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Selected plants used in Rwandan traditional medicine for the treatment of infections and/or rheumatoid diseases were investigated for antiviral activity in vitro against human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1). Of the 38 tested 80% ethanolic extracts, belonging to plants of 21 different families only the extracts from the leaves of Aspilia pluriseta (Asteraceae) and Rumex bequaertii (Polygonaceae) had interesting selectivity indices (SI = ratio of the 50% cytotoxic concentration to the 50% effective antiviral concentration) higher than 1. Further fractionation of the initially antivirally inactive ethanolic extract of Tithonia diversifolia, however, led to an aqueous fraction with a high anti-HIV-1 activity (SI > 461), indicating that the cytotoxicity of some plant components may mask the antiviral properties of the active plant substances in total plant extracts.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid (NC) protein of the human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) plays an important role in the encapsidation of viral RNA and assembly of viral particle. Since the NC protein is resistant for mutation, it might be an excellent target for the anti-viral therapy. RNA aptamers that bind to the mature form of the NC protein were isolated from a RNA library. Surface plasmon resonance measurement and gel shift assay showed that the RNA aptamers specifically bind to the NC protein with high affinity and compete for the psi RNA binding to the NC protein. Mapping of the RNA aptamer showed at least two sites for the protein binding, suggesting a multiple and cooperative binding by the NC to RNA. In addition, the circular form of RNA avidly binds to the NC protein as a linear counter does. Stabilized RNA aptamer is expected to act as an inhibitor for the viral packaging.  相似文献   

The oligomerization of HIV-1 Gag and Gag-Pol proteins, which are assembled at the plasma membrane, leads to viral budding. The budding generally places the viral components under non-reducing conditions. Here the effects of non-reducing conditions on Gag structures and viral RNA protection were examined. Using different reducing conditions and SDS-PAGE, it was shown that oligomerized Gag possesses intermolecular covalent bonds under non-reducing conditions. In addition, it was demonstrated that the mature viral core contains a large amount of covalent bonded Gag multimers, as does the immature core. Viral genomic RNA becomes sensitive to ribonuclease in reducing conditions. These results suggest that, under non-reducing conditions, covalent bonded Gag multimers are formed within the viral particles and play a role in protection of the viral genome.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of electrical stimulation on HIV-1-adsorbed MAGIC-5 (MAGIC-5/HIV-1) cells and unadsorbed MAGIC-5 (MAGIC-5) cells. When MAGIC-5 cells were stimulated by a constant d.c. potential of 1.0 V (vs Ag/Agcl) immediately after HIV-1LAI infection, infectivity was more affected by electrical stimulation than by cell membrane damage. In particular, after application of potential at 1.0 V for 5 min, about 1% of the membranes of the MAGIC-5/HIV-1LAI cells were damaged, but the infectivities of both HIV-1LAI and HIV-1NL43-luc cells decreased about 37 and 44%, respectively (p < 0.05). After application of potential at 1.0 V for 5 min, the mean fluorescence intensities (MFIs) of highly reactive oxygen species (hROS) and nitric oxide (NO) in MAGIC-5/HIV-1NL43-Luc cells were significantly increased compared with that of unstimulated MAGIC-5/HIV-1NL43-Luc cells (p < 0.01). However, the MFIs of hROS and NO in MAGIC-5 cells were also increased, to the same level, by electrical stimulation for 5 min. These results suggest that HIV-1 adsorbed onto or invading cells is damaged by direct or indirect effects of electrical stimulation, resulting in a decrease in HIV-1 infectivity. It is also suggested that hROS and NO induced by electrical stimulation are important factors for inhibiting HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type-1 regulatory protein Rev is absolutely required for the production of viral structural proteins. Splice sites have been seen to function ascis-acting repressor sequendes (CRS) and inhibit expression of the Rev-dependent RNAs. In order to analyze the role of a splice donor in Rev dependence, the wild-type 5 splice donor of HIV-1 was mutated in the context of othergag sequences. Following transient transfection, RNA expression by RT-PCR was analyzed. The unspliced RNA produced by the mutant construct still required Rev for the cytoplasmic accumulation of the RNA. Despite deletion of the wild-type 5 splice donor and thetat splice acceptor was used. A cryptic splice donor was identified by PCR and subsequent cloning of the spliced RNA. The cryptic site is 5/9 to the consensus sequence and located immediately downstream of the initiation codon (ATG) for Gag. Analysis of the RNA product containing the cryptic splice donor revealed that the Rev was required for the cytoplasmic accumulation of unspliced RNA, while spliced RNA was Rev independent. Transfection of a wild-type construct also demonstrated usage of the cryptic splice donor. These results indicate that a cryptic splice donor can be activated when the wild-type splice donor is inactivated and that the cryptic splice donor may retain Rev regulation. The findings also suggest the potential for cryptic splice sites to serve as CRS in the determining the Rev dependence of viral RNAs.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe a human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1)-infected promyelocytic cell line, OM, derived from HL-60 cells. Although the OM cell line was biologically cloned twice, the pattern of HIV-1 expression during culture appeared analogous to a classical acute spreading infection and was inhibited by both azidothymidine and recombinant soluble CD4 treatment. The number of OM cells actually expressing HIV-1 at the beginning of culture was 0%, reached a peak of nearly 100% at 6 weeks, and then fell to less than 10% HIV-1+ cells by 10 weeks. Clonal analysis of the surviving cells verified that stable HIV-1+ OM cells resulted from the spreading infection. Southern analysis confirmed the transmission of HIV-1 through these OM cultures and the occurrence of stable clones which resulted. The initial percentage of OM cells actually harboring the HIV-1 genome was less than 0.1%, indicating nonfaithful transmission of an unintegrated HIV-1 genome during clonal expansion. These results demonstrate that extrachromosomal HIV-1 DNA can contribute to the spread of HIV-1 infection and give rise to cells which have stably integrated HIV-1 provirus.  相似文献   

Macrophages or microglial cells are the major target cells for HIV-1 infection in the brain. The infected cells release neurotoxic factors that may cause severe neuronal cell damage, especially in the basal ganglia and hippocampus. In this study, we used rat OHC to examine the region-specific neuronal cell damage caused by HIV-1-infected macrophages. When OHC was cocultured with HIV-1-infected MDM, we found that neuronal cells at the GCL of the DG were preferentially killed via apoptosis, and that projection of MF from GCL to PCL of the CA3 region was severely disturbed. We marked precursor cells around the DG region by using an EGFP-expressing retrovirus vector and found that these cells lost the ability to differentiate into neurons when exposed to HIV-1-infected MDM. In the DG, new neurons are normally incorporated into GCL or PCL, while in the presence of HIV-1-infected MDM, mature neurons failed to be incorporated into those layers. These data indicate that the neurotoxic factor(s) released from HIV-1-infected macrophages impede(s) neuronal cell repair in brain tissue. This suggests that DG is the region of the hippocampus most vulnerable to neuronal damage caused by HIV-1 infection, and that its selective vulnerability is most likely due to the highly active neurogenesis that takes place in this region.  相似文献   



gp340, a member of scavenger receptor cysteine rich family encoded by Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumors 1 (DMBT1), is an important component in innate immune defense. The first scavenger receptor cysteine rich domain (SRCR1) of gp340 has been shown to inhibit HIV-1 infection through binding to the N-terminal flank of the V3 loop of HIV-1 gp120.


Through homology modeling and docking analysis of SRCR1 to a gp120-CD4-X5 antibody complex, we identified three loop regions containing polar or acidic residues that directly interacted with gp120. To confirm the docking prediction, a series of over-lapping peptides covering the SRCR1 sequence were synthesized and analyzed by gp120-peptide binding assay. Five peptides coincide with three loop regions showed the relative high binding index. An alanine substitution scan revealed that Asp34, Asp35, Asn96 and Glu101 in two peptides with the highest binding index are the critical residues in SRCR1 interaction with gp120.


We pinpointed the vital gp120-binding regions in SRCR1 and narrowed down the amino acids which play critical roles in contacting with gp120.  相似文献   

Four inhibitors of polyamine biosynthetic pathways were tested for their effect on HIV-1 replication in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Methyl acetylenic putrescine (MAP) and -monofluoromethyldehydroornithine methyl ester, irreversible inhibitors of ornithine decarboxylase, inhibited the production of p24 antigen in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells by clinical HIV-1 strains isolated from HIV-infected patients with IC50 values of about 1–2 µM. 5-{(Z)-4-amino-2-butenyl]methylamino}-5-deoxyadenosine (MDL 73811), an enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) decarboxylase, also inhibited the production of p24 antigen by HIV-1 strains in peripheral blood mononuclear cells with IC50 values of 1–2 µM. The least potent was 1-aminoxyethylamine which is another inhibitor of AdoMet decarboxylase. MAP showed the best therapeutic index of 500–1,000.  相似文献   

Gag proteins of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) play a pivotal role in the budding of the virion, in which the zinc finger motifs of the gag proteins recognize the packaging signal of genomic RNA. Nucleolin, an RNA-binding protein, is identified as a cellular protein that binds to murine leukemia virus (MuLV) gag proteins and regulates the viral budding, suggesting that HIV-1 gag proteins, the packaging signal, psi and nucleolin affect the budding of HIV-1. Here we report that nucleolin enhances the release of HIV-1 virions which contain psi. Furthermore, nucleolin and gag proteins form a complex incorporated into virions, and nucleolin promotes the infectivity of HIV-1. Our results suggest that an empty particle which contains neither nucleolin nor the genomic RNA is eliminated during the budding process, and this mechanism is beneficial for escape from the host immune response against HIV-1.  相似文献   

D-Penicillamine, an amino acid analogue of cysteine, has been shown to inhibit the transactivation of HIV-1 LTR by the transactivator protein, tat protein. The transactivation was studied in Jurkat cells co-transfected with plasmids containing HIV-LTR sequences fused to the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene and HIV tat gene. The expression of CAT activity was a measure of transactivation of LTR by the tat protein. Incubation of transfected Jurkat cells with D-penicillamine led to inhibition of CAT activity. This inhibition was found to be concentration-dependent; more than 90% inhibition of chloramphenicol acetylation was seen in extracts prepared from cultures incubated with 40 micrograms/ml of D-penicillamine. Earlier experiments have shown that D-penicillamine at 40 micrograms/ml can completely inhibit HIV-1 (HTLV-III B) replication in H9 cells [(1986) Drug Res. 36, 184-186]. These results suggest that inhibition of transactivation may be the molecular mechanism involved in the inhibition of HIV-1 replication by D-penicillamine.  相似文献   

Vpr, an accessory gene product of HIV-1, is incorporated into cells when added to the culture medium. Via such function Vpr has been shown to transduce a protein into cells that is expressed as a chimeric protein with Vpr. The domain required for protein transduction, however, remained to be clarified. Here we identified a sequence encompassing 52-78 amino acids of Vpr (C45D18) that enables nuclear trafficking of proteins. When chemically synthesized C45D18 was added to the culture medium of human cord blood mononuclear (CBMN) cells, most cells became positive for the incorporated C45D18. Furthermore, recombinant proteins conjugated with the C45D18 were efficiently transduced and transported to regions corresponding to the nucleus. Incorporation of C45D18-conjugated protein was observed within a few hours after addition of the protein, independent of cellular growth. Although it is well known that Tat-derived peptide has a transducing activity, C45D18 was more active than Tat peptide for trafficking proteins into cells. Taking together with results from FACS analysis revealing that more than 90% of CBMN cells were positive for X-gal staining after treatment of C45D18-conjugated beta-galactosidase, we propose that C45D18 translocates bioactive macromolecules directly into the nucleus.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) requires a programmed -1 ribosomal frameshift to produce Gag-Pol, the precursor of its enzymatic activities. This frameshift occurs at a slippery sequence on the viral messenger RNA and is stimulated by a specific structure, downstream of the shift site. While in group M, the most abundant HIV-1 group, the frameshift stimulatory signal is an extended bulged stem-loop, we show here, using a combination of mutagenesis and probing studies, that it is a pseudoknot in group O. The mutagenesis and probing studies coupled to an in silico analysis show that group O pseudoknot is a hairpin-type pseudoknot with two coaxially stacked stems of eight base-pairs (stem 1 and stem 2), connected by single-stranded loops of 2nt (loop 1) and 20nt (loop 2). Mutations impairing formation of stem 1 or stem 2 of the pseudoknot reduce frameshift efficiency, whereas compensatory changes that allow re-formation of these stems restore the frameshift efficiency to near wild-type level. The difference between the frameshift stimulatory signal of group O and group M supports the hypothesis that these groups originate from a different monkey to human transmission.  相似文献   

Thirty eight symptomatic and two asymptomatic patients seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) were treated with a natural human interferon alpha (HuIFN alpha). Patients were given 2 IU/kg HuIFN alpha orally once daily in powdered maltose held in the mouth to promote mucosal absorption. This oral immunomodulating HuIFN alpha therapy resulted in an increase in CD4+ lymphocytes, an increase in weight, and a dramatic alleviation of clinical symptoms related to HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

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