond linkage. This unique orientation provides an open platform for the recruitment of TLS polymerases through ubiquitin-interacting domains. However, the ubiquitin moieties, to the side of the equatorial PCNA plane, can place spatial constraints on the conformational flexibility of proteins bound to ub-PCNA. We show that ub-PCNA is impaired in its ability to support the coordinated actions of Fen1 and Pol δ in assays mimicking Okazaki fragment processing. This provides evidence for the novel concept that ub-PCNA may modulate additional DNA transactions other than TLS polymerase recruitment and switching.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli chromosomal replicase, DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, is highly processive during DNA synthesis. Underlying high processivity is a ring-shaped protein, the beta clamp, that encircles DNA and slides along it, thereby tethering the enzyme to the template. The beta clamp is assembled onto DNA by the multiprotein gamma complex clamp loader that opens and closes the beta ring around DNA in an ATP-dependent manner. This study examines the DNA structure required for clamp loading action. We found that the gamma complex assembles beta onto supercoiled DNA (replicative form I), but only at very low ionic strength, where regions of unwound DNA may exist in the duplex. Consistent with this, the gamma complex does not assemble beta onto relaxed closed circular DNA even at low ionic strength. Hence, a 3'-end is not required for clamp loading, but a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)/double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) junction can be utilized as a substrate, a result confirmed using synthetic oligonucleotides that form forked ssDNA/dsDNA junctions on M13 ssDNA. On a flush primed template, the gamma complex exhibits polarity; it acts specifically at the 3'-ssDNA/dsDNA junction to assemble beta onto the DNA. The gamma complex can assemble beta onto a primed site as short as 10 nucleotides, corresponding to the width of the beta ring. However, a protein block placed closer than 14 base pairs (bp) upstream from the primer 3' terminus prevents the clamp loading reaction, indicating that the gamma complex and its associated beta clamp interact with approximately 14-16 bp at a ssDNA/dsDNA junction during the clamp loading operation. A protein block positioned closer than 20-22 bp from the 3' terminus prevents use of the clamp by the polymerase in chain elongation, indicating that the polymerase has an even greater spatial requirement than the gamma complex on the duplex portion of the primed site for function with beta. Interestingly, DNA secondary structure elements placed near the 3' terminus impose similar steric limits on the gamma complex and polymerase action with beta. The possible biological significance of these structural constraints is discussed.  相似文献   

Replication factor C (RFC) is a five-subunit complex that loads proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) clamps onto primer-template DNA (ptDNA) during replication. RFC subunits belong to the AAA(+) superfamily, and their ATPase activity drives interactions between the clamp loader, the clamp, and the ptDNA, leading to topologically linked PCNA·ptDNA. We report the kinetics of transient events in Saccharomyces cerevisiae RFC-catalyzed PCNA loading, including ATP-induced RFC activation, PCNA opening, ptDNA binding, ATP hydrolysis, PCNA closing, and PCNA·ptDNA release. This detailed perspective enables assessment of individual RFC-A, RFC-B, RFC-C, RFC-D, and RFC-E subunit functions in the reaction mechanism. Functions have been ascribed to RFC subunits previously based on a steady-state analysis of 'arginine-finger' ATPase mutants; however, pre-steady-state analysis provides a different view. The central subunit RFC-C serves as a critical swivel point in the clamp loader. ATP binding to this subunit initiates RFC activation, and the clamp loader adopts a spiral conformation that stabilizes PCNA in a corresponding open spiral. The importance of RFC subunit response to ATP binding decreases as RFC-C>RFC-D>RFC-B, with RFC-A being unnecessary. RFC-C-dependent activation of RFC also enables ptDNA binding, leading to the formation of the RFC·ATP·PCNA(open)·ptDNA complex. Subsequent ATP hydrolysis leads to complex dissociation, with RFC-D activity contributing the most to rapid ptDNA release. The pivotal role of the RFC-B/C/D subunit ATPase core in clamp loading is consistent with the similar central location of all three ATPase active subunits of the Escherichia coli clamp loader.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli beta dimer is a ring-shaped protein that encircles DNA and acts as a sliding clamp to tether the replicase, DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, to DNA. The gamma complex (gammadeltadelta'chipsi) clamp loader couples ATP to the opening and closing of beta in assembly of the ring onto DNA. These proteins are functionally and structurally conserved in all cells. The eukaryotic equivalents are the replication factor C (RFC) clamp loader and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) clamp. The delta subunit of the E. coli gamma complex clamp loader is known to bind beta and open it by parting one of the dimer interfaces. This study demonstrates that other subunits of gamma complex also bind beta, although weaker than delta. The gamma subunit like delta, affects the opening of beta, but with a lower efficiency than delta. The delta' subunit regulates both gamma and delta ring opening activities in a fashion that is modulated by ATP interaction with gamma. The implications of these actions for the workings of the E. coli clamp loading machinery and for eukaryotic RFC and PCNA are discussed.  相似文献   

A Y-chromosomal DNA fragment is conserved in human and chimpanzee.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A human male-specific Y-chromosomal DNA fragment (lambda YH2D6) has been isolated. By deletion-mapping analysis, 2D6 has been localized to the euchromatic portion of the long arm (Yq11) of the human Y chromosome. Among great apes, this fragment was found to be conserved in male chimpanzee but was lacking in male gorilla and male orangutan. No homologous fragments were detected in females of orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzee, or human. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicated the presence of partial-Alu-elements and of sequences similar to the GATA repeats of the snake Bkm sequence.  相似文献   

In Gram negative Escherichia coli there are two well-characterised primosomal assembly processes, the PriA- and DnaA-mediated cascades. The presence of PriA and DnaA proteins in Gram positive Bacillus spp. supports the assumption that both the PriA- and DnaA-mediated primosomal assembly cascades also operate in these organisms. However, the lack of sequence homology between the rest of the primosomal proteins indicates significant differences between these two bacterial species. Central to the process of primosomal assembly is the loading of the main hexameric replicative helicase (DnaB in E.coli and DnaC in Bacillus subtilis) on the DNA. This loading is achieved by specialised proteins known as ‘helicase loaders’. In E.coli DnaT and DnaC are responsible for loading DnaB onto the DNA during primosome assembly, in the PriA- and DnaA-mediated cascades, respectively. In Bacillus the identity of the helicase loader is still not established unequivocally. In this paper we provide evidence for a functional interaction between the primosomal protein DnaI from B.subtilis and the main hexameric replicative helicase DnaB from Bacillus stearothermophilus. Our results are consistent with the putative role of DnaI as the ‘helicase loader’ in the Gram positive Bacillus spp.  相似文献   

DNA ligases are crucial for most DNA transactions, including DNA replication, repair and recombination. Recently, DNA ligase III (Lig3) has been demonstrated to be crucial for cell survival due to its catalytic function in mitochondria. This review summarizes these recent results and reports on a hitherto unappreciated widespread phylogenetic presence of Lig3 in eukaryotes, including in some organisms before the divergence of metazoa. Analysis of these putative Lig3 homologs suggests that many of them are likely to be found in mitochondria and to be critical for mitochondrial function.Key words: genetics, molecular biology, DNA ligases, genome integrity, DNA repair  相似文献   

The data in the present study show that DNA polymerase gamma and DNA ligase III interact in mitochondrial protein extracts from cultured HT1080 cells. An interaction was also observed between the two recombinant proteins in vitro. Expression of catalytically inert versions of DNA ligase III that bind DNA polymerase gamma was associated with reduced mitochondrial DNA copy number and integrity. In contrast, overexpression of wild-type DNA ligase III had no effect on mitochondrial DNA copy number or integrity. Experiments revealed that wild-type DNA ligase III facilitates the interaction of DNA polymerase gamma with a nicked DNA substrate in vitro, and that the zinc finger domain of DNA ligase III is required for this activity. Mitochondrial protein extracts prepared from cells overexpressing a DNA ligase III protein that lacked the zinc finger domain had reduced base excision repair activity compared with extracts from cells overexpressing the wild-type protein. These data support the interpretation that the interaction of DNA ligase III and DNA polymerase gamma is required for proper maintenance of the mammalian mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

Ku-dependent C-NHEJ (classic non-homologous end joining) is the primary DNA EJing (end joining) repair pathway in mammals. Recently, an additional EJing repair pathway (A-NHEJ; alternative-NHEJ) has been described. Currently, the mechanism of A-NHEJ is obscure although a dependency on LIGIII (DNA ligase III) is often implicated. To test the requirement for LIGIII in A-NHEJ we constructed a LIGIII conditionally-null human cell line using gene targeting. Nuclear EJing activity appeared unaffected by a deficiency in LIGIII as, surprisingly, so were random gene targeting integration events. In contrast, LIGIII was required for mitochondrial function and this defined the gene's essential activity. Human Ku:LIGIII and Ku:LIGIV (DNA ligase IV) double knockout cell lines, however, demonstrated that LIGIII is required for the enhanced A-NHEJ activity that is observed in Ku-deficient cells. Most unexpectedly, however, the majority of EJing events remained LIGIV-dependent. In conclusion, although human LIGIII has an essential function in mitochondrial maintenance, it is dispensable for most types of nuclear DSB repair, except for the A-NHEJ events that are normally suppressed by Ku. Moreover, we describe that a robust Ku-independent, LIGIV-dependent repair pathway exists in human somatic cells.  相似文献   

XRCC1, the human gene that fully corrects the Chinese hamster ovary DNA repair mutant EM9, encodes a protein involved in the rejoining of DNA single-strand breaks that arise following treatment with alkylating agents or ionizing radiation. In this study, a cDNA minigene encoding oligohistidine-tagged XRCC1 was constructed to facilitate affinity purification of the recombinant protein. This construct, designated pcD2EHX, fully corrected the EM9 phenotype of high sister chromatid exchange, indicating that the histidine tag was not detrimental to XRCC1 activity. Affinity chromatography of extract from EM9 cells transfected with pcD2EHX resulted in the copurification of histidine-tagged XRCC1 and DNA ligase III activity. Neither XRCC1 or DNA ligase III activity was purified during affinity chromatography of extract from EM9 cells transfected with pcD2EX, a cDNA minigene that encodes untagged XRCC1, or extract from wild-type AA8 or untransfected EM9 cells. The copurification of DNA ligase III activity with histidine-tagged XRCC1 suggests that the two proteins are present in the cell as a complex. Furthermore, DNA ligase III activity was present at lower levels in EM9 cells than in AA8 cells and was returned to normal levels in EM9 cells transfected with pcD2EHX or pcD2EX. These findings indicate that XRCC1 is required for normal levels of DNA ligase III activity, and they implicate a major role for this DNA ligase in DNA base excision repair in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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