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Monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity was measured in ring dove (Streptopelia risoria) tissues using a fluorometric assay with kynuramine as substrate. Harmaline inhibited MAO activity in a time-dependent manner, and preincubation of enzyme with the drug did not affect its activity. Pargyline produced a slow-onsetting inhibition of activity which was enhanced by preincubation of enzyme and inhibitor. Harmaline displayed reversible non-competitive inhibition of MAO activity. Oxygen is also a substrate for dove MAO, and the reaction apparently involves "ping-pong", double-displacement kinetics. Dove MAO activity is temperature-dependent, with an activation energy of 13.1 kcal/mole.  相似文献   

A functional connection between the pineal gland and the immune system in mammals and birds has been established. This study investigates the effect of melatonin upon the non-specific immunity of heterophils isolated from the ring dove. The different stages of the phagocytic process: adherence to nylon fiber, spontaneous and induced mobility, ingestion of latex beads and digestion were evaluated for heterophils incubated in the presence of 5, 25, 50, 75, or 100 \sgmaelig;M of melatonin. In addition, the chemoattractant power of the hormone for heterophils was studied. The 100 \sgmaelig;M melatonin dose possessed a significant chemoattractant ability for heterophils whilst ingestion of latex particles was enhanced at all doses studied. The superoxide anion level, as measured by the free radicals produced during the metabolic burst, is decreased after incubation with 100 \sgmaelig;M of melatonin.  相似文献   

Changes in immune parameters following antigen administration were evaluated in non-breeding and incubating, male and female ring doves. The time course in the changes in immune parameters in response to antigen agrees closely with earlier studies on the domestic fowl. Incubating doves possessed phagocytes with increased activity, although there was no increase in cell number. These results suggest that in the incubating bird, with high levels of plasma prolactin, there is an antigen-independent increase in immune cell activity but no antigen-dependent action on cell number. The biological significance of the changes in the immune system during incubation awaits further study.  相似文献   

Aromatase activity was measured in striatal and hypothalamic regions of the brain of the male ring dove throughout its breeding cycle. The enzyme activity in the anterior hypothalamus and hyperstriatum was significantly reduced in broody birds. A reduction in plasma LH and the number of spermatogonia per tubule cross-section were also observed at this time. The results support the view that testosterone is involved in the control of aromatase activity in the anterior hypothalamus and hyperstriatum. The enzyme activity in the posterior hypothalamus, paleostriatum and archistriatum showed no changes throughout the breeding cycle, indicating that other factors in addition to testosterone are involved in controlling the enzyme in these tissues.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to investigate factors which determine the duration of sitting in ring doves. This normally lasts ca. 19 days from laying, with very small variation. The period is made up of 15 days incubating eggs and 4-5 days brooding squabs. The duration of sitting is unaffected by substituting fresh or sterile eggs, and can only be slightly influenced by substituting foster squabs or new eggs just before or after hatching. The sitting period appears to be predetermined to run for 19 days following laying. The maintenance of sitting, however, requires the presence of the nest and eggs, and can be drastically varied by keeping subjects in continuous daylight or on a day of 6 hr light:6 hr dark (6 L:6 D). Birds kept on ahemeral cycles (11 L: 10 D; 13 L:14 D) displayed significantly different periods of incubation on infertile eggs and recycling, indicative of an endogenous circadian basis to the timing mechanism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effect of exogenous prolactin on the haemolytic and bactericidal capacity of serum obtained from ring doves (Streptopelia risoria) previously injected with either bovine serum albumin or saline solution. Haemolytic activity was measured in CH-50 units (which represents the capacity of serum complement to lyse 50% of sheep red blood cells in the presence of specific antibody) and the bactericidal activity was estimated from the number of colony-forming units ofStaphylococcus aureus which survived after 24 h of incubation in the presence of serum. The results indicated that: (1) bovine serum albumin stimulated both haemolytic and bactericidal activity, the highest values occurring 24 h and 4 days after administration, respectively. (2) Prolactin induced an increase in the haemolytic activity of complement. (3) The administration of bovine serum albumin to animals previously treated with prolactin produced a greater stimulation than either bovine serum albumin or prolactin alone.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - CFT complement fixation test - CFU colony-forming units - CH-50 units, the reciprocal of the complement dilution with 50% lysis of the hemolysin-treated erythrocytes - IU international units - PBS phosphate-buffered saline solution - SS saline solution  相似文献   

Numerous recent studies have shown the ability of physiological as well as all pharmacological concentrations of melatonin to prevent oxidative stress. We have found that incubating avian heterophils from young birds with a pharmacological concentration of 100 μM (23 × 106 pg/ml) melatonin reduced superoxide anion levels by modulating the activity of superoxide dismutase while also enhancing phagocytosis. There was also a decline in lipid peroxidation levels with both physiological and pharmacological concentrations of this indolamine.

In the present work, we evaluated malonaldehyde (MDA) levels as an indicator of lipid peroxidation (both basal and antigen-induced) in young and old animals (ring doves) at different times of day (16:00 and 00:00) and with two incubation times (15 and 60 min). The lipid peroxidation was also measured in heterophils from old animals, incubated with the physiological concentrations of melatonin measured in young animals (50 and 300 pg/ml, diurnal and nocturnal, respectively). The results, expressed as nmol MDA/mg protein, show that MDA levels were higher in heterophils of old animals than in the young birds in all the experimental groups studied at both 16:00 and 00:00 (00:00 is the time at which the lowest peroxidation levels were obtained). Incubation with melatonin was found to reduce MDA levels, with the maximum reduction being after the 60 min incubation time and the nocturnal melatonin concentration. At both concentrations (diurnal and nocturnal), melatonin also counteracted the enhancement of MDA levels caused by latex beads, with the effect being greater at the longer incubation time. In conclusion, the results are further evidence of the antioxidant effect of melatonin even at physiological concentrations, and suggest its utility as a therapeutic agent in some pathological processes associated with age.  相似文献   

The possible relationship between the circadian rhythm of blood levels of melatonin and corticosterone in ring dove (Streptopelia risoria) subjected to both immobilization stress and immobilization stress plus dexamethasone treatment were studied. The results show changes in the circadian rhythm of melatonin, with increased day-time levels in situations of stress accompanied by increased corticosterone levels. The highest blood melatonin levels over the 24 h of the study were obtained when the animals were treated with dexamethasone and then subjected to stress. Given the antioxidant role of melatonin, our results support the idea of melatonin-corticosterone coupling with the possibility that melatonin released in situations of stress counteracts the adverse effects of glucocorticoids on the organism.  相似文献   

These studies explored the possibility that glucocorticoids promote parental care in ring doves by mediating, at least in part, the pronounced increase in food consumption that parent doves exhibit while provisioning their young. Plasma concentrations of the endogenous glucocorticoid corticosterone were found to be significantly higher in breeding females during the posthatching phase than during the incubation period. These differences were not observed in male breeding partners, but sex differences in daily activity rhythms are well documented in breeding doves, and blood sampling at different times of day would be required to adequately characterize the pattern of corticosterone in males during these breeding stages. In studies on nonbreeding doves, twice-daily intracerebroventricular (icv) injections of the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) increased food intake by 25-50% in both sexes, and further studies in males revealed that the increase was directly related to the dose of DEX administered. The highest dose of DEX given icv (1.0 microg/day) was not effective in stimulating feeding when given systemically, thereby suggesting that the hyperphagic action of DEX is exerted directly on the central nervous system. The icv infusion of the selective glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU38486 blocked the hyperphagic effects of twice-daily icv injections of DEX in both sexes. Collectively, these data support the hypothesis that corticosterone contributes to the parental hyperphagia exhibited by breeding doves during the posthatching period. They also suggest that these orexigenic effects are mediated in part by CNS binding sites that resemble mammalian glucocorticoid receptors.  相似文献   

Section of the efferent pathways from the archistriatum in the Barbary Dove, leads to an immediate and persisting change in emotionality. The birds no longer react fearfully to the presence of a model predator, whereas control groups in which either the tractus occipito-mesencephalicus remains intact, or when the midline connections of the anterior commissure only are sectioned, continue to behave normally. This lack of responsiveness remains even under conditions of changing endogenous levels of hormone in the course of a normal breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity was determined fluorometrically in brain, intestine, kidney and liver tissues of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. MAO activity was inhibited by various drugs in a concentration-related manner, with single sigmoid inhibition curves, the inhibitors of type A MAO, harmaline and clorgyline being more effective than deprenyl, an inhibitor of type B MAO. Intestine exhibited greatest MAO activity followed by liver and brain with kidney showing least activity. The Michaelis constants (Km) also showed variability between tissues. Inhibition of MAO by harmaline was non-competitive and dependent on the concentration of substrate present.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine in the ring dove, the effects of aromatase inhibition on the expression of aggressive courtship and nest-soliciting behaviours in relation to the distribution of cells containing immunoreactive androgen (AR) and progesterone (PR) receptor in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Isolated sexually experienced ring doves were transferred in opposite sex pairs to individual breeding cages, and then injected with the aromatase inhibitor, fadrozole (four males and four females), or saline vehicle (four males and four females) for 3 days at 12 hourly intervals. Saline-injected control males displayed aggressive courtship behaviours (bow-cooing and hop-charging) and nest-soliciting throughout the study, and control females displayed nest-soliciting. By day 3, fadrozole treatment resulted in the disappearance of all these behaviours and in a decrease or disappearance of AR and PR in the anterior pituitary gland, and in the nucleus preopticus paraventricularis magnocellularis (PPM), nucleus preopticus medialis (POM), nucleus hypothalami lateralis posterioris (PLH), and ventral, lateral and dorsal nucleus tuberalis in the hypothalamus (VTu, LTu, DTu). In the nucleus preopticus anterior (POA), fadrozole treatment decreased AR in both sexes and decreased PR in females but not in males. Cells containing co-localized nuclear AR and PR were found in all hypothalamic areas examined, and in the anterior pituitary gland. Fadrozole is suggested to reduce the local availability of estrogen required indirectly for the induction of AR, and except in cells containing PR in the male POA, for the direct induction of PR. It is suggested that aggressive courtship behaviour is terminated by “cross talk” between aromatase-independent PR and aromatase-dependent AR co-localized in neurons in the POA. Aromatase-independent PR may increase in the male POA in response to visual cues provided by a partner. Aromatase-dependent PR in the POM, and basal hypothalamus may play a role in the facilitatory effect of progesterone on estrogen-induced nest-orientated behaviours. (Mol Cell Biochem 276: 193–204, 2005)  相似文献   

Within the 45 days after an oviposition, fewer female doves which had laid fertile eggs laid a subsequent clutch than did females which had laid infertile eggs. During incubation the fertile eggs were replaced by infertile ones; therefore, this difference was not a result of raising squabs.  相似文献   

Monoamine oxidase (MAO), a mitochondrial enzyme involved in the degradation of biogenic amines, has been associated with psychiatric morbidity. Although twin and family studies have indicated that MAO activity is familial, the exact mode of transmission is unclear. We performed segregation analysis on 154 nuclear families containing 419 individuals using the mixed model, which allows for a single major locus with a polygenic background. We were able to reject a dominant and additive locus with or without a heritable background and a recessive locus without background. The acceptable models were: (1) a codominant model without background where the mean of the heterozygote distribution was 30% of the distance from the low to the high homozygote distributions, and (2) a recessive locus with heritable background. In both cases, the gene frequency for the high-MAO allele is approximately .25--at odds with suggestions that low-MAO represents a genetic marker for a disorder such as schizophrenia with a lifetime risk of only 0.85%. To ensure that results were not artifacts from a familial, skewed distribution, the data were also analyzed after power transformation. In addition, hypotheses were tested using both the joint and conditional likelihoods to examine for possible misspecification of the model with respect to intergenerational differences. Finally, we allowed for non-Mendelian transmission probabilities to provide another class of alternatives against which to test the hypothesis of a major locus. All these approaches provided additional confirmation for the presence of a major locus segregating within these families.  相似文献   

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